Example #1
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Request.QueryString["IDF"] != null)
            IDF = Request.QueryString["IDF"];
        using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection())
            con.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PATENTCN"].ConnectionString;
            using (SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand())
                string sql1 = string.Empty;

                //sql1 = "select FileNo,Description,AmtInFC,AmtInINR,Amt_InCond,Format(DueDate_Restoration,'dd-MM-yyyy') as DueDate_Restoration,Format(Intimation_Date,'dd-MM-yyyy') as Intimation_Date,Format(Confirmation_Date,'dd-MM-yyyy') as Confirmation_Date,Format(POPaymentDate,'dd-MM-yyyy') as POPaymentDate,Status from RenewalFollowup where DueDate between '" + txtFDate.Text + "'and '" + txtTDate.Text + "' and Responsibility='" + ddlResponsibility.SelectedItem.ToString() + "' and Status='" + ddlstatus.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'";

                sql1 = "select FileNo,Title,FirstApplicant,Inventor1,Applcn_no,Filing_dt,Pat_no,Pat_dt,Status,Sub_Status,Industry1,Commercialized from PatDetails where FileNo='" + IDF.ToString() + "'";

                cmd1.CommandText = sql1;
                cmd1.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                cmd1.Connection  = con;
                SqlDataReader dr5;
                dr5 = cmd1.ExecuteReader();
                DataTable dt1 = new DataTable();
                GvReportDate.DataSource = dt1;
Example #2
    protected void ImageReportButn1_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
        string sql1;

        using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection())
            con.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PATENTCN"].ConnectionString;
            using (SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand())
                if (ddlAgreeType.SelectedItem.ToString() == "" && drop1.SelectedValue.ToString() != "All")
                    sql1 = "select b.ContractNo,b.Event,b.Frequency, Format(ExecutionDate,'dd-MM-yyyy') as ExecutionDate ,b.DeclDueAmt,b.InvoiceRaised,b.RecieptNo,b.RecieptDate,b.AmountInRs,b.Status from agreement as a join Royality as b on a.ContractNo = b.ContractNo where b.ExecutionDate between '" + txtFDate.Text + "' and '" + txtTDate.Text + "' and b.Status='" + drop1.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'";
                else if (drop1.SelectedItem.ToString() == "All" && ddlAgreeType.SelectedValue.ToString() != "")
                    sql1 = "select b.ContractNo,b.Event,b.Frequency, Format(ExecutionDate,'dd-MM-yyyy') as ExecutionDate,b.DeclDueAmt,b.InvoiceRaised,b.RecieptNo,b.RecieptDate,b.AmountInRs,b.Status  from agreement as a join Royality as b on a.ContractNo = b.ContractNo where b.ExecutionDate between '" + txtFDate.Text + "' and '" + txtTDate.Text + "' and a.AgreementType='" + ddlAgreeType.SelectedValue.ToString() + "'";
                else if (drop1.SelectedItem.ToString() == "All" && ddlAgreeType.SelectedValue.ToString() == "")
                    sql1 = "select b.ContractNo,b.Event,b.Frequency, Format(ExecutionDate,'dd-MM-yyyy') as ExecutionDate ,b.DeclDueAmt,b.InvoiceRaised,b.RecieptNo,b.RecieptDate,b.AmountInRs,b.Status  from agreement as a join Royality as b on a.ContractNo = b.ContractNo where b.ExecutionDate between '" + txtFDate.Text + "' and '" + txtTDate.Text + "'";
                    sql1 = "select b.ContractNo,b.Event,b.Frequency, Format(ExecutionDate,'dd-MM-yyyy') as ExecutionDate,b.DeclDueAmt,b.InvoiceRaised,b.RecieptNo,b.RecieptDate,b.AmountInRs,b.Status from agreement as a join Royality as b on a.ContractNo = b.ContractNo where b.ExecutionDate between '" + txtFDate.Text + "' and '" + txtTDate.Text + "' and b.Status='" + drop1.SelectedItem.ToString() + "' and a.AgreementType='" + ddlAgreeType.SelectedValue.ToString() + "'";

                cmd1.CommandText = sql1;
                cmd1.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                cmd1.Connection  = con;
                SqlDataReader dr1;
                dr1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader();

                DataTable dt1 = new DataTable();
                GvReportDate.DataSource = dt1;

