Example #1
        private static void MoveDatFilesClean(SettingsManager manager)
            string sourceName = null;
            string destName = null;
            string destFolder = null;

            // lua files 00 -> 01,    texture files 01 -> texture7,   foxpatch 00 -> 00,   chunkfiles 00 -> chunk7
            Debug.LogLine("[DatMerge] First Time Setup Started", Debug.LogLevel.Debug);
            if (manager.SettingsExist()) manager.ClearAllMods();

            List<string> zeroFiles = GzsLib.ExtractArchive<QarFile>(ZeroPath, "_extr");
            List<string> chunk7Files = new List<string>();
            List<string> oneFiles = new List<string>();

            List<string> zeroOut = zeroFiles.ToList();

            foreach (string zeroFile in zeroFiles)
                if (zeroFile == "foxpatch.dat") continue;

                sourceName = Path.Combine("_extr", Tools.ToWinPath(zeroFile));

                if (zeroFile.Contains(".lua"))
                    destName = Path.Combine("_working1", Tools.ToWinPath(zeroFile)); // 00 -> 01
                } else
                    destName = Path.Combine("_working2", Tools.ToWinPath(zeroFile)); // 00 -> chunk7

                destFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(destName);
                if (!Directory.Exists(destFolder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(destFolder);
                if (!File.Exists(destName)) File.Move(sourceName, destName);
            // Build a_chunk7.dat.SB_Build
            GzsLib.WriteQarArchive(c7Path + build_ext, "_working2", chunk7Files, GzsLib.chunk7Flags);

            // Build a_texture7.dat.SB_Build
            File.Copy(OnePath, t7Path + build_ext, true);

            // Build 00.dat.SB_Build
            GzsLib.WriteQarArchive(ZeroPath + build_ext, "_extr", zeroOut, GzsLib.zeroFlags);

            // Build 01.dat.SB_Build
            GzsLib.WriteQarArchive(OnePath + build_ext, "_working1", oneFiles, GzsLib.oneFlags);
Example #2
        private void PopulateBoxes(string DataPath)
            // unpack existing fpks
            foreach (string fpkFile in Directory.GetFiles(DataPath, "*.fpk*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                string fpkDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(fpkFile), Path.GetFileName(fpkFile).Replace(".", "_"));
                if (!Directory.Exists(fpkDir))
                    //extract fpk
                    GzsLib.ExtractArchive <FpkFile>(fpkFile, fpkDir);

            foreach (string modFile in Directory.GetFiles(DataPath, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                string filePath = modFile.Substring(DataPath.Length).Replace("\\", "/");
                if (Tools.IsValidFile(filePath) && filePath != "/metadata.xml")

            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(DataPath, "metadata.xml")))
                ModEntry modMetaData = new ModEntry();
                modMetaData.ReadFromFile(Path.Combine(DataPath, "metadata.xml"));

                textModName.Text        = modMetaData.Name;
                textModVersion.Text     = modMetaData.Version;
                textModAuthor.Text      = modMetaData.Author;
                textModWebsite.Text     = modMetaData.Website;
                textModDescription.Text = modMetaData.Description.Replace("\n", "\r\n");
                foreach (string li in comboForVersion.Items)
                    if (modMetaData.MGSVersion.AsString() == li)
                        comboForVersion.SelectedIndex = comboForVersion.Items.IndexOf(li);

            if (File.Exists(DataPath + "\\readme.txt"))
                StreamReader s      = new StreamReader(DataPath + "\\readme.txt");
                string       readme = s.ReadToEnd();
                textModDescription.Text = readme;
Example #3
        private static void UnmergePackFiles(List <ModQarEntry> partialEditQarEntries, List <ModFpkEntry> partialRemoveFpkEntries)
            GameData           gameData = SBBuildManager.GetGameData();
            List <ModFpkEntry> addedRepairFpkEntries = new List <ModFpkEntry>();

            foreach (ModQarEntry partialEditQarEntry in partialEditQarEntries)
                // create a list of fpk filepaths that need to be modified for the specific qar file (either restored to vanilla or removed from the pack)
                List <string> fpkPathsForThisQar = partialRemoveFpkEntries.Where(entry => entry.FpkFile == partialEditQarEntry.FilePath).Select(fpkEntry => Tools.ToWinPath(fpkEntry.FilePath)).ToList();
                var           fpkReferences      = new List <string>();//tex references in fpk that need to be preserved/transfered to the rebuilt fpk

                // pull the vanilla qar file from the game archive, send to _gameFpk folder
                string winQarEntryPath = Tools.ToWinPath(partialEditQarEntry.FilePath);
                string gameQarPath     = Path.Combine("_gameFpk", winQarEntryPath);
                if (partialEditQarEntry.SourceName != null)
                    string vanillaArchivePath = Path.Combine(GameDir, "master\\" + partialEditQarEntry.SourceName);
                    //Debug.LogLine(string.Format("Pulling {0} from {1}", partialRemoveQarEntry.FilePath, partialRemoveQarEntry.SourceName));
                    GzsLib.ExtractFileByHash <QarFile>(vanillaArchivePath, partialEditQarEntry.Hash, gameQarPath);
                    fpkReferences = GzsLib.GetFpkReferences(gameQarPath);
                // pull the modded qar file from _working0 (assumed to already exist when the uninstall process reads 00.dat), send to _build folder
                string        workingZeroQarPath = Path.Combine("_working0", winQarEntryPath);
                List <string> moddedFpkFiles     = GzsLib.ExtractArchive <FpkFile>(workingZeroQarPath, "_build");

                // split the fpk paths for this Qar into two categories:
                List <string> repairFilePathList = new List <string>(); // files that need to be repaired (aka overwritten by a vanilla file)
                if (partialEditQarEntry.SourceName != null)
                    repairFilePathList = GzsLib.ListArchiveContents <FpkFile>(gameQarPath).Intersect(fpkPathsForThisQar).ToList();
                List <string> removeFilePathList = fpkPathsForThisQar.Except(repairFilePathList).ToList(); // files that need to be removed (i.e. files that were non-native to the vanilla Qar)

                foreach (string repairFilePath in repairFilePathList)
                    string fpkBuildPath = Path.Combine("_build", repairFilePath);
                    Debug.LogLine(string.Format("[Unmerge Fpk] Extracting repair file: {0}", repairFilePath), Debug.LogLevel.Basic);
                    GzsLib.ExtractFile <FpkFile>(gameQarPath, repairFilePath, fpkBuildPath); // overwrites modded fpk files
                    ModFpkEntry repairEntry = new ModFpkEntry
                        FpkFile    = partialEditQarEntry.FilePath,
                        FilePath   = repairFilePath, // this will be a window path
                        SourceType = FileSource.Merged,
                        SourceName = partialEditQarEntry.SourceName

                var buildFiles = moddedFpkFiles.Except(removeFilePathList).ToList();
                //tex refs werent grabbed from vanilla (or there weren't any in there in that case we're probably doubling the work lol)
                if (fpkReferences.Count == 0)
                    fpkReferences = GzsLib.GetFpkReferences(workingZeroQarPath);
                GzsLib.WriteFpkArchive(workingZeroQarPath, "_build", buildFiles, fpkReferences); // writes the pack back to _working folder (leaving out the non-native fpk files)
                foreach (string removeFilePath in removeFilePathList)
                    int indexToRemove = gameData.GameFpkEntries.FindIndex(entry => entry.FilePath == removeFilePath);
                    if (indexToRemove >= 0)

            List <ModEntry> installedMods = SBBuildManager.GetInstalledMods();

            foreach (ModEntry installedMod in installedMods)
                List <string> qarPathsFound = new List <string>();
                foreach (ModFpkEntry addedRepairEntry in addedRepairFpkEntries)
                    if (installedMod.ModQarEntries.FirstOrDefault(entry => entry.FilePath == addedRepairEntry.FpkFile) == null)

