protected void show_now() //沒有_PAT_ID的時候, 用這個函式來顯示頁面(不論是歷史病患或是當前病患)
            DateTime datetime = DateTime.Now;
            int      iOrn     = 0;
            string   weekType = (0 == (iOrn = datetime.DayOfWeek.GetHashCode()) ? 7 : iOrn).ToString();
            String   date     = datetime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            String   sql;

            sql  = "SELECT p.pif_id, P.pif_name, if (P.pif_sex = 'M','男','女') as sex, P.pif_dob, P.pif_ic, ";
            sql += "if (b.next_visit_date > '','腹透','血透') as txt_10, ";
            sql += "b.next_visit_date AS FirstDate, e.dat_9 AS InfoDate, ";
            sql += "if (g.BI > 0,'V',' ') as txt_101, ";
            sql += "case f.opt_1  when '1' then '退出' when '2' then '移植' when '3' then '转出' when '4' then '死亡' when '5' then '转入' else '' end AS opt_52, ";
            sql += "f.info_date, p.pif_docname ";
            sql += "FROM mac_setup M ";
            sql += "LEFT JOIN appointment_setup A ON M.mac_flr  = A.apptst_flr ";
            sql += "AND M.mac_sec = A.apptst_sec AND M.mac_bedno = A.apptst_bed AND A.apptst_daytyp='" + weekType + "'";
            sql += "LEFT JOIN pat_visit         V ON A.apptst_patic=V.pv_ic AND V.pv_datevisit='" + date + "'";
            sql += "LEFT JOIN pat_info          P ON A.apptst_patic=P.pif_ic ";
            sql += "LEFT JOIN zinfo_f_012       e ON P.pif_id = e.pat_id ";
            sql += "LEFT JOIN zinfo_a_07        f ON P.pif_id = f.pat_id ";
            sql += "LEFT JOIN (SELECT pat_id, MAX(dat_3) AS next_visit_date FROM zinfo_p_06 group by pat_id) b ON P.pif_id=b.pat_id ";
            sql += "LEFT JOIN BI_SUM_View       g ON P.pif_id = g.pat_no ";
            sql += "WHERE P.pif_id IS NOT NULL ";
            sql += "ORDER BY A.apptst_timetyp, M.mac_flr, M.mac_bedno";
            DataTable dt     = db.Query(sql);
            Store     istore = GridPanel1.GetStore();

            istore.DataSource = db.GetDataArray(dt);
Example #2
    private void LoadDinhBienNhanSu()
        int count  = 0;
        var source = new DinhBienNhanSuController().GetByYearAndSearchKey(0, string.Empty, ref count);
        var store  = GridPanel1.GetStore();

        store.DataSource = source;
Example #3
    void DataBinder()
        DataFactory dal = new DataFactory();
        DataSet     ds  = dal.FactoryDAL(PageHelper.ConnectionStrings, "FW_BasicData_ServiceMode_SP", new List <IFields>()
            .Append("Option", "List")
            .Append("sm_STAT", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[12])
            .Append("dept", userDept)

        if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0] != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["Code"]))
                var list = (from p in ds.Tables[0].AsEnumerable() where p.Field <string>("sm_CODE").Equals(txtCode.Text) select p).AsDataView();
                if (list.Count > 0)
                    txtCode.Text      = list[0][1].ToString();
                    CmbCalc.Text      = list[0][3].ToString();
                    CmbGroup.Text     = list[0][6].ToString();
                    txtLine.Text      = list[0][4].ToString();
                    txtDes.Text       = list[0][2].ToString();
                    txtRowID.Text     = list[0][0].ToString();
                    ChbActive.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(list[0][5].ToString());
                    string[] statlist = string.IsNullOrEmpty(list[0]["StatList"].ToString()) ? new string[] { } : list[0]["StatList"].ToString().Split(',');

                    foreach (string str in statlist)
                        for (int i = 0; i < tblChkGroup.Items.Count(); ++i)
                            if (tblChkGroup.Items[i].Tag.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == str.Trim().ToUpper())
                                tblChkGroup.Items[i].Checked = true;

            if (txtCode.Text != "")
                div_bottom.Html  = "<p class=''>Status : Edit the record  of <span>" + txtCode.Text + "</span>.</p>";
                txtCode.Disabled = true;

