protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session.Count != 0) { foreach (string name in Session.Keys) { if (name == "Employee") { Employee myem = new Employee(); myem = (Employee)Session[name]; Label4.Text = myem.EID.ToString(); } } } var Supbookdet = from a in myctx.Bookings from b in myctx.SupervisorAssigns from c in myctx.ServiceProviders from d in myctx.ServiceBs where a.BookingID == b.bookID && b.ServiceProviderID == c.ServiceProviderID && b.ServiceID == d.SerciveID && b.ExecID == Convert.ToInt32(Label4.Text) && a.BookingStatus == "Pending" select new { c.SpPhoneNumber, a.BookingCode, a.StartTime, a.EndTime, a.ActualStartDate, a.ExpectedEndDate, name = c.SPFirstName + " " + c.SPLastName, d.ServiceName, a.BookingStatus }; if (Supbookdet.Count() != 0) { GridView2.DataSource = Supbookdet; BoundField bf = (BoundField)GridView2.Columns[0]; bf.DataField = "BookingCode"; BoundField bf1 = (BoundField)GridView2.Columns[1]; bf1.DataField = "ServiceName"; BoundField bf2 = (BoundField)GridView2.Columns[2]; bf2.DataField = "ActualStartDate"; BoundField bf3 = (BoundField)GridView2.Columns[3]; bf3.DataField = "ExpectedEndDate"; BoundField bf4 = (BoundField)GridView2.Columns[4]; bf4.DataField = "StartTime"; BoundField bf5 = (BoundField)GridView2.Columns[5]; bf5.DataField = "EndTime"; BoundField bf6 = (BoundField)GridView2.Columns[6]; bf6.DataField = "name"; BoundField bf7 = (BoundField)GridView2.Columns[7]; bf7.DataField = "SpPhoneNumber"; BoundField bf8 = (BoundField)GridView2.Columns[8]; bf8.DataField = "BookingStatus"; GridView2.DataBind(); // mylist.Add(bookdet); } var bookdet = from a in myctx.Bookings from b in myctx.ExeSecrataryAssigns from c in myctx.ServiceProviders from d in myctx.ServiceBs where a.BookingID == b.bookID && b.ServiceProviderID == c.ServiceProviderID && b.ServiceID == d.SerciveID && b.ExeSecrataryID == Convert.ToInt32(Label4.Text) && a.BookingStatus == "Pending" select new { c.SpPhoneNumber, a.BookingCode, a.StartTime, a.EndTime, a.ActualStartDate, a.ExpectedEndDate, name = c.SPFirstName + " " + c.SPLastName, d.ServiceName, a.BookingStatus }; if (bookdet.Count() != 0) { GridView1.DataSource = bookdet; BoundField bf = (BoundField)GridView1.Columns[0]; bf.DataField = "BookingCode"; BoundField bf1 = (BoundField)GridView1.Columns[1]; bf1.DataField = "ServiceName"; BoundField bf2 = (BoundField)GridView1.Columns[2]; bf2.DataField = "ActualStartDate"; BoundField bf3 = (BoundField)GridView1.Columns[3]; bf3.DataField = "ExpectedEndDate"; BoundField bf4 = (BoundField)GridView1.Columns[4]; bf4.DataField = "StartTime"; BoundField bf5 = (BoundField)GridView1.Columns[5]; bf5.DataField = "EndTime"; BoundField bf6 = (BoundField)GridView1.Columns[6]; bf6.DataField = "name"; BoundField bf7 = (BoundField)GridView1.Columns[7]; bf7.DataField = "SpPhoneNumber"; BoundField bf8 = (BoundField)GridView1.Columns[8]; bf8.DataField = "BookingStatus"; GridView1.DataBind(); // mylist.Add(bookdet); } }
public void ShowUser() { GridView2.DataSource = bus.ShowUser(); GridView2.DataBind(); }
protected void btnBack_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string congty = "LTY"; string ngonngu = Session["languege"].ToString(); string fromdate = (string)Session["fromdate"]; string todate = (string)Session["todate"]; string ynD = (string)Session["YnDuyet"]; string ynNoOK = (string)Session["YnKhongDuyet"]; string UserIDTK = (string)Session["UserIDTK"]; if (fromdate != null && todate != null && ynD != null && ynNoOK != null && UserIDTK != null) { int YnDuyet = int.Parse(ynD); int YnKhongDuyet = int.Parse(ynNoOK); if (UserIDTK.Trim() == "All") { if (ngonngu == "lbl_VN") { DataTable dt = dal.AdminTimKiemDanhSachPhieuTheoAllUser(congty, YnDuyet, YnKhongDuyet, fromdate, todate); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { divGrid1.Visible = true; divGrid2.Visible = false; GridView1.DataSource = dt; GridView1.DataBind(); Session["UserIDTK"] = "All"; } } else { if (ngonngu == "lbl_TW") { DataTable dt = dal.AdminTimKiemDanhSachPhieuTheoAllUserTW(congty, YnDuyet, YnKhongDuyet, fromdate, todate); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { divGrid2.Visible = true; divGrid1.Visible = false; GridView2.DataSource = dt; GridView2.DataBind(); Session["UserIDTK"] = "All"; } } else { DataTable dt = dal.AdminTimKiemDanhSachPhieuTheoAllUser(congty, YnDuyet, YnKhongDuyet, fromdate, todate); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { divGrid1.Visible = true; divGrid2.Visible = false; GridView1.DataSource = dt; GridView1.DataBind(); Session["UserIDTK"] = "All"; } } } } else { if (ngonngu == "lbl_VN") { DataTable dt = dal.AdminTimKiemDanhSachPhieuTheoUser(UserIDTK, congty, YnDuyet, YnKhongDuyet, fromdate, todate); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { divGrid1.Visible = true; divGrid2.Visible = false; GridView1.DataSource = dt; GridView1.DataBind(); Session["UserIDTK"] = UserIDTK; } } else { if (ngonngu == "lbl_TW") { DataTable dt = dal.AdminTimKiemDanhSachPhieuTheoUserTW(UserIDTK, congty, YnDuyet, YnKhongDuyet, fromdate, todate); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { divGrid2.Visible = true; divGrid1.Visible = false; GridView2.DataSource = dt; GridView2.DataBind(); Session["UserIDTK"] = UserIDTK; } } else { DataTable dt = dal.AdminTimKiemDanhSachPhieuTheoUser(UserIDTK, congty, YnDuyet, YnKhongDuyet, fromdate, todate); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { divGrid1.Visible = true; divGrid2.Visible = false; GridView1.DataSource = dt; GridView1.DataBind(); Session["UserIDTK"] = UserIDTK; } } } } } }
public void getreports() { DataTable Report = new DataTable(); Report.Columns.Add("vchno"); Report.Columns.Add("VchDate"); Report.Columns.Add("SuppinvNo"); Report.Columns.Add("SupplierDate"); Report.Columns.Add("SupplierName"); Report.Columns.Add("purchaseLedger"); Report.Columns.Add("ItemName"); Report.Columns.Add("kgs"); Report.Columns.Add("Addedpaise"); Report.Columns.Add("Amount"); Report.Columns.Add("Cortage"); Report.Columns.Add("OtherIncome"); Report.Columns.Add("Material"); Report.Columns.Add("Feed"); Report.Columns.Add("Cans"); Report.Columns.Add("Dpu"); Report.Columns.Add("LedgerAmount"); Report.Columns.Add("Narration"); string date = ddl_BillDate.Text; string[] p = date.Split('/', '-'); getvald = p[0]; getvalm = p[1]; getvaly = p[2]; getvaldd = p[3]; getvalmm = p[4]; getvalyy = p[5]; FDATE = getvalm + "/" + getvald + "/" + getvaly; TODATE = getvalmm + "/" + getvaldd + "/" + getvalyy; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(); con = DB.GetConnection(); string sttt = ""; sttt = "Select vchno,REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(9), To_date, 6), ' ', '-') AS [VchDate],SuppinvNo, REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(9), To_date, 6), ' ', '-') AS [SupplierDate], SupplierName, purchaseLedger, ItemName, TotFatkg as Kgs, Addedpaise, Amount,Cortage,OtherIncome,Material,Feed,Cans,Dpu,Amount AS LedgerAmount,Narration from TallyExcessAmount where plant_code='" + ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Value + "' and frm_date='" + FDATE + "' and to_date='" + TODATE + "'"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sttt, con); SqlDataAdapter drt = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); DataTable displaygrid = new DataTable(); displaygrid.Rows.Clear(); drt.Fill(displaygrid); if (displaygrid.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in displaygrid.Rows) { DataRow newrow = Report.NewRow(); newrow["vchno"] = dr["vchno"].ToString(); newrow["VchDate"] = dr["VchDate"].ToString(); newrow["SuppinvNo"] = dr["SuppinvNo"].ToString(); newrow["SupplierDate"] = dr["SupplierDate"].ToString(); newrow["SupplierName"] = dr["SupplierName"].ToString(); newrow["purchaseLedger"] = dr["purchaseLedger"].ToString(); newrow["ItemName"] = dr["ItemName"].ToString(); newrow["kgs"] = dr["Kgs"].ToString(); newrow["Addedpaise"] = dr["Addedpaise"].ToString(); newrow["Amount"] = dr["Amount"].ToString(); newrow["Cortage"] = dr["Cortage"].ToString(); newrow["OtherIncome"] = dr["OtherIncome"].ToString(); newrow["Material"] = dr["Material"].ToString(); newrow["Feed"] = dr["Feed"].ToString(); newrow["Cans"] = dr["Cans"].ToString(); newrow["Dpu"] = dr["Dpu"].ToString(); newrow["LedgerAmount"] = dr["LedgerAmount"].ToString(); newrow["Narration"] = dr["Narration"].ToString(); Report.Rows.Add(newrow); } Session["xportdata"] = Report; GridView2.DataSource = Report; GridView2.DataBind(); } else { GridView2.DataSource = ""; GridView2.DataBind(); } }
