public bool send_HL7(string rtnMessage, ref string result, ref string ErrMsg, string debug) { string hl7server = f.ReadString("HL7", "Server", "").ToString().Replace("\0", "").Trim(); string hl7port = f.ReadString("HL7", "Port", "30002").ToString().Replace("\0", "").Trim(); try { byte[] by2 = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rtnMessage); //byte[] by2 = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gbk").GetBytes(s12message); byte[] by3 = new byte[by2.Length + 3]; by3[0] = 11; Array.Copy(by2, 0, by3, 1, by2.Length); by3[by3.Length - 2] = 28; by3[by3.Length - 1] = 13; if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("send to server: " + hl7server + ":" + hl7port + " message :" + System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(by3, 0, by3.Length)); } HL7message b = new HL7message(); b.sendmessage(ref by3, hl7server, hl7port, ref result, ref ErrMsg, ""); if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog(result + ":" + ErrMsg); } if (result == "99") { return(true); } else if (result == "-1") { return(false); } else { return(false); } } catch (Exception ee1) { ErrMsg = ee1.Message; log.WriteMyLog(ErrMsg); return(false); } }
public static string ptxml(string Sslbx, string Ssbz, string debug) { string pathWEB = f.ReadString("病历号", "webservicesurl", ""); //获取sz.ini中设置的webservicesurl if (Sslbx != "") { if (Sslbx == "撤销申请(HL7)") { string hl7server = f.ReadString(Sslbx, "hl7server", ""); string hl7port = f.ReadString(Sslbx, "hl7port", ""); odbcdb aa = new odbcdb("DSN=pathnet;UID=pathnet;PWD=4s3c2a1p", "", ""); try { DataTable hl7xx = aa.GetDataTable("select * from T_HL7_sqd where F_sqxh ='" + Ssbz.Split('^')[0].Trim() + "'", "HL7"); if (hl7xx == null) { MessageBox.Show("取消医嘱失败,查询申请表失败"); return("0"); } if (hl7xx.Rows.Count < 1) { MessageBox.Show("取消医嘱失败,申请单表无记录"); return("0"); } else { string pid = hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_PID"].ToString().Trim(); string pv1 = hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_PV1"].ToString().Trim(); string orc = hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_ORC"].ToString().Trim(); string obr = hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_OBR"].ToString().Trim(); string XXX = @"^~\&"; string s12message = "MSH|" + XXX + "|BL|LOGENE|PT||" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + "||ORM^O01|" + hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_messageid"].ToString() + "|P|2.4|||||gbk\r"; s12message = s12message + pid + "\r"; s12message = s12message + pv1 + "\r"; string[] orc1 = orc.Split('|'); string[] obr2 = obr.Split('|'); string orc2 = "ORC|SC"; for (int x = 2; x < orc1.Length; x++) { if (x == 5) { orc2 = orc2 + "|SC"; continue; } if (x == 25) { //门诊 3 ,住院2 if (hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_brlb"].ToString().Trim() == "住院") { orc2 = orc2 + "|0"; } else { orc2 = orc2 + "|3"; } continue; } if (x == 2) { orc2 = orc2 + "|" + hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_hjsf"].ToString().Trim(); continue; } if (x == 4) { orc2 = orc2 + "|" + orc1[4] + "^^" + orc1[2].Split('^')[0]; continue; } orc2 = orc2 + "|" + orc1[x]; } s12message = s12message + orc2 + "\r"; string obr1 = ""; obr2[27] = "1"; obr2[23] = obr2[23].Split('^')[0] + "^1"; obr1 = "OBR||" + hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_hjsf"].ToString().Trim(); for (int x = 3; x < obr2.Length; x++) { if (x == 23) { if (hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_brlb"].ToString().Trim() == "住院") { obr1 = obr1 + "|" + obr2[x].Split('^')[0].Replace("&", "").Trim() + "^2"; } else { obr1 = obr1 + "|" + obr2[x].Split('^')[0].Replace("&", "").Trim() + "^1"; } } else { obr1 = obr1 + "|" + obr2[x]; } } s12message = s12message + obr1 + "\r"; byte[] by2 = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s12message); byte[] by3 = new byte[by2.Length + 3]; by3[0] = 11; Array.Copy(by2, 0, by3, 1, by2.Length); by3[by3.Length - 2] = 28; by3[by3.Length - 1] = 13; if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("send to server " + hl7server + ":" + hl7port + " message:" + System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(by3, 0, by3.Length)); } HL7message b = new HL7message(); string result = ""; b.sendmessage(ref by3, hl7server, hl7port, ref result, debug); if (result == "99") { MessageBox.Show("申请号" + Ssbz + ",撤销医嘱成功!"); aa.ExecuteSQL("delete T_HL7_sqd where F_sqxh ='" + hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_sqxh"].ToString().Trim() + "'"); } else { MessageBox.Show("申请号" + Ssbz + ",撤销医嘱失败!"); } } return("0"); } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show("申请号" + Ssbz + ",撤销医嘱异常:!" + ee.Message); return("0"); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////wervices///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (Sslbx == "撤销申请") { return("0"); } //不用 //string