Example #1
        public override string CompanionJoinGroupMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
            if (WhoJoined.ModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
                switch (WhoJoined.ID)
                case Minerva:
                    Weight = 1.2f;
                    return("*" + WhoJoined.Name + " is coming too? Cool!*");

                case Glenn:
                    Weight = 1.2f;
                    return("*I'm so happy that you joined us.*");

                case Green:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("*I hope I don't need you for a check up.*");

                case Vladimir:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("*Teddy is coming with us!*");
            Weight = 1f;
Example #2
        public override string CompanionJoinGroupMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
            if (WhoJoined.ModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
                switch (WhoJoined.ID)
                case Green:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("*A medic. Perfect! We will need one.*");

                case Malisha:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("*Oh no, this expedition will be a trip in hell...*");

                case Fluffles:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("*Yikes! She has to come too?!*");

                case Brutus:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("*Can he defend me, instead? I'm alergic to pain.*");

                case Miguel:
                    Weight = 1.2f;
                    return("*Is that some way you're telling me to do exercises?*");
            Weight = 1f;
            return("*Great, another person for the expedition.*");
Example #3
        public override string CompanionJoinGroupMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
            if (WhoJoined.ModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
                switch (WhoJoined.ID)
                case Blue:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("*She's coming with us? That's nice.*");

                case Brutus:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("*I feel safer already.*");

                case Vladimir:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("*It's so nice to have you join us.*");

                case Sardine:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("*Are you happy for joining us?*");

                case Miguel:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("*Are you here to help me do exercises?*");
            Weight = 1f;
            return("Hello! I'm glad you joined us.*");
Example #4
        public override string CompanionJoinGroupMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
            if (WhoJoined.ModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
                switch (WhoJoined.ID)
                case Bree:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("Mom is be coming too? I hope she doesn't embarrass me.");

                case Sardine:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("Dad is coming too? Dad will teach those monsters a lesson!");

                case Cinnamon:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("Hey, " + WhoJoined.Name + "!");

                case Zacks:
                    Weight = 1.2f;
                    return("He has to come with us, too?");
            Weight = 1f;
Example #5
        public override string CompanionJoinGroupMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
            if (WhoJoined.ModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
                switch (WhoJoined.ID)
                case Leopold:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("*I think I will finally witness " + WhoJoined.Name + "'s magic mastery.*");

                case Malisha:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("*Oh, she's coming too.*");

                case Cinnamon:
                    Weight = 1.2f;
                    return("*I hope you don't end up intoxicated again.*");

                case Brutus:
                case Sardine:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("*I can predict that I will have lots of work.*");
            Weight = 1f;
            return("*I'm glad to see you join us.*");
Example #6
 public override bool AlterRequestGiven(GuardianData Guardian, out int ForcedMissionID, out bool IsTalkRequest)
     if (Guardian.FriendshipLevel < MoveInLevel)
         ForcedMissionID = Main.rand.Next(5);
         IsTalkRequest   = (Main.rand.NextDouble() < 0.3f);
     return(base.AlterRequestGiven(Guardian, out ForcedMissionID, out IsTalkRequest));
Example #7
 public override bool AlterRequestGiven(GuardianData Guardian, out int ForcedMissionID, out bool IsTalkRequest)
     if (Main.rand.Next(3) > 0)
         IsTalkRequest   = false;
         ForcedMissionID = Main.rand.Next(2);
     return(base.AlterRequestGiven(Guardian, out ForcedMissionID, out IsTalkRequest));
Example #8
 public override string CompanionJoinGroupMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
     if (WhoJoined.ModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
         switch (WhoJoined.ID)
     Weight = 1f;
     return("*Hey... Please, don't try anything.*");
Example #9
 public override string CompanionJoinGroupMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
     if (WhoJoined.ModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
         switch (WhoJoined.ID)
     Weight = 1f;
     return("Yay!! New friends.");
Example #10
        public override string CompanionJoinGroupMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
            if (WhoJoined.ModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
                switch (WhoJoined.ID)

