Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Replaces all the search option holders in the given text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">Text containing holders</param>
        /// <param name="grep">Grep object containing settings</param>
        /// <param name="totalHits">Number of total hits</param>
        /// <param name="showLineNumbers">Determines whether to show line numbers</param>
        /// <param name="removeLeadingWhiteSpace">Determines whether to remove leading white space</param>
        /// <returns>Text with holders replaced</returns>
        /// <history>
        /// [Curtis_Beard]		09/05/2006	Created
        /// [Curtis_Beard]		01/31/2012	ADD: display for additional options (skip hidden/system options, search paths, modified dates, file sizes)
        /// [Curtis_Beard]		10/30/2012	CHG: use year replacement for copyright
        /// [Curtis_Beard]		10/30/2012	ADD: file hit count, CHG: recurse to Subfolders
        /// [Curtis_Beard]		02/12/2014	CHG: handle file search only better, add totalHits as parameter
        /// [Curtis_Beard]      11/11/2014	ADD: export all filteritems
        /// </history>
        public static string ReplaceSearchOptions(string text, Grep grep, int totalHits, bool showLineNumbers, bool removeLeadingWhiteSpace)
            var spec = grep.SearchSpec;

            text = text.Replace("%%totalhits%%", totalHits.ToString());
            text = text.Replace("%%year%%", DateTime.Now.Year.ToString());
            text = text.Replace("%%searchpaths%%", "Search Path(s): " + string.Join(", ", spec.StartDirectories));
            text = text.Replace("%%filetypes%%", "File Types: " + grep.FileFilterSpec.FileFilter);
            text = text.Replace("%%regex%%", "Regular Expressions: " + spec.UseRegularExpressions);
            text = text.Replace("%%casesen%%", "Case Sensitive: " + spec.UseCaseSensitivity);
            text = text.Replace("%%wholeword%%", "Whole Word: " + spec.UseWholeWordMatching);
            text = text.Replace("%%recurse%%", "Subfolders: " + spec.SearchInSubfolders);
            text = text.Replace("%%filenameonly%%", "Show File Names Only: " + spec.ReturnOnlyFileNames);
            text = text.Replace("%%negation%%", "Negation: " + spec.UseNegation);
            text = text.Replace("%%linenumbers%%", "Line Numbers: " + showLineNumbers);
            text = text.Replace("%%removeleadingwhitespace%%", "Remove Leading White Space: " + removeLeadingWhiteSpace);
            text = text.Replace("%%contextlines%%", "Context Lines: " + spec.ContextLines);

            // filter items
            StringBuilder filterBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            if (grep.FileFilterSpec.FilterItems != null)
                foreach (FilterItem item in grep.FileFilterSpec.FilterItems)
                    string option = item.ValueOption.ToString();
                    if (item.ValueOption == FilterType.ValueOptions.None)
                        option = string.Empty;
                    filterBuilder.AppendFormat("<span class=\"indent\">{0} -> {1}: {2} {3} {4}</span><br/>",
                                               !string.IsNullOrEmpty(option) && item.ValueIgnoreCase ? " (ignore case)" : string.Empty
            text = text.Replace("%%exclusions%%", filterBuilder.ToString());

            // %%searchmessage%%
            string searchMessage = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(grep.SearchSpec.SearchText))
                if (grep.SearchSpec.ReturnOnlyFileNames)
                    searchMessage = string.Format("{0} was {1}found in {2} file{3}", spec.SearchText, spec.UseNegation ? "not " : "", grep.MatchResults.Count, grep.MatchResults.Count > 1 ? "s" : "");
                    searchMessage = string.Format("{0} was found {1} time{2} in {3} file{4}", spec.SearchText, totalHits, totalHits > 1 ? "s" : "", grep.MatchResults.Count, grep.MatchResults.Count > 1 ? "s" : "");
            text = text.Replace("%%searchmessage%%", searchMessage);