                    //Debug.LogLine(string.Format("checking {0} for {1} of {2}", installedMod.Name, addedRepairEntry.FilePath, addedRepairEntry.FpkFile));
                    if (installedMod.ModFpkEntries.RemoveAll(entry => entry.FilePath == Tools.ToQarPath(addedRepairEntry.FilePath) && entry.FpkFile == addedRepairEntry.FpkFile) > 0)
                        //Debug.LogLine(string.Format("found {0} of {1} in {2}", addedRepairEntry.FilePath, addedRepairEntry.FpkFile, installedMod.Name));
                        if (!qarPathsFound.Contains(addedRepairEntry.FpkFile))

                foreach (string qarPathFound in qarPathsFound)
                    if (installedMod.ModFpkEntries.FirstOrDefault(entry => entry.FpkFile == qarPathFound) == null) //when the duplicate fpk file(s) were removed, there was nothing left in the modded qar.
                        //Debug.LogLine(string.Format("Removing {0} from {1}", qarPathFound, installedMod.Name));
                        installedMod.ModQarEntries.RemoveAll(entry => entry.FilePath == qarPathFound); // filters the qar file out of the list
Example #4
        public static bool UninstallMods(CheckedListBox.CheckedIndexCollection modIndices, bool skipCleanup = false) // Uninstalls mods based on their indices in the list
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            Debug.LogLine("[Uninstall] Start", Debug.LogLevel.Basic);

            // initial cleanup
            ModManager.ClearBuildFiles(ZeroPath, OnePath, SnakeBiteSettings, SavePresetPath);

            // backup preset build
            if (Properties.Settings.Default.AutosaveRevertPreset == true)
                PresetManager.SavePreset(SavePresetPath + build_ext);
                Debug.LogLine("[Uninstall] Skipping RevertChanges.MGSVPreset Save", Debug.LogLevel.Basic);

            File.Copy(SnakeBiteSettings, SnakeBiteSettings + build_ext, true);
            List <ModEntry> mods = SBBuildManager.GetInstalledMods();

            List <ModEntry> selectedMods = new List <ModEntry>();

            foreach (int index in modIndices)
                ModEntry mod = mods[index];

            List <string> zeroFiles  = new List <string>();
            bool          hasQarZero = ModManager.hasQarZeroFiles(selectedMods);

            if (hasQarZero)
                // if necessary, extracts 00.dat and creates a list of filenames, which is pruned throughout the uninstall process and repacked at the end.
                zeroFiles = GzsLib.ExtractArchive <QarFile>(ZeroPath, "_working0");
                zeroFiles.RemoveAll(file => file.EndsWith("_unknown"));

            List <string> oneFiles = null;
            bool          hasFtexs = ModManager.foundLooseFtexs(selectedMods);

            if (hasFtexs)
                // if necessary, extracts 01.dat and creates a list of filenames similar to zeroFiles. only textures are pruned from the list.
                oneFiles = GzsLib.ExtractArchive <QarFile>(OnePath, "_working1");
                oneFiles.RemoveAll(file => file.EndsWith("_unknown"));

            //end of qar extraction
            GameData gameData = SBBuildManager.GetGameData();

            ModManager.ValidateGameData(ref gameData, ref zeroFiles);

            Debug.LogLine("[Uninstall] Building gameFiles lists", Debug.LogLevel.Basic);
            var baseGameFiles = GzsLib.ReadBaseData();

                // begin uninstall
                UninstallMods(selectedMods, ref zeroFiles, ref oneFiles);

                if (hasQarZero)
                    GzsLib.WriteQarArchive(ZeroPath + build_ext, "_working0", zeroFiles, GzsLib.zeroFlags);

                if (hasFtexs)
                    GzsLib.WriteQarArchive(OnePath + build_ext, "_working1", oneFiles, GzsLib.oneFlags);
                // end of qar rebuild

                // overwrite old mod data
                ModManager.PromoteBuildFiles(ZeroPath, OnePath, SnakeBiteSettings, SavePresetPath);

                if (!skipCleanup)

                Debug.LogLine("[Uninstall] Uninstall complete", Debug.LogLevel.Basic);
                Debug.LogLine($"[Uninstall] Uninstall took {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms", Debug.LogLevel.Basic);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.LogLine("[Uninstall] Exception: " + e, Debug.LogLevel.Basic);
                Debug.LogLine($"[Uninstall] Uninstall failed at {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms", Debug.LogLevel.Basic);
                MessageBox.Show("An error has occurred during the uninstallation process and SnakeBite could not uninstall the selected mod(s).\nException: " + e);

                // clean up failed files
                ModManager.ClearBuildFiles(ZeroPath, OnePath, SnakeBiteSettings, SavePresetPath);

                bool restoreRetry = false;
                    catch (Exception f)
                        Debug.LogLine("[Uninstall] Exception: " + f, Debug.LogLevel.Basic);
                        restoreRetry = DialogResult.Retry == MessageBox.Show("SnakeBite could not restore Game Directory mod files due to the following exception: {f} \nWould you like to retry?", "Exception Occurred", MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                } while (restoreRetry);

        }//UninstallMod batch
Example #5
        private static HashSet <string> MergePacks(ModEntry extractedModEntry, List <string> pullFromVanillas, List <string> pullFromMods)
            HashSet <string> modQarZeroPaths = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (ModQarEntry modQar in extractedModEntry.ModQarEntries)
                string workingDestination = Path.Combine("_working0", Tools.ToWinPath(modQar.FilePath));
                if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(workingDestination)))
                string modQarSource = Path.Combine("_extr", Tools.ToWinPath(modQar.FilePath));
                string existingQarSource;

                if (pullFromMods.FirstOrDefault(e => e == modQar.FilePath) != null)
                    //Debug.LogLine(string.Format("{0}'s Qar file '{1}' will pull from _working0 (modded)", extractedModEntry.Name, modQar.FilePath));
                    existingQarSource = workingDestination;
                    int indexToRemove = pullFromVanillas.FindIndex(m => m == modQar.FilePath); // remove from retrievalfilepaths and add to editlist
                    if (indexToRemove >= 0)
                        //Debug.LogLine(string.Format("{0}'s Qar file '{1}' will pull from _gameFpk (fresh game file)", extractedModEntry.Name, modQar.FilePath));
                        existingQarSource = Path.Combine("_gameFpk", Tools.ToWinPath(modQar.FilePath));
                        pullFromVanillas.RemoveAt(indexToRemove); pullFromMods.Add(modQar.FilePath);
                        //Debug.LogLine(string.Format("{0}'s Qar file '{1}' is non-native or not mergeable", extractedModEntry.Name, modQar.FilePath));
                        existingQarSource = null;
                        if (modQar.FilePath.EndsWith(".fpk") || modQar.FilePath.EndsWith(".fpkd"))
                            pullFromMods.Add(modQar.FilePath); // for merging non-native fpk files consecutively

                if (existingQarSource != null)
                    var pulledPack = GzsLib.ExtractArchive <FpkFile>(existingQarSource, "_build");
                    var extrPack   = GzsLib.ExtractArchive <FpkFile>(modQarSource, "_build");
                    pulledPack = pulledPack.Union(extrPack).ToList();
                    //foreach(string file in extrPack) Debug.LogLine(string.Format("{0} is listed in the archive extr", file));
                    //TODO: merge referenced from mod archive to (but then that would probably be tricky keeping track of for Unmerge)
                    //I think only fpks have references (not fpkd), but whatev.
                    var fpkReferences = GzsLib.GetFpkReferences(existingQarSource);
                    GzsLib.WriteFpkArchive(workingDestination, "_build", pulledPack, fpkReferences);
                    File.Copy(modQarSource, workingDestination, true);

                if (!modQar.FilePath.Contains(".ftex"))
                    //Debug.LogLine(string.Format("Adding {0}'s Qar file '{1}' to 00.dat", extractedModEntry.Name, modQar.FilePath));