rtn_XML = ""; //if (Sslbx == "门诊申请号" || Sslbx == "住院申请号" || Sslbx == "体检申请号" || Sslbx == "住院号" || Sslbx == "门诊号" || Sslbx == "卡号" || Sslbx == "门诊patid" || Sslbx == "住院patid" || Sslbx == "挂号序号" || Sslbx == "住院首页序号") //{ // string issqd = f.ReadString(Sslbx, "issqd", "1"); // string codetype = "5"; // string brlb_1 = "0"; // if (Sslbx == "门诊申请号") // { // brlb_1 = "0"; codetype = "5"; // } // if (Sslbx == "住院申请号") // { // brlb_1 = "1"; codetype = "5"; // } // if (Sslbx == "体检申请号") // { // brlb_1 = "3"; codetype = "5"; // } // if (Sslbx == "住院号") // { // brlb_1 = "1"; codetype = "1"; // } // if (Sslbx == "门诊号") // { // brlb_1 = "0"; codetype = "1"; // } // if (Sslbx == "卡号") // { // brlb_1 = "0"; codetype = "2"; // } // if (Sslbx == "门诊patid") // { // brlb_1 = "0"; codetype = "3"; // } // if (Sslbx == "住院patid") // { // brlb_1 = "1"; codetype = "3"; // } // if (Sslbx == "挂号序号") // { // brlb_1 = "0"; codetype = "4"; // } // if (Sslbx == "住院首页序号") // { // brlb_1 = "1"; codetype = "4"; // } // xjshz_winning_web.WinningHIIPService xjshzweb = new xjshz_winning_web.WinningHIIPService(); // string retXml; int returnCode = -1; // retXml = " <WinResponse><RowItem><PatientID>7</PatientID><HospNo>20000003</HospNo><PatName>测试2001</PatName><Sex>1</Sex><Age>20</Age><AgeUnit>岁</AgeUnit><WardOrReg></WardOrReg><ChargeType>101</ChargeType><CureNo>2</CureNo><CardNo>2001</CardNo><ApplyDept>103</ApplyDept><Ward>8103</Ward><BedNo>05+1</BedNo><ApplyDoctor>10012</ApplyDoctor><ClincDesc></ClincDesc><IDNum></IDNum><Phone></Phone><Address></Address><Zip></Zip><Career>工程技术</Career><Nation>汉族</Nation><ToDoc>10012</ToDoc><SendNo></SendNo><Syxh>2</Syxh><bqmc>心血管一科</bqmc><yexh>0</yexh><DeptName></DeptName><Jzlsh></Jzlsh><Klx></Klx><ClincName></ClincName><Birthday>19950821</Birthday></RowItem></WinResponse>"; // returnCode = 0; // bool returnCodespecified; // // xjshzweb.TechService("JB01", @"<WinRequest><codetype>" + codetype + "</codetype><code>" + Ssbz + "</code><brlb>" + brlb_1 + "</brlb></WinRequest> ", out returnCode, out returnCodespecified, out retXml); // log.WriteMyLog("入参数:" + @"<WinRequest><codetype>" + codetype + "</codetype><code>" + Ssbz + "</code><brlb>" + brlb_1 + "</brlb></WinRequest> "); // log.WriteMyLog("返回:" + returnCode + " -- " + retXml); // if (returnCode==0)//调用成功 // { // XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); // //转dataset // if (debug == "1") log.WriteMyLog(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + ",返回xml:" + retXml); // XmlNode xmlok_DATA = null; // try // { // doc.LoadXml(retXml); // xmlok_DATA = doc.SelectSingleNode("/"); // } // catch (Exception xmlok_e) // { // MessageBox.Show("解析DATA异常:" + xmlok_e.Message); // return "0"; // } // if (xmlok_DATA.InnerXml.Trim() == "") // { // MessageBox.Show("未找到对应的记录!"); // return "0"; // } // DataSet ds = new DataSet(); // try // { // StringReader sr = new StringReader(xmlok_DATA.OuterXml); // XmlReader xr = new XmlTextReader(sr); // ds.ReadXml(xr); // } // catch (Exception eee) // { // MessageBox.Show("取信息失败,转dataset异常:" + eee.Message); // return "0"; // } // if (issqd == "1") // { // DataTable dt = new DataTable(); // int jb03_returnCode = -1; bool jb03_returnCodespecified = false; string jb03_retxml = ""; // string syxh = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["syxh"].ToString().Trim(); // if (syxh.Trim() == "") // syxh = "0"; // string sendno = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["sendno"].ToString().Trim(); // if (sendno.Trim() == "") // sendno = "0"; // string sJB03_str = @"<WinRequest>" // + "<blh>" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["hospno"].ToString().Trim() + "</blh>" // + "<brlb>" + brlb_1 + "</brlb>" // + "<patid>" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["patientid"].ToString().Trim() + "</patid>" // + "<syxh>" + syxh + "</syxh>" // + "<qqxh>0</qqxh>" // + "<tjrybh>0</tjrybh>" // + "<rq1></rq1>" // + "<rq2></rq2>" // + "<zxks>307</zxks>" // + "<sqdxh>" + sendno + "</sqdxh>" // + "</WinRequest>"; // // xjshzweb.TechService("JB03", sJB03_str, out jb03_returnCode, out jb03_returnCodespecified, out jb03_retxml); // jb03_retxml = "<WinResponse><RowItem><blh>20000003</blh><brlb>1</brlb><patid>7</patid><syxh>2</syxh><qqxh>46</qqxh><qqmxxh>25</qqmxxh><qqksmc>病理科</qqksmc><ysmc>田斌</ysmc><qqrq>2015082211:31:01</qqrq><itemcode>8936</itemcode><itemname>病理体液涂片</itemname><price>80.0000</price><itemqty>1.00</itemqty><itemunit>次</itemunit><url></url><itemtype>0</itemtype><qqlx>0</qqlx></RowItem><RowItem><blh>20000003</blh><brlb>1</brlb><patid>7</patid><syxh>2</syxh><qqxh>59</qqxh><qqmxxh>35</qqmxxh><qqksmc>病理科</qqksmc><ysmc>田斌</ysmc><qqrq>2015082211:31:26</qqrq><itemcode>9108</itemcode><itemname>病理大体标本摄像</itemname><price>30.0000</price><itemqty>1.00</itemqty><itemunit>次</itemunit><url></url><itemtype>0</itemtype><qqlx>0</qqlx></RowItem><RowItem><blh>20000003</blh><brlb>1</brlb><patid>7</patid><syxh>2</syxh><qqxh>84</qqxh><qqmxxh>56</qqmxxh><qqksmc>病理科</qqksmc><ysmc>田斌</ysmc><qqrq>2015082211:33:49</qqrq><itemcode>9090</itemcode><itemname>免疫荧光染色诊断</itemname><price>60.0000</price><itemqty>1.00</itemqty><itemunit>次</itemunit><url></url><itemtype>0</itemtype><qqlx>0</qqlx></RowItem><RowItem><blh>20000003</blh><brlb>1</brlb><patid>7</patid><syxh>2</syxh><qqxh>145</qqxh><qqmxxh>76</qqmxxh><qqksmc>病科</qqksmc><ysmc>田斌</ysmc><qqrq>2015082219:27:00</qqrq><itemcode>8921</itemcode><itemname>手术标本检查与诊断</itemname><price>140.0000</price><itemqty>1.00</itemqty><itemunit>次</itemunit><url></url><itemtype>0</itemtype><qqlx>0</qqlx></RowItem><RowItem><blh>20000003</blh><brlb>1</brlb><patid>7</patid><syxh>2</syxh><qqxh>9</qqxh><qqmxxh>8</qqmxxh><qqksmc>病理科</qqksmc><ysmc>田斌</ysmc><qqrq>2015082123:14:40</qqrq><itemcode>270300002B</itemcode><itemname>内镜组织活检检查与诊断超过两个蜡</itemname><price>10.0000</price><itemqty>1.00</itemqty><itemunit>次</itemunit><url></url><itemtype>1</itemtype><qqlx>0</qqlx></RowItem><RowItem><blh>20000003</blh><brlb>1</brlb><patid>7</patid><syxh>2</syxh><qqxh>10</qqxh><qqmxxh>9</qqmxxh><qqksmc>病理科</qqksmc><ysmc>田斌</ysmc><qqrq>2015082123:14:40</qqrq><itemcode>270300004</itemcode><itemname>骨髓组织活检检查与诊断</itemname><price>100.0000</price><itemqty>1.00</itemqty><itemunit>次</itemunit><url></url><itemtype>1</itemtype><qqlx>0</qqlx></RowItem><RowItem><blh>20000003</blh><brlb>1</brlb><patid>7</patid><syxh>2</syxh><qqxh>12</qqxh><qqmxxh>10</qqmxxh><qqksmc>病科</qqksmc><ysmc>田斌</ysmc><qqrq>2015082123:14:40</qqrq><itemcode>270300006B</itemcode><itemname>截肢标本病理检查与诊断超过两个蜡</itemname><price>30.0000</price><itemqty>1.00</itemqty><itemunit>次</itemunit><url></url><itemtype>1</itemtype><qqlx>0</qqlx></RowItem><RowItem><blh>20000003</blh><brlb>1</brlb><patid>7</patid><syxh>2</syxh><qqxh>45</qqxh><qqmxxh>24</qqmxxh><qqksmc>病理科</qqksmc><ysmc>田斌</ysmc><qqrq>2015082211:23:42</qqrq><itemcode>270300003B</itemcode><itemname>局部切除组织活检检查与诊断超过两</itemname><price>10.0000</price><itemqty>1.00</itemqty><itemunit>次</itemunit><url></url><itemtype>1</itemtype><qqlx>0</qqlx></RowItem><RowItem><blh>20000003</blh><brlb>1</brlb><patid>7</patid><syxh>2</syxh><qqxh>47</qqxh><qqmxxh>26</qqmxxh><qqksmc>病科</qqksmc><ysmc>田斌</ysmc><qqrq>2015082211:31:26</qqrq><itemcode>270300003B</itemcode><itemname>局部切除组织活检检查与诊断超过两</itemname><price>10.0000</price><itemqty>1.00</itemqty><itemunit>次</itemunit><url></url><itemtype>1</itemtype><qqlx>0</qqlx></RowItem><RowItem><blh>20000003</blh><brlb>1</brlb><patid>7</patid><syxh>2</syxh><qqxh>48</qqxh><qqmxxh>27</qqmxxh><qqksmc>病理科</qqksmc><ysmc>田斌</ysmc><qqrq>2015082211:31:26</qqrq><itemcode>270300003B</itemcode><itemname>局部切除组织活检检查与诊断超过两</itemname><price>10.0000</price><itemqty>1.00</itemqty><itemunit>次</itemunit><url></url><itemtype>1</itemtype><qqlx>0</qqlx></RowItem><RowItem><blh>20000003</blh><brlb>1</brlb><patid>7</patid><syxh>2</syxh><qqxh>49</qqxh><qqmxxh>28</qqmxxh><qqksmc>病理科</qqksmc><ysmc>田斌</ysmc><qqrq>2015082211:31:26</qqrq><itemcode>270300004</itemcode><itemname>骨髓组织活检检查与诊断</itemname><price>100.0000</price><itemqty>1.00</itemqty><itemunit>次</itemunit><url></url><itemtype>1</itemtype><qqlx>0</qqlx></RowItem><RowItem><blh>20000003</blh><brlb>1</brlb><patid>7</patid><syxh>2</syxh><qqxh>51</qqxh><qqmxxh>29</qqmxxh><qqksmc>病理科</qqksmc><ysmc>田斌</ysmc><qqrq>2015082211:31:26</qqrq><itemcode>270400001A</itemcode><itemname>冰冻切片检查与诊断</itemname><price>160.0000</price><itemqty>1.00</itemqty><itemunit>次</itemunit><url></url><itemtype>1</itemtype><qqlx>0</qqlx></RowItem><RowItem><blh>20000003</blh><brlb>1</brlb><patid>7</patid><syxh>2</syxh><qqxh>53</qqxh><qqmxxh>30</qqmxxh><qqksmc>病理科</qqksmc><ysmc>田斌</ysmc><qqrq>2015082211:31:26</qqrq><itemcode>270400001A</itemcode><itemname>冰冻切片检查与诊断</itemname><price>160.0000</price><itemqty>1.00</itemqty><itemunit>次</itemunit><url></url><itemtype>1</itemtype><qqlx>0</qqlx></RowItem><RowItem><blh>20000003</blh><brlb>1</brlb><patid>7</patid><syxh>2</syxh><qqxh>55</qqxh><qqmxxh>31</qqmxxh><qqksmc>病理科</qqksmc><ysmc>田斌</ysmc><qqrq>2015082211:31:26</qqrq><itemcode>270700001</itemcode><itemname>原位杂交技术</itemname><price>120.0000</price><itemqty>1.00</itemqty><itemunit>次</itemunit><url></url><itemtype>1</itemtype><qqlx>0</qqlx></RowItem><RowItem><blh>20000003</blh><brlb>1</brlb><patid>7</patid><syxh>2</syxh><qqxh>56</qqxh><qqmxxh>32</qqmxxh><qqksmc>病理科</qqksmc><ysmc>田斌</ysmc><qqrq>2015082211:31:26</qqrq><itemcode>270300002B</itemcode><itemname>内镜组织活检检查与诊断超过两个蜡</itemname><price>10.0000</price><itemqty>1.00</itemqty><itemunit>次</itemunit><url></url><itemtype>1</itemtype><qqlx>0</qqlx></RowItem><RowItem><blh>20000003</blh><brlb>1</brlb><patid>7</patid><syxh>2</syxh><qqxh>57</qqxh><qqmxxh>33</qqmxxh><qqksmc>病理科</qqksmc><ysmc>田斌</ysmc><qqrq>2015082211:31:26</qqrq><itemcode>270300002A</itemcode><itemname>内镜组