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Replaces all the search option holders in the given text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">Text containing holders</param>
        /// <param name="grep">Grep Object containing options</param>
        /// <returns>Text with holders replaced</returns>
        /// <history>
        /// [Curtis_Beard]		09/05/2006	Created
        /// </history>
        public static string ReplaceSearchOptions(string text, Grep grep)
            text = text.Replace("%%filetypes%%", "File Types: " + grep.FileFilter);
            text = text.Replace("%%regex%%", "Regular Expressions: " + grep.UseRegularExpressions.ToString());
            text = text.Replace("%%casesen%%", "Case Sensitive: " + grep.UseCaseSensitivity.ToString());
            text = text.Replace("%%wholeword%%", "Whole Word: " + grep.UseWholeWordMatching.ToString());
            text = text.Replace("%%recurse%%", "Recurse: " + grep.UseRecursion.ToString());
            text = text.Replace("%%filenameonly%%", "Show File Names Only: " + grep.ReturnOnlyFileNames.ToString());
            text = text.Replace("%%negation%%", "Negation: " + grep.UseNegation.ToString());
            text = text.Replace("%%linenumbers%%", "Line Numbers: " + grep.IncludeLineNumbers.ToString());
            text = text.Replace("%%contextlines%%", "Context Lines: " + grep.ContextLines.ToString());

            text = text.Replace("%%totalfiles%%", grep.Greps.Count.ToString());
            text = text.Replace("%%searchterm%%", grep.SearchText);

            if (grep.UseNegation)
                text = text.Replace("%%usenegation%%", "not ");
                text = text.Replace("%%usenegation%%", string.Empty);

Example #3
        public void ShouldCountTokenOccurancesInSingleLine()

            var mock = new Mock <ILogger>();

            var grep = new Grep(new[]
                "sxkzyxmo nx xk xk",
                " ",
            }, mock.Object);

            const string token = "xk";


            int result = grep.CountTokenOccurancesInAllLines(token);

            Assert.AreEqual(6, result);
Example #4
        // pnyx -e=documentation pncs.cmd.examples.documentation.library.ExampleProcessorChain processorChain
        public static void processorChain()
            StreamInformation streamInformation = new StreamInformation(new Settings());

            // Writes to STDOUT
            ILineProcessor dest = new LineProcessorToStream(streamInformation, Console.OpenStandardOutput());

            // Grep filter / processor pair
            ILineFilter grepFilter = new Grep {
                textToFind = "world", caseSensitive = false
            ILineProcessor grepProcessor = new LineFilterProcessor {
                filter = grepFilter, processor = dest

            // Sed transformer / processor pair
            ILineTransformer sedTransformer = new SedReplace("World", "World, with love from Pnyx..", null);
            ILineProcessor   sedProcessor   = new LineTransformerProcessor {
                transform = sedTransformer, processor = grepProcessor

            // Reads from source
            using (StringStreamFactory streamFactory = new StringStreamFactory("Hello World."))
                using (StreamToLineProcessor source = new StreamToLineProcessor(streamInformation, streamFactory))

                    // Runs
                    source.process();                // All I/O occurs on this step

            // outputs: Hello World, with love from Pnyx...
Example #5
    public void Multiple_files_several_matches_inverted_and_match_entire_lines_flags()
        var pattern  = "Illustrious into Ades premature,";
        var flags    = "-x -v";
        var files    = new[] { "iliad.txt", "midsummer-night.txt", "paradise-lost.txt" };
        var expected =
            "iliad.txt:Achilles sing, O Goddess! Peleus' son;\n" +
            "iliad.txt:His wrath pernicious, who ten thousand woes\n" +
            "iliad.txt:Caused to Achaia's host, sent many a soul\n" +
            "iliad.txt:And Heroes gave (so stood the will of Jove)\n" +
            "iliad.txt:To dogs and to all ravening fowls a prey,\n" +
            "iliad.txt:When fierce dispute had separated once\n" +
            "iliad.txt:The noble Chief Achilles from the son\n" +
            "iliad.txt:Of Atreus, Agamemnon, King of men.\n" +
            "midsummer-night.txt:I do entreat your grace to pardon me.\n" +
            "midsummer-night.txt:I know not by what power I am made bold,\n" +
            "midsummer-night.txt:Nor how it may concern my modesty,\n" +
            "midsummer-night.txt:In such a presence here to plead my thoughts;\n" +
            "midsummer-night.txt:But I beseech your grace that I may know\n" +
            "midsummer-night.txt:The worst that may befall me in this case,\n" +
            "midsummer-night.txt:If I refuse to wed Demetrius.\n" +
            "paradise-lost.txt:Of Mans First Disobedience, and the Fruit\n" +
            "paradise-lost.txt:Of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal tast\n" +
            "paradise-lost.txt:Brought Death into the World, and all our woe,\n" +
            "paradise-lost.txt:With loss of Eden, till one greater Man\n" +
            "paradise-lost.txt:Restore us, and regain the blissful Seat,\n" +
            "paradise-lost.txt:Sing Heav'nly Muse, that on the secret top\n" +
            "paradise-lost.txt:Of Oreb, or of Sinai, didst inspire\n" +
            "paradise-lost.txt:That Shepherd, who first taught the chosen Seed";

