public void init()
                GuiEditorGui.GuiEditor GuiEditor = "GuiEditor";
                SimSet GuiDataGroup = "GuiDataGroup";


                int defaultGroup = this.insertItem(0, "Default", "-1", "", 1, 1);
                int otherGroup   = this.insertItem(0, sGlobal["$GUI_EDITOR_DEFAULT_PROFILE_CATEGORY"], "-1", "", 1, 1);

                for (uint i = 0; i < GuiDataGroup.getCount(); i++)
                    SimObject obj = GuiDataGroup.getObject(i);
                    if (!obj.isMemberOfClass("GuiControlProfile"))

                    // If it's an Editor profile, skip if showing them is not enabled.

                    if (obj["category"] == "Editor" && !GuiEditor["showEditorProfiles"].AsBool())

                    // Create a visible name.

                    string name = obj.getName();
                    if (name == "")
                        name = "<Unnamed>";
                    string text = name + " (" + obj.getId() + ")";

                    // Find which group to put the control in.

                    bool isDefaultProfile = GuiEditor.isDefaultProfile(name);

                    int group;
                    if (isDefaultProfile)
                        group = defaultGroup;
                    else if (obj["category"] != "")
                        group = this.findChildItemByName(0, obj["category"]);
                        if (group == 0)
                            group = this.insertItem(0, obj["category"], "", "", 1, 1);
                        group = otherGroup;

                    // Insert the item.

                    this.insertItem(group, text, obj.getId().AsString(), "", 1, 1);

                this.sort(0, true, true, false);