public void GETTALLYREPORT1() { try { con = DB.GetConnection(); // string GETSTR = "SELECT TallyVchNo ,REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(9), VchDate, 6), ' ', '-') AS [VchDate],SupplierinvNo,SupplierinvDate,SupplierName,PurchaseLedger,ItemName,Billedqty,Rate,Amount,Cartage,otherincome,Material,Feed,CanorStock,BillAdvance,AvgFat,Avgsnf,Ts,Rts,Kgfat,KgSnf,Kgrate FROM TallypurchaseImportAgentWsie WHERE PLANT_CODE='" + pcode + "' AND FrmDate='" + ViewState["FD"] + "' and Todate='" + ViewState["TTODATE"] + "' ORDER BY VchNo asc "; string GETSTR = " Select agent_id,(Agent_id + '-'+ Agent_Name + '-' + Plant_Name) as Suppliername,REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(9), To_date, 6), ' ', '-') AS [VchDate],Plant_Name as Purchaseledgerofmilk,totfat_kg,Added_paise,TotAmount,Frm_date,To_date,Plant_Code from( sELECT convert(varchar,Agent_id) as Agent_id, convert(varchar,Agent_Name) as Agent_Name,totfat_kg,Added_paise,TotAmount,Frm_date,To_date,Plant_code FROM (Select Agent_id,Plant_code,totfat_kg,Added_paise,TotAmount,Frm_date,To_date from AgentExcesAmount where plant_code='" + ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Value + "' and Frm_date='" + FDATE + "' and To_date='" + TODATE + "' ) AS agexee left join (Select Agent_Id as amagentid,Agent_Name,Plant_code as ampcode from Agent_Master where plant_code='" + ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Value + "') as am on agexee.Plant_code=am.ampcode and agexee.Agent_id=am.amagentid) as leftside left join (select Plant_Code as pmcode,Plant_Name from Plant_Master where plant_code='" + ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Value + "' group by Plant_Code,Plant_Name ) as pm on leftside.Plant_code=pm.pmcode ORDER BY VchNo asc "; SqlCommand cmd3 = new SqlCommand(GETSTR, con); SqlDataAdapter DA3 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd3); DataTable TALLREPORT = new DataTable(); //DA3.Fill(DTG, ("Tallyimport")); DA3.Fill(TALLREPORT); DataTable tall = new DataTable(); tall.Columns.Add("VchNo"); tall.Columns.Add("VchDate"); tall.Columns.Add("SupplierInvNo"); tall.Columns.Add("SupDate"); tall.Columns.Add("SupplierName"); tall.Columns.Add("PurchaseLedger"); tall.Columns.Add("ItemName"); tall.Columns.Add("BilledQty"); tall.Columns.Add("Rate"); tall.Columns.Add("Amount"); string ProcurementCortage1 = "ProcurementCortage-" + ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Text; tall.Columns.Add(ProcurementCortage1); string OtherIncome1 = "OtherIncome-" + ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Text; tall.Columns.Add(OtherIncome1); string ProcurementMaterialDebtor = "ProcurementMaterial-Debtor-" + ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Text; tall.Columns.Add(ProcurementMaterialDebtor); string CatteleFeedSalesAgentscs = "CattleFeedSales-Agents-" + ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Text; tall.Columns.Add(CatteleFeedSalesAgentscs); string getstringval = "Cans&LidsStock-" + ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Text; tall.Columns.Add(getstringval); string BillAdvance1; if ((pcode == "155") || (pcode == "156") || (pcode == "158") || (pcode == "159") || (pcode == "161") || (pcode == "162") || (pcode == "163") || (pcode == "164")) { BillAdvance1 = "Dpu Maintenance Charges-" + ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Text; } else { BillAdvance1 = "BillAdvance-" + ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Text; } tall.Columns.Add(BillAdvance1); tall.Columns.Add("LedgerAmount"); tall.Columns.Add("Narration"); foreach (DataRow drtally in TALLREPORT.Rows) { string no = drtally[0].ToString(); string VchDate = drtally[1].ToString(); string SupplierInvNo = drtally[2].ToString(); string SupDate = drtally[1].ToString(); // string SupplierName = drtally[4].ToString() + "Route Milk Bills" + ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Text; string SupplierName = drtally[4].ToString(); string convSupplierName = SupplierName; string PurchaseLedger = drtally[5].ToString(); // string ItemName = drtally[6].ToString(); string ItemName; if ((pcode == "155") || (pcode == "156") || (pcode == "158") || (pcode == "159") || (pcode == "161") || (pcode == "162") || (pcode == "163") || (pcode == "164")) { ItemName = "COW MILK"; } else { ItemName = "WHOLE MILK"; } string BilledQty = drtally[7].ToString(); double mmmltr = Convert.ToDouble(BilledQty); ViewState["lltr"] = (mmmltr / 1.03).ToString("F2"); string Rate = drtally[8].ToString(); double Amount = Convert.ToDouble(drtally[9]); double ProcurementCortage = Convert.ToDouble(drtally[10]); string conamount = (Amount - ProcurementCortage).ToString("f2"); double CONAMTD = Convert.ToDouble(conamount); double TOTAmount = CONAMTD + ProcurementCortage; double OtherIncomeE = Convert.ToDouble(drtally[11]); double ProcurementMaterialDebtorcspP = Convert.ToDouble(drtally[12]); double CatteleFeedSalesAgentscspP = Convert.ToDouble(drtally[13]); double CansLidsStockK = Convert.ToDouble(drtally[14]); double BillAdvanceE = Convert.ToDouble(drtally[15]); string avgfat = drtally[16].ToString(); string Avgsnf = (drtally[17]).ToString(); string TS = drtally[18].ToString(); string RTS = (drtally[19]).ToString(); string Kgfat = drtally[20].ToString(); string KgSnf = drtally[21].ToString(); string Kgrate = drtally[22].ToString(); string OtherIncome = OtherIncomeE.ToString("F2"); string ProcurementMaterialDebtorcsp = ProcurementMaterialDebtorcspP.ToString("F2"); string CatteleFeedSalesAgentscsp = CatteleFeedSalesAgentscspP.ToString("F2"); string CansLidsStock = CansLidsStockK.ToString("F2"); string BillAdvance = BillAdvanceE.ToString("F2"); double minusamount = Convert.ToDouble(OtherIncomeE + ProcurementMaterialDebtorcspP + CatteleFeedSalesAgentscspP + CansLidsStockK + BillAdvanceE); string ledamount = (TOTAmount - minusamount).ToString("f2"); BILLDATE = drtally[4].ToString() + "(" + getvald + "-" + getvaldd + ")" + month + getvaly; ViewState["BILLDATE"] = BILLDATE.ToString(); string Narration; // string Narration = "Being PurChase Of MilkFrom " + ViewState["billdate"] + "TotalQty=" + BilledQty + " Kgs/ltr:" + ltr; if ((pcode == "155") || (pcode == "156") || (pcode == "158") || (pcode == "159") || (pcode == "161") || (pcode == "162") || (pcode == "163") || (pcode == "164")) { double ltr = Convert.ToDouble(BilledQty); string kgg = (ltr * 1.03).ToString("f2"); Narration = "Being PurChase Of MilkFrom " + ViewState["BILLDATE"] + "TotalQty=" + BilledQty + " Kgs/ltr:" + kgg + "A/f:" + avgfat + "A/S:" + Avgsnf + "T/S:" + TS + "R/TS:" + RTS; } else { Narration = "Being PurChase Of MilkFrom " + ViewState["BILLDATE"] + "TotalQty=" + BilledQty + " Kgs/ltr:" + ViewState["lltr"].ToString() + "A/f:" + avgfat + "A/S:" + Avgsnf + "Kgfat:" + Kgfat + "KgSnf:" + KgSnf + "Kgrate:" + Kgrate; } // string Narration = "Being PurChase Of MilkFrom " + ViewState["billdate"] + "TotalQty=" + BilledQty + " Kgs/ltr:" + ltr; tall.Rows.Add(no, VchDate, SupplierInvNo, SupDate, convSupplierName, PurchaseLedger, ItemName, BilledQty, Rate, conamount, ProcurementCortage, OtherIncome, ProcurementMaterialDebtorcsp, CatteleFeedSalesAgentscsp, CansLidsStock, BillAdvance, ledamount, Narration); } if (tall.Rows.Count > 1) { Session["xportdata"] = tall; GridView2.DataSource = tall; GridView2.DataBind(); } else { GridView2.DataSource = null; GridView2.DataBind(); } } catch { } }
