/// <summary> /// Saves the DojoOrganization object state to the database. /// </summary> public int Save() { if (classLocations != null) { foreach (GreyFoxContact item in classLocations) { item.Save(); } } if (administrativeContact != null) { administrativeContact.Save(); } if (isSynced) { return(iD); } if (iD == -1) { throw (new Exception("Invalid record; cannot be saved.")); } if (iD == 0) { iD = DojoOrganizationManager._insert(this); } else { DojoOrganizationManager._update(this); } isSynced = iD != -1; return(iD); }
/// <summary> /// Saves the DojoSeminar object state to the database. /// </summary> public int Save() { if (location != null) { location.Save(); } if (options != null) { foreach (DojoSeminarOption item in options) { item.Save(); } } if (isSynced) { return(iD); } if (iD == -1) { throw (new Exception("Invalid record; cannot be saved.")); } if (iD == 0) { iD = DojoSeminarManager._insert(this); } else { DojoSeminarManager._update(this); } isSynced = iD != -1; return(iD); }
/// <summary> /// Saves the DojoClassDefinition object state to the database. /// </summary> public int Save() { if (instructor != null) { instructor.Save(); } if (location != null) { location.Save(); } if (isSynced) { return(iD); } if (iD == -1) { throw (new Exception("Invalid record; cannot be saved.")); } if (iD == 0) { iD = DojoClassDefinitionManager._insert(this); } else { DojoClassDefinitionManager._update(this); } isSynced = iD != -1; return(iD); }
/// <summary> /// Saves the DojoSeminarRegistration object state to the database. /// </summary> public int Save() { if (parentSeminar != null) { parentSeminar.Save(); } if (contact != null) { contact.Save(); } if (isSynced) { return(iD); } if (iD == -1) { throw (new Exception("Invalid record; cannot be saved.")); } if (iD == 0) { iD = DojoSeminarRegistrationManager._insert(this); } else { DojoSeminarRegistrationManager._update(this); } isSynced = iD != -1; return(iD); }
protected void ok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (greyFoxContactID == 0) { editGreyFoxContact = new GreyFoxContact(GreyFoxContactTable); } else { editGreyFoxContact = new GreyFoxContact(GreyFoxContactTable, GreyFoxContactID); } editGreyFoxContact.Prefix = tbPrefix.Text; editGreyFoxContact.FirstName = tbFirstName.Text; editGreyFoxContact.MiddleName = tbMiddleName.Text; editGreyFoxContact.LastName = tbLastName.Text; editGreyFoxContact.Suffix = tbSuffix.Text; editGreyFoxContact.SuffixCommaEnabled = bool.Parse(tbSuffixCommaEnabled.Text); editGreyFoxContact.BusinessName = tbBusinessName.Text; editGreyFoxContact.Title = tbTitle.Text; editGreyFoxContact.Address1 = tbAddress1.Text; editGreyFoxContact.Address2 = tbAddress2.Text; editGreyFoxContact.City = tbCity.Text; editGreyFoxContact.StateProvince = tbStateProvince.Text; editGreyFoxContact.PostalCode = tbPostalCode.Text; editGreyFoxContact.Country = tbCountry.Text; editGreyFoxContact.HomePhone = tbHomePhone.Text; editGreyFoxContact.WorkPhone = tbWorkPhone.Text; editGreyFoxContact.MobilePhone = tbMobilePhone.Text; editGreyFoxContact.Pager = tbPager.Text; editGreyFoxContact.Fax = tbFax.Text; editGreyFoxContact.Email1 = tbEmail1.Text; editGreyFoxContact.Email2 = tbEmail2.Text; editGreyFoxContact.Url = tbUrl.Text; editGreyFoxContact.MemoText = tbMemoText.Text; editGreyFoxContact.BirthDate = DateTime.Parse(tbBirthDate.Text); editGreyFoxContact.ContactMethod = (GreyFoxContactMethod)byte.Parse(tbContactMethod.Text); greyFoxContactID = editGreyFoxContact.Save(); OnUpdated(EventArgs.Empty); }
