/// <summary>
        /// 更新量測結果.
        /// 量測演算法放這裡
        /// </summary>
        public override void UpdateResults()
            if (mMeasAssist.mImage == null)
            //init result
            mResult = new FitLineResult()
                Col1 = new HTuple(),
                Row1 = new HTuple(),
                Col2 = new HTuple(),
                Row2 = new HTuple(),
            var image = mMeasAssist.getImage();

            HObject imageReduced;

            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out imageReduced);

            //建 ROI
            var roiModel = mRoi.getModelData();
            var row      = roiModel[0];
            var column   = roiModel[1];
            var phi      = roiModel[2].D * -1;       //修正為 Retangle 2 的方向
            var length1  = roiModel[3];
            var length2  = roiModel[4];

            HRegion region = new HRegion();

            region.GenRectangle2(row.D, column.D, phi, length1.D, length2.D);
            HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(image, region, out imageReduced);
                HOperatorSet.WriteImage(imageReduced, "tiff", 0, @"D:\ttt.tif");
            catch (Exception)
            var contoursSplit = extractEdges(imageReduced);

                if (mMeasAssist.ApplyCalibration && mMeasAssist.IsCalibrationValid)
                    if (_cameraOut.TupleLength() == 0)
                        HOperatorSet.ChangeRadialDistortionCamPar("adaptive", mMeasAssist.CameraIn, 0, out _cameraOut);

                    HObject calibrationContoursSplits;
                    HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out calibrationContoursSplits);

                    //var imageRect = image.ChangeRadialDistortionImage(region, mMeasAssist.CameraIn, _cameraOut);
                    //mResult = fitline(imageRect, true);
                    HOperatorSet.ChangeRadialDistortionContoursXld(contoursSplit, out calibrationContoursSplits, mMeasAssist.CameraIn, _cameraOut);
                    mResult = fitline(calibrationContoursSplits);
                    mResult = fitline(contoursSplit);
                mResultWorld = new FitLineResult(mResult);
            catch (HOperatorException ex)
Example #2
        // Main procedure
        private void RunPick(bool leftpallet, bool lastlayer)
            // Stack for temporary objects
            HObject[] OTemp = new HObject[20];
            // Local iconic variables
            HObject ho_Image, ho_ImageRectified = null, ho_FOV;
            HObject ho_Box, ho_ImageReduced, ho_Objects, ho_Cross = null;
            HObject ho_GripPoint = null, ho_ImageReducedGripPoint = null;
            HObject ho_ImageMedian = null, ho_ObjectGripPoint = null, ho_Cross1 = null;
            HObject ho_Arrow = null, ho_Cross2 = null, ho_ContCircle;
            // Local control variables
            HTuple hv_AcqHandle = null, hv_pi = null, hv_angle = null;
            HTuple hv_CamParam = null, hv_CamPose = null, hv_GMMHandle = null;
            HTuple hv_Width = null, hv_Height = null, hv_CamParamOut = null;
            HTuple hv_Classes1 = null, hv_Row1 = null, hv_Column1 = null;
            HTuple hv_Row2 = null, hv_Column2 = null, hv_Diameter = null;
            HTuple hv_Area1 = null, hv_Row3 = null, hv_Column3 = null;
            HTuple hv_len_area = null, hv_MAX = new HTuple(), hv_index = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_out = new HTuple(), hv_Length = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_i = new HTuple(), hv_INDEX = new HTuple(), hv_j = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_pom = new HTuple(), hv_DevDia = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_joint = new HTuple(), hv_x_ = new HTuple(), hv_y_ = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_w_ = new HTuple(), hv_a = new HTuple(), hv_b = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_k = new HTuple(), hv_x_cross = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_y_cross = new HTuple(), hv_WorldPose = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_HomMat3D = new HTuple(), hv_HomMat3DRotate = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_Area2 = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_Row5 = new HTuple(), hv_Column5 = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_SumX = new HTuple(), hv_SumY = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_GripPointX = new HTuple(), hv_GripPointY = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_maxdist = new HTuple(), hv_distgrippoints = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_indexgrip = new HTuple(), hv_distgrip = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_OrientX = new HTuple(), hv_OrientY = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_maxX = new HTuple(), hv_diff01 = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_diff02 = new HTuple(), hv_diff12 = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_mindiff = new HTuple(), hv_GX = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_GY = new HTuple(), hv_OX = new HTuple(), hv_OY = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_DY = new HTuple(), hv_DX = new HTuple(), hv_theta = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_anglerad = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_Pixel1Y = new HTuple(), hv_Pixel2X = new HTuple(), hv_Pixel1X = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_Pixel2Y = new HTuple(), hv_distance = new HTuple();

