public void ClosePreviouslyInitializedFile() { string path = Path.GetTempFileName(); H5File FILE = H5File.Open(path, mode: "w"); // initialize a test-object, which creates two datasets: var PIG = new GuineaPig(FILE.Root); Assert.True(PIG.stringset.ID > 0); Assert.True(PIG.byteset.ID > 0); // th test-object must be disposed of as this is not automatic: PIG.Dispose(); FILE.Dispose(); // trying to re-open is a surefire way to check if FILE was closed correctly: H5File FILE2 = H5File.Open(path, mode: "w"); FILE2.Dispose(); Assert.Equal((hid_t)0, PIG.stringset.ID); Assert.Equal((hid_t)0, PIG.byteset.ID); File.Delete(path); Assert.False(File.Exists(FILE.Path)); }
public void Test_Link_Dont_Exist(string key) { using (H5File hf = H5File.Open(demodata + "test_link_exists.h5", mode: "r")) { Assert.False(H5Link.Exists(hf.ID, key)); } }
public void CanReadDataset_CompactTestFile() { TestUtils.RunForAllVersions(version => { // Arrange var filePath = "testfiles/h5ex_d_compact.h5"; var expected = new int[4, 7]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) { expected[i, j] = i * j - j; } } // Act using var root = H5File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); var parent = root; var dataset = parent.Dataset("DS1"); var actual = dataset.Read <int>(); // Assert Assert.True(actual.SequenceEqual(expected.Cast <int>())); }); }
public void InjectReadonly() { string path = Path.Combine(demodata, "test_inject_readonly.h5"); if (!File.Exists(path)) { using (H5File hf = H5File.Open(path, "x")) { var dset = hf.Root.CreateDataset("existing", 1, new long[] { 1 }, typeof(int)); // make sure, the file is closed properly: dset.Dispose(); } } // first try: readonly file mode.. using (var hf = H5File.Open(path, "r")) { using (ReadOnlyObject myo = new ReadOnlyObject(hf.Root)) { // ..dataset has been skipped: Assert.Null(myo.readonli); Assert.NotNull(myo.existing); } } }
public void CanReadDataset_Chunked_Legacy() { var versions = new H5F.libver_t[] { H5F.libver_t.EARLIEST, H5F.libver_t.V18 }; TestUtils.RunForVersions(versions, version => { foreach (var withShuffle in new bool[] { false, true }) { // Arrange var filePath = TestUtils.PrepareTestFile(version, fileId => TestUtils.AddChunkedDataset_Legacy(fileId, withShuffle)); // Act using var root = H5File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, deleteOnClose: true); var parent = root.Group("chunked"); var dataset = parent.Dataset("chunked"); var actual = dataset.Read <int>(); // Assert Assert.True(actual.SequenceEqual(TestData.MediumData)); } }); }
public void CanDefilterBZip2() { // # Works only with Linux! On Windows, deflate is used instead. // import numpy // import tables // fileName = 'bzip2.h5' // shape = (1000,) // atom = tables.Int32Atom() // filters = tables.Filters(complevel=9, complib='bzip2') // with tables.open_file(fileName, 'w') as f: // dataset = f.create_carray(f.root, 'bzip2', atom, shape, filters=filters) // dataset[:] = list(range(0, 1000)) // Arrange var filePath = "./testfiles/bzip2.h5"; var expected = Enumerable.Range(0, 1000).ToArray(); H5Filter.Register(identifier: (H5FilterID)307, name: "bzip2", filterFunc: BZip2Helper.FilterFunc); // Act using var root = H5File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); var dataset = root.Dataset("bzip2"); var actual = dataset.Read <int>(); // Assert Assert.True(actual.SequenceEqual(expected)); }