        Assert.Equal(expected, Grep.Match(pattern, flags, files));
Example #6
    public void One_file_no_matches_various_flags(string flags)
        const string pattern  = "Gandalf";
        var          files    = new[] { IliadFileName };
        const string expected = "";

        Assert.That(Grep.Find(pattern, flags, files), Is.EqualTo(expected));
Example #7
    public void One_file_one_match_no_flags()
        var pattern  = "Agamemnon";
        var flags    = "";
        var files    = new[] { "iliad.txt" };
        var expected = "Of Atreus, Agamemnon, King of men.";

        Assert.Equal(expected, Grep.Match(pattern, flags, files));
Example #8
    public void One_file_one_match_multiple_flags()
        var pattern  = "OF ATREUS, Agamemnon, KIng of MEN.";
        var flags    = "-n -i -x";
        var files    = new[] { "iliad.txt" };
        var expected = "9:Of Atreus, Agamemnon, King of men.";

        Assert.Equal(expected, Grep.Match(pattern, flags, files));
Example #9
        private void BtnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var searchSpec = GetSearchSpecFromUI();

            grep          = new Grep(searchSpec);
            grep.FileHit += ReceiveFileHit;

Example #10
    public void One_file_one_match_case_insensitive_flag()
        var pattern  = "FORBIDDEN";
        var flags    = "-i";
        var files    = new[] { "paradise-lost.txt" };
        var expected = "Of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal tast";

        Assert.Equal(expected, Grep.Match(pattern, flags, files));
Example #11
    public void Multiple_files_no_matches_various_flags()
        var pattern  = "Frodo";
        var flags    = "-n -l -x -i";
        var files    = new[] { "iliad.txt", "midsummer-night.txt", "paradise-lost.txt" };
        var expected = "";

        Assert.Equal(expected, Grep.Match(pattern, flags, files));
Example #12
    public void Multiple_files_one_match_multiple_flags()
        var pattern  = "WITH LOSS OF EDEN, TILL ONE GREATER MAN";
        var flags    = "-n -i -x";
        var files    = new[] { "iliad.txt", "midsummer-night.txt", "paradise-lost.txt" };
        var expected = "paradise-lost.txt:4:With loss of Eden, till one greater Man";

        Assert.Equal(expected, Grep.Match(pattern, flags, files));
Example #13
    public void Multiple_files_one_match_match_entire_lines_flag()
        var pattern  = "But I beseech your grace that I may know";
        var flags    = "-x";
        var files    = new[] { "iliad.txt", "midsummer-night.txt", "paradise-lost.txt" };
        var expected = "midsummer-night.txt:But I beseech your grace that I may know";

        Assert.Equal(expected, Grep.Match(pattern, flags, files));
Example #14
    public void One_file_one_match_print_line_numbers_flag()
        var pattern  = "Forbidden";
        var flags    = "-n";
        var files    = new[] { "paradise-lost.txt" };
        var expected = "2:Of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal tast";

        Assert.Equal(expected, Grep.Match(pattern, flags, files));
Example #15
    public void Multiple_files_one_match_no_flags()
        var pattern  = "Agamemnon";
        var flags    = "";
        var files    = new[] { "iliad.txt", "midsummer-night.txt", "paradise-lost.txt" };
        var expected = "iliad.txt:Of Atreus, Agamemnon, King of men.";

