Example #1
        public static Grid Combine(Grid[,] subgrids)
            var subgridCount = subgrids.GetLength(0);
            var innerSize    = subgrids[0, 0].Size;
            var size         = subgridCount * innerSize;

            var content = new char[size, size];

            for (int i = 0; i < subgridCount; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < subgridCount; j++)
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < innerSize; ii++)
                        for (int jj = 0; jj < innerSize; jj++)
                            content[i * innerSize + ii, j *innerSize + jj] = subgrids[i, j].content[ii, jj];

            return(new Grid {
                content = content
Example #2
    public void Init(int width, int height)
        int widthNum  = width / mGridWidth + 1;
        int heightNum = height / mGridHeight + 1;

        mGrids = new Grid[widthNum, heightNum];
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     A* search algorithm
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sNode">start point x coordinate</param>
        /// <param name="eNode">start point y coordinate</param>
        /// <param name="blocks">the tiled map blocks info.</param>
        /// <param name="allowDiagonals">is allow diagonal.</param>
        /// <returns>Return the shortest path from start point to end point.otherwise return empty list.</returns>
        /// <example>
        ///     Dependency <see cref="Point" /> {@link Point#equals} method
        /// </example>
        private static LinkedList <Point> Find(Node sNode, Node eNode, Grid[,] blocks, bool allowDiagonals)
            var opened = new List <Node>();
            var cked   = new HashSet <Node>();

            var paths = new LinkedList <Point>();

            while (opened.Count > 0)
                var minNode = opened[0];
                if (minNode.Equals(eNode) ||
                    cked.Contains(eNode) //  unreachable point
                    while (minNode.Parent != null)
                        paths.AddFirst(new Point(minNode.X, minNode.Y));
                        minNode = minNode.Parent;
                var rounds = Rounds(minNode, blocks, allowDiagonals);
                foreach (var current in rounds)
                    if (blocks[current.X, current.Y] != null && !blocks[current.X, current.Y].IsWalkable())
                    if (cked.Contains(current))
                    var parent = current.Parent;
                    var cost   = parent.X == current.X || parent.Y == current.Y ? COST_STRAIGHT : COST_DIAGONAL;
                    int index;
                    if ((index = opened.IndexOf(current)) != -1)
                        if (parent.G + cost < opened[index].G)
                            Gn(current, cost);
                            opened.Insert(index, current);
                        Gn(current, cost);
                        Hn(current, eNode);
                opened.Sort((o1, o2) => o1.F - o2.F);
Example #4
    /// <summary>
    /// generates a main building (buggy)
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="grids">grids to generate on</param>
    /// <param name="emptyGrids">empty grids</param>
    public void generateMainBuilding(Grid[,] grids, List <Grid> emptyGrids, Vector2 size)
        int  r        = 0;
        bool isInGrid = true;

            r = Random.Range(0, emptyGrids.Count);
            Vector2 index = emptyGrids[r].getIndex();
            isInGrid = true;
            foreach (Vector2 offset in GhostMainBuilding.getGridOffsets())
                if (index.x + offset.x >= mapGrid.getMapSize()[0] || index.x + offset.x < 0 || index.y + offset.y >= mapGrid.getMapSize()[1] || index.y + offset.y < 0)
                    isInGrid = false;
        } while (!isInGrid);

        GameObject building  = spawner.spawnMainBuilding(new Vector2(emptyGrids[r].getPos().x + GhostMainBuilding.getOffset().x, emptyGrids[r].getPos().y + GhostMainBuilding.getOffset().y));
        Vector2    mainIndex = emptyGrids[r].getIndex();

        foreach (Vector2 offset in GhostMainBuilding.getGridOffsets())
            grids[(int)(mainIndex.x + offset.x), (int)(mainIndex.y + offset.y)].block(building);
            mapGrid.removeEmptyGrid(grids[(int)(mainIndex.x + offset.x), (int)(mainIndex.y + offset.y)]);

        foreach (Vector2 offset in GhostMainBuilding.getStorageOffset())
            mapGrid.addStorages(mapGrid.getGrid()[(int)(mainIndex.x + offset.x), (int)(mainIndex.y + offset.y)]);
Example #5
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static void Node(Grid[,] Grids, int Value, int Node)
            int Index = 0;
            int X     = 40;
            int Y     = 15;

