Example #1
        /*protected void gvSecurityHolding_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e)
         * {
         *  // Since a GridView cannot be sorted directly, it is first loaded into a DataTable using the helper method 'unloadGridView'.
         *  // Create a DataTable from the GridView.
         *  DataTable dtSecurityHolding = myHKeInvestCode.unloadGridView(gvSecurityHolding);
         *  // Set the sort expression in ViewState for correct toggling of sort direction,
         *  // Sort the DataTable and bind it to the GridView.
         *  string sortExpression = e.SortExpression.ToLower();
         *  ViewState["SortExpression"] = sortExpression;
         *  dtSecurityHolding.DefaultView.Sort = sortExpression + " " + myHKeInvestCode.getSortDirection(ViewState, e.SortExpression);
         *  dtSecurityHolding.AcceptChanges();
         *  // Bind the DataTable to the GridView.
         *  gvSecurityHolding.DataSource = dtSecurityHolding.DefaultView;
         *  gvSecurityHolding.DataBind();
         * }*/

        protected void gvBond_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e)
            DataTable dtBond         = myHKeInvestCode.unloadGridView(gvBond);
            string    sortExpression = e.SortExpression.ToLower();

            ViewState["SortExpression"] = sortExpression;
            dtBond.DefaultView.Sort     = e.SortExpression + " " + myHKeInvestCode.getSortDirection(ViewState, e.SortExpression);
            //dtBond.DefaultView.Sort = "name" + " " + "ASC";
            gvBond.DataSource = dtBond.DefaultView;
Example #2
        protected void OrderStatus_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e)
            // Since a GridView cannot be sorted directly, it is first loaded into a DataTable using the helper method 'unloadGridView'.
            // Create a DataTable from the GridView.
            DataTable dt_order_status = myHKeInvestCode.unloadGridView(OrderStatus);

            // Set the sort expression in ViewState for correct toggling of sort direction,
            // Sort the DataTable and bind it to the GridView.
            ViewState["SortExpression"]      = e.SortExpression;
            dt_order_status.DefaultView.Sort = e.SortExpression + " " + myHKeInvestCode.getSortDirection(ViewState, e.SortExpression);

            // Bind the DataTable to the GridView.
            OrderStatus.DataSource = dt_order_status.DefaultView;
Example #3
        protected void gvProfitLossTracking_Sorting1(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e)
            DataTable dtProfitLossTracking = myHKeInvestCode.unloadGridView(gvProfitLossTracking);
            string    sortExpression       = e.SortExpression.ToLower();

            ViewState["SortExpression"]           = sortExpression;
            dtProfitLossTracking.DefaultView.Sort = sortExpression + " " + myHKeInvestCode.getSortDirection(ViewState, e.SortExpression);

            gvProfitLossTracking.DataSource = dtProfitLossTracking.DefaultView;
Example #4
        protected void gvSecurityHolding_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e)
            // Since a GridView cannot be sorted directly, it is first loaded into a DataTable using the helper method 'unloadGridView'.
            // Create a DataTable from the GridView.
            DataTable dtSecurityHolding = myHKeInvestCode.unloadGridView(gvSecurityHolding);

            // Set the sort expression in ViewState for correct toggling of sort direction,
            // Sort the DataTable and bind it to the GridView.
            string sortExpression = e.SortExpression.ToLower();

            ViewState["SortExpression"]        = sortExpression;
            dtSecurityHolding.DefaultView.Sort = sortExpression + " " + myHKeInvestCode.getSortDirection(ViewState, e.SortExpression);

            // Bind the DataTable to the GridView.
            gvSecurityHolding.DataSource = dtSecurityHolding.DefaultView;