Example #6
        public static bool InstallMods(List <string> ModFiles, bool skipCleanup = false)
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            Debug.LogLine("[Install] Start", Debug.LogLevel.Basic);
            ModManager.ClearBuildFiles(ZeroPath, OnePath, SnakeBiteSettings, SavePresetPath); // deletes any leftover sb_build files that might still be in the directory (ie from a mid-process shutdown)
            ModManager.ClearSBGameDir();                                                      // deletes the game directory sb_build
            ModManager.CleanupFolders();                                                      // deletes the work folders which contain extracted files from 00/01

            if (Properties.Settings.Default.AutosaveRevertPreset == true)
                PresetManager.SavePreset(SavePresetPath + build_ext); // creates a backup preset file sb_build
                Debug.LogLine("[Install] Skipping RevertChanges.MGSVPreset Save", Debug.LogLevel.Basic);
            File.Copy(SnakeBiteSettings, SnakeBiteSettings + build_ext, true); // creates a settings sb_build

            List <ModEntry> installEntryList = new List <ModEntry>();

            foreach (string modFile in ModFiles)

            List <string> zeroFiles  = new List <string>();
            bool          hasQarZero = ModManager.hasQarZeroFiles(installEntryList);

            if (hasQarZero)
                zeroFiles = GzsLib.ExtractArchive <QarFile>(ZeroPath, "_working0");

            List <string> oneFiles = null;
            bool          hasFtexs = ModManager.foundLooseFtexs(installEntryList);

            if (hasFtexs)
                oneFiles = GzsLib.ExtractArchive <QarFile>(OnePath, "_working1");

            SettingsManager SBBuildManager = new SettingsManager(SnakeBiteSettings + build_ext);
            var             gameData       = SBBuildManager.GetGameData();

            ModManager.ValidateGameData(ref gameData, ref zeroFiles);

            var zeroFilesHashSet = new HashSet <string>(zeroFiles);

            Debug.LogLine("[Install] Building gameFiles lists", Debug.LogLevel.Basic);
            var baseGameFiles   = GzsLib.ReadBaseData();
            var allQarGameFiles = new List <Dictionary <ulong, GameFile> >();


                List <string> pullFromVanillas; List <string> pullFromMods; Dictionary <string, bool> pathUpdatesExist;

                Debug.LogLine("[Install] Writing FPK data to Settings", Debug.LogLevel.Basic);
                AddToSettingsFpk(installEntryList, SBBuildManager, allQarGameFiles, out pullFromVanillas, out pullFromMods, out pathUpdatesExist);
                InstallMods(ModFiles, SBBuildManager, pullFromVanillas, pullFromMods, ref zeroFilesHashSet, ref oneFiles, pathUpdatesExist);

                if (hasQarZero)
                    zeroFiles = zeroFilesHashSet.ToList();
                    GzsLib.WriteQarArchive(ZeroPath + build_ext, "_working0", zeroFiles, GzsLib.zeroFlags);
                if (hasFtexs)
                    GzsLib.WriteQarArchive(OnePath + build_ext, "_working1", oneFiles, GzsLib.oneFlags);

                ModManager.PromoteBuildFiles(ZeroPath, OnePath, SnakeBiteSettings, SavePresetPath);

                if (!skipCleanup)

                Debug.LogLine($"[Install] Installation finished in {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms", Debug.LogLevel.Basic);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.LogLine($"[Install] Installation failed at {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms", Debug.LogLevel.Basic);
                Debug.LogLine("[Install] Exception: " + e, Debug.LogLevel.Basic);
                MessageBox.Show("An error has occurred during the installation process and SnakeBite could not install the selected mod(s).\nException: " + e, "Mod(s) could not be installed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                ModManager.ClearBuildFiles(ZeroPath, OnePath, SnakeBiteSettings, SavePresetPath);

                bool restoreRetry = false;
                    catch (Exception f)
                        Debug.LogLine("[Uninstall] Exception: " + f, Debug.LogLevel.Basic);
                        restoreRetry = DialogResult.Retry == MessageBox.Show("SnakeBite could not restore Game Directory mod files due to the following exception: {f} \nWould you like to retry?", "Exception Occurred", MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                } while (restoreRetry);

Example #7
        private void PopulateBoxes(string modPath)
            // unpack existing fpks if extracted folders don't exist
            foreach (string fpkFile in Directory.GetFiles(modPath, "*.fpk*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                //tex chunk0\Assets\tpp\pack\collectible\common\col_common_tpp_fpk\Assets\tpp\pack\resident\resident00.fpkl is the only fpkl, don't know what a fpkl is, but gzcore crashes on it. also checks for xml in case user opened the fpk with gzstool and produced a xml file
                if (fpkFile.EndsWith(".fpkl") || fpkFile.EndsWith(".xml"))

                string fpkDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(fpkFile), Path.GetFileName(fpkFile).Replace(".", "_"));
                if (!Directory.Exists(fpkDir))
                    //extract fpk
                    GzsLib.ExtractArchive <FpkFile>(fpkFile, fpkDir);

            foreach (string modFile in Directory.GetFiles(modPath, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                string filePath = modFile.Substring(modPath.Length).Replace("\\", "/");
                //GOTCHA: IsValidFile is only roughly accurate for this purpose, but listModFiles is only currently being used as non interactive user feedback so no big issue.
                if ((Tools.IsValidFile(filePath) || filePath.Contains("/GameDir")) && filePath != "/metadata.xml")

            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(modPath, "metadata.xml")))
                ModEntry modMetaData = new ModEntry();
                modMetaData.ReadFromFile(Path.Combine(modPath, "metadata.xml"));

                textModName.Text        = modMetaData.Name;
                textModVersion.Text     = modMetaData.Version;
                textModAuthor.Text      = modMetaData.Author;
                textModWebsite.Text     = modMetaData.Website;
                textModDescription.Text = modMetaData.Description.Replace("\n", "\r\n");
                string mgsvVersion  = modMetaData.MGSVersion.AsString();
                bool   foundVersion = false;
                foreach (string li in comboForVersion.Items)
                    if (mgsvVersion == li)
                        comboForVersion.SelectedIndex = comboForVersion.Items.IndexOf(li);
                        foundVersion = true;
                if (!foundVersion)
                    comboForVersion.Text = mgsvVersion;

            if (File.Exists(modPath + "\\readme.txt"))
                StreamReader s      = new StreamReader(modPath + "\\readme.txt");
                string       readme = s.ReadToEnd();
                textModDescription.Text = readme;
Example #8
        public static void BuildArchive(string SourceDir, ModEntry metaData, string outputFilePath)
            Debug.LogLine($"[BuildArchive] {SourceDir}.");
            string buildDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\_build";

                if (Directory.Exists(buildDir))
                    Directory.Delete(buildDir, true);
                Debug.LogLine(string.Format("[BuildArchive] preexisting _build directory could not be deleted: {0}", buildDir));


            List <string> fpkFiles = Directory.GetFiles(SourceDir, "*.fpk*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList();

            for (int i = fpkFiles.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                string fpkFile = fpkFiles[i].Substring(SourceDir.Length + 1);
                if (!fpkFile.StartsWith("Assets"))
                    string updatedFileName = HashingExtended.UpdateName(fpkFile);
                    if (updatedFileName != null)
                        updatedFileName = SourceDir + updatedFileName.Replace('/', '\\');
                        if (fpkFiles.Contains(updatedFileName))

            List <string> fpkFolders = ListFpkFolders(SourceDir);

            for (int i = fpkFolders.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                string fpkFolder = fpkFolders[i].Substring(SourceDir.Length + 1);
                if (!fpkFolder.StartsWith("Assets"))
                    string updatedFileName = HashingExtended.UpdateName(fpkFolder.Replace("_fpk", ".fpk"));
                    if (updatedFileName != null)
                        updatedFileName = SourceDir + updatedFileName.Replace('/', '\\');
                        if (fpkFolders.Contains(updatedFileName.Replace(".fpk", "_fpk")) || fpkFiles.Contains(updatedFileName))
                            MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} was not packed or added to the build, because {1} (the unhashed filename of {0}) already exists in the mod directory.", Path.GetFileName(fpkFolders[i]), Path.GetFileName(updatedFileName)));