织活检检查与诊断</itemname><price>60.0000</price><itemqty>1.00</itemqty><itemunit>次</itemunit><url></url><itemtype>1</itemtype><qqlx>0</qqlx></RowItem><RowItem><blh>20000003</blh><brlb>1</brlb><patid>7</patid><syxh>2</syxh><qqxh>57</qqxh><qqmxxh>34</qqmxxh><qqksmc>病理科</qqksmc><ysmc>田斌</ysmc><qqrq>2015082211:31:26</qqrq><itemcode>270500001</itemcode><itemname>特殊染色及酶组织化学染色诊断(每</itemname><price>40.0000</price><itemqty>1.00</itemqty><itemunit>次</itemunit><url></url><itemtype>1</itemtype><qqlx>0</qqlx></RowItem><RowItem><blh>20000003</blh><brlb>1</brlb><patid>7</patid><syxh>2</syxh><qqxh>85</qqxh><qqmxxh>57</qqmxxh><qqksmc>病理科</qqksmc><ysmc>田斌</ysmc><qqrq>2015082211:33:49</qqrq><itemcode>270300002A</itemcode><itemname>内镜组织活检检查与诊断</itemname><price>60.0000</price><itemqty>1.00</itemqty><itemunit>次</itemunit><url></url><itemtype>1</itemtype><qqlx>0</qqlx></RowItem><RowItem><blh>20000003</blh><brlb>1</brlb><patid>7</patid><syxh>2</syxh><qqxh>87</qqxh><qqmxxh>58</qqmxxh><qqksmc>病理科</qqksmc><ysmc>田斌</ysmc><qqrq>2015082211:33:49</qqrq><itemcode>270300002A</itemcode><itemname>内镜组织活检检查与诊断</itemname><price>60.0000</price><itemqty>1.00</itemqty><itemunit>次</itemunit><url></url><itemtype>1</itemtype><qqlx>0</qqlx></RowItem><RowItem><blh>20000003</blh><brlb>1</brlb><patid>7</patid><syxh>2</syxh><qqxh>94</qqxh><qqmxxh>61</qqmxxh><qqksmc>病理科</qqksmc><ysmc>田斌</ysmc><qqrq>2015082211:33:49</qqrq><itemcode>270500002a</itemcode><itemname>全自动快速免疫组织化学染色诊断</itemname><price>130.0000</price><itemqty>1.00</itemqty><itemunit>次</itemunit><url></url><itemtype>1</itemtype><qqlx>0</qqlx></RowItem><RowItem><blh>20000003</blh><brlb>1</brlb><patid>7</patid><syxh>2</syxh><qqxh>144</qqxh><qqmxxh>75</qqmxxh><qqksmc>病理科</qqksmc><ysmc>田斌</ysmc><qqrq>2015082219:21:23</qqrq><itemcode>270300003A</itemcode><itemname>局部切除组织活检检查与诊断</itemname><price>60.0000</price><itemqty>1.00</itemqty><itemunit>次</itemunit><url></url><itemtype>1</itemtype><qqlx>0</qqlx></RowItem></WinResponse>"; // log.WriteMyLog("入参数:" + sJB03_str); // log.WriteMyLog("返回:" + jb03_returnCode + " -- " + jb03_retxml); // jb03_returnCode = 0; // if (jb03_returnCode == 0)//调用成功 // { // XmlDocument doc_2 = new XmlDocument(); // //转dataset // if (debug == "1") // log.WriteMyLog("返回xml:" + jb03_retxml); // XmlNode xmlok_DATA_2 = null; // try // { // doc_2.LoadXml(jb03_retxml); // xmlok_DATA_2 = doc_2.SelectSingleNode("/"); // } // catch (Exception xmlok2_e) // { // log.WriteMyLog("解析申请单xml异常:" + xmlok2_e.Message); // return return_xml(ds, Sslbx, brlb_1); // } // if (xmlok_DATA_2.InnerXml.Trim() == "") // { // return return_xml(ds,Sslbx,brlb_1); // } // DataTable dt_sqd = new DataTable(); // try // { // DataSet ds_sqd_1 = new DataSet(); // StringReader sr_2 = new StringReader(xmlok_DATA_2.OuterXml); // XmlReader xr_2 = new XmlTextReader(sr_2); // ds_sqd_1.ReadXml(xr_2); // dt_sqd = ds_sqd_1.Tables[0]; // int z = dt_sqd.Rows.Count; // for (int x = 0; x < z; x++) // { // if (dt_sqd.Rows[x]["qqksmc"].ToString().Trim() != "病理科") // { // dt_sqd.Rows[x].Delete();x--; z--; // } // } // } // catch (Exception ee4) // { // log.WriteMyLog("取信息失败,转dataset异常:" + ee4.Message); // return return_xml(ds, Sslbx, brlb_1); // } // if (dt_sqd.Rows.Count <= 0) // return return_xml(ds, Sslbx, brlb_1); // int count = 0; // if (dt_sqd.Rows.Count > 1) // { // DataColumn dc0 = new DataColumn("序号"); // dt_sqd.Columns.Add(dc0); // int z = dt_sqd.Rows.Count; // for (int x = 0; x < z; x++) // { // dt_sqd.Rows[x][dt_sqd.Columns.Count - 1] = x; // } // FRM_YZ_SELECT yc = new FRM_YZ_SELECT(dt_sqd, "序号,blh,syxh,qqxh,qqksmc,ysmc,itemname,itemcode,price,itemqty,itemtype", "序号,病历号,首页序号,申请序号,科室,医生,项目名称,项目代码,项目价格,数量,项目类别", ""); // yc.ShowDialog(); // string rtn2 = yc.F_XH; // if (rtn2.Trim() == "") // { // MessageBox.Show("未选择申请项目!"); // return "0"; // } // try // { // count = int.Parse(rtn2); // } // catch // { // MessageBox.Show("请重新选择申请项目!"); // return "0"; // } // } // try // { // PT_XML pt = new PT_XML(); // pt.myDictionary["病人编号"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["patientid"].ToString().Trim(); // pt.myDictionary["就诊ID"] = ""; ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["cardno"].ToString().Trim(); // pt.myDictionary["申请序号"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["sendno"].ToString().Trim(); // if (Sslbx == "住院申请号" || Sslbx == "住院号" || Sslbx.Contains("住院")) // { // pt.myDictionary["门诊号"] = ""; // pt.myDictionary["住院号"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["hospno"].ToString().Trim(); // } // else // { // pt.myDictionary["门诊号"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["hospno"].ToString().Trim(); // pt.myDictionary["住院号"] = ""; // } // pt.myDictionary["姓名"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["patname"].ToString().Trim(); // string xb = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["sex"].ToString().Trim(); // if (xb == "1") xb = "男"; // else if (xb == "2") xb = "女"; // else xb = ""; // pt.myDictionary["性别"] = xb; // pt.myDictionary["年龄"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["age"].ToString().Trim() + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ageunit"].ToString().Trim(); // pt.myDictionary["婚姻"] = ""; // pt.myDictionary["地址"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["address"].ToString().Trim(); // pt.myDictionary["电话"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["phone"].ToString().Trim(); // pt.myDictionary["病区"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["bqmc"].ToString().Trim(); // pt.myDictionary["床号"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["bedno"].ToString().Trim(); // pt.myDictionary["身份证号"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["idnum"].ToString().Trim(); // pt.myDictionary["民族"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Nation"].ToString().Trim(); ; // pt.myDictionary["职业"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["career"].ToString().Trim(); // pt.myDictionary["送检科室"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["deptName"].ToString().Trim(); // pt.myDictionary["送检医生"] = dt_sqd.Rows[0]["ysmc"].ToString().Trim(); // pt.myDictionary["收费"] = ""; // pt.myDictionary["标本名称"] = ""; // pt.myDictionary["送检医院"] = "本院"; // pt.myDictionary["医嘱项目"] = dt_sqd.Rows[count]["itemname"].ToString().Trim(); // pt.myDictionary["备用1"] = ""; // pt.myDictionary["备用2"] = ""; // pt.myDictionary["费别"] = ""; // if (brlb_1 == "1") // pt.myDictionary["病人类别"] = "住院"; // else if (brlb_1 == "3") // pt.myDictionary["病人类别"] = "体检"; // else // pt.myDictionary["病人类别"] = "门诊"; // pt.myDictionary["临床病史"] = ""; // try // { // pt.myDictionary["临床诊断"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ClincName"].ToString().Trim(); // } // catch // { // } // string ex = ""; // return pt.rtn_XML(ref ex); // } // catch (Exception e) // { // MessageBox.Show("解析xml异常:" + e.Message); // return "0"; // } // } // else // return return_xml(ds, Sslbx, brlb_1); // } // else // return return_xml(ds, Sslbx, brlb_1); // } // else//调用失败 // { // MessageBox.Show("未查询到相关信息!"); // return "0"; // } //} //else //{ // MessageBox.Show("无此识别类型:" + Sslbx); // return "0"; //} } return("0"); }
// private static dbbase.sqldb aa = new sqldb(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath, "sqlserver"); public static string ptxml(string Sslbx, string Ssbz, string Debug) { if (Sslbx != "") { ///撤销申请单 if (Sslbx == "撤销申请单") { string hl7server = f.ReadString("savetohis", "hl7server", ""); string hl7port = f.ReadString("savetohis", "hl7port", ""); string msg = f.ReadString("savetohis", "msg", ""); odbcdb aa = new odbcdb("DSN=pathnet;UID=pathnet;PWD=4s3c2a1p", "", ""); DataTable hl7xx = new DataTable(); hl7xx = aa.GetDataTable("select * from T_HL7_sqd where substring(F_sqxh,0,charindex('^',F_sqxh+'^',0))='" + Ssbz + "'", "bl_sqd"); if (hl7xx == null) { MessageBox.Show("病理数据库设置有问题!"); return("0"); } if (hl7xx.Rows.Count < 1) { MessageBox.Show("无此病理申请单号记录,不处理"); return("0"); } if (hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_FYQRBJ"].ToString().Trim() != "1") { MessageBox.Show("此申请号记录未被病理系统确认费用,不处理"); return("0"); } if (MessageBox.Show("是否确定对病人:" + hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_XM"].ToString().Trim() + ",申请号:" + Ssbz + "\n进行取消申请单并退费???", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == DialogResult.No) { return("0"); } string pid = hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_PID"].ToString().Trim(); string pv1 = hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_PV1"].ToString().Trim(); string orc = hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_ORC"].ToString().Trim(); string obr = hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_OBR"].ToString().Trim(); ///邵阳市中心医院 回传需转成gbk编码 string XXX = @"^~\&"; string s12message = "MSH|" + XXX + "|BL|LOGENE|PT||" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + "||ORM^O01|" + hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_messageid"].ToString() + "|P|2.4|||||gbk\r"; s12message = s12message + pid + "\r"; s12message = s12message + pv1 + "\r"; string[] orc1 = orc.Split('|'); string orc2 = "ORC|OC"; for (int x = 2; x < orc1.Length; x++) { if (x == 5) { orc2 = orc2 + "|OC"; continue; } if (x == 25) { if (hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_brly"].ToString().Trim() == "I") { orc2 = orc2 + "|0"; } else { orc2 = orc2 + "|3"; } continue; } orc2 = orc2 + "|" + orc1[x]; } s12message = s12message + orc2 + "\r"; string[] obr2 = obr.Split('|'); string obr1 = ""; obr2[27] = "1"; obr2[23] = obr2[23].Split('^')[0] + "^2"; obr1 = "OBR"; for (int x = 1; x < obr2.Length; x++) { obr1 = obr1 + "|" + obr2[x]; } s12message = s12message + obr1 + "\r"; byte[] by2 = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gbk").GetBytes(s12message); byte[] by3 = new byte[by2.Length + 3]; by3[0] = 11; Array.Copy(by2, 0, by3, 1, by2.Length); by3[by3.Length - 2] = 28; by3[by3.Length - 1] = 13; if (msg == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("send to server " + hl7server + ":" + hl7port + " message:" + System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gbk").GetString(by3, 0, by3.Length)); } HL7message b = new HL7message(); string result = ""; b.sendmessage(ref by3, hl7server, hl7port, ref result, msg); if (result == "99") { MessageBox.Show("退费完成"); } else { MessageBox.Show("退费失败"); } return("0"); } MessageBox.Show("无此" + Sslbx); return("0"); } MessageBox.Show("识别类型不能为空"); return("0"); }