public void CanReadDataset_Reference_Object() { TestUtils.RunForAllVersions(version => { // Arrange var filePath = TestUtils.PrepareTestFile(version, fileId => TestUtils.AddObjectReference(fileId, ContainerType.Dataset)); // Act using var root = H5File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, deleteOnClose: true); var dataset_references = root.Group("reference").Dataset("object_reference"); var references = dataset_references.Read <H5ObjectReference>(); var dereferenced = references .Select(reference => root.Get(reference)) .ToArray(); // Assert for (int i = 0; i < TestData.NumericalData.Count; i++) { var dataset = (H5Dataset)dereferenced[i]; var expected = (Array)TestData.NumericalData[i][1]; var elementType = expected.GetType().GetElementType(); var method = typeof(TestUtils).GetMethod(nameof(TestUtils.ReadAndCompare), BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static); var generic = method.MakeGenericMethod(elementType); var result = (bool)generic.Invoke(null, new object[] { dataset, expected }); Assert.True(result); } }); }
public void CanReadDataset_Reference_Region() { TestUtils.RunForAllVersions(version => { // Arrange var filePath = TestUtils.PrepareTestFile(version, fileId => TestUtils.AddRegionReference(fileId, ContainerType.Dataset)); // Act using var root = H5File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, deleteOnClose: true); var dataset_references = root.Group("reference").Dataset("region_reference"); var references = dataset_references.Read <H5RegionReference>(); var reference = references[0]; root.Context.Reader.Seek((long)reference.CollectionAddress, SeekOrigin.Begin); // H5Rint.c (H5R__get_region) #warning use more structs? var globalHeapId = new GlobalHeapId(root.Context.Superblock) { CollectionAddress = reference.CollectionAddress, ObjectIndex = reference.ObjectIndex }; var globalHeapCollection = globalHeapId.Collection; var globalHeapObject = globalHeapCollection.GlobalHeapObjects[(int)globalHeapId.ObjectIndex - 1]; var localReader = new H5BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(globalHeapObject.ObjectData)); var address = root.Context.Superblock.ReadOffset(localReader); var selection = new DataspaceSelection(localReader); throw new NotImplementedException(); }); }
public void double2d_Arrays() { using (H5File hf = H5File.Open(testfile, mode: "r")) { dset2d <double> DSET = hf.Root["datasets/double2d"] as dset2d <double>; Assert.NotNull(DSET); Assert.Equal(Square, DSET.Length); Assert.Equal(new double[] { 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, DSET.Row(2)); Assert.Equal(new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0 }, DSET.Row(3)); Assert.Equal(new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25, 0 }, DSET.Row(5)); Assert.Equal(new double[] { 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36 }, DSET.Row(6)); Assert.Equal(new double[] { 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 4 }, DSET.Column(2)); Assert.Equal(new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 9 }, DSET.Column(3)); Assert.Equal(new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25, 25 }, DSET.Column(5)); Assert.Equal(new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 36 }, DSET.Column(6)); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET.Row(7)); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET.Row(17)); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET.Row(-1)); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET.Column(7)); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET.Column(17)); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET.Column(-1)); } }
public void float2d_To2dArray() { using (H5File hf = H5File.Open(testfile, mode: "r")) { dset2d <float> DSET = hf.Root["datasets/float2d"] as dset2d <float>; Assert.NotNull(DSET); Assert.Equal(Square, DSET.Length); var expect = new float[7, 7] { { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25, 0 }, { 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36 }, }; var actual = DSET.Values; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) { Assert.Equal(expect[i, j], actual[i, j]); } } } }