            GridPanel1.GetStore().DataSource = ds;
            div_bottom.Html = "<p class=''>Status: New Service Mode record .</p>";
    private void BindGrid()
        DataSet ds = dal.FactoryDAL(PageHelper.ConnectionStrings, "FW_BasicData_PRINTER_SP", new List <IFields>()
            dal.CreateIFields().Append("Option", "gradbind")
            .Append("prt_STAT", CmbStat.SelectedItem.Value)

        GridPanel1.GetStore().DataSource = ds;
Example #5
        protected void show_grid()
            string SQL = "SELECT * FROM shift ";

            SQL += "WHERE sdate IN ('" + _Get_YMD2(txtBegin_DATE.Text) + "', '" + _Get_YMD2(txtEnd_DATE.Text) + "') ";
            SQL += "ORDER BY sdate DESC";
            DataTable dt     = db.Query(SQL);
            Store     istore = GridPanel1.GetStore();

            istore.DataSource = db.GetDataArray(dt);
Example #6
    void DataBinder(string stat)
        DataSet ds = dal.FactoryDAL(PageHelper.ConnectionStrings, "FW_BasicData_Print_SP", new List <IFields>()
            .Append("Option", "List")
            .Append("prt_STAT", stat)

        GridPanel1.GetStore().DataSource = ds;
        protected void show_grid()
            string sql;

            sql  = "SELECT DISTINCT DATE_FORMAT(a.dialysis_date, '%Y-%m-%d') ";
            sql += "from data_list a where a.person_id = '" + _PAT_IC + "' ";
            sql += "ORDER BY dialysis_date DESC";
            DataTable dt     = db.Query(sql);
            Store     istore = GridPanel1.GetStore();

            istore.DataSource = db.GetDataArray(dt);
        protected void show_history()
            string   sql;
            DateTime datetime = DateTime.Now;

            sql  = " SELECT a.pif_id, a.pif_name, if (a.pif_sex = 'M','男','女') as sex, a.pif_dob, a.pif_ic, ";
            sql += "if (b.next_visit_date > '','腹透','血透') as txt_10, ";
            sql += "e.diadate AS FirstDate, '' AS InfoDate, ";
            sql += "if (g.BI > 0,'V',' ') as txt_101, ";
            sql += "case f.opt_1 when '1' then '退出' when '2' then '肾移植' when '3' then '转出' when '4' then '死亡' when '5' then '转入' else '' end AS opt_52, ";
            sql += "f.info_date, a.pif_docname ";
            sql += "FROM pat_info a ";
            sql += "LEFT JOIN zinfo_maim c ON a.pif_id=c.pat_id ";
            sql += "LEFT JOIN (SELECT cln1_patic, MAX(cln1_diadate) AS diadate FROM clinical1_nurse group by cln1_patic) e  ON a.pif_ic = e.cln1_patic ";
            sql += "LEFT JOIN zinfo_a_07  f  ON a.pif_id = f.pat_id ";
            sql += "LEFT JOIN (SELECT pat_id, MAX(dat_3) AS next_visit_date FROM zinfo_p_06 group by pat_id) b ON a.pif_id=b.pat_id ";
            sql += "LEFT JOIN BI_SUM_View g ON a.pif_id = g.pat_no ";
            sql += "WHERE 1=1";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text_Name.Text)) //姓名篩選
                sql += " and a.pif_name like '%" + Text_Name.Text + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cbo_Gender.Text)) //姓別篩選
                sql += " and a.pif_sex ='" + GetComboBoxValue(Cbo_Gender) + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text_ID.Text)) //身分證號篩選
                if (Text_ID.Text.Substring(0, 1) != "#")
                    sql += " and a.pif_ic like '%" + Text_ID.Text + "%'";
                    sql += " and a.pif_id='" + Text_ID.Text.Substring(1) + "'";
            if (Common.GetComboBoxText(cbo_Status).ToString() != "")
                sql += " AND f.opt_1=" + Common.GetComboBoxValue(cbo_Status).ToString();
                sql += " AND f.opt_1 IS Null";
            sql += " ORDER BY a.pif_id ";