private void khoSync() { GridView2.DataSource = tool.GetData("select * from KHO"); GridView2.DataBind(); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label1.Text = "Deleted "; Label2.Text = "New table "; string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conStr"].ToString(); SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString); try { con.Open(); } catch (Exception) { con.Close(); return; throw; } DataSet ds2 = new DataSet(); string sqlstr2 = "select * from Clothes_T where CPieceNumber=" + TextBox1.Text; SqlDataAdapter da2 = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlstr2, con); da2.Fill(ds2); GridView1.DataSource = ds2; GridView1.DataBind(); SqlCommand command; SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); String sql = "Delete from Clothes_Materials_T where CPieceNumber=" + TextBox1.Text; command = new SqlCommand(sql, con); adapter.DeleteCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, con); adapter.DeleteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); command.Dispose(); SqlCommand command1; SqlDataAdapter adapter1 = new SqlDataAdapter(); String sql1 = "Delete from Clothes_T where CPieceNumber=" + TextBox1.Text; command1 = new SqlCommand(sql1, con); adapter1.DeleteCommand = new SqlCommand(sql1, con); adapter1.DeleteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); command1.Dispose(); SqlCommand command2; SqlDataAdapter adapter2 = new SqlDataAdapter(); String sql2 = "Delete from Piece_T where PieceNumber=" + TextBox1.Text; command2 = new SqlCommand(sql2, con); adapter2.DeleteCommand = new SqlCommand(sql2, con); adapter2.DeleteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); command2.Dispose(); DataSet ds3 = new DataSet(); string sqlstr3 = "select * from Piece_T"; SqlDataAdapter da3 = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlstr3, con); da3.Fill(ds3); GridView2.DataSource = ds3; GridView2.DataBind(); con.Close(); }
private void Get_UsedRatechartDetailsRoutewise() { try { dtm = DateTime.ParseExact(txt_FromDate.Text, "dd/MM/yyyy", null); dtm1 = DateTime.ParseExact(txt_ToDate.Text, "dd/MM/yyyy", null); string d1 = dtm.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); string d2 = dtm1.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); dt = null; int count = 0; DataTable dts = new DataTable(); String dbConnStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AMPSConnectionString"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection conn = null; using (conn = new SqlConnection(dbConnStr)) { SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand("dbo.[Get_TsRateDisplay]"); conn.Open(); sqlCmd.Connection = conn; sqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@spccode", ccode); sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sppcode", ddl_PlantName.SelectedItem.Value); sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@spfrmdate", d1.Trim()); sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sptodate", d2.Trim()); sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@spratechartmodeltype", 2); sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@spcount", 0); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd); da.Fill(dts); // DataTable ksdt = new DataTable(); DataColumn ksdc = null; DataRow ksdr = null; int counts = dts.Rows.Count; // START ADDING COLUMN if (counts > 0) { Image1.Visible = true; Label4.Visible = true; Label7.Visible = true; Label7.Text = "From :" + txt_FromDate.Text.Trim() + " To :" + txt_ToDate.Text.Trim(); Label8.Visible = true; Label8.Text = ddl_PlantName.SelectedItem.Text.Trim(); ksdc = new DataColumn("From"); ksdt.Columns.Add(ksdc); ksdc = new DataColumn("To"); ksdt.Columns.Add(ksdc); ksdc = new DataColumn("Rate"); ksdt.Columns.Add(ksdc); ksdc = new DataColumn("Comm"); ksdt.Columns.Add(ksdc); ksdc = new DataColumn("Bonus"); ksdt.Columns.Add(ksdc); ksdc = new DataColumn("Smilk_kg"); ksdt.Columns.Add(ksdc); } // END ADDING COLUMN // START ADDING ROWS if (counts > 0) { object id2; id2 = 0; int idd2 = Convert.ToInt32(id2); foreach (DataRow dr2 in dts.Rows) { object id1; id1 = dr2[0].ToString().Trim(); int idd1 = Convert.ToInt32(id1); if (idd1 == idd2) { } else { int cc = 0; foreach (DataRow dr3 in dts.Rows) { object id3; id3 = dr3[0].ToString().Trim(); int idd3 = Convert.ToInt32(id3); if (idd1 == idd3) { if (cc == 0) { ksdr = ksdt.NewRow(); ksdr[cc] = dr3[1].ToString(); cc++; ksdr[cc] = dr3[2].ToString(); cc++; ksdr[cc] = dr3[3].ToString(); cc++; ksdr[cc] = dr3[4].ToString(); cc++; ksdr[cc] = dr3[5].ToString(); ksdt.Rows.Add(ksdr); ksdr = ksdt.NewRow(); cc = 0; ksdr[cc] = dr3[6].ToString(); cc++; ksdr[cc] = dr3[7].ToString(); cc++; ksdr[cc] = dr3[8].ToString(); cc++; ksdr[cc] = dr3[9].ToString(); cc++; ksdr[cc] = dr3[10].ToString(); cc++; ksdr[cc] = dr3[11].ToString(); cc++; ksdt.Rows.Add(ksdr); } else { ksdr = ksdt.NewRow(); cc = 0; ksdr[cc] = dr3[6].ToString(); cc++; ksdr[cc] = dr3[7].ToString(); cc++; ksdr[cc] = dr3[8].ToString(); cc++; ksdr[cc] = dr3[9].ToString(); cc++; ksdr[cc] = dr3[10].ToString(); cc++; ksdr[cc] = dr3[11].ToString(); ksdt.Rows.Add(ksdr); } idd2 = idd3; } } } } } // END ADDING ROWS GridView2.DataSource = ksdt; GridView2.DataBind(); CallGridcolor(dts, 2); } } catch (Exception ex) { Lbl_Errormsg.Visible = true; Lbl_Errormsg.Text = ex.ToString(); } }
/*Seleccionamos una solicitud*/ protected void GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label8.Text = "0"; Label11.Text = "0"; Label12.Text = "0"; Label13.Text = "0"; Label14.Text = "0"; Label15.Text = "0"; Label16.Text = "0"; Label17.Text = "0"; Label18.Text = "0"; Label19.Text = "0"; Label20.Text = "0"; Label21.Text = "0"; Label22.Text = "0"; Label23.Text = "0"; Label24.Text = "0"; Label25.Text = "0"; Label26.Text = "0"; Label27.Text = "0"; Label28.Text = "0"; Label29.Text = "0"; Label30.Text = "0"; Label31.Text = "0"; Label32.Text = "0"; Label33.Text = "0"; Label34.Text = "0"; Label35.Text = "0"; Label36.Text = "0"; Label37.Text = "0"; Label38.Text = "0"; Label39.Text = "0"; GridView1.Visible = true; GridViewRow row = GridView1.SelectedRow; Label7.Text = row.Cells[0].Text; Button4.Visible = true; aceptar.Visible = true; GridView2.Visible = true; GridView2.DataBind(); for (int i = 0; i < GridView2.Rows.Count; i++) { if (Label8.Text == "0") { Label8.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label11.Text == "0") { Label11.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label12.Text == "0") { Label12.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label13.Text == "0") { Label13.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label14.Text == "0") { Label14.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label15.Text == "0") { Label15.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label16.Text == "0") { Label16.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label17.Text == "0") { Label17.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label18.Text == "0") { Label18.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label19.Text == "0") { Label19.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label20.Text == "0") { Label20.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label21.Text == "0") { Label21.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label22.Text == "0") { Label22.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label23.Text == "0") { Label23.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label24.Text == "0") { Label24.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label25.Text == "0") { Label25.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label26.Text == "0") { Label26.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label27.Text == "0") { Label27.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label28.Text == "0") { Label28.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label29.Text == "0") { Label29.