private void InitHIDDev() { byte devnumber = 0; = null; var devices = HIDBrowse.Browse(); // Find all Steelseries Arcis 7 devices var devs = (HIDBrowse.Browse()).FindAll(x => (x.Pid == 4781 && x.Vid == 4152)); if (devs.Count != 0) { byte batCharge = 0; do { = new HIDDev(); dev.Open(devs.ElementAt(devnumber)); devnumber++; } while (devnumber < devs.Count && !this.ReadBattery(out batCharge)); if (devnumber >= devs.Count) { Console.WriteLine("None of the Arctis 7 HID Devices responded!"); exit = true; } else { //if icons loaded correctly and everything else worked so far, exit is false if (!exit) { //Update Tray Icon this.icon.Icon = this.chargeIcons[batCharge]; } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Arctis 7 HID Device not found!"); exit = true; } }
/*public bool ReadTest(out byte[] test) * { * test = new byte[32]; * try * { * // Set message to send * byte[] report = new byte[32]; report[0] = 0x06; * report[1] = 0x99; * //0x24 reportIn[2] == game volume, 192 = none 255 && 0 = max/middle ground * //0x24 reportIn[3] == voice volume, 192 = none 255 && 0 = max/middle ground * //0x10 && 0x30 seems to react on game/voice volumes * // Send request *; * * // Prepare buffer for answer * byte[] reportIn = new byte[31]; //neeed 31 (by testing) * * // Read answer *; * * if (reportIn[0] == 0x06 && reportIn[1] == report[1]) * { * test = reportIn; * return true; * } * } * catch (Exception) * { //if the read doesn't work, return false * return false; * } * * return false; * }*/ public void InitHIDDev() { byte devnumber = 0; = null; var devices = HIDBrowse.Browse(); // Find all Steelseries Arcis 7 devices var devs = (HIDBrowse.Browse()).FindAll(x => (x.Pid == 4781 && x.Vid == 4152)); if (devs.Count != 0) { byte batCharge = 0; do { = new HIDDev(); dev.Open(devs.ElementAt(devnumber)); devnumber++; } while (devnumber < devs.Count && !this.ReadBattery(out batCharge)); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { /* hello, world! */ Console.WriteLine("List of USB HID devices:"); /* browse for hid devices */ var devs = HIDBrowse.Browse(); /* display VID and PID for every device found */ foreach (var dev in devs) { Console.WriteLine("VID = " + dev.Vid.ToString("X4") + " PID = " + dev.Pid.ToString("X4") + " Product: " + dev.Product); } /* try to connect to first device */ if (devs.Count > 0) { /* new device */ HIDDev dev = new HIDDev(); /* connect */ dev.Open(devs[0]); /* an example of hid report, report id is always located * at the beginning of every report. Here it was set to 0x01. * adjust this report so it does meet your hid device reports */ byte[] report = new byte[32]; report[0] = 0x01; /* send report */ dev.Write(report); /* get response */ dev.Read(report); } /* bye bye! */ Console.Read(); }
//private float axisScale = 1; private void MonitorForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //var err = EVRInitError.Driver_Failed; //_vrSystem = OpenVR.Init(ref err, EVRApplicationType.VRApplication_Overlay); //OpenVR.GetGenericInterface(OpenVR.IVRCompositor_Version, ref err); //OpenVR.GetGenericInterface(OpenVR.IVROverlay_Version, ref err); axis = new Axes(100); axis.Center = new Point3d((pb.Width) / 2, (pb.Height) / 2, 0); cam.Location = new Point3d(axis.Center.X, axis.Center.Y, -500); grav = new Gravity(100); grav.Center = new Point3d((pb.Width) / 2, (pb.Height) / 2, 0); testSensor.MaxPoints = pb.Width - 10; InfoRow = dgData.Rows[dgData.Rows.Add()]; InfoRow.Cells[0].Value = "Info"; RotationRow = dgData.Rows[dgData.Rows.Add()]; RotationRow.Cells[0].Value = "Rotation"; RotationRow.Tag = axis; PositionRow = dgData.Rows[dgData.Rows.Add()]; PositionRow.Cells[0].Value = "Position"; PositionRow.Tag = RotationRow.Tag; AccelRow = dgData.Rows[dgData.Rows.Add()]; AccelRow.Cells[0].Value = "Accel/Gravity"; AccelRow.Tag = new KalmanGroup(pb.Width - 10, 2, 2, 0, 0f); AccelOffsetRow = dgData.Rows[dgData.Rows.Add()]; AccelOffsetRow.Cells[0].Value = "Averages"; AccelOffsetRow.Tag = new float[3]; GyroRow = dgData.Rows[dgData.Rows.Add()]; GyroRow.Cells[0].Value = "Gyro/CompAccel"; GyroRow.Tag = new KalmanGroup(pb.Width - 10, 2, 2, 0, 0f); GyroOffsetRow = dgData.Rows[dgData.Rows.Add()]; GyroOffsetRow.Cells[0].Value = "Averages"; GyroOffsetRow.Tag = new float[3]; MagRow = dgData.Rows[dgData.Rows.Add()]; MagRow.Cells[0].Value = "Mag/Velocity"; MagRow.Tag = new KalmanGroup(pb.Width - 10, 2, 2, 0, 0f); MagOffsetRow = dgData.Rows[dgData.Rows.Add()]; MagOffsetRow.Cells[0].Value = "Averages"; MagOffsetRow.Tag = new float[3]; ResetOffsets(); foreach (var item in