public void pathtohis(string blh, string yymc) { string debug = f.ReadString("savetohis", "debug", ""); if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("确费接口"); } string hl7server = f.ReadString("savetohis", "hl7server", ""); string hl7port = f.ReadString("savetohis", "hl7port", ""); string msg = f.ReadString("savetohis", "msg", ""); blhgy = blh; string patid = ""; odbcdb aa = new odbcdb("DSN=pathnet;UID=pathnet;PWD=4s3c2a1p", "", ""); DataTable bljc = new DataTable(); bljc = aa.GetDataTable("select * from T_jcxx where F_blh='" + blh + "'", "blxx"); if (bljc == null) { MessageBox.Show("病理数据库设置有问题!"); return; } if (bljc.Rows.Count < 1) { MessageBox.Show("病理号有错误!"); return; } if (bljc.Rows[0]["F_brlb"].ToString().Trim() == "体检") { PathHISJK.shz1fy ss = new PathHISJK.shz1fy(); ss.shz1y(blh, yymc, debug); return; } if (bljc.Rows[0]["F_sqxh"].ToString().Trim() == "") { log.WriteMyLog("无申请序号(单据号),不处理!"); return; } if (bljc.Rows[0]["F_yzid"].ToString().Trim() == "") { log.WriteMyLog("无医嘱ID,不处理!"); return; } string sfxh = ""; string sqxh = bljc.Rows[0]["F_SQXH"].ToString().Trim().Split('^')[0]; try { sfxh = bljc.Rows[0]["F_SQXH"].ToString().Trim().Split('^')[1]; } catch { log.WriteMyLog("获取sfxh失败"); return; } DataTable hl7xx = new DataTable(); hl7xx = aa.GetDataTable("select * from T_HL7_sqd where F_hjsf='" + sfxh + "' and F_sqxh ='" + sqxh + "' and F_brid='" + bljc.Rows[0]["F_brbh"].ToString().Trim() + "' and F_brlb='" + bljc.Rows[0]["F_brlb"].ToString().Trim() + "'", "HL7"); if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("select * from T_HL7_sqd where F_hjsf='" + sfxh + "' and F_sqxh ='" + sqxh + "' and F_brid='" + bljc.Rows[0]["F_brbh"].ToString().Trim() + "' and F_brlb='" + bljc.Rows[0]["F_brlb"].ToString().Trim() + "'"); } // DataTable hl7xx = aa.GetDataTable("select * from T_HL7_sqd where F_sqxh='" + bljc.Rows[0]["F_SQXH"].ToString() + "'", "HL7"); if (hl7xx.Rows.Count < 1) { if (msg == "1") { MessageBox.Show("确认费用失败,申请单表无记录"); } log.WriteMyLog(blh + "~确认费用失败,申请单表无记录"); return; } if (hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_DJBZ"].ToString().Trim() != "1") { if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("update T_HL7_sqd set F_DJBZ='1' where F_hjsf='" + sfxh + "' and F_sqxh ='" + sqxh + "' and F_brid='" + bljc.Rows[0]["F_brbh"].ToString().Trim() + "' and F_brlb='" + bljc.Rows[0]["F_brlb"].ToString().Trim() + "'"); } aa.ExecuteSQL("update T_HL7_sqd set F_DJBZ='1' where F_hjsf='" + sfxh + "' and F_sqxh ='" + sqxh + "' and F_brid='" + bljc.Rows[0]["F_brbh"].ToString().Trim() + "' and F_brlb='" + bljc.Rows[0]["F_brlb"].ToString().Trim() + "'"); } if (hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_FYQRBJ"].ToString().Trim() != "1") { try { string pid = hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_PID"].ToString().Trim(); string pv1 = hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_PV1"].ToString().Trim(); string orc = hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_ORC"].ToString().Trim(); string obr = hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_OBR"].ToString().Trim(); string XXX = @"^~\&"; string s12message = "MSH|" + XXX + "|BL|LOGENE|PT||" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + "||ORM^O01|" + hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_messageid"].ToString() + "|P|2.4|||||gbk\r"; s12message = s12message + pid + "\r"; s12message = s12message + pv1 + "\r"; string[] orc1 = orc.Split('|'); string[] obr2 = obr.Split('|'); string orc2 = "ORC|SC"; for (int x = 2; x < orc1.Length; x++) { if (x == 5) { orc2 = orc2 + "|SC"; continue; } if (x == 25) { orc2 = orc2 + "|1"; continue; } if (x == 2) { orc2 = orc2 + "|" + hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_hjsf"].ToString().Trim(); continue; } if (x == 4) { orc2 = orc2 + "|" + orc1[4] + "^^" + orc1[2].Split('^')[0]; continue; } orc2 = orc2 + "|" + orc1[x]; } s12message = s12message + orc2 + "\r"; string obr1 = ""; obr2[27] = "1"; obr2[23] = obr2[23].Split('^')[0] + "^1"; obr1 = "OBR||" + hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_hjsf"].ToString().Trim(); for (int x = 3; x < obr2.Length; x++) { if (x == 23) { if (bljc.Rows[0]["F_brlb"].ToString().Trim() == "住院") { obr1 = obr1 + "|" + obr2[x].Split('^')[0].Replace("&", "").Trim() + "^1"; } else { obr1 = obr1 + "|" + obr2[x].Split('^')[0].Replace("&", "").Trim() + "^0"; } } else { obr1 = obr1 + "|" + obr2[x]; } } s12message = s12message + obr1 + "\r"; byte[] by2 = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s12message); byte[] by3 = new byte[by2.Length + 3]; by3[0] = 11; Array.Copy(by2, 0, by3, 1, by2.Length); by3[by3.Length - 2] = 28; by3[by3.Length - 1] = 13; if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("send to server " + hl7server + ":" + hl7port + " message:" + System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(by3, 0, by3.Length)); } HL7message b = new HL7message(); string result = ""; string errMsg = ""; b.sendmessage(ref by3, hl7server, hl7port, ref result, ref errMsg, debug); if (result == "99") { aa.ExecuteSQL("update T_HL7_sqd set F_FYQRBJ='1' where F_hjsf='" + sfxh + "' and F_sqxh ='" + sqxh + "' and F_brid='" + bljc.Rows[0]["F_brbh"].ToString().Trim() + "' and F_brlb='" + bljc.Rows[0]["F_brlb"].ToString().Trim() + "'"); } else { if (msg == "1") { MessageBox.Show(blh + ",费用确认信息回传失败:" + result); } log.WriteMyLog(blh + "~费用确认信息回传失败:" + result + " " + errMsg); } } catch (Exception ee2) { log.WriteMyLog("确费异常:" + ee2.Message); } } else { if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("F_FYQRBJ=1,不处理"); } } }
public void pathtohis(string blh, string yymc) { string hl7server = f.ReadString("savetohis", "hl7server", ""); string hl7port = f.ReadString("savetohis", "hl7port", ""); string debug = f.ReadString("savetohis", "debug", ""); blhgy = blh; string patid = ""; odbcdb aa = new odbcdb("DSN=pathnet;UID=pathnet;PWD=4s3c2a1p", "", ""); DataTable bljc = new DataTable(); bljc = aa.GetDataTable("select * from T_jcxx where F_blh='" + blh + "'", "blxx"); if (bljc == null) { MessageBox.Show("病理数据库设置有问题!"); return; } if (bljc.Rows.Count < 1) { MessageBox.Show("病理号有错误!"); return; } if (bljc.Rows[0]["F_sqxh"].ToString().Trim() == "") { log.WriteMyLog("无申请序号(单据号),不处理!"); return; } DataTable hl7xx = aa.GetDataTable("select * from T_HL7_sqd where substring(F_sqxh,0,charindex('^',F_sqxh+'^',0)) ='" + bljc.Rows[0]["F_SQXH"].ToString() + "'", "HL7"); // DataTable hl7xx = aa.GetDataTable("select * from T_HL7_sqd where F_sqxh='" + bljc.Rows[0]["F_SQXH"].ToString() + "'", "HL7"); if (hl7xx.Rows.Count < 1) { MessageBox.Show("数据错误,主表无记录"); log.WriteMyLog(blh + "数据错误,主表无记录"); return; } if (hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_DJBZ"].ToString().Trim() != "1") { aa.ExecuteSQL("update T_HL7_sqd set F_DJBZ='1' where substring(F_sqxh,0,charindex('^',F_sqxh+'^',0)) ='" + bljc.Rows[0]["F_SQXH"].ToString() + "'"); } if (hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_FYQRBJ"].ToString().Trim() != "1") { string pid = hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_PID"].ToString().Trim(); string pv1 = hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_PV1"].ToString().Trim(); string orc = hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_ORC"].ToString().Trim(); string obr = hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_OBR"].ToString().Trim(); ///邵阳市中心医院 回传需转成gbk编码 string XXX = @"^~\&"; string s12message = "MSH|" + XXX + "|BL|LOGENE|PT||" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + "||ORM^O01|" + hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_messageid"].ToString() + "|P|2.4|||||gbk\r"; s12message = s12message + pid + "\r"; s12message = s12message + pv1 + "\r"; string[] orc1 = orc.Split('|'); string orc2 = "ORC|SC"; for (int x = 2; x < orc1.Length; x++) { if (x == 5) { orc2 = orc2 + "|SC"; continue; } if (x == 25) { orc2 = orc2 + "|1"; continue; } orc2 = orc2 + "|" + orc1[x]; } s12message = s12message + orc2 + "\r"; string[] obr2 = obr.Split('|'); string obr1 = ""; obr2[27] = "1"; obr2[23] = obr2[23].Split('^')[0] + "^1"; obr1 = "OBR"; for (int x = 1; x < obr2.Length; x++) { obr1 = obr1 + "|" + obr2[x]; } s12message = s12message + obr1 + "\r"; byte[] by2 = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gbk").GetBytes(s12message); byte[] by3 = new byte[by2.Length + 3]; by3[0] = 11; Array.Copy(by2, 0, by3, 1, by2.Length); by3[by3.Length - 2] = 28; by3[by3.Length - 1] = 13; if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("send to server " + hl7server + ":" + hl7port + " message:" + System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gbk").GetString(by3, 0, by3.Length)); } HL7message b = new HL7message(); string result = ""; string errMsg = ""; b.sendmessage(ref by3, hl7server, hl7port, ref result, ref errMsg, debug); if (result == "99") { aa.ExecuteSQL("update T_HL7_sqd set F_FYQRBJ='1' where F_sqxh ='" + hl7xx.Rows [0]["F_sqxh"].ToString().Trim() + "'"); } else { MessageBox.Show(blh + ",费用确认信息回传失败"); log.WriteMyLog("费用确认信息回传失败" + errMsg); } } }
