public ColladaGeometry(string file) { var collada = Grendgine_Collada.Grendgine_Load_File(file); foreach (var geometry in collada.Library_Geometries.Geometry) { var mesh = geometry.Mesh; var sources = mesh.Source; var vertices = mesh.Vertices; foreach (var input in vertices.Input) { switch (input.Semantic) { } } foreach (var polygon in geometry.Mesh.Polygons) { // input points to sources either directly // or through sources defined in vertices // (vertex semantics) foreach (var input in polygon.Input) { } foreach (int index in polygon.P.Value()) { } } } }
private Grendgine_Collada_Node GetSkeletonFromVisualScene(Grendgine_Collada scene) { // We need to get the hierarchy of the bone structure. // DAE stores it in the visual scene, but sometimes it's hidden under layers of // other nodes. To get around that, we're going to check every node in the visual scene // for if A) it's a "JOINT" node and B) it has children, ie the node property isn't null. // The check will be recursive, working on every node in the hierarchy until we find what // *should* be the skeleton's root. Grendgine_Collada_Node root = null; foreach (Grendgine_Collada_Visual_Scene visScene in scene.Library_Visual_Scene.Visual_Scene) { foreach (Grendgine_Collada_Node node in visScene.Node) { root = GetSkeletonFromNodeRecursive(node); if (root != null) { break; } } } return(root); }
public BMDManager(Grendgine_Collada scene) { Skeleton = new SkinningManager(scene); Geometry = new GeometryManager(scene, Skeleton.Drw1Data, Skeleton.SkelData.BindShapeMatrix); Geometry.VertexData.TransformPositions(Skeleton.Drw1Data, Skeleton.SkelData.FlatHierarchy); Skeleton.SkelData.AssignBoneBoundingBoxes(Geometry.VertexData.Positions, Skeleton.Drw1Data); Materials = new MaterialManager(scene, Geometry.BatchData.Batches); }
public SkinningManager(Grendgine_Collada scene) { Grendgine_Collada_Skin skinning = GetSkinningInfo(scene); SkelData = new SkeletonData(scene, skinning); if (skinning != null) { Drw1Data = new DrawData(skinning, SkelData.FlatHierarchy, SkelData.BonesWithGeometry); } }
private Grendgine_Collada_Skin GetSkinningInfo(Grendgine_Collada scene) { Grendgine_Collada_Skin skinning = null; foreach (Grendgine_Collada_Controller con in scene.Library_Controllers.Controller) { if (con.Skin != null) { skinning = con.Skin; } } return(skinning); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string inputFileName = ""; string outputFileName = ""; #region Get input/output filenames // The user supplied at least an input file if (args.Length != 0) { // Just an input file if (args.Length == 1) { inputFileName = args[0]; } // Input file and a file name to output to else if (args.Length == 2) { inputFileName = args[0]; outputFileName = args[1]; } } // User didn't give any files to convert, display help instead else { DisplayHelpMessage(); return; } // Output file name wasn't set. So we'll just make it the input file name and replace its extension with .bmd if (outputFileName == "") { outputFileName = string.Format("{0}\\{1}.bmd", Path.GetDirectoryName(inputFileName), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inputFileName)); } #endregion Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); Grendgine_Collada sourceModel = Grendgine_Collada.Grendgine_Load_File(inputFileName); BMDManager manager = new BMDManager(sourceModel); using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(outputFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { EndianBinaryWriter writer = new EndianBinaryWriter(stream, Endian.Big); manager.WriteBMD(writer); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates an instance of GeometryManager and loads the geometry data from it. /// </summary> /// <param name="scene">Source of geometry data</param> /// <param name="position">Datatype to use for position data</param> /// <param name="normal">Datatype to use for normal data</param> /// <param name="uv">Datatype to use for UV data</param> /// <param name="color">Datatype to use for color data</param> public GeometryManager(Grendgine_Collada scene, DrawData drw1, Matrix4 bindShape, DataTypes position = DataTypes.F32, DataTypes normal = DataTypes.F32, DataTypes uv = DataTypes.F32, ColorDataTypes color = ColorDataTypes.RGBA8) { if (scene.Library_Geometries == null) { throw new FormatException("Mesh has no geometry!"); } foreach (Grendgine_Collada_Geometry geom in scene.Library_Geometries.Geometry) { VertexData = new VertexData(geom.Mesh, bindShape, position, normal, uv, color); BatchData = new BatchData(geom.Mesh, drw1); BatchData.SetBoundingBoxes(VertexData.Positions); } }
