public void createTool(string tool, string cmd, GuiDynamicCtrlArrayControl toolsArray) { var oc1 = new ObjectCreator("GuiControl"); GuiControl container = oc1.Create(); var oc = new ObjectCreator("GuiBitmapButtonCtrl"); oc["Extent"] = "108 81"; oc["position"] = "35 0"; oc["bitmap"] = "art/gui/no-preview"; oc["altCommand"] = "ToolsDlg.execute(\\\"" + this["cwd"] + "/" + cmd + ".bat\\\");"; GuiBitmapButtonCtrl bitmap = oc.Create(); var oc2 = new ObjectCreator("GuiTextCtrl"); oc2["text"] = tool; oc2["Extent"] = "108 30"; oc2["position"] = "35 85"; GuiTextCtrl text = oc2.Create(); container.addGuiControl(bitmap); container.addGuiControl(text); toolsArray.addGuiControl(container); }
public static void DbgConsoleEntryReturn() { DebuggerConsoleView DebuggerConsoleView = "DebuggerConsoleView"; TCPDebugger TCPDebugger = "TCPDebugger"; GuiTextEditCtrl DbgConsoleEntry = "DbgConsoleEntry"; GuiTextCtrl DebuggerStatus = "DebuggerStatus"; string msg = DbgConsoleEntry.getValue(); if (msg != "") { DebuggerConsoleView.print("" + msg); if (DebuggerStatus.getValue() == "NOT CONNECTED") { DebuggerConsoleView.print("*** Not connected."); } else if (DebuggerStatus.getValue() == "BREAK") { DebuggerConsoleView.print("*** Target is in BREAK mode."); } else { TCPDebugger.send("CEVAL " + msg + "\r\n"); } } DbgConsoleEntry.setValue(""); }
public void handleRunning() { DebuggerFileView DebuggerFileView = "DebuggerFileView"; DebuggerCallStack DebuggerCallStack = "DebuggerCallStack"; GuiTextCtrl DebuggerStatus = "DebuggerStatus"; DebuggerFileView.setCurrentLine(-1, true); DebuggerCallStack.clear(); DebuggerStatus.setValue("RUNNING..."); }
public static void ClientCmdRefreshWeaponHud(string amount, string preview, string ret, string zoomret, string amountInClips) { amount = omni.Util.detag(amount); preview = omni.Util.detag(preview); ret = omni.Util.detag(ret); zoomret = omni.Util.detag(zoomret); amountInClips = omni.Util.detag(amountInClips); GuiTextCtrl AmmoAmount = "AmmoAmount"; if (!amount.AsBool()) { AmmoAmount.setVisible(false); } else { if ("AmmoAmount".isObject()) { AmmoAmount.setVisible(true); AmmoAmount.setText("Ammo: " + amount + "/" + amountInClips); } } GuiBitmapBorderCtrl WeaponHUD = "WeaponHUD"; if (preview.Trim() == "") { WeaponHUD.setVisible(false); } else { WeaponHUD.setVisible(true); ((GuiBitmapCtrl)"PreviewImage").setBitmapX("art/gui/weaponHud/" + preview); } GuiCrossHairHud Reticle = "Reticle"; if (ret.Trim() == "") { Reticle.setVisible(false); } else { Reticle.setVisible(true); Reticle.setBitmapX("art/gui/weaponHud/" + ret); } GuiCrossHairHud ZoomReticle = "ZoomReticle"; if ("ZoomReticle".isObject()) { ZoomReticle.setBitmapX(zoomret == "" ? "" : "art/gui/weaponHud/" + zoomret); } }
public static void ClientCmdSetAmmoAmountHud(string amount, string amountInClips) { GuiTextCtrl AmmoAmount = "AmmoAmount"; if (!amount.AsBool()) { AmmoAmount.setVisible(false); } else { AmmoAmount.setVisible(true); AmmoAmount.setText("Ammo: " + amount + "/" + amountInClips); } }
public static void onMissionDownloadPhase(string phase) { if (!Global.isObject("LoadingProgress")) { return; } GuiProgressBitmapCtrl LoadingProgress = Sim.FindObject <GuiProgressBitmapCtrl>("LoadingProgress"); GuiTextCtrl LoadingProgressTxt = Sim.FindObject <GuiTextCtrl>("LoadingProgressTxt"); LoadingProgress.setValue("0"); LoadingProgressTxt.setValue(phase); Canvas.GameCanvas.repaint(); }
public static void DbgSetCursorWatch(string expr) { GuiTextCtrl DebuggerCursorWatch = "DebuggerCursorWatch"; TCPDebugger TCPDebugger = "TCPDebugger"; DebuggerCursorWatch["expr"] = expr; if (DebuggerCursorWatch["expr"] == "") { DebuggerCursorWatch.setText(""); } else { TCPDebugger.send("EVAL -1 0 " + DebuggerCursorWatch["expr"] + "\r\n"); } }
public void handlePass(string message) { DebuggerConsoleView DebuggerConsoleView = "DebuggerConsoleView"; GuiTextCtrl DebuggerStatus = "DebuggerStatus"; if (message == "WrongPass") { DebuggerConsoleView.print("Disconnected - wrong password."); this.disconnect(); } else if (message == "Connected.") { DebuggerConsoleView.print("Connected."); DebuggerStatus.setValue("CONNECTED"); this.send("FILELIST\r\n"); } }
public void handleBreak(string line) { GuiTextCtrl DebuggerStatus = "DebuggerStatus"; GuiTextListCtrl DebuggerWatchView = "DebuggerWatchView"; DebuggerCallStack DebuggerCallStack = "DebuggerCallStack"; DebuggerStatus.setValue("BREAK"); // Query all the watches. for (int i = 0; i < DebuggerWatchView.rowCount(); i++) { int id = DebuggerWatchView.getRowId(i); string row = DebuggerWatchView.getRowTextById(id); string expr = Util.getField(row, 0); this.send("EVAL " + id + " 0 " + expr + "\r\n"); } // Update the call stack window. DebuggerCallStack.clear(); string file = Util.getWord(line, 0); string lineNumber = Util.getWord(line, 1); string funcName = Util.getWord(line, 2); DbgOpenFile(file, lineNumber.AsInt(), true); int nextWord = 3; //int rowId = 0; int iD = 0; while (true) { DebuggerCallStack.setRowById(iD, file + "\t" + lineNumber + "\t" + funcName); iD++; file = Util.getWord(line, nextWord); lineNumber = Util.getWord(line, nextWord + 1); funcName = Util.getWord(line, nextWord + 2); nextWord += 3; if (file == "") { break; } } }
public void open() { const int offset = 6; if (isVisible()) { return; } string text = this[this + ".isTeamMsg"].AsBool() ? "TEAM:" : "GLOBAL:"; GuiTextCtrl MessageHud_Text = "MessageHud_Text"; MessageHud_Text.setValue(text); GuiBitmapBorderCtrl outerChatHud = "outerChatHud"; GuiBitmapBorderCtrl MessageHud_Frame = "MessageHud_Frame"; Point2I windowPos = new Point2I(0, (outerChatHud.position.y + outerChatHud.extent.y + 1)); Point2I windowExt = new Point2I(outerChatHud.extent.x, MessageHud_Frame.extent.y); int textExtent = MessageHud_Text.extent.x + 14; int ctrlExtent = MessageHud_Frame.extent.x; ((GuiCanvas)"Canvas").pushDialog(this); MessageHud_Frame.position = windowPos; MessageHud_Frame.extent = windowExt; GuiTextEditCtrl MessageHud_Edit = "MessageHud_Edit"; MessageHud_Edit.position = new Point2I(textExtent + offset, MessageHud_Edit.position.y); MessageHud_Edit.extent = new Point2I(ctrlExtent - textExtent - (2 * offset), MessageHud_Edit.extent.y); setVisible(true); MessageHud_Edit.makeFirstResponder(true); }
public static void JoinGame(uint serverIndex) { GuiProgressBitmapCtrl LoadingProgress = Sim.FindObject <GuiProgressBitmapCtrl>("LoadingProgress"); GuiTextCtrl LoadingProgressTxt = Sim.FindObject <GuiTextCtrl>("LoadingProgressTxt"); // The server info index is stored in the row along with the // rest of displayed info. if (Global.setServerInfo(serverIndex)) { Core.Canvas.GameCanvas.setContent("LoadingGui"); LoadingProgress.setValue("1"); LoadingProgressTxt.setValue("WAITING FOR SERVER"); Core.Canvas.GameCanvas.repaint(); GameConnection ServerConnection = new GameConnection("ServerConnection", true); ServerConnection.setConnectArgs(Globals.GetString("pref::Player::Name")); ServerConnection.setJoinPassword(Globals.GetString("Client::Password")); ServerConnection.connect(Globals.GetString("ServerInfo::Address")); } }
public static void onPhaseComplete(string text = null) { if (!Global.isObject("LoadingProgress")) { return; } GuiTextCtrl LoadingProgressTxt = Sim.FindObject <GuiTextCtrl>("LoadingProgressTxt"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { LoadingProgressTxt.setValue(text); } GuiProgressBitmapCtrl LoadingProgress = Sim.FindObject <GuiProgressBitmapCtrl>("LoadingProgress"); LoadingProgress.setValue("1"); Canvas.GameCanvas.repaint(); }
public static void StartGame(string mission = null, string hostingType = null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mission)) { GuiTextListCtrl CL_levelList = Sim.FindObject <GuiTextListCtrl>("CL_levelList"); int id = CL_levelList.getSelectedId(); mission = Global.getField(CL_levelList.getRowTextById(id), 1); // Alternatively: //error("Cannot start a level with no level selected!"); } string serverType = hostingType; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hostingType)) { if (Globals.GetBool("pref::HostMultiPlayer")) { serverType = "MultiPlayer"; } else { serverType = "SinglePlayer"; } } // Show the loading screen immediately. if (Global.isObject("LoadingGui")) { Core.Canvas.GameCanvas.setContent("LoadingGui"); GuiProgressBitmapCtrl LoadingProgress = Sim.FindObject <GuiProgressBitmapCtrl>("LoadingProgress"); GuiTextCtrl LoadingProgressTxt = Sim.FindObject <GuiTextCtrl>("LoadingProgressTxt"); LoadingProgress.setValue("1"); LoadingProgressTxt.setValue("LOADING MISSION FILE"); Core.Canvas.GameCanvas.repaint(); } Server.Server.createAndConnectToLocalServer(serverType, mission); }
public static void Inspect(SimObject obj) { GuiInspector InspectFields = "InspectFields"; GuiTextEditCtrl InspectObjectName = "InspectObjectName"; GuiTextEditCtrl InspectObjectInternalName = "InspectObjectInternalName"; GuiTextCtrl InspectObjectSimID = "InspectObjectSimID"; // Don't inspect the root group. if (obj == -1) { return; } InspectFields.inspect(obj); // Update selected object properties InspectObjectName.setValue(obj.getName()); InspectObjectInternalName.setValue(obj.getInternalName()); InspectObjectSimID.setValue(obj.getId().AsString()); // Store Object Reference InspectObjectName["refObj"] = obj; }
public void handleEvalOut(string line) { GuiTextCtrl DebuggerCursorWatch = "DebuggerCursorWatch"; GuiTextListCtrl DebuggerWatchView = "DebuggerWatchView"; int id = Util.firstWord(line).AsInt(); string value = Util.restWords(line); // See if it's the cursor watch, or from the watch window. if (id < 0) { DebuggerCursorWatch.setText(DebuggerCursorWatch["expr"] + ' ' + "=" + ' ' + value); } else { string row = DebuggerWatchView.getRowTextById(id); if (row == "") { return; } string expr = Util.getField(row, 0); DebuggerWatchView.setRowById(id, expr + "\t" + value); } }
public static void InspectDelete() { GuiInspector InspectFields = "InspectFields"; GuiTextEditCtrl InspectObjectName = "InspectObjectName"; GuiTextEditCtrl InspectObjectInternalName = "InspectObjectInternalName"; GuiTextCtrl InspectObjectSimID = "InspectObjectSimID"; SimObject obj = InspectObjectName["refObj"]; if (!obj.isObject()) { return; } obj.delete(); // Update inspected object information. InspectFields.inspect("0"); // Update selected object properties InspectObjectName.setValue(""); InspectObjectInternalName.setValue(""); InspectObjectSimID.setValue("0"); }
public static void updateTSShapeLoadProgress(string pProgress, string pMsg) { float progress = float.Parse(pProgress); GuiProgressCtrl progressCtrl = null; GuiTextCtrl textCtrl = null; // Check if the loading GUI is visible and use that instead of the // separate import progress GUI if possible GuiControl LoadingGui = Sim.FindObject <GuiControl>("LoadingGui"); if (Global.isObject("LoadingGui") && LoadingGui.isAwake()) { // Save/Restor load progress at the start/end of the import process if (Math.Abs(progress) < 0.000001) { GuiProgressCtrl ColladaImportProgress = Sim.FindObject <GuiProgressCtrl>("ColladaImportProgress"); //todo colladaImportProgress /* * ColladaImportProgress.savedProgress = LoadingProgress.getValue(); * ColladaImportProgress.savedText = LoadingProgressTxt.getValue(); * * ColladaImportProgress.msgPrefix = "Importing " @ %msg; * %msg = "Reading file into memory..."; */ } else if (Math.Abs(progress - 1.0) < 0.000001) { /* * LoadingProgress.setValue( ColladaImportProgress.savedProgress ); * LoadingProgressTxt.setValue( ColladaImportProgress.savedText ); */ } /* * %msg = ColladaImportProgress.msgPrefix @ ": " @ %msg; * * %progressCtrl = LoadingProgress; * %textCtrl = LoadingProgressTxt; */ } else { // It's probably the editors using it if (Global.isFunction("updateToolTSShapeLoadProgress")) {"updateToolTSShapeLoadProgress", pProgress, pMsg); } } // Update progress indicators if (Math.Abs(progress) < 0.000001) { progressCtrl.setValue("0.001f"); textCtrl.setText(pMsg); } else if (progress < 1.0f) { progressCtrl.setValue(pProgress); textCtrl.setText(pMsg); } GuiCanvas Canvas = Sim.FindObject <GuiCanvas>("Canvas"); Canvas.repaint(33); }