/// <summary>
 /// Called only if the grouping runs in paralel.
 /// Merges local group results into the global results.
 /// </summary>
 private void MergeResults(GroupJob job, int matcherID)
     foreach (var item in job.groups)
         var keyFull = new GroupDictKeyFull(item.Key.hash, job.resTable[item.Key.position]);
         var buckets = this.globalGroups.GetOrAdd(keyFull, item.Value);
         if (item.Value != null && !object.ReferenceEquals(buckets, item.Value))
             for (int j = 0; j < aggregates.Length; j++)
                 aggregates[j].MergeThreadSafe(buckets[j], item.Value[j]);
     this.groupJobs[matcherID] = null;
        public TwoStepHalfStreamedBucket(QueryExpressionInfo expressionInfo, IGroupByExecutionHelper executionHelper, int columnCount, int[] usedVars) : base(expressionInfo, executionHelper, columnCount, usedVars)
            this.groupJobs = new GroupJob[this.executionHelper.ThreadCount];

            // Create an initial job, comparers and hashers
            this.CreateHashersAndComparers(out ExpressionComparer[] comparers, out ExpressionHasher[] hashers);
            var firstComp   = RowEqualityComparerGroupKey.Factory(null, comparers, true);
            var firstHasher = new RowHasher(hashers);


            this.groupJobs[0] = new GroupJob(firstComp, firstHasher, new TableResults(this.ColumnCount, this.executionHelper.FixedArraySize, this.usedVars));
            for (int i = 1; i < this.executionHelper.ThreadCount; i++)
                CloneHasherAndComparer(firstComp, firstHasher, out RowEqualityComparerGroupKey newComp, out RowHasher newHasher);
                groupJobs[i] = new GroupJob(newComp, newHasher, new TableResults(this.ColumnCount, this.executionHelper.FixedArraySize, this.usedVars));

            this.globalGroups = new ConcurrentDictionary <GroupDictKeyFull, AggregateBucketResult[]>(RowEqualityComparerGroupDickKeyFull.Factory(comparers, false));
Example #3
        public void TestRunReenteringGroup()
            AsyncProcessor processor = new AsyncProcessor();

            using ( processor )
                const int total = 5;
                _jobCount = 0;
                GroupJob job = new GroupJob(total, 1);
                if (_jobCount != total + 3)
                    throw new Exception("TestRunReenteringGroup(): GroupJob( total, 1 ) failed. _jobCount = " + _jobCount);
                _jobCount = 0;
                job       = new GroupJob(total, 3);
                if (_jobCount != total + 3)
                    throw new Exception("TestRunReenteringGroup(): GroupJob( total, 3 ) failed. _jobCount = " + _jobCount);
                _jobCount = 0;
                job       = new GroupJob(total, 5);
                if (_jobCount != total + 3)
                    throw new Exception("TestRunReenteringGroup(): GroupJob( total, 5 ) failed. _jobCount = " + _jobCount);
                _jobCount = 0;
                job       = new GroupJob(total, 11);
                if (_jobCount != total + 3)
                    throw new Exception("TestRunReenteringGroup(): GroupJob( total, 11 ) failed. _jobCount = " + _jobCount);