        Assert.Equal(expected, Grep.Match(pattern, flags, files));
Example #16
    public void One_file_one_match_file_flag_takes_precedence_over_line_flag()
        var pattern  = "ten";
        var flags    = "-n -l";
        var files    = new[] { "iliad.txt" };
        var expected = "iliad.txt";

        Assert.Equal(expected, Grep.Match(pattern, flags, files));
Example #17
    public void One_file_no_matches_various_flags()
        var pattern  = "Gandalf";
        var flags    = "-n -l -x -i";
        var files    = new[] { "iliad.txt" };
        var expected = "";

        Assert.Equal(expected, Grep.Match(pattern, flags, files));
Example #18
    public void One_file_several_matches_match_entire_lines_flag()
        var pattern  = "may";
        var flags    = "-x";
        var files    = new[] { "midsummer-night.txt" };
        var expected = "";

        Assert.Equal(expected, Grep.Match(pattern, flags, files));
Example #19
    public void One_file_one_match_match_entire_lines_flag()
        var pattern  = "With loss of Eden, till one greater Man";
        var flags    = "-x";
        var files    = new[] { "paradise-lost.txt" };
        var expected = "With loss of Eden, till one greater Man";

        Assert.Equal(expected, Grep.Match(pattern, flags, files));
Example #20
    public void One_file_one_match_print_file_names_flag()
        var pattern  = "Forbidden";
        var flags    = "-l";
        var files    = new[] { "paradise-lost.txt" };
        var expected = "paradise-lost.txt";

        Assert.Equal(expected, Grep.Match(pattern, flags, files));
Example #21
        public void grep(String source, String textToFind, bool caseSensitive, bool expected)
            Grep grep = new Grep();

            grep.textToFind    = textToFind;
            grep.caseSensitive = caseSensitive;

            Assert.Equal(expected, grep.shouldKeepLine(source));
Example #22
    public void Multiple_files_no_matches_various_flags(string flags)
        const string pattern = "Frodo";
        var          files   = new[] { IliadFileName, MidsummerNightFileName, ParadiseLostFileName };

        const string expected = "";

        Assert.That(Grep.Find(pattern, flags, files), Is.EqualTo(expected));
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the given line with the search text highlighted.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line">Line to check</param>
        /// <param name="grep">Grep Object containing options</param>
        /// <returns>Line with search text highlighted</returns>
        /// <history>
        /// [Curtis_Beard]		09/05/2006	Created
        /// [Curtis_Beard]	   05/18/2006	FIX: 1723815, use correct whole word matching regex
        /// [Curtis_Beard]		11/11/2014	CHG: escape any html characters
        /// [Curtis_Beard]		04/13/2015	CHG: code cleanup
        /// </history>
        private static string HighlightRegEx(string line, Grep grep)
            string          tempString = string.Empty;
            int             lastPos    = 0;
            Regex           regEx;
            MatchCollection matchCollection;
            Match           match;
            StringBuilder   newLine = new StringBuilder();

            // find all reg ex matches in line
            string       pattern = string.Format("{0}{1}{0}", grep.SearchSpec.UseWholeWordMatching ? "\\b" : string.Empty, grep.SearchSpec.SearchText);
            RegexOptions options = grep.SearchSpec.UseCaseSensitivity ? RegexOptions.None : RegexOptions.IgnoreCase;

            regEx           = new Regex(pattern, options);
            matchCollection = regEx.Matches(line);

            // loop through the matches
            for (int i = 0; i < matchCollection.Count; i++)
                match = matchCollection[i];

                // check for empty string to prevent assigning nothing to selection text preventing
                //  a system beep
                tempString = line.Substring(lastPos, match.Index - lastPos);
                if (!tempString.Equals(string.Empty))

                // set the hit text
                newLine.AppendFormat("<span class=\"searchtext\">{0}</span>", WebUtility.HtmlEncode(line.Substring(match.Index, match.Length)));