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label30.Text == "0") { Label30.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label31.Text == "0") { Label31.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label32.Text == "0") { Label32.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label33.Text == "0") { Label33.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label34.Text == "0") { Label34.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label35.Text == "0") { Label35.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label36.Text == "0") { Label36.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label37.Text == "0") { Label37.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label38.Text == "0") { Label38.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } else if (Label39.Text == "0") { Label39.Text = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; } } GridView3.Visible = true; GridView3.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { string account = Request["ReaderId"]; if (account == null) { //exception-handler return; } //Database connection test string OLMSDBConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["OLMSDB"].ConnectionString; MySqlConnection OLMSDBConnection = new MySqlConnection(OLMSDBConnectionString); string selectReaderSql = "select * from Readers where ReaderId = ?account;"; try { OLMSDBConnection.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(selectReaderSql, OLMSDBConnection); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?account", account); MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); string id = ""; while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.HasRows) { TextBoxEmail.Text = reader["Email"].ToString(); TextBoxName.Text = reader["Name"].ToString(); TextBoxPhone.Text = reader["Phone"].ToString(); // string idNumber = reader["idNumber"].ToString(); //idNumber = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" + idNumber.Substring(idNumber.Length - 4); //TextBoxIDNumber.Text = idNumber; TextBoxIDNumber.Text = reader["idNumber"].ToString(); TextBoxPassword.Text = reader["Password"].ToString(); id = reader["ReaderId"].ToString(); break; } } reader.Close(); string selectBookSql = "select IssueTime, ReturnTime,Title, Fine " + "from IssueRecords, BookBarcodes, Books " + "where BookBarcodes.BookBarcode = IssueRecords.BookBarcode and BookBarcodes.BookId = Books.BookId " + "and IssueRecords.ReaderId = ?reader_id;"; string selectRevervationSql = "select Books.Title, A.ReservingTime, A.ShelfId, C.StackId, A.BookBarcode from BookBarcodes as A, Books, Shelves as C" + " where A.status = 2 and A.ReservingReaderId = ?readerid and Books.BookId = A.BookId and A.ShelfId = C.ShelfId;"; int totalOverdueDays = 0; MySqlCommand cmd2 = new MySqlCommand(selectBookSql, OLMSDBConnection); cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("?reader_id", id); ArrayList issueRecords = new ArrayList(); ArrayList history = new ArrayList(); MySqlDataReader reader2 = cmd2.ExecuteReader(); int flag = 1; while (reader2.Read()) { if (reader2.HasRows) { Record r = new Record(); r.title = (string)reader2["Title"]; DateTime issueTime = (DateTime)reader2["IssueTime"]; DateTime returnTime; TimeSpan d; if (reader2["ReturnTime"] is System.DBNull) { r.returnTime = ""; //获取当前时间 flag = 0; //未归还 DateTime Now = DateTime.Now; d = Now.Subtract(issueTime); } else { try { returnTime = (DateTime)reader2["ReturnTime"]; r.returnTime = returnTime.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { returnTime = DateTime.Now; flag = 0; r.returnTime = ""; } d = returnTime.Subtract(issueTime); } int delta = d.Days - 30; if (delta < 0) { r.overdueTime = "0"; } else { r.overdueTime = delta.ToString(); totalOverdueDays = totalOverdueDays + delta; } r.issueTime = issueTime.ToString(); if (reader2["Fine"] is System.DBNull) { r.fine = ""; } else { r.fine = reader2["Fine"].ToString(); } if (flag == 1) { history.Add(r); } else { issueRecords.Add(r); } } } int finePerDay = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("OverdueFinePerDay")); double totalFine = totalOverdueDays * finePerDay; TextBoxFine.Text = totalFine.ToString(); reader2.Close(); MySqlCommand cmd3 = new MySqlCommand(selectRevervationSql, OLMSDBConnection); cmd3.Parameters.AddWithValue("?readerid", id); ArrayList reversationRecords = new ArrayList(); MySqlDataReader reader3 = cmd3.ExecuteReader(); string ReversationTime = ""; try { ReversationTime = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("OverdueReservationDuration"); } catch { ReversationTime = ""; } double ReversationTime2 = double.Parse(ReversationTime); while (reader3.Read()) { if (reader3.HasRows) { Record2 r = new Record2(); r.barcode = (string)reader3["BookBarcode"]; r.shelf = reader3.GetString("ShelfId"); r.stack = reader3.GetString("StackId"); r.title = reader3.GetString("Title"); DateTime time = (DateTime)reader3["ReservingTime"]; DateTime nowTime = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan delta = nowTime.Subtract(time); double d = (double)delta.TotalMinutes; r.time = String.Format("{0:F}", ReversationTime2 * 60 - d); reversationRecords.Add(r); } } GridView1.DataSource = issueRecords; GridView1.DataBind(); GridView2.DataSource = reversationRecords; GridView2.DataBind(); GridView3.DataSource = history; GridView3.DataBind(); } catch (MySqlException ex) { //exception-handler Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } finally { OLMSDBConnection.Close(); } } }
protected void Button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text == "--Please select a pay period--") { Response.Write("<script LANGUAGE='JavaScript' >alert('Please select a Pay Period!')</script>"); DropDownList1.Focus(); } else { TextBox3.Text = ""; string logtime = "[ " + DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().ToString() + " ]"; //update TechOne employe postion table : string T1ToComCareEmployeePosition = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["T1ToComCareEmployeePosition"].ToString(); // Instantiate SSIS application object Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application myApplication = new Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application(); string fileName3 = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Upload"), "LoadT1EmployePosition.dtsx"); Package myPackage = myApplication.LoadPackage(@fileName3, null); myPackage.Variables["T1ServerFolder"].Value = T1ToComCareEmployeePosition; TextBox3.Text = TextBox3.Text + logtime + " == Starting updating TechOne employee position data...==\r\n"; DTSExecResult myResult = myPackage.Execute(); TextBox3.Text = TextBox3.Text + logtime + " == Updating result: " + myResult.ToString() + " == \r\n"; TextBox3.Text = TextBox3.Text + " ********** If Updating fail, please contact System Admin to check! ********** \r\n"; TextBox3.Text = TextBox3.Text + logtime + " \r\n"; // TextBox3.Text = ""; TextBox3.Text = TextBox3.Text + logtime + " == Begin to process and analysis the timesheet data == \r\n"; TextBox3.Text = TextBox3.Text + logtime + " == Need some time, please wait ...... == \r\n"; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); ShowProcessBar(); //execute sp to do data process string connStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ASADWHConnectionString"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection connsql = new SqlConnection(connStr); if (connsql.State.ToString() == "Closed") { connsql.Open(); } SqlCommand Cmd = new SqlCommand("P_ComCare_Timesheet_ForT1", connsql); Cmd.CommandTimeout = 0; Cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; Cmd.Parameters.Add("@P_StartDay", SqlDbType.VarChar, 10).Value = DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToString(); // Cmd.Parameters.Add("@P_EndDay", SqlDbType.VarChar, 10).Value = "2015-08-16".ToString(); try { Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); TextBox3.Text = TextBox3.Text + logtime + " == Data Process successfully! == \r\n"; GridView2.Visible = true; GridView2.DataBind(); //get all the records Int32 newRecordCount = 0; string connStrall = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ASADWHConnectionString"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection connsqlall = new SqlConnection(connStrall); if (connsqlall.State.ToString() == "Closed") { connsqlall.Open(); } SqlCommand Cmdall = new SqlCommand("select count(*) from CC_T1_Timesheet_ReadforExport_withno", connsqlall); newRecordCount = (Int32)Cmdall.ExecuteScalar(); Label9.Visible = true; Label9.Text = "Data Process successfully! There are total # " + newRecordCount.ToString() + " # lines which will be exported."; if (newRecordCount < 2000) { TextBox4.Text = newRecordCount.ToString(); } else { TextBox4.Text = (newRecordCount / 5).ToString(); } } catch (Exception eee) { TextBox3.Text = TextBox3.Text + logtime + " == Data Process fial! [ERROR: " + eee.Message + "] == \r\n"; Label9.Visible = true; Label9.Text = "Data Process fail!"; } finally { connsql.Close(); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); ExitProcessBar(); } }
protected void FormView2_ItemInserted(object sender, FormViewInsertedEventArgs e) { GridView2.DataBind(); }
protected void GridView2_RowCancelingEdit(object sender, GridViewCancelEditEventArgs e) { GridView2.EditIndex = -1;//không lấy giá trị cột nào hết GridView2.DataSource = kn.laydata("SELECT * FROM tintuc"); GridView2.DataBind(); }
protected void GridView2_RowEditing(object sender, GridViewEditEventArgs e) { GridView2.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex; GridView2.DataSource = kn.laydata("SELECT * from tintuc"); GridView2.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NorthwindConnectionString"].ConnectionString); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = "select * from Products"; cmd.Connection = con; SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); adapter.SelectCommand = cmd; DataSet dataSet = new DataSet(); try { con.Open(); adapter.Fill(dataSet, "Products"); var result = from item in dataSet.Tables["Products"].AsEnumerable() where item.Field <int>("ProductID") == 826388 select new { ProductName = item.Field <string>("ProductName"), UnitPrice = item.Field <decimal>("UnitPrice"), UnitsInStock = item.Field <int>("UnitsInStock") }; GridView1.DataSource = result; GridView1.DataBind(); } catch (Exception) { throw new ApplicationException("Data error"); } finally { con.Close(); } DataTable tab = new DataTable(); tab.Columns.Add("FileName", typeof(string)); tab.Columns.Add("FileSize", typeof(Int64)); tab.Columns.Add("CreationTime", typeof(DateTime)); DataRow row = null; DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\"); foreach (var item in dirInfo.GetFiles()) { row = tab.NewRow(); row[0] = item.Name; row[1] = item.Length; row[2] = item.CreationTime; tab.Rows.Add(row); } var resultFiles = from item in tab.AsEnumerable() where item.Field <Int64>("FileSize") > 10 select new { FileName = item.Field <string>("FileName"), FileSize = item.Field <Int64>("FileSize"), CreationTime = item.Field <DateTime>("CreationTime") }; GridView2.DataSource = resultFiles; GridView2.DataBind(); XDocument xmlFile = XDocument.Load(@"C:\test.xml"); var resultXml = from item in xmlFile.Descendants("Product") select new { ProductName = item.Element("ProductName").Value, Cost = item.Element("Cost").Value }; DataTable table = new DataTable(); table.Columns.Add("ProductName", typeof(string)); table.Columns.Add("Cost", typeof(int)); DataRow RowX = null; foreach (var item in resultXml) { RowX = table.NewRow(); RowX[0] = item.ProductName; RowX[1] = item.Cost; table.Rows.Add(RowX); } var finalOut = from item in table.AsEnumerable() where item.Field <int>("Cost") > 10 select new { ProductName = item.Field <string>("ProductName"), Cost = item.Field <int>("Cost") }; GridView3.DataSource = finalOut; GridView3.DataBind(); JoinQuery(); StronglyTypedDataSet(); DataViewDemo(); }
private void Bindgrid2() { GridView2.DataSource = lpp.Query_ProjectInfoMaterial(Convert.ToDateTime(TextBox5.Text), Convert.ToDateTime(TextBox6.Text)); GridView2.DataBind(); }
private void Bindgrid2() { GridView2.DataSource = lpp.Query_StoreInfo(new Guid(mid.Text), Convert.ToDateTime(TextBox5.Text), Convert.ToDateTime(TextBox6.Text)); GridView2.DataBind(); }
protected void WBSSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GridView2.DataBind(); }
protected void GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { GridView2.DataBind(); }
protected void WBSAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlDataSource3.SelectCommand = "SELECT PriceID, PriceName, Complex, AnaNumber, Price, Unit, Code, PccCode, ReferenceID, ReferenceNumber FROM PriceAnalysis "; GridView2.DataBind(); }
protected void BindGridView() { object orgAcctObj = Request.Params.Get("orgAcct"); string sqlText = "select b.dba_name as shipper_name, c.dba_name as customer_name, d.dba_name as received_name," + " a.*,e.item_piece_remain as remain, e.history_date as date from warehouse_receipt a left join organization b " + " on (a.elt_account_number=b.elt_account_number and a.shipper_acct = b.org_account_number) " + " left join organization c " + " on (a.elt_account_number=c.elt_account_number and a.customer_acct = c.org_account_number) " + " left join organization d " + " on (a.elt_account_number=d.elt_account_number and a.shipper_acct = d.org_account_number) " + " left join warehouse_history e " + " on (a.wr_num=e.wr_num ) " + " where a.elt_account_number=" + elt_account_number + " AND ISNULL(a.job_status,'Pending')='Pending'" + " AND a.item_piece_remain>0 and ISNULL(a.wr_num,'')<>'' and e.auto_uid=(select top 1 auto_uid from warehouse_history " + " where elt_account_number=" + elt_account_number + " and wr_num=a.wr_num "; if (Webdatetimeedit1.Text != "") { sqlText = sqlText + " AND (history_date -1) <= '" + Webdatetimeedit1.Text + "'"; } else { sqlText = sqlText + " AND history_date <= '" + DateTime.Today + "'"; } sqlText = sqlText + " order by history_date desc)"; string sqlText2 = "SELECT distinct c.dba_name as customer_name from warehouse_receipt a left join organization b " + " on (a.elt_account_number=b.elt_account_number and a.shipper_acct = b.org_account_number) " + " left join organization c " + " on (a.elt_account_number=c.elt_account_number and a.customer_acct = c.org_account_number) " + " where a.elt_account_number=" + elt_account_number + " AND ISNULL(a.job_status,'Pending')='Pending'"; sqlText = SQLSetFilter(sqlText); sqlText2 = SQLSetFilterWRIn(sqlText2); if (sortby == null) { if (check1.Checked == true) { if (sortway2.Text.ToString() == "") { sortby = " customer_name"; } else { sortby = sortway2.Text.ToString(); } } else { if (sortway2.Text.ToString() == "") { sortby = "a.wr_num"; } else { sortby = sortway2.Text.ToString(); } } } else { sortway2.Text = sortby.ToString(); if (sortby.ToString() == sortway.Text) { sortway.Text = ""; } else { sortway.Text = sortby.ToString(); } } sqlText = sqlText + " order by " + sortby; if (sortby.ToString() == sortway.Text) { sqlText = sqlText + " DESC"; } //clearup sortby = null; MakeDataSet("SOlist", sqlText); Session["currentSQL"] = sqlText; // label3.Text = Session["currentSQL"].ToString(); try { if (check1.Checked == true && nextpage == null) { MakeDataSet("CustomerTable", sqlText2); FormatDataTable("CustomerTable"); } if (ds.Tables["SOlist"].Rows.Count == 0) { no_item(); } if (!check1.Checked) { GridView2.Visible = false; GridView1.Visible = true; if (ds.Tables["SOlist"].Rows.Count == 0) { MakeEmptyGridView(GridView1, "SOlist"); //no_item(); } else { GridView1.PageSize = maxRows; GridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables["SOlist"].DefaultView; GridView1.DataBind(); Get_total2(); } } else { GridView1.Visible = false; GridView2.Visible = true; if (ds.Tables["SOlist"].Rows.Count != 0) { if (ds.Tables["CustomerTable"].Rows.Count == 0) { MakeEmptyGridView(GridView2, "CustomerTable"); } else { GridView2.PageSize = maxRows; GridView2.DataSource = ds.Tables["CustomerTable"].DefaultView; GridView2.DataBind(); ds.Relations.Clear(); ds.Relations.Add(ds.Tables["CustomerTable"].Columns["customer_name"], ds.Tables["SOlist"].Columns["customer_name"]); if (GridView2.Rows.Count != 0) { for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < GridView2.Rows.Count; rowIndex++) { GridView childgv = (GridView)GridView2.Rows[rowIndex].FindControl("GridView3"); if (childgv != null) { DataRow[] subSet = ds.Tables["CustomerTable"].Rows[rowIndex].GetChildRows(ds.Relations[0]); if (child_page_no != 0) { childgv.PageIndex = child_page_no; } DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = ds.Tables["SOlist"].Clone(); if (subSet.Length == 0) { if (rowIndex == 0) { MakeEmptyGridView2(GridView2); } else { GridView2.Rows[rowIndex].Visible = false; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < subSet.Length; i++) { dt.Rows.Add(subSet[i].ItemArray); } childgv.DataSource = dt; childgv.DataBind(); if (GridView2.Rows[0].Cells[0].Text == "No Records Found.") { GridView2.Rows[0].Visible = false; } } } } } } ds.Dispose(); Get_total2(); } else { MakeEmptyGridView(GridView2, "CustomerTable"); } } } catch { Response.Write("<script>alert('Date Error. Please Check the Date and Try again'); self.close();</script>"); //Response.End(); Response.Write("<script>window.history.back();</script>"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { GridView2.DataBind(); }
public void getagentlist() { string date = ddl_BillDate.Text; string[] p = date.Split('/', '-'); if (p[1] == "01") { month = "Jan"; } if (p[1] == "02") { month = "Feb"; } if (p[1] == "03") { month = "Mar"; } if (p[1] == "04") { month = "Apr"; } if (p[1] == "05") { month = "May"; } if (p[1] == "06") { month = "June"; } if (p[1] == "07") { month = "July"; } if (p[1] == "08") { month = "Aug"; } if (p[1] == "09") { month = "Sep"; } if (p[1] == "10") { month = "Oct"; } if (p[1] == "11") { month = "Nov"; } if (p[1] == "12") { month = "Dec"; } getvald = p[0]; getvalm = p[1]; getvaly = p[2]; getvaldd = p[3]; getvalmm = p[4]; getvalyy = p[5]; FDATE = getvalm + "/" + getvald + "/" + getvaly; TODATE = getvalmm + "/" + getvaldd + "/" + getvalyy; ViewState["ffdate"] = FDATE; ViewState["ttdate"] = TODATE; string str = ""; //Paymentdata str = " Select agent_id,(Agent_id + '-'+ Agent_Name + '-' + Plant_Name) as Suppliername,REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(9), To_date, 6), ' ', '-') AS [VchDate],Plant_Name as Purchaseledgerofmilk,totfat_kg,Added_paise,TotAmount,floor(TotAmount) as RTotAmount,Frm_date,To_date,Plant_Code from( sELECT convert(varchar,Agent_id) as Agent_id, convert(varchar,Agent_Name) as Agent_Name,totfat_kg,Added_paise,TotAmount,Frm_date,To_date,Plant_code FROM (Select Agent_id,Plant_code,totfat_kg,Added_paise,TotAmount,Frm_date,To_date from AgentExcesAmount where plant_code='" + ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Value + "' and Frm_date='" + FDATE + "' and To_date='" + TODATE + "' ) AS agexee left join (Select Agent_Id as amagentid,Agent_Name,Plant_code as ampcode from Paymentdata where plant_code='" + ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Value + "' and Frm_date='" + FDATE + "' and To_date='" + TODATE + "') as am on agexee.Plant_code=am.ampcode and agexee.Agent_id=am.amagentid) as leftside left join (select Plant_Code as pmcode,Plant_Name from Plant_Master where plant_code='" + ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Value + "' group by Plant_Code,Plant_Name ) as pm on leftside.Plant_code=pm.pmcode"; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(); con = DB.GetConnection(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(str, con); SqlDataAdapter drt = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); DataTable tallyagent = new DataTable(); tallyagent.Rows.Clear(); drt.Fill(tallyagent); checkdata(); if (Checkstatus != 1) { foreach (DataRow tally in tallyagent.Rows) { GETTID(); if (ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Text == "ARANI") { Tallyno = "ARA"; } if (ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Text == "KAVERIPATNAM") { Tallyno = "KVP"; } if (ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Text == "GUDLUR") { Tallyno = "GUD"; } if (ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Text == "WALAJA") { Tallyno = "WAL"; } if (ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Text == "V_KOTA") { Tallyno = "VKT"; } if (ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Text == "RCPURAM") { Tallyno = "RCP"; } if (ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Text == "BOMMASAMUTHIRAM") { Tallyno = "BOMMA"; } if (ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Text == "TARIGONDA") { Tallyno = "TARI"; } if (ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Text == "CSPURAM") { Tallyno = "CSP"; } if (ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Text == "KONDEPI") { Tallyno = "KDP"; } if (ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Text == "KAVALI") { Tallyno = "KVL"; } if (ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Text == "GUDIPALLI PADU") { Tallyno = "GUDI"; } if (ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Text == "KALIGIRI") { Tallyno = "KLG"; } string sno = ViewState["maxtid"].ToString(); string agentid = tally[0].ToString(); string tempsupply = tally[1].ToString(); string Supplierinvno = tempsupply + "(" + getvald + "-" + getvaldd + ")" + month + getvaly; string vchdate = tally[2].ToString(); string Suppliername = tempsupply; string purchasemilk = "Purchase Of Milk-" + tally[3].ToString(); string ItemName; if ((pcode == "155") || (pcode == "156") || (pcode == "158") || (pcode == "159") || (pcode == "161") || (pcode == "162") || (pcode == "163") || (pcode == "164")) { ItemName = "COW MILK"; plantstatus = 1; // string narration = "Being The Svds arani cc Procurement Milk Bill Excess Rate Variation Amount Paid For the Period Of Date ,Paid through bank svdd punapaka hdfc account no"; } else { ItemName = "WHOLE MILK"; plantstatus = 2; } string totfatkg = tally[4].ToString(); string addedpaise = tally[5].ToString(); string amount = tally[6].ToString(); string roundamount = tally[7].ToString(); if (plantstatus == 1) { narration = "Being the Svds Milk Purchase Amount Excess Amount Paid Period Of:" + ddl_BillDate.Text + "Fatkg:" + totfatkg + "Rate:" + addedpaise + "TotalAmount:" + amount; } if (plantstatus == 2) { narration = "Being the Svd Milk Purchase Amount Excess Amount Paid Period Of:" + ddl_BillDate.Text + "Fatkg:" + totfatkg + "Rate:" + addedpaise + "TotalAmount:" + amount; } string gettp = ViewState["maxtid"] + Tallyno + "EXRATE"; string GETINSERT = ""; GETINSERT = "INSERT INTO TallyExcessAmount(sno,vchno,vchdate,SuppinvNo,SupplierDate,SupplierName,purchaseLedger,ItemName,TotFatkg,Addedpaise,Amount,Cortage,OtherIncome,Material,Feed,Cans,Dpu,LedgerAmount,Narration,InsertedUser,plant_code,agent_id,Frm_date,To_date) values ('" + ViewState["maxtid"] + "','" + gettp + "','" + vchdate + "','" + Supplierinvno + "','" + vchdate + "','" + Suppliername + "','" + purchasemilk + "','" + ItemName + "','" + totfatkg + "','" + addedpaise + "','" + roundamount + "','0','0','0','0','0','0','" + roundamount + "','" + narration + "','" + Session["Name"].ToString() + "','" + ddl_Plantname.SelectedItem.Value + "','" + agentid + "','" + ViewState["ffdate"].ToString() + "','" + ViewState["ttdate"].ToString() + "');"; con = DB.GetConnection(); SqlCommand COMM = new SqlCommand(GETINSERT, con); COMM.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } else { GridView2.DataSource = null; GridView2.DataBind(); } }