            Console.SetCursorPosition(X, Y);
            Console.WriteLine("s_Value={0}", Value);
            Y += 2;
            Console.SetCursorPosition(X, Y);
            Console.WriteLine("Node={0}", Node);

            Y += 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++)
                    if (Node == Grids[i, j].Node)
                        Console.SetCursorPosition(X, Y);
                        Console.WriteLine("                                    ");
                        Console.SetCursorPosition(X, Y);
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} [{1},{2}]={3}  Node={4}  {5}:{6}",
                                          Index, i, j, Grids[i, j].Control, Grids[i, j].Node, Value, Grids[i, j].Value);
Example #6
 public mapBuilder()
     tileType = 0;
     numRows = 15;
     numCols = 15;
     cells = new Grid[numRows, numCols];
     mapSpaces = new Tile[numRows, numCols];
     for (int r = 0; r < numRows; r++)
         for (int c = 0; c < numCols; c++)
             Grid cell = new Grid();
             mapSpaces[r,c] = new Tile(r,c, 0);
             mapSpaces[r,c].Click += new RoutedEventHandler(Space_Click);
             ImageBrush backgroundImage;
             backgroundImage = new ImageBrush(mapSpaces[r, c].terrainImage.terrainImage);
             mapSpaces[r, c].Background = backgroundImage; //Set the background of the tile button to the terrain image.
             mapSpaces[r,c].BorderThickness = new Thickness(0);
             cells[r, c] = cell;
     for(int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
         Tile nextTile = new Tile(0, 0, i);
         ImageBrush backgroundImage;
         backgroundImage = new ImageBrush(nextTile.terrainImage.terrainImage);
         nextTile.Background = backgroundImage;
         nextTile.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(Tile_Type_Click);
Example #7
    private bool CheckDiagonals(Grid[,] gridMap)
        var isCorrect = false;
        var iInit     = 0;
        var iModifier = 1;

        for (int i = 0; i < 3 && !isCorrect; i += 2)
            for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                if (gridMap[i + iInit, j].PlayerID != gridMap[(i + iInit) + iModifier, j + 1].PlayerID ||
                    (gridMap[i + iInit, j].PlayerID == -1))
                    isCorrect = false;
                    iInit     = 0;
                    iModifier = -1;
                    iInit    += iModifier;
                    isCorrect = true;
Example #8
 void Awake()
     Grids = new Grid[(int)GameSize.x, (int)GameSize.y];
     GamePanel.sizeDelta        = MapSize;
     GamePanel.anchoredPosition = -MapSize / 2;
     Histroys = new List <Histroy>();
Example #9
        private void Awake()
            Grids = new Grid[RowNum, ColumnNum];
            int rowLength    = Grids.GetLength(0);
            int columnLength = Grids.GetLength(1);

            for (int i = 0; i < rowLength - 1; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < columnLength; j++)
                    Grids[i, j] = new WallGrid(new Vector2Int(i, j), Instantiate(Resources.Load("WallGrid") as GameObject, transform));
                    Grids[i, j].WorldPosition = new Vector2(j * WallGridSize.x, -i * WallGridSize.y);
                    Grids[i, j].gameObject.transform.localPosition = Grids[i, j].WorldPosition;

            for (int j = 0; j < columnLength; j++)
                int i = rowLength - 1;
                Grids[i, j] = new GroundGrid(new Vector2Int(i, j), Instantiate(Resources.Load("GroundGrid") as GameObject, transform));
                Grids[i, j].WorldPosition = new Vector2(j * WallGridSize.x, -i * WallGridSize.y + 0.3f);
                Grids[i, j].gameObject.transform.localPosition = Grids[i, j].WorldPosition;

Example #10
    /// <summary>
    /// 初始化操作
    /// </summary>
    void Init()
        // 单位1,放大20倍,每行放20个格子
        int x = (int)(plane.localScale.x * 20);
        int y = (int)(plane.localScale.z * 20);

        row    = x;
        colomn = y;
        // 创建20*20的格子
        grids = new Grid[x, y];
        objs  = new GameObject[x, y];
        // 白色方块起始坐标(-2,0,-2)
        Vector3 startPos =
            new Vector3(plane.localScale.x * -2, 0, plane.localScale.z * -2);

        for (int i = 0; i < x; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < y; j++)
                grids [i, j] = new Grid(i, j);
                GameObject item = (GameObject)Instantiate(reference,
                                                          new Vector3(i * 0.5f, 0, j * 0.5f) + startPos,

                item.GetComponentInChildren <Reference> ().x = i;
                item.GetComponentInChildren <Reference> ().y = j;
                objs [i, j] = item;
Example #11
        void OnDisable()
            allGrids = null;