                // set the end text
                if (i + 1 >= matchCollection.Count)
                    // no more hits so just set the rest
                    newLine.Append(WebUtility.HtmlEncode(line.Substring(match.Index + match.Length)));

                    lastPos = match.Index + match.Length;
                    // another hit so just set inbetween
                    newLine.Append(WebUtility.HtmlEncode(line.Substring(match.Index + match.Length, matchCollection[i + 1].Index - (match.Index + match.Length))));
                    lastPos = matchCollection[i + 1].Index;

            if (matchCollection.Count == 0)
                // no match, just a context line

Example #24
    public void Multiple_files_one_match_multiple_flags()
        const string pattern  = "WITH LOSS OF EDEN, TILL ONE GREATER MAN";
        var          files    = new[] { IliadFileName, MidsummerNightFileName, ParadiseLostFileName };
        const string flags    = "-n -i -x";
        var          expected =
            $"{ParadiseLostFileName}:4:With loss of Eden, till one greater Man\n";

        Assert.That(Grep.Find(pattern, flags, files), Is.EqualTo(expected));
Example #25
    public void One_file_one_match_multiple_flags()
        const string pattern  = "OF ATREUS, Agamemnon, KIng of MEN.";
        var          files    = new[] { IliadFileName };
        const string flags    = "-n -i -x";
        const string expected =
            "9:Of Atreus, Agamemnon, King of men.\n";

        Assert.That(Grep.Find(pattern, flags, files), Is.EqualTo(expected));
Example #26
    public void One_file_several_matches_match_entire_lines_flag()
        const string pattern = "may";
        const string flags   = "-x";
        var          files   = new[] { MidsummerNightFileName };

        const string expected = "";

        Assert.That(Grep.Find(pattern, flags, files), Is.EqualTo(expected));
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the given line with the search text highlighted.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line">Line to check</param>
        /// <param name="grep">Grep Object containing options</param>
        /// <returns>Line with search text highlighted</returns>
        /// <history>
        /// [Curtis_Beard]		09/05/2006	Created
        /// [Curtis_Beard]		11/11/2014	CHG: escape any html characters
        /// [Curtis_Beard]		04/13/2015	CHG: code cleanup
        /// </history>
        private static string HighlightNormal(string line, Grep grep)
            StringBuilder newLine    = new StringBuilder();
            string        searchText = grep.SearchSpec.SearchText;
            string        tempLine   = line;

            // attempt to locate the text in the line
            int pos = tempLine.IndexOf(searchText, grep.SearchSpec.UseCaseSensitivity ? StringComparison.Ordinal : StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if (pos > -1)
                while (pos > -1)
                    //retrieve parts of text
                    var begin = tempLine.Substring(0, pos);
                    var text  = tempLine.Substring(pos, searchText.Length);
                    var end   = tempLine.Substring(pos + searchText.Length);


                    // do a check to see if begin and end are valid for wholeword searches
                    bool highlight = true;
                    if (grep.SearchSpec.UseWholeWordMatching)
                        highlight = Grep.WholeWordOnly(begin, end);

                    // set highlight color for searched text
                    if (highlight)
                        newLine.AppendFormat("<span class=\"searchtext\">{0}</span>", WebUtility.HtmlEncode(text));

                    // Check remaining string for other hits in same line
                    pos = end.IndexOf(searchText, grep.SearchSpec.UseCaseSensitivity ? StringComparison.Ordinal : StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                    // set default color for end, if no more hits in line
                    tempLine = end;
                    if (pos < 0)

Example #28
    public void One_file_one_match_print_file_names_flag()
        const string pattern = "Forbidden";
        const string flags   = "-l";
        var          files   = new[] { ParadiseLostFileName };

        var expected =

        Assert.That(Grep.Find(pattern, flags, files), Is.EqualTo(expected));
Example #29
    public void One_file_one_match_case_insensitive_flag()
        const string pattern = "Forbidden";
        const string flags   = "-i";
        var          files   = new[] { ParadiseLostFileName };

        const string expected =
            "Of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal tast\n";

        Assert.That(Grep.Find(pattern, flags, files), Is.EqualTo(expected));
Example #30
    public void One_file_one_match_no_flags()
        const string pattern = "Agamemnon";
        const string flags   = "";
        var          files   = new[] { IliadFileName };

        const string expected =
            "Of Atreus, Agamemnon, King of men.\n";

        Assert.That(Grep.Find(pattern, flags, files), Is.EqualTo(expected));