private void CargarGrid2(string idequipo) { DBConnect conexion = new DBConnect(); DataTable datos = conexion.SEquSol(idequipo); DataTable datos3 = new DataTable(); DataColumn columna5 = new DataColumn("Id"); DataColumn columna6 = new DataColumn("Fecha"); DataColumn columna7 = new DataColumn("Departamento"); DataColumn columna8 = new DataColumn("Solicitante"); DataColumn columna9 = new DataColumn("Estatus"); DataColumn columna11 = new DataColumn("Tipo"); columna5.AllowDBNull = true; columna6.AllowDBNull = true; columna7.AllowDBNull = true; columna8.AllowDBNull = true; columna9.AllowDBNull = true; columna11.AllowDBNull = true; datos3.Columns.Add(columna5); datos3.Columns.Add(columna6); datos3.Columns.Add(columna7); datos3.Columns.Add(columna8); datos3.Columns.Add(columna11); datos3.Columns.Add(columna9); int fr = 0; if (datos.Rows.Count > 0) { for (fr = 0; fr < datos.Rows.Count; fr++) { DataRow dr = datos3.NewRow(); dr["Id"] = datos.Rows[fr]["Id"].ToString(); dr["Fecha"] = datos.Rows[fr]["Fecha"].ToString(); dr["Departamento"] = datos.Rows[fr]["Departamento"].ToString(); dr["Solicitante"] = datos.Rows[fr]["Solicitante"].ToString(); dr["Tipo"] = datos.Rows[fr]["Tipo"].ToString(); dr["Estatus"] = datos.Rows[fr]["Estatus"].ToString(); datos3.Rows.Add(dr); } GridView2.DataSource = datos3; GridView2.DataBind(); } else { DataTable datos2 = new DataTable(); DataColumn columna1 = new DataColumn("Id"); DataColumn columna2 = new DataColumn("Fecha"); DataColumn columna3 = new DataColumn("Departamento"); DataColumn columna4 = new DataColumn("Solicitante"); DataColumn columna10 = new DataColumn("Estatus"); DataColumn columna12 = new DataColumn("Tipo"); columna1.AllowDBNull = true; columna2.AllowDBNull = true; columna3.AllowDBNull = true; columna4.AllowDBNull = true; columna12.AllowDBNull = true; columna10.AllowDBNull = true; datos2.Columns.Add(columna1); datos2.Columns.Add(columna2); datos2.Columns.Add(columna3); datos2.Columns.Add(columna4); datos2.Columns.Add(columna12); datos2.Columns.Add(columna10); DataRow dr = datos2.NewRow(); dr["Id"] = null; dr["Fecha"] = null; dr["Departamento"] = null; dr["Solicitante"] = null; dr["Tipo"] = null; dr["Estatus"] = null; datos2.Rows.Add(dr); GridView2.DataSource = datos2; GridView2.DataBind(); int TotalColumns = GridView2.Rows[0].Cells.Count; GridView2.Rows[0].Cells.Clear(); GridView2.Rows[0].Cells.Add(new TableCell()); GridView2.Rows[0].Cells[0].ColumnSpan = TotalColumns; GridView2.Rows[0].Cells[0].Text = "No existen solicitudes pendientes!!"; ImageButton1.Visible = false; } }
protected void GridView2_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e) { ShowGrid(); GridView2.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex; GridView2.DataBind(); }
protected void gridView_PageIndexChanging2(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e) { CargarGrid2(TextBox1.Value); GridView2.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex; GridView2.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Account a = (Account)Session["account"]; if (a.Role != ((int)SysSetting.Role.admin_hq).ToString()) { Response.Redirect("~/index.aspx"); } else { //ch1 = cbl_WeekCheck.Items[0].Selected; //ch2 = cbl_WeekCheck.Items[1].Selected; //ch3 = cbl_WeekCheck.Items[2].Selected; //ch4 = cbl_WeekCheck.Items[3].Selected; //ch5 = cbl_WeekCheck.Items[4].Selected; //ch6 = cbl_WeekCheck.Items[5].Selected; //ch7 = cbl_WeekCheck.Items[6].Selected; ch1 = cb_Monday.Checked; ch2 = cb_Tuesday.Checked; ch3 = cb_Wednesday.Checked; ch4 = cb_Thursday.Checked; ch5 = cb_Friday.Checked; ch6 = cb_Saturday.Checked; ch7 = cb_Sunday.Checked; int year_addone = System.DateTime.Now.Year + 1 - 1911; year.Text = "民國" + year_addone.ToString() + "年度"; Year = System.DateTime.Now.Year + 1;//西元明年 wk = new Lib.WorkWeek(System.DateTime.Now.Year + 1); lab_LastYear.Text = "(民國" + year_addone.ToString() + "年)"; if (wk.isSetYear == true) { lab_SetStatus.Text = "已設定"; lab_SetStatus.ForeColor = Color.Blue; btn_SetWorkWeek.Text = "更新"; btn_SetWorkWeek.ForeColor = Color.Blue; btn_SetWorkWeek.BackColor = Color.Aquamarine; //cbl_WeekCheck.Items[0].Selected = wk.DicWeek[DayOfWeek.Monday]; //cbl_WeekCheck.Items[1].Selected = wk.DicWeek[DayOfWeek.Tuesday]; //cbl_WeekCheck.Items[2].Selected = wk.DicWeek[DayOfWeek.Wednesday]; //cbl_WeekCheck.Items[3].Selected = wk.DicWeek[DayOfWeek.Thursday]; //cbl_WeekCheck.Items[4].Selected = wk.DicWeek[DayOfWeek.Friday]; //cbl_WeekCheck.Items[5].Selected = wk.DicWeek[DayOfWeek.Saturday]; //cbl_WeekCheck.Items[6].Selected = wk.DicWeek[DayOfWeek.Sunday]; cb_Monday.Checked = wk.DicWeek[DayOfWeek.Monday]; cb_Tuesday.Checked = wk.DicWeek[DayOfWeek.Tuesday]; cb_Wednesday.Checked = wk.DicWeek[DayOfWeek.Wednesday]; cb_Thursday.Checked = wk.DicWeek[DayOfWeek.Thursday]; cb_Friday.Checked = wk.DicWeek[DayOfWeek.Friday]; cb_Saturday.Checked = wk.DicWeek[DayOfWeek.Saturday]; cb_Sunday.Checked = wk.DicWeek[DayOfWeek.Sunday]; } else { lab_SetStatus.Text = "未設定"; lab_SetStatus.ForeColor = Color.Red; btn_SetWorkWeek.Text = "設定"; btn_SetWorkWeek.ForeColor = Color.Red; btn_SetWorkWeek.BackColor = Color.Pink; //cbl_WeekCheck.Items[0].Selected = false; //cbl_WeekCheck.Items[1].Selected = false; //cbl_WeekCheck.Items[2].Selected = false; //cbl_WeekCheck.Items[3].Selected = false; //cbl_WeekCheck.Items[4].Selected = false; //cbl_WeekCheck.Items[5].Selected = false; //cbl_WeekCheck.Items[6].Selected = false; cb_Monday.Checked = false; cb_Tuesday.Checked = false; cb_Wednesday.Checked = false; cb_Thursday.Checked = false; cb_Friday.Checked = false; cb_Saturday.Checked = false; cb_Sunday.Checked = false; } Lib.DataUtility du = new Lib.DataUtility(); Dictionary <string, object> d = new Dictionary <string, object>(); d.Add("year", System.DateTime.Now.Year + 1); DataTable dt = du.getDataTableByText("select * from year where year = @year", d); if (dt.Rows.Count == 1) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["islock"])) { year_status.Text = "關閉報進"; year_status.ForeColor = Color.Red; Button1.Text = "開放"; Button1.ForeColor = Color.Green; Button1.BackColor = Color.PaleGreen; isopen = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["islock"]); } else { year_status.Text = "開放報進"; year_status.ForeColor = Color.Green; Button1.Text = "關閉"; Button1.ForeColor = Color.Red; Button1.BackColor = Color.Pink; isopen = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["islock"]); } } if (IsPostBack) { //int year_addone = System.DateTime.Now.Year + 1 - 1911; year.Text = "民國" + year_addone.ToString() + "年度"; d.Clear(); d.Add("year", System.DateTime.Now.Year + 1); dt = du.getDataTableByText("select * from year where year = @year", d); if (dt.Rows.Count == 1) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["islock"])) { year_status.Text = "關閉報進"; year_status.ForeColor = Color.Red; Button1.Text = "開放"; Button1.ForeColor = Color.Green; Button1.BackColor = Color.PaleGreen; isopen = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["islock"]); } else { year_status.Text = "開放報進"; year_status.ForeColor = Color.Green; Button1.Text = "關閉"; Button1.ForeColor = Color.Red; Button1.BackColor = Color.Pink; isopen = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["islock"]); } } //前端已經先關好站了,再來處理關站刪除 if (HF_CheckDel.Value == "ok") { HF_CheckDel.Value = "no"; //逐筆寄信後刪除 string date = txb_InqDate.Text; string center_name = DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text; string reason = txb_Reason.Text;//關站原因 for (int i = 0; i < GridView2.Rows.Count; i++) { string sid = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text; string id = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[2].Text; string mail = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[8].Text; //檢查信箱欄位,有的才寄信 //信件文字檔案夾位置 string dd = Server.MapPath(Request.ApplicationPath); StreamReader _MailContentToUser = new StreamReader(dd + "\\Mail\\OffStation.txt"); //先寄信 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mail) & mail != " ")//表格空字串會變成「 」 { MailMessage _MailToUser = new MailMessage(); _MailToUser.Body = _MailContentToUser.ReadToEnd(); _MailToUser.Body = _MailToUser.Body.Replace("%reason%", reason); _MailToUser.Body = _MailToUser.Body.Replace("%id%", (id.Substring(0, id.Length - 3) + "***")); _MailToUser.Body = _MailToUser.Body.Replace("%date%", date); _MailToUser.Body = _MailToUser.Body.Replace("%location%", center_name); Lib.SysSetting.SaveLetter(mail + "", "國軍體能鑑測中心", _MailToUser.Body, "臨時關站取消報名通知信", "00"); } //再刪報名 du.executeNonQueryBysp("Ex107_DelResultbySid", "sid", sid); } Lib.SysSetting.AddLog("臨時關站", "admin", "臨時關站取消報名 , 日期:" + date + " , 地點:" + center_name, System.DateTime.Now); GridView2.DataSource = null; GridView2.DataBind(); CloseEnter(); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "", "alert('鑑測站已關閉,報名資料已刪除。');", true); //重新整理網頁 //Response.Redirect(Request.FilePath); } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string quickSearch = Request.QueryString["quickSearchTerm"]; DataTable dt1 = new DataTable(); string strQuery = "select userImageTable.ImageFilePath, studentPersonal.firstName, studentPersonal.lastName from studentPersonal, userImageTable where userImageTable.userID=studentPersonal.userID and studentPersonal.firstName=@name"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(strQuery, dbConnection); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", quickSearch); SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Connection = dbConnection; try { dbConnection.Open(); sda.SelectCommand = cmd; sda.Fill(dt1); if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0) { GridView1.DataSource = dt1; GridView1.DataBind(); } else { DataTable dt2 = new DataTable(); string strQuery2 = "select schoolName, schoolCity from schoolInfo where schoolName=@name"; SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand(strQuery2, dbConnection); cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", quickSearch); SqlDataAdapter sda2 = new SqlDataAdapter(); cmd2.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd2.Connection = dbConnection; try { // dbConnection.Open(); sda2.SelectCommand = cmd2; sda2.Fill(dt2); if (dt2.Rows.Count > 0) { GridView2.DataSource = dt2; GridView2.DataBind(); } else { Label1.Text = "No results Found"; } } catch (Exception ec) { Response.Write(ec.Message); } finally { // dbConnection.Close(); // sda.Dispose(); //dbConnection.Dispose(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write(ex.Message); } finally { dbConnection.Close(); sda.Dispose(); dbConnection.Dispose(); } //try //{ // dbConnection.Open(); // string queryQuickSearch = "select userImageTable.ImageFilePath, studentPersonal.firstName, studentPersonal.lastName from studentPersonal, userImageTable where userImageTable.userID=studentPersonaal.userID and firstName=@name"; // //"select schoolName, schoolCity from schoolInfo where schoolName=@name"; // try // { // SqlCommand getType = new SqlCommand(queryQuickSearch, dbConnection); // getType.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@name", quickSearch)); // SqlDataReader reader = getType.ExecuteReader(); // while (reader.Read()) // { // string path = reader.GetString(0); // } // GridView1.DataSource = getType.ExecuteReader(); // GridView1. // GridView1.DataBind(); // } // catch (SqlException ez) // { // Response.Write("<p>Error Code " + ez.Number + ": " + ez.Message + "</p>"); // } // } // catch (SqlException ex) // { // Response.Write("<p>Error Code " + ex.Number + ": " + ex.Message + "</p>"); // } //} }
public void HienThiDanhSach() { string ngonngu = Session["languege"].ToString(); string congty = "LTY"; int YnDuyet; int YnKhongDuyet; if (cbOk.Checked == true) { YnDuyet = 8; } else { YnDuyet = 9; } if (cbNoOk.Checked == true) { YnKhongDuyet = 2; } else { YnKhongDuyet = 9; } string fromdate = txtFromDate.Text.Trim(); string todate = txtToDate.Text.Trim(); if (txtTimKiem.Text.Trim() == "") { if (ngonngu == "lbl_VN") { DataTable dt = dal.AdminTimKiemDanhSachPhieuTheoAllUser(congty, YnDuyet, YnKhongDuyet, fromdate, todate); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { divGrid1.Visible = true; divGrid2.Visible = false; GridView1.DataSource = dt; GridView1.DataBind(); Session["UserIDTK"] = "All"; } } else { if (ngonngu == "lbl_TW") { DataTable dt = dal.AdminTimKiemDanhSachPhieuTheoAllUserTW(congty, YnDuyet, YnKhongDuyet, fromdate, todate); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { divGrid2.Visible = true; divGrid1.Visible = false; GridView2.DataSource = dt; GridView2.DataBind(); Session["UserIDTK"] = "All"; } } else { DataTable dt = dal.AdminTimKiemDanhSachPhieuTheoAllUser(congty, YnDuyet, YnKhongDuyet, fromdate, todate); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { divGrid1.Visible = true; divGrid2.Visible = false; GridView1.DataSource = dt; GridView1.DataBind(); Session["UserIDTK"] = "All"; } } } } else { string UserIDTK = txtTimKiem.Text.Trim(); DataTable dtUser = dalUser.TimNhanVienTheoMa(congty, UserIDTK); if (dtUser.Rows.Count > 0) { if (ngonngu == "lbl_VN") { DataTable dt = dal.AdminTimKiemDanhSachPhieuTheoUser(UserIDTK, congty, YnDuyet, YnKhongDuyet, fromdate, todate); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { divGrid1.Visible = true; divGrid2.Visible = false; GridView1.DataSource = dt; GridView1.DataBind(); Session["UserIDTK"] = UserIDTK; } } else { if (ngonngu == "lbl_TW") { DataTable dt = dal.AdminTimKiemDanhSachPhieuTheoUserTW(UserIDTK, congty, YnDuyet, YnKhongDuyet, fromdate, todate); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { divGrid2.Visible = true; divGrid1.Visible = false; GridView2.DataSource = dt; GridView2.DataBind(); Session["UserIDTK"] = UserIDTK; } } else { DataTable dt = dal.AdminTimKiemDanhSachPhieuTheoUser(UserIDTK, congty, YnDuyet, YnKhongDuyet, fromdate, todate); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { divGrid1.Visible = true; divGrid2.Visible = false; GridView1.DataSource = dt; GridView1.DataBind(); Session["UserIDTK"] = UserIDTK; } } } Session["fromdate"] = fromdate; Session["todate"] = todate; Session["YnDuyet"] = YnDuyet.ToString(); Session["YnKhongDuyet"] = YnKhongDuyet.ToString(); } else { lblThongBao.Text = "UserID incorect, please try again!"; } } }
protected void ButtonUpdateSouvenir_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conStr"].ToString(); SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString); try { con.Open(); } catch (Exception) { con.Close(); return; throw; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBoxSouvenirDes.Text)) { TextBoxSouvenirDes.Text = "NULL"; } else { TextBoxSouvenirDes.Text = "'" + TextBoxSouvenirDes.Text + "'"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBoxSouvenirCategory.Text)) { TextBoxSouvenirCategory.Text = "NULL"; } else { TextBoxSouvenirCategory.Text = "'" + TextBoxSouvenirCategory.Text + "'"; } SqlCommand c1 = new SqlCommand("Update Item_T ItemName='" + TextBoxSouvenirName.Text + "', ItemDescription=" + TextBoxSouvenirDes.Text + ", Price=" + TextBoxSouvenirPrice.Text + ", TaxPercentage=" + TextBoxSouvenirTaxPer.Text + ", ISTaxNumber=" + TextBoxSouvenirSupTax.Text + " where Barcode=" + TextBoxFirstSouvenirBarcode.Text, con); c1.ExecuteNonQuery(); SqlCommand c4 = new SqlCommand("Update Souvenir_T set Category=" + TextBoxSouvenirCategory.Text + " where SBarcode=" + TextBoxFirstSouvenirBarcode.Text, con); c4.ExecuteNonQuery(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string sqlstr = "select * from Item_T where Barcode=" + TextBoxFirstSouvenirBarcode.Text; SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlstr, con); da.Fill(ds); GridView2.DataSource = ds; GridView2.DataBind(); DataSet ds1 = new DataSet(); string sqlstr1 = "select * from Souvenir_T where SBarcode=" + TextBoxFirstSouvenirBarcode.Text; SqlDataAdapter da1 = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlstr1, con); da1.Fill(ds1); GridView3.DataSource = ds1; GridView3.DataBind(); con.Close(); souvenirUpdate.Visible = false; newSouvenir.Visible = true; }