Example #12
    /// <summary>
    /// 初始化操作
    /// </summary>
    void Init()
        int x = (int)(plane.localScale.x * 20);
        int y = (int)(plane.localScale.z * 20);

        row    = x;
        colomn = y;
        grids  = new Grid[x, y];
        objs   = new GameObject[x, y];
        Vector3 startPos =
            new Vector3(plane.localScale.x * -5, 0, plane.localScale.z * -5);

        for (int i = 0; i < x; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < y; j++)
                grids [i, j] = new Grid(i, j);
                GameObject item = (GameObject)Instantiate(reference,
                                                          new Vector3(i * 0.5f, 0, j * 0.5f) + startPos,
                item.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Reference> ().x = i;
                item.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Reference> ().y = j;
                objs [i, j] = item;
Example #13
    void Init()
        size     = 20;
        grids    = new Grid[size, size];
        allgrids = new int[size, size, size, size];
        objs     = new GameObject[size, size];
        Vector3 startPos =
            new Vector3(plane.localScale.x * -5, 0, (float)plane.localScale.z * -5);

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
                grids [i, j] = new Grid(i, j);
                GameObject item = (GameObject)Instantiate(reference,
                                                          new Vector3(i * 0.5f, 0, j * 0.5f) + startPos + new Vector3((float)0.2, (float)0.0, (float)0.2),
                item.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Reference> ().x = i;
                item.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Reference> ().y = j;
                objs [i, j] = item;
Example #14
 public void Release()
     if (this.mCheckGrids != null)
         for (int index = 0; index < this.mCheckGrids.Length; ++index)
             this.mCheckGrids[index] = (Grid)null;
         this.mCheckGrids = (Grid[])null;
     if (this.mMoveRoutes != null)
         this.mMoveRoutes = (List <Grid>)null;
     this.mMoveStep = 0;
     if (this.mRoot != null)
         this.mRoot = (BattleMapRoot)null;
     if (this.mGrid == null)
     for (int index1 = 0; index1 < this.mHeight; ++index1)
         for (int index2 = 0; index2 < this.mWidth; ++index2)
             this.mGrid[index2, index1] = (Grid)null;
     this.mGrid = (Grid[, ])null;
Example #15
    void Awake()
        grid   = this.transform.FindChild("Grid");
        prefab = this.transform.FindChild("Prefab");

        grids = new Grid[Width, Height];
        for (int j = 0; j < Height; j++)
            for (int i = 0; i < Width; i++)
                grids[i, j] = JerryUtil.CloneGo <Grid>(new JerryUtil.CloneGoData()
                    parant = grid,
                    prefab = prefab.gameObject,
                    clean  = false,
                    active = true,
                    name   = string.Format("{0}_{1}", j, i),
                grids[i, j].Init(new Grid.GridData()
                    x     = i,
                    y     = j,
                    state = GetState(i, j),
        public InitBaseGrid(string inOvenName)
            this.ovenName = inOvenName;
                rowCount    = Server.getRowSizeFromDB(ovenName);
                columnCount = Server.getColumnSizeFromDB(ovenName);
                this.height = rowCount * rowSize;
                this.width  = columnCount * colSize;
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("An Error has Occured, Please Contact System Admin with the Following Information: " + e.Message);
            locationLabel = new Label[rowCount + 1, columnCount + 1];
            Icolbl        = new Grid[rowCount + 1, columnCount + 1];
            lbl           = new Label[rowCount + 1, columnCount + 1];
            panels        = new Border[rowCount + 1, columnCount + 1];
            myCells       = new Cell[rowCount + 1, columnCount + 1];

            retGrid = initBaseGrid(new Grid());
            retGrid = initGrid(retGrid);
            retGrid = initPanels(retGrid);

