Example #1
    private DeviceInfo(string path, string name, ushort vendorID, ushort productID, ushort version)
        // remember the settings
        this.path      = path;
        this.name      = name;
        this.vendorID  = (ushort)vendorID;
        this.productID = (ushort)productID;
        this.version   = version;

        // set some defaults
        PlungerEnabled  = true;
        JoystickEnabled = false;
        TvOnEnabled     = false;

        // open the USB interface
        this.fp = OpenFile();

        // presume valid
        isValid = true;

        // assume the maximum input (device to host) report length
        inputReportLength = 65;

        // Check the HID interface to see if the HID Usage type is
        // type 4, for Joystick.  If so, the joystick interface is
        // enabled, which the device uses to send nudge and plunger
        // readings.  If not, the joystick interface is disabled, so
        // the device only sends private status messages and query
        // responses.
        IntPtr ppdata;

        if (HIDImports.HidD_GetPreparsedData(this.fp, out ppdata))
            // Check the usage.  If the joystick is enabled, the
            // usage will be 4 = Joystick (on usage page 1, "generic
            // desktop").  If not, the usage is 0 = Undefined, indicating
            // our private status and query interface.
            HIDImports.HIDP_CAPS caps;
            HIDImports.HidP_GetCaps(ppdata, out caps);
            bool isJoystick = caps.UsagePage == 1 && caps.Usage == 4;
            bool isPrivate  = caps.UsagePage == 1 && caps.Usage == 0;
            if (isJoystick)
                this.JoystickEnabled = true;

            // Only count this as a control interface if it's the joystick
            // interface or the private interface.  The device can expose
            // other interfaces for device-to-host inputs only, such as a
            // keyboard interface and a media key interface.  Also ignore
            // it if it doesn't accept output reports (host-to-device),
            // as indicated by a zero output report length.
            if (!(isJoystick || isPrivate) || caps.OutputReportByteLength == 0)
                isValid = false;

            // remember the input report (device to host) length
            inputReportLength = caps.InputReportByteLength;

            // free the preparsed data
            // couldn't get the HID caps - mark as invalid
            isValid = false;

        // if it looks like a valid interface so far, try reading a status report
        byte[] buf;
        if (isValid)
            buf = ReadUSB();
            if (buf != null)
                // parse the reponse
                this.PlungerEnabled = (buf[1] & 0x01) != 0;
                // couldn't read a report - mark it as invalid
                isValid = false;

        // Ask about the TV ON feature.  This is config variable 9; the
        // results are: [0] power status input pin; [1] latch output pin;
        // [2] relay trigger pin; [3,4] delay time in 10ms increments.
        // This is enabled only if all pins are assigned and the delay
        // is non-zero.
        if (isValid && (buf = QueryConfigVar(9)) != null)
            int delay = buf[3] | (buf[4] << 8);
            this.TvOnEnabled =
                (buf[0] != 0xFF && buf[1] != 0xFF && buf[2] != 0xFF &&
                 delay != 0);

        // figure the LedWiz unit number
        LedWizUnitNo = (vendorID == 0xFAFA ? ((productID & 0x0F) + 1) : 0);

        // get more data if the unit is responding
        if (isValid)
            // get the CPU ID
            this.CPUID     = QueryCPUID();
            this.OpenSDAID = QueryOpenSDAID();

            // get the pinscape unit number
            if ((buf = QueryConfigVar(2)) != null)
                PinscapeUnitNo = buf[0];

            // get the build ID
            String s;
            QueryBuildID(out this.BuildDD, out this.BuildTT, out s);
            this.BuildID = s;