/// <summary> /// Saves the GreyFoxUser object state to the database. /// </summary> public int Save() { lock (this) { if (contact != null) { contact.Save(); } if (roles != null) { foreach (GreyFoxRole item in roles) { item.Save(); } } if (isSynced) { return(iD); } if (iD == -1) { throw (new Exception("Invalid record; cannot be saved.")); } if (iD == 0) { iD = GreyFoxUserManager._insert(this); } else { GreyFoxUserManager._update(this); } isSynced = iD != -1; } return(iD); }
protected void ok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (greyFoxContactID == 0) { obj = new GreyFoxContact(greyFoxContactTable); } else { obj = new GreyFoxContact(greyFoxContactTable, greyFoxContactID); } obj.DisplayName = tbDisplayName.Text; obj.Prefix = tbPrefix.Text; obj.FirstName = tbFirstName.Text; obj.MiddleName = tbMiddleName.Text; obj.LastName = tbLastName.Text; obj.SuffixCommaEnabled = cbSuffixCommaEnabled.Checked; obj.Suffix = tbSuffix.Text; obj.Title = tbTitle.Text; obj.ValidationFlags = byte.Parse(tbValidationFlags.Text); obj.ValidationMemo = tbValidationMemo.Text; obj.Address1 = tbAddress1.Text; obj.Address2 = tbAddress2.Text; obj.City = tbCity.Text; obj.StateProvince = tbStateProvince.Text; obj.Country = tbCountry.Text; obj.PostalCode = tbPostalCode.Text; obj.HomePhone = tbHomePhone.Text; obj.WorkPhone = tbWorkPhone.Text; obj.Fax = tbFax.Text; obj.Pager = tbPager.Text; obj.MobilePhone = tbMobilePhone.Text; obj.Email1 = tbEmail1.Text; obj.Email2 = tbEmail2.Text; obj.Url = tbUrl.Text; obj.BusinessName = tbBusinessName.Text; obj.MemoText = tbMemoText.Text; obj.BirthDate = DateTime.Parse(tbBirthDate.Text); if (editOnAdd) { greyFoxContactID = obj.Save(); } else { obj.Save(); } if (resetOnAdd) { tbDisplayName.Text = string.Empty; tbPrefix.Text = string.Empty; tbFirstName.Text = string.Empty; tbMiddleName.Text = string.Empty; tbLastName.Text = string.Empty; cbSuffixCommaEnabled.Checked = false; tbSuffix.Text = string.Empty; tbTitle.Text = string.Empty; tbValidationFlags.Text = string.Empty; tbValidationMemo.Text = string.Empty; tbAddress1.Text = string.Empty; tbAddress2.Text = string.Empty; tbCity.Text = string.Empty; tbStateProvince.Text = string.Empty; tbCountry.Text = string.Empty; tbPostalCode.Text = string.Empty; tbHomePhone.Text = string.Empty; tbWorkPhone.Text = string.Empty; tbFax.Text = string.Empty; tbPager.Text = string.Empty; tbMobilePhone.Text = string.Empty; tbEmail1.Text = string.Empty; tbEmail2.Text = string.Empty; tbUrl.Text = string.Empty; tbBusinessName.Text = string.Empty; tbMemoText.Text = string.Empty; tbBirthDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString(); } OnUpdated(EventArgs.Empty); }
protected void ok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dojoSeminarID == 0) { editDojoSeminar = new DojoSeminar(); } else { editDojoSeminar = new DojoSeminar(dojoSeminarID); } editDojoSeminar.Name = tbName.Text; editDojoSeminar.StartDate = calStartP.SelectedDate; editDojoSeminar.EndDate = calEndP.SelectedDate; editDojoSeminar.Description = tbDescription.Text; editDojoSeminar.PdfUrl = tbPdfUrl.Text; editDojoSeminar.ClassUnitFee = decimal.Parse(tbClassUnitFee.Text); editDojoSeminar.BaseRegistrationFee = decimal.Parse(tbBaseRegistrationFee.Text); editDojoSeminar.RegistrationEnabled = cbRegistrationEnabled.Checked; editDojoSeminar.RegistrationStart = calRegStartP.SelectedDate; editDojoSeminar.FullEarlyRegistrationFee = decimal.Parse(tbFullEarlyRegistrationFee.Text); editDojoSeminar.EarlyEndDate = calEarlyEndP.SelectedDate; editDojoSeminar.FullRegistrationFee = decimal.Parse(tbFullRegistrationFee.Text); editDojoSeminar.LateStartDate = calLateStartP.SelectedDate; editDojoSeminar.FullLateRegistrationFee = decimal.Parse(tbFullLateRegistrationFee.Text); editDojoSeminar.RegistrationEnd = calRegEndP.SelectedDate; editDojoSeminar.DetailsOverrideUrl = tbDetailsOverrideUrl.Text; editDojoSeminar.ClassUnitType = (DojoSeminarClassUnitType) Enum.Parse(typeof(DojoSeminarClassUnitType), ddClassUnitType.SelectedItem.Value); editDojoSeminar.Details = tbDetails.Text; editDojoSeminar.IsLocal = cbIsLocal.Checked; if (msOptions.IsChanged) { editDojoSeminar.Options = new DojoSeminarOptionCollection(); foreach (ListItem i in msOptions.Items) { if (i.Selected) { editDojoSeminar.Options.Add(DojoSeminarOption.NewPlaceHolder(int.Parse(i.Value))); } } } /// Selects the specified location, otherwise /// creates a new location. if (comboLocation.SelectedItem != null) { editDojoSeminar.Location = GreyFoxContact.NewPlaceHolder(DojoSeminarManager.LocationTable, int.Parse(comboLocation.SelectedValue)); } else { if (comboLocation.Text != string.Empty) { GreyFoxContact location = new GreyFoxContact(DojoSeminarManager.LocationTable); location.BusinessName = comboLocation.Text; location.Save(); editDojoSeminar.Location = location; } else { editDojoSeminar.Location = null; } } // Set the Rappahanock Item, otherwise create a new // item in Rappahanock that is tied to the seminar. // This is for SalesOrder and invoicing. if (comboRappahanockItem.SelectedItem != null) { editDojoSeminar.Item = RHItem.NewPlaceHolder( int.Parse(comboRappahanockItem.SelectedValue)); } else { if (comboRappahanockItem.Text != string.Empty) { RHItem newItem = RHFactory.ServiceItem( comboRappahanockItem.Text, tbDescription.Text, decimal.Parse(tbFullRegistrationFee.Text), null); newItem.Save(); editDojoSeminar.Item = newItem; } else { editDojoSeminar.Item = null; } } if (editOnAdd) { dojoSeminarID = editDojoSeminar.Save(); } else { editDojoSeminar.Save(); } if (resetOnAdd) { tbName.Text = string.Empty; calStartP.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; calEndP.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; tbDescription.Text = string.Empty; tbPdfUrl.Text = string.Empty; tbClassUnitFee.Text = string.Empty; tbBaseRegistrationFee.Text = string.Empty; cbRegistrationEnabled.Checked = false; calRegStartP.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; tbFullEarlyRegistrationFee.Text = "0"; calEarlyEndP.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; tbFullRegistrationFee.Text = "0"; calLateStartP.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; tbFullLateRegistrationFee.Text = "0"; calRegEndP.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; tbDetailsOverrideUrl.Text = string.Empty; ddClassUnitType.SelectedIndex = 0; tbDetails.Text = string.Empty; cbIsLocal.Checked = false; comboLocation.Text = string.Empty; } OnUpdated(EventArgs.Empty); }
public void CreateContactC() { contactC.Save(); }
public void CreateContactB() { contactB.Save(); }
public void CreateContactA() { contactA.Save(); }