            InitFromDataBase(); //Ask someone about this!
Example #17
 public static void MoveLeft(List <GameNumber> allNumber, Grid[,] allGrid, int boardSize)
     if (allNumber == null || allGrid == null || allGrid.Length != boardSize * boardSize)
Example #18
    void InitBlock()
        allGrid   = new Grid[GRID_WIDTH, GRID_HEIGHT];
        allBlock  = new List <BlockController>();
        allNumber = new List <int> {
            1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
        for (int y = 0; y < GRID_WIDTH; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < GRID_HEIGHT; x++)
                if (x == (GRID_WIDTH - 1) && y == (GRID_HEIGHT - 1))
                    allGrid[x, y]        = new Grid(x, y, 0);
                    allGrid[x, y].number = 0;

                int index        = Random.Range(0, allNumber.Count);
                int randomNumber = allNumber[index];
                allGrid[x, y] = new Grid(x, y, randomNumber);

                BlockController theBlock = Instantiate(BlockPrefabs, new Vector3(-3 + x * girdLenght, 3 - y * girdLenght, transform.position.z), Quaternion.identity).GetComponent <BlockController>();
                theBlock.x      = x;
                theBlock.y      = y;
                theBlock.number = randomNumber;
                allGrid[x, y].number = randomNumber;
Example #19
File: Boom.cs Project: duzixi/Boom
 void Start()
     // 初始化雷区
     map = new Grid[row, col];
     for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < col; j++)
             map[i, j] = new Grid();
     // 布雷
     for (int i = 0; i < boomNumber; i++)
         int x = Random.Range(0, row);
         int y = Random.Range(0, col);
         if (map[x, y].hasBoom)
             i--;                 // 如果已经有雷,重复计算
             map[x, y].hasBoom = true;
     // 计算格子数
        public GameBoardPrototype()

            DataContext = GameBoardViewModel.GetInstance();

            _tileRack = new TileRack(ref TileRackUi);
            _playerPane = new PlayerPane();
            PlayerPanel.ItemsSource = _playerPane.PlayerList;

            _gameBoardArray = new Grid[GameBoardDimension, GameBoardDimension];
            _dirtyTiles = new List<Rectangle>();

            _playedTiles = new List<Grid>();


            // Background grid initialization

            //_background = new BackgroundGrid();
            //_background.PolygonGrid.SetValue(Grid.ColumnSpanProperty, 3);

            //RootGrid.Children.Insert(0, _background.PolygonGrid);

Example #21
    public void LoadLevel(int id)
        var mapFile = MapReader.Instance.ReadFile(id);

        Width  = MapReader.Instance.mapWidth;
        Height = MapReader.Instance.mapHeight;
        _map   = new Grid[Height, Width];
        for (int x = 0; x < Height; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < Width; y++)
                var e = Contexts.Default.CreateEntity();
                e.Add <PosComp>().SetValue(new Vector2Int(x, y));
                e.Add <TagComp>().SetValue((Tag)mapFile[x, y]);
                if (_map[x, y] == null)
                    _map[x, y] = new Grid();
                _map[x, y].Add(e.creationIndex);
                _gameObjects.Add(e.creationIndex, GameObject.Instantiate <GameObject>(Resources.Load <GameObject>("Sprite")));
        Contexts.Default.AddUnique <DataComp>().SetValue(this);
Example #22
    public void MakeGame(Transform environ, int _mapIndex)
        mapIndex          = _mapIndex;
        currentMap        = mapSource[mapIndex];
        environmentParent = environ;
        grids             = new Grid[currentMap.width, currentMap.height];
        movers            = new List <Mover>();
        portals           = new List <Grid_Portal>();
        floorColor = gridMatcher[0].matchObj.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial.color;
        foreach (Mover m in movers)

        foreach (Grid_Portal p in portals)
            if (portals.IndexOf(p) % 2 == 0)
                if (p.GetPairPortal() != null)
                    Vector3 src         = MapInfo.mapInfo.ConvertGrid2World(p);
                    Vector3 dest        = MapInfo.mapInfo.ConvertGrid2World(p.GetPairPortal());
                    Vector3 middlePoint = (src + dest) / 2;

