Example #1
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!StopProcessing && !URLHelper.IsPostback())
            int shift = -1;
            string where = String.Empty;
            if (ModuleID != 0)
                where = "ElementResourceID = " + ModuleID;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(WhereCondition))
                where = SqlHelper.AddWhereCondition(where, WhereCondition);

            // Get the data
            DataSet ds = UIElementInfoProvider.GetUIElements(where, "ElementOrder", 0, "ElementID, ElementParentID, ElementDisplayName, ElementOrder, ElementLevel");
            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                gds = new GroupedDataSource(ds, "ElementParentID");

                FillDropDownList(shift, 0);
    /// <summary>
    /// DataBinds the control.
    /// </summary>
    public void ReloadData()
        DisabledItems = string.Empty;
        int shift = -1;

        string where = string.Empty;
        if (DisplayOnlyCategories)
            // Only categories that are not marked as groups will be displayed
            where += "ISNULL([CategoryIsGroup], 0) = 0";
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(WhereCondition))
            // Append additional WHERE condition
            where += " AND " + WhereCondition;

        // Add root category item if needed
        if (this.IncludeRootCategory)
            SettingsCategoryInfo rootCat = SettingsCategoryInfoProvider.GetSettingsCategoryInfo(this.RootCategoryId);
            if (rootCat != null)
                ListItem item = new ListItem();
                item.Text  = GetPrefix(shift) + ResHelper.LocalizeString(rootCat.CategoryDisplayName);
                item.Value = this.RootCategoryId.ToString();
                DisableItemInKeyEdit(item, rootCat.CategoryIsGroup);

                // Increase indent
        DataSet ds = SettingsCategoryInfoProvider.GetSettingsCategories(where, "CategoryOrder", 0, "CategoryID, CategoryParentID, CategoryName, CategoryDisplayName, CategoryOrder, CategoryIsGroup");

        if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
            this.groupedDS = new GroupedDataSource(ds, "CategoryParentID");
            FillDropDownList(shift, this.RootCategoryId);
Example #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Setup application list.
    /// </summary>
    private void SetupAppList()
        DataSet ds = ApplicationUIHelper.LoadApplications();
        DataSet filteredDataSet = ApplicationUIHelper.FilterApplications(ds, CurrentUser, true);

        if ((filteredDataSet != null) && !DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(filteredDataSet))
            // Create grouped data source
            GroupedDataSource gds = new GroupedDataSource(filteredDataSet, "ElementParentID", "ElementLevel");
            appListUniview.DataSource = gds;

        SiteInfo si = SiteContext.CurrentSite;

        if ((si != null) && (!si.SiteIsOffline))
    /// <summary>
    /// Reloads data.
    /// </summary>
    public void ReloadData(bool force)
        if (!dataLoaded || force)
            DisabledItems = string.Empty;
            disabledCats  = new Hashtable();

            int shift = 0;


            string where = GetWhereCondition();

            if (AddNoneRecord)
                ListItem item = new ListItem(GetString("general.root"), "0");

            // Get the data
            DataSet ds = CategoryInfoProvider.GetCategories(where, "CategoryUserID, CategorySiteID, CategoryOrder", 0, "CategoryID, CategoryParentID, CategoryDisplayName, CategoryOrder, CategoryLevel, CategorySiteID, CategoryEnabled", SiteID);
            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                gds = new GroupedDataSource(ds, "CategoryParentID");

                FillDropDownList(shift, 0);

            // Ensure selected category
            if (CategoryID != mCategoryId)
                CategoryID = mCategoryId;

            dataLoaded = true;
    public override void ReloadData()
        // Hide control for one culture version
        if ((DataSource == null) || DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(SiteCultures) || (SiteCultures.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 1))
            Visible = false;
            // Check the data source
            if (!(DataSource is GroupedDataSource))
                throw new Exception("[DocumentFlags]: Only GroupedDataSource is supported as a data source.");

            // Register tooltip script

            // Get appropriate table from the data source
            GroupedDataSource gDS   = (GroupedDataSource)DataSource;
            DataTable         table = gDS.GetGroupDataTable(NodeID);

