static public void MV(HessMatrixSparse M, Vector V, Vector mv, Vector bvec, Vector bmv) { HDebug.Exception(V.Size == M.RowSize); HDebug.Exception(mv.Size == M.ColSize); //Vector mv = new double[M.ColSize]; HDebug.Exception(bvec.Size == 3); //Vector bvec = new double[3]; HDebug.Exception(bmv.Size == 3); //Vector bmv = new double[3]; foreach (ValueTuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> bc_br_bval in M.EnumBlocks()) { int bc = bc_br_bval.Item1; int br = bc_br_bval.Item2; var bmat = bc_br_bval.Item3; bvec[0] = V[br * 3 + 0]; bvec[1] = V[br * 3 + 1]; bvec[2] = V[br * 3 + 2]; HTLib2.LinAlg.MV(bmat, bvec, bmv); mv[bc * 3 + 0] += bmv[0]; mv[bc * 3 + 1] += bmv[1]; mv[bc * 3 + 2] += bmv[2]; } if (HDebug.Selftest()) { Matlab.Clear(); Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("M", M.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3); Matlab.PutVector("V", V); Matlab.Execute("MV = M*V;"); Matlab.PutVector("MV1", mv); Vector err = Matlab.GetVector("MV-MV1"); double err_max = err.ToArray().HAbs().Max(); HDebug.Assert(err_max < 0.00000001); } }
static void UpdateMassWeightedHess(HessMatrix hess, Vector mass) { if (hess.ColSize < 15000) { if (HDebug.Selftest()) { Matrix tmat0 = hess.ToArray(); UpdateMassWeightedHess(tmat0, mass); HessMatrix tmat1 = hess.CloneHess(); UpdateMassWeightedHess(tmat1, mass); double absmax = (tmat0 - tmat1).HAbsMax(); HDebug.Exception(absmax < 0.00000001); } } HDebug.Exception(mass.Size % 3 == 0); double[] mass03sqrt = new double[mass.Size / 3]; for (int i = 0; i < mass03sqrt.Length; i++) { HDebug.Exception(mass[i * 3 + 0] == mass[i * 3 + 1]); HDebug.Exception(mass[i * 3 + 0] == mass[i * 3 + 2]); mass03sqrt[i] = mass[i * 3 + 0]; } mass03sqrt = mass03sqrt.HSqrt(); foreach (var bc_br_bval in hess.EnumBlocks().ToArray()) { int bc = bc_br_bval.Item1; int br = bc_br_bval.Item2; var bval = bc_br_bval.Item3; bval = bval / (mass03sqrt[bc] * mass03sqrt[br]); hess.SetBlock(bc, br, bval); } }
public static HessRTB GetHessRTBByBlockAsResidue(HessMatrix hess, Vector[] coords, double[] masses, Universe.Atom[] atoms, string opt) { int leng = coords.Length; HDebug.Exception (leng == hess.ColBlockSize , leng == hess.RowBlockSize , leng == coords.Length , leng == masses.Length , leng == atoms.Length , "length does not match" ); List <int[]> blocks = new List <int[]>(); foreach (var group in atoms.GroupByResidue()) { List <int> block = new List <int>(); foreach (var atom in group) { block.Add(atom.ID); } blocks.Add(block.ToArray()); } return(BuilderHessRTB.GetHessRTB(hess, coords, masses, blocks, opt)); }
public static Tuple <string, char, int, string, char> DecomposeMutationType(string muttype) { if (DecomposeMutationType_selftest) { DecomposeMutationType_selftest = false; var tdec = DecomposeMutationType("H64W"); HDebug.Exception(tdec.Item1.ToUpper() == "HIS"); HDebug.Exception(tdec.Item2 == 'H'); HDebug.Exception(tdec.Item3 == 64); HDebug.Exception(tdec.Item4.ToUpper() == "TRP"); HDebug.Exception(tdec.Item5 == 'W'); } //var aminoacids = HBioinfo.AminoAcids.ToDictionaryBy1Letter(); Func <char, HBioinfo.Acid> aminoacids = delegate(char resn) { return(HBioinfo.Acid.From1Letter(resn)); }; char wt_resn1 = muttype.First(); string wt_resn3 = aminoacids(wt_resn1).name3; char mut_resn1 = muttype.Last(); string mut_resn3 = aminoacids(mut_resn1).name3; string lwt_resi = muttype.Substring(1, muttype.Length - 2); int wt_resi = int.Parse(lwt_resi); return(new Tuple <string, char, int, string, char> (wt_resn3, wt_resn1 , wt_resi , mut_resn3, mut_resn1 )); }
//public static OOverlapWeighted OverlapWeightedByFreq(IList<Mode> modes1, IList<Mode> modes2, ILinAlg ila, bool bResetUnitVector, string optSelectOverlap) //{ // Vector weights = new double[modes1.Count]; // for(int i=0; i<weights.Size; i++) // weights[i] = 1/Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(modes1[i].eigval)); // weights /= weights.Sum(); // // return OverlapWeighted(modes1, modes2, weights.ToArray(), ila, bResetUnitVector, optSelectOverlap); //} public static OOverlapWeighted OverlapWeighted(IList <Mode> modes1, double[] mass1, double[] mass2, IList <Mode> modes2, IList <double> weights, ILinAlg ila, bool bResetUnitVector, string optSelectOverlap) { Matrix soverlap = OverlapSigned(modes1, mass1, mass2, modes2, ila, bResetUnitVector); HDebug.Exception(modes1.Count == weights.Count); int[] idxOverlap1to2; switch (optSelectOverlap) { case "corresponding index": if (modes1.Count != modes2.Count) { throw new HException(); } idxOverlap1to2 = HEnum.HEnumCount(modes1.Count).ToArray(); break; case "best matching overlap": idxOverlap1to2 = new int[modes1.Count]; for (int im = 0; im < modes1.Count; im++) { idxOverlap1to2[im] = 0; for (int k = 0; k < modes2.Count; k++) { if (Math.Abs(soverlap[im, idxOverlap1to2[im]]) < Math.Abs(soverlap[im, k])) { idxOverlap1to2[im] = k; } } } break; default: throw new HException(); } Vector overlap1to2 = new double[modes1.Count]; Vector overlap1to2signed = new double[modes1.Count]; double woverlap = 0; for (int i = 0; i < modes1.Count; i++) { overlap1to2 [i] = Math.Abs(soverlap[i, idxOverlap1to2[i]]); overlap1to2signed[i] = soverlap[i, idxOverlap1to2[i]]; woverlap += weights[i] * overlap1to2[i]; } return(new OOverlapWeighted { soverlap1to2 = soverlap, woverlap = woverlap, weights = weights.ToArray(), overlaps = overlap1to2.ToArray(), sgnoverlaps = overlap1to2signed.ToArray(), idxOverlap1to2 = idxOverlap1to2, modes1 = modes1.ToArray(), modes2 = modes2.ToArray(), }); }
public static MatrixSparse <double> GetCorrMatrix(this IList <Mode> modes, IEnumerable <Tuple <int, int> > enumCorrCR) { Vector[][] eigvecs = new Vector[modes.Count][]; double[] eigvals = new double[modes.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < modes.Count; i++) { eigvals[i] = modes[i].eigval; eigvecs[i] = modes[i].GetEigvecsOfAtoms(); } int size = modes[0].size; MatrixSparse <double> Dij = new MatrixSparse <double>(size, size); Vector Dii = new double[size]; for (int i = 0; i < eigvals.Length; i++) { Vector[] eigvec = eigvecs[i]; double eigval = eigvals[i]; for (int c = 0; c < size; c++) { Dii[c] += (LinAlg.VtV(eigvec[c], eigvec[c]) / eigval); } foreach (var cr in enumCorrCR) { int c = cr.Item1; int r = cr.Item2; Dij[c, r] += (LinAlg.VtV(eigvec[c], eigvec[r]) / eigval); } } foreach (var cr in enumCorrCR) { Dij[cr] = Dij[cr] / modes.Count; } Dii = Dii / modes.Count; // Cij foreach (var cr in enumCorrCR) { int c = cr.Item1; int r = cr.Item2; Dij[c, r] /= Math.Sqrt(Dii[c] * Dii[r]); } if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached) { Matrix tDij = GetCorrMatrix(modes); foreach (var cr in enumCorrCR) { int c = cr.Item1; int r = cr.Item2; double err = Dij[c, r] - tDij[c, r]; HDebug.Exception(Math.Abs(err) < 0.00000001); } } return(Dij); }
public string GetUpdatedLineChainID(char chainID) { HDebug.Exception(idxs_chainID[0] == idxs_chainID[1]); char[] line = this.line.ToArray(); line[idxs_chainID[0] - 1] = chainID; string newline = new string(line); return(newline); }
static void UpdateMassWeightedHess(Matrix hess, Vector mass) { if (HDebug.Selftest()) //if(GetMassWeightedHess_selftest1) #region selftest { //HDebug.ToDo("replace examplt not to use blocked hessian matrix"); //GetMassWeightedHess_selftest1 = false; MatrixByArr[,] _bhess = new MatrixByArr[2, 2]; _bhess[0, 0] = new double[3, 3] { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6 }, { 7, 8, 9 } }; _bhess[0, 1] = _bhess[0, 0] + 10; _bhess[1, 0] = _bhess[0, 0] + 20; _bhess[1, 1] = _bhess[0, 0] + 30; Vector _mass = new double[2] { 2, 3 }; MatrixByArr _hess = MatrixByArr.FromMatrixArray(_bhess); Matrix _mwhess = GetMassWeightedHess(_hess, _mass); MatrixByArr[,] _mwbhess = GetMassWeightedHess(_bhess, _mass); HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, MatrixByArr.FromMatrixArray(_mwbhess) - _mwhess.ToArray()); } #endregion HDebug.Exception(hess.ColSize == mass.Size); HDebug.Assert(hess.ColSize == hess.RowSize); HDebug.Assert(hess.ColSize % 3 == 0); Vector mass05 = mass.ToArray().HSqrt(); // mass weighted hessian // MH = M^(-1/2) * H * M^(-1/2) // MH_ij = H_IJ * sqrt(M[i] * M[j]) { // mass weighted block hessian for (int i = 0; i < hess.ColSize; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < hess.RowSize; j++) { //if(i == j) continue; hess[i, j] = hess[i, j] / (mass05[i] * mass05[j]); //mbhess[i, i] -= mbhess[i, j]; } } } }
