Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// If the ground has been watered, call ConnectWateredGround
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gridPropertyDetails"></param>
 public void DisplayWateredGround(GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails)
     if (gridPropertyDetails.DaysSinceWatered > -1)
    // This method will simply update the gridPropertDetails for the grid square that this crop we want to instantiate will live on
    private void SetCropGridProperties(Vector3Int cropGridPosition)
        // Check if we've specified a seed ItemCode in the editor for this crop we want to instantiate (with this script on it)
        if (seedItemCode > 0)
            GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails;

            // Get the current gridPropertyDetails on that square (initialize them if they don't exist for some reason)
            gridPropertyDetails = GridPropertiesManager.Instance.GetGridPropertyDetails(cropGridPosition.x, cropGridPosition.y);

            if (gridPropertyDetails != null)
                gridPropertyDetails = new GridPropertyDetails();

            // Set the daysSinceDug, daysSinceWatered, seedItemCode, and growthDays with those populated in the editor that we want to instantiate
            gridPropertyDetails.daysSinceDug     = daysSinceDug;
            gridPropertyDetails.daysSinceWatered = daysSinceWatered;
            gridPropertyDetails.seedItemCode     = seedItemCode;
            gridPropertyDetails.growthDays       = growthDays;

            // Set up the above updated gridPropertyDetails for the given square
            GridPropertiesManager.Instance.SetGridPropertyDetails(cropGridPosition.x, cropGridPosition.y, gridPropertyDetails);
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the Crop object at the gridX, gridY position, or null if no crop was found
    /// </summary>
    public Crop GetCropObjectAtGridLocation(GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails)
        // Get the world position from the gridX and gridY positions of the cell in question (stored in gridPropertyDetails)
        Vector3 worldPosition = grid.GetCellCenterWorld(new Vector3Int(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY, 0));

        // This method finds ALL colliders overlapping the world position given in an array
        Collider2D[] collider2DArray = Physics2D.OverlapPointAll(worldPosition);

        // Loop through all of the found colliders to find a crop gameObject
        Crop crop = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < collider2DArray.Length; i++)
            // First check all of the parent objects. Get all of the Crop objects, and then check if it exists, and at the same grid position
            crop = collider2DArray[i].gameObject.GetComponentInParent <Crop>();
            if (crop != null && crop.cropGridPosition == new Vector2Int(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY))

            // Then check the children objects. Get all of the Crop objects, and then check if it exists, and at the same grid position
            crop = collider2DArray[i].gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Crop>();
            if (crop != null && crop.cropGridPosition == new Vector2Int(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY))

        // Return the found crop! If one was found, the above loop will break with a non-null value of crop. If not, the loop will
        // finish and crop will still be null, so nnull is returned because no crop was found.
Example #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the crop component if there is a crop growing at the passed in GridPropertyDetails
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="gridPropertyDetails"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public Crop GetCropObjectAtGridLocation(GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails)
        // Get the world position of the gridPropertyDetails
        Vector3 worldPosition = grid.GetCellCenterWorld(new Vector3Int(gridPropertyDetails.GridX, gridPropertyDetails.GridY, 0));

        // Get the colliders overlapping the world position
        Collider2D[] collider2DArray = Physics2D.OverlapPointAll(worldPosition);

        // Check if we have a crop at this point
        Crop crop = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < collider2DArray.Length; i++)
            crop = collider2DArray[i].gameObject.GetComponentInParent <Crop>();
            if (crop != null && crop.cropGridPosition == new Vector2Int(gridPropertyDetails.GridX, gridPropertyDetails.GridY))
            crop = collider2DArray[i].gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Crop>();
            if (crop != null && crop.cropGridPosition == new Vector2Int(gridPropertyDetails.GridX, gridPropertyDetails.GridY))

    //Returns the Crop object at the gridX, gridY position or null if no crop was found
    public Crop GetCropObjectAtGridLocation(GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails)
        Vector3 worldPosition = grid.GetCellCenterWorld(new Vector3Int(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY, 0));

        Collider2D[] collider2DArray = Physics2D.OverlapPointAll(worldPosition);

        //Loop through colliders to get crop game object
        Crop crop = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < collider2DArray.Length; i++)
            crop = collider2DArray[i].gameObject.GetComponentInParent <Crop>();
            if (crop != null && crop.cropGridPosition == new Vector2Int(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY))
            crop = collider2DArray[i].gameObject.GetComponentInParent <Crop>();
            if (crop != null && crop.cropGridPosition == new Vector2Int(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY))