            // check for FPKs that must be built and build
            metaData.ModFpkEntries = new List <ModFpkEntry>();
            List <string> builtFpks = new List <string>();

            foreach (string FpkFullDir in fpkFolders)
                foreach (ModFpkEntry fpkEntry in BuildFpk(FpkFullDir, SourceDir))
                    if (!builtFpks.Contains(fpkEntry.FpkFile))

            // check for other FPKs and build fpkentry data
            foreach (string SourceFile in Directory.GetFiles(SourceDir, "*.fpk*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                //tex chunk0\Assets\tpp\pack\collectible\common\col_common_tpp_fpk\Assets\tpp\pack\resident\resident00.fpkl is the only fpkl, don't know what a fpkl is, but gzcore crashes on it.
                if (SourceFile.EndsWith(".fpkl") || SourceFile.EndsWith(".xml"))
                string FileName = Tools.ToQarPath(SourceFile.Substring(SourceDir.Length));
                if (!builtFpks.Contains(FileName))
                    // unpack FPK and build FPK list
                    string fpkDir     = Tools.ToWinPath(FileName.Replace(".fpk", "_fpk"));
                    string fpkFullDir = Path.Combine(SourceDir, fpkDir);
                    if (!Directory.Exists(fpkFullDir))
                        GzsLib.ExtractArchive <FpkFile>(SourceFile, fpkFullDir);

                    var fpkContents = GzsLib.ListArchiveContents <FpkFile>(SourceFile);
                    foreach (string file in fpkContents)
                        if (!GzsLib.IsExtensionValidForArchive(file, fpkDir))
                            Debug.LogLine($"[BuildArchive] {file} is not a valid file for a {Path.GetExtension(fpkDir)} archive.");

                        metaData.ModFpkEntries.Add(new ModFpkEntry()
                            FilePath    = file,
                            FpkFile     = FileName,
                            ContentHash = Tools.GetMd5Hash(Path.Combine(SourceDir, fpkDir, Tools.ToWinPath(file)))

            // build QAR entries
            List <string> qarFiles = ListQarFiles(SourceDir);

            for (int i = qarFiles.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                string qarFile = qarFiles[i].Substring(SourceDir.Length + 1);
                if (!qarFile.StartsWith("Assets"))
                    string updatedQarName = HashingExtended.UpdateName(qarFile);
                    if (updatedQarName != null)
                        updatedQarName = SourceDir + updatedQarName.Replace('/', '\\');
                        if (qarFiles.Contains(updatedQarName))
                            MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} was not added to the build, because {1} (the unhashed filename of {0}) already exists in the mod directory.", Path.GetFileName(qarFiles[i]), Path.GetFileName(updatedQarName)));

            metaData.ModQarEntries = new List <ModQarEntry>();
            foreach (string qarFile in qarFiles)
                string subDir      = qarFile.Substring(0, qarFile.LastIndexOf("\\")).Substring(SourceDir.Length).TrimStart('\\'); // the subdirectory for XML output
                string qarFilePath = Tools.ToQarPath(qarFile.Substring(SourceDir.Length));

                if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine("_build", subDir)))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine("_build", subDir));                                                    // create file structure
                File.Copy(qarFile, Path.Combine("_build", Tools.ToWinPath(qarFilePath)), true);

                ulong hash = Tools.NameToHash(qarFilePath);
                metaData.ModQarEntries.Add(new ModQarEntry()
                    FilePath    = qarFilePath,
                    Compressed  = qarFile.EndsWith(".fpk") || qarFile.EndsWith(".fpkd") ? true : false,
                    ContentHash = Tools.GetMd5Hash(qarFile), Hash = hash

            //tex build external entries
            metaData.ModFileEntries = new List <ModFileEntry>();
            var externalFiles = ListExternalFiles(SourceDir);

            foreach (string externalFile in externalFiles)
                string subDir           = externalFile.Substring(0, externalFile.LastIndexOf("\\")).Substring(SourceDir.Length).TrimStart('\\'); // the subdirectory for XML output
                string externalFilePath = Tools.ToQarPath(externalFile.Substring(SourceDir.Length));

                if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine("_build", subDir)))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine("_build", subDir));                                                    // create file structure
                File.Copy(externalFile, Path.Combine("_build", Tools.ToWinPath(externalFilePath)), true);
                string strip = "/" + ExternalDirName;
                if (externalFilePath.StartsWith(strip))
                    externalFilePath = externalFilePath.Substring(strip.Length);
                //ulong hash = Tools.NameToHash(qarFilePath);
                metaData.ModFileEntries.Add(new ModFileEntry()
                    FilePath = externalFilePath, ContentHash = Tools.GetMd5Hash(externalFile)

            metaData.SBVersion.Version = Application.ProductVersion;


            // build archive
            FastZip zipper = new FastZip();

            zipper.CreateZip(outputFilePath, "_build", true, "(.*?)");

                Directory.Delete("_build", true);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.LogLine(string.Format("[BuildArchive] _build directory could not be deleted: {0}", e.ToString()));
Example #9
        public static void BuildArchive(string SourceDir, ModEntry metaData, string OutputFile)
            string buildDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\build";

            if (Directory.Exists(buildDir))
                Directory.Delete(buildDir, true);


            // check for FPKs that must be built and build
            metaData.ModFpkEntries = new List <ModFpkEntry>();
            List <string> builtFpks = new List <string>();

            foreach (string FpkDir in ListFpkFolders(SourceDir))
                foreach (ModFpkEntry fpkEntry in BuildFpk(FpkDir, SourceDir))
                    if (!builtFpks.Contains(fpkEntry.FpkFile))

            // check for other FPKs and build fpkentry data
            foreach (string SourceFile in Directory.GetFiles(SourceDir, "*.fpk*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                string FileName = Tools.ToQarPath(SourceFile.Substring(SourceDir.Length));
                if (!builtFpks.Contains(FileName))
                    // unpack FPK and build FPK list

                    foreach (string file in GzsLib.ListArchiveContents <FpkFile>(SourceFile))
                        string fpkDir     = Tools.ToWinPath(FileName.Replace(".fpk", "_fpk"));
                        string fpkFullDir = Path.Combine(SourceDir, fpkDir);
                        if (!Directory.Exists(fpkFullDir))
                            GzsLib.ExtractArchive <FpkFile>(SourceFile, fpkFullDir);
                        metaData.ModFpkEntries.Add(new ModFpkEntry()
                            FilePath = file, FpkFile = FileName, ContentHash = Tools.GetMd5Hash(Path.Combine(SourceDir, fpkDir, Tools.ToWinPath(file)))

            // build QAR entries
            metaData.ModQarEntries = new List <ModQarEntry>();
            foreach (string qarFile in ListQarFiles(SourceDir))
                string subDir      = qarFile.Substring(0, qarFile.LastIndexOf("\\")).Substring(SourceDir.Length).TrimStart('\\'); // the subdirectory for XML output
                string qarFilePath = Tools.ToQarPath(qarFile.Substring(SourceDir.Length));
                if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine("_build", subDir)))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine("_build", subDir));                                                    // create file structure
                File.Copy(qarFile, Path.Combine("_build", Tools.ToWinPath(qarFilePath)), true);

                ulong hash = Tools.NameToHash(qarFilePath);
                metaData.ModQarEntries.Add(new ModQarEntry()
                    FilePath = qarFilePath, Compressed = qarFile.Substring(qarFile.LastIndexOf(".") + 1).Contains("fpk") ? true : false, ContentHash = Tools.GetMd5Hash(qarFile), Hash = hash

            metaData.SBVersion.Version = "";


            // build archive
            FastZip zipper = new FastZip();

            zipper.CreateZip(OutputFile, "_build", true, "(.*?)");

            Directory.Delete("_build", true);
Example #10
        public static bool ModifyFoxfs() // edits the chunk/texture lines in foxfs.dat to accommodate a_chunk7 a_texture7, MGO and GZs data.

