Example #1
    public async Task AddRemoveMembers(Context ctx, PKGroup target, Groups.AddRemoveOperation op)

        var members = (await ctx.ParseMemberList(ctx.System.Id))
                      .Select(m => m.Id)

        var existingMembersInGroup = (await ctx.Database.Execute(conn => conn.QueryMemberList(target.System,
                                                                                              new DatabaseViewsExt.ListQueryOptions {
            GroupFilter = target.Id
                                     .Select(m => m.Id.Value)

        List <MemberId> toAction;

        if (op == Groups.AddRemoveOperation.Add)
            toAction = members
                       .Where(m => !existingMembersInGroup.Contains(m.Value))
            await ctx.Repository.AddMembersToGroup(target.Id, toAction);
        else if (op == Groups.AddRemoveOperation.Remove)
            toAction = members
                       .Where(m => existingMembersInGroup.Contains(m.Value))
            await ctx.Repository.RemoveMembersFromGroup(target.Id, toAction);
            return; // otherwise toAction "may be undefined"

        await ctx.Reply(GroupMemberUtils.GenerateResponse(op, members.Count, 1, toAction.Count,
                                                          members.Count - toAction.Count));
Example #2
        public async Task AddRemove(Context ctx, PKMember target, Groups.AddRemoveOperation op)

            var groups = (await ctx.ParseGroupList(ctx.System.Id))
                         .Select(g => g.Id)

            await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();

            var existingGroups = (await _repo.GetMemberGroups(conn, target.Id).ToListAsync())
                                 .Select(g => g.Id)

            List <GroupId> toAction;

            if (op == Groups.AddRemoveOperation.Add)
                toAction = groups
                           .Where(group => !existingGroups.Contains(group))

                await _repo.AddGroupsToMember(conn, target.Id, toAction);
            else if (op == Groups.AddRemoveOperation.Remove)
                toAction = groups
                           .Where(group => existingGroups.Contains(group))

                await _repo.RemoveGroupsFromMember(conn, target.Id, toAction);
                return;  // otherwise toAction "may be unassigned"
            await ctx.Reply(MiscUtils.GroupAddRemoveResponse <GroupId>(groups, toAction, op));
Example #3
    public async Task AddRemoveGroups(Context ctx, PKMember target, Groups.AddRemoveOperation op)

        var groups = (await ctx.ParseGroupList(ctx.System.Id))
                     .Select(g => g.Id)

        var existingGroups = (await ctx.Repository.GetMemberGroups(target.Id).ToListAsync())
                             .Select(g => g.Id)

        List <GroupId> toAction;

        if (op == Groups.AddRemoveOperation.Add)
            toAction = groups
                       .Where(group => !existingGroups.Contains(group))

            await ctx.Repository.AddGroupsToMember(target.Id, toAction);
        else if (op == Groups.AddRemoveOperation.Remove)
            toAction = groups
                       .Where(group => existingGroups.Contains(group))

            await ctx.Repository.RemoveGroupsFromMember(target.Id, toAction);
            return; // otherwise toAction "may be unassigned"

        await ctx.Reply(GroupMemberUtils.GenerateResponse(op, 1, groups.Count, toAction.Count,
                                                          groups.Count - toAction.Count));
Example #4
    public static string GenerateResponse(Groups.AddRemoveOperation action, int memberCount, int groupCount,
                                          int actionedOn, int notActionedOn)
        var op = action;

        var actionStr  = action == Groups.AddRemoveOperation.Add ? "added to" : "removed from";
        var containStr = action == Groups.AddRemoveOperation.Add ? "in" : "not in";
        var emojiStr   = actionedOn > 0 ? Emojis.Success : Emojis.Error;

        var memberPlural = memberCount > 1;
        var groupPlural  = groupCount > 1;

        // sanity checking: we can't add multiple groups to multiple members (at least for now)
        if (memberPlural && groupPlural)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

        // sanity checking: we can't act/not act on a different number of entities than we have
        if (memberPlural && actionedOn + notActionedOn != memberCount)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
        if (groupPlural && actionedOn + notActionedOn != groupCount)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

        // name generators
        string MemberString(int count, bool capitalize = false)
        => capitalize
                ? count == 1 ? "Member" : "Members"
                : count == 1
                    ? "member"
                    : "members";

        string GroupString(int count)
        => count == 1 ? "group" : "groups";

        // string generators

        string ResponseString()
            if (actionedOn > 0 && notActionedOn > 0 && memberPlural)
                return($"{actionedOn} {MemberString(actionedOn)} {actionStr} {GroupString(groupCount)}");
            if (actionedOn > 0 && notActionedOn > 0 && groupPlural)
                return($"{MemberString(memberCount, true)} {actionStr} {actionedOn} {GroupString(actionedOn)}");
            if (notActionedOn == 0)
                return($"{MemberString(memberCount, true)} {actionStr} {GroupString(groupCount)}");
            if (actionedOn == 0)
                return($"{MemberString(memberCount, true)} not {actionStr} {GroupString(groupCount)}");

            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

        string InfoMessage()
            if (notActionedOn == 0)

            var msg = "";

            if (actionedOn > 0 && memberPlural)
                msg += $"{notActionedOn} {MemberString(notActionedOn)}";
                msg += $"{MemberString(memberCount)}";

            msg += $" already {containStr}";

            if (actionedOn > 0 && groupPlural)
                msg += $" {notActionedOn} {GroupString(notActionedOn)}";
                msg += $" {GroupString(groupCount)}";

            return($" ({msg})");

        return($"{emojiStr} {ResponseString()}{InfoMessage()}.");
Example #5
        public static String GroupAddRemoveResponse <T>(List <T> entityList, List <T> actionedOn, Groups.AddRemoveOperation op)
            var opStr         = op == Groups.AddRemoveOperation.Add ? "added to" : "removed from";
            var inStr         = op == Groups.AddRemoveOperation.Add ? "in" : "not in";
            var notActionedOn = entityList.Count - actionedOn.Count;

            var groupNotActionedPosStr  = typeof(T) == typeof(GroupId) ? notActionedOn.ToString() + " " : "";
            var memberNotActionedPosStr = typeof(T) == typeof(MemberId) ? notActionedOn.ToString() + " " : "";

            if (actionedOn.Count == 0)
                return($"{Emojis.Error} {entityTerm<T>(notActionedOn, true)} not {opStr} {entityTerm<T>(entityList.Count, false).ToLower()} ({entityTerm<T>(notActionedOn, true).ToLower()} already {inStr} {entityTerm<T>(entityList.Count, false).ToLower()}).");
            if (notActionedOn == 0)
                return($"{Emojis.Success} {entityTerm<T>(actionedOn.Count, true)} {opStr} {entityTerm<T>(actionedOn.Count, false).ToLower()}.");
                return($"{Emojis.Success} {entityTerm<T>(actionedOn.Count, true)} {opStr} {actionedOn.Count} {entityTerm<T>(actionedOn.Count, false).ToLower()} ({memberNotActionedPosStr}{entityTerm<T>(actionedOn.Count, true).ToLower()} already {inStr} {groupNotActionedPosStr}{entityTerm<T>(notActionedOn, false).ToLower()}).");