public virtual void PushGroup(string name) { if (this.groupCtxStack.Count == 0) { throw new BinariexException("reading schema", "Cannot put group out of sheet."); } var parentCtx = this.groupCtxStack.Peek(); var newCtx = new GroupContext { Sheet = parentCtx.Sheet, SheetContext = parentCtx.SheetContext, HeaderRowIndex = parentCtx.HeaderRowIndex + 1, TopRowIndex = parentCtx.CursorRowIndex, LeftColumnIndex = parentCtx.CursorColumnIndex, CursorRowIndex = parentCtx.CursorRowIndex, CursorColumnIndex = parentCtx.CursorColumnIndex }; this.groupCtxStack.Push(newCtx); }
/// <summary> /// Saves the options. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> protected void SaveOption(object sender, EventArgs e) { IUserOptionsService userOption = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.Get <IUserOptionsService>(); userOption.SetCommonOption(DefaultGroupOptionName(), "DefaultGroup", GetFamNameFromId(ddlGroup.SelectedValue), false); userOption.SetCommonOption(DefaultGroupOptionName(), "LookupLayoutGroup", GetFamNameFromId(ddlLookupLayoutGroup.SelectedValue), false); var egis = GroupContext.GetGroupContext().EntityGroupInfos; if (egis != null) { foreach (var egi in egis) { if (egi.EntityName.Equals(DefaultGroupOptionName(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { egi.ClearCache(true); break; } } } userOption.SetCommonOption("defaultLookupCondition", "DefaultLookupCondition", ddlDefaultSearchCondition.SelectedValue, false); }
private void RestoreState() { try { UIStateService service = new UIStateService(); GroupContext group = GroupContext.GetGroupContext(); if (group != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(GroupContext.CurrentGroupID)) { GroupInfo info = GroupContext.GetGroupContext().CurrentGroupInfo.CurrentGroup.GroupInformation; string family = info.Entity.ToLower(); string name = info.GroupName.ToLower(); string data = service.GetTaskletState(ID, "hidden:" + family + "-" + name); if (data != null) { _hiddenFilters = new List <string>(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string[]>(data)); } } } catch { } }
/// <summary> /// Saves the options. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> protected void SaveOption(object sender, EventArgs e) { IUserOptionsService userOption = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.Get <IUserOptionsService>(); userOption.SetCommonOption(DefaultGroupOptionName(), "DefaultGroup", GetFamNameFromId(ddlGroup.SelectedValue), false); userOption.SetCommonOption(DefaultGroupOptionName(), "LookupLayoutGroup", GetFamNameFromId(ddlLookupLayoutGroup.SelectedValue), false); var egis = GroupContext.GetGroupContext().EntityGroupInfos; if (egis != null) { foreach (var egi in egis) { if (egi.EntityName.Equals(DefaultGroupOptionName(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { egi.ClearCache(true); break; } } } userOption.SetCommonOption("autoFitColumns", "GroupGridView", cbAutoFitColumns.Checked.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), false); }
/// <summary> Drills down into the group at the given index within the current /// group -- ie sets the location pointer to the first structure within the child. /// </summary> /// <param name="childNumber">the index of the group child into which to drill. /// </param> /// <param name="rep">the group repetition into which to drill. /// </param> public virtual void DrillDown(int childNumber, int rep) { if (childNumber != -1) { var s = CurrentGroup.GetStructure(childNames[childNumber], rep); if (!(s is IGroup)) { throw new HL7Exception("Can't drill into segment", ErrorCode.APPLICATION_INTERNAL_ERROR); } var group = (IGroup)s; // stack the current group and location var gc = new GroupContext(this, CurrentGroup, currentChild); ancestors.Add(gc); CurrentGroup = group; } currentChild = 0; childNames = CurrentGroup.Names; }
public GroupContext group() { GroupContext _localctx = new GroupContext(Context, State); EnterRule(_localctx, 10, RULE_group); try { EnterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { State = 48; Match(GROUP_START); State = 49; or(); State = 50; Match(GROUP_END); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; ErrorHandler.ReportError(this, re); ErrorHandler.Recover(this, re); } finally { ExitRule(); } return(_localctx); }