            // Initialize local and output iconic variables
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Image);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ImageRectified);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_FOV);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Box);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ImageReduced);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Objects);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Cross);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_GripPoint);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ImageReducedGripPoint);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ImageMedian);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ObjectGripPoint);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Cross1);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Arrow);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Cross2);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ContCircle);

            // Set Default Variables
            hv_angledeg = 0;
            // Wait for CAM4 thread to be closed
            // Close te thread DOOR
            //Image Acquisition
                HOperatorSet.OpenFramegrabber("GigEVision", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "default", -1, "default", -1, "false", "default", "RobotPick", 0, -1, out hv_AcqHandleCam1);
                HOperatorSet.SetFramegrabberParam(hv_AcqHandleCam1, "ExposureAuto", "Continuous");
            catch (HalconException exceptionCameraNotConnected)
            // Constants
            hv_pi    = 3.14159265359;
            hv_angle = (0 * hv_pi) / 180;

            // Pallet calibration selection
            if (leftpallet)
                // Relative path to file
                string IntrinsicsFileName = "CamParametersLeft.cal";
                string IntrinsicsPath     = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, @"CamPar", IntrinsicsFileName);
                string ExtrinsicsFileName = "CamPoseLeft.dat";
                string ExtrinsicsPath     = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, @"CamPar", ExtrinsicsFileName);
                HOperatorSet.ReadCamPar(IntrinsicsPath, out hv_CamParam);
                HOperatorSet.ReadPose(ExtrinsicsPath, out hv_CamPose);
                // Relative path to file
                string IntrinsicsFileName = "CamParametersRight.cal";
                string IntrinsicsPath     = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, @"CamPar", IntrinsicsFileName);
                string ExtrinsicsFileName = "CamPoseRight.dat";
                string ExtrinsicsPath     = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, @"CamPar", ExtrinsicsFileName);
                HOperatorSet.ReadCamPar(IntrinsicsPath, out hv_CamParam);
                HOperatorSet.ReadPose(ExtrinsicsPath, out hv_CamPose);
            string TrainegGmmFileName = "traineg_gmm_pick_1.4.ggc";
            string TrainegGmmPath     = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, @"Train", TrainegGmmFileName);

            // Camera intrinsics and extrinsics call

            HOperatorSet.ReadClassGmm(TrainegGmmPath, out hv_GMMHandle);
            // Grab operator
            HOperatorSet.GrabImage(out ho_Image, hv_AcqHandleCam1);
            HOperatorSet.GetImageSize(ho_Image, out hv_Width, out hv_Height);
            HOperatorSet.GenRectangle1(out ho_FOV, 0, 0, hv_Height, hv_Width);
            if (leftpallet)
                HOperatorSet.GenRectangle1(out ho_Box, 190, 160, 870, 1130);
                HOperatorSet.GenRectangle1(out ho_Box, 190, 160, 870, 1130);
            HOperatorSet.ChangeRadialDistortionCamPar("adaptive", hv_CamParam, 0, out hv_CamParamOut);
            HOperatorSet.ChangeRadialDistortionImage(ho_Image, ho_FOV, out ho_ImageRectified, hv_CamParam, hv_CamParamOut);
            HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_ImageRectified, ho_Box, out ho_ImageReduced);
            HOperatorSet.Illuminate(ho_ImageReduced, out ho_ImageRectified, 230, 230, 1.15);
            HOperatorSet.MedianImage(ho_ImageRectified, out ho_ImageRectified, "circle", 3, "mirrored");
            //segmentacija i klasifikacija
            segment(ho_ImageRectified, out ho_Objects);
            classify(ho_Objects, hv_GMMHandle, out hv_Classes1);
            disp_obj_class(ho_Objects, hv_Classes1);
                HObject ExpTmpOutVar_0;
                HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_Objects, out ExpTmpOutVar_0);
                ho_Objects = ExpTmpOutVar_0;