            DataTable dt     = db.Query(sql);
            Store     istore = GridPanel1.GetStore();

            istore.DataSource = db.GetDataArray(dt);
Example #9
        protected void show_grid()
            string sSQL = "SELECT uid, Month, Name, Size, SaveDateTime FROM pat_monthdoc ";

            sSQL += "WHERE uid>0 ";
            sSQL += "ORDER BY uid DESC";
            DataTable dt     = db.Query(sSQL);
            Store     istore = GridPanel1.GetStore();

            istore.DataSource = db.GetDataArray(dt);
        protected void show_grid()
            string SQL = "SELECT pat_id, info_date, info_user, txt_leader, txt_nurse FROM zinfo_h_08 ";

            SQL += "WHERE pat_id='" + _PAT_ID + "' ";
            SQL += "ORDER BY info_date DESC";
            DataTable dt     = db.Query(SQL);
            Store     istore = GridPanel1.GetStore();

            istore.DataSource = db.GetDataArray(dt);
Example #11
        protected void show_grid()
            string sql = "SELECT pat_id, info_date, dat_1, info_user FROM zinfo_f_06_alasamo ";

            sql += " WHERE pat_id = '" + _PAT_ID + "' ";
            sql += "ORDER BY info_date DESC";
            DataTable dt = db.Query(sql);

            Store istore = GridPanel1.GetStore();

            istore.DataSource = db.GetDataArray(dt);
        public void BindGrid(int paramPageIndex, int paramPageSize)
                string BeginDate = txtBeginDate.Value.Trim();
                string EndDate   = txtEndDate.Value.Trim();

                List <XMLogisticsProject> list   = XMLogisticsInfoService.getXMLogisticsProjectList(BeginDate, EndDate, ddlLogisticsCompany.Text);
                Ext.Net.Store             Store1 = GridPanel1.GetStore();
                Store1.DataSource = list;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Ext.Net.ExtNet.Msg.Alert("提示", ex.Message).Show();
Example #13
        protected void show_grid()
            string sSQL = "SELECT * FROM pat_patrol ";

            //sSQL += "LEFT JOIN pat_info B ON A.pif_ic = B.pif_ic ";
            sSQL += "WHERE pif_ic='" + _PAT_IC + "' ";
            if (Doct_Name.Text == "")
                sSQL += "AND pat_date>='" + _Get_YMD(start_date.Text) + "' AND pat_date<='" + _Get_YMD(end_date.Text) + "' ";
                sSQL += "AND pat_emp like '%" + Doct_Name.Text + "%' ";
            sSQL += "ORDER BY pat_date DESC";

            DataTable dt     = db.Query(sSQL);
            Store     istore = GridPanel1.GetStore();

            istore.DataSource = db.GetDataArray(dt);
        protected void Load_Appointment()
            toDay = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            string sSQL = "";