Example #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Drops the item (if selected) at the current mouse position, Called by the DropItem event.
    /// </summary>
    private void DropSelectedItemAtMousePosition()
        if (itemDetails != null && isSelected)
            Vector3 worldPosition = mainCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y,

            //If can drop item here
            Vector3Int          gridPosition        = GridPropertiesManager.Instance.grid.WorldToCell(worldPosition);
            GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails = GridPropertiesManager.Instance.GetGridPropertyDetails(gridPosition.x, gridPosition.y);

            if (gridPropertyDetails != null && gridPropertyDetails.canDropItem)
                //Create item from prefab at mouse.position
                GameObject itemGameObject = Instantiate(itemPrefab,
                                                        new Vector3(worldPosition.x, worldPosition.y - Settings.gridCellSize / 2f, worldPosition.z), Quaternion.identity, parentItem);
                Item item = itemGameObject.GetComponent <Item>();
                item.ItemCode = itemDetails.itemCode;

                //Remove item from players inventory
                InventoryManager.Instance.RemoveItem(InventoryLocation.player, item.ItemCode);

                //If no more of item then clear selected
                if (InventoryManager.Instance.FindItemInInventory(InventoryLocation.player, item.ItemCode) == -1)
Example #7
 public void DisplayDugGround(GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails)
     // Dug
     if (gridPropertyDetails.daysSinceDug > -1)
Example #8
 /// <summary>
 /// If the ground at the grid location has been dug, call ConnectDugGround
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gridPropertyDetails"></param>
 public void DisplayDugGround(GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails)
     // If the ground has been dug, call ConnectDugGround
     if (gridPropertyDetails.DaysSinceDug > -1)
Example #9
    /// <summary>
    /// Set up the grid properties with their values from the map
    /// </summary>
    private void InitializeGridProperties()
        // Loop through all the scriptable object assets which store the grid property values
        foreach (SO_GridProperties so_GridProperties in so_gridPropertiesArray)
            // Create a dictionary to store the grid properties
            Dictionary <string, GridPropertyDetails> gridPropertyDictionary = new Dictionary <string, GridPropertyDetails>();

            // Loop through the GridPropertyList & pull out the grid property from the scriptable object
            foreach (GridProperty gridProperty in so_GridProperties.GridPropertyList)
                GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails;

                // Populate the gridPropertyDetails from the grid property from the scriptable object asset
                gridPropertyDetails = GetGridPropertyDetails(gridProperty.GridCoordinate.X, gridProperty.GridCoordinate.Y, gridPropertyDictionary);

                // If gridPropertyDetails is null, it didn't already exist in our dictionary, so create a new one
                if (gridPropertyDetails == null)
                    gridPropertyDetails = new GridPropertyDetails();

                switch (gridProperty.GridBoolProperty)
                case GridBoolProperty.diggable:
                    gridPropertyDetails.IsDiggable = gridProperty.GridBoolValue;

                case GridBoolProperty.canDropItem:
                    gridPropertyDetails.CanDropItem = gridProperty.GridBoolValue;

                case GridBoolProperty.canPlaceFurniture:
                    gridPropertyDetails.CanPlaceFurniture = gridProperty.GridBoolValue;


                SetGridPropertyDetails(gridProperty.GridCoordinate.X, gridProperty.GridCoordinate.Y, gridPropertyDetails, gridPropertyDictionary);

            SceneSave sceneSave = new SceneSave();

            // Store the gridPropertyDictionary in the SceneSave's GridPropertyDetailsDictionary
            sceneSave.GridPropertyDetailsDictionary = gridPropertyDictionary;

            // If the current scene is the starting scene, set the gridPropertyDictionary member variable to the currently populated gridPropertyDictionary
            if (so_GridProperties.SceneName.ToString() == SceneControllerManager.Instance.startingSceneName.ToString())
                this.gridPropertyDictionary = gridPropertyDictionary;

            // Add the SceneSave with the populated GridPropertyDetailsDictionary to the GameObjectSave SceneData
            GameObjectSave.SceneData.Add(so_GridProperties.SceneName.ToString(), sceneSave);
Example #10
    /// <summary>
    /// This initialises the grid property dictionary with the values from the SO_GridProperties assets and stores the values for each scene in
    /// GameObjectSave sceneData
    /// </summary>
    private void InitialiseGridProperties()
        // Loop through all gridproperties in the array
        foreach (SO_GridProperties so_GridProperties in so_gridPropertiesArray)
            // Create dictionary of grid property details
            Dictionary <string, GridPropertyDetails> gridPropertyDictionary = new Dictionary <string, GridPropertyDetails>();

