Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Job that will sync groups.
        /// Called by the <see cref="IScheduler" /> when a
        /// <see cref="ITrigger" /> fires that is associated with
        /// the <see cref="IJob" />.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
            // Get the job setting(s)
            JobDataMap dataMap = context.JobDetail.JobDataMap;
            bool       requirePasswordReset = dataMap.GetBoolean("RequirePasswordReset");
            var        commandTimeout       = dataMap.GetString("CommandTimeout").AsIntegerOrNull() ?? 180;

            // Counters for displaying results
            int    groupsSynced  = 0;
            int    groupsChanged = 0;
            string groupName     = string.Empty;
            string dataViewName  = string.Empty;
            var    errors        = new List <string>();

                // get groups set to sync
                var activeSyncList = new List <GroupSyncInfo>();
                using (var rockContext = new RockContext())
                    // Get groups that are not archived and are still active.
                    activeSyncList = new GroupSyncService(rockContext)
                                     .Select(x => new GroupSyncInfo {
                        SyncId = x.Id, GroupName = x.Group.Name

                foreach (var syncInfo in activeSyncList)
                    int  syncId         = syncInfo.SyncId;
                    bool hasSyncChanged = false;
                    context.UpdateLastStatusMessage($"Syncing group {syncInfo.GroupName}");

                    // Use a fresh rockContext per sync so that ChangeTracker doesn't get bogged down
                    using (var rockContext = new RockContext())
                        // increase the timeout just in case the data view source is slow
                        rockContext.Database.CommandTimeout = commandTimeout;
                        rockContext.SourceOfChange          = "Group Sync";

                        // Get the Sync
                        var sync = new GroupSyncService(rockContext)
                                   .Include(a => a.Group)
                                   .Include(a => a.SyncDataView)
                                   .FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == syncId);

                        if (sync == null || sync.SyncDataView.EntityTypeId != EntityTypeCache.Get(typeof(Person)).Id)
                            // invalid sync or invalid SyncDataView

                        List <string> syncErrors = new List <string>();

                        dataViewName = sync.SyncDataView.Name;
                        groupName    = sync.Group.Name;

                        Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                        // Get the person id's from the data view (source)
                        var dataViewQry     = sync.SyncDataView.GetQuery(null, rockContext, commandTimeout, out syncErrors);
                        var sourcePersonIds = dataViewQry.Select(q => q.Id).ToList();
                        // If any error occurred trying get the 'where expression' from the sync-data-view,
                        // just skip trying to sync that particular group's Sync Data View for now.
                        if (syncErrors.Count > 0)
                            ExceptionLogService.LogException(new Exception(string.Format("An error occurred while trying to GroupSync group '{0}' and data view '{1}' so the sync was skipped. Error: {2}", groupName, dataViewName, String.Join(",", syncErrors))));

                        // Get the person id's in the group (target) for the role being synced.
                        // Note: targetPersonIds must include archived group members
                        // so we don't try to delete anyone who's already archived, and
                        // it must include deceased members so we can remove them if they
                        // are no longer in the data view.
                        var existingGroupMemberPersonList = new GroupMemberService(rockContext)
                                                            .Queryable(true, true).AsNoTracking()
                                                            .Where(gm => gm.GroupId == sync.GroupId)
                                                            .Where(gm => gm.GroupRoleId == sync.GroupTypeRoleId)
                                                            .Select(gm => new
                            PersonId   = gm.PersonId,
                            IsArchived = gm.IsArchived

                        var targetPersonIdsToDelete = existingGroupMemberPersonList.Where(t => !sourcePersonIds.Contains(t.PersonId) && t.IsArchived != true).ToList();
                        if (targetPersonIdsToDelete.Any())
                            context.UpdateLastStatusMessage($"Deleting {targetPersonIdsToDelete.Count()} group records in {syncInfo.GroupName} that are no longer in the sync data view");

                        int deletedCount = 0;

                        // Delete people from the group/role that are no longer in the data view --
                        // but not the ones that are already archived.
                        foreach (var targetPerson in targetPersonIdsToDelete)
                            if (deletedCount % 100 == 0)
                                context.UpdateLastStatusMessage($"Deleted {deletedCount} of {targetPersonIdsToDelete.Count()} group member records for group {syncInfo.GroupName}");

                                // Use a new context to limit the amount of change-tracking required
                                using (var groupMemberContext = new RockContext())
                                    // Delete the records for that person's group and role.
                                    // NOTE: just in case there are duplicate records, delete all group member records for that person and role
                                    var groupMemberService = new GroupMemberService(groupMemberContext);
                                    foreach (var groupMember in groupMemberService
                                             .Queryable(true, true)
                                             .Where(m =>
                                                    m.GroupId == sync.GroupId &&
                                                    m.GroupRoleId == sync.GroupTypeRoleId &&
                                                    m.PersonId == targetPerson.PersonId)


                                    // If the Group has an exit email, and person has an email address, send them the exit email
                                    if (sync.ExitSystemCommunication != null)
                                        var person = new PersonService(groupMemberContext).Get(targetPerson.PersonId);
                                        if (person.CanReceiveEmail(false))
                                            // Send the exit email
                                            var mergeFields = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                                            mergeFields.Add("Group", sync.Group);
                                            mergeFields.Add("Person", person);
                                            var emailMessage = new RockEmailMessage(sync.ExitSystemCommunication);
                                            emailMessage.AddRecipient(new RockEmailMessageRecipient(person, mergeFields));
                                            var emailErrors = new List <string>();
                                            emailMessage.Send(out emailErrors);
                            catch (Exception ex)

                            hasSyncChanged = true;