            Debug.LogLine("[ModifyFoxfs] Beginning foxfs.dat check.", Debug.LogLevel.Debug);
                string foxfsInPath = "foxfs.dat";
                string foxfsOutPath = "_extr\\foxfs.dat";

                if (GzsLib.ExtractFile<QarFile>(chunk0Path, foxfsInPath, foxfsOutPath)) //extract foxfs alone, to save time if the changes are already made
                    if (!File.ReadAllText(foxfsOutPath).Contains("a_chunk7.dat")) // checks if there's an indication that it's modified
                        Debug.LogLine("[ModifyFoxfs] foxfs.dat is unmodified, extracting chunk0.dat.", Debug.LogLevel.Debug);
                        List<string> chunk0Files = GzsLib.ExtractArchive<QarFile>(chunk0Path, "_extr"); //extract chunk0 into _extr

                        string[] linesToAdd = new string[8]
                    "		<chunk id=\"0\" label=\"old\" qar=\"a_chunk7.dat\" textures=\"a_texture7.dat\"/>",
                    "		<chunk id=\"1\" label=\"cypr\" qar=\"chunk0.dat\" textures=\"texture0.dat\"/>",
                    "		<chunk id=\"2\" label=\"base\" qar=\"chunk1.dat\" textures=\"texture1.dat\"/>",
                    "		<chunk id=\"3\" label=\"afgh\" qar=\"chunk2.dat\" textures=\"texture2.dat\"/>",
                    "		<chunk id=\"4\" label=\"mtbs\" qar=\"chunk3.dat\" textures=\"texture3.dat\"/>",
                    "		<chunk id=\"5\" label=\"mafr\" qar=\"chunk4.dat\" textures=\"texture4.dat\"/>",
                    "		<chunk id=\"6\" label=\"mgo\" qar=\"chunk5_mgo0.dat\" textures=\"texture5_mgo0.dat\"/>",
                    "		<chunk id=\"7\" label=\"gzs\" qar=\"chunk6_gzs0.dat\" textures=\"texture6_gzs0.dat\"/>",
                        Debug.LogLine("[ModifyFoxfs] Updating foxfs.dat", Debug.LogLevel.Debug);
                        var foxfsLine = File.ReadAllLines(foxfsOutPath).ToList();   // read the file
                        int startIndex = foxfsLine.IndexOf("		<chunk id=\"0\" label=\"cypr\" qar=\"chunk0.dat\" textures=\"texture0.dat\"/>");

                        foxfsLine.RemoveRange(startIndex, 6);
                        foxfsLine.InsertRange(startIndex, linesToAdd);

                        File.WriteAllLines(foxfsOutPath, foxfsLine); // write to file

                        Debug.LogLine("[ModifyFoxfs] repacking chunk0.dat", Debug.LogLevel.Debug);

                        //Build chunk0.dat.SB_Build with modified foxfs
                        GzsLib.WriteQarArchive(chunk0Path + build_ext, "_extr", chunk0Files, GzsLib.chunk0Flags);

                        Debug.LogLine("[ModifyFoxfs] foxfs.dat is already modified", Debug.LogLevel.Debug);
                    MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Setup cancelled: SnakeBite failed to extract foxfs from chunk0."), "foxfs check failed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    Debug.LogLine("[ModifyFoxfs] Process failed: could not check foxfs.dat", Debug.LogLevel.Debug);

                    return false;

                Debug.LogLine("[ModifyFoxfs] Archive modification complete.", Debug.LogLevel.Debug);

                return true;
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show(string.Format("An error has occured while modifying foxfs in chunk0: {0}", e), "Exception Occurred", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                Debug.LogLine(string.Format("[ModifyFoxfs] Exception Occurred: {0}", e), Debug.LogLevel.Basic);
                Debug.LogLine("[ModifyFoxfs] SnakeBite has failed to modify foxfs in chunk0", Debug.LogLevel.Basic);

                return false;
Example #11
        // 00 non-snakebite Files to 01,  01 lua files unchanged,   01 textures -> t7,   01 chunkfiles -> c7, 
        private static void MoveDatFilesDirty(SettingsManager manager)
            var modQarFiles = manager.GetModQarFiles();

            string sourceName = null;
            string destName = null;
            string destFolder = null;

            Debug.LogLine("[DatMerge] Dispersing files from 00 to 01, and then from 01 to a_chunk7 and a_texture7 if necessary.", Debug.LogLevel.Debug);
            List<string> oneFiles = GzsLib.ExtractArchive<QarFile>(OnePath, "_extr");
            List<string> zeroList = new List<string>();
            int moveCount = 0;

                zeroList = GzsLib.ListArchiveContents<QarFile>(ZeroPath);
            } catch (Exception e)
                Debug.LogLine(String.Format("[Error] GzsLib.ListArchiveContents exception: {0}", e.ToString()), Debug.LogLevel.Debug);
                throw e;

            foreach (string zeroFile in zeroList)
                if (zeroFile == "foxpatch.dat") continue;
                if (modQarFiles.Contains(Tools.ToQarPath(zeroFile)) || oneFiles.Contains(zeroFile)) continue;
                if (oneFiles.Contains(zeroFile)) continue;
            if (moveCount > 0) //if any non-snakebite files exist in 00, move them to 01.
                Debug.LogLine("[DatMerge] Moving files to 01.dat.", Debug.LogLevel.Debug);
                List<string> zeroFiles = GzsLib.ExtractArchive<QarFile>(ZeroPath, "_working1");
                List<string> zeroOut = zeroFiles.ToList();

                foreach (string zeroFile in zeroFiles)
                    if (zeroFile == "foxpatch.dat") continue;
                    if (modQarFiles.Contains(Tools.ToQarPath(zeroFile))) continue;
                    if (oneFiles.Contains(zeroFile)) { zeroOut.Remove(zeroFile); continue; } //if it already exists in 01 then there's nowhere for it to go.

                    sourceName = Path.Combine("_working1", Tools.ToWinPath(zeroFile));
                    destName = Path.Combine("_extr", Tools.ToWinPath(zeroFile));

                    oneFiles.Add(zeroFile); // 00 -> 01

                    destFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(destName);
                    if (!Directory.Exists(destFolder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(destFolder);
                    if (!File.Exists(destName)) File.Move(sourceName, destName);

                GzsLib.WriteQarArchive(ZeroPath + build_ext, "_working1", zeroOut, GzsLib.zeroFlags); // rebuild 00 archive

                Directory.Delete("_working1", true); // clean up _working1, to be used by texture7
                while (Directory.Exists("_working1"))

            moveCount = 0; // check if any files need to be moved to C7/T7
            int textureCount = 0;
            List<string> chunk7List = new List<string>();
            List<string> tex7List = new List<string>();
                if (File.Exists(t7Path)) tex7List = GzsLib.ListArchiveContents<QarFile>(t7Path);
                if (File.Exists(c7Path)) chunk7List = GzsLib.ListArchiveContents<QarFile>(c7Path);
            } catch (Exception e)
                Debug.LogLine(String.Format("[Error] GzsLib.ListArchiveContents exception: {0}", e.ToString()), Debug.LogLevel.Debug);
                throw e;

            foreach (string oneFile in oneFiles)
                if (modQarFiles.Contains(Tools.ToQarPath(oneFile)) || tex7List.Contains(oneFile) || chunk7List.Contains(oneFile)) continue;
                if (oneFile.Contains(".lua")) continue; // vanilla lua files must stay in 01
                if (oneFile.Contains(".ftex")) textureCount++;
            if (moveCount > 0)
                List<string> oneOut = oneFiles.ToList();

                if (textureCount > 0) // if non-snakebite textures exist, move them to t7
                    Debug.LogLine("[DatMerge] Moving files to a_texture7.dat.", Debug.LogLevel.Debug);
                    List<string> texture7Files = new List<string>();
                    if (File.Exists(t7Path)) texture7Files = GzsLib.ExtractArchive<QarFile>(t7Path, "_working1");

                    foreach (string oneFile in oneFiles) // once 00 files have been moved, move 01 files into t7, c7.
                        if (modQarFiles.Contains(Tools.ToQarPath(oneFile))) continue;
                        if (oneFile.Contains(".ftex"))
                            sourceName = Path.Combine("_extr", Tools.ToWinPath(oneFile));
                            destName = Path.Combine("_working1", Tools.ToWinPath(oneFile)); // 01 -> texture7
                            destFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(destName);