            Weight = 1f;
            return "*Grrr. you wont get a welcome from me!*";
Example #11
 public override string CompanionRecruitedMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
     if (WhoJoined.ModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
         if (WhoJoined.ID == Malisha)
             Weight = 1.5f;
             return("*You're going to stay here?! No! No! NO!!!*");
     Weight = 1f;
     return("*Interesting having someone new here.*");
Example #12
 public override string CompanionRecruitedMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
     if (WhoJoined.ModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
         if (WhoJoined.ID == Brutus)
             Weight = 1.5f;
             return("*Oh great, just exactly you had to join us. At least you can't arrest me here.*");
     Weight = 1f;
     return("*Another potential customer. Nice.*");
Example #13
 public override string CompanionRecruitedMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
     if (WhoJoined.ModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
         if (WhoJoined.ID == Blue)
             Weight = 1.2f;
             return("*[name] waves at " + WhoJoined.Name + ", but she doesn't seems to care.*");
     Weight = 1f;
     return("*[name] is happy for meeting someone new.*");
Example #14
 public override string CompanionRecruitedMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
     if (WhoJoined.ModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
         if (WhoJoined.ID == Rococo)
             Weight = 1.2f;
             return("*I'm happy that you are here.*");
     Weight = 1f;
     return("*That's nice, [nickname]. We just met someone new.*");
Example #15
 public override string CompanionRecruitedMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
     if (WhoJoined.ModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
         if (WhoJoined.ID == Leopold)
             Weight = 1.5f;
             return("*You are here too, " + Leopold + "? This world surelly is interesting.*");
     Weight = 1f;
     return("*One more person.*");
Example #16
 public override string CompanionJoinGroupMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
     if (WhoJoined.ModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
         switch (WhoJoined.ID)
     Weight = 1f;
     if (WhoJoined.Base.IsTerraGuardian)
         return("They are coming with us? My day is getting even better!");
Example #17
 public override string CompanionJoinGroupMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
     if (WhoJoined.ModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
         switch (WhoJoined.ID)
             case Rococo:
             case Michelle:
             case Bree:
                 Weight = 1.5f;
                 return "*"+WhoJoined.Name+" is coming too? Yay!*";
     Weight = 1f;
     return "*Bark Bark* Welcome! Welcome!";
Example #18
        public override string CompanionJoinGroupMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
            if (WhoJoined.ModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
                switch (WhoJoined.ID)
                case Domino:
                    Weight = 1.2f;
                    return("*We aren't going to do anything shady, are we?*");

                case Minerva:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("*I like the smell of this.*");
            Weight = 1f;
            return("*That will increase our survival chances.*");
Example #19
 public override string CompanionRecruitedMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
     if (WhoJoined.ModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
         if (WhoJoined.ID == Minerva)
             Weight = 1.5f;
             return("*You cook too? That's great! We could be BFF!*");
         if (WhoJoined.ID == Glenn)
             Weight = 1.2f;
             return("*Wow, you're nearly the same age as I! I'm " + WhoJoined.Name + ", by the way.*");
     Weight = 1f;
     return("*A new person! Do you like tasty foods?*");
Example #20
        public override string CompanionJoinGroupMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
            if (WhoJoined.ModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
                switch (WhoJoined.ID)
                case Brutus:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("*I'll behave, I don't need a babysitter.*");

                case Malisha:
                    Weight = 1.2f;
                    return("*Well, well, well... You're going with us, right?*");
            Weight = 1f;
            return("*Hey, a new follower.*");
Example #21
        public static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", Route = null)] HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log)
            // parse query parameter
            string searchTerm = req.GetQueryNameValuePairs()
                                .FirstOrDefault(q => string.Compare(q.Key, "searchTerm", true) == 0)

            if (searchTerm == null)
                return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Please pass a searchTerm on the query string."));

            GuardianData guardianData = new GuardianData(searchTerm);
            await guardianData.Search();