                // lblmsg.Visible = true;
Example #3
    protected void ImageReportButn1_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
        using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection())
            con.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PATENTCN"].ConnectionString;
            using (SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand())
                if (ddlAgreeType.SelectedItem.ToString() == "" && drop1.SelectedValue.ToString() != "All")
                    string sql1 = "select ContractNo,AgreementType,AgreementNo,Title,Scope,Party,CoordinatingPerson,Remark,Format(Request,'dd-MM-yyyy')as Request,TechTransfer,Status,Format(EffectiveDt,'dd-MM-yyyy') as EffectiveDt from Agreement where Request between '" + txtFDate.Text + "' and '" + txtTDate.Text + "' and Status='" + drop1.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'";
                    cmd1.CommandText = sql1;
                    cmd1.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                    cmd1.Connection  = con;
                    SqlDataReader dr1;
                    dr1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader();
                    //if (dr1.Read())
                    DataTable dt1 = new DataTable();
                    GvReportDate.DataSource = dt1;
                    //    lblmsg.Visible = true;
                else if (drop1.SelectedItem.ToString() == "All" && ddlAgreeType.SelectedValue.ToString() != "")
                    string sql1 = "select ContractNo,AgreementType,AgreementNo,Title,Scope,Party,CoordinatingPerson,Remark,Format(Request,'dd-MM-yyyy') as Request,TechTransfer,Status,Format(EffectiveDt,'dd-MM-yyyy')as EffectiveDt from Agreement where Request between '" + txtFDate.Text + "' and '" + txtTDate.Text + "' and AgreementType='" + ddlAgreeType.SelectedValue.ToString() + "'";
                    cmd1.CommandText = sql1;
                    cmd1.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                    cmd1.Connection  = con;
                    SqlDataReader dr1;
                    dr1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader();
                    //if (dr1.Read() == true)
                    DataTable dt1 = new DataTable();
                    GvReportDate.DataSource = dt1;
                    //    lblmsg.Visible = true;
                else if (drop1.SelectedItem.ToString() == "All" && ddlAgreeType.SelectedValue.ToString() == "")
                    string sql1 = "select ContractNo,AgreementType,AgreementNo,Title,Scope,Party,CoordinatingPerson,Remark,Format(Request,'dd-MM-yyyy')as Request,TechTransfer,Status,Format(EffectiveDt,'dd-MM-yyyy')as EffectiveDt from Agreement where Request between '" + txtFDate.Text + "' and '" + txtTDate.Text + "'";
                    cmd1.CommandText = sql1;
                    cmd1.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                    cmd1.Connection  = con;
                    SqlDataReader dr1;
                    dr1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader();
                    //if (dr1.Read() != true)
                    //    lblmsg.Visible = true;
                    DataTable dt1 = new DataTable();
                    GvReportDate.DataSource = dt1;

                    string sql1 = "select ContractNo,AgreementType,AgreementNo,Title,Scope,Party,CoordinatingPerson,Remark,Format(Request,'dd-MM-yyyy')as Request,TechTransfer,Status,Format(EffectiveDt,'dd-MM-yyyy') as EffectiveDt from Agreement where Request between '" + txtFDate.Text + "' and '" + txtTDate.Text + "' and Status='" + drop1.SelectedItem.ToString() + "' and AgreementType='" + ddlAgreeType.SelectedValue.ToString() + "'";
                    cmd1.CommandText = sql1;
                    cmd1.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                    cmd1.Connection  = con;
                    SqlDataReader dr1;
                    dr1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader();
                    //if (dr1.Read() == true)
                    DataTable dt1 = new DataTable();
                    GvReportDate.DataSource = dt1;


                    //    lblmsg.Visible = true;

    protected void ImageReportButn1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
        using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection())
            con.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PATENTCN"].ConnectionString;
            using (SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand())
                string sql2 = string.Empty, sql3 = string.Empty, sql4 = string.Empty;
                string sql1 = "select FileNo,Description,Responsibility,Format(DueDate, 'dd-MM-yyyy') as DueDate,AmtInFC,AmtInINR,Status,Format(POPaymentDate, 'dd-MM-yyyy') as POPaymentDate from RenewalFollowup";
                if (txtFDate.Text != "" && txtTDate.Text != "")
                    sql2 = " where DueDate between '" + txtFDate.Text + "' and '" + txtTDate.Text + "'";
                if (ddlResponsibility.SelectedItem.Text != "All")
                    sql2 += (sql2 != string.Empty)?  " and " : " where ";
                    sql2 += " Responsibility='" + ddlResponsibility.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'";
                if (ddlstatus.SelectedItem.Text != "All")
                    sql3  = (sql2 != string.Empty) ? " and " : " where ";
                    sql3 += "Status='" + ddlstatus.SelectedItem.ToString() + "' ";
                if (ddlPhase.SelectedItem.Text != "Both")
                    sql4  = (sql2 != string.Empty || sql3 != string.Empty) ? " and " : " where ";
                    sql4 += "Phase='" + ddlPhase.SelectedValue + "'";