/// <summary> /// Returns string Array with all the usernames registrated. /// If you send an groupid with it you'll get a list of all players except the once that are already in the group. /// </summary> /// <param name="groupid"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string[] GetAddPlayerName(int?groupid) { AccountContext accountContext = new AccountContext(); GroupContext groupContext = new GroupContext(); if (groupid != null) { List <string> usernames = new List <string>(); foreach (string username in accountContext.GetAllPlayers()) { if (!groupContext.IsPlayerInGroup(accountContext.GetPlayerByUsername(username).ID, (int)groupid)) { usernames.Add(username); } } return(usernames.ToArray <string>()); } else { return(accountContext.GetAllPlayers().ToArray <string>()); } }
/// <summary> Switches the group context to the parent of the current group, /// and sets the child pointer to the next sibling. /// </summary> /// <returns> false if already at root /// </returns> public virtual bool drillUp() { //pop the top group and resume search there if (!(ancestors.Count == 0)) { GroupContext gc = (GroupContext)SupportClass.StackSupport.Pop(ancestors); currentGroup =; currentChild = gc.child; childNames = currentGroup.Names; return(true); } else { if (currentChild == -1) { return(false); } else { currentChild = -1; return(true); } } }
public GroupService(GroupContext context) { _context = context; }
public int GetGroupId(string groupname) { GroupContext gc = new GroupContext(); return(gc.GetGroupID(groupname)); }
private async Task DeleteGroup(int groupId) { await GroupContext.Delete(groupId); NavigateToGroups(); }
public StudentGroupService(GroupContext groupContext) { GroupContext = groupContext; }
public GroupsController(GroupContext context) { _context = context; }
static void DeleteStudent() { int choice; using (GroupContext groupContext = new GroupContext()) { List <Group> groups = groupContext.Group.ToList(); if (groups.Count == 0) { List <Student> students = groupContext.Students.ToList(); if (students == null) { Console.WriteLine("Студентов, доступных для удаления, нет"); Console.WriteLine("Поробуйте войти позже..."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Введите номер студента, которого хотите удалить"); foreach (var student in students.OrderBy(p => p.LastName)) { Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1} {2} {3}", student.StudentId, student.LastName, student.FirstName, student.Patronymic); } try { choice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); groupContext.Students.Remove(students.Where(p => p.StudentId == choice).FirstOrDefault()); groupContext.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("Удаление студента прошло успешно"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Произошел сбой. Причина сбоя: {0}", ex.Message); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Введите номер группы, из которой хотите удалить студента"); Console.WriteLine("Список групп"); foreach (var group in groups) { if (group.GroupId != groups.Max(p => p.GroupId)) { Console.Write("{0} - {1}, ", group.GroupId, group.NameGroup); } else { Console.Write("{0} - {1}.", group.GroupId, group.NameGroup); } } Console.WriteLine(); try { choice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } catch { choice = -1; } List <Student> students = groupContext.Students.Where(p => p.GroupId == choice).ToList(); if (students.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Студентов, доступных для удаления, нет"); Console.WriteLine("Поробуйте войти позже..."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Введите номер студента, которого хотите удалить"); foreach (var student in students.OrderBy(p => p.LastName)) { Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1} {2} {3}", student.StudentId, student.LastName, student.FirstName, student.Patronymic); } try { choice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); groupContext.Students.Remove(students.Where(p => p.StudentId == choice).FirstOrDefault()); groupContext.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("Удаление студента прошло успешно"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Произошел сбой. Причина сбоя: {0}", ex.Message); } } } } }