            // Populate grid property dictionary - Iterate through all the grid properties in the so gridproperties list
            foreach (GridProperty gridProperty in so_GridProperties.gridPropertyList)
                GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails;

                gridPropertyDetails = GetGridPropertyDetails(gridProperty.gridCoordinate.x, gridProperty.gridCoordinate.y, gridPropertyDictionary);

                if (gridPropertyDetails == null)
                    gridPropertyDetails = new GridPropertyDetails();

                switch (gridProperty.gridBoolProperty)
                case GridBoolProperty.diggable:
                    gridPropertyDetails.isDiggable = gridProperty.gridBoolValue;

                case GridBoolProperty.canDropItem:
                    gridPropertyDetails.canDropItem = gridProperty.gridBoolValue;

                case GridBoolProperty.canPlaceFurniture:
                    gridPropertyDetails.canPlaceFurniture = gridProperty.gridBoolValue;

                case GridBoolProperty.isPath:
                    gridPropertyDetails.isPath = gridProperty.gridBoolValue;

                case GridBoolProperty.isNPCObstacle:
                    gridPropertyDetails.isNPCObstacle = gridProperty.gridBoolValue;


                SetGridPropertyDetails(gridProperty.gridCoordinate.x, gridProperty.gridCoordinate.y, gridPropertyDetails, gridPropertyDictionary);

            // If starting scene set the gridPropertyDictionary member variable to the current iteration
            if (so_GridProperties.sceneName.ToString() == SceneControllerManager.Instance.startingSceneName.ToString())
                this.gridPropertyDictionary = gridPropertyDictionary;
Example #11
    private IEnumerator ProcessHarvestActionsAfterAnimation(CropDetails cropDetails, GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails, Animator animator)
        while (!animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Harvested"))
            yield return(null);

        HarvestActions(cropDetails, gridPropertyDetails);
 // This method will call the ConnectWateredGround method, which will set the correct watered tile, and surrounding tiles
 public void DisplayWateredGround(GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails)
     // Check to see if the current square passed in has been watered (0 or more days since watered)
     if (gridPropertyDetails.daysSinceWatered > -1)
         // This method will set the center (currently watered) tile in response to what the surrounding 4 tiles are, and then update the
         // surrounding tiles corresponding to what was just laid
    /// <summary>
    /// This method determines which stage of growth the crop is in, and displays that stage's crop prefab and sprite
    /// </summary>
    public void DisplayPlantedCrop(GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails)
        // If there's no seed on the grid, the seedItemCode will be -1, so no need to display a crop
        if (gridPropertyDetails.seedItemCode > -1)
            // Get the crop details from the SO CropDetailsList, for the given seedItemCode in the current square's gridPropertyDetails
            CropDetails cropDetails = so_CropDetailsList.GetCropDetails(gridPropertyDetails.seedItemCode);

            // Only display the crop if it has a cropDetails! These are set up in the SO_CropDetailsList scriptable object - so don't do this if this seed isn't set up
            if (cropDetails != null)
                // crop prefab to use
                GameObject cropPrefab;

                // Get the number of stages of growth  this crop has(length of the growthDays array, which defines the number of days for each stage)
                int growthStages = cropDetails.growthDays.Length;

                // The crop starts off in stage0, and we will count down the total days of growth until it gets to 0
                int currentGrowthStage = 0;

                // This for loop is just to determine which growth stage we are in, based on how many days the crop has been growing for
                // Loop backwards through all of the growthstages
                for (int i = growthStages - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    // When the number of days of growth on the crop (found in the gridPropertyDetails) is >= to the days counter
                    // for the current stage (cropDetails.growthDays[i]), we have found the currentStage as i
                    if (gridPropertyDetails.growthDays >= cropDetails.growthDays[i])
                        // Break out of the loop - we have found the stage!
                        currentGrowthStage = i;

                // Instantiate the crop prefab and sprite at the grid location, with the correct stage!
                cropPrefab = cropDetails.growthPrefab[currentGrowthStage];

                Sprite growthSprite = cropDetails.growthSprite[currentGrowthStage];