                            if (!texture7Files.Contains(oneFile)) texture7Files.Add(oneFile);
                            if (!Directory.Exists(destFolder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(destFolder);
                            if (!File.Exists(destName)) File.Move(sourceName, destName);
                    GzsLib.WriteQarArchive(t7Path + build_ext, "_working1", texture7Files, GzsLib.texture7Flags);

                oneFiles = oneOut.ToList(); // update oneFiles to remove any .ftex already found
                if (oneFiles.Count > 0) // if any other files need to be moved, they go in chunk7
                    Debug.LogLine("[DatMerge] Moving files to a_chunk7.dat.", Debug.LogLevel.Debug);
                    List<string> chunk7Files = new List<string>();
                    if (File.Exists(c7Path)) chunk7Files = GzsLib.ExtractArchive<QarFile>(c7Path, "_working2");

                    foreach (string oneFile in oneFiles) // once 00 files have been moved, move 01 files into t7, c7.
                        if (modQarFiles.Contains(Tools.ToQarPath(oneFile))) continue;
                        if (oneFile.Contains(".lua")) continue;

                        sourceName = Path.Combine("_extr", Tools.ToWinPath(oneFile));
                        destName = Path.Combine("_working2", Tools.ToWinPath(oneFile)); // 00 -> chunk7
                        destFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(destName);

                        if (!chunk7Files.Contains(oneFile)) chunk7Files.Add(oneFile);

                        if (!Directory.Exists(destFolder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(destFolder);
                        if (!File.Exists(destName)) File.Move(sourceName, destName);
                    GzsLib.WriteQarArchive(c7Path + build_ext, "_working2", chunk7Files, GzsLib.chunk7Flags); // rebuild chunk7 archive
                GzsLib.WriteQarArchive(OnePath + build_ext, "_extr", oneOut, GzsLib.oneFlags); // rebuild 01 archive
Example #12
        public static void MoveDatFiles()
            Debug.LogLine("[DatMerge] System data merge started", Debug.LogLevel.Debug);

            var zeroList    = GzsLib.ListArchiveContents <QarFile>(ZeroPath);
            var modQarFiles = SettingsManager.GetModQarFiles();

            int mc = 0;

            foreach (string zeroFile in zeroList)
                if (zeroFile == "foxpatch.dat")
                if (modQarFiles.Contains(Tools.ToQarPath(zeroFile)))

            if (mc > 0)

                // Extract 00.dat
                var zeroFiles = GzsLib.ExtractArchive <QarFile>(ZeroPath, "_extr");
                // Extract 01.dat
                var oneFiles = GzsLib.ExtractArchive <QarFile>(OnePath, "_working");

                var zeroOut = zeroFiles.ToList();

                Debug.LogLine(string.Format("[DatMerge] Moving {0} system files", mc), Debug.LogLevel.Debug);
                // Move files from 00 to 01 (excluding foxpatch.dat)
                foreach (string zeroFile in zeroFiles)
                    if (zeroFile == "foxpatch.dat")
                    if (modQarFiles.Contains(Tools.ToQarPath(zeroFile)))
                    string sourceName = Path.Combine("_extr", Tools.ToWinPath(zeroFile));
                    string destName   = Path.Combine("_working", Tools.ToWinPath(zeroFile));
                    string destFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(destName);

                    Debug.LogLine(string.Format("[DatMerge] Moving system file {0}", zeroFile));
                    if (!Directory.Exists(destFolder))
                    File.Move(sourceName, destName);


                Debug.LogLine("[DatMerge] Rebuilding game archives", Debug.LogLevel.Debug);

                // Rebuild 01.dat with files
                GzsLib.WriteQarArchive(OnePath, "_working", oneFiles, 3150048);

                // Rebuild 00.dat
                GzsLib.WriteQarArchive(ZeroPath, "_extr", zeroOut, 3150304);



                Debug.LogLine("[DatMerge] Merge finished", Debug.LogLevel.Debug);
                Debug.LogLine("[DatMerge] No files to merge, aborting", Debug.LogLevel.Debug);
Example #13
        public static bool UninstallMod(ModEntry mod)
            Debug.LogLine(String.Format("[Mod] Uninstall started: {0}", mod.Name), Debug.LogLevel.Basic);


            // Extract game archive
            var zeroFiles = GzsLib.ExtractArchive <QarFile>(ZeroPath, "_working");

            // List all FPKs in mod
            List <string> modFpks = new List <string>();

            foreach (ModFpkEntry fpkEntry in mod.ModFpkEntries)
                if (!modFpks.Contains(fpkEntry.FpkFile))

            var gameData = SettingsManager.GetGameData();

            // Extract FPK
            foreach (string fpk in modFpks)
                string fpkName    = Path.GetFileName(fpk);
                string fpkDatPath = zeroFiles.FirstOrDefault(file => Tools.CompareHashes(file, fpk));
                if (fpkDatPath == null)
                var fpkFile = GzsLib.ExtractArchive <FpkFile>(Path.Combine("_working", Tools.ToWinPath(fpkDatPath)), "_modfpk");

                // Remove all mod fpk files from fpk
                foreach (ModFpkEntry fpkEntry in mod.ModFpkEntries)
                    Debug.LogLine(String.Format("[Mod] Removing {1}\\{0}", Tools.ToWinPath(fpkEntry.FilePath), fpkName), Debug.LogLevel.Debug);
                    fpkFile.RemoveAll(file => Tools.ToQarPath(file) == Tools.ToQarPath(fpkEntry.FilePath));

                var gameFpks = gameData.GameFpkEntries.ToList();

                // remove all merged files from fpk
                foreach (ModFpkEntry gameFpkFile in gameFpks)
                    if (Tools.ToQarPath(gameFpkFile.FpkFile) == Tools.ToQarPath(fpk) && gameFpkFile.SourceType == FileSource.Merged)
                        Debug.LogLine(String.Format("[Mod] Removing merged file {0}", gameFpkFile.FilePath));
                        fpkFile.RemoveAll(entry => entry == gameFpkFile.FilePath);

                // remove fpk if no files left
                if (fpkFile.Count == 0)
                    Debug.LogLine(String.Format("[Mod] {0} is empty, removing", fpkName), Debug.LogLevel.Debug);
                    zeroFiles.RemoveAll(file => Tools.CompareHashes(file, fpk));
                    gameData.GameQarEntries.RemoveAll(file => Tools.CompareHashes(file.FilePath, fpk));
                    Debug.LogLine(String.Format("[Mod] Rebuilding {0}", fpk), Debug.LogLevel.Debug);
                    // rebuild fpk from base file
                    var baseData = GzsLib.ReadBaseData();

                    var oneFiles  = baseData.FileList.FindAll(entry => entry.QarFile == "01.dat");
                    var baseFiles = baseData.FileList.FindAll(entry => entry.QarFile != "01.dat");

                    // Check for FPKs in 00.dat first
                    GameFile file = oneFiles.FirstOrDefault(entry => entry.FileHash == Tools.NameToHash(fpk));
                    if (file != null)
                        // Extract base FPK files
                        GzsLib.ExtractFileByHash <QarFile>(Path.Combine(GameDir, "master\\0\\01.dat"), file.FileHash, "_working\\temp.fpk");
                        var gameFpk = GzsLib.ExtractArchive <FpkFile>("_working\\temp.fpk", "_gamefpk");