            // Get document in the default site culture
            DateTime  defaultLastModification = DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME;
            DateTime  defaultLastPublished    = DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME;
            bool      defaultCultureExists    = false;
            DataRow[] rows = null;
            if (table != null)
                rows = table.Select("DocumentCulture='" + DefaultSiteCulture + "'");
                defaultCultureExists = (rows.Length > 0);

            if (defaultCultureExists)
                defaultLastModification = ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(rows[0]["DocumentModifiedWhen"], DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME);
                defaultLastPublished    = ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(rows[0]["DocumentLastPublished"], DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME);

            // Build the content
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("<table cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"DocumentFlags\">\n<tr>\n");
            int colsInRow = 0;
            int cols      = 0;
            int colsCount = SiteCultures.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
            if (colsCount < RepeatColumns)
                RepeatColumns = colsCount;

            foreach (DataRow dr in SiteCultures.Tables[0].Rows)
                DateTime lastModification    = DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME;
                string   versionNumber       = null;
                TranslationStatusEnum status = TranslationStatusEnum.NotAvailable;
                string cultureName           = ValidationHelper.GetString(DataHelper.GetDataRowValue(dr, "CultureName"), "-");
                string cultureCode           = ValidationHelper.GetString(DataHelper.GetDataRowValue(dr, "CultureCode"), "-");

                // Get document for given culture
                if (table != null)
                    rows = table.Select("DocumentCulture='" + cultureCode + "'");
                    // Document doesn't exist
                    if (rows.Length != 0)
                        versionNumber = ValidationHelper.GetString(DataHelper.GetDataRowValue(rows[0], "VersionNumber"), null);

                        // Check if document is outdated
                        if (versionNumber != null)
                            lastModification = ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(rows[0]["DocumentLastPublished"], DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME);
                            status           = (lastModification < defaultLastPublished) ? TranslationStatusEnum.Outdated : TranslationStatusEnum.Translated;
                            lastModification = ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(rows[0]["DocumentModifiedWhen"], DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME);
                            status           = (lastModification < defaultLastModification) ? TranslationStatusEnum.Outdated : TranslationStatusEnum.Translated;

                sb.Append("<td class=\"", GetStatusCSSClass(status), "\">");
                sb.Append("<img onmouseout=\"UnTip()\" style=\"cursor:pointer;\" onclick=\"", SelectJSFunction, "('", NodeID, "','", cultureCode, "'," + Convert.ToInt32((status != TranslationStatusEnum.NotAvailable)) + "," + ScriptHelper.GetString(ItemUrl + "?" + URLHelper.LanguageParameterName + "=" + cultureCode) + ")\" onmouseover=\"DF_Tip('", GetFlagIconUrl(cultureCode, "48x48"), "', '", cultureName, "', '", GetStatusString(status), "', '");

                sb.Append(versionNumber ?? string.Empty);
                sb.Append("', '");
                TimeZoneInfo ti = null;
                sb.Append((lastModification != DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME) ? TimeZoneHelper.GetCurrentTimeZoneDateTimeString(lastModification,
                                                                                                                           CMSContext.CurrentUser, CMSContext.CurrentSite, out ti)
                              : string.Empty);
                sb.Append("')\" src=\"");
                sb.Append(GetFlagIconUrl(cultureCode, "16x16"));
                sb.Append("\" alt=\"");
                sb.Append("\" /></td>\n");

                // Ensure repeat columns
                if (((colsInRow % RepeatColumns) == 0) && (cols != colsCount))
                    colsInRow = 0;

            // Ensure rest of the table cells
            if ((colsInRow != RepeatColumns) && (colsInRow != 0))
                while (colsInRow < RepeatColumns)
            ltlFlags.Text = sb.ToString();
    /// <summary>
    /// Setup application list.
    /// </summary>
    private void SetupAppList()
        DataSet ds = ApplicationHelper.LoadApplications();
        DataSet filteredDataSet = ApplicationHelper.FilterApplications(ds, CurrentUser, true);

        if ((filteredDataSet != null) && !DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(filteredDataSet))
            // Create grouped data source
            GroupedDataSource gds = new GroupedDataSource(filteredDataSet, "ElementParentID", "ElementLevel");
            appListUniview.DataSource = gds;