public void pathtohis(string blh, string yymc) { string debug = f.ReadString("savetohis", "debug", ""); if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("确费接口"); } string hl7server = f.ReadString("savetohis", "hl7server", ""); string hl7port = f.ReadString("savetohis", "hl7port", ""); string msg = f.ReadString("savetohis", "msg", ""); string lry = f.ReadString("yh", "yhmc", ""); blhgy = blh; string patid = ""; odbcdb aa = new odbcdb("DSN=pathnet;UID=pathnet;PWD=4s3c2a1p", "", ""); DataTable bljc = new DataTable(); bljc = aa.GetDataTable("select * from T_jcxx where F_blh='" + blh + "'", "blxx"); if (bljc == null) { MessageBox.Show("病理数据库设置有问题!"); return; } if (bljc.Rows.Count < 1) { MessageBox.Show("病理号有错误!"); return; } if (bljc.Rows[0]["F_sqxh"].ToString().Trim() == "") { log.WriteMyLog("无申请序号(单据号),不处理!"); return; } string sqxh = bljc.Rows[0]["F_SQXH"].ToString().Trim(); DataTable hl7xx = new DataTable(); hl7xx = aa.GetDataTable("select * from T_HL7_sqd where F_sqxh ='" + sqxh + "' ", "HL7"); if (hl7xx.Rows.Count < 1) { if (msg == "1") { MessageBox.Show("确认费用失败,申请单表无记录"); } log.WriteMyLog(blh + "~确认费用失败,申请单表无记录"); return; } if (hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_DJBZ"].ToString().Trim() != "1") { if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("update T_HL7_sqd set F_DJBZ='1' where F_hjsf='" + sfxh + "' and F_sqxh ='" + sqxh + "' and F_brid='" + bljc.Rows[0]["F_brbh"].ToString().Trim() + "' and F_brlb='" + bljc.Rows[0]["F_brlb"].ToString().Trim() + "'"); } aa.ExecuteSQL("update T_HL7_sqd set F_DJBZ='1' where F_hjsf='" + sfxh + "' and F_sqxh ='" + sqxh + "' and F_brid='" + bljc.Rows[0]["F_brbh"].ToString().Trim() + "' and F_brlb='" + bljc.Rows[0]["F_brlb"].ToString().Trim() + "'"); } if (bljc.Rows[0]["F_BGZT"].ToString().Trim() == "已登记" || bljc.Rows[0]["F_BGZT"].ToString().Trim() == "已审核") { string wczt = "SC"; if (bljc.Rows[0]["F_BGZT"].ToString().Trim() == "已登记") { wczt = "SC"; } if (bljc.Rows[0]["F_BGZT"].ToString().Trim() == "已审核") { wczt = "CM"; } try { string pid = hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_PID"].ToString().Trim(); string pv1 = hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_PV1"].ToString().Trim(); string orc = hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_ORC"].ToString().Trim(); string obr = hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_OBR"].ToString().Trim(); string XXX = @"^~\&"; string s12message = "MSH|" + XXX + "|BLXT|BLXT|MediII|MediII|" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + "||ORM^O01|" + hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_messageid"].ToString() + "|P|2.4\r"; s12message = s12message + pid + "\r"; s12message = s12message + pv1 + "\r"; string[] orc1 = orc.Split('|'); string[] obr1 = obr.Split('|'); string orc2 = "ORC|SC"; for (int x = 2; x < orc1.Length; x++) { if (x == 5) { orc2 = orc2 + "|" + wczt; continue; } if (x == 9) { orc2 = orc2 + "|" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); continue; } if (x == 10) { orc2 = orc2 + "|" + lry; continue; } if (x == 17) { orc2 = orc2 + "|" + hl7xx.Rows[0]["F_KSXX"].ToString().Trim(); continue; } orc2 = orc2 + "|" + orc1[x]; } s12message = s12message + orc2 + "\r"; if (wczt == "CM") { string obr2 = ""; for (int x = 0; x < obr1.Length; x++) { if (x == 8) { obr2 = obr2 + "|" + DateTime.Parse(bljc.Rows[0]["F_SPARE5"].ToString().Trim()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); continue; } if (x == 10) { obr2 = obr2 + "|" + bljc.Rows[0]["F_bgys"].ToString(); continue; } if (x == 34) { obr2 = obr2 + "|^" + bljc.Rows[0]["F_SHYS"].ToString(); continue; } obr2 = obr2 + "|" + obr1[x]; } s12message = s12message + obr2 + "\r"; } else { s12message = s12message + obr + "\r"; } byte[] by2 = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s12message); byte[] by3 = new byte[by2.Length + 3]; by3[0] = 11; Array.Copy(by2, 0, by3, 1, by2.Length); by3[by3.Length - 2] = 28; by3[by3.Length - 1] = 13; if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("send to server " + hl7server + ":" + hl7port + " message:" + System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(by3, 0, by3.Length)); } HL7message b = new HL7message(); string result = ""; b.sendmessage(ref by3, hl7server, hl7port, ref result, debug); if (result == "99") { // aa.ExecuteSQL("update T_HL7_sqd set F_FYQRBJ='1' where F_hjsf='" + sfxh + "' and F_sqxh ='" + sqxh + "' and F_brid='" + bljc.Rows[0]["F_brbh"].ToString().Trim() + "' and F_brlb='" + bljc.Rows[0]["F_brlb"].ToString().Trim() + "'"); } else { result = "00"; if (msg == "1") { MessageBox.Show(blh + ",状态回传失败:" + result); } log.WriteMyLog(blh + "~状态回传失败失败:" + result); } } catch (Exception ee2) { log.WriteMyLog("状态回传异常:" + ee2.Message); } //} //else //{ // if (debug == "1") // log.WriteMyLog("F_FYQRBJ=1,不处理"); //} } }