public GroupController(GroupContext context) { _service = new StudentGroupService(context); }
/// <summary> Drills down into the group at the given index within the current /// group -- ie sets the location pointer to the first structure within the child /// </summary> /// <param name="childNumber">the index of the group child into which to drill /// </param> /// <param name="rep">the group repetition into which to drill /// </param> public virtual void drillDown(int childNumber, int rep) { if (childNumber != -1) { IStructure s = currentGroup.GetStructure(childNames[childNumber], rep); if (!(s is IGroup)) { throw new HL7Exception("Can't drill into segment", HL7Exception.APPLICATION_INTERNAL_ERROR); } IGroup group = (IGroup) s; //stack the current group and location GroupContext gc = new GroupContext(this, currentGroup, currentChild); ancestors.Add(gc); currentGroup = group; } currentChild = 0; childNames = currentGroup.Names; }
public void Start() { using var db = new GroupContext(); var appService = new StudentGroupService(db); while (true) { Console.Write(AllStudentsAndGroupsStr()); Console.Write("Что Вы хотите сделать?\n1 – добавить студента\n2 - удалить студента\n"); if (TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out var command)) { switch (command) { case 1: { var groups = db.Groups.ToList(); var groupsStr = string.Join(", ", groups); Console.WriteLine($"Выберете номер группы:\n{groupsStr}"); if (!TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out var numOfGroup)) { Console.WriteLine("Wrong Input!"); continue; } Console.WriteLine("Введите ФИО студента"); var fullName = Console.ReadLine(); if (fullName != null) { var stud = fullName.Split(" "); var student = new Student { Surname = stud[0], Name = stud[1], Patronymic = stud[2], GroupId = numOfGroup }; appService.AddStudentToDB(student); } else { Console.WriteLine("Wrong input!"); } break; } case 2: { var groups = db.Groups.ToList(); var groupsStr = string.Join(", ", groups); Console.WriteLine($"Выберете номер группы:\n{groupsStr}"); if (!TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out var numOfGroup)) { continue; } var studentsFromGroup = appService.AllStudentsFromGroup(numOfGroup); var studentsStr = string.Join(", ", studentsFromGroup); Console.WriteLine($"Выберете номер студента:\n{studentsStr}"); if (!TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out var numOfStud)) { Console.WriteLine("Wrong Input!"); continue; } var student = new Student { StudentId = numOfStud }; appService.RemoveStudentFromDB(student); break; } default: Console.WriteLine("Wrong Input!"); break; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Wrong Input!"); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { GroupContext groupContext = GroupContext.GetGroupContext(); GroupInfo groupInfo = new GroupInfo(); groupInfo.GroupID = groupContext.CurrentGroupID; string fromSQL = groupInfo.FromSQL; string whereSQL = groupInfo.WhereSQL; if (whereSQL != "") { whereSQL = "WHERE " + whereSQL; } string selectSQL = "SELECT SALESPOTENTIAL, CLOSEPROBABILITY, ACTUALAMOUNT, DATEOPENED, CLOSED, ESTIMATEDCLOSE "; string groupSQL = selectSQL + "FROM " + fromSQL + " " + whereSQL; using (new SparseQueryScope()) using (IDbConnection vConn = GroupInfo.GetOpenConnection()) { OleDbDataAdapter vAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(groupSQL, vConn as OleDbConnection); foreach (DbParameter p in groupInfo.Parameters) { vAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(p); } vAdapter.SelectCommand.Prepare(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); vAdapter.Fill(dt); if (dt.Rows.Count != 0) { GetNumOfOpportunities(dt); GetPotentialValues(dt); GetAverageCloseProb(dt); GetActualAmountValues(dt); GetAverageDaysOpen(dt); GetRangeofDates(dt); } else { lblNumOfOppsVal.Text = "0"; curSalesPotentialTotalVal.Text = "0"; curSalesPotentialAverageVal.Text = "0"; curWeightedPotentialAverageVal.Text = "0"; curWeightedPotentialTotalVal.Text = "0"; lblAverageCloseProbabilityVal.Text = "0"; curActualAmountTotalVal.Text = "0"; curActualAmountAverageVal.Text = "0"; lblAverageNumOfDaysOpenVal.Text = "0"; lblRangeOfEstCloseVal.Text = GetLocalResourceObject("None_rsc").ToString(); } } } catch //Group didn't contain any records disable active controls { btnUpdateOpps.Enabled = false; ddlReports.Enabled = false; } }
/// <summary> Drills down into the group at the given index within the current /// group -- ie sets the location pointer to the first structure within the child /// </summary> /// <param name="childNumber">the index of the group child into which to drill /// </param> /// <param name="rep">the group repetition into which to drill /// </param> public virtual void drillDown(int childNumber, int rep) { if (childNumber != - 1) { Structure s = currentGroup.get_Renamed(childNames[childNumber], rep); if (!(s is Group)) { throw new NuGenHL7Exception("Can't drill into segment", NuGenHL7Exception.APPLICATION_INTERNAL_ERROR); } Group group = (Group) s; //stack the current group and location GroupContext gc = new GroupContext(this, this.currentGroup, this.currentChild); this.ancestors.Add(gc); this.currentGroup = group; } this.currentChild = 0; this.childNames = this.currentGroup.Names; }
protected void LoadGrid() { if (this.Visible) { GenerateScript(); EnableEstCloseControls(); GroupContext groupContext = GroupContext.GetGroupContext(); string fromSQL = null; string whereSQL = null; string selectSQL = null; string groupSQL = null; //string joinSQL = null; IList <DbParameter> parameters; if (groupContext.CurrentGroupID != "LOOKUPRESULTS") { GroupInfo groupInfo = new GroupInfo(); groupInfo.GroupID = groupContext.CurrentGroupID; fromSQL = groupInfo.FromSQL; whereSQL = groupInfo.WhereSQL; parameters = groupInfo.Parameters; } else { CachedGroup groupInfo = groupContext.CurrentGroupInfo.CurrentGroup; fromSQL = groupInfo.GroupInformation.FromSQL; whereSQL = groupInfo.GroupInformation.WhereSQL; parameters = groupInfo.GroupInformation.Parameters; } // the joing caused ambiguous columns in the select clause so aliases had to be specified. // I made an assumption that opportunity is a required table and that the format of the // query would remain the same. Shaky at best, I know. //string opportunityAlias = null; //int startIndex = fromSQL.ToLower().IndexOf("opportunity ") + "opportunity ".Length; //int stringLength = fromSQL.ToLower().IndexOf(" ", startIndex); //opportunityAlias = fromSQL.Substring(startIndex, stringLength - startIndex); //if (whereSQL != "") // whereSQL = " WHERE " + whereSQL; //selectSQL = "SELECT opportunityid, " + opportunityAlias + ".description, estimatedclose, closeprobability, addtoforecast, " + opportunityAlias + ".notes, salespotential, UserInfoCustom.LastName + ', ' + UserInfoCustom.FirstName as AccountManager"; //joinSQL = "LEFT OUTER JOIN USERINFO UserInfoCustom ON (" + opportunityAlias + ".AccountManagerId = UserInfoCustom.USERID)"; //groupSQL = selectSQL + " FROM " + fromSQL + " " + joinSQL + " " + whereSQL; if (whereSQL != "") { whereSQL = " WHERE " + whereSQL; } selectSQL = "SELECT opportunityid, description, estimatedclose, closeprobability, accountmanagerid, addtoforecast, notes, salespotential"; groupSQL = selectSQL + " FROM " + fromSQL + " " + whereSQL; var vConn = GroupInfo.GetOpenConnection(); var vAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(groupSQL, vConn as OleDbConnection); foreach (DbParameter p in parameters) { vAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(p); } DataTable dt = new DataTable(); try { using (new SparseQueryScope()) { vAdapter.Fill(dt); } } catch { //throw new GroupInfoException(string.Format("Error Executing SQL", groupSQL), e); throw new Exception("Error Executing SQL"); } finally { vConn.Close(); } UpdateOppsGrid.DataSource = dt; UpdateOppsGrid.DataBind(); CalcOppValues(); } }
public ProductGroupController(GroupContext context) { _context = context; }
public GroupController(GroupContext groupContext, IGroupService groupService, IMapper mapper) { _groupContext = groupContext; _groupService = groupService; _mapper = mapper; }