public HessMatrix SubMatrixByAtomsImpl(bool ignNegIdx, IList <int> idxAtoms) { if (SubMatrixByAtomsImpl_selftest) { SubMatrixByAtomsImpl_selftest = false; Vector[] tcoords = new Vector[] { new Vector(1, 2, 3), new Vector(1, 3, 2), new Vector(1, 2, 9), }; HessMatrix thess0 = Hess.GetHessAnm(tcoords); int[] tidxs = new int[] { 0, 2 }; HessMatrix thess1a = thess0.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, tidxs); HessMatrix thess1b = new double[, ] { { thess0[0, 0], thess0[0, 1], thess0[0, 2], thess0[0, 6], thess0[0, 7], thess0[0, 8] }, { thess0[1, 0], thess0[1, 1], thess0[1, 2], thess0[1, 6], thess0[1, 7], thess0[1, 8] }, { thess0[2, 0], thess0[2, 1], thess0[2, 2], thess0[2, 6], thess0[2, 7], thess0[2, 8] }, { thess0[6, 0], thess0[6, 1], thess0[6, 2], thess0[6, 6], thess0[6, 7], thess0[6, 8] }, { thess0[7, 0], thess0[7, 1], thess0[7, 2], thess0[7, 6], thess0[7, 7], thess0[7, 8] }, { thess0[8, 0], thess0[8, 1], thess0[8, 2], thess0[8, 6], thess0[8, 7], thess0[8, 8] }, }; // thess1a = Hess.CorrectHessDiag(thess1a); // diagonal of original matrix contains the interaction between 0-1 and 1-2 also, // HessMatrix thess1b = Hess.GetHessAnm(tcoords.HSelectByIndex(tidxs)); // while new generated hessian matrix does not. Matrix tdiffhess = thess1a - thess1b; double max_tdiffhess = tdiffhess.ToArray().HAbs().HMax(); HDebug.Exception(0 == max_tdiffhess); } HessMatrix nhess = SubMatrixByAtomsImpl(ignNegIdx, idxAtoms, idxAtoms, true); if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached && idxAtoms.Count < 1000) { List <int> idx3Atoms = new List <int>(); foreach (int idx in idxAtoms) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { idx3Atoms.Add(idx * 3 + i); } } Matrix tnhess = this.SubMatrix(idx3Atoms, idx3Atoms); double max2_tdiffhess = (nhess - tnhess).ToArray().HAbs().HMax(); HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, max2_tdiffhess); } return(nhess); }
public static Crd FromFile(string path) { string[] lines = HFile.ReadAllLines(path); int? num_elems = null; List <Atom> elems = null; foreach (string line in lines) { if (line.StartsWith("*")) { // comment continue; } // " 358272 EXT" // " 1 1 TIP3 OH2 -79.8000000000 -20.4000000000 -4.2000000000 BWAT 1 0.0000000000" // 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 // " %8d %8d %-8s %-8s %18.10f %18.10f %18.10f %-8s %-8d %18.10f" if (elems == null) { // " 358272 EXT" // 012345678901234 // 0 1 string[] tokens = new string[] { line.Substring(0, 10), line.Substring(10), }; num_elems = int.Parse(tokens[0]); HDebug.Exception(tokens[1] == " EXT"); elems = new List <Atom>(num_elems.Value); } else { elems.Add(new Atom { line = line }); } } HDebug.Assert(elems.Count == num_elems); return(new Crd { atoms = elems.ToArray(), }); }
public static string GetMutationType(string wt_resn, int wt_resi, string mut_resn) { HDebug.Assert(GetMutationType("HIS", 64, "TRP") == "H64W"); // selftest //var aminoacids = HBioinfo.AminoAcids.ToDictionaryBy3Letter(true); Func <string, HBioinfo.Acid> aminoacids = delegate(string resn) { var aa = HBioinfo.Acid.From3Letter(resn); HDebug.Exception(aa.Count == 1); return(aa[0]); }; string muttype = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", aminoacids(wt_resn).name1, wt_resi, aminoacids(mut_resn).name1); return(muttype); }
public static Tuple <Sheet[], Atom[]>[] HSelectAtoms <Atom>(this IList <Sheet> sheets, IList <Atom> atoms) where Atom : IAtom { var chain_resi_atoms = atoms.GroupChainIDResSeq(); var id_sheets = sheets.HGroupBySheetID(); List <Tuple <Sheet[], Atom[]> > list = new List <Tuple <Sheet[], Atom[]> >(); foreach (string id in id_sheets.Keys) { Sheet[] idsheets = id_sheets[id]; List <Atom> idsheets_atoms = new List <Atom>(); foreach (var sheet in idsheets) { HDebug.Exception(sheet.initChainID == sheet.endChainID); char chain = sheet.initChainID; if (chain_resi_atoms.ContainsKey(chain) == false) { continue; } var chainresi_atoms = chain_resi_atoms[chain]; int[] resis; resis = new int[] { sheet.initSeqNum, sheet.endSeqNum }; resis = resis.HSort(); resis = HEnum.HEnumFromTo(resis[0], resis[1]).ToArray(); foreach (var resi in resis) { if (chainresi_atoms.ContainsKey(resi) == false) { continue; } idsheets_atoms.AddRange(chainresi_atoms[resi]); } } list.Add(new Tuple <Sheet[], Atom[]> ( idsheets, idsheets_atoms.ToArray() )); } return(list.ToArray()); }
public static void UpdateMassReduced(this IList <Mode> modes, IList <double> masses, HOptions options = null) { if (options == null) { options = ""; } if (options.Contains("parallel")) { HDebug.Exception(new NotImplementedException("check")); int[] iter = new int[1] { 0 }; System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(0, modes.Count, delegate(int i) { Mode modei = modes[i]; modes[i] = null; modes[i] = modei.GetMassReduced(masses); lock (iter) { iter[0]++; if (iter[0] % 1000 == 0) { System.GC.Collect(0); } } }); System.GC.Collect(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < modes.Count; i++) { Mode modei = modes[i]; modes[i] = null; modes[i] = modei.GetMassReduced(masses); if (i % 1000 == 0) { System.GC.Collect(0); } } System.GC.Collect(); } }
public static IEnumerable <Tuple <int, int, double> > EnumHessAnmSpr(IList <Vector> coords, double cutoff, double sprcst) { if (HDebug.Selftest()) { Vector[] _coords = Pdb.FromLines(SelftestData.lines_1L2Y_pdb).atoms.SelectByName("CA").ListCoord().ToArray().HSelectCount(10); HashSet <Tuple <int, int, double> > sprs0 = //EnumHessAnmSpr_obsolete(_coords, 7, 1).HToHashSet(); new HashSet <Tuple <int, int, double> > { new Tuple <int, int, double>(0, 1, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(1, 0, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(0, 2, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(2, 0, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(0, 3, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(3, 0, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(0, 4, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(4, 0, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(1, 2, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(2, 1, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(1, 3, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(3, 1, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(1, 4, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(4, 1, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(1, 5, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(5, 1, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(2, 3, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(3, 2, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(2, 4, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(4, 2, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(2, 5, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(5, 2, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(2, 6, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(6, 2, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(3, 4, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(4, 3, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(3, 5, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(5, 3, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(3, 6, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(6, 3, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(3, 7, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(7, 3, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(4, 5, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(5, 4, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(4, 6, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(6, 4, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(4, 7, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(7, 4, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(4, 8, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(8, 4, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(5, 6, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(6, 5, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(5, 7, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(7, 5, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(5, 8, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(8, 5, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(6, 7, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(7, 6, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(6, 8, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(8, 6, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(6, 9, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(9, 6, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(7, 8, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(8, 7, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(7, 9, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(9, 7, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(8, 9, 1), new Tuple <int, int, double>(9, 8, 1), }; HashSet <Tuple <int, int, double> > sprs1 = EnumHessAnmSpr(_coords, 7, 1).HToHashSet(); HDebug.Exception(sprs0.Count == sprs1.Count); foreach (var spr in sprs0) { HDebug.Exception(sprs1.Contains(spr)); } } KDTreeDLL.KDTree <object> kdtree = new KDTreeDLL.KDTree <object>(3); for (int i = 0; i < coords.Count; i++) { kdtree.insert(coords[i], i); } int size = coords.Count; double cutoff2 = cutoff * cutoff; int num_springs = 0; for (int c = 0; c < coords.Count; c++) { Vector lowk = coords[c] - (new double[] { cutoff, cutoff, cutoff }); Vector uppk = coords[c] + (new double[] { cutoff, cutoff, cutoff }); foreach (int r in kdtree.range(lowk, uppk)) { if (c >= r) { continue; } double dist2 = (coords[c] - coords[r]).Dist2; if (dist2 < cutoff2) { yield return(new Tuple <int, int, double>(c, r, sprcst)); yield return(new Tuple <int, int, double>(r, c, sprcst)); num_springs += 2; } } } double ratio_springs = ((double)num_springs) / (size * size); }