            //sSQL = "SELECT a.apptst_patic AS pat_ic, b.pif_name AS pat_name, a.apptst_flr AS floor, a.apptst_sec AS area, a.apptst_bed AS bedno, a.apptst_mactyp AS mactype, a.apptst_daytyp AS daytype, a.apptst_timetyp AS timetype ";
            //sSQL += "FROM appointment_setup a ";
            //sSQL += "LEFT JOIN pat_info b ON b.pif_ic=a.apptst_patic ";
            //sSQL += "WHERE b.pif_ic='" + Text_IC.Text + "' ";
            //sSQL += "UNION ";
            //sSQL += "SELECT a.ah_patic AS pat_ic, b.pif_name AS pat_name, a.ah_flr AS floor, a.ah_sec AS area, a.ah_bed AS bedno, a.ah_mactyp AS mactype, a.ah_dycnt AS daytype, a.ah_timetyp AS timetype ";
            //sSQL += "FROM appointment_change a ";
            //sSQL += "LEFT JOIN pat_info b ON b.pif_ic=a.ah_patic ";
            //sSQL += "WHERE a.ah_patic='" + Text_IC.Text + "' AND a.ah_date>='" + toDay + "' ";
            sSQL  = "SELECT b.pif_ic AS pat_ic, b.pif_name AS pat_name, a.pv_floor AS floor, a.pv_sec AS area, a.pv_bedno AS bedno, a.appointment_date as ddate, '0' AS daytype, a.time_type as timetype ";
            sSQL += "FROM appointment a ";
            sSQL += "LEFT JOIN pat_info b ON a.pif_id=b.pif_id ";
            sSQL += "WHERE (b.pif_name='" + Text_Name.Text + "' OR b.pif_ic='" + Text_IC.Text + "') AND a.appointment_date>='" + toDay + "' ";
            sSQL += "UNION ";
            sSQL += "SELECT a.ah_patic AS pat_ic, b.pif_name AS pat_name, a.ah_flr AS floor, a.ah_sec AS area, a.ah_bed AS bedno, a.ah_date AS ddate, a.ah_dycnt AS daytype, a.ah_timetyp AS timetype ";
            sSQL += "FROM appointment_change a ";
            sSQL += "LEFT JOIN pat_info b ON a.ah_patic=b.pif_ic ";
            sSQL += "WHERE (b.pif_name='" + Text_Name.Text + "' OR a.ah_patic='" + Text_IC.Text + "') AND a.ah_date>='" + toDay + "' ";
            sSQL += "ORDER BY ddate";
            DataTable dt = db.Query(sSQL);

            System.Data.DataView dv = dt.DefaultView;
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                DateTime ddate = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[i]["ddate"].ToString());
                dv[i]["daytype"]  = GetWeekNo((int)ddate.DayOfWeek);
                dv[i]["timetype"] = set_ctime(dt.Rows[i]["timetype"].ToString());
            Store istore = GridPanel1.GetStore();

            istore.DataSource = db.GetDataArray(dt);
        protected void Query_click(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
            DateTime date1 = Convert.ToDateTime(InsertDate.Text);
            string   sSQL;

            sSQL  = "SELECT a.mac_flr AS floor, a.mac_sec AS area, a.mac_bedno AS bedno ";
            sSQL += ",case '" + Common.GetComboBoxValue(timetype) + "' when '001' then '上午' when '002' then '下午' when '003' then '晚上' end AS timetype ";
            sSQL += "FROM mac_setup a ";
            sSQL += "WHERE a.mac_bedno not in ";
            sSQL += "(SELECT c.mac_bedno FROM mac_setup c ";
            sSQL += "LEFT JOIN appointment_setup b ON b.apptst_flr =c.mac_flr AND b.apptst_sec =c.mac_sec AND b.apptst_bed =c.mac_bedno ";
            sSQL += "WHERE c.mac_status='Y' AND b.apptst_daytyp='" + ((int)date1.DayOfWeek).ToString() + "' ";
            if (timetype.Text != "")
                sSQL += "AND b.apptst_timetyp='" + Common.GetComboBoxValue(timetype) + "' ";
            sSQL += ") ORDER BY a.mac_flr, a.mac_sec, a.mac_bedno";

            DataTable dt     = db.Query(sSQL);
            Store     istore = GridPanel1.GetStore();

            istore.DataSource = db.GetDataArray(dt);
Example #16
        protected void Load_Appointment()
            var    datasource = new List <BedWeeklySchedule>();
            string floor, timetype, area, bedno, mac_typ, machine, kind;

            floor = Common.GetComboBoxValue(cboFLOOR);
            if (floor == "")
                floor = sFLOOR.Text;

            area = Common.GetComboBoxValue(cboArea);
            if (area == "")
                area = sAREA.Text;