                    GameObject t = Instantiate(tunnel, middlePoint + Vector3.up, Quaternion.identity);
                    t.transform.forward    = (src - dest).normalized;
                    t.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, Vector3.Distance(src, dest) / 2);
        /// <summary>
        /// 方法:检查当前节点周边的节点
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sg">当前节点</param>
        /// <param name="eg">终点</param>
        /// <param name="map">Map类的实例</param>
        protected void CheckAround(Grid sg, Grid eg, Map map)
            int gridmapRow = map.LenY; //获取地图的行数
            int gridmapCol = map.LenX; //获取地图的列数

            Grid[,] gridmap = map.m_Data;
            for (int i = sg.X - 1; i < sg.X + 2; i++)
                for (int j = sg.Y - 1; j < sg.Y + 2; j++)
                    if (i < 0 || i > gridmapCol - 1 || j < 0 || j > gridmapRow - 1)
                    if (gridmap[j, i].LandAttribute == 0 || IsInList(i, j, closeList) || (i == sg.X && j == sg.Y))
                    gridmap[j, i].HCostAttribute = GetGridCostH(i, j, eg);
                    if (!IsInList(i, j, openList))
                        gridmap[j, i].fatherGrid     = sg;
                        gridmap[j, i].GCostAttribute = GetGridCostG(i, j, sg);
                        openList.Add(gridmap[j, i]);
                    else if (gridmap[j, i].GCostAttribute > GetGridCostG(i, j, sg))
                        gridmap[j, i].GCostAttribute = GetGridCostG(i, j, sg);
                        gridmap[j, i].fatherGrid     = sg;
Example #24
    private Grid[,] PopulateWithUnits(Grid[,] grids)
        int otherSide = grids.GetLength(1) - 1;
        int end       = grids.GetLength(0) - 1;

        Unit[] occupants;
        for (int x = 1; x < end; x++)
            occupants    = new Unit[1];
            occupants[0] = NewUnit(Unit.UNIT_TYPES.CUBE, Player.TEAM.GREEN, new Vector2(x, 0));
            occupants[0].SetGrid(grids[x, 0]);
            grids[x, 0].SetOccupants(occupants);

            occupants    = new Unit[1];
            occupants[0] = NewUnit(Unit.UNIT_TYPES.PYRAMID, Player.TEAM.GREEN, new Vector2(x, 1));
            occupants[0].SetGrid(grids[x, 1]);
            grids[x, 1].SetOccupants(occupants);

            occupants    = new Unit[1];
            occupants[0] = NewUnit(Unit.UNIT_TYPES.PYRAMID, Player.TEAM.RED, new Vector2(x, otherSide - 1));
            occupants[0].SetGrid(grids[x, otherSide - 1]);
            grids[x, otherSide - 1].SetOccupants(occupants);

            occupants    = new Unit[1];
            occupants[0] = NewUnit(Unit.UNIT_TYPES.CUBE, Player.TEAM.RED, new Vector2(x, otherSide));
            occupants[0].SetGrid(grids[x, otherSide]);
            grids[x, otherSide].SetOccupants(occupants);

Example #25
        public bool Deserialize(JSON_Map src)
            this.mWidth  = src.w;
            this.mHeight = src.h;
            if (src.grid.Length != this.mWidth * this.mHeight)
                throw new Exception("Grid size does not match width x height");
            this.mGrid = new Grid[this.mWidth, this.mHeight];
            for (int index1 = 0; index1 < this.mHeight; ++index1)
                for (int index2 = 0; index2 < this.mWidth; ++index2)
                    Grid         grid        = new Grid();
                    JSON_MapGrid jsonMapGrid = src.grid[index2 + index1 * this.mWidth];
                    grid.x      = index2;
                    grid.y      = index1;
                    grid.height = jsonMapGrid.h;
                    grid.tile   = jsonMapGrid.tile;
                    grid.geo    = MonoSingleton <GameManager> .Instance.GetGeoParam(jsonMapGrid.tile);