// Keeping this for posterity until Load(string fileName) is proven to work public DAE(string fileName) { categoryCollection = new ObservableCollection <Category>(); Grendgine_Collada file = Grendgine_Collada.Grendgine_Load_File(fileName); for (int i = 0; i < file.Library_Geometries.Geometry.Length; i++) { Category cat = new Category(); cat.Name = file.Library_Geometries.Geometry[i].Name + "_parent"; List <Vector3> verts = GetVerts(file.Library_Geometries.Geometry[i]); int skipValue = CalcSkipValue(file.Library_Geometries.Geometry[i]); Group grp = new Group(); grp.Name = file.Library_Geometries.Geometry[i].Name; int[] pList = file.Library_Geometries.Geometry[i].Mesh.Polylist[0].P.Value(); List <int> vertIndexes = GetVertIndexes(pList, skipValue); for (int j = 0; j < vertIndexes.Count; j += 3) { Triangle face = new Triangle(); face.Vertex1 = verts[vertIndexes[j]]; face.Vertex2 = verts[vertIndexes[j + 1]]; face.Vertex3 = verts[vertIndexes[j + 2]]; face.ParentGroup = grp; grp.Triangles.Add(face); } grp.CreateBufferObjects(); grp.GroupCategory = cat; cat.Groups.Add(grp); categoryCollection.Add(cat); } }
public MaterialManager(Grendgine_Collada scene, List <Batch> batches, string modelPath) { #region List initialization m_indirectTexBlock = new List <IndirectTexturing>(); m_cullModeBlock = new List <GXCullMode>(); m_materialColorBlock = new List <Color?>(); m_channelControlBlock = new List <ChannelControl>(); m_ambientColorBlock = new List <Color?>(); m_lightingColorBlock = new List <Color?>(); m_texCoord1GenBlock = new List <TexCoordGen>(); m_texCoord2GenBlock = new List <TexCoordGen>(); m_texMatrix1Block = new List <TexMatrix>(); m_texMatrix2Block = new List <TexMatrix>(); TextureList = new List <BinaryTextureImage>(); m_tevOrderBlock = new List <TevOrder>(); m_tevColorBlock = new List <Color?>(); m_tevKonstColorBlock = new List <Color?>(); m_tevStageBlock = new List <TevStage>(); m_swapModeBlock = new List <TevSwapMode>(); m_swapTableBlock = new List <TevSwapModeTable>(); m_fogBlock = new List <Fog>(); m_alphaCompBlock = new List <AlphaCompare>(); m_blendModeBlock = new List <BlendMode>(); m_zModeBlock = new List <ZMode>(); m_zCompLocBlock = new List <bool>(); m_ditherBlock = new List <bool>(); NumColorChannelsBlock = new List <byte>(); NumTexGensBlock = new List <byte>(); NumTevSTagesBlock = new List <byte>(); Materials = new List <Material>(); #endregion Grendgine_Collada_Material[] GrendgineMaterials = scene.Library_Materials.Material; Grendgine_Collada_Effect[] Effects = scene.Library_Effects.Effect; Grendgine_Collada_Image[] Images = scene.Library_Images.Image; foreach (Batch bat in batches) { Grendgine_Collada_Material batMat = GrendgineMaterials.First(x => x.Name == bat.MaterialName || x.ID == bat.MaterialName); Grendgine_Collada_Effect batEffect = Effects.First(x => x.ID == batMat.Instance_Effect.URL.Remove(0, 1)); Grendgine_Collada_Phong phong = batEffect.Profile_COMMON[0].Technique.Phong; Material mat = new Material(phong, bat, modelPath, Images); Materials.Add(mat); } }
public MeshData Load(string filename) { if (!IsFileValid(filename)) { return(new MeshData()); } meshData = Grendgine_Collada.Grendgine_Load_File(filename).Library_Geometries.Geometry[0].Mesh; indicesPerVertex = CalcIndexesPerVertex(); numOfVertices = CalcNumberOfVerticesInMesh(); BuildIndicesArray(); BuildVertexArray(); SwitchUpAxisFromZtoY(); return(new MeshData(vertices, indices)); }
public static void ColladaTest() { string fileName = @"A:\Archiv\3D\_Jeannie\Models\2017.01.28\MilaPartyBlack_blender.dae"; Grendgine_Collada.ReduceMesh(fileName, 0.1f); Grendgine_Collada col = Grendgine_Collada.Load_File(fileName); string path = OpenTKExtension.IOUtils.ExtractDirectory(fileName); Grendgine_Collada.Save(path + "new.dae", col); //OpenTKExtension.Collada.ColladaPointCloud cm = OpenTKExtension.Collada.ColladaLoader.LoadFile(path); TestForm tf = new TestForm(); //tf.ShowPointClouds(cm.PointClouds); Application.Run((Form)tf); }