                // Find the world position of this square
                Vector3 worldPosition = groundDecoration2.CellToWorld(new Vector3Int(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY, 0));

                // adjust the world position so it's at Bottom center of grid square to look correct
                worldPosition = new Vector3(worldPosition.x + Settings.gridCellSize / 2, worldPosition.y, worldPosition.z);

                // Instantiate the crop!
                GameObject cropInstance = Instantiate(cropPrefab, worldPosition, Quaternion.identity);

                // Set the proper growthSprite, parent it under our cropParent GameObject, and set the crop grid position in it's Crop class
                cropInstance.GetComponentInChildren <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = growthSprite;
                cropInstance.GetComponent <Crop>().cropGridPosition = new Vector2Int(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY);
    /// <summary>
    /// Set the grid property details to gridPropertyDetails for the tile at (gridX, gridY) in the gridPropertyDictionary
    /// </summary>
    public void SetGridPropertyDetails(int gridX, int gridY, GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails, Dictionary <string, GridPropertyDetails> gridPropertyDictionary)
        // Construct the key from the coordinates
        string key = "x" + gridX + "y" + gridY;

        gridPropertyDetails.gridX = gridX;
        gridPropertyDetails.gridY = gridY;

        // Set the value
        gridPropertyDictionary[key] = gridPropertyDetails;
Example #15
    private void HarvestCrop(CropDetails cropDetails, GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails)
        gridPropertyDetails.SeedItemCode         = -1;
        gridPropertyDetails.GrowthDays           = -1;
        gridPropertyDetails.DaysSinceLastHarvest = -1;
        gridPropertyDetails.DaysSinceWatered     = -1;

        GridPropertiesManager.Instance.SetGridPropertyDetails(gridPropertyDetails.GridX, gridPropertyDetails.GridY, gridPropertyDetails);

        HarvestActions(cropDetails, gridPropertyDetails);
Example #16
    /// <summary>
    /// Store grid properties in the passed-in dictionary, base the key on the grid coordinates
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="gridX"></param>
    /// <param name="gridY"></param>
    /// <param name="gridPropertyDetails"></param>
    /// <param name="gridPropertyDictionary"></param>
    public void SetGridPropertyDetails(int gridX, int gridY, GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails, Dictionary <string, GridPropertyDetails> gridPropertyDictionary)
        // Build a string based on the coordinates to be used as the dictionary key
        string key = "x" + gridX + "y" + gridY;

        gridPropertyDetails.GridX = gridX;
        gridPropertyDetails.GridY = gridY;

        // Store the gridPropertyDetails in the dictionary
        gridPropertyDictionary[key] = gridPropertyDetails;
Example #17
    private void HarvestActions(CropDetails cropDetails, GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails)

        //Does this crop transform into another crop
        if (cropDetails.harvestedTransformItemCode > 0)
            CreateHarvestedTransformCrop(cropDetails, gridPropertyDetails);

    public void SetGridPropertyDetails(int gridX, int gridY, GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails, Dictionary <string, GridPropertyDetails> gridPropertyDictionary)
        //Debug.Log("SetGridPropertyDetails bottom was called");
        // construct key from coordinate
        string key = "x" + gridX + "y" + gridY;

        gridPropertyDetails.gridX = gridX;
        gridPropertyDetails.gridY = gridY;

        // Set value
        gridPropertyDictionary[key] = gridPropertyDetails;
    private void DisplayGridPropertyDetails()
        // Loop through all grid items
        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, GridPropertyDetails> item in gridPropertyDictionary)
            GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails = item.Value;


Example #20
    private IEnumerator ProcessHarvestActionsAfterAnimation(CropDetails cropDetails, GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails, Animator animator)
        // The harvest animation controller has a final state of "Harvested" once it's done. We will keep on returning null every frame
        // until the animation is complete, before continuing
        while (!animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Harvested"))
            yield return(null);

        // Now that the animation is completed, we can spawn the harvested materials, and destroy the crop gameObject
        HarvestActions(cropDetails, gridPropertyDetails);
    // This method is subscribed to the advnaceGameDay event, so when a day passes, this will be called and it will loop through the sceneSave dictionaries
    // Saved for each scene, and then loop through all of the gridSquares in each of those sceneSave dictionaries, updating the properties that
    // respond to advanced gameDays, such as removing watered tiles, crop growth, etc
    private void AdvanceDay(int gameYear, Season gameSeason, int gameDay, string gameDayOfWeek, int gameHour, int gameMinute, int gameSecond)
        // Clear the display on all grid property details (dug, watered, etc.) so we can update them

        // Loop through all of the scenes by looping through all of the gridProperties in the array
        foreach (SO_GridProperties so_GridProperties in so_gridPropertiesArray)
            // Get the gridPropertyDetails dictionary (in the sceneSave) for the iterated scene
            if (GameObjectSave.sceneData.TryGetValue(so_GridProperties.sceneName.ToString(), out SceneSave sceneSave))
                if (sceneSave.gridPropertyDetailsDictionary != null)
                    // If the dictionary exists, loop through all of the gridProperties in it
                    for (int i = sceneSave.gridPropertyDetailsDictionary.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        // This will retrieve the element in the dictionary at position i
                        KeyValuePair <string, GridPropertyDetails> item = sceneSave.gridPropertyDetailsDictionary.ElementAt(i);

                        // Populate the gridPropertyDetails, which has things like daysSinceWatered, etc..
                        GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails = item.Value;

                        #region Update all of the grid properties that reflect the advance in the day (i.e. watered squares, crop growth, etc.)

                        // If a crop has been planted, increase the number of days that crop has been growing for by 1, only
                        // if the plant has been watered (if it requires water)
                        CropDetails cropDetails = so_CropDetailsList.GetCropDetails(gridPropertyDetails.seedItemCode);
                        if ((gridPropertyDetails.growthDays > -1 && gridPropertyDetails.daysSinceWatered == 0)
                            (gridPropertyDetails.growthDays > -1 && cropDetails.doesNeedWater == false)) // I added these last four checks to see if the plant has been watered before advancing it's growth days, or to see if it doesn't need watering
                            gridPropertyDetails.growthDays += 1;

                        // If the ground is wated, then clear out the water
                        if (gridPropertyDetails.daysSinceWatered > -1)
                            gridPropertyDetails.daysSinceWatered = -1;

                        // Set the new gridPropertyDetails
                        SetGridPropertyDetails(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY, gridPropertyDetails, sceneSave.gridPropertyDetailsDictionary);

                        #endregion Update all of the grid properties that reflect the advance in the day (i.e. watered squares, crop growth, etc.)
        // Once we've looped through each scene, and looped through all of the grid Squares in each sceneSave dictionary, updating the tiles that respond to gameDayAdvanced,
        // updated the DisplayGridPropertyDetails to reflect the changed values (i.e. removing watered ground tiles!)
Example #22
    /// <summary>
    /// Goes through every item in gridPropertyDictionary & calls the display methods
    /// </summary>
    private void DisplayGridPropertyDetails()
        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, GridPropertyDetails> gridProperty in gridPropertyDictionary)
            GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails = gridProperty.Value;



Example #23
    private void CreateHarvestedTransformCrop(CropDetails cropDetails, GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails)
        //Update crop in grid properties
        gridPropertyDetails.seedItemCode         = cropDetails.harvestedTransformItemCode;
        gridPropertyDetails.growthDays           = 0;
        gridPropertyDetails.daysSinceLastHarvest = -1;
        gridPropertyDetails.daysSinceWatered     = -1;

        GridPropertiesManager.Instance.SetGridPropertyDetails(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY, gridPropertyDetails);

        //Display planted crop
Example #24
    // This method will create the new transformed crop after harvesting the original crop (i.e. tree -> stump)
    private void CreateHarvestedTransformCrop(CropDetails cropDetails, GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails)
        // Update the crop details in the grid properties, with the info from the harvestedTransformItemCode info in the cropDetails, and the default undug,
        // unwatered, and ungrown gridProperties
        gridPropertyDetails.seedItemCode         = cropDetails.harvestedTransformItemCode;
        gridPropertyDetails.growthDays           = 0;
        gridPropertyDetails.daysSinceLastHarvest = -1;
        gridPropertyDetails.daysSinceWatered     = -1;

        GridPropertiesManager.Instance.SetGridPropertyDetails(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY, gridPropertyDetails);

        // Display the new transformed crop as set up in the gridPropertyDetails
Example #25
    // This method will spawn the harvested items for the player to pickup, and then destroy the Crop gameObject this Crop script is attached to
    private void HarvestActions(CropDetails cropDetails, GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails)
        // This method will spawn the corresponding harvested items depending on it's CropDetails

        // Check if this crop transforms into another crop once harvested (like tree -> stump)
        if (cropDetails.harvestedTransformItemCode > 0)
            // This method will create the new transformed crop instance at the same location as the original crop
            CreateHarvestedTransformCrop(cropDetails, gridPropertyDetails);

    // Called from the ISaveableRestoreScene method, to display all of the dug grid squares
    private void DisplayGridPropertyDetails()
        // Loop through all of the grid items in the gridproperty dictionary, and displaying the dug ground tile, watered ground tile,
        // and planted crop tiles as determined in DisplayDugGround(), DisplayWateredGround(), and DisplayPlantedCrop()
        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, GridPropertyDetails> item in gridPropertyDictionary)
            GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails = item.Value;



    // Based on the passed in gridPropertyDetails about the square we are about to water, this will determine what tile to place
    // on the currently watered tile, and the four surrounding tiles
    private void ConnectWateredGround(GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails)
        // Select tile based on surrounding watered tiles

        // Begin by setting the currently watered tile to what it needs to be based on the 4 surrounding tiles, as determined
        // by SetWateredTile, which takes in the coordinates of the tile you want to water, and returns the proper tile to use
        Tile wateredTile0 = SetWateredTile(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY);

        groundDecoration2.SetTile(new Vector3Int(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY, 0), wateredTile0);

        // Set 4 tiles if watered surrounding the current tile - up, down, left, right now that this central tile has been watered
        // With the proper tile

        GridPropertyDetails adjacentGridPropertyDetails;

        // Check the up tile (y+1), by getting the GridPropertyDetails there,and if it isn't null and it has been watered, use
        // The SetWateredTile() method to determine what THAT tile should be based on ITS four neighbors, and so on and so forth..
        adjacentGridPropertyDetails = GetGridPropertyDetails(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY + 1);
        if (adjacentGridPropertyDetails != null && adjacentGridPropertyDetails.daysSinceWatered > -1)
            Tile wateredTile1 = SetWateredTile(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY + 1);
            groundDecoration2.SetTile(new Vector3Int(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY + 1, 0), wateredTile1);

        // Check the down tile (y-1) in the same way
        adjacentGridPropertyDetails = GetGridPropertyDetails(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY - 1);
        if (adjacentGridPropertyDetails != null && adjacentGridPropertyDetails.daysSinceWatered > -1)
            Tile wateredTile2 = SetWateredTile(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY - 1);
            groundDecoration2.SetTile(new Vector3Int(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY - 1, 0), wateredTile2);

        // Check the left tile (x-1) in the same way
        adjacentGridPropertyDetails = GetGridPropertyDetails(gridPropertyDetails.gridX - 1, gridPropertyDetails.gridY);
        if (adjacentGridPropertyDetails != null && adjacentGridPropertyDetails.daysSinceWatered > -1)
            Tile wateredTile3 = SetWateredTile(gridPropertyDetails.gridX - 1, gridPropertyDetails.gridY);
            groundDecoration2.SetTile(new Vector3Int(gridPropertyDetails.gridX - 1, gridPropertyDetails.gridY, 0), wateredTile3);

        // Check the right tile (x+1) in the same way
        adjacentGridPropertyDetails = GetGridPropertyDetails(gridPropertyDetails.gridX + 1, gridPropertyDetails.gridY);
        if (adjacentGridPropertyDetails != null && adjacentGridPropertyDetails.daysSinceWatered > -1)
            Tile wateredTile4 = SetWateredTile(gridPropertyDetails.gridX + 1, gridPropertyDetails.gridY);
            groundDecoration2.SetTile(new Vector3Int(gridPropertyDetails.gridX + 1, gridPropertyDetails.gridY, 0), wateredTile4);
Example #28
    /// <summary>
    /// Set the tiles to make watered ground appear to be connected with watered ground surrounding it
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="gridPropertyDetails"></param>
    private void ConnectWateredGround(GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails)
        // Determine which tile should be set based on the surrounding tiles
        Tile wateredTile0 = SetWateredTile(gridPropertyDetails.GridX, gridPropertyDetails.GridY);

        //Set the tile
        floorDecoration2.SetTile(new Vector3Int(gridPropertyDetails.GridX, gridPropertyDetails.GridY, 0), wateredTile0);

        GridPropertyDetails adjacentGridPropertyDetails;

        // Check the tile above the current tile--is it also watered ground?
        adjacentGridPropertyDetails = GetGridPropertyDetails(gridPropertyDetails.GridX, gridPropertyDetails.GridY + 1);
        if (adjacentGridPropertyDetails != null && adjacentGridPropertyDetails.DaysSinceWatered > -1)
            // If so, we need to determine which tile should be set based on the surrounding tiles
            Tile wateredTile1 = SetWateredTile(gridPropertyDetails.GridX, gridPropertyDetails.GridY + 1);
            // Set the tile
            floorDecoration2.SetTile(new Vector3Int(gridPropertyDetails.GridX, gridPropertyDetails.GridY + 1, 0), wateredTile1);
        // Check the tile below the current tile--is it also watered ground?
        adjacentGridPropertyDetails = GetGridPropertyDetails(gridPropertyDetails.GridX, gridPropertyDetails.GridY - 1);
        if (adjacentGridPropertyDetails != null && adjacentGridPropertyDetails.DaysSinceWatered > -1)
            // If so, we need to determine which tile should be set based on the surrounding tiles
            Tile wateredTile2 = SetWateredTile(gridPropertyDetails.GridX, gridPropertyDetails.GridY - 1);
            // Set the tile
            floorDecoration2.SetTile(new Vector3Int(gridPropertyDetails.GridX, gridPropertyDetails.GridY - 1, 0), wateredTile2);
        // Check the tile to the left of the current tile--is it also watered ground?
        adjacentGridPropertyDetails = GetGridPropertyDetails(gridPropertyDetails.GridX - 1, gridPropertyDetails.GridY);
        if (adjacentGridPropertyDetails != null && adjacentGridPropertyDetails.DaysSinceWatered > -1)
            // If so, we need to determine which tile should be set based on the surrounding tiles
            Tile wateredTile3 = SetWateredTile(gridPropertyDetails.GridX - 1, gridPropertyDetails.GridY);
            // Set the tile
            floorDecoration2.SetTile(new Vector3Int(gridPropertyDetails.GridX - 1, gridPropertyDetails.GridY, 0), wateredTile3);
        // Check the tile to the right of the current tile--is it also watered ground?
        adjacentGridPropertyDetails = GetGridPropertyDetails(gridPropertyDetails.GridX + 1, gridPropertyDetails.GridY);
        if (adjacentGridPropertyDetails != null && adjacentGridPropertyDetails.DaysSinceWatered > -1)
            // If so, we need to determine which tile should be set based on the surrounding tiles
            Tile wateredTile4 = SetWateredTile(gridPropertyDetails.GridX + 1, gridPropertyDetails.GridY);
            // Set the tile
            floorDecoration2.SetTile(new Vector3Int(gridPropertyDetails.GridX + 1, gridPropertyDetails.GridY, 0), wateredTile4);
Example #29
    private bool IsGridSquareWatered(int xGrid, int yGrid)
        GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails = GetGridPropertyDetails(xGrid, yGrid);

        if (gridPropertyDetails == null)
        else if (gridPropertyDetails.daysSinceWatered > -1)
    private void AdvanceDay(int gameYear, Season gameSeason, int gameDay, string gameDayOfWeek, int gameHour, int gameMinute, int gameSecond)
        //Clear Display all Grid Property Details

        //Loop through all scenes - by looping through all gridpropertyies in the array
        foreach (SO_GridProperties so_GridProperties in so_gridPropertiesArray)
            //Get gridpropertydetails dictionary for scene
            if (GameObjectSave.sceneData.TryGetValue(so_GridProperties.sceneName.ToString(), out SceneSave sceneSave))
                if (sceneSave.gridPropertyDetailsDictionary != null)
                    for (int i = sceneSave.gridPropertyDetailsDictionary.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        KeyValuePair <string, GridPropertyDetails> item = sceneSave.gridPropertyDetailsDictionary.ElementAt(i);

                        GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails = item.Value;

                        #region Update all grid properties to reflect the advance in the day

                        //If a crop is planted
                        if (gridPropertyDetails.growthDays > -1)
                            gridPropertyDetails.growthDays += 1;

                        //If ground is watered, then clear water
                        if (gridPropertyDetails.daysSinceWatered > -1)
                            gridPropertyDetails.daysSinceWatered = -1;

                        //Set gridpropertydetails
                        SetGridPropertyDetails(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY, gridPropertyDetails, sceneSave.gridPropertyDetailsDictionary);

                        #endregion Update all grid properties to reflect the advance in the day

        //Display grid property details to reflect changed values