Example #1
        public void Execute(int index)
            float2 position = particles[index].position;
            int    hash     = GridHashUtilities.Hash(position, radius);

            hashMap.Add(hash, index);
Example #2
        public void Execute(int index)
            float2 forcePressure  = 0;
            float2 forceViscosity = 0;

            WaterParticle2D pi = particles[index];

            for (int i = 0; i < cellOffset.Length; i++)
                float2 position    = pi.position + (float2)cellOffset[i] * particleRadius;
                int    bucketIndex = GridHashUtilities.Hash(position, particleRadius);

                NativeMultiHashMapIterator <int> iterator;
                bool hasValue = hashMap.TryGetFirstValue(bucketIndex, out int j, out iterator);

                while (hasValue)
                    if (index == j)
                        hasValue = hashMap.TryGetNextValue(out j, ref iterator);

                    WaterParticle2D pj   = readOnlyParticles[j]; // particles[j];
                    float2          diff = pj.position - pi.position;

                    float distanceSquared = math.lengthsq(diff);
                    if (distanceSquared < particleRadiusSquared)
                        float  distance      = math.sqrt(distanceSquared);
                        float  radiusRatio   = particleRadius - distance;
                        float2 normalizedDir = diff / distance;

                        forcePressure  += -normalizedDir * MASS * (pi.pressure + pj.pressure) / (2f * pj.density) * SPIKY_GRAD * radiusRatio * radiusRatio;
                        forceViscosity += VISC * MASS * (pj.velocity - pi.velocity) / pj.density * VISC_LAP * (particleRadius - distance);
                    hasValue = hashMap.TryGetNextValue(out j, ref iterator);

            float2 forceFravity = GRAVITY * pi.density;

            pi.force         = forcePressure + forceViscosity + forceFravity;
            particles[index] = pi;
Example #3
        public void Execute(int index)
            WaterParticle2D pi = particles[index];

            pi.density = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < cellOffset.Length; i++)
                float2 position    = pi.position + (float2)cellOffset[i] * particleRadius;
                int    bucketIndex = GridHashUtilities.Hash(position, particleRadius);

                NativeMultiHashMapIterator <int> iterator;
                bool hasValue = hashMap.TryGetFirstValue(bucketIndex, out int j, out iterator);

                while (hasValue)
                    WaterParticle2D pj = readOnlyParticles[j]; // particles[j];

                    float2 diff       = pj.position - pi.position;
                    float  distanceSq = math.lengthsq(diff);
                    if (distanceSq < particleRadiusSquared)
                        float ratio = particleRadius - math.sqrt(distanceSq);
                        pi.density += MASS * POLY6 * ratio * ratio * ratio;

                        //float squaredRatio = particleRadiusSquared - distanceSq;
                        //pi.density += MASS * POLY6 * squaredRatio * squaredRatio * squaredRatio;

                    hasValue = hashMap.TryGetNextValue(out j, ref iterator);

            pi.pressure      = GAS_CONST * (pi.density - REST_DENS);
            particles[index] = pi;
Example #4
        public void Execute(int i)
            WaterParticle2D p = particles[i];

            p.velocity += deltaTime * p.force / p.density;

            float2 previousPosition = p.position;
            int2   prevPos          = GridHashUtilities.Quantize(p.position, collisionScale);
            float2 step             = deltaTime * p.velocity;

            p.position += step;

            float velocityMagnitude = math.length(p.velocity);

            if (velocityMagnitude < math.FLT_MIN_NORMAL)
                particles[i] = p;


            float2 radiusEdgePosition = p.position + (p.velocity / velocityMagnitude) * particleRadius;

            //find grid position
            int2 newPos = GridHashUtilities.Quantize(radiusEdgePosition, collisionScale);

            if (newPos.x < 0 ||  newPos.x >= sizeArray || newPos.y < 0 || newPos.y >= sizeArray)
                //out of bound

            bool movedInSameGrid = prevPos.x == newPos.x &&
                                   prevPos.y == newPos.y;
            bool hasCollision = colArray[newPos.y * sizeArray + newPos.x] == 1;

            if (!movedInSameGrid && hasCollision)
                //left collision
                if (prevPos.x > newPos.x)
                    p.velocity.x *= BOUND_DAMPING;
                    p.position.x  = (prevPos.x * collisionScale) + particleRadius;
                //right collision
                else if (prevPos.x < newPos.x)
                    p.velocity.x *= BOUND_DAMPING;
                    p.position.x  = (newPos.x * collisionScale) - particleRadius;

                //bottom collision
                if (prevPos.y > newPos.y)
                    p.velocity.y *= BOUND_DAMPING;
                    p.position.y  = (prevPos.y * collisionScale) + particleRadius;
                //up collision
                else if (prevPos.y < newPos.y)
                    p.velocity.y *= BOUND_DAMPING;
                    p.position.y  = (newPos.y * collisionScale) - particleRadius;

            //test if have collision

            //reflect velocity on normal?

            //replace position

            //if (p.position.x - particleRadius < -VIEW_WIDTH)
            //    p.velocity.x *= BOUND_DAMPING;
            //    p.position.x = -VIEW_WIDTH + particleRadius;
            //if (p.position.x + particleRadius > VIEW_WIDTH)
            //    p.velocity.x *= BOUND_DAMPING;
            //    p.position.x = VIEW_WIDTH - particleRadius;
            //if (p.position.y - particleRadius < -VIEW_HEIGHT)
            //    p.velocity.y *= BOUND_DAMPING;
            //    p.position.y = -VIEW_HEIGHT + particleRadius;
            //if (p.position.y + particleRadius > VIEW_HEIGHT)
            //    p.velocity.y *= BOUND_DAMPING;
            //    p.position.y = VIEW_HEIGHT - particleRadius;
            particles[i] = p;