public SkeletonData(Grendgine_Collada scene, Grendgine_Collada_Skin skin) { FlatHierarchy = new List <Bone>(); BonesWithGeometry = new List <Bone>(); boneNameList = new List <string>(); inverseBindMatrices = new List <Matrix4>(); // Get the skeleton's root from the visual scene Grendgine_Collada_Node rootNode = GetSkeletonFromVisualScene(scene); // If a proper root was found, we create a new bone hierarchy from it if (rootNode != null) { SkeletonRoot = new Bone(rootNode); MakeDAESkeleton(skin); } // Otherwise, we create a root bone ourselves else { SkeletonRoot = new Bone(); FlatHierarchy.Add(SkeletonRoot); } }
public static void load(string filename, MaterialManager material_manager, out Dictionary <string, UniqueMesh> unique_mesh_collection, out Dictionary <string, LightLoader.LightLoaderExtras> light_extras) { if (!File.Exists(filename)) { throw new Exception("World File Not Found\n" + filename); } Debug.DebugHelper.logInfo(1, "Loading Collada File", Path.GetFileName(filename)); Grendgine_Collada dae_file = Grendgine_Collada.Grendgine_Load_File(filename); //------------------------------------------------------ // Create Image Dictionary //------------------------------------------------------ Dictionary <string, string> image_collection = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { if (dae_file.Library_Images.Image != null) { Debug.DebugHelper.logInfo(2, "\tCreating Image Dictionary", dae_file.Library_Images.Image.Count() + " images found"); foreach (Grendgine_Collada_Image i in dae_file.Library_Images.Image) { string id = i.ID; string path = i.Init_From; path = path.Substring(1, path.Length - 1); path = EngineHelper.getPath_MaterialTextures(path); image_collection.Add(id, path); } } else { Debug.DebugHelper.logInfo(2, "\tCreating Image Dictionary", "0 images found :<"); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.DebugHelper.logError("\tCreating Image Dictionary", e.Message); } //------------------------------------------------------ // Create Material Dictionary //------------------------------------------------------ Dictionary <string, DAE_Material> material_collection = new Dictionary <string, DAE_Material>(); try { if (dae_file.Library_Effects != null) { Debug.DebugHelper.logInfo(2, "\tCreating Material Dictionary", dae_file.Library_Effects.Effect.Count() + " effects found"); foreach (Grendgine_Collada_Effect e in dae_file.Library_Effects.Effect) { string id = e.ID; DAE_Material temp_material = new DAE_Material(id); temp_material.load(e, image_collection, material_manager); material_collection.Add(, temp_material); } } else { Debug.DebugHelper.logInfo(2, "\tCreating Material Dictionary", "0 effects found :<"); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.DebugHelper.logError("\tCreating Material Dictionary", e.Message); } //------------------------------------------------------ // Create Animation Dictionary //------------------------------------------------------ Dictionary <string, ObjectAnimator> object_animator_collection = new Dictionary <string, ObjectAnimator>(); Dictionary <string, SkeletonAnimator> skeleton_animator_collection = new Dictionary <string, SkeletonAnimator>(); try { if (dae_file.Library_Animations != null) { Debug.DebugHelper.logInfo(2, "\tCreating Animation Dictionary", dae_file.Library_Animations.Animation.Count() + " animations found"); foreach (Grendgine_Collada_Animation a in dae_file.Library_Animations.Animation) { //------------------------------------------------------ // Get match strings to decide what kind of Animation this is //------------------------------------------------------ // Get the ID of the object or bone we are animating Match object_match = Regex.Match(a.Channel[0].Target, "(.+)/.+"); string object_id = object_match.Groups[1].ToString(); // Match if this is an object animation Match object_animation_match = Regex.Match(a.ID, object_id + "_(location|rotation_euler|scale)_(X|Y|Z)"); // Match if this is a skeletal animation Match skeleton_animation_match = Regex.Match(a.ID, "(.