                //if (ddlResponsibility.SelectedItem.Text != "All" && ddlstatus.SelectedItem.Text != "All")
                //    //sql1 = "select FileNo,Description,AmtInFC,AmtInINR,Amt_InCond,Format(DueDate_Restoration,'dd-MM-yyyy') as DueDate_Restoration,Format(Intimation_Date,'dd-MM-yyyy') as Intimation_Date,Format(Confirmation_Date,'dd-MM-yyyy') as Confirmation_Date,Format(POPaymentDate,'dd-MM-yyyy') as POPaymentDate,Status from RenewalFollowup where DueDate between '" + txtFDate.Text + "'and '" + txtTDate.Text + "' and Responsibility='" + ddlResponsibility.SelectedItem.ToString() + "' and Status='" + ddlstatus.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'";

                //    sql1 = "select FileNo,Description,Responsibility,Format(DueDate,'dd-MM-yyyy') as DueDate,AmtInFC,AmtInINR,Status,Format(POPaymentDate,'dd-MM-yyyy') as POPaymentDate from RenewalFollowup where DueDate between '" + txtFDate.Text + "'and '" + txtTDate.Text + "' and Responsibility='" + ddlResponsibility.SelectedItem.ToString() + "' and Status='" + ddlstatus.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'";
                //else if (ddlResponsibility.SelectedItem.Text == "All" && ddlstatus.SelectedItem.Text != "All")
                //    //sql1 = "select FileNo,Description,AmtInFC,AmtInINR,Amt_InCond,Format(DueDate_Restoration,'dd-MM-yyyy') as DueDate_Restoration,Format(Intimation_Date,'dd-MM-yyyy') as Intimation_Date,Format(Confirmation_Date,'dd-MM-yyyy') as Confirmation_Date,Format(POPaymentDate,'dd-MM-yyyy') as POPaymentDate,Status from RenewalFollowup where DueDate between '" + txtFDate.Text + "'and '" + txtTDate.Text + "' and Status='" + ddlstatus.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'";
                //    sql1 = "select FileNo,Description,Responsibility,Format(DueDate,'dd-MM-yyyy') as DueDate,AmtInFC,AmtInINR,Status,Format(POPaymentDate,'dd-MM-yyyy') as POPaymentDate from RenewalFollowup where DueDate between '" + txtFDate.Text + "'and '" + txtTDate.Text + "' and Status='" + ddlstatus.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'";
                //else if (ddlstatus.SelectedItem.Text == "All" && ddlResponsibility.SelectedItem.ToString() != "All")
                //    //sql1 = "select FileNo,Description,AmtInFC,AmtInINR,Amt_InCond,Format(DueDate_Restoration,'dd-MM-yyyy') as DueDate_Restoration,Format(Intimation_Date,'dd-MM-yyyy') as Intimation_Date,Format(Confirmation_Date,'dd-MM-yyyy') as Confirmation_Date,Format(POPaymentDate,'dd-MM-yyyy') as POPaymentDate,Status from RenewalFollowup where DueDate between '" + txtFDate.Text + "'and '" + txtTDate.Text + "' and Responsibility='" + ddlResponsibility.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'";
                //    sql1 = "select FileNo,Description,Responsibility,Format(DueDate,'dd-MM-yyyy') as DueDate,AmtInFC,AmtInINR,Status,Format(POPaymentDate,'dd-MM-yyyy') as POPaymentDate from RenewalFollowup where DueDate between '" + txtFDate.Text + "'and '" + txtTDate.Text + "' and Responsibility='" + ddlResponsibility.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'";

                //    //sql1 = "select FileNo,Description,AmtInFC,AmtInINR,Amt_InCond,Format(DueDate_Restoration,'dd-MM-yyyy') as DueDate_Restoration,Format(Intimation_Date,'dd-MM-yyyy') as Intimation_Date,Format(Confirmation_Date,'dd-MM-yyyy') as Confirmation_Date,Format(POPaymentDate,'dd-MM-yyyy') as POPaymentDate,Status from RenewalFollowup where DueDate between '" + txtFDate.Text + "'and '" + txtTDate.Text + "'";
                //    sql1 = "select FileNo,Description,Responsibility,Format(DueDate,'dd-MM-yyyy') as DueDate,AmtInFC,AmtInINR,Status,Format(POPaymentDate,'dd-MM-yyyy') as POPaymentDate from RenewalFollowup where DueDate between '" + txtFDate.Text + "'and '" + txtTDate.Text + "'";
                string sql = sql1 + sql2 + sql3 + sql4;
                cmd1.CommandText = sql;
                cmd1.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                cmd1.Connection  = con;
                SqlDataReader dr5;
                dr5 = cmd1.ExecuteReader();
                DataTable dt1 = new DataTable();
                GvReportDate.Visible     = true;
                GridReportAmount.Visible = false;
                GvReportDate.DataSource  = dt1;