Enum.GetValues(typeof(DebugModes))) { comboBox1.Items.Add(item); } _thread = new Thread(() => { HIDDev _usb = null; var data = new byte[33]; while (_running) { if (_usb == null) { var hd = HIDBrowse.Browse().FirstOrDefault(h => h.Vid == 0x1974 && h.Pid == 0x001); if (hd != null) { _usb = new HIDDev(); _usb.Open(hd); } } try { if (_usb != null) { lock (_outgoing) if (_outgoing.Count > 0) { var p = _outgoing.Dequeue(); var d = StructToBytes(p); SetPacketCrc(ref d); _usb.Write(d); } _usb.Read(data); if (CheckPacketCrc(data, 1)) { var packet = StructFromBytes <USBPacket>(data, 1); packet.ParseFields(); lock (_incoming) _incoming.Enqueue(packet); } } } catch { _usb.Close(); _usb.Dispose(); _usb = null; Thread.Sleep(100); } } }) { IsBackground = true }; _running = true; _thread.Start(); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { /* hello, world! */ Console.WriteLine("Looking for DsHidMini devices"); /* browse for hid devices */ var devs = HIDBrowse.Browse().Where(d => d.Vid == 0x054C && d.Pid == 0x0268); if (!devs.Any()) { Console.WriteLine("None found, nothing to do"); return; } Console.WriteLine("Found one"); var instructions = ((IList <dynamic>)Config.Global.Instructions) .Select(i => new ReplayEntry((string)i.OutputReport, (int)i.WaitPeriodMs, (int)i.SendXTimes, (int)i.RepeatDelay)).ToList(); /* new device */ var dev = new HIDDev(); /* connect */ dev.Open(devs.First()); /* send report */ String userin; Console.Write("Execute how many times? (0 = indefinitely): "); userin = Console.ReadLine(); int FullRepeat = Convert.ToInt32(userin); Console.WriteLine(); int FR = 1; while (FullRepeat == 0 || FR <= FullRepeat) { Console.Clear(); if (FullRepeat >= 1) { Console.WriteLine("===== EXECUTING (" + FR + "/" + FullRepeat + ") ====="); Console.WriteLine(); } int CurrentI = 0; foreach (var instruction in instructions) { Console.WriteLine("Executing instructions block number " + CurrentI); int P = 1; while (P <= instruction.TimesToSend) { dev.Write(instruction.Report); Console.Write("."); // Print "." to inform that a command has been sent if (P == instruction.TimesToSend) // Break; if on the last repeat to prevent an aditional delay on Thread.Sleep(instruction.RepDelay) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(P + " command(s) sent"); // informs the number of sent commands break; } if (instruction.RepDelay > TimeSpan.Zero) // Print "-" if RepDelay > 0 { Console.Write("-"); Thread.Sleep(instruction.RepDelay); } P++; } if (instruction.WaitPeriod > TimeSpan.Zero) { Console.WriteLine("Waiting for " + instruction.WaitPeriod + "ms"); Thread.Sleep(instruction.WaitPeriod); } else { Console.WriteLine("Not waiting"); } CurrentI++; Console.WriteLine(); } if (FullRepeat >= 1) { FR++; } } Console.WriteLine("Done!"); Console.Read(); }
private void USBProcessor() { List <byte[]> outgoingPackets = null; HIDDev _usb = null; var data = new byte[33]; DateTime lastOutgoing = DateTime.MinValue; while (_running) { if (_usb == null) { var hd = HIDBrowse.Browse().FirstOrDefault(h => h.Vid == 0x1974 && h.Pid == 0x001); if (hd != null) { _usb = new HIDDev(); _usb.Open(hd); State = CommState.Connected; _sharedMem.SetState(State); } } try { if (_usb != null) { outgoingPackets = _sharedMem.ReadOutgoingPackets(); if (outgoingPackets != null) { lock (OutgoingPackets) foreach (var item in outgoingPackets) { OutgoingPackets.Enqueue(item); } } lock (OutgoingPackets) if (OutgoingPackets.Count > 0 && (DateTime.Now - lastOutgoing).TotalMilliseconds >= 100) { lastOutgoing = DateTime.Now; var d = OutgoingPackets.Dequeue(); //33 byte packets in queue _usb.Write(d); //send before monitor process if (IsDebug && IsVisible) { var packet = StructFromBytes <USBPacket>(d, 1); packet.ParseFields(); lock (OutPacketMonitor) OutPacketMonitor.Add(packet); } } _usb.Read(data); if (CheckPacketCrc(data, 1)) { _sharedMem.WriteIncomingPacket(data); //send before monitor process State = _sharedMem.IsDriverActive ? CommState.Active : CommState.ActiveNoDriver; if (IsDebug && IsVisible) { //var x = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(USBPacket)); var packet = StructFromBytes <USBPacket>(data, 1); packet.ParseFields(); lock (InPacketMonitor) InPacketMonitor.Add(packet); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); if (_usb != null) { _usb.Close(); _usb.Dispose(); } _usb = null; State = CommState.Disconnected; _sharedMem.SetState(State); Thread.Sleep(100); } } if (_usb != null) { _usb.Close(); _usb.Dispose(); } _usb = null; State = CommState.Disconnected; _sharedMem.SetState(CommState.Disconnected); }