+)_" + object_id + "_pose_matrix"); //------------------------------------------------------ // Create Source and Sampler Dictionaries //------------------------------------------------------ // Create source dictionary Dictionary <string, Grendgine_Collada_Source> source_dictionary = a.Source.ToDictionary(s => s.ID, s => s); // Create sampler dictionary Dictionary <string, string> sampler_dictionary = a.Sampler[0].Input.ToDictionary(i => i.Semantic.ToString(), i => i.source); //------------------------------------------------------ // Get Common Animation Data //------------------------------------------------------ // Get Key interpolation method string source_interpolation_id = sampler_dictionary["INTERPOLATION"].Replace("#", ""); string[] key_frame_interpolations = source_dictionary[source_interpolation_id].Name_Array.Value(); // Get Key Frame times string source_input_id = sampler_dictionary["INPUT"].Replace("#", ""); float[] key_frame_times = source_dictionary[source_input_id].Float_Array.Value(); // Get Key Frame data string source_output_id = sampler_dictionary["OUTPUT"].Replace("#", ""); float[] key_frame_data = source_dictionary[source_output_id].Float_Array.Value(); int key_frame_data_stride = (int)source_dictionary[source_output_id].Technique_Common.Accessor.Stride; //------------------------------------------------------ // Object Animation //------------------------------------------------------ if (object_animation_match.Success && !skeleton_animation_match.Success) { string id = object_id; string action = object_animation_match.Groups[1].ToString(); string channel = object_animation_match.Groups[2].ToString(); switch (action) { case "location": action = AnimationHelper.translate; break; case "rotation_euler": action = AnimationHelper.rotation_euler; break; case "scale": action = AnimationHelper.scale; break; } // Create new or use existing Animator ObjectAnimator temp_animator; if (object_animator_collection.TryGetValue(id, out temp_animator)) { object_animator_collection.Remove(id); } else { temp_animator = new ObjectAnimator(id); } // Get Key Frame in tangent data string source_t1_id = sampler_dictionary["IN_TANGENT"].Replace("#", ""); float[] key_frame_data_b1 = source_dictionary[source_t1_id].Float_Array.Value(); // Get Key Frame out tangent data string source_t2_id = sampler_dictionary["OUT_TANGENT"].Replace("#", ""); float[] key_frame_data_b2 = source_dictionary[source_t2_id].Float_Array.Value(); // Loop through key frames and add to animator for (int i = 0; i < key_frame_times.Length; i++) { float current_frame_time = key_frame_times[i]; float current_frame_data = key_frame_data[i]; int j = i * 2; Vector4 current_frame_data_bezier = new Vector4( key_frame_data_b1[j], key_frame_data_b1[j + 1], key_frame_data_b2[j], key_frame_data_b2[j + 1] ); temp_animator.addKeyFrame(current_frame_time, action, channel, current_frame_data, current_frame_data_bezier); } object_animator_collection.Add(id, temp_animator); } //------------------------------------------------------ // Skeletal Animation //------------------------------------------------------ if (skeleton_animation_match.Success && !object_animation_match.Success) { string id = skeleton_animation_match.Groups[1].ToString(); string bone_name = object_id; // Create new or use existing Animator SkeletonAnimator temp_animator; if (skeleton_animator_collection.TryGetValue(id, out temp_animator)) { skeleton_animator_collection.Remove(id); } else { temp_animator = new SkeletonAnimator(id); } // Loop through key frames and add to animator for (int i = 0; i < key_frame_times.Length; i++) { int current_frame_data_index = i * key_frame_data_stride; float current_frame_time = key_frame_times[i]; float[] current_frame_data = new float[16]; // Create Matrix from each 16 strided float Array.Copy(key_frame_data, current_frame_data_index, current_frame_data, 0, key_frame_data_stride); Matrix4 current_frame_data_matrix = EngineHelper.createMatrix(current_frame_data); temp_animator.addKeyFrame(bone_name, current_frame_time, current_frame_data_matrix); } skeleton_animator_collection.Add(id, temp_animator); } source_dictionary.Clear(); sampler_dictionary.Clear(); } // Get last key frame for each animator foreach (ObjectAnimator a in object_animator_collection.Values) { a.calcLastFrame(); } foreach (SkeletonAnimator a in skeleton_animator_collection.Values) { a.calcLastFrame(); } } else { Debug.DebugHelper.logInfo(2, "\tCreating Animation Dictionary", "0 animations found :<"); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.DebugHelper.logError("\tCreating Animation Dictionary", e.Message); } //------------------------------------------------------ // Create Visual Scene + Skeleton Dictionary //------------------------------------------------------ Debug.DebugHelper.logInfo(2, "\tCreating Visuals Dictionary", dae_file.Library_Visual_Scene.Visual_Scene[0].Node.Count() + " visuals found"); List <Grendgine_Collada_Node> mesh_visual_collection = new List <Grendgine_Collada_Node>(); List <Grendgine_Collada_Node> controlled_visual_collection = new List <Grendgine_Collada_Node>(); List <Grendgine_Collada_Node> light_visual_collection = new List <Grendgine_Collada_Node>(); Dictionary <string, DAE_Skeleton> skeleton_dictionary = new Dictionary <string, DAE_Skeleton>(); light_extras = new Dictionary <string, LightLoader.LightLoaderExtras>(); foreach (Grendgine_Collada_Node node in dae_file.Library_Visual_Scene.Visual_Scene[0].Node) { string id = node.ID; // Convert Blender transformation to Kailash Matrix4 temp_matrix = EngineHelper.createMatrix( new Vector3(node.Translate[0].Value()[0], node.Translate[0].Value()[1], node.Translate[0].Value()[2]), new Vector3(node.Rotate[2].Value()[3], node.Rotate[1].Value()[3], node.Rotate[0].Value()[3]), new Vector3(node.Scale[0].Value()[0], node.Scale[0].Value()[1], node.Scale[0].Value()[2]) ); Matrix4 temp_corrected_matrix = EngineHelper.blender2Kailash(temp_matrix); // Skeletons if (node.node != null && node.node[0].Instance_Geometry == null && node.node[0].Instance_Geometry == null) { DAE_Skeleton temp_skeleton = new DAE_Skeleton(id, temp_matrix, node.node); SkeletonAnimator temp_animator; if (skeleton_animator_collection.TryGetValue(, out temp_animator)) { temp_skeleton.animator = temp_animator; } skeleton_dictionary.Add(id, temp_skeleton); continue; } // Lights if (node.Instance_Light != null) { string light_id = node.Instance_Light[0].URL.Replace("#", ""); ObjectAnimator temp_animator = null; object_animator_collection.TryGetValue(light_id.Replace("-light", ""), out temp_animator); LightLoader.LightLoaderExtras temp_light_extras = new LightLoader.LightLoaderExtras(temp_corrected_matrix, temp_animator); // Add to light matrix collection light_extras.Add(light_id, temp_light_extras); continue; } // Meshes if (node.Instance_Geometry != null) { string mesh_id = node.Instance_Geometry[0].URL.Replace("#", ""); // Add to scene collection mesh_visual_collection.Add(node); continue; } // Controlled Objects if (node.Instance_Controller != null) { string controller_id = node.Instance_Controller[0].URL.Replace("#", ""); // Add to scene collection controlled_visual_collection.Add(node); continue; } } //------------------------------------------------------ // Load Skinning Data //------------------------------------------------------ Dictionary <string, string> mesh_2_skeleton = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Dictionary <string, string> skin_2_mesh = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { if (dae_file.Library_Controllers.Controller != null) { Debug.DebugHelper.logInfo(2, "\tLoading Skinning Data", dae_file.Library_Controllers.Controller.Count() + " skins found"); foreach (Grendgine_Collada_Controller c in dae_file.Library_Controllers.Controller) { string skin_id = c.ID; string skeleton_id = c.Name.Replace(".", "_"); ; DAE_Skeleton temp_skeleton; if (skeleton_dictionary.TryGetValue(skeleton_id, out temp_skeleton)) { Grendgine_Collada_Skin temp_skin = c.Skin; string mesh_id = temp_skin.source.Replace("#", ""); //------------------------------------------------------ // Load BSM into skeleton //------------------------------------------------------ Matrix4 BSM = EngineHelper.createMatrix(temp_skin.Bind_Shape_Matrix.Value()); temp_skeleton.BSM = BSM; //------------------------------------------------------ // Load Sources //------------------------------------------------------ Dictionary <string, Grendgine_Collada_Source> source_dictionary = temp_skin.Source.ToDictionary(s => s.ID, