Example #1
        private bool m_IsMouseOverClickableBox = false;     // indicates mouse is over a clickable region.

        #endregion// members

        #region Constructors
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****                     Constructors                        ****
        // *****************************************************************
        public Cluster(GuiTemplates.EngineContainerGui guiTemplate)

            m_Name = guiTemplate.DisplayName;
            m_EngineContainerID = guiTemplate.EngineContainerID;
            this.Name           = string.Format("Cluster{0}", m_EngineContainerID.ToString());
            m_Configuration     = new ClusterConfiguration(); //clusterConfig.Clone();

            m_Header       = new Header(this, guiTemplate);   // creates PopUp controls for engines.
            m_LowerControl = new Huds.MultiPanel(this, guiTemplate);

            InitializeBoxRowControl(guiTemplate);                                                   // creates BoxRows
            InitializeLayout();                                                                     // does layout for all controls.

Example #2
        private System.Drawing.Point m_NextMenuButtonLoc = new System.Drawing.Point(228, 0); // location of first button

        #endregion                                                                           // members

        #region Constructors
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****                     Constructors                        ****
        // *****************************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for the Header in a Cluster object.   This is called from
        /// a Cluster constructor and therefore by a GUI thread.
        /// The Cluster constructor is called using reflection but uses an invoke on the
        /// GUI thread.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent"></param>
        /// <param name="container">The container (think Strategy) associated with this Cluster.</param>
        public Header(IEngineContainer parent, GuiTemplates.EngineContainerGui container)
            m_ParentCluster = parent;                   // Cluster in which I belong.
            if (m_ParentCluster is Cluster)
                this.ContextMenuStrip = ((Cluster)m_ParentCluster).ClusterContextMenuStrip;


            // Initialize Header - unique in each Cluster, 1-to-1 with EngineContainer.
            this.txtName.Text   = parent.EngineContainerName;
            m_EngineContainerID = parent.EngineContainerID;

            // Create controls (per engine) for this EngineContainer.
            List <GuiTemplates.EngineGui> engineList = container.m_Engines;

            foreach (GuiTemplates.EngineGui engineGui in engineList)
                // Create Popup displays.
                Control newControl = null;
                Type    guiType    = typeof(EngineControl);
                if (UV.Lib.IO.Xml.Stringifiable.TryGetType(engineGui.HeaderControlFullName, out guiType))
                {   // We have found the desired control to create.
                    //if (Utilities.GuiCreator.TryCreateControl(out newControl, guiType, engineGui.EngineID, engineGui.ParameterList))
                    if (Utilities.GuiCreator.TryCreateControl(out newControl, guiType, engineGui))
                    {   // We have successfully created the desired control.

                        // Create unique name for popup.
                        string uniqueName = string.Format("{0}", engineGui.DisplayName);     // starting name.
                        if (m_PopupList.ContainsKey(uniqueName))
                            int n = 0;
                            while (m_PopupList.ContainsKey(uniqueName))
                                uniqueName = string.Format("{0} {1}", engineGui.DisplayName, n++);// new name with additional index.
                        // Create a popup window to contain control.
                        PopUp1 popup = new PopUps.PopUp1(this);                             // load any IPopUp object here!
                        //popup.Title = uniqueName;
                        popup.Title = engineGui.DisplayName;
                        popup.Text  = m_ParentCluster.EngineContainerName;                      // Text on the top of Window.
                        // Add this new popup to my lists.
                        m_PopupList.Add(uniqueName, popup);                                 // unique popupname to popup form.
                        if (!m_EngineIDToPopups.ContainsKey(engineGui.EngineID))
                            m_EngineIDToPopups.Add(engineGui.EngineID, new List <string>()); // create mapping for engineID -> popup names.
                        m_EngineIDToPopups[engineGui.EngineID].Add(uniqueName);              // store each popup name.

                        // Create a new buttons to open/close this new popup.
            } //next engine
        }     //constructor
Example #3
        // *********************************************************
        // ****         Initialize BoxRow Control()            ****
        // *********************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the BoxRowControl object, which right now is hard-coding inside
        /// this object.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeBoxRowControl(GuiTemplates.EngineContainerGui guiTemplate)
            // Identify the types of engines we have.
            List <GuiTemplates.EngineGui> engineList = guiTemplate.m_Engines;

            foreach (GuiTemplates.EngineGui engine in engineList)
                int  engineID = engine.EngineID;
                Type engineType;
                if (UV.Lib.IO.Xml.Stringifiable.TryGetType(engine.EngineFullName, out engineType))
                    List <Type> interfaces = new List <Type>(engineType.GetInterfaces());
                    if (interfaces.Contains(typeof(IPricingEngine)))
                        m_PricingEngineID = engineID;

                        //m_MinTickSize = 1;
                    // test for order engines, fill engines, etc, too.