            timetype = Common.GetComboBoxValue(cboTIME);
            if (timetype == "")
                timetype = sTIME.Text;
                sTIME.Text = timetype;

            string sql = "SELECT a.mac_flr, a.mac_sec, a.mac_bedno, a.mac_typ, a.mac_kind, b.genst_desc AS machine FROM mac_setup a ";

            sql += "LEFT JOIN general_setup b ON b.genst_code=a.mac_brand ";
            sql += "WHERE a.mac_status='Y' AND mac_flr='" + floor + "' AND b.genst_ctg='macbrd' ";
            if (area != "全区")
                sql += "AND a.mac_sec='" + area + "' ";
            sql += "ORDER BY a.mac_sec, a.mac_bedno";
            DataTable dt1 = db.Query(sql);

            if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow dr1 in dt1.Rows)
                    area    = dr1["mac_sec"].ToString();
                    bedno   = dr1["mac_bedno"].ToString();
                    mac_typ = dr1["mac_typ"].ToString();
                    machine = dr1["machine"].ToString();
                    kind    = dr1["mac_kind"].ToString();

                    sql  = "SELECT a.apptst_patic, a.apptst_daytyp, b.pif_name FROM appointment_setup a ";
                    sql += "LEFT JOIN pat_info b ON b.pif_ic=a.apptst_patic ";
                    sql += "WHERE a.apptst_flr='" + floor + "' AND a.apptst_sec='" + area + "' AND a.apptst_bed='" + bedno + "' AND a.apptst_timetyp='" + timetype + "' ";
                    sql += "ORDER BY a.apptst_daytyp";
                    DataTable dt2 = db.Query(sql);
                    BedWeeklySchedule.Patient[] patname = new BedWeeklySchedule.Patient[7];
                    int i = 0;
                    for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                        patname[i] = new BedWeeklySchedule.Patient {
                            Id        = "",
                            Name      = "",
                            IsChanged = false

                    foreach (DataRow dr2 in dt2.Rows)
                        i = int.Parse(dr2["apptst_daytyp"].ToString()) - 1;
                        string patic    = dr2["apptst_patic"].ToString();
                        string pif_name = dr2["pif_name"].ToString();
                        if (dr2["apptst_daytyp"].ToString() == sWEEK.Text)
                            string    sSQL = "SELECT pv_ic FROM pat_visit WHERE pv_ic='" + patic + "' AND pv_datevisit='" + toDay + "'";
                            DataTable sdt  = db.Query(sSQL);
                            if (sdt.Rows.Count > 0)
                                pif_name += "ST";
                        patname[i] = new BedWeeklySchedule.Patient {
                            Id   = patic,
                            Name = pif_name

                    #region 增加臨時預約病患
                    //int j = GetWeekNo();
                    DateTime thisDay;
                    for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                        int iweek = Convert.ToInt16(DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek);
                        if (iweek == 0)
                            iweek = 7;
                        thisDay = DateTime.Now.AddDays(Convert.ToDouble(1 - iweek) + i);
                        sql     = "SELECT a.*, b.pif_name FROM appointment_change a ";
                        sql    += "LEFT JOIN pat_info b ON a.ah_patic=b.pif_ic ";
                        sql    += "WHERE a.ah_date='" + thisDay.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND a.ah_flr='" + floor + "' AND a.ah_sec='" + area + "' AND a.ah_bed='" + bedno + "' AND a.ah_timetyp='" + timetype + "' ";
                        DataTable dt0 = db.Query(sql);
                        if (dt0.Rows.Count > 0)
                            string patId = dt0.Rows[0]["ah_patic"] == null ? "" : dt0.Rows[0]["ah_patic"].ToString();
                            if (patId != "")
                                //dt2前面宣告使用過: 檢查沒有排入預設排班者,就是臨時排班病人
                                dt2 = db.Query("SELECT apptst_bed FROM appointment_setup WHERE apptst_patic='" + patId + "'");
                                string patName = dt0.Rows[0]["pif_name"].ToString();
                                if (dt0.Rows[0]["ah_dycnt"].ToString() == sWEEK.Text)
                                    string    sSQL = "SELECT pv_ic FROM pat_visit WHERE pv_ic='" + dt0.Rows[0]["ah_patic"].ToString() + "' AND pv_datevisit='" + toDay + "'";
                                    DataTable sdt  = db.Query(sSQL);
                                    if (sdt.Rows.Count > 0)
                                        patName += "ST";
                                if (dt2.Rows.Count == 0)
                                    patName += "(临)";
                                patname[i] = new BedWeeklySchedule.Patient
                                    Id        = patId,
                                    Name      = patName,
                                    IsChanged = true
                                patname[i] = new BedWeeklySchedule.Patient
                                    Id        = "",
                                    Name      = "",
                                    IsChanged = true
                    datasource.Add(new BedWeeklySchedule(floor, area, bedno, mac_typ, patname[0], patname[1], patname[2], patname[3], patname[4], patname[5], patname[6], machine, timetype, kind));

