public override void Gump(Mobile from, Gump gump, ACCGumpParams subParams) { gump.AddButton(195, 40, 2445, 2445, 101, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); gump.AddLabel(200, 41, 1153, "Manage System"); gump.AddButton(310, 40, 2445, 2445, 102, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); gump.AddLabel(342, 41, 1153, "Import"); if (subParams == null || !(subParams is PGGumpParams)) { gump.AddHtml(215, 65, 300, 25, "<basefont size=7 color=white><center>Public Gates</center></font>", false, false); gump.AddHtml(140, 95, 450, 250, "<basefont color=white><center>Welcome to the Public Gate Admin Gump!</center><br>With this gump, you can manage the entire system and import and export locations or full categories. Please choose an option from the top bar.<br><br>Manage System allows you to add/change/delete locations and categories from anywhere in the world.<br><br>Im/Ex port allows you to import or export categories and locations to files that you can distribute to other servers that use this system.</font>", false, false); return; } Params = subParams as PGGumpParams; switch ((int)Params.Page) { #region Manage Gump Code case (int)Pages.Manage: { gump.AddBackground(640, 0, 160, 400, 5120); gump.AddButton(425, 40, 2445, 2445, 123, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); gump.AddLabel(456, 41, 1153, "Export"); for (int i = 0; i < m_CategoryList.Count && i < 50; i++) { PGCategory PGC = m_CategoryList[i]; if (PGC != null) { gump.AddButton(650, 10 + i * 30, 2501, 2501, 150 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); gump.AddButton(655, 12 + i * 30, (Params.SelectedCategory.Key == PGC ? 5401 : 5402), (Params.SelectedCategory.Key == PGC ? 5402 : 5401), 150 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); gump.AddLabel(675, 10 + i * 30, 1153, PGC.Name); } } if (Params.SelectedCategory.Key != null) { gump.AddBackground(425, 75, 170, 285, 5120); gump.AddButton(195, 65, 2445, 2445, 121, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); gump.AddLabel(206, 66, 1153, "Add Category"); gump.AddButton(310, 65, 2445, 2445, 122, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); gump.AddLabel(322, 66, 1153, "Add Location"); for (int i = 0, c = 0, r = 0; i < Params.SelectedCategory.Key.Locations.Count; i++) { PGLocation PGL = Params.SelectedCategory.Key.Locations[i]; if (PGL != null) { gump.AddButton(120 + c * 150, 100 + r * 30, 2501, 2501, 200 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); gump.AddButton(125 + c * 150, 102 + r * 30, (Params.SelectedLocation.Key == PGL ? 5401 : 5402), (Params.SelectedLocation.Key == PGL ? 5402 : 5401), 200 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); gump.AddLabel(145 + c * 150, 100 + r * 30, 1153, PGL.Name); r += (c == 1 ? 1 : 0); c += (c == 1 ? -1 : 1); } } if (Params.SelectedLocation.Key != null) { gump.AddButton(550, 265, 2642, 2643, 103, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Apply Location gump.AddImage(440, 85, 2501); gump.AddTextEntry(446, 85, 130, 20, 0, 105, Params.SelectedLocation.Key.Name); gump.AddImage(445, 110, 2443); gump.AddImage(513, 110, 2443); gump.AddImage(445, 135, 2443); gump.AddImage(513, 135, 2443); gump.AddImage(445, 160, 2443); gump.AddTextEntry(450, 110, 53, 20, 0, 106, Params.SelectedLocation.Key.Location.X.ToString()); gump.AddTextEntry(518, 110, 53, 20, 0, 107, Params.SelectedLocation.Key.Location.Y.ToString()); gump.AddTextEntry(450, 135, 53, 20, 0, 108, Params.SelectedLocation.Key.Location.Z.ToString()); gump.AddTextEntry(518, 135, 53, 20, 0, 109, Params.SelectedLocation.Key.Hue.ToString()); gump.AddTextEntry(450, 160, 53, 20, 0, 110, Params.SelectedLocation.Key.Cost.ToString()); gump.AddLabel(435, 112, 1153, "X"); gump.AddLabel(578, 112, 1153, "Y"); gump.AddLabel(435, 137, 1153, "Z"); gump.AddLabel(578, 137, 1153, "H"); gump.AddLabel(435, 162, 1153, "C"); gump.AddRadio(435, 190, 208, 209, (Params.SelectedLocation.Key.Map == Map.Trammel), 111); gump.AddRadio(570, 190, 208, 209, (Params.SelectedLocation.Key.Map == Map.Malas), 112); gump.AddRadio(435, 215, 208, 209, (Params.SelectedLocation.Key.Map == Map.Felucca), 113); gump.AddRadio(570, 215, 208, 209, (Params.SelectedLocation.Key.Map == Map.Ilshenar), 114); gump.AddRadio(435, 240, 208, 209, (Params.SelectedLocation.Key.Map == Map.Tokuno), 115); gump.AddLabel(460, 192, 1153, "Tram"); gump.AddLabel(530, 192, 1153, "Malas"); gump.AddLabel(460, 217, 1153, "Fel"); gump.AddLabel(542, 217, 1153, "Ilsh"); gump.AddLabel(460, 242, 1153, "Tokuno"); gump.AddLabel(465, 282, 1153, "Young?"); gump.AddCheck(440, 280, 210, 211, Params.SelectedLocation.Key.GetFlag(EntryFlag.Young), 120); gump.AddLabel(465, 307, 1153, "Gen?"); gump.AddCheck(440, 305, 210, 211, Params.SelectedLocation.Key.GetFlag(EntryFlag.Generate), 116); gump.AddLabel(515, 307, 1153, "Staff?"); gump.AddCheck(565, 305, 210, 211, Params.SelectedLocation.Key.GetFlag(EntryFlag.StaffOnly), 117); gump.AddLabel(465, 332, 1153, "Reds?"); gump.AddCheck(440, 330, 210, 211, Params.SelectedLocation.Key.GetFlag(EntryFlag.Reds), 118); gump.AddLabel(522, 332, 1153, "Chrg?"); gump.AddCheck(565, 330, 210, 211, Params.SelectedLocation.Key.GetFlag(EntryFlag.Charge), 119); } else { gump.AddButton(550, 265, 2642, 2643, 104, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Apply Category gump.AddImage(440, 110, 2501); gump.AddTextEntry(446, 110, 130, 20, 0, 105, Params.SelectedCategory.Key.Name); gump.AddImage(445, 160, 2443); gump.AddTextEntry(450, 160, 53, 20, 0, 110, Params.SelectedCategory.Key.Cost.ToString()); gump.AddLabel(435, 162, 1153, "C"); gump.AddLabel(465, 282, 1153, "Young?"); gump.AddCheck(440, 280, 210, 211, Params.SelectedCategory.Key.GetFlag(EntryFlag.Young), 120); gump.AddLabel(465, 307, 1153, "Gen?"); gump.AddCheck(440, 305, 210, 211, Params.SelectedCategory.Key.GetFlag(EntryFlag.Generate), 116); gump.AddLabel(515, 307, 1153, "Staff?"); gump.AddCheck(565, 305, 210, 211, Params.SelectedCategory.Key.GetFlag(EntryFlag.StaffOnly), 117); gump.AddLabel(465, 332, 1153, "Reds?"); gump.AddCheck(440, 330, 210, 211, Params.SelectedCategory.Key.GetFlag(EntryFlag.Reds), 118); gump.AddLabel(522, 332, 1153, "Chrg?"); gump.AddCheck(565, 330, 210, 211, Params.SelectedCategory.Key.GetFlag(EntryFlag.Charge), 119); } } break; } #endregion //Manage Gump Code #region Import Gump Code case (int)Pages.Import: { //Import if (!Directory.Exists("Data/ACC Exports")) { from.SendMessage("There are no files to import!"); return; } gump.AddButton(195, 65, 2445, 2445, 124, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Switch to Systems gump.AddLabel(220, 66, 1153, "Systems"); gump.AddButton(310, 65, 2445, 2445, 125, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Switch to Categories gump.AddLabel(328, 66, 1153, "Categories"); gump.AddButton(425, 65, 2445, 2445, 126, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Switch to Locations gump.AddLabel(447, 66, 1153, "Locations"); switch ((int)Params.ImportSelection) { case (int)ImportSelections.Systems: { Dirs = Directory.GetFiles("Data/ACC Exports/", "*.pgs"); break; } case (int)ImportSelections.Categories: { Dirs = Directory.GetFiles("Data/ACC Exports/", "*.pgc"); break; } case (int)ImportSelections.Locations: { Dirs = Directory.GetFiles("Data/ACC Exports/", "*.pgl"); break; } default: { return; } } if (Dirs == null || Dirs.Length == 0) { from.SendMessage("There are no files of that type!"); return; } for (int i = 0, r = 0, c = 0; i < Dirs.Length && c < 3; i++) { string s = Dirs[i]; s = s.Remove(0, 12); s = s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4); if (Params.ImportSelection == ImportSelections.Systems) { s = s.Remove(0, 9); } gump.AddButton(120 + c * 150, 100 + r * 30, 2501, 2501, 300 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); gump.AddLabelCropped(125 + c * 150, 101 + r * 30, 140, 30, 1153, s); c += (r == 7 ? 1 : 0); r += (r == 7 ? -7 : 1); } break; } #endregion //Import Gump Code } }