            IEnumerable <GuardianGroupedData> guardianGroupedData = guardianData.GroupData();

            return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, guardianGroupedData));
Example #22
        public override string CompanionJoinGroupMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
            if (WhoJoined.ModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
                switch (WhoJoined.ID)
                case Blue:
                case Alex:
                case Vladimir:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("*[name] is happy that " + WhoJoined.Name + " has joined your group.*");

                case Minerva:
                case Cinnamon:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("*[name] asked her when is dinner time.*");
            Weight = 1f;
            return("*[name] greets " + WhoJoined.Name + ".*");
Example #23
        public override string CompanionJoinGroupMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
            if (WhoJoined.ModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
                switch (WhoJoined.ID)
                case Mabel:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("*Hi " + WhoJoined.Name + ". I heard you want to be a Miss North Pole.*");

                case Blue:
                    Weight = 1.2f;
                    return("*I like having your company around.*");

                case Minerva:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("*I'm not against doing some exploration with the belly full.*");
            Weight = 1f;
            return("*Welcome. I hope we keep you for a while.*");
Example #24
        public override string CompanionRecruitedMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
            if (WhoJoined.ModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
                switch (WhoJoined.ID)
                case Cinnamon:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("*You're also interessed in cooking..? I think we should try cooking sometime...*");

                case Brutus:
                    Weight = 1.2f;
                    return("*Are you hungry? I could prepare something for you..*");

                case Vladimir:
                    Weight = 1.2f;
                    return("*I'll prepare something special for you..*");
            Weight = 1f;
            return("*Hello, I'm [name].*");
Example #25
        public override string CompanionJoinGroupMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
            if (WhoJoined.ModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
                switch (WhoJoined.ID)
                case Brutus:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("*I'm happy that you joined us..*");

                case Vladimir:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("*I'm so happy that you'll go with us.*");

                case Cinnamon:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("*I will enjoy have your company.*");
            Weight = 1f;
Example #26
        public override string CompanionRecruitedMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
            if (WhoJoined.ModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
                switch (WhoJoined.ID)
                case Leopold:
                    Weight = 1.2f;
                    return("*Hey, nerd guy, time to gain some muscles.*");

                case Rococo:
                    Weight = 1.2f;
                    return("*You need to work out that chest.*");

                case Brutus:
                    Weight = 1.2f;
                    return("*Amazing, we just met a keg of ale.*");

                case Malisha:
                    Weight = 1.2f;
                    return("*Interessed in exercising your glutes, lady?*");

                case Mabel:
                    Weight = 1.2f;
                    return("*Oh my... T-that... Physique...*");

                case Vladimir:
                    Weight = 1.2f;
                    return("*Well, that's one big guy. I think we can make you get some muscles.*");

                case Domino:
                    Weight = 1.2f;
                    return("*Your upper body will need some exercises, but your legs seems fit.*");
            Weight = 1f;
            return("*You're getting more popular, [nickname].*");
Example #27
 public override string CompanionRecruitedMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
     if (WhoJoined.ModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
         if (WhoJoined.ID == Bree)
             Weight = 1.5f;
             return("I'm not grounded, am I, mom?");
         if (WhoJoined.ID == Sardine)
             Weight = 1.2f;
             return("Dad will be helping you too? Cool!");
         if (WhoJoined.ID == Cinnamon)
             Weight = 1.2f;
             return("She's about my age, I hope we be friends.");
     Weight = 1f;
     return("Are you interessed in books or games?");
Example #28
 public override string CompanionRecruitedMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
     if (WhoJoined.ModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
         if (WhoJoined.ID == Brutus)
             Weight = 1.2f;
             return("*Uh, my face is a bit above.*");
         if (WhoJoined.ID == Blue)
             Weight = 1.2f;
             return("*Hello. I like your hair, by the way.*");
         if (WhoJoined.ID == Luna)
             Weight = 1.5f;
             return("*Uh, hi... Didn't I see you somewhere?*");
     Weight = 1f;
     return("*This world is getting more and more people, I like that.*");
Example #29
        public override string CompanionJoinGroupMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
            if (WhoJoined.ModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
                switch (WhoJoined.ID)
                case Minerva:
                case Brutus:
                case Vladimir:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("*Let's try burning that fat.*");

                case Malisha:
                    Weight = 1.5f;
                    return("*Time to gain some muscles, witch.*");

                case Mabel:
                    Weight = 1.2f;
                    return("*Y-yes, good to see you too.*");
            Weight = 1f;
            return("*Oh, hello. Want to exercise your legs too?*");
Example #30
 public override string CompanionRecruitedMessage(TerraGuardian WhoReacts, GuardianData WhoJoined, out float Weight)
     Weight = 1f;
     return("*Interesting. I'd like to know more about you.*");