        SiteInfo si = SiteContext.CurrentSite;
        if ((si != null) && (!si.SiteIsOffline))
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!StopProcessing && !URLHelper.IsPostback())
            int shift = -1;
            string where = String.Empty;
            if (ModuleID != 0)
                where = "ElementResourceID = " + ModuleID;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(WhereCondition))
                where = SqlHelper.AddWhereCondition(where, WhereCondition);

            // Get the data
            DataSet ds = UIElementInfoProvider.GetUIElements(where, "ElementOrder", 0, "ElementID, ElementParentID, ElementDisplayName, ElementOrder, ElementLevel");
            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                gds = new GroupedDataSource(ds, "ElementParentID");

                FillDropDownList(shift, 0);
    /// <summary>
    /// OnPreRender.
    /// </summary>
    protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
        gridDocuments.StopProcessing = StopProcessing;
        if (StopProcessing)

        if (!dataLoaded)

        // Hide column with languages if only one culture is assigned to the site
        if (DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(SiteCultures) || (SiteCultures.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 1))
            // Hide column with flags
            if (gridDocuments.NamedColumns.ContainsKey("documentculture"))
                gridDocuments.NamedColumns["documentculture"].Visible = false;

            // Hide language filter
            if (gridDocuments.FilterFields.ContainsKey("NodeID"))
                gridDocuments.FilterFields["NodeID"].FilterRow.Visible = false;
            if (FlagsControls.Count != 0)
                // Get all document node IDs
                string nodeIds = null;
                foreach (DocumentFlagsControl ucDocFlags in FlagsControls)
                    nodeIds += ucDocFlags.NodeID + ",";

                if (nodeIds != null)
                    nodeIds = nodeIds.TrimEnd(',');

                // Get all documents
                Tree.SelectQueryName = "SelectVersions";

                string columns = "NodeID, VersionNumber, DocumentCulture, DocumentModifiedWhen, DocumentLastPublished";

                if (checkPermissions)
                    columns = SqlHelperClass.MergeColumns(columns, TreeProvider.SECURITYCHECK_REQUIRED_COLUMNS);

                DataSet dsDocs = null;
                if (!checkPermissions || (CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(Node, NodePermissionsEnum.Read) == AuthorizationResultEnum.Allowed))
                    dsDocs = Tree.SelectNodes(currentSiteName, "/%", TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, false, null, "NodeID IN (" + nodeIds + ")", null, -1, false, 0, columns);

                // Check permissions
                if (checkPermissions)
                    dsDocs = TreeSecurityProvider.FilterDataSetByPermissions(dsDocs, NodePermissionsEnum.Read, currentUserInfo);

                if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(dsDocs))
                    GroupedDataSource gDSDocs = new GroupedDataSource(dsDocs, "NodeID");

                    // Initialize the document flags controls
                    foreach (DocumentFlagsControl ucDocFlags in FlagsControls)
                        ucDocFlags.DataSource = gDSDocs;

Example #9
    /// <summary>
    /// Reloads data.
    /// </summary>
    public void ReloadData(bool force)
        if (!dataLoaded || force)
            DisabledItems = string.Empty;
            disabledCats = new Hashtable();

            int shift = 0;


            string where = GetWhereCondition();

            if (AddNoneRecord)
                ListItem item = new ListItem(GetString("general.root"), "0");

            // Get the data
            DataSet ds = CategoryInfoProvider.GetCategories(where, "CategoryUserID, CategorySiteID, CategoryOrder", 0, "CategoryID, CategoryParentID, CategoryDisplayName, CategoryOrder, CategoryLevel, CategorySiteID, CategoryEnabled", SiteID);
            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                gds = new GroupedDataSource(ds, "CategoryParentID");

                FillDropDownList(shift, 0);

            // Ensure selected category
            if (CategoryID != mCategoryId)
                CategoryID = mCategoryId;

            dataLoaded = true;
Example #10
    /// <summary>
    /// OnPreRender.
    /// </summary>
    protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
        gridDocuments.StopProcessing = StopProcessing;
        if (StopProcessing)

        if (!dataLoaded)

        string order = null;

        CurrentWhereCondition = GetCompleteWhereCondition(gridDocuments.WhereClause, ref order).ToString(true);

        // Hide column with languages if only one culture is assigned to the site
        if (DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(SiteCultures) || (SiteCultures.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 1))
            // Hide column with flags
            if (gridDocuments.NamedColumns.ContainsKey("documentculture"))
                gridDocuments.NamedColumns["documentculture"].Visible = false;