                 * Type baseType = engine.GetType();
                 * while (baseType != null && baseType.BaseType != typeof(Engine))
                 * {   // if next next level down is NOT an Engine, then we need to dig deeper.
                 *  baseType = baseType.BaseType;
                 * }
                 * if (baseType.Name.Contains("Pricing"))
                 * {	// the main pricing engine is assumed to be listed first!
                 *  // TODO: In future, allow multiple pricing engines, or some other way to
                 *  // indicate the "boss" pricing engine whose market is shown in the Cluster.
                 *  if (m_PricingEngineID < 0)
                 *  {
                 *      m_PricingEngineID = engine.EngineID;
                 *  }
                 *  else if (Log != null)
                 *  {
                 *      Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Major, "{0} cluster won't display mkt depth of pricing engine {1}."
                 *          , container.EngineContainerName, engine.EngineName);
                 *  }
                 * }
                 * else if (baseType.Name.Contains("Fill"))
                 *  m_FillEngineID = engine.EngineID;
                 * else if (baseType.Name.Contains("Order"))
                 *  m_OrderEngineID = engine.EngineID;
            }//next engine

            // Initialize the cluster's internal workings.
            m_BoxRowIsRegenerationNeeded = new bool[m_BoxRowRows];
            m_Memory       = new int[m_BoxRowRows][];
            m_HiLiteMemory = new int[m_BoxRowRows][];
            m_RawDataQ     = new int[m_BoxRowRows][];
            m_RawDataP     = new double[m_BoxRowRows][];

            for (int i = 0; i < m_Memory.Length; i++)
                m_Memory[i]       = new int[m_Configuration.BoxRowColumns];
                m_HiLiteMemory[i] = new int[m_Configuration.BoxRowColumns];
            // Initialize the clusters controls.
            m_LeftBaseLoc = (int)(m_Configuration.BoxRowColumns / 2 - 1); // index offset for left-most (first) box.

            // Create the rows
            int nCols = m_Configuration.BoxRowColumns;

            if (nCols == 0)
                m_Row = new BoxRow[0];
            int xLocOffset = 0;                 // optional extra space for over-flow columns.

            m_Row = new BoxRow[m_BoxRowRows];
            for (int row = 0; row < m_Row.Length; ++row)
            {   // design each row property
                switch (row)
                case PriceRowID:         // price row
                    m_Row[row]         = new BoxRow(nCols, m_MinTickSize, xLocOffset, false, ColorPalette.TextNormal);
                    m_Row[row].RowType = ClusterEventArgs.BoxRowType.PriceRow;

                case BidRowID:
                    m_Row[row]         = new BoxRow(nCols, 1, xLocOffset, false, ColorPalette.BackSigned);
                    m_Row[row].RowType = ClusterEventArgs.BoxRowType.BidQtyRow;

                case AskRowID:
                    m_Row[row]         = new BoxRow(nCols, 1, xLocOffset, false, ColorPalette.BackSigned);
                    m_Row[row].RowType = ClusterEventArgs.BoxRowType.AskQtyRow;

                case FillsRowID:
                    m_Row[row]         = new BoxRow(nCols, 1, xLocOffset, false, ColorPalette.BackSigned);
                    m_Row[row].RowType = ClusterEventArgs.BoxRowType.FillsRow;

                case OrderRowID:
                    //m_Row[row] = new BoxRow(nCols, 1, xLocOffset, false, ColorPalette.ForeSigned);
                    m_Row[row]         = new BoxRow(nCols, 1, xLocOffset, false, ColorPalette.TextSigned);
                    m_Row[row].RowType = ClusterEventArgs.BoxRowType.OrderRow;

                    m_Row[row] = new BoxRow(nCols, 1, xLocOffset, false, ColorPalette.BackSigned);
                } //row switch
            }     // row
        }         //InitializeBoxRowControl().