                    grid.cost = grid.geo == null ? 1 : (int)grid.geo.cost;
                    this.mGrid[index2, index1] = grid;
            this.mRoot = new BattleMapRoot();
            this.mRoot.Initialize(this.mWidth, this.mHeight, this.mGrid);
Example #26
File: Map.cs Project: itol925/AStar
 void CreateMap()
     row           = 6;
     col           = 7;
     m_grids       = new Grid[6, 7];
     int[,] config = new int[6, 7] {
         { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
         { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 },
         { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 },
         { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 },
         { 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 },
         { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
     for (int r = 0; r < row; r++)
         for (int c = 0; c < col; c++)
             GridState state = GridState.FREE;
             if (config[r, c] == 1)
                 state = GridState.FULL;
             m_grids[r, c] = AddGrid(r, c, state);
     m_NPC = AddNPC(3, 1);
        void InitNewMap(Vector3 basePosition)
            curGenerateInfo = new RoomGenerateParam();
            usedGrid = 0;

            var size       = new int[] { MapSize.x, MapSize.y };
            var startIndex = new int[] { 0, 0 };

            grids = (Grid[, ])Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Grid), size, startIndex);

            for (int row = 0; row < MapSize.x; ++row)
                for (int col = 0; col < MapSize.y; ++col)
                    var grid = new Grid();
                    grid.index      = new Vector2Int(row, col);
                    grids[row, col] = grid;
                    grid.position   = basePosition + new Vector3((col - 1) * Data.GridSize.x, -(row - 1) * Data.GridSize.y, 0);

                    //door pos
                    grid.upDoor.position    = grid.position + new Vector3(0, Data.GroundSize.y * 0.5f + Data.DoorHeight * 0.5f, 0);
                    grid.downDoor.position  = grid.position + new Vector3(0, -Data.GroundSize.y * 0.5f - Data.DoorHeight * 0.5f, 0);
                    grid.leftDoor.position  = grid.position + new Vector3(-Data.GroundSize.x * 0.5f - Data.DoorHeight * 0.5f, 0, 0);
                    grid.rightDoor.position = grid.position + new Vector3(Data.GroundSize.x * 0.5f + Data.DoorHeight * 0.5f, 0, 0);
Example #28
 public mapBuilder()
     tileType  = 0;
     numRows   = 15;
     numCols   = 15;
     cells     = new Grid[numRows, numCols];
     mapSpaces = new Tile[numRows, numCols];
     for (int r = 0; r < numRows; r++)
         for (int c = 0; c < numCols; c++)
             Grid cell = new Grid();
             mapSpaces[r, c]        = new Tile(r, c, 0);
             mapSpaces[r, c].Click += new RoutedEventHandler(Space_Click);
             ImageBrush backgroundImage;
             backgroundImage                 = new ImageBrush(mapSpaces[r, c].terrainImage.terrainImage);
             mapSpaces[r, c].Background      = backgroundImage; //Set the background of the tile button to the terrain image.
             mapSpaces[r, c].BorderThickness = new Thickness(0);
             cells[r, c] = cell;
             cell.Children.Add(mapSpaces[r, c]);
     for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
         Tile       nextTile = new Tile(0, 0, i);
         ImageBrush backgroundImage;
         backgroundImage     = new ImageBrush(nextTile.terrainImage.terrainImage);
         nextTile.Background = backgroundImage;
         nextTile.Click     += new RoutedEventHandler(Tile_Type_Click);
Example #29
        public Game(Player player1, Player player2)
            _player1 = new Player(player1.Name);
            _player2 = new Player(player2.Name);