public static Matrix OverlapSigned(IList <Mode> modes1, double[] mass1, double[] mass2, IList <Mode> modes2, ILinAlg ila, bool bResetUnitVector) { Matrix mat1; Matrix mat2; string mat12opt = "memory-save"; switch (mat12opt) { case "initial": { Vector[] eigvecs1 = new Vector[modes1.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < modes1.Count; i++) { eigvecs1[i] = modes1[i].eigvec.Clone(); } Vector[] eigvecs2 = new Vector[modes2.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < modes2.Count; i++) { eigvecs2[i] = modes2[i].eigvec.Clone(); } { // 1. Hess // 2. mwHess <- M^-0.5 * H * M^-0.5 // 3. [V,D] <- eig(mwHess) // 4. mrMode <- M^-0.5 * V // // overlap: vi . vj // 1. vi <- M^0.5 * mrMode_i // 2. vj <- M^0.5 * mrMode_j // 3. vi.vj <- dot(vi,vj) // // [ 2 ] [4] [2*4] [ 8] // [ 2 ] [5] [2*5] [10] // M * v = [ 2 ] * [6] = [2*6] = [12] // [ 3 ] [7] [3*7] [21] // [ 3 ] [8] [3*8] [24] // [ 3 ] [9] [3*9] [27] // // V1 <- sqrt(M1) * V1 // V2 <- sqrt(M2) * V2 // 1. get sqrt(mass) 2. for each eigenvector 3 eigveci[j] = eigvec[j] * sqrt_mass[j/3] if (mass1 != null) { double[] mass1sqrt = mass1.HSqrt(); for (int i = 0; i < eigvecs1.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < eigvecs1[i].Size; j++) { eigvecs1[i][j] *= mass1sqrt[j / 3]; } } } if (mass2 != null) { double[] mass2sqrt = mass2.HSqrt(); for (int i = 0; i < eigvecs2.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < eigvecs2[i].Size; j++) { eigvecs2[i][j] *= mass2sqrt[j / 3]; } } } } if (bResetUnitVector) { for (int i = 0; i < modes1.Count; i++) { eigvecs1[i] = eigvecs1[i].UnitVector(); } for (int i = 0; i < modes2.Count; i++) { eigvecs2[i] = eigvecs2[i].UnitVector(); } } mat1 = eigvecs1.ToMatrix(false); HDebug.Assert(mat1.ColSize == eigvecs1.Length); eigvecs1 = null; GC.Collect(0); mat2 = eigvecs2.ToMatrix(true); HDebug.Assert(mat2.RowSize == eigvecs2.Length); eigvecs2 = null; GC.Collect(0); } break; case "memory-save": { int vecsize = modes1[0].eigvec.Size; HDebug.Exception(vecsize == modes1[0].eigvec.Size); HDebug.Exception(vecsize == modes2[0].eigvec.Size); //Vector[] eigvecs1 = new Vector[modes1.Count]; for(int i=0; i<modes1.Count; i++) eigvecs1[i] = modes1[i].eigvec.Clone(); //if(mass1 != null) { double[] mass1sqrt = mass1.HSqrt(); for(int i=0; i<modes1.Count; i++) for(int j=0; j<eigvecs1[i].Size; j++) eigvecs1[i][j] *= mass1sqrt[j/3]; } //if(bResetUnitVector) for(int i=0; i<modes1.Count; i++) eigvecs1[i] = eigvecs1[i].UnitVector(); //mat1 = eigvecs1.ToMatrix(false); HDebug.Assert(mat1.ColSize == modes1.Count); eigvecs1 = null; GC.Collect(0); mat1 = Matrix.Zeros(modes1.Count, vecsize); double[] mass1sqrt = null; if (mass1 != null) { mass1sqrt = mass1.HSqrt(); } for (int i = 0; i < modes1.Count; i++) { Vector eigvecs1i = modes1[i].eigvec.Clone(); if (mass1 != null) { for (int j = 0; j < eigvecs1i.Size; j++) { eigvecs1i[j] *= mass1sqrt[j / 3]; } } if (bResetUnitVector) { eigvecs1i = eigvecs1i.UnitVector(); } for (int j = 0; j < eigvecs1i.Size; j++) { mat1[i, j] = eigvecs1i[j]; } } HDebug.Assert(mat1.ColSize == modes1.Count); GC.Collect(0); //Vector[] eigvecs2 = new Vector[modes2.Count]; for(int i=0; i<modes2.Count; i++) eigvecs2[i] = modes2[i].eigvec.Clone(); //if(mass2 != null) { double[] mass2sqrt = mass2.HSqrt(); for(int i=0; i<modes2.Count; i++) for(int j=0; j<eigvecs2[i].Size; j++) eigvecs2[i][j] *= mass2sqrt[j/3]; } //if(bResetUnitVector) for(int i=0; i<modes2.Count; i++) eigvecs2[i] = eigvecs2[i].UnitVector(); //mat2 = eigvecs2.ToMatrix(true ); HDebug.Assert(mat2.RowSize == modes2.Count); eigvecs2 = null; GC.Collect(0); mat2 = Matrix.Zeros(vecsize, modes2.Count); double[] mass2sqrt = null; if (mass2 != null) { mass2sqrt = mass2.HSqrt(); } for (int i = 0; i < modes2.Count; i++) { Vector eigvecs2i = modes2[i].eigvec.Clone(); if (mass2 != null) { for (int j = 0; j < eigvecs2i.Size; j++) { eigvecs2i[j] *= mass2sqrt[j / 3]; } } if (bResetUnitVector) { eigvecs2i = eigvecs2i.UnitVector(); } for (int j = 0; j < eigvecs2i.Size; j++) { mat2[j, i] = eigvecs2i[j]; } } HDebug.Assert(mat2.RowSize == modes2.Count); GC.Collect(0); } break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } HDebug.Assert(mat1.RowSize == mat2.ColSize); Matrix overlap = null; if (ila != null) { overlap = ila.Mul(mat1, mat2); } else { overlap = Matlab.ila.Mul(mat1, mat2); } mat1 = mat2 = null; GC.Collect(0); //overlap.UpdateAbs(); if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached) { double[] sum_c2 = new double[overlap.ColSize]; double[] sum_r2 = new double[overlap.RowSize]; for (int c = 0; c < overlap.ColSize; c++) { for (int r = 0; r < overlap.RowSize; r++) { double v = overlap[c, r]; double v2 = v * v; HDebug.Assert(v2 <= 1.00000000001); sum_c2[c] += v2; sum_r2[r] += v2; } } for (int c = 0; c < overlap.ColSize; c++) { HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00001, sum_c2[c] - 1.0); } for (int r = 0; r < overlap.RowSize; r++) { HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00001, sum_r2[r] - 1.0); } } return(overlap); }
public static CPsfgen Psfgen (IList <Tuple <string, string, Pdb.IAtom[]> > lstSegFileAtoms // segname, filename, pdbatoms , string tempbase //=null , string parameters //=null , string namdversion //="2.8" , IList <string> infiles , IList <string> outfiles , string topology , IList <string> psfgen_lines = null , string psfgen_workdir = null , HOptions options = null ) { if (options == null) { options = new HOptions((string)null); } Dictionary <System.IO.FileInfo, string[]> infile_lines = new Dictionary <System.IO.FileInfo, string[]>(); foreach (string infile in infiles) { infile_lines.Add(HFile.GetFileInfo(infile), HFile.ReadAllLines(infile)); } string currpath = HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory; System.IO.DirectoryInfo tmpdir = null; if (psfgen_workdir != null) { HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory = psfgen_workdir; } else { tmpdir = HDirectory.CreateTempDirectory(tempbase); HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory = tmpdir.FullName; } string[] lines = null; if ((psfgen_lines != null) && (psfgen_lines.Count > 0)) { lines = psfgen_lines.ToArray(); } else { lines = GetPsfgenLines (custom_pdbalias: null , custom_patches: null ); } if (topology != null) { lines = lines.ToArray().HReplace("$topology$", topology); } List <string> psf_lines; List <string> pdb_lines; { { //foreach(var respath_filename in GetResourcePaths("2.8", "psfgen")) foreach (var respath_filename in GetResourcePaths(namdversion, "psfgen")) { string respath = respath_filename.Item1; string filename = respath_filename.Item2; HResource.CopyResourceTo <Tinker>(respath, filename); } } // Dictionary<string, Tuple<string, Pdb.IAtom[]>> segname_filename_pdbatoms = new Dictionary<string, Tuple<string, Pdb.IAtom[]>>(); // //if(pdbs.Length != 1) throw new ArgumentException(); // for(int i=0; i<lstSegFilePdb.Count; i++) // { // string segnameprefix = lstSegFilePdb[i].Item1; if( segnameprefix == null) segnameprefix = string.Format("{0:00}", i); // string filenameprefix = lstSegFilePdb[i].Item2; if(filenameprefix == null) filenameprefix = string.Format("{0:00}", i); // Pdb pdb = lstSegFilePdb[i].Item3; // List<Pdb.IAtom> pdb_atoms = new List<Pdb.IAtom>(); // pdb_atoms.AddRange(pdb.atoms); // pdb_atoms.AddRange(pdb.hetatms); // char[] chains = pdb_atoms.ListChainID().HToHashSet().ToArray(); // // HDebug.AssertIf(chains.Length> 1, segnameprefix.Length <= 5); // HDebug.AssertIf(chains.Length<=1, segnameprefix.Length <= 6); // foreach(char chain in chains) // { // Pdb.IAtom[] chain_atoms = pdb_atoms.SelectByChainID(chain).SelectByAltLoc().ToArray(); // string suffix = null; // if(('a' <= chain) && (chain <= 'z')) suffix = string.Format("L{0}", chain); // if(('A' <= chain) && (chain <= 'Z')) suffix = string.Format("U{0}", chain); // if(('0' <= chain) && (chain <= '9')) suffix = string.Format("N{0}", chain); // string segname = segnameprefix + ((chains.Length <= 1) ? "" : suffix); // string filename = filenameprefix + ((chains.Length <= 1) ? "" : suffix); // segname_filename_pdbatoms.Add(segname, new Tuple<string,Pdb.IAtom[]>(filename, chain_atoms)); // } // } foreach (var finfo_line in infile_lines) { string inname = finfo_line.Key.Name; string[] inlines = finfo_line.Value; HFile.WriteAllLines(inname, inlines); } HashSet <string> segnames = new HashSet <string>(); int segindex = 0; foreach (var seg_file_atoms in lstSegFileAtoms) { string segname = seg_file_atoms.Item1; string filename = seg_file_atoms.Item2; Pdb.IAtom[] chain_atoms = seg_file_atoms.Item3.SelectByAltLoc().ToArray(); HDebug.Exception(chain_atoms.ListChainID().HToHashSet().Count == 1); if (segname == null) { while (segindex <= 9999) { if (segnames.Contains(segindex.ToString()) == false) { segname = segindex.ToString(); segnames.Add(segname); break; } segindex++; } } if (filename == null) { filename = segname; } Pdb.ToFile (filename + ".pdb" , chain_atoms.HToType <Pdb.IAtom, Pdb.Element>() , false ); for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { if (lines[i].Contains("$segname$")) { string insert = lines[i]; insert = insert.Replace("$segname$", segname); insert = insert.Replace("$segfilename$", filename); lines = lines.HInsert(i, insert); i++; } } } lines = lines.HRemoveAllContains("$segname$"); HFile.WriteAllLines("prot.inp", lines); string command0 = string.Format("psfgen < prot.inp"); bool pause = options.Contains("psfgen pause"); HProcess.StartAsBatchInConsole(null, pause, command0); psf_lines = System.IO.File.ReadLines("prot.psf").ToList(); pdb_lines = System.IO.File.ReadLines("prot.pdb").ToList(); } HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory = currpath; if (tmpdir != null) { try{ tmpdir.Delete(true); } catch {} } return(new CPsfgen { psf_lines = psf_lines, pdb_lines = pdb_lines, }); }
