public void RemoveNestedOperator() { var unaryOperator = new UnaryOperator(UnaryOperatorType.IsNull, "prop2"); CriteriaOperator groupOperator = new GroupOperator(new BinaryOperator("pro1", 1), unaryOperator); var binaryOperatorExtractor = new CriteriaOperatorExtractor(); binaryOperatorExtractor.Remove(ref groupOperator, unaryOperator.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(new BinaryOperator("pro1", 1).ToString(), groupOperator.ToString()); }
private void ApplyFilter() { if (gridView1.Columns["Date"] == null) { return; } CriteriaOperator binaryFilter = new GroupOperator(GroupOperatorType.And, new BinaryOperator("Date", FromDate, BinaryOperatorType.GreaterOrEqual), new BinaryOperator("Date", ToDate, BinaryOperatorType.Less)); CriteriaOperator simplifiedFilter = (new OperandProperty("Date") >= new OperandValue(FromDate)) & (new OperandProperty("Date") < new OperandValue(ToDate)); string filterDisplayText = String.Format("Date is between {0:d} and {1:d}", FromDate, ToDate); ColumnFilterInfo dateFilter = new ColumnFilterInfo(binaryFilter.ToString(), filterDisplayText); gridView1.Columns["Date"].FilterInfo = dateFilter; }
private string GetFilterExpression() { string res_str = string.Empty; List <CriteriaOperator> lst_operator = new List <CriteriaOperator>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtFirstName.Text)) { lst_operator.Add(new BinaryOperator("FirstName", string.Format("%{0}%", txtFirstName.Text), BinaryOperatorType.Like)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLastName.Text)) { lst_operator.Add(new BinaryOperator("LastName", string.Format("%{0}%", txtLastName.Text), BinaryOperatorType.Like)); } if (deHDFrom.Value != null) { lst_operator.Add(new BinaryOperator("HireDate", deHDFrom.Date, BinaryOperatorType.GreaterOrEqual)); } if (deHDTo.Value != null) { lst_operator.Add(new BinaryOperator("HireDate", deHDTo.Date, BinaryOperatorType.LessOrEqual)); } if (lst_operator.Count > 0) { CriteriaOperator[] op = new CriteriaOperator[lst_operator.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < lst_operator.Count; i++) { op[i] = lst_operator[i]; } CriteriaOperator res_operator = new GroupOperator(GroupOperatorType.And, op); res_str = res_operator.ToString(); } return(res_str); }
protected void MailGrid_CustomCallback(object sender, ASPxGridViewCustomCallbackEventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Parameters)) { return; } var args = e.Parameters.Split('|'); if (args[0] == "FolderChanged") { MailGrid.FilterExpression = ""; BindGrid(); MailGrid.ExpandAll(); } if (args[0] == "Search") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchText)) { MailGrid.FilterExpression = ""; } CriteriaOperator criteria = new GroupOperator(GroupOperatorType.Or, new FunctionOperator(FunctionOperatorType.Contains, new OperandProperty(ShowToColumn() ? "To" : "From"), SearchText), new FunctionOperator(FunctionOperatorType.Contains, new OperandProperty("Subject"), SearchText) ); MailGrid.FilterExpression = criteria.ToString(); BindGrid(); MailGrid.ExpandAll(); } if (args[0] == "SendMail" || args[0] == "SaveMail") { var subject = SubjectEditor.Text; var to = ToEditor.Text; string messageText = MailEditor.Html.Length <= 10000 ? MailEditor.Html : MailEditor.Html.Substring(0, 10000); string folder = args[0] == "SendMail" ? "Sent Items" : "Drafts"; int id; if (args.Length == 2 && int.TryParse(args[1], out id)) { MessageBL bl = new MessageBL(); bl.UpdateMessage(id, subject, to, messageText, folder); } else { MessageBL bl = new MessageBL(); bool IsReply = false; if (Session["CurrentReplyEmailID"] != null) { IsReply = true; } bl.AddMessage(subject, User.Identity.Name, to, messageText, folder, IsReply); } Session["CurrentReplyEmailID"] = null; BindGrid(); } if (args[0] == "Delete" && args.Length > 1) { int[] keys = null; if (!TryParseKeyValues(args.Skip(1), out keys)) { return; } MessageBL bl = new MessageBL(); bl.DeleteMessages(keys); BindGrid(); } }