            _p1Shots = new Grid[, ]
                { P2GA1, P2GB1, P2GC1, P2GD1, P2GE1, P2GF1, P2GG1, P2GH1, P2GI1, P2GJ1 },
                { P2GA2, P2GB2, P2GC2, P2GD2, P2GE2, P2GF2, P2GG2, P2GH2, P2GI2, P2GJ2 },
                { P2GA3, P2GB3, P2GC3, P2GD3, P2GE3, P2GF3, P2GG3, P2GH3, P2GI3, P2GJ3 },
                { P2GA4, P2GB4, P2GC4, P2GD4, P2GE4, P2GF4, P2GG4, P2GH4, P2GI4, P2GJ4 },
                { P2GA5, P2GB5, P2GC5, P2GD5, P2GE5, P2GF5, P2GG5, P2GH5, P2GI5, P2GJ5 },
                { P2GA6, P2GB6, P2GC6, P2GD6, P2GE6, P2GF6, P2GG6, P2GH6, P2GI6, P2GJ6 },
                { P2GA7, P2GB7, P2GC7, P2GD7, P2GE7, P2GF7, P2GG7, P2GH7, P2GI7, P2GJ7 },
                { P2GA8, P2GB8, P2GC8, P2GD8, P2GE8, P2GF8, P2GG8, P2GH8, P2GI8, P2GJ8 },
                { P2GA9, P2GB9, P2GC9, P2GD9, P2GE9, P2GF9, P2GG9, P2GH9, P2GI9, P2GJ9 },
                { P2GA10, P2GB10, P2GC10, P2GD10, P2GE10, P2GF10, P2GG10, P2GH10, P2GI10, P2GJ10 }
            _p2Shots = new Grid[, ]
                { P1GA1, P1GB1, P1GC1, P1GD1, P1GE1, P1GF1, P1GG1, P1GH1, P1GI1, P1GJ1 },
                { P1GA2, P1GB2, P1GC2, P1GD2, P1GE2, P1GF2, P1GG2, P1GH2, P1GI2, P1GJ2 },
                { P1GA3, P1GB3, P1GC3, P1GD3, P1GE3, P1GF3, P1GG3, P1GH3, P1GI3, P1GJ3 },
                { P1GA4, P1GB4, P1GC4, P1GD4, P1GE4, P1GF4, P1GG4, P1GH4, P1GI4, P1GJ4 },
                { P1GA5, P1GB5, P1GC5, P1GD5, P1GE5, P1GF5, P1GG5, P1GH5, P1GI5, P1GJ5 },
                { P1GA6, P1GB6, P1GC6, P1GD6, P1GE6, P1GF6, P1GG6, P1GH6, P1GI6, P1GJ6 },
                { P1GA7, P1GB7, P1GC7, P1GD7, P1GE7, P1GF7, P1GG7, P1GH7, P1GI7, P1GJ7 },
                { P1GA8, P1GB8, P1GC8, P1GD8, P1GE8, P1GF8, P1GG8, P1GH8, P1GI8, P1GJ8 },
                { P1GA9, P1GB9, P1GC9, P1GD9, P1GE9, P1GF9, P1GG9, P1GH9, P1GI9, P1GJ9 },
                { P1GA10, P1GB10, P1GC10, P1GD10, P1GE10, P1GF10, P1GG10, P1GH10, P1GI10, P1GJ10 }
Example #30
 //setting variable for Grid
 public GridManager(int X, int Y, int size, CDrawer _canvas)
     Bsize     = size;
     Xsize     = X;
     Ysize     = Y;
     arrayGrid = initGrid(X, Y);
     canvas    = _canvas;
Example #31
        public ChessBoard(GameMainWindow gameMainWindow, ChessPiece chessPiece)
            this.gameMainWindow = gameMainWindow;
            this.chessPiece     = chessPiece;

            buttonToGrid = new Dictionary <Button, Grid>();
            grids        = new Grid[11, 10];
Example #32
 void InitGridArray()
     vertical   = (int)Camera.main.orthographicSize + Constants.gridNumberOffset_Row;
     horizontal = (int)(vertical * Camera.main.aspect) + Constants.gridNumberOffset_Column;
     column     = horizontal * 2;
     row        = vertical * 2;
     gridArray  = new Grid[column, row];
Example #33
        public pathFinder(bool[,] bMap)
            //read map
            map = new Grid[bMap.GetLength(0), bMap.GetLength(1)];

            for (int r = 0; r < map.GetLength(0); r++) {
                for (int c = 0; c < map.GetLength(1); c++) {
                    map[r, c] = new Grid();
                    map[r, c].Walkable = bMap[r, c];
Example #34
        public Map(int width, int height)
            grids = new Grid[width, height];

            area = new Rectangle (width, height);

            foreach (Point p in area) {
                grids[p.X, p.Y] = new Grid ();

