Example #1
        // Some serious sub-optimal linq abuse going on here
        protected override int GetAnswer(string input)
            var events        = ParseInput(input);
            var orderedEvents = events.OrderBy(e => e.Month)
                                .ThenBy(e => e.Day)
                                .ThenBy(e => e.Hour)
                                .ThenBy(e => e.Minute)

            var guardInfos     = new Dictionary <int, GuardInfo>();
            var currentGuardId = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < orderedEvents.Length - 1; i++)
                var evnt = orderedEvents[i];

                switch (evnt.EventType)
                case EventType.BeginShift:

                    currentGuardId = evnt.GuardId.Value;

                    if (!guardInfos.ContainsKey(currentGuardId))
                        guardInfos[currentGuardId] = new GuardInfo {
                            GuardId = currentGuardId

                case EventType.WakeUp:
                    // Nothing to do, only care about FallAsleep -> Wakeup Transitions
                    // Guards appear to always wake up before next guard shift

                case EventType.FallAsleep:
                    var wakeUpEvent = orderedEvents[i + 1];
                    if (wakeUpEvent.EventType != EventType.WakeUp)
                        throw new Exception("Your assumption that a wake up event always follows fall asleep is wrong.");

                    for (var m = evnt.Minute; m < wakeUpEvent.Minute; m++)


            var max = guardInfos.Values.Select(gd => gd.TotalMinutesSlept).Max();
            var gi  = guardInfos.Values.First(gd => gd.TotalMinutesSlept == max);

Example #2
        public static Dictionary <int, GuardInfo> ParseGuards(List <Line> lines)
            if (lines == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(lines));
            if (lines.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Value cannot be an empty collection.", nameof(lines));

            var       guards       = new Dictionary <int, GuardInfo>();
            GuardInfo currentGuard = null;

            foreach (var line in lines)
                if (line._kind == Line.Kind.BeginShift)
                    if (!guards.ContainsKey(line._guardId))
                                   new GuardInfo {
                            GuardId = line._guardId, Sleeps = new List <GuardInfo.SleepTime>()

                    currentGuard = guards[line._guardId];
                else if (line._kind == Line.Kind.FallAsleep)
                    currentGuard.Sleeps.Add(new GuardInfo.SleepTime {
                        Start = line._timestamp.Minute
                else if (line._kind == Line.Kind.WakeUp)
                    currentGuard.Sleeps.Last().End = line._timestamp.Minute;

Example #3
        public static (int Minute, int SleepCount) FindMinuteWithMaxSleep(this GuardInfo guard)
            var sleepCountPerMinute = new int[60];

            for (var i = 0; i < guard.Sleeps.Count; i++)
                var s = guard.Sleeps[i];
                for (var minute = s.Start; minute < s.End; minute++)

            var biggestIndex = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < 60; i++)
                if (sleepCountPerMinute[i] > sleepCountPerMinute[biggestIndex])
                    biggestIndex = i;

            return(biggestIndex, sleepCountPerMinute[biggestIndex]);
Example #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //sort input by date and time
            Regex           logRegex   = new Regex(@"\[1518-(\d\d)-(\d\d) (\d\d):(\d\d)\] (.*)");
            MatchCollection logEntries = logRegex.Matches(System.IO.File.ReadAllText("input.txt"));

            LogEntry[] entries = new LogEntry[logEntries.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < logEntries.Count; i++)
                //parse to get relevant info
                entries[i] = new LogEntry(int.Parse(logEntries[i].Groups[1].Value),
            //read the log
            int guardID = 0, previousMinute = 0;
            Dictionary <int, GuardInfo> guards = new Dictionary <int, GuardInfo>();
            GuardInfo current, sleepiest = new GuardInfo
                id    = 0,
                slept = 0,
                map   = new int[60]

            //count minutes slept by each guard
            //and create a minute map to identify the most sleepy minute later
            foreach (LogEntry entry in entries)
                if (entry.action.StartsWith('G')) //guard begins shift
                    guardID = int.Parse(entry.action.Replace("Guard #", "").Split(" ")[0]);
                else if (entry.action.StartsWith('f')) //guard falls asleep
                    previousMinute = entry.minute;
                else //guard wakes up
                    if (guards.ContainsKey(guardID))
                        current = guards[guardID];
                        current = new GuardInfo
                            id    = guardID,
                            slept = 0,
                            map   = new int[60]
                        guards.Add(guardID, current);
                    current.slept += (entry.minute - previousMinute);
                    for (int i = previousMinute; i < entry.minute; i++)
                    guards[guardID] = current;
                    if (current.slept > sleepiest.slept)
                        sleepiest = current;
            Console.WriteLine("Sleepiest guard is " + sleepiest.id);
            int maxSleepCount = sleepiest.map.Max();

            Console.WriteLine("Sleepiest minute is " + Array.IndexOf(sleepiest.map, maxSleepCount));
            Console.WriteLine("First answer: " + sleepiest.id * Array.IndexOf(sleepiest.map, maxSleepCount));
            //find absolute sleepiest minute and corresponding guard (second *)
            foreach (GuardInfo g in guards.Values)
                if (g.map.Max() > maxSleepCount)
                    sleepiest     = g;
                    maxSleepCount = g.map.Max();
            Console.WriteLine("Sleepiest guard is " + sleepiest.id);
            Console.WriteLine("Sleepiest minute is " + Array.IndexOf(sleepiest.map, maxSleepCount));
            Console.WriteLine("Second answer: " + sleepiest.id * Array.IndexOf(sleepiest.map, maxSleepCount));
Example #5
        public static void Run(List <string> inputs)
            GuardState       lastState  = GuardState.Off;
            GuardInfo        lastGuard  = null;
            int              lastMinute = 0;
            List <InputData> inputDatas = new List <InputData>();
            List <GuardInfo> Guards     = new List <GuardInfo>();

            foreach (var input in inputs)
                inputDatas.Add(new InputData(input));

            foreach (var data in inputDatas.OrderBy(i => i.Time))
                var currentMinute = data.Time.Minute;
                if (data.Action == "Guard")
                    if (lastState == GuardState.Sleep) // if last guard was sleeping, finish his shift sleeping
                        lastGuard.Sleep(lastMinute, MinutesInHour);

                    lastGuard = Guards.FirstOrDefault(g => g.GuardNum == data.GuardNum);
                    if (lastGuard == null)
                        lastGuard = new GuardInfo(data.GuardNum);
                    lastState = GuardState.Off;
                else if (data.Action == "wakes")
                    if (lastState == GuardState.Sleep)
                        lastGuard.Sleep(lastMinute, currentMinute);
                    lastState = GuardState.On;
                    lastState = GuardState.Sleep;

                lastMinute = currentMinute;

            //part 1
            var lazyGuard =
                Guards.Aggregate((guard1, guard2) => guard1.GetSleepTime() > guard2.GetSleepTime() ? guard1 : guard2);

            var sleepTime = lazyGuard.GetHighestSleptHour();
            var answer1   = lastGuard.GuardNum * sleepTime;

            //part 2

            var mostFrequentlySleepingGuard =
                    (guard1, guard2) => guard1.GetMostSleptTime() > guard2.GetMostSleptTime() ? guard1 : guard2);
            var answer2 = mostFrequentlySleepingGuard.GetHighestSleptHour() * mostFrequentlySleepingGuard.GuardNum;