            //prefiltriranje klasificiranih predmeta
                HObject ExpTmpOutVar_0;
                HOperatorSet.SelectShape(ho_Objects, out ExpTmpOutVar_0, "circularity", "and", 0.5, 1.0);
                ho_Objects = ExpTmpOutVar_0;

                HObject ExpTmpOutVar_0;
                HOperatorSet.SelectShape(ho_Objects, out ExpTmpOutVar_0, "area", "and", 1000, 100000);
                ho_Objects = ExpTmpOutVar_0;

            //** Carolija ***
            HOperatorSet.DiameterRegion(ho_Objects, out hv_Row1, out hv_Column1, out hv_Row2, out hv_Column2, out hv_Diameter);
            HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_Objects, out hv_Area1, out hv_Row3, out hv_Column3);
            HOperatorSet.TupleLength(hv_Area1, out hv_len_area);
            //* If objects exist sort them and find their 2D position
            if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_len_area.TupleGreater(0))) != 0)
                hv_MAX   = 0;
                hv_index = 0;
                hv_out   = 0;
                HOperatorSet.TupleLength(hv_Diameter, out hv_Length);

                HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_ImageRectified, hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle);
                HOperatorSet.DispLine(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, hv_Height / 2, 0, hv_Height / 2, hv_Width);
                HOperatorSet.DispLine(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, 0, hv_Width / 2, hv_Height, hv_Width / 2);

                hv_i = 1;
                HOperatorSet.TupleGenSequence(0, hv_Length - 1, 1, out hv_INDEX);
                while ((int)(new HTuple(hv_i.TupleLess(hv_Length))) != 0)
                    hv_j = hv_i.Clone();
                    while ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_Diameter.TupleSelect(hv_j - 1))).TupleLess(hv_Diameter.TupleSelect(hv_j)))) != 0)
                        hv_pom = hv_Diameter.TupleSelect(hv_j);
                        if (hv_Diameter == null)
                            hv_Diameter = new HTuple();
                        hv_Diameter[hv_j] = hv_Diameter.TupleSelect(hv_j - 1);
                        if (hv_Diameter == null)
                            hv_Diameter = new HTuple();
                        hv_Diameter[hv_j - 1] = hv_pom;
                        hv_pom = hv_INDEX.TupleSelect(hv_j);
                        if (hv_INDEX == null)
                            hv_INDEX = new HTuple();
                        hv_INDEX[hv_j] = hv_INDEX.TupleSelect(hv_j - 1);
                        if (hv_INDEX == null)
                            hv_INDEX = new HTuple();
                        hv_INDEX[hv_j - 1] = hv_pom;
                        hv_j = hv_j - 1;
                        if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_j.TupleEqual(0))) != 0)
                    hv_i = hv_i + 1;

                HOperatorSet.TupleMedian(hv_Diameter, out hv_MAX);
                HOperatorSet.TupleDeviation(hv_Diameter, out hv_DevDia);

                HTuple end_val75  = hv_Length;
                HTuple step_val75 = 1;
                for (hv_i = 1; hv_i.Continue(end_val75, step_val75); hv_i = hv_i.TupleAdd(step_val75))
                    if ((int)((new HTuple(((hv_Diameter.TupleSelect(hv_i - 1))).TupleGreaterEqual(
                                              hv_MAX - (5 * hv_DevDia)))).TupleAnd(new HTuple(((hv_Diameter.TupleSelect(
                                                                                                    hv_i - 1))).TupleLessEqual(hv_MAX + (5 * hv_DevDia))))) != 0)
                        if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_MAX.TupleGreaterEqual(2 * 300))) != 0)
                            hv_joint = 1;
                        hv_index = hv_index + 1;