public void string2d_To2dArray() { using (H5File hf = H5File.Open(testfile, mode: "r")) { string2d DSET = hf.Root["datasets/string2d"] as string2d; Assert.NotNull(DSET); Assert.Equal(5 * 5, DSET.Length); var expect = new string[5, 5] { { "foo", "", "", "", "", }, { "", "bar", "", "", "", }, { "", "", "zoom", "", "", }, { "", "", "", "grok", "", }, { "foo", "bar", "zoom", "grok", "yom" }, }; var actual = DSET.Values; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { Assert.Equal(expect[i, j], actual[i, j]); } } } }
public void Elements() { using (H5File hf = H5File.Open(testfile, mode: "r")) { using (dset1d <int> DSET = hf.Root["datasets/int1d"] as dset1d <int>) { Assert.NotNull(DSET); var actual = DSET.Elements().ToArray(); var expected = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; Assert.Equal(expected, actual); } using (dset2d <int> DSET = hf.Root["datasets/int2d"] as dset2d <int>) { Assert.NotNull(DSET); var actual = DSET.Elements().Skip(5 * 7 + 4).Take(7).ToArray(); var expected = new int[7] { 0, 25, 0, 0, 1, 4, 9 }; Assert.Equal(expected, actual); } } }
public void DisposeOfProperly() { int N = H5Base.nObjects; using (H5File hf = H5File.Open(testfile, mode: "r")) { Assert.Equal(N + 2, H5Base.nObjects); // +file +root H5DataSet DSET = hf.Root["datasets/float2d"]; Assert.Equal(N + 3, H5Base.nObjects); // +dataset Assert.NotNull(DSET); Assert.Equal(2, DSET.Rank); Assert.Equal(Edge, DSET.Dims[0]); Assert.Equal(Edge, DSET.Dims[1]); Assert.Equal(Edge, DSET.MaxDims[0]); Assert.Equal(Edge, DSET.MaxDims[1]); Assert.Equal(Square, DSET.Length); Assert.Equal(typeof(float), DSET.PrimitiveType); // check, that the object count is stable.. Assert.Equal(N + 3, H5Base.nObjects); // +/- 0 DSET.Dispose(); Assert.Equal(N + 2, H5Base.nObjects); // -dataset } Assert.Equal(N + 0, H5Base.nObjects); // -root -file }
public void AttemptToWriteClosedFileFails() { string path = Path.GetTempFileName(); H5File FILE = H5File.Open(path, mode: "w"); // create some stuff.. H5Group GROUP = FILE.Root.SubGroup("foo", create: true); GROUP.CreateDataset("bar", 1, new long[] { 7L }, typeof(byte)); dset1d <byte> DSET = GROUP["bar"] as dset1d <byte>; Assert.NotNull(DSET); DSET[3] = 5; // close all H5Objects manually in this test-scenario: GROUP.Dispose(); DSET.Dispose(); FILE.Dispose(); // the file.ID becomes the H5F.close() return value, which is often // (but not guaranteed to be) zero / non-negative: Assert.Equal((H5Ohm.hid_t) 0, FILE.ID); Assert.Equal((H5Ohm.hid_t) 0, FILE.Root.ID); Assert.Equal((H5Ohm.hid_t) 0, DSET.ID); Assert.Equal((H5Ohm.hid_t) 0, GROUP.ID); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => FILE.Root["foo/bar"]); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => DSET[5] = 3); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => GROUP["bar"]); }
public void CanReadWrappedFiles() { // Arrange var filePath = "testfiles/secret.mat"; // Act using var root = H5File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, deleteOnClose: true); var children = root.Children.ToList(); }
public void OpenNonExistingFails() { string path = Path.Combine(demodata, "aeroiyu359hnfna.soie"); Assert.False(File.Exists(path)); Assert.Throws <FileNotFoundException>(() => H5File.Open(path, mode: "r")); Assert.Throws <FileNotFoundException>(() => H5File.Open(path, mode: "r+")); }
public TempH5FileContainer(string filemode = "w") { string temp_path = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName(); hf = H5File.Open(temp_path, mode: "w"); // close.. hf.Dispose(); // reopen: hf = H5File.Open(temp_path, mode: filemode); }