            ItemFactory.Instance.Created += OnItemCreated;
            MonsterFactory.Instance.Created += OnActorCreated;
Example #35
        public GridMap(int w, int h)
            W = w;
            H = h;
            M = new Grid[W, H];

            for (int x = 0; x < W; ++x) {
                for (int y = 0; y < H; ++y) {
                    this[x, y] = Grid.Free;

            img = new Bitmap(W, H);
Example #36
        public GridManager(int width, int height)
            this.width = width;
            this.height = height;

            manager = new Grid[width, height];
            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    manager[i, j] = new Grid();
 // Use this for initialization
 public void InitializeGrids() {
     // set grid size
     Grid grid = gridObject.GetComponent<Grid>();
     gridHeight = grid.height;
     gridWidth = grid.width;
     grids = new Grid[gridNumberX, gridNumberY];
     // spawn grids
     for(int i = 0; i < gridNumberY; ++i)
         float y = ((gridNumberY - 1) * 0.5f - i) * gridHeight;
         for (int j = 0; j < gridNumberX; ++j)
             float x = ((gridNumberX - 1) * 0.5f - j) * gridWidth;               
             Vector3 position = new Vector3(x, y, 0);
             Grid gridInstance = (Grid)Instantiate(grid, position, Quaternion.identity);
             grids[j, i] = gridInstance;
             gridInstance.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
Example #38
File: Boom.cs Project: duzixi/Boom
 void Start()
     // 初始化雷区
     map = new Grid[row, col];
     for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) {
         for (int j = 0; j < col; j++) {
             map[i, j] = new Grid();
     // 布雷
     for (int i = 0; i < boomNumber; i++) {
         int x = Random.Range(0, row);
         int y = Random.Range(0, col);
         if (map[x, y].hasBoom) {
             i--; // 如果已经有雷,重复计算
         } else {
             map[x, y].hasBoom = true;
     // 计算格子数
Example #39
 public void CreateWorld(float world_size, float grid_size)
     gridSize = grid_size;
     gridNum = (int)(world_size / gridSize + 1.0f - Utility.MIN_FLOAT);
     worldSize = gridSize * gridNum;
     grid = new Grid[gridNum, gridNum];
     for (int i = 0; i < gridNum; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < gridNum; j++)
             Grid g = new Grid();
             g.centerPos = GridPosToCenterPos(i, j);
             grid[i, j] = g;
Example #40
        public void DrawGrid(int rows, int cols)
            this.rows = rows;
            this.cols = cols;
            this.cells = new Canvas[rows, cols];
            this.containers = new Grid[rows, cols];

            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                board.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition() { Height = new GridLength(CellHeight) });
            for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
                board.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition() { Width = new GridLength(CellWidth) });

            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
                    var border = new Border() { BorderThickness = new Thickness(CellBorderThickness), BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.DarkCyan) };
                    Grid.SetRow(border, i);
                    Grid.SetColumn(border, j);
                    var innerGrid = new Grid();
                    border.Child = innerGrid;
                    containers[i, j] = innerGrid;

                    var canvas = new Canvas { Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Azure) };
                    cells[i, j] = canvas;
Example #41
    void InitGrids(Vector3 from, int w, int h, Vector3 scale)
        gridArray = new Grid[w, h];
        from += new Vector3(scale.x * .5f, scale.y *.5f, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
                var pos = from + new Vector3(i*scale.x,j* scale.y,0);
                var g = Instantiate(PREFAB_GRID, pos, Quaternion.identity) as Grid;
                g.transform.localScale = scale;
                g.name = "G " + i + " " + j;
                g.transform.parent = transform;
                gridArray[i, j] = g;

Example #42
        /// <summary>
        /// bmpからGridMapを生成
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bitmap"></param>
        public GridMap(Bitmap bitmap)
            W = bitmap.Width;
            H = bitmap.Height;
            M = new Grid[W, H];

            BitmapAccess access = new BitmapAccess(bitmap);

            // bmpからGridMapを生成
            for (int x = 0; x < W; ++x) {
                for (int y = 0; y < H; ++y) {
                    Color c = access[x, y];

                    if (c == GridColor_Fill)
                        // 障害物
                        this[x, y] = Grid.Fill;
                    else if (c == GridColor_Free)
                        // 何もないところ
                        this[x, y] = Grid.Free;
                    else if (c == GridColor_RedArea)
                        // 異常地帯 壁の中
                        this[x, y] = Grid.RedArea;
                    else if (c == GridColor_GreenArea)
                        // 位置補正エリア
                        this[x, y] = Grid.GreenArea;
                    else if (c == GridColor_BlueArea)
                        // スローエリア
                        this[x, y] = Grid.BlueArea;
                        // それ以外
                        this[x, y] = Grid.Unknown;