public static CPsfgenExt PsfgenExt (IList <Tuple <string, string, Pdb.IAtom[]> > lstSegFileAtoms , string[] toplines , string[] parlines , Pdb alignto , string[] psfgen_lines , IList <string> minimize_conf_lines = null , HOptions options = null ) { if (options == null) { options = new HOptions((string)null); } string tempbase = @"C:\temp\"; string psfgen_workdir = null; string topname = ""; string parname = "prot.par"; List <string> psf_lines = null; List <string> pdb_lines = null; using (var temp = new HTempDirectory(tempbase, null)) { temp.EnterTemp(); HFile.WriteAllLines(topname, toplines); HFile.WriteAllLines(parname, parlines); if ((HFile.Exists("prot.pdb") == false) || (HFile.Exists("prot.psf") == false)) { var psfgen = Namd.RunPsfgen (lstSegFileAtoms, tempbase, null, "2.10" , new string[] { topname } , new string[] {} , topname , psfgen_lines: psfgen_lines , psfgen_workdir: psfgen_workdir , options: options ); psf_lines = psfgen.psf_lines; pdb_lines = psfgen.pdb_lines; if (alignto != null) { HDebug.Exception("check!!!"); //////////////////////////// Pdb prot = Pdb.FromLines(pdb_lines); prot = PsfgenExt_AlignTo(prot, alignto); pdb_lines = prot.ToLines().ToList(); } HFile.WriteAllLines("prot.pdb", pdb_lines); HFile.WriteAllLines("prot.psf", psf_lines); } if (options.Contains("nomin") == false) { if ((HFile.Exists("protmin.coor") == false) || (HFile.Exists("protmin.pdb") == false)) { List <string> psfgen_pdb_lines = System.IO.File.ReadLines("prot.pdb").ToList(); List <string> psfgen_psf_lines = System.IO.File.ReadLines("prot.psf").ToList(); List <string> prm_lines = System.IO.File.ReadLines(parname).ToList(); string Namd2_opt = null; if (options.HSelectStartsWith("minimize option:").Length >= 1) { Namd2_opt = options.HSelectStartsWith("minimize option:").First().Replace("minimize option:", ""); } var minpdb = Namd.Run.Namd2 (psfgen_pdb_lines , psfgen_psf_lines , prm_lines , tempbase , "2.10" , ((Namd2_opt == null) ? "+p3" : Namd2_opt) , conf_lines: minimize_conf_lines ); HFile.WriteAllLines("protmin.coor", minpdb.coor_lines); Pdb prot0 = Pdb.FromLines(psfgen_pdb_lines); Pdb prot1 = Pdb.FromLines(minpdb.coor_lines); HDebug.Exception(prot0.atoms.Length == prot1.atoms.Length); HDebug.Exception(prot0.elements.Length == prot1.elements.Length); // update conformation to minimized conformation for (int i = 0; i < prot0.elements.Length; i++) { if (prot0.elements[i].GetType() != prot1.elements[i].GetType()) { throw new HException("prot0.elements[i].GetType() != prot1.elements[i].GetType()"); } if ((prot0.elements[i] is Pdb.IAtom) == false) { continue; } Pdb.IAtom iatom0 = prot0.elements[i] as Pdb.IAtom; Pdb.IAtom iatom1 = prot1.elements[i] as Pdb.IAtom; Vector coord0 = iatom0.coord; Vector coord1 = iatom1.coord; double dist = (coord0 - coord1).Dist; if (iatom0.occupancy != 0) { if (dist != 0) { throw new HException("iatom0.coord - iatom1.coord != 0"); } } if (dist != 0) { if (iatom0 is Pdb.Atom) { string nline0 = (iatom0 as Pdb.Atom).GetUpdatedLine(coord1); Pdb.Atom natom0 = Pdb.Atom.FromString(nline0); prot0.elements[i] = natom0; continue; } if (iatom0 is Pdb.Hetatm) { string nline0 = (iatom0 as Pdb.Hetatm).GetUpdatedLine(coord1); Pdb.Hetatm natom0 = Pdb.Hetatm.FromString(nline0); prot0.elements[i] = natom0; continue; } } } if ((prot0.elements[0] is Pdb.Remark) && (prot1.elements[0] is Pdb.Remark)) { prot0.elements[0] = Pdb.Remark.FromString(prot1.elements[0].line); } prot0.ToFile("protmin.pdb"); pdb_lines = System.IO.File.ReadLines("protmin.pdb").ToList(); } } //{ // Pdb confpdb = GetConfPdb(options); // var psf = Namd.Psf.FromFile("prot.psf"); // var prm = Namd.Prm.FromFile(parname); // List<string> log = new List<string>(); // Universe univ = Universe.BuilderNamd.Build(psf, prm, confpdb, true, new TextLogger(log)); // return univ; //} temp.QuitTemp(); } return(new CPsfgenExt { psflines = psf_lines, pdblines = pdb_lines, }); }
public static Vector[] ToOrthonormal(Vector[] coords, double[] masses, int[] block, Vector[] PBlk) { if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached) #region check if elements in non-block are zeros. { int leng = coords.Length; foreach (int i in HEnum.HEnumCount(leng).HEnumExcept(block.HToHashSet())) { for (int r = 0; r < PBlk.Length; r++) { int c0 = i * 3; HDebug.Assert(PBlk[r][c0 + 0] == 0); HDebug.Assert(PBlk[r][c0 + 1] == 0); HDebug.Assert(PBlk[r][c0 + 2] == 0); } } } #endregion Matrix Pmat = new double[block.Length * 3, PBlk.Length]; for (int r = 0; r < PBlk.Length; r++) { for (int i = 0; i < block.Length; i++) { int i0 = i * 3; int c0 = block[i] * 3; Pmat[i0 + 0, r] = PBlk[r][c0 + 0]; Pmat[i0 + 1, r] = PBlk[r][c0 + 1]; Pmat[i0 + 2, r] = PBlk[r][c0 + 2]; } } using (new Matlab.NamedLock("")) { Matlab.PutValue("n", PBlk.Length); Matlab.PutMatrix("P", Pmat); Matlab.Execute("[U,S,V] = svd(P);"); Matlab.Execute("U = U(:,1:n);"); if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached) { Matlab.Execute("SV = S(1:n,1:n)*V';"); double err = Matlab.GetValue("max(max(abs(P - U*SV)))"); HDebug.Assert(Math.Abs(err) < 0.00000001); } Pmat = Matlab.GetMatrix("U"); } Vector[] PBlkOrth = new Vector[PBlk.Length]; for (int r = 0; r < PBlk.Length; r++) { Vector PBlkOrth_r = new double[PBlk[r].Size]; for (int i = 0; i < block.Length; i++) { int i0 = i * 3; int c0 = block[i] * 3; PBlkOrth_r[c0 + 0] = Pmat[i0 + 0, r]; PBlkOrth_r[c0 + 1] = Pmat[i0 + 1, r]; PBlkOrth_r[c0 + 2] = Pmat[i0 + 2, r]; } PBlkOrth[r] = PBlkOrth_r; } if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached) #region checi the orthonormal condition, and rot/trans condition (using ANM) { { // check if all trans/rot modes are orthonormal for (int i = 0; i < PBlkOrth.Length; i++) { HDebug.Exception(Math.Abs(PBlkOrth[i].Dist - 1) < 0.00000001); for (int j = i + 1; j < PBlkOrth.Length; j++) { double dot = LinAlg.VtV(PBlkOrth[i], PBlkOrth[j]); HDebug.Exception(Math.Abs(dot) < 0.00000001); } } } { // check if this is true rot/trans modes using ANM Vector[] anmcoords = coords.HClone(); int leng = coords.Length; foreach (int i in HEnum.HEnumCount(leng).HEnumExcept(block.HToHashSet())) { anmcoords[i] = null; } HessMatrix H = GetHessAnm(anmcoords, 100); Matrix PHP; using (new Matlab.NamedLock("")) { Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("H", H.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3); Matlab.PutMatrix("P", PBlkOrth.ToMatrix(true)); PHP = Matlab.GetMatrix("P'*H*P"); } double maxerr = PHP.HAbsMax(); HDebug.Exception(Math.Abs(maxerr) < 0.00000001); } } #endregion return(PBlkOrth); }
public static HessRTB GetHessRTB(HessMatrix hess, Vector[] coords, double[] masses, IList <int[]> blocks, string opt) { #region check pre-condition { HDebug.Assert(coords.Length == hess.ColBlockSize); // check hess matrix HDebug.Assert(coords.Length == hess.RowBlockSize); // check hess matrix HDebug.Assert(coords.Length == blocks.HMerge().HToHashSet().Count); // check hess contains all blocks HDebug.Assert(coords.Length == blocks.HMerge().Count); // no duplicated index in blocks } #endregion List <Vector> Ps = new List <Vector>(); foreach (int[] block in blocks) { List <Vector> PBlk = new List <Vector>(); switch (opt) { case "v1": // GetRotate is incorrect PBlk.AddRange(GetTrans(coords, masses, block)); PBlk.AddRange(GetRotate(coords, masses, block)); break; case "v2": PBlk.AddRange(GetRotTran(coords, masses, block)); break; case null: goto case "v2"; } { // PBlk = ToOrthonormal (coords, masses, block, PBlk.ToArray()).ToList(); /// /// Effect of making orthonormal is not significant as below table, but consumes time by calling SVD /// Therefore, skip making orthonormal /// ========================================================================================================================================================= /// model | making orthonormal?| | MSF corr , check sparsity , overlap weighted by eigval : overlap of mode 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, ... /// ========================================================================================================================================================= /// NMA | orthonormal by SVD | RTB | corr 0.9234, spcty(all NaN, ca NaN), wovlp 0.5911 : 0.82,0.79,0.74,0.69,0.66,0.63,0.60,0.59,0.56,0.54) /// | orthogonal | RTB | corr 0.9230, spcty(all NaN, ca NaN), wovlp 0.5973 : 0.83,0.80,0.75,0.70,0.67,0.64,0.60,0.59,0.58,0.55) /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// scrnNMA | orthonormal by SVD | RTB | corr 0.9245, spcty(all NaN, ca NaN), wovlp 0.5794 : 0.83,0.78,0.73,0.68,0.65,0.62,0.60,0.58,0.55,0.55) /// | orthogonal | RTB | corr 0.9243, spcty(all NaN, ca NaN), wovlp 0.5844 : 0.83,0.78,0.73,0.68,0.66,0.62,0.60,0.58,0.55,0.55) /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// sbNMA | orthonormal by SVD | RTB | corr 0.9777, spcty(all NaN, ca NaN), wovlp 0.6065 : 0.93,0.89,0.86,0.81,0.75,0.71,0.69,0.66,0.63,0.62) /// | orthogonal | RTB | corr 0.9776, spcty(all NaN, ca NaN), wovlp 0.6175 : 0.94,0.90,0.87,0.82,0.76,0.73,0.71,0.69,0.66,0.63) /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// ssNMA | orthonormal by SVD | RTB | corr 0.9677, spcty(all NaN, ca NaN), wovlp 0.5993 : 0.92,0.87,0.83,0.77,0.72,0.69,0.66,0.63,0.60,0.59) /// | orthogonal | RTB | corr 0.9675, spcty(all NaN, ca NaN), wovlp 0.6076 : 0.92,0.88,0.84,0.78,0.73,0.70,0.67,0.64,0.62,0.60) /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// eANM | orthonormal by SVD | RTB | corr 0.9870, spcty(all NaN, ca NaN), wovlp 0.5906 : 0.95,0.91,0.87,0.83,0.77,0.73,0.71,0.68,0.66,0.61) /// | orthogonal | RTB | corr 0.9869, spcty(all NaN, ca NaN), wovlp 0.6014 : 0.95,0.92,0.88,0.84,0.78,0.74,0.73,0.70,0.67,0.65) /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// AA-ANM | orthonormal by SVD | RTB | corr 0.9593, spcty(all NaN, ca NaN), wovlp 0.4140 : 0.94,0.90,0.85,0.78,0.74,0.72,0.66,0.64,0.61,0.61) /// | orthogonal | RTB | corr 0.9589, spcty(all NaN, ca NaN), wovlp 0.4204 : 0.94,0.91,0.85,0.80,0.76,0.73,0.68,0.66,0.63,0.61) } Ps.AddRange(PBlk); } Matrix P = Matrix.FromColVectorList(Ps); Matrix PHP; Matrix PMP; using (new Matlab.NamedLock("")) { if (hess is HessMatrixSparse) { Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("H", hess.