static void Main(string[] args) { using (var hf = H5File.Open("example.h5", "w")) { using (new MyObject(hf.Root)) { // ... work, work, work ... } } }
public void LocateDatasetWith2DProperties(string key) { using (H5File hf = H5File.Open(demodata + "test_link_exists.h5", mode: "r")) { H5DataSet dset = hf.Root[key]; Assert.Equal(2, dset.Rank); Assert.Equal(49L, dset.Length); Assert.Equal(new long[] { 7, 7 }, dset.Dims); } }
public void Test_Attribute_Exist() { using (H5File hf = H5File.Open(demodata + "test_link_exists.h5", mode: "r")) { var grp = hf.Root.SubGroup("level1"); Assert.True(H5Attribute.Exists(grp.ID, "attr1")); Assert.True(H5Attribute.Exists(grp["dset1"].ID, "dset_attr")); Assert.False(H5Attribute.Exists(grp.ID, "foo")); } }
public void GetsH5UnresolvedLinkForDanglingLinks() { // Arrange var filePath = TestUtils.PrepareTestFile(H5F.libver_t.LATEST, fileId => TestUtils.AddExternalFileLink(fileId, "not-existing.h5")); // Act using var root = H5File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, deleteOnClose: true); var link = root.Get("/links/external_link") as H5UnresolvedLink; // Assert Assert.NotNull(link); Assert.Equal("Unable to open external file 'not-existing.h5'.", link.Reason.Message); }
public void InvalidPathLookupFails() { using (H5File hf = H5File.Open(demodata + "test_link_exists.h5", mode: "r")) { Assert.True(H5Link.Exists(hf.ID, "level1/dset1")); // absolute paths are not allowed, as those undermine the local-ness of a group Assert.Throws <KeyNotFoundException>(() => hf.Root["/level1/dset1"]); // dataset cannot have trailing slash, because this would look like a group Assert.Throws <KeyNotFoundException>(() => hf.Root["level1/dset1/"]); } }
public void CanDefilterBlosc2(string datasetName, bool shouldSuccess) { // import h5py // import hdf5plugin // def blosc_opts(complevel=9, complib='blosc:lz4', shuffle=True): // shuffle = 2 if shuffle == 'bit' else 1 if shuffle else 0 // compressors = ['blosclz', 'lz4', 'lz4hc', 'snappy', 'zlib', 'zstd'] // complib = ['blosc:' + c for c in compressors].index(complib) // args = { // 'compression': 32001, // 'compression_opts': (0, 0, 0, 0, complevel, shuffle, complib) // } // if shuffle: // args['shuffle'] = False // return args // with h5py.File('blosc.h5', 'w') as f: // f.create_dataset('blosclz', data=list(range(0, 1000)), **blosc_opts(9, 'blosc:blosclz', True)) // f.create_dataset('lz4', data=list(range(0, 1000)), **blosc_opts(9, 'blosc:lz4', True)) // f.create_dataset('lz4hc', data=list(range(0, 1000)), **blosc_opts(9, 'blosc:lz4hc', True)) // f.create_dataset('snappy', data=list(range(0, 1000)), **blosc_opts(9, 'blosc:snappy', True)) // f.create_dataset('zlib', data=list(range(0, 1000)), **blosc_opts(9, 'blosc:zlib', True)) // f.create_dataset('zstd', data=list(range(0, 1000)), **blosc_opts(9, 'blosc:zstd', True)) // f.create_dataset('blosclz_bit', data=list(range(0, 1000)), **blosc_opts(9, 'blosc:blosclz', 'bit')) // Arrange var filePath = "./testfiles/blosc.h5"; var expected = Enumerable.Range(0, 1000).ToArray(); H5Filter.Register(identifier: (FilterIdentifier)32001, name: "blosc2", filterFunc: BloscHelper.FilterFunc); // Act using var root = H5File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); var dataset = root.Dataset(datasetName); if (shouldSuccess) { var actual = dataset.Read <int>(); // Assert Assert.True(actual.SequenceEqual(expected)); } else { var exception = Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => dataset.Read <int>()); // Assert Assert.Contains("snappy", exception.InnerException.Message); } }