                //* w_ => weight factor for L1 norm             **
                //* row component weighting a => sort by column **
                //* column component weighting b => sort by row **
                hv_x_ = new HTuple();
                hv_y_ = new HTuple();
                hv_w_ = new HTuple();
                hv_a  = 0.2;
                hv_b  = 1.0;

                HTuple end_val93  = hv_index;
                HTuple step_val93 = 1;
                for (hv_k = 1; hv_k.Continue(end_val93, step_val93); hv_k = hv_k.TupleAdd(step_val93))
                    if (hv_x_ == null)
                        hv_x_ = new HTuple();
                    hv_x_[hv_k - 1] = hv_Row3.TupleSelect(hv_k - 1);
                    if (hv_y_ == null)
                        hv_y_ = new HTuple();
                    hv_y_[hv_k - 1] = hv_Column3.TupleSelect(hv_k - 1);
                    if (hv_w_ == null)
                        hv_w_ = new HTuple();
                    hv_w_[hv_k - 1] = ((hv_x_.TupleSelect(hv_k - 1)) * hv_a) + ((hv_y_.TupleSelect(hv_k - 1)) * hv_b);

                //* Sort objects by cost value **
                hv_i = 1;
                while ((int)(new HTuple(hv_i.TupleLess(hv_index))) != 0)
                    hv_j = hv_i.Clone();
                    while ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_w_.TupleSelect(hv_j - 1))).TupleGreater(hv_w_.TupleSelect(hv_j)))) != 0)
                        hv_pom = hv_x_.TupleSelect(hv_j);
                        if (hv_x_ == null)
                            hv_x_ = new HTuple();
                        hv_x_[hv_j] = hv_x_.TupleSelect(hv_j - 1);
                        if (hv_x_ == null)
                            hv_x_ = new HTuple();
                        hv_x_[hv_j - 1] = hv_pom;
                        hv_pom          = hv_y_.TupleSelect(hv_j);
                        if (hv_y_ == null)
                            hv_y_ = new HTuple();
                        hv_y_[hv_j] = hv_y_.TupleSelect(hv_j - 1);
                        if (hv_y_ == null)
                            hv_y_ = new HTuple();
                        hv_y_[hv_j - 1] = hv_pom;
                        hv_pom          = hv_w_.TupleSelect(hv_j);
                        if (hv_w_ == null)
                            hv_w_ = new HTuple();
                        hv_w_[hv_j] = hv_w_.TupleSelect(hv_j - 1);
                        if (hv_w_ == null)
                            hv_w_ = new HTuple();
                        hv_w_[hv_j - 1] = hv_pom;
                        hv_j            = hv_j - 1;
                        if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_j.TupleEqual(0))) != 0)
                    hv_i = hv_i + 1;

                //* Display detected objects **
                HTuple end_val124  = hv_index;
                HTuple step_val124 = 1;
                for (hv_k = 1; hv_k.Continue(end_val124, step_val124); hv_k = hv_k.TupleAdd(step_val124))
                    hv_x_cross = hv_x_.TupleSelect(hv_k - 1);
                    hv_y_cross = hv_y_.TupleSelect(hv_k - 1);
                    HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, "green");
                    HOperatorSet.GenCrossContourXld(out ho_Cross, hv_x_cross, hv_y_cross, 200, 0);
                    HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_Cross, hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle);
                    HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, "red");
                    HOperatorSet.SetTposition(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, hv_x_cross, hv_y_cross);
                    HOperatorSet.WriteString(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, hv_k);

                HOperatorSet.SetOriginPose(hv_CamPose, 0, 0, 0.00, out hv_WorldPose);
                HOperatorSet.PoseToHomMat3d(hv_WorldPose, out hv_HomMat3D);
                HOperatorSet.HomMat3dRotateLocal(hv_HomMat3D, hv_angle, "z", out hv_HomMat3DRotate);
                HOperatorSet.HomMat3dToPose(hv_HomMat3DRotate, out hv_WorldPose);
                HOperatorSet.ImagePointsToWorldPlane(hv_CamParamOut, hv_WorldPose, hv_x_.TupleSelect(0), hv_y_.TupleSelect(0), "mm", out hv_X, out hv_Y);