                        // Add merged base files to game file database
                        var mCount = 0;
                        foreach (var fpkF in gameFpk)
                            if (!fpkFile.Contains(fpkF))
                                gameData.GameFpkEntries.Add(new ModFpkEntry()
                                    FpkFile = fpk, FilePath = fpkF, SourceType = FileSource.Merged, SourceName = file.QarFile

                        Debug.LogLine(String.Format("[Mod] {0} files restored from {1}", mCount, file.QarFile), Debug.LogLevel.Debug);

                        // Copy remaining files over base FPK
                        foreach (string mFile in fpkFile)
                            string fDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(mFile);
                            if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine("_gamefpk", fDir)))
                                Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine("_gamefpk", fDir));
                            Debug.LogLine(String.Format("[Mod] Merging existing file: {0}", mFile));
                            File.Copy(Path.Combine("_modfpk", mFile), Path.Combine(Path.Combine("_gamefpk", mFile)), true);
                            if (!gameFpk.Contains(mFile))

                        // Rebuild FPK
                        GzsLib.WriteFpkArchive(Path.Combine("_working", Tools.ToWinPath(fpkDatPath)), "_gamefpk", gameFpk);
                        Directory.Delete("_gamefpk", true);
                        Directory.Delete("_modfpk", true);
                        continue; // don't check base data if it's in 01

                    // check base files for FPK
                    file = baseFiles.FirstOrDefault(entry => entry.FileHash == Tools.NameToHash(fpk));
                    if (file != null)
                        // Extract base FPK files
                        GzsLib.ExtractFileByHash <QarFile>(Path.Combine(GameDir, "master\\" + file.QarFile), file.FileHash, "_working\\temp.fpk");
                        var gameFpk = GzsLib.ExtractArchive <FpkFile>("_working\\temp.fpk", "_gamefpk");

                        // Add merged base files to game file database
                        var mCount = 0;
                        foreach (var fpkF in gameFpk)
                            if (!fpkFile.Contains(fpkF))
                                gameData.GameFpkEntries.Add(new ModFpkEntry()
                                    FpkFile = fpk, FilePath = fpkF, SourceType = FileSource.Merged, SourceName = file.QarFile

                        Debug.LogLine(String.Format("[Mod] {0} files restored from {1}", mCount, file.QarFile), Debug.LogLevel.Debug);
                        // Copy remaining files over base FPK
                        foreach (string mFile in fpkFile)
                            string fDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(mFile);
                            if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine("_gamefpk", fDir)))
                                Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine("_gamefpk", fDir));
                            Debug.LogLine(String.Format("[Mod] Merging existing file: {0}", mFile));
                            File.Copy(Path.Combine("_modfpk", mFile), Path.Combine(Path.Combine("_gamefpk", mFile)), true);
                            if (!gameFpk.Contains(mFile))

                        // Rebuild FPK
                        GzsLib.WriteFpkArchive(Path.Combine("_working", Tools.ToWinPath(fpk)), "_gamefpk", gameFpk);
                        Directory.Delete("_gamefpk", true);
                        Directory.Delete("_modfpk", true);


            // Remove all mod files from 01.dat
            foreach (ModQarEntry qarEntry in mod.ModQarEntries)
                string fExt = Path.GetExtension(qarEntry.FilePath);
                if (!fExt.Contains(".fpk"))
                    zeroFiles.RemoveAll(file => Tools.CompareHashes(file, qarEntry.FilePath));

            Debug.LogLine("[Mod] Rebuilding game archive", Debug.LogLevel.Basic);
            // Rebuild 01.dat
            GzsLib.WriteQarArchive(ZeroPath, "_working", zeroFiles, 3150048);



            Debug.LogLine("[Mod] Uninstall complete", Debug.LogLevel.Basic);

Example #14
        public static bool InstallMod(string ModFile)

            Debug.LogLine(String.Format("[Mod] Installation started: {0}", ModFile), Debug.LogLevel.Basic);

            // Extract game archive
            var zeroFiles = GzsLib.ExtractArchive <QarFile>(ZeroPath, "_working");

            // Extract mod data
            FastZip unzipper = new FastZip();

            unzipper.ExtractZip(ModFile, "_extr", "(.*?)");

            // Load mod metadata
            ModEntry metaData = new ModEntry("_extr\\metadata.xml");

            // Build a list of FPKs contained in mod
            List <string> modFpks = new List <string>();

            foreach (ModFpkEntry fpkEntry in metaData.ModFpkEntries)
                if (!modFpks.Contains(fpkEntry.FpkFile))

            List <string>      mergeFpks  = new List <string>();
            List <ModQarEntry> MergeFiles = new List <ModQarEntry>();

            Debug.LogLine("[Mod] Checking existing game data", Debug.LogLevel.Basic);

            // Check for FPKs in 00.dat
            foreach (string fpk in modFpks)
                string datFile = zeroFiles.FirstOrDefault(file => Tools.CompareHashes(file, fpk));
                if (datFile != null)
                    if (mergeFpks.Contains(Tools.ToQarPath(datFile)))

                    MergeFiles.Add(new ModQarEntry()
                        FilePath = fpk, SourceType = FileSource.Merged, SourceName = "00.dat"

            var gameData = GzsLib.ReadBaseData();

            var oneFiles  = gameData.FileList.FindAll(entry => entry.QarFile == "01.dat");
            var baseFiles = gameData.FileList.FindAll(entry => entry.QarFile != "01.dat");

            // Check for FPKs in 01.dat
            foreach (string fpk in modFpks)
                GameFile file = oneFiles.FirstOrDefault(entry => entry.FileHash == Tools.NameToHash(fpk));
                if (file != null)
                    if (mergeFpks.Contains(Tools.ToQarPath(file.FilePath)))

                    // Create destination directory
                    string destDirectory = Path.Combine("_working", Path.GetDirectoryName(Tools.ToWinPath(file.FilePath)));
                    if (!Directory.Exists(destDirectory))

                    // Extract file into dat directory
                    var ex = GzsLib.ExtractFileByHash <QarFile>(Path.Combine(GameDir, "master\\0\\01.dat"), file.FileHash, Path.Combine("_working", Tools.ToWinPath(file.FilePath)));

                    MergeFiles.Add(new ModQarEntry()
                        FilePath = file.FilePath, SourceType = FileSource.Merged, SourceName = "01.dat"

                    if (zeroFiles.FirstOrDefault(datFile => Tools.CompareHashes(datFile, file.FilePath)) == null)

            // Check for FPKs in base data
            foreach (string fpk in modFpks)
                GameFile file = baseFiles.FirstOrDefault(entry => entry.FileHash == Tools.NameToHash(fpk));
                if (file != null)
                    if (mergeFpks.Contains(Tools.ToQarPath(file.FilePath)))

                    // Create destination directory
                    string destDirectory = Path.Combine("_working", Path.GetDirectoryName(Tools.ToWinPath(file.FilePath)));
                    if (!Directory.Exists(destDirectory))

                    // Extract file into dat directory
                    var ex = GzsLib.ExtractFileByHash <QarFile>(Path.Combine(GameDir, "master\\" + file.QarFile), file.FileHash, Path.Combine("_working", Tools.ToWinPath(file.FilePath)));
                    MergeFiles.Add(new ModQarEntry()
                        FilePath = file.FilePath, SourceType = FileSource.Merged, SourceName = file.QarFile

                    if (zeroFiles.FirstOrDefault(datFile => Tools.CompareHashes(datFile, file.FilePath)) == null)

            Debug.LogLine(String.Format("[Mod] Merging {0} FPK files", MergeFiles.Count), Debug.LogLevel.Basic);

            var g = SettingsManager.GetGameData();