public void CanCheckAttribute_ExistsUTF8() { // Arrange var version = H5F.libver_t.LATEST; var filePath = TestUtils.PrepareTestFile(version, fileId => TestUtils.AddMass(fileId, ContainerType.Attribute)); // Act using var root = H5File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, deleteOnClose: true); var parent = root.Group("mass_attributes"); var actual = parent.AttributeExists("字形碼 / 字形码, Zìxíngmǎ"); // Assert Assert.True(actual); }
public void LocateDataset() { using (H5File hf = H5File.Open(demodata + "test_link_exists.h5", mode: "r")) { H5DataSet dset = hf.Root["level1/dset1"]; Assert.NotNull(dset); H5DataSet dset_clone = hf.Root.SubGroup("level1")["dset1"]; Assert.NotNull(dset_clone); H5DataSet dset_link = hf.Root["level1/level2/dset1_link"]; Assert.NotNull(dset_link); } }
public void TestDataPersistance() { string testfile = demodata + "test_data_persistance.h5"; try { using (H5File hf = H5File.Open(testfile, "w")) { using (MyObject myo = new MyObject(hf.Root)) { Assert.Equal(0, myo.floatset[0, 0]); Assert.Equal(0, myo.doubleset[0, 0]); Assert.Equal("", myo.stringset[0]); Assert.Equal("", myo.stringset2[0, 0]); Assert.Equal(0, myo.intset[0]); Assert.Equal(0, myo.doubleset3[0, 0, 0]); myo.floatset[0, 0] = 42.0f; myo.doubleset[0] = new double[] { 42.0 }; myo.stringset[0] = "foo"; myo.stringset2[0] = new string[] { "zoom" }; myo.intset[0] = 42; myo.doubleset3[0, 0, 0] = 3.14; } } using (H5File hf = H5File.Open(testfile, "r")) { using (MyObject myo = new MyObject(hf.Root)) { Assert.Equal(1L, myo.doubleset.Length); Assert.Equal(new long[] { 1, 1 }, myo.doubleset.Dims); Assert.Equal(42.0f, myo.floatset[0, 0]); Assert.Equal(new double[] { 42.0 }, myo.doubleset[0]); Assert.Equal("foo", myo.stringset[0]); Assert.Equal(new string[] { "zoom" }, myo.stringset2[0]); Assert.Equal(42, myo.intset[0]); Assert.Equal(new double[, ] { { 3.14 } }, myo.doubleset3[0]); } } } finally { System.IO.File.Delete(testfile); } }
public void CanOpenGroup(string path, string expected) { TestUtils.RunForAllVersions(version => { // Arrange var filePath = TestUtils.PrepareTestFile(version, fileId => TestUtils.AddSomeLinks(fileId)); // Act using var root = H5File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, deleteOnClose: true); var group = root.Group(path); // Assert Assert.Equal(expected, group.Name); }); }
public void CanReadDataset_ChunkedImplicit() { // Arrange var version = H5F.libver_t.LATEST; var filePath = TestUtils.PrepareTestFile(version, fileId => TestUtils.AddChunkedDataset_Implicit(fileId)); // Act using var root = H5File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, deleteOnClose: true); var parent = root.Group("chunked"); var dataset = parent.Dataset("chunked_implicit"); var actual = dataset.Read <int>(); // Assert Assert.True(actual.SequenceEqual(TestData.MediumData)); }
public void Read() { using (H5File hf = H5File.Open(demodata + "test_generic_read.h5", mode: "r")) { H5Group grp = hf.Root.SubGroup("my_group"); H5Attribute attr = grp.GetAttribute("group_attr"); Assert.NotNull(attr); Assert.Equal(42, attr.Read <int>()); attr = grp["float_1D"].GetAttribute("dataset_attr"); Assert.NotNull(attr); Assert.Equal("a foo that bars", attr.Reads()); } }
public void CanFollowLinks() { TestUtils.RunForAllVersions(version => { // Arrange var filePath = TestUtils.PrepareTestFile(version, fileId => TestUtils.AddLinks(fileId)); // Act using var root = H5File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, deleteOnClose: true); var dataset_hard_1 = root.Dataset("links/hard_link_1/dataset"); var dataset_hard_2 = root.Dataset("links/hard_link_2/dataset"); var dataset_soft_2 = root.Dataset("links/soft_link_2/dataset"); var dataset_direct = root.Dataset("links/dataset"); }); }