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3); } else if (hess is HessMatrixDense) { Matlab.PutMatrix("H", hess, true); } else { HDebug.Exception(); } Matlab.PutMatrix("P", P, true); Matlab.PutVector("M", masses); Matlab.Execute("M=diag(reshape([M,M,M]',length(M)*3,1));"); Matlab.Execute("PHP = P'*H*P; PHP = (PHP + PHP')/2;"); Matlab.Execute("PMP = P'*M*P; PMP = (PMP + PMP')/2;"); PHP = Matlab.GetMatrix("PHP", true); PMP = Matlab.GetMatrix("PMP", true); } return(new HessRTB { hess = hess, coords = coords, masses = masses, blocks = blocks, P = P, PHP = PHP, PMP = PMP, }); }
public static string LineFromData(string RecordName, int serial, string name, string resName, char chainID, int resSeq, double x, double y, double z, char?altLoc = null, char?iCode = null, double?occupancy = null, double?tempFactor = null, string element = null, string charge = null, string segment = null) { HDebug.Assert(0 <= serial, serial <= 99999); // 7 - 11 Integer serial Atom serial number. => 00000-99999 HDebug.Assert(0 <= resSeq, resSeq <= 9999); // 23 - 26 Integer resSeq Residue sequence number. => 0000- 9999 string _serial = StringFormat(" {0}", serial); _serial = _serial.HSubEndStringCount(1 + idxs_serial [1] - idxs_serial [0]); string _name = StringFormat("{0} ", name); _name = _name.Substring(0, 1 + idxs_name [1] - idxs_name [0]); string _altLoc = StringFormat("{0} ", altLoc); _altLoc = _altLoc.Substring(0, 1 + idxs_altLoc [1] - idxs_altLoc [0]); string _resName = StringFormat("{0} ", resName); _resName = _resName.Substring(0, 1 + idxs_resName [1] - idxs_resName [0]); string _chainID = StringFormat("{0} ", chainID); _chainID = _chainID.Substring(0, 1 + idxs_chainID [1] - idxs_chainID [0]); string _resSeq = StringFormat(" {0}", resSeq); _resSeq = _resSeq.HSubEndStringCount(1 + idxs_resSeq [1] - idxs_resSeq [0]); string _iCode = StringFormat("{0} ", iCode); _iCode = _iCode.Substring(0, 1 + idxs_iCode [1] - idxs_iCode [0]); string _x = StringFormat(" {0:0.000}", x); _x = _x.HSubEndStringCount(1 + idxs_x [1] - idxs_x [0]); string _y = StringFormat(" {0:0.000}", y); _y = _y.HSubEndStringCount(1 + idxs_y [1] - idxs_y [0]); string _z = StringFormat(" {0:0.000}", z); _z = _z.HSubEndStringCount(1 + idxs_z [1] - idxs_z [0]); string _occupancy = StringFormat(" {0:0.00}", occupancy); _occupancy = _occupancy.HSubEndStringCount(1 + idxs_occupancy [1] - idxs_occupancy [0]); string _tempFactor = StringFormat(" {0:0.00}", tempFactor); _tempFactor = _tempFactor.HSubEndStringCount(1 + idxs_tempFactor[1] - idxs_tempFactor[0]); string _segment = StringFormat("{0,4}", segment); _segment = _segment.Substring(0, 1 + idxs_segment [1] - idxs_segment [0]); string _element = StringFormat("{0} ", element); _element = _element.Substring(0, 1 + idxs_element [1] - idxs_element [0]); string _charge = StringFormat("{0} ", charge); _charge = _charge.Substring(0, 1 + idxs_charge [1] - idxs_charge [0]); HDebug.Exception(RecordName.Length == 6); char[] chars = "RECORD__________________________________________________________________________" .Replace("RECORD", RecordName) .ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < _serial.Length; i++) { int idx = idxs_serial [0] - 1 + i; HDebug.Assert(chars[idx] == '_'); chars[idx] = _serial [i]; } for (int i = 0; i < _name.Length; i++) { int idx = idxs_name [0] - 1 + i; HDebug.Assert(chars[idx] == '_'); chars[idx] = _name [i]; } for (int i = 0; i < _altLoc.Length; i++) { int idx = idxs_altLoc [0] - 1 + i; HDebug.Assert(chars[idx] == '_'); chars[idx] = _altLoc [i]; } for (int i = 0; i < _resName.Length; i++) { int idx = idxs_resName [0] - 1 + i; HDebug.Assert(chars[idx] == '_'); chars[idx] = _resName [i]; } for (int i = 0; i < _chainID.Length; i++) { int idx = idxs_chainID [0] - 1 + i; HDebug.Assert(chars[idx] == '_'); chars[idx] = _chainID [i]; } for (int i = 0; i < _resSeq.Length; i++) { int idx = idxs_resSeq [0] - 1 + i; HDebug.Assert(chars[idx] == '_'); chars[idx] = _resSeq [i]; } for (int i = 0; i < _iCode.Length; i++) { int idx = idxs_iCode [0] - 1 + i; HDebug.Assert(chars[idx] == '_'); chars[idx] = _iCode [i]; } for (int i = 0; i < _x.Length; i++) { int idx = idxs_x [0] - 1 + i; HDebug.Assert(chars[idx] == '_'); chars[idx] = _x [i]; } for (int i = 0; i < _y.Length; i++) { int idx = idxs_y [0] - 1 + i; HDebug.Assert(chars[idx] == '_'); chars[idx] = _y [i]; } for (int i = 0; i < _z.Length; i++) { int idx = idxs_z [0] - 1 + i; HDebug.Assert(chars[idx] == '_'); chars[idx] = _z [i]; } for (int i = 0; i < _occupancy.Length; i++) { int idx = idxs_occupancy [0] - 1 + i; HDebug.Assert(chars[idx] == '_'); chars[idx] = _occupancy [i]; } for (int i = 0; i < _tempFactor.Length; i++) { int idx = idxs_tempFactor[0] - 1 + i; HDebug.Assert(chars[idx] == '_'); chars[idx] = _tempFactor[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < _segment.Length; i++) { int idx = idxs_segment [0] - 1 + i; HDebug.Assert(chars[idx] == '_'); chars[idx] = _segment [i]; } for (int i = 0; i < _element.Length; i++) { int idx = idxs_element [0] - 1 + i; HDebug.Assert(chars[idx] == '_'); chars[idx] = _element [i]; } for (int i = 0; i < _charge.Length; i++) { int idx = idxs_charge [0] - 1 + i; HDebug.Assert(chars[idx] == '_'); chars[idx] = _charge [i]; } string line = (new string(chars)).Replace('_', ' '); return(line); }
public static Tuple <Xyz, Prm> BuildFromNamd(Pdb pdb, Namd.Psf psf, Namd.Prm prm) { var univ = Universe.BuilderNamd.Build(psf, prm, pdb, null, null); /// Atom(Id,Class,Type,Desc,Mass) /// * Id : Vdw(Id,Rmin2,Epsilon) /// Charge(Id,pch) /// Biotype(BioId,Name,Resi,Id) /// * Class: Vdw14(Class,Rmin2_14,Eps_14) /// Bond(Class1,Class2,Kb,b0) /// Angle(Class1,Class2,Class3,Ktheta,Theta0) /// Ureybrad(Class1,Class2,Class3,Kub,S0) /// Improper(Class1,Class2,Class3,Class4,Kpsi,psi0) /// Torsion(Class1,Class2,Class3,Class4,Kchi0,delta0,n0,Kchi1,delta1,n1,Kchi2,delta2,n2) /// Type : Dictionary <Tuple <string, string, double, double, double, int>, int> key_id = new Dictionary <Tuple <string, string, double, double, double, int>, int>(); Dictionary <string, int> type_cls = new Dictionary <string, int>(); Dictionary <int, Prm.Atom> id_atom = new Dictionary <int, Prm.Atom>(); Dictionary <int, Prm.Vdw> cls_vdw = new Dictionary <int, Prm.Vdw>(); Dictionary <int, Prm.Charge> id_charge = new Dictionary <int, Prm.Charge>(); Dictionary <int, Prm.Biotype> id_biotype = new Dictionary <int, Prm.Biotype>(); Dictionary <int, Prm.Vdw14> cls_vdw14 = new Dictionary <int, Prm.Vdw14>(); Dictionary <int, Tuple <string, Vector, int, List <int> > > xyzid_info = new Dictionary <int, Tuple <string, Vector, int, List <int> > >(); /// 1 NH3 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// pdb: "ATOM 1 N GLY A 2 24.776 -0.687 28.652 1.00 0.00 A N" /// namd-psf: " 1 A 2 GLY N NH3 -0.300000 14.0070 0" /// namd-prm: "NH3 0.000000 -0.200000 1.850000 ! ALLOW POL" /// tink-xyz: " 1 NH3 24.776000 -0.687000 28.652000 65 2 5 6 7" /// tink-prm: "atom 65 26 NH3 "Ammonium Nitrogen" 7 14.007 4" foreach (var uatom in univ.atoms) { HDebug.Assert(uatom.sources.Length == 3); Pdb.Atom pdbatom = uatom.sources.HFirstByType(null as Pdb.Atom); HDebug.Assert(pdbatom != null); Namd.Psf.Atom psfatom = uatom.sources.HFirstByType(null as Namd.Psf.Atom); HDebug.Assert(psfatom != null); Namd.Prm.Nonbonded prmnbnd = uatom.sources.HFirstByType(null as Namd.Prm.Nonbonded); HDebug.Assert(prmnbnd != null); string name = psfatom.AtomName.Trim(); string resn = psfatom.ResidueName.Trim(); string type = psfatom.AtomType.Trim(); double rmin2 = prmnbnd.Rmin2; double eps = prmnbnd.epsilon; double chrg = psfatom.Charge; int valnc = uatom.Bonds.Count; string desc = string.Format("{0}({1})-{2}", name, type, resn); var key = UnivAtomToTinkKey(uatom); if (key_id.ContainsKey(key) == false) { key_id.Add(key, key_id.Count + 1); } if (type_cls.ContainsKey(type) == false) { type_cls.Add(type, type_cls.Count + 1); } int tink_id = key_id[key]; int tink_cls = type_cls[type]; string tink_type = type; if (id_atom.ContainsKey(tink_id) == false) { Prm.Atom tink_atom = Prm.Atom.FromData (Id: tink_id , Class: tink_cls , Type: tink_type , Description: desc , AtomicNumber: null , Mass: psfatom.Mass , Valence: valnc ); id_atom.Add(tink_id, tink_atom); } else { Prm.Atom tink_atom = id_atom[tink_id]; tink_id = tink_atom.Id; tink_cls = tink_atom.Class; HDebug.Exception(tink_atom.Type == tink_type); HDebug.Exception(tink_atom.Description == desc); HDebug.Exception(Math.Abs(tink_atom.Mass - psfatom.Mass) < 0.001); HDebug.Exception(tink_atom.Valence == valnc); } if (cls_vdw.ContainsKey(tink_cls) == false) { Prm.Vdw tink_vdw = Prm.Vdw.FromData (Class: tink_cls , Rmin2: prmnbnd.Rmin2 , Epsilon: prmnbnd.epsilon ); cls_vdw.Add(tink_cls, tink_vdw); } else { Prm.Vdw tink_vdw = cls_vdw[tink_cls]; HDebug.Exception(tink_vdw.Rmin2 == prmnbnd.Rmin2); HDebug.Exception(tink_vdw.Epsilon == prmnbnd.epsilon); } HDebug.AssertIf(double.IsNaN(prmnbnd.Rmin2_14) == true, double.IsNaN(prmnbnd.eps_14) == true); HDebug.AssertIf(double.IsNaN(prmnbnd.Rmin2_14) == false, double.IsNaN(prmnbnd.eps_14) == false); if (double.IsNaN(prmnbnd.Rmin2_14) == false && double.IsNaN(prmnbnd.eps_14) == false) { if (cls_vdw14.ContainsKey(tink_cls) == false) { Prm.Vdw14 tink_vdw14 = Prm.Vdw14.FromData (Class: tink_cls , Rmin2_14: prmnbnd.Rmin2_14 , Eps_14: prmnbnd.eps_14 ); cls_vdw14.Add(tink_cls, tink_vdw14); } else { Prm.Vdw14 tink_vdw14 = cls_vdw14[tink_cls]; HDebug.Exception(tink_vdw14.Rmin2_14 == prmnbnd.Rmin2_14); HDebug.Exception(tink_vdw14.Eps_14 == prmnbnd.eps_14); } } else { HDebug.Exception(cls_vdw14.ContainsKey(tink_cls) == false); } if (id_charge.ContainsKey(tink_id) == false) { Prm.Charge tink_charge = Prm.Charge.FromData (Id: tink_id , pch: psfatom.Charge ); id_charge.Add(tink_id, tink_charge); } else { Prm.Charge tink_charge = id_charge[tink_id]; HDebug.Exception(tink_charge.pch == psfatom.Charge); } if (id_biotype.ContainsKey(tink_id) == false) { Prm.Biotype tink_biotype = Prm.Biotype.FromData (BioId: id_biotype.Count + 1 , Name: name , Resn: string.Format("{0}({1})-{2}", name, type, resn) , Id: tink_id ); id_biotype.Add(tink_id, tink_biotype); } else { Prm.Biotype tink_biotype = id_biotype[tink_id]; HDebug.Exception(tink_biotype.Name == name); HDebug.Exception(tink_biotype.Resn == string.Format("{0}({1})-{2}", name, type, resn)); HDebug.Exception(tink_biotype.Id == tink_id); } var xyzid = uatom.AtomId; var xyzinfo = new Tuple <string, Vector, int, List <int> > (tink_type // AtomType , uatom.Coord // X, Y, Z , tink_id // AtomId , new List <int>() ); xyzid_info.Add(xyzid, xyzinfo); } Dictionary <Tuple <int, int>, Prm.Bond> cls_bond = new Dictionary <Tuple <int, int>, Prm.Bond>(); foreach (var ubond in univ.bonds) { var key0 = UnivAtomToTinkKey(ubond.atoms[0]); string type0 = key0.Item2; int cls0 = type_cls[type0]; var key1 = UnivAtomToTinkKey(ubond.atoms[1]); string type1 = key1.Item2; int cls1 = type_cls[type1]; Tuple <int, int> cls01; if (cls0 < cls1) { cls01 = new Tuple <int, int>(cls0, cls1); } else { cls01 = new Tuple <int, int>(cls1, cls0); } if (cls_bond.ContainsKey(cls01) == false) { Prm.Bond tink_bond01 = Prm.Bond.FromData (Class1: cls01.Item1 , Class2: cls01.Item2 , Kb: ubond.Kb , b0: ubond.b0 ); cls_bond.Add(cls01, tink_bond01); } else { Prm.Bond tink_bond01 = cls_bond[cls01]; HDebug.Exception(Math.Abs(tink_bond01.Kb - ubond.Kb) < 0.01); HDebug.Exception(tink_bond01.b0 == ubond.b0); } int xyzid0 = ubond.atoms[0].AtomId; int xyzid1 = ubond.atoms[1].AtomId; xyzid_info[xyzid0].Item4.Add(xyzid1); xyzid_info[xyzid1].Item4.Add(xyzid0); } Dictionary <Tuple <int, int, int>, Prm.Angle> cls_angle = new Dictionary <Tuple <int, int, int>, Prm.Angle>(); Dictionary <Tuple <int, int, int>, Prm.Ureybrad> cls_ureybrad = new Dictionary <Tuple <int, int, int>, Prm.Ureybrad>(); foreach (var uangle in univ.angles) { var key0 = UnivAtomToTinkKey(uangle.atoms[0]); string type0 = key0.Item2; int cls0 = type_cls[type0]; var key1 = UnivAtomToTinkKey(uangle.atoms[1]); string type1 = key1.Item2; int cls1 = type_cls[type1]; var key2 = UnivAtomToTinkKey(uangle.atoms[2]); string type2 = key2.Item2; int cls2 = type_cls[type2]; Tuple <int, int, int> cls012; if (cls0 < cls2) { cls012 = new Tuple <int, int, int>(cls0, cls1, cls2); } else { cls012 = new Tuple <int, int, int>(cls2, cls1, cls0); } double uangle_Theta0 = 180.0 * uangle.Theta0 / Math.PI; if (cls_angle.ContainsKey(cls012) == false) { Prm.Angle tink_angle012 = Prm.Angle.FromData (Class1: cls012.Item1 , Class2: cls012.Item2 , Class3: cls012.Item3 , Ktheta: uangle.Ktheta , Theta0: uangle_Theta0 ); cls_angle.Add(cls012, tink_angle012); HDebug.Exception(cls_ureybrad.ContainsKey(cls012) == false); if (uangle.Kub != 0) { Prm.Ureybrad tink_ureybrad = Prm.Ureybrad.FromData (Class1: cls012.Item1 , Class2: cls012.Item2 , Class3: cls012.Item3 , Kub: uangle.Kub , S0: uangle.S0 ); cls_ureybrad.Add(cls012, tink_ureybrad); } } else { Prm.Angle tink_angle012 = cls_angle[cls012]; HDebug.Exception(tink_angle012.Ktheta == uangle.Ktheta); HDebug.Exception(Math.Abs(tink_angle012.Theta0 - uangle_Theta0) < 0.01); if (uangle.Kub != 0) { Prm.Ureybrad tink_ureybrad = cls_ureybrad[cls012]; HDebug.Exception(tink_ureybrad.Kub == uangle.Kub); HDebug.Exception(tink_ureybrad.S0 == uangle.S0); } else { HDebug.Exception(cls_ureybrad.ContainsKey(cls012) == false); } } } Dictionary <Tuple <int, int, int, int>, Prm.Improper> cls_improper = new Dictionary <Tuple <int, int, int, int>, Prm.Improper>(); foreach (var improper in univ.impropers) { var key0 = UnivAtomToTinkKey(improper.atoms[0]); string type0 = key0.Item2; int cls0 = type_cls[type0]; var key1 = UnivAtomToTinkKey(improper.atoms[1]); string type1 = key1.Item2; int cls1 = type_cls[type1]; var key2 = UnivAtomToTinkKey(improper.atoms[2]); string type2 = key2.Item2; int cls2 = type_cls[type2]; var key3 = UnivAtomToTinkKey(improper.atoms[3]); string type3 = key3.Item2; int cls3 = type_cls[type3]; Tuple <int, int, int, int> cls0123 = new Tuple <int, int, int, int>(cls0, cls1, cls2, cls3); //if(cls0 < cls2) cls0123 = new Tuple<int, int, int, int>(cls0, cls1, cls2, cls3); //else cls0123 = new Tuple<int, int, int, int>(cls3, cls2, cls1, cls0); double improper_psi0 = 180.0 * improper.psi0 / Math.PI; if (cls_improper.ContainsKey(cls0123) == false) { Prm.Improper tink_improper = Prm.Improper.FromData (Class1: cls0 , Class2: cls1 , Class3: cls2 , Class4: cls3 , Kpsi: improper.Kpsi , psi0: improper_psi0 ); cls_improper.Add(cls0123, tink_improper); } else { Prm.Improper tink_improper = cls_improper[cls0123]; HDebug.Exception(tink_improper.Kpsi == improper.Kpsi); HDebug.Exception(Math.Abs(tink_improper.psi0 - improper_psi0) < 0.01); } } Dictionary <Tuple <int, int, int, int>, List <Universe.Dihedral> > cls_dihedrals = new Dictionary <Tuple <int, int, int, int>, List <Universe.Dihedral> >(); foreach (var atom in univ.atoms) { var inter1234s = atom.ListInterAtom1234(); foreach (var inter1234 in inter1234s) { HDebug.Assert(inter1234.Count == 4); var key0 = UnivAtomToTinkKey(inter1234[0]); string type0 = key0.Item2; int cls0 = type_cls[type0]; var key1 = UnivAtomToTinkKey(inter1234[1]); string type1 = key1.Item2; int cls1 = type_cls[type1]; var key2 = UnivAtomToTinkKey(inter1234[2]); string type2 = key2.Item2; int cls2 = type_cls[type2]; var key3 = UnivAtomToTinkKey(inter1234[3]); string type3 = key3.Item2; int cls3 = type_cls[type3]; Tuple <int, int, int, int> cls0123 = new Tuple <int, int, int, int>(cls0, cls1, cls2, cls3); Tuple <int, int, int, int> cls3210 = new Tuple <int, int, int, int>(cls3, cls2, cls1, cls0); if (cls_dihedrals.ContainsKey(cls0123) == false) { cls_dihedrals.Add(cls0123, new List <Universe.Dihedral>()); } if (cls_dihedrals.ContainsKey(cls3210) == false) { cls_dihedrals.Add(cls3210, new List <Universe.Dihedral>()); } } } foreach (var dihedral in univ.dihedrals) { var key0 = UnivAtomToTinkKey(dihedral.atoms[0]); string type0 = key0.Item2; int cls0 = type_cls[type0]; var key1 = UnivAtomToTinkKey(dihedral.atoms[1]); string type1 = key1.Item2; int cls1 = type_cls[type1]; var key2 = UnivAtomToTinkKey(dihedral.atoms[2]); string type2 = key2.Item2; int cls2 = type_cls[type2]; var key3 = UnivAtomToTinkKey(dihedral.atoms[3]); string type3 = key3.Item2; int cls3 = type_cls[type3]; Tuple <int, int, int, int> cls0123 = new Tuple <int, int, int, int>(cls0, cls1, cls2, cls3); Tuple <int, int, int, int> cls3210 = new Tuple <int, int, int, int>(cls3, cls2, cls1, cls0); cls_dihedrals[cls0123].Add(dihedral); cls_dihedrals[cls3210].Add(dihedral); } Dictionary <Tuple <int, int, int, int>, Prm.Torsion> cls_torsion = new Dictionary <Tuple <int, int, int, int>, Prm.Torsion>(); foreach (var cls0123 in cls_dihedrals.Keys) { Universe.Dihedral[] dihedrals = cls_dihedrals[cls0123].ToArray(); Dictionary <Tuple <double, double>, List <double> > delta_n_Kchis = new Dictionary <Tuple <double, double>, List <double> >(); foreach (var dihedral in dihedrals) { double dihedral_delta = 180.0 * / Math.PI; var delta_n = new Tuple <double, double>(dihedral_delta, dihedral.n); if (delta_n_Kchis.ContainsKey(delta_n) == false) { delta_n_Kchis.Add(delta_n, new List <double>()); } delta_n_Kchis[delta_n].Add(dihedral.Kchi); } Tuple <double, double>[] lst_delta_n = delta_n_Kchis.Keys.ToArray(); HDebug.Exception(lst_delta_n.Length <= 3); double?Kchi0 = null; if (lst_delta_n.Length >= 1) { Kchi0 = delta_n_Kchis[lst_delta_n[0]].Mean(); } double?delta0 = null; if (lst_delta_n.Length >= 1) { delta0 = lst_delta_n[0].Item1; } double?n0 = null; if (lst_delta_n.Length >= 1) { n0 = lst_delta_n[0].Item2; } double?Kchi1 = null; if (lst_delta_n.Length >= 2) { Kchi1 = delta_n_Kchis[lst_delta_n[1]].Mean(); } double?delta1 = null; if (lst_delta_n.Length >= 2) { delta1 = lst_delta_n[1].Item1; } double?n1 = null; if (lst_delta_n.Length >= 2) { n1 = lst_delta_n[1].Item2; } double?Kchi2 = null; if (lst_delta_n.Length >= 3) { Kchi2 = delta_n_Kchis[lst_delta_n[2]].Mean(); } double?delta2 = null; if (lst_delta_n.Length >= 3) { delta2 = lst_delta_n[2].Item1; } double?n2 = null; if (lst_delta_n.Length >= 3) { n2 = lst_delta_n[2].Item2; } Prm.Torsion tink_torsion = Prm.Torsion.FromData (Class1: cls0123.Item1 , Class2: cls0123.Item2 , Class3: cls0123.Item3 , Class4: cls0123.Item4 , Kchi0: Kchi0 , delta0: delta0 , n0: n0 , Kchi1: Kchi1 , delta1: delta1 , n1: n1 , Kchi2: Kchi2 , delta2: delta2 , n2: n2 ); cls_torsion.Add(cls0123, tink_torsion); } List <string> prmlines; #region build lines { List <string> lines = new List <string>(); lines.Add(""); lines.Add(" ##############################"); lines.Add(" ## ##"); lines.Add(" ## Force Field Definition ##"); lines.Add(" ## ##"); lines.Add(" ##############################"); lines.Add(""); lines.Add(""); lines.Add("forcefield CHARMM22"); lines.Add(""); lines.Add("vdwtype LENNARD-JONES"); lines.Add("radiusrule ARITHMETIC"); lines.Add("radiustype R-MIN"); lines.Add("radiussize RADIUS"); lines.Add("epsilonrule GEOMETRIC"); lines.Add("vdw-14-scale 1.0"); lines.Add("chg-14-scale 1.0"); lines.Add("electric 332.0716"); lines.Add("dielectric 1.0"); lines.Add(""); lines.Add(""); lines.Add(" #############################"); lines.Add(" ## ##"); lines.Add(" ## Atom Type Definitions ##"); lines.Add(" ## ##"); lines.Add(" #############################"); lines.Add(""); lines.Add(""); foreach (int id in id_atom.Keys.ToArray().HSort()) { lines.Add(id_atom[id].line); } lines.Add(""); lines.Add(""); lines.Add(" ################################"); lines.Add(" ## ##"); lines.Add(" ## Van der Waals Parameters ##"); lines.Add(" ## ##"); lines.Add(" ################################"); lines.Add(""); lines.Add(""); foreach (int cls in cls_vdw.Keys.ToArray().HSort()) { lines.Add(cls_vdw[cls].line); } lines.Add(""); lines.Add(""); lines.Add(" ####################################"); lines.Add(" ## ##"); lines.Add(" ## 1-4 Van der Waals Parameters ##"); lines.Add(" ## ##"); lines.Add(" ####################################"); lines.Add(""); lines.Add(""); foreach (int cls in cls_vdw14.Keys.ToArray().HSort()) { lines.Add(cls_vdw14[cls].line); } lines.Add(""); lines.Add(""); lines.Add(" ##################################"); lines.Add(" ## ##"); lines.Add(" ## Bond Stretching Parameters ##"); lines.Add(" ## ##"); lines.Add(" ##################################"); lines.Add(""); lines.Add(""); foreach (var bond in cls_bond) { lines.Add(bond.Value.line); } lines.Add(""); lines.Add(""); lines.Add(" ################################"); lines.Add(" ## ##"); lines.Add(" ## Angle Bending Parameters ##"); lines.Add(" ## ##"); lines.Add(" ################################"); lines.Add(""); lines.Add(""); foreach (var angle in cls_angle) { lines.Add(angle.Value.line); } lines.Add(""); lines.Add(""); lines.Add(" ###############################"); lines.Add(" ## ##"); lines.Add(" ## Urey-Bradley Parameters ##"); lines.Add(" ## ##"); lines.Add(" ###############################"); lines.Add(""); lines.Add(""); foreach (var ureybrad in cls_ureybrad) { lines.Add(ureybrad.Value.line); } lines.Add(""); lines.Add(""); lines.Add(" ####################################"); lines.Add(" ## ##"); lines.Add(" ## Improper Dihedral Parameters ##"); lines.Add(" ## ##"); lines.Add(" ####################################"); lines.Add(""); lines.Add(""); foreach (var improper in cls_improper) { lines.Add(improper.Value.line); } lines.Add(""); lines.Add(""); lines.Add(" ############################"); lines.Add(" ## ##"); lines.Add(" ## Torsional Parameters ##"); lines.Add(" ## ##"); lines.Add(" ############################"); lines.Add(""); lines.Add(""); foreach (var torsion in cls_torsion) { lines.Add(torsion.Value.line); } lines.Add(""); lines.Add(""); lines.Add(" ########################################"); lines.Add(" ## ##"); lines.Add(" ## Atomic Partial Charge Parameters ##"); lines.Add(" ## ##"); lines.Add(" ########################################"); lines.Add(""); lines.Add(""); foreach (int id in id_charge.Keys.ToArray().HSort()) { lines.Add(id_charge[id].line); } lines.Add(""); lines.Add(""); lines.Add(" ########################################"); lines.Add(" ## ##"); lines.Add(" ## Biopolymer Atom Type Conversions ##"); lines.Add(" ## ##"); lines.Add(" ########################################"); lines.Add(""); lines.Add(""); foreach (int id in id_biotype.Keys.ToArray().HSort()) { lines.Add(id_biotype[id].line); } lines.Add(""); prmlines = lines; } #endregion Dictionary <string, string> atomtype_natomtype; { atomtype_natomtype = xyzid_info.Values.ToArray().HListItem1().HToHashSet().HToDictionaryAsKey(""); foreach (string atomtype in atomtype_natomtype.Keys.ToArray()) { string natomtype = atomtype; if (natomtype.Length > 3) { Dictionary <char, char> map = new Dictionary <char, char> { { '0', '1' }, { '1', '2' }, { '2', '3' }, { '3', '4' }, { '4', '5' }, { '5', '6' }, { '6', '7' }, { '7', '8' }, { '8', '9' }, { '9', 'A' }, { 'A', 'B' }, { 'B', 'C' }, { 'C', 'D' }, { 'D', 'E' }, { 'E', 'F' }, { 'F', 'G' }, { 'G', 'H' }, { 'H', 'I' }, { 'I', 'J' }, { 'J', 'K' }, { 'K', 'L' }, { 'L', 'M' }, { 'M', 'N' }, { 'N', 'O' }, { 'O', 'P' }, { 'P', 'Q' }, { 'Q', 'R' }, { 'R', 'S' }, { 'S', 'T' }, { 'T', 'U' }, { 'U', 'V' }, { 'V', 'W' }, { 'W', 'X' }, { 'X', 'Y' }, { 'Y', 'Z' }, { 'Z', '0' }, }; string temptype = atomtype.Substring(0, 3); foreach (var key in map.Keys.ToArray()) { if (map[key] == temptype[2]) { map[key] = ' '; // marking ending point as ' ' } } while (true) { if (temptype[2] == ' ') { HDebug.Exception(); } if ((atomtype_natomtype.ContainsKey(temptype) == false) && (atomtype_natomtype.ContainsValue(temptype) == false)) { natomtype = temptype; break; } temptype = temptype.Substring(0, 2) + map[temptype[2]]; } } atomtype_natomtype[atomtype] = natomtype; } } List <string> xyzlines; { xyzlines = new List <string>(); xyzlines.Add(Xyz.Header.FromData(xyzid_info.Count, "", "", "").line); foreach (var xyzid in xyzid_info.Keys.ToArray().HSort()) { int id = xyzid; string atomtype = xyzid_info[xyzid].Item1; atomtype = atomtype_natomtype[atomtype]; double x = xyzid_info[xyzid].Item2[0]; double y = xyzid_info[xyzid].Item2[1]; double z = xyzid_info[xyzid].Item2[2]; int atomid = xyzid_info[xyzid].Item3; int[] bondedids = xyzid_info[xyzid].Item4.ToArray(); xyzlines.Add(Xyz.Atom.FromData(id, atomtype, x, y, z, atomid, bondedids).line); } } { for (int i = 0; i < prmlines.Count; i++) { if (prmlines[i].StartsWith("atom ")) { var atom = Prm.Atom.FromLine(prmlines[i]); var natom = Prm.Atom.FromData (Id: atom.Id , Class: atom.Class , Type: atomtype_natomtype[atom.Type] , Description: atom.Description , AtomicNumber: atom.AtomicNumber , Mass: atom.Mass , Valence: atom.Valence ); prmlines[i] = natom.line; } } } Prm tink_prm = Prm.FromLines(prmlines); Xyz tink_xyz = Xyz.FromLines(xyzlines); return(new Tuple <Xyz, Prm>(tink_xyz, tink_prm)); }
public static void SelfTest(string pdbname, string psfname, string prmname, string xyzname) { using (var temp = new HTempDirectory(@"C:\temp\", null)) { temp.EnterTemp(); { string resbase = "HTLib2.Bioinfo.HTLib2.Bioinfo.External.Tinker.Resources.selftest."; HResource.CopyResourceTo <Tinker>(resbase + pdbname, pdbname); HResource.CopyResourceTo <Tinker>(resbase + psfname, psfname); HResource.CopyResourceTo <Tinker>(resbase + "par_all27_prot_lipid.inp", prmname); if (xyzname != null) { HResource.CopyResourceTo <Tinker>(resbase + xyzname, xyzname); } HResource.CopyResourceTo <Tinker>(resbase + "charmm22.prm", "charmm22.prm"); { var pdb = Pdb.FromFile(pdbname); var psf = Namd.Psf.FromFile(psfname); var prm = Namd.Prm.FromFile(prmname); var xyz_prm = BuildFromNamd(pdb, psf, prm); xyz_prm.Item1.ToFile("", false); xyz_prm.Item2.ToFile("TinkFromNamd.prm"); } if (xyzname != null) { var xyz0 = Xyz.FromFile("", false); var prm0 = Prm.FromFile("TinkFromNamd.prm"); var grad0 = Run.Testgrad(xyz0, prm0, @"C:\temp\" //, "VDWTERM NONE" //, "CHARGETERM NONE" //, "BONDTERM NONE" //, "ANGLETERM NONE" //, "UREYTERM NONE" //, "IMPROPTERM NONE" //, "TORSIONTERM NONE" ); var forc0 = grad0.anlyts.GetForces(xyz0.atoms); var xyz1 = Xyz.FromFile(xyzname, false); var prm1 = Prm.FromFile("charmm22.prm"); var grad1 = Run.Testgrad(xyz1, prm1, @"C:\temp\" //, "VDWTERM NONE" //, "CHARGETERM NONE" //, "BONDTERM NONE" //, "ANGLETERM NONE" //, "UREYTERM NONE" //, "IMPROPTERM NONE" //, "TORSIONTERM NONE" ); var forc1 = grad1.anlyts.GetForces(xyz1.atoms); { KDTree.KDTree <object> kdtree = new KDTree.KDTree <object>(3); var atoms0 = xyz0.atoms; for (int i = 0; i < atoms0.Length; i++) { kdtree.insert(atoms0[i].Coord, i); } var atoms1 = xyz1.atoms; int[] idx1to0 = new int[atoms1.Length]; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < atoms1.Length; i1++) { Vector coord1 = atoms1[i1].Coord; int i0 = (int)kdtree.nearest(coord1); Vector coord0 = atoms0[i0].Coord; kdtree.delete(coord0); idx1to0[i0] = i1; } atoms1 = atoms1.HSelectByIndex(idx1to0); forc1 = forc1.HSelectByIndex(idx1to0); } Vector[] dforc = VectorBlock.PwSub(forc0, forc1).ToArray(); double[] dforcl = dforc.Dist(); double max_dforc = dforc.Dist().Max(); HDebug.Exception(max_dforc < 1); // 0.72682794387667848 { double EB = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EB - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EB); HDebug.Exception(EB < 0.1); double EA = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EA - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EA); HDebug.Exception(EA < 0.1); double EBA = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EBA - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EBA); HDebug.Exception(EBA < 0.1); double EUB = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EUB - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EUB); HDebug.Exception(EUB < 0.1); double EAA = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EAA - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EAA); HDebug.Exception(EAA < 0.1); double EOPB = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EOPB - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EOPB); HDebug.Exception(EOPB < 0.1); double EOPD = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EOPD - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EOPD); HDebug.Exception(EOPD < 0.1); double EID = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EID - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EID); HDebug.Exception(EID < 0.1); // 0.0019000000000000128 : N-terminus (and C-terminus) information is/are inconsistent betweeen namd-charmm and tink-charmm22 double EIT = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EIT - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EIT); HDebug.Exception(EIT < 0.1); double ET = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.ET - grad1.enrgCmpnt.ET); HDebug.Exception(ET < 0.5); // 0.33029999999999404 : N-terminus (and C-terminus) information is/are inconsistent betweeen namd-charmm and tink-charmm22 double EPT = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EPT - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EPT); HDebug.Exception(EPT < 0.1); double EBT = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EBT - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EBT); HDebug.Exception(EBT < 0.1); double ETT = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.ETT - grad1.enrgCmpnt.ETT); HDebug.Exception(ETT < 0.1); double EV = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EV - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EV); HDebug.Exception(EV < 0.1); double EC = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EC - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EC); HDebug.Exception(EC < 0.5); // 0.37830000000002428 double ECD = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.ECD - grad1.enrgCmpnt.ECD); HDebug.Exception(ECD < 0.1); double ED = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.ED - grad1.enrgCmpnt.ED); HDebug.Exception(ED < 0.1); double EM = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EM - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EM); HDebug.Exception(EM < 0.1); double EP = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EP - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EP); HDebug.Exception(EP < 0.1); double ER = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.ER - grad1.enrgCmpnt.ER); HDebug.Exception(ER < 0.1); double ES = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.ES - grad1.enrgCmpnt.ES); HDebug.Exception(ES < 0.1); double ELF = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.ELF - grad1.enrgCmpnt.ELF); HDebug.Exception(ELF < 0.1); double EG = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EG - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EG); HDebug.Exception(EG < 0.1); double EX = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EX - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EX); HDebug.Exception(EX < 0.1); } } } temp.QuitTemp(); } //{ // //string pathbase = @"C:\Users\htna.IASTATE\svn\htnasvn_htna\Research.bioinfo.prog.NAMD\1A6G\New folder\"; // string pathbase = @"C:\Users\htna.IASTATE\svn\htnasvn_htna\Research.bioinfo.prog.NAMD\1A6G\"; // string toplbase = @"C:\Users\htna.IASTATE\svn\htnasvn_htna\Research.bioinfo.prog.NAMD\top_all27_prot_lipid\"; // var pdb = Pdb .FromFile(pathbase+"1A6G.psfgen.pdb"); // var psf = Namd.Psf.FromFile(pathbase+"1A6G.psfgen.psf"); // var prm = Namd.Prm.FromFile(toplbase+"par_all27_prot_na.prm"); // // pdb = Pdb .FromFile(@"K:\Tim-8TIM,1TPH,1M6J\Tim-1M6J\1M6J.psfgen.pdb"); // psf = Namd.Psf.FromFile(@"K:\Tim-8TIM,1TPH,1M6J\Tim-1M6J\1M6J.psfgen.psf"); // prm = Namd.Prm.FromFile(@"K:\Tim-8TIM,1TPH,1M6J\Tim-1M6J\par_all27_prot_lipid.inp"); // var xyz_prm = BuildFromNamd(pdb, psf, prm); // xyz_prm.Item1.ToFile(@"C:\temp\", false); // xyz_prm.Item2.ToFile(@"C:\temp\TinkFromNamd.prm"); //} }
public static Tuple <int[], int[][]> GetIdxKeepListRemv_ResiCluster2(Universe.Atom[] atoms, Vector[] coords, double clus_width, int num_atom_merge, IList <Universe.Atom> keeps) { /// 1. group atoms (by residues) by blocks, whose dimensions are 18A /// a. group atoms by residues /// c. group residues whose Ca atoms are in a same block /// 2. sort blocks by its atom numbers /// ex) 1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,2, 2,2, 2,3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5 /// 3. merge blocks into groups using threshold (500 atoms) /// ex) [1,1,1,1,1], [1,1,2], [2,2], [2,3], [3], [3], [4], [4], [5] /// 4. reverse groups /// ex) [5], [4], [4], [3], [3], [2,3], [2,2], [1,1,2], [1,1,1,1,1] /// 5. delete groups by the order of /// 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 List <Universe.Atom> lkeeps = new List <Universe.Atom>(); foreach (var keep in keeps) { if (coords[keep.ID] != null) { lkeeps.Add(keep); } } List <Universe.Atom[]> resis = atoms.GroupByResidue(); Tuple <Universe.Atom[], Universe.Atom[]>[] resi_keeps_others = resis.HSplitByMatches(lkeeps.HToHashSet()).HToTuple(); Dictionary <Tuple <int, int, int>, List <Tuple <Universe.Atom[], Universe.Atom[]> > > clus_key_resis; clus_key_resis = GetIdxKeepListRemv_GetClusters(atoms, coords, clus_width, resi_keeps_others); List <List <Tuple <Universe.Atom[], Universe.Atom[]> > > clus_resis; List <int> numresi; List <int> numatom; { // determine #residues and #atoms in each block clus_resis = clus_key_resis.Values.ToList(); // clusters(resis/CAs, residue atoms) numresi = clus_resis.HListCount().ToList(); // number of resis numatom = new List <int>(); // number of atoms { foreach (var cresis in clus_resis) { IList <Universe.Atom[]> lresis = cresis.HListItem2(); var lnumatoms = lresis.HListCount(); numatom.Add(lnumatoms.Sum()); } } bool merge = true; if (merge) { // sort by atom number int[] idxsrt = numatom.HIdxSorted(); clus_resis = clus_resis.HSelectByIndex(idxsrt).ToList(); numresi = numresi.HSelectByIndex(idxsrt).ToList(); numatom = numatom.HSelectByIndex(idxsrt).ToList(); // merge clusters for (int imrg = 0; imrg < clus_resis.Count - 1;) { // skip merging if number of atoms > threshold if (numatom[imrg] > num_atom_merge) { imrg++; continue; } if (numatom[imrg] + numatom[imrg + 1] > num_atom_merge) { imrg++; continue; } // merge clusters: add imrg+1 into imrg clus_resis[imrg].AddRange(clus_resis[imrg + 1]); numresi [imrg] += numresi [imrg + 1]; numatom [imrg] += numatom [imrg + 1]; clus_resis[imrg + 1] = null; clus_resis.RemoveAt(imrg + 1); numresi.RemoveAt(imrg + 1); numatom.RemoveAt(imrg + 1); } // reverse so // from [1,1,1,1,1], [1,1,2], [2,2], [2,3], [3], [3], [4], [4], [5] // to [5], [4], [4], [3], [3], [2,3], [2,2], [1,1,2], [1,1,1,1,1] // since the order of deleteing cluster is // 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 clus_resis.Reverse(); numresi.Reverse(); numatom.Reverse(); } } if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached) { HashSet <Universe.Atom> diffset = lkeeps.HToHashSet(); bool same = true; for (int i = 0; i < resi_keeps_others.Length; i++) { var keeps_others = resi_keeps_others[i]; foreach (var keep in keeps_others.Item1) { if (diffset.Contains(keep)) { diffset.Remove(keep); } else { same = false; } } } if (diffset.Count != 0) { same = false; } HDebug.Assert(same == true); } int max_num_remvs = int.MinValue; int max_num_resis = int.MinValue; List <Universe.Atom[]> remvss = new List <Universe.Atom[]>(); foreach (var cresis in clus_resis) { List <Universe.Atom> removs = new List <Universe.Atom>(); foreach (var keeps_others in cresis) { //Universe.Atom ca = keeps_others.Item1[0]; Universe.Atom[] others = keeps_others.Item2; removs.AddRange(others); } remvss.Add(removs.ToArray()); max_num_remvs = Math.Max(max_num_remvs, removs.Count); max_num_resis = Math.Max(max_num_resis, cresis.Count); } //System.Console.Write("MaxNumClus({0,4},{1,5})", max_num_resis, max_num_remvs); foreach (var keep in lkeeps) { HDebug.Exception(coords[keep.ID] != null, "keeping atom must be non-null"); } return(new Tuple <int[], int[][]> ( lkeeps.ListIDs(), remvss.ListIDs() )); }