            // Hide language filter
            if (FlagsControls.Count != 0)
                // Get all document node IDs
                HashSet <int> nodeIds = new HashSet <int>();
                foreach (DocumentFlagsControl ucDocFlags in FlagsControls)

                var condition = new WhereCondition();
                condition.WhereIn("NodeID", nodeIds);

                // Get all culture documents
                DataSet docs = Tree.SelectNodes(currentSiteName, "/%", TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, false, null, condition.ToString(true), null, -1, false, 0, "NodeID, DocumentLastVersionNumber, DocumentCulture, DocumentModifiedWhen, DocumentLastPublished");

                if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(docs))
                    var groupedDocs = new GroupedDataSource(docs, "NodeID");

                    // Initialize the document flags controls
                    foreach (var docFlagCtrl in FlagsControls)
                        docFlagCtrl.DataSource = groupedDocs;

    /// <summary>
    /// OnPreRender.
    /// </summary>
    protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
        gridDocuments.StopProcessing = StopProcessing;
        if (StopProcessing)

        // Get actual filter where condition
        string filterWhere = gridDocuments.FilterForm.GetWhereCondition();

        // Filter selected document type only
        if ((ClassID > 0) && !RequestHelper.IsCallback())
            CurrentWhereCondition = SqlHelper.AddWhereCondition(filterWhere, "NodeClassID = " + ClassID);
            CurrentWhereCondition = filterWhere;

        if (!dataLoaded)
            if ((gridDocuments.FilterForm.FieldControls != null) && (gridDocuments.FilterForm.FieldControls.Count > 0))
                // Set actual where condition from basic filter if exists
                gridDocuments.WhereClause = filterWhere;


        // Hide column with languages if only one culture is assigned to the site
        if (DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(SiteCultures) || (SiteCultures.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 1))
            // Hide column with flags
            if (gridDocuments.NamedColumns.ContainsKey("documentculture"))
                gridDocuments.NamedColumns["documentculture"].Visible = false;

            // Hide language filter
            if (FlagsControls.Count != 0)
                // Get all document node IDs
                string nodeIds = null;
                foreach (DocumentFlagsControl ucDocFlags in FlagsControls)
                    nodeIds += ucDocFlags.NodeID + ",";

                if (nodeIds != null)
                    nodeIds = nodeIds.TrimEnd(',');

                // Get all culture documents
                Tree.SelectQueryName = "SelectVersions";
                DataSet dsDocs = Tree.SelectNodes(currentSiteName, "/%", TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, false, null, "NodeID IN (" + nodeIds + ")", null, -1, false, 0, "NodeID, VersionNumber, DocumentCulture, DocumentModifiedWhen, DocumentLastPublished");

                if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(dsDocs))
                    GroupedDataSource gDSDocs = new GroupedDataSource(dsDocs, "NodeID");

                    // Initialize the document flags controls
                    foreach (DocumentFlagsControl ucDocFlags in FlagsControls)
                        ucDocFlags.DataSource = gDSDocs;

Example #12
    /// <summary>
    /// OnPreRender.
    /// </summary>
    protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
        if (!dataLoaded)

        // Hide column with languages if only one culture is assigned to the site
        if (DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(SiteCultures) || (SiteCultures.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 1))
            DataControlField languagesColumn = gridDocuments.GridView.Columns[7];
            languagesColumn.Visible = false;
            plcLang.Visible         = false;
            if (FlagsControls.Count != 0)
                // Get all document node IDs
                string nodeIds = null;
                foreach (DocumentFlagsControl ucDocFlags in FlagsControls)
                    nodeIds += ucDocFlags.NodeID + ",";

                if (nodeIds != null)
                    nodeIds = nodeIds.TrimEnd(',');

                // Get all documents
                tree.SelectQueryName = "SelectVersions";

                string columns = "NodeID, VersionNumber, DocumentCulture, DocumentModifiedWhen, DocumentLastPublished";
                if (checkPermissions)
                    columns = SqlHelperClass.MergeColumns(columns, TreeProvider.SECURITYCHECK_REQUIRED_COLUMNS);

                DataSet dsDocs = null;
                if (!checkPermissions || (CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(node, NodePermissionsEnum.Read) == AuthorizationResultEnum.Allowed))
                    dsDocs = tree.SelectNodes(currentSiteName, "/%", TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, false, null, "NodeID IN (" + nodeIds + ")", null, -1, false, 0, columns);

                // Check permissions
                if (checkPermissions)
                    dsDocs = TreeSecurityProvider.FilterDataSetByPermissions(dsDocs, NodePermissionsEnum.Read, currentUserInfo);

                if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(dsDocs))
                    GroupedDataSource gDSDocs = new GroupedDataSource(dsDocs, "NodeID");

                    // Initialize the document flags controls
                    foreach (DocumentFlagsControl ucDocFlags in FlagsControls)
                        ucDocFlags.DataSource = gDSDocs;

Example #13
    public override void ReloadData()
        // Hide control for one culture version
        if ((DataSource == null) || DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(SiteCultures) || (SiteCultures.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 1))
            Visible = false;
            // Check the data source
            if (!(DataSource is GroupedDataSource))
                throw new Exception("[DocumentFlags]: Only GroupedDataSource is supported as a data source.");

            // Register tooltip script

            // Get appropriate table from the data source
            GroupedDataSource gDS   = (GroupedDataSource)DataSource;
            DataTable         table = gDS.GetGroupDataTable(NodeID);

            // Get document in the default site culture
            DateTime  defaultLastModification = DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME;
            DateTime  defaultLastPublished    = DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME;
            bool      defaultCultureExists    = false;
            DataRow[] rows = null;
            if (table != null)
                rows = table.Select("DocumentCulture='" + DefaultSiteCulture + "'");
                defaultCultureExists = (rows.Length > 0);

            if (defaultCultureExists)
                defaultLastModification = ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(rows[0]["DocumentModifiedWhen"], DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME);
                defaultLastPublished    = ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(rows[0]["DocumentLastPublished"], DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME);

            // Build the content
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("<div class=\"document-flags\">");
            int colsInRow = 0;
            int cols      = 0;
            int colsCount = SiteCultures.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
            if (colsCount < RepeatColumns)
                RepeatColumns = colsCount;

            foreach (DataRow dr in SiteCultures.Tables[0].Rows)
                DateTime lastModification    = DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME;
                string   versionNumber       = null;
                string   className           = null;
                TranslationStatusEnum status = TranslationStatusEnum.NotAvailable;
                string cultureName           = DataHelper.GetStringValue(dr, "CultureName", "-");
                string cultureCode           = DataHelper.GetStringValue(dr, "CultureCode", "-");

                // Get document for given culture
                if (table != null)
                    rows = table.Select("DocumentCulture='" + cultureCode + "'");
                    // Document doesn't exist
                    if (rows.Length != 0)
                        className     = DataHelper.GetStringValue(rows[0], "ClassName", null);
                        versionNumber = DataHelper.GetStringValue(rows[0], "DocumentLastVersionNumber", null);

                        // Check if document is outdated
                        if (versionNumber != null)
                            lastModification = ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(rows[0]["DocumentLastPublished"], DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME);
                            status           = (lastModification < defaultLastPublished) ? TranslationStatusEnum.Outdated : TranslationStatusEnum.Translated;
                            lastModification = ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(rows[0]["DocumentModifiedWhen"], DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME);
                            status           = (lastModification < defaultLastModification) ? TranslationStatusEnum.Outdated : TranslationStatusEnum.Translated;

                sb.Append("<span class=\"", GetStatusCSSClass(status), "\">");

                var itemUrl = (className != null && DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(className).ClassHasURL) ? UrlResolver.ResolveUrl(DocumentUIHelper.GetPageHandlerLivePath(NodeID, cultureCode)) : "#";
                sb.Append("<img onmouseout=\"UnTip()\" style=\"cursor:pointer;\" onclick=\"", SelectJSFunction, "('", NodeID, "','", cultureCode, "'," + Convert.ToInt32((status != TranslationStatusEnum.NotAvailable)) + "," + ScriptHelper.GetString(itemUrl) + ")\" onmouseover=\"DF_Tip('", GetFlagIconUrl(cultureCode, "48x48"), "', '", cultureName, "', '", GetStatusString(status), "', '");

                sb.Append(versionNumber ?? string.Empty);
                sb.Append("', '");
                sb.Append((lastModification != DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME) ?
                          TimeZoneHelper.ConvertToUserTimeZone(lastModification, true, MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser, SiteContext.CurrentSite)
                    : string.Empty);
                sb.Append("')\" src=\"");
                sb.Append(GetFlagIconUrl(cultureCode, "16x16"));
                sb.Append("\" alt=\"");
                sb.Append("\" /></span>");

                // Ensure repeat columns
                if (((colsInRow % RepeatColumns) == 0) && (cols != colsCount))
                    sb.Append("<br />\n");
                    colsInRow = 0;

            ltlFlags.Text = sb.ToString();
Example #14
    /// <summary>
    /// OnPreRender.
    /// </summary>
    protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
        gridDocuments.StopProcessing = StopProcessing;
        if (StopProcessing)

        // Get actual filter where condition
        string filterWhere = gridDocuments.FilterForm.GetWhereCondition();

        // Filter selected document type only
        if ((ClassID > 0) && !RequestHelper.IsCallback())
            CurrentWhereCondition = SqlHelper.AddWhereCondition(filterWhere, "NodeClassID = " + ClassID);
            CurrentWhereCondition = filterWhere;

        if (!dataLoaded)
            if ((gridDocuments.FilterForm.FieldControls != null) && (gridDocuments.FilterForm.FieldControls.Count > 0))
                // Set actual where condition from basic filter if exists
                gridDocuments.WhereClause = filterWhere;


        // Hide column with languages if only one culture is assigned to the site
        if (DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(SiteCultures) || (SiteCultures.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 1))
            // Hide column with flags
            if (gridDocuments.NamedColumns.ContainsKey("documentculture"))
                gridDocuments.NamedColumns["documentculture"].Visible = false;

            // Hide language filter
            if (FlagsControls.Count != 0)
                // Get all document node IDs
                string nodeIds = null;
                foreach (DocumentFlagsControl ucDocFlags in FlagsControls)
                    nodeIds += ucDocFlags.NodeID + ",";

                if (nodeIds != null)
                    nodeIds = nodeIds.TrimEnd(',');

                // Get all culture documents
                Tree.SelectQueryName = "SelectVersions";
                DataSet dsDocs = Tree.SelectNodes(currentSiteName, "/%", TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, false, null, "NodeID IN (" + nodeIds + ")", null, -1, false, 0, "NodeID, VersionNumber, DocumentCulture, DocumentModifiedWhen, DocumentLastPublished");

                if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(dsDocs))
                    GroupedDataSource gDSDocs = new GroupedDataSource(dsDocs, "NodeID");

                    // Initialize the document flags controls
                    foreach (DocumentFlagsControl ucDocFlags in FlagsControls)
                        ucDocFlags.DataSource = gDSDocs;

    /// <summary>
    /// DataBinds the control.
    /// </summary>
    public void ReloadData()
        DisabledItems = string.Empty;
        int shift = -1;
        string where = string.Empty;
        if (DisplayOnlyCategories)
            // Only categories that are not marked as groups will be displayed
            where += "ISNULL([CategoryIsGroup], 0) = 0";
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(WhereCondition))
            // Append additional WHERE condition
            where += " AND " + WhereCondition;

        // Add root category item if needed
        if (IncludeRootCategory)
            SettingsCategoryInfo rootCat = SettingsCategoryInfoProvider.GetSettingsCategoryInfo(RootCategoryId);
            if (rootCat != null)
                ListItem item = new ListItem();
                item.Text = GetPrefix(shift) + ResHelper.LocalizeString(rootCat.CategoryDisplayName);
                item.Value = RootCategoryId.ToString();
                DisableItemInKeyEdit(item, rootCat.CategoryIsGroup);

                // Increase indent
        DataSet ds = SettingsCategoryInfoProvider.GetSettingsCategories(where, "CategoryOrder", 0, "CategoryID, CategoryParentID, CategoryName, CategoryDisplayName, CategoryOrder, CategoryIsGroup");
        if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
            groupedDS = new GroupedDataSource(ds, "CategoryParentID");
            FillDropDownList(shift, RootCategoryId);