            // Merge FPK files
            foreach (ModQarEntry gf in MergeFiles)
                Debug.LogLine(String.Format("[Mod] Starting merge: {0} ({1})", gf.FilePath, gf.SourceName), Debug.LogLevel.Debug);
                // Extract game FPK
                string fpkDatPath = zeroFiles.FirstOrDefault(file => Tools.CompareHashes(file, gf.FilePath));
                string fpkPath    = Path.Combine("_working", Tools.ToWinPath(fpkDatPath));
                var    gameFpk    = GzsLib.ExtractArchive <FpkFile>(fpkPath, "_gamefpk");

                // Extract mod FPK
                var exFpk = GzsLib.ExtractArchive <FpkFile>(Path.Combine("_extr", Tools.ToWinPath(gf.FilePath)), "_modfpk");

                // Add file to gamedata info
                var q = g.GameQarEntries.FirstOrDefault(entry => entry.FilePath == gf.FilePath);
                if (q == null)
                    g.GameQarEntries.Add(new ModQarEntry()
                        FilePath = Tools.ToQarPath(gf.FilePath), SourceType = gf.SourceType, SourceName = gf.SourceName, Hash = Tools.NameToHash(gf.FilePath)

                foreach (string f in gameFpk)
                    var c = exFpk.FirstOrDefault(entry => Tools.CompareHashes(entry, f));
                    if (c == null)
                        if (g.GameFpkEntries.FirstOrDefault(entry => Tools.CompareHashes(entry.FpkFile, gf.FilePath) && Tools.CompareNames(entry.FilePath, f)) == null)
                            g.GameFpkEntries.Add(new ModFpkEntry()
                                FpkFile = Tools.ToQarPath(gf.FilePath), FilePath = f, SourceType = gf.SourceType, SourceName = gf.SourceName

                // Merge contents
                foreach (string fileName in exFpk)
                    string fileDir    = (Path.Combine("_gamefpk", Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName)));
                    string sourceFile = Path.Combine("_modfpk", fileName);
                    string destFile   = Path.Combine("_gamefpk", fileName);

                    Debug.LogLine(String.Format("[Mod] Copying file: {0}", fileName), Debug.LogLevel.All);

                    if (!Directory.Exists(fileDir))
                    File.Copy(sourceFile, destFile, true);
                    if (!gameFpk.Contains(fileName))

                // Rebuild game FPK
                GzsLib.WriteFpkArchive(fpkPath, "_gamefpk", gameFpk);
                if (!zeroFiles.Contains(Tools.ToWinPath(gf.FilePath)))
                Directory.Delete("_modfpk", true);
                Directory.Delete("_gamefpk", true);
                Debug.LogLine(String.Format("[Mod] Merge complete"), Debug.LogLevel.Debug);


            Debug.LogLine("[Mod] Copying remaining mod files", Debug.LogLevel.Basic);

            // Copy files for 01.dat, ignoring merged FPKs
            foreach (ModQarEntry modEntry in metaData.ModQarEntries)
                if (!zeroFiles.Contains(Tools.ToWinPath(modEntry.FilePath)))

                if (modEntry.FilePath.Contains(".fpk"))
                    if (mergeFpks.Count(fpk => Tools.CompareHashes(fpk, modEntry.FilePath)) > 0)

                string sourceFile = Path.Combine("_extr", Tools.ToWinPath(modEntry.FilePath));
                string destFile   = Path.Combine("_working", Tools.ToWinPath(modEntry.FilePath));
                string destDir    = Path.GetDirectoryName(destFile);

                Debug.LogLine(String.Format("[Mod] Copying file: {0}", modEntry.FilePath), Debug.LogLevel.All);
                if (!Directory.Exists(destDir))
                File.Copy(sourceFile, destFile, true);

            // Rebuild 01.dat
            Debug.LogLine("[Mod] Rebuilding game archive", Debug.LogLevel.Basic);
            GzsLib.WriteQarArchive(ZeroPath, "_working", zeroFiles, 3150048);



            Debug.LogLine("[Mod] Running database cleanup", Debug.LogLevel.Debug);


            Debug.LogLine("[Mod] Installation finished", Debug.LogLevel.Basic);

Example #15
        public static void BuildArchive(string SourceDir, ModEntry metaData, string outputFilePath)
            string buildDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\build";

            if (Directory.Exists(buildDir))
                Directory.Delete(buildDir, true);


            // check for FPKs that must be built and build
            metaData.ModFpkEntries = new List <ModFpkEntry>();
            List <string> builtFpks = new List <string>();

            foreach (string FpkDir in ListFpkFolders(SourceDir))
                foreach (ModFpkEntry fpkEntry in BuildFpk(FpkDir, SourceDir))
                    if (!builtFpks.Contains(fpkEntry.FpkFile))

            // check for other FPKs and build fpkentry data
            foreach (string SourceFile in Directory.GetFiles(SourceDir, "*.fpk*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                //tex chunk0\Assets\tpp\pack\collectible\common\col_common_tpp_fpk\Assets\tpp\pack\resident\resident00.fpkl is the only fpkl, don't know what a fpkl is, but gzcore crashes on it.
                if (SourceFile.Contains(".fpkl"))

                string FileName = Tools.ToQarPath(SourceFile.Substring(SourceDir.Length));
                if (!builtFpks.Contains(FileName))
                    // unpack FPK and build FPK list

                    foreach (string file in GzsLib.ListArchiveContents <FpkFile>(SourceFile))
                        string fpkDir     = Tools.ToWinPath(FileName.Replace(".fpk", "_fpk"));
                        string fpkFullDir = Path.Combine(SourceDir, fpkDir);
                        if (!Directory.Exists(fpkFullDir))
                            GzsLib.ExtractArchive <FpkFile>(SourceFile, fpkFullDir);
                        metaData.ModFpkEntries.Add(new ModFpkEntry()
                            FilePath = file, FpkFile = FileName, ContentHash = Tools.GetMd5Hash(Path.Combine(SourceDir, fpkDir, Tools.ToWinPath(file)))

            // build QAR entries
            metaData.ModQarEntries = new List <ModQarEntry>();
            foreach (string qarFile in ListQarFiles(SourceDir))
                string subDir      = qarFile.Substring(0, qarFile.LastIndexOf("\\")).Substring(SourceDir.Length).TrimStart('\\'); // the subdirectory for XML output
                string qarFilePath = Tools.ToQarPath(qarFile.Substring(SourceDir.Length));
                if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine("_build", subDir)))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine("_build", subDir));                                                    // create file structure
                File.Copy(qarFile, Path.Combine("_build", Tools.ToWinPath(qarFilePath)), true);

                ulong hash = Tools.NameToHash(qarFilePath);
                metaData.ModQarEntries.Add(new ModQarEntry()
                    FilePath = qarFilePath, Compressed = qarFile.Substring(qarFile.LastIndexOf(".") + 1).Contains("fpk") ? true : false, ContentHash = Tools.GetMd5Hash(qarFile), Hash = hash

            //tex build external entries
            metaData.ModFileEntries = new List <ModFileEntry>();
            foreach (string externalFile in ListExternalFiles(SourceDir))
                string subDir           = externalFile.Substring(0, externalFile.LastIndexOf("\\")).Substring(SourceDir.Length).TrimStart('\\'); // the subdirectory for XML output
                string externalFilePath = Tools.ToQarPath(externalFile.Substring(SourceDir.Length));

                if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine("_build", subDir)))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine("_build", subDir));                                                    // create file structure
                File.Copy(externalFile, Path.Combine("_build", Tools.ToWinPath(externalFilePath)), true);
                string strip = "/" + ExternalDirName;
                if (externalFilePath.StartsWith(strip))
                    externalFilePath = externalFilePath.Substring(strip.Length);
                //ulong hash = Tools.NameToHash(qarFilePath);
                metaData.ModFileEntries.Add(new ModFileEntry()
                    FilePath = externalFilePath, ContentHash = Tools.GetMd5Hash(externalFile)

            metaData.SBVersion.Version = SnakeBiteVersionStr;


            // build archive
            FastZip zipper = new FastZip();

            zipper.CreateZip(outputFilePath, "_build", true, "(.*?)");

            Directory.Delete("_build", true);