//Button click adds new custom products to database
        protected void AddCustomProduct_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int filter;

            //If product requires filter, change it to 1
            if (Filter_Option.Value.Equals("1"))
                filter = 1;
            //Product doesn't require filter
                filter = 0;

            string Cus_size   = size.Value;
            string Cus_colour = colour.Value;
            string imageURL   = Upload_Logo.Value;

            //Add custom product details to db using service function
            string add_CustomPro = SR.Addcustom(filter, Cus_size, Cus_colour, imageURL);

            //Custom product successfully created
            if (add_CustomPro.Equals("added"))
            //Custom product unsuccessful
                error.Value   = "Custom product not saved. Please try again. ";
                error.Visible = true;