private void btn_shootAway_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { { Gun_PointHead.Hide(); Gun_PointAway.Show(); PointAway(); miss_shot++; if (miss_shot <= 2) { MessageBox.Show("You survived"); total_score += 100; label_score.Text = "Total Scores: " + total_score; } if (miss_shot > 2 && playerGun[chamber_count] != 1) { MessageBox.Show("Game Restart\nYou shoot away more than 2 times and the bullet has not been fired...\n\n***Restart Game***"); Restart(); } if (round == 6) { MessageBox.Show("YOU WON!!!\n\n***Restart Game***"); miss_shot = 0; chamber_count++; if (Chamber == 0) { MessageBox.Show("There is no bullet game will automatically restart"); } Restart(); } } }
private void Btn_shootAway_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GameSound shotsound = new GameSound(); shotsound.shot_sound(); Pic_smokeLeft.Hide(); Pic_GunSpin.Hide(); Gun_PointAway.Show(); Pic_smokeRight.Show(); Pic_Broken.Show(); Gun_PointHead.Hide(); PointAway(); Shoot_away++; if (playerChamber == 0) { MessageBox.Show("WARNING: There is no bullet in the chamber"); } if (Shoot_away <= 2) //If shoot away is less or equal to 2 { total_score += 10; MessageBox.Show("You survived"); Label_score.Text = "Total Score: " + total_score; Pic_smokeRight.Hide(); Pic_Broken.Hide(); } if (Shoot_away == 2) //If shoot away is equal to 2, this messsage will show { MessageBox.Show("WARNING: If you shoot away more than 2 times - game will restart"); Pic_smokeRight.Hide(); Pic_Broken.Hide(); } if (Shoot_away > 2 && playerGun[chamberPull] == 0) //Shoot Away more than 2 and bullet has not been fired { MessageBox.Show("***Game Restart***\nYou shoot away more than 2 times and the bullet has not been fired..."); Restart(); } if (round == 6) //if round is 6 { GameSound girlOhYeah = new GameSound(); girlOhYeah.girl_OhYeah(); MessageBox.Show("YOU WON!!!\n\n***End Game***\n***Restart Game***"); Shoot_away = 0; chamberPull++; Restart(); } }