                        // Now find all the people in the source list who are NOT already in the target list (as Unarchived)
                        var targetPersonIdsToAdd = sourcePersonIds.Where(s => !existingGroupMemberPersonList.Any(t => t.PersonId == s && t.IsArchived == false)).ToList();

                        // Make a list of PersonIds that have an Archived group member record
                        // if this person isn't already a member of the list as an Unarchived member, we can Restore the group member for that PersonId instead
                        var archivedTargetPersonIds = existingGroupMemberPersonList.Where(t => t.IsArchived == true).Select(a => a.PersonId).ToList();

                        context.UpdateLastStatusMessage($"Adding {targetPersonIdsToAdd.Count()} group member records for group {syncInfo.GroupName}");
                        int addedCount    = 0;
                        int notAddedCount = 0;
                        foreach (var personId in targetPersonIdsToAdd)
                            if ((addedCount + notAddedCount) % 100 == 0)
                                string notAddedMessage = string.Empty;
                                if (notAddedCount > 0)
                                    notAddedMessage = $"{Environment.NewLine} There are {notAddedCount} members that could not be added due to group requirements.";
                                context.UpdateLastStatusMessage($"Added {addedCount} of {targetPersonIdsToAdd.Count()} group member records for group {syncInfo.GroupName}. {notAddedMessage}");
                                // Use a new context to limit the amount of change-tracking required
                                using (var groupMemberContext = new RockContext())
                                    var groupMemberService = new GroupMemberService(groupMemberContext);
                                    var groupService       = new GroupService(groupMemberContext);

                                    // If this person is currently archived...
                                    if (archivedTargetPersonIds.Contains(personId))
                                        // ...then we'll just restore them;
                                        GroupMember archivedGroupMember = groupService.GetArchivedGroupMember(sync.Group, personId, sync.GroupTypeRoleId);

                                        if (archivedGroupMember == null)
                                            // shouldn't happen, but just in case

                                        archivedGroupMember.GroupMemberStatus = GroupMemberStatus.Active;
                                        if (archivedGroupMember.IsValidGroupMember(groupMemberContext))
                                            // Validation errors will get added to the ValidationResults collection. Add those results to the log and then move on to the next person.
                                            var ex = new GroupMemberValidationException(string.Join(",", archivedGroupMember.ValidationResults.Select(r => r.ErrorMessage).ToArray()));
                                        // ...otherwise we will add a new person to the group with the role specified in the sync.
                                        var newGroupMember = new GroupMember {
                                            Id = 0
                                        newGroupMember.PersonId          = personId;
                                        newGroupMember.GroupId           = sync.GroupId;
                                        newGroupMember.GroupMemberStatus = GroupMemberStatus.Active;
                                        newGroupMember.GroupRoleId       = sync.GroupTypeRoleId;

                                        if (newGroupMember.IsValidGroupMember(groupMemberContext))
                                            // Validation errors will get added to the ValidationResults collection. Add those results to the log and then move on to the next person.
                                            var ex = new GroupMemberValidationException(string.Join(",", newGroupMember.ValidationResults.Select(r => r.ErrorMessage).ToArray()));

                                    // If the Group has a welcome email, and person has an email address, send them the welcome email and possibly create a login
                                    if (sync.WelcomeSystemCommunication != null)
                                        var person = new PersonService(groupMemberContext).Get(personId);
                                        if (person.CanReceiveEmail(false))
                                            // If the group is configured to add a user account for anyone added to the group, and person does not yet have an
                                            // account, add one for them.
                                            string newPassword = string.Empty;
                                            bool   createLogin = sync.AddUserAccountsDuringSync;

                                            // Only create a login if requested, no logins exist and we have enough information to generate a user name.
                                            if (createLogin && !person.Users.Any() && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(person.NickName) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(person.LastName))
                                                newPassword = System.Web.Security.Membership.GeneratePassword(9, 1);
                                                string username = Rock.Security.Authentication.Database.GenerateUsername(person.NickName, person.LastName);

                                                UserLogin login = UserLoginService.Create(

                                            // Send the welcome email
                                            var mergeFields = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                                            mergeFields.Add("Group", sync.Group);
                                            mergeFields.Add("Person", person);
                                            mergeFields.Add("NewPassword", newPassword);
                                            mergeFields.Add("CreateLogin", createLogin);
                                            var emailMessage = new RockEmailMessage(sync.WelcomeSystemCommunication);
                                            emailMessage.AddRecipient(new RockEmailMessageRecipient(person, mergeFields));
                                            var emailErrors = new List <string>();
                                            emailMessage.Send(out emailErrors);
                            catch (Exception ex)

                            hasSyncChanged = true;

                        // Increment Groups Changed Counter (if people were deleted or added to the group)
                        if (hasSyncChanged)

                        // Increment the Groups Synced Counter

                    // Update last refresh datetime in different context to avoid side-effects.
                    using (var rockContext = new RockContext())
                        var sync = new GroupSyncService(rockContext)
                                   .FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == syncId);

                        sync.LastRefreshDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;


                // Format the result message
                var resultMessage = string.Empty;
                if (groupsSynced == 0)
                    resultMessage = "No groups to sync";
                else if (groupsSynced == 1)
                    resultMessage = "1 group was synced";
                    resultMessage = string.Format("{0} groups were synced", groupsSynced);

                resultMessage += string.Format(" and {0} groups were changed", groupsChanged);

                if (errors.Any())
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    sb.Append("Errors: ");
                    errors.ForEach(e => { sb.AppendLine(); sb.Append(e); });
                    string errorMessage = sb.ToString();
                    resultMessage += errorMessage;
                    throw new Exception(errorMessage);

                context.Result = resultMessage;
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                HttpContext context2 = HttpContext.Current;
                ExceptionLogService.LogException(ex, context2);