                Store store = GridPanel1.GetStore();
                store.DataSource = datasource;
Example #17
    private void BindData()
        var         store = this.GridPanel1.GetStore();
        DataFactory dal   = new DataFactory();
        DataSet     ds    = dal.FactoryDAL(PageHelper.ConnectionStrings, "FW_BasicData_Location_SP", new List <IFields>()
            dal.CreateIFields().Append("Option", "List")
            .Append("SYS", sys)
            .Append("code", Request["code"])
            .Append("STAT", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[12])
            .Append("dept", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[28])

        if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
            store.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["code"]))
                var list = (from p in ds.Tables[0].AsEnumerable() where p.Field <string>("Code").Equals(Code.Text) select p).AsDataView();
                if (list.Count > 0)
                    Code.Text         = list[0]["Code"].ToString();
                    AirAgent.Text     = list[0]["AIR"].ToString();
                    OceanAgent.Text   = list[0]["OCEAN"].ToString();
                    Name.Text         = list[0]["Name"].ToString();
                    Country.Text      = list[0]["Country"].ToString();
                    City.Text         = list[0]["City"].ToString();
                    Currency.Text     = list[0]["Currency"].ToString();
                    hidRowID.Text     = list[0]["RowID"].ToString();
                    chkActive.Checked = list[0]["Active"].ToString() == "1" ? true : false;

                    string[] statlist = string.IsNullOrEmpty(list[0]["StatList"].ToString()) ? new string[] { } : list[0]["StatList"].ToString().Split(',');

                    foreach (string str in statlist)
                        for (int i = 0; i < tblChkGroup.Items.Count(); ++i)
                            if (tblChkGroup.Items[i].Tag.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == str.Trim().ToUpper())
                                tblChkGroup.Items[i].Checked = true;

            if (Code.Text != "")
                div_bottom.Html = "<p class=''>Status : Edit the record  of <span>" + Code.Text + "</span> .</p>";
                Code.Disabled   = true;
            GridPanel1.GetStore().DataSource = ds;
            div_bottom.Html = "<p class=''>Status: New location record . </p>";

        //修改Grace 2014-09-23 //不需要在这里给文本框赋值,否则赋值的结果永远是第一个
        //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["code"]) && Code.Text != "")
        //    //if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0] != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
        //    //{
        //    //    hidRowID.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RowID"].ToString();
        //    //    Code.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Code"].ToString();
        //    //    Code.Disabled = true;
        //    //    Name.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString();
        //    //    Country.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Country"].ToString();
        //    //    City.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["City"].ToString();
        //    //    Currency.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Currency"].ToString();
        //    //    AirAgent.setValue(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["AIR"].ToString());
        //    //    OceanAgent.setValue(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["OCEAN"].ToString());

        //    //    div_bottom.Html = "<p class=''>Status : Edit the record  of <span>" + Code.Text + "</span> . </p>";
        //    //}
        //    //else
        //    //    div_bottom.Html = "<p class=''>Status : New location record . </p>";

        //    div_bottom.Html = "<p class=''>Status : New location record . </p>";