                // Diameter check // Still not working
                //HOperatorSet.ImagePointsToWorldPlane(hv_CamParamOut, hv_WorldPose, hv_Row1, hv_Column1, "mm", out hv_Pixel1X, out hv_Pixel1Y);
                //HOperatorSet.ImagePointsToWorldPlane(hv_CamParamOut, hv_WorldPose, hv_Row2, hv_Column2, "mm", out hv_Pixel2X, out hv_Pixel2Y);
                //HOperatorSet.DistancePp(hv_Pixel1X, hv_Pixel1Y, hv_Pixel2X, hv_Pixel2Y, out hv_distance);
                //HOperatorSet.TupleMean(hv_distance, out hv_distance_mean);

                HOperatorSet.SetTposition(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, 100, 100);
                HOperatorSet.WriteString(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, hv_a);
                HOperatorSet.WriteString(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, ", ");
                HOperatorSet.WriteString(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, hv_b);
                HOperatorSet.SetTposition(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, 20, 20);
                HOperatorSet.WriteString(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, hv_Length);
            //* If objects not found check for layer holes
            else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_len_area.TupleGreater(0))) == 0 && lastlayer)
                hv_X        = 0;
                hv_Y        = 0;
                hv_angledeg = 0;
                HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_ImageReduced, hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle);
                HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, "red");
                HOperatorSet.SetTposition(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, 120, 450);
                HOperatorSet.WriteString(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, "NA ZADNJEM SLOJU NISU PRONADENI KOMADI! ROBOT IDE NA IDUCU ULAZNU PALETU");
                    HOperatorSet.GenRectangle1(out ho_GripPoint, 420, 520, 620, 770);
                    HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_ImageRectified, ho_GripPoint, out ho_ImageReducedGripPoint);
                    HOperatorSet.MedianImage(ho_ImageReducedGripPoint, out ho_ImageMedian, "circle", 3, "mirrored");
                    segment(ho_ImageMedian, out ho_ObjectGripPoint);
                        HObject ExpTmpOutVar_0;
                        HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_ObjectGripPoint, out ExpTmpOutVar_0);
                        ho_ObjectGripPoint = ExpTmpOutVar_0;
                        HObject ExpTmpOutVar_0;
                        HOperatorSet.SelectShape(ho_ObjectGripPoint, out ExpTmpOutVar_0, "circularity", "and", 0.5,
                        ho_ObjectGripPoint = ExpTmpOutVar_0;
                        HObject ExpTmpOutVar_0;
                        HOperatorSet.SelectShape(ho_ObjectGripPoint, out ExpTmpOutVar_0, "area", "and", 100, 1000);
                        ho_ObjectGripPoint = ExpTmpOutVar_0;
                    HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_ObjectGripPoint, out hv_Area2, out hv_Row5, out hv_Column5);
                    HOperatorSet.TupleSum(hv_Row5, out hv_SumX);
                    HOperatorSet.TupleSum(hv_Column5, out hv_SumY);
                    hv_GripPointX = hv_SumX / 9;
                    hv_GripPointY = hv_SumY / 9;
                    HOperatorSet.GenCrossContourXld(out ho_Cross1, hv_GripPointX, hv_GripPointY, 10, 0);
                    hv_maxdist        = 0;
                    hv_distgrippoints = new HTuple();
                    hv_indexgrip      = 0;
                    for (hv_i = 1; (int)hv_i <= 9; hv_i = (int)hv_i + 1)
                        HOperatorSet.DistancePp(hv_Row5.TupleSelect(hv_i - 1), hv_Column5.TupleSelect(hv_i - 1),
                                                hv_GripPointX, hv_GripPointY, out hv_distgrip);
                        HOperatorSet.TupleConcat(hv_distgrippoints, hv_distgrip, out hv_distgrippoints);
                        if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_distgrip.TupleGreater(hv_maxdist))) != 0)
                            hv_indexgrip = hv_i - 1;
                            hv_maxdist   = hv_distgrip.Clone();

                    hv_indexgrip = new HTuple();
                    for (hv_i = 1; (int)hv_i <= 9; hv_i = (int)hv_i + 1)
                        if ((int)(new HTuple(
                                      ((hv_distgrippoints.TupleSelect(hv_i - 1))).TupleGreater(0.9 * hv_maxdist))) != 0)
                            HOperatorSet.TupleConcat(hv_indexgrip, hv_i - 1, out hv_indexgrip);

                    hv_OrientX = 0;
                    hv_OrientY = 0;
                    hv_maxX    = 0;
                        (hv_Row5.TupleSelect(hv_indexgrip.TupleSelect(0))) -
                        (hv_Row5.TupleSelect(hv_indexgrip.TupleSelect(1))), out hv_diff01);
                        (hv_Row5.TupleSelect(hv_indexgrip.TupleSelect(0))) -
                        (hv_Row5.TupleSelect(hv_indexgrip.TupleSelect(2))), out hv_diff02);
                        (hv_Row5.TupleSelect(hv_indexgrip.TupleSelect(1))) -
                        (hv_Row5.TupleSelect(hv_indexgrip.TupleSelect(2))), out hv_diff12);
                    HOperatorSet.TupleMin(((hv_diff01.TupleConcat(hv_diff02))).TupleConcat(hv_diff12), out hv_mindiff);
                    if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_mindiff.TupleEqual(hv_diff01))) != 0)
                        hv_OrientX = hv_Row5.TupleSelect(hv_indexgrip.TupleSelect(2));
                        hv_OrientY = hv_Column5.TupleSelect(hv_indexgrip.TupleSelect(2));
                    else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_mindiff.TupleEqual(hv_diff02))) != 0)
                        hv_OrientX = hv_Row5.TupleSelect(hv_indexgrip.TupleSelect(1));
                        hv_OrientY = hv_Column5.TupleSelect(hv_indexgrip.TupleSelect(1));
                    else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_mindiff.TupleEqual(hv_diff12))) != 0)
                        hv_OrientX = hv_Row5.TupleSelect(hv_indexgrip.TupleSelect(0));
                        hv_OrientY = hv_Column5.TupleSelect(hv_indexgrip.TupleSelect(0));

                    HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_ImageReduced, hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle);
                    HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, "red");
                    gen_arrow_contour_xld(out ho_Arrow, hv_GripPointX, hv_GripPointY, hv_OrientX, hv_OrientY, 15, 15);
                    HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_Arrow, hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle);
                    HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, "green");
                    HOperatorSet.GenCrossContourXld(out ho_Cross2, hv_GripPointX, hv_GripPointY, 30, 0);
                    //HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_Cross2, hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle);
                    HOperatorSet.SetOriginPose(hv_CamPose, 0, 0, 0.00, out hv_WorldPose);
                    HOperatorSet.ImagePointsToWorldPlane(hv_CamParamOut, hv_WorldPose, hv_GripPointX, hv_GripPointY, "mm", out hv_GX, out hv_GY);
                    HOperatorSet.ImagePointsToWorldPlane(hv_CamParamOut, hv_WorldPose, hv_OrientX, hv_OrientY, "mm", out hv_OX, out hv_OY);
                    hv_DY = hv_OY - hv_GY;
                    hv_DX = hv_OX - hv_GX;
                    HOperatorSet.TupleAtan2(hv_DY, hv_DX, out hv_theta);
                    hv_theta    = hv_theta.Clone();
                    hv_X        = hv_GX;
                    hv_Y        = hv_GY;
                    hv_angledeg = (hv_theta * 180) / hv_pi;
                catch (HalconException exceptionLayerNotFound)
                    hv_X        = 0;
                    hv_Y        = 0;
                    hv_angledeg = 0;
                    HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_ImageReduced, hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle);
                    HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, "red");
                    HOperatorSet.SetTposition(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, 120, 512);
                    HOperatorSet.WriteString(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, "NA PALETI NISU PRONADENI KOMADI NI SLOJEVI!!!");
            // HOperatorSet.ClearWindow(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle);
            HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, "red");
            HOperatorSet.GenCircleContourXld(out ho_ContCircle, hv_Height / 2, hv_Width / 2, 100, 0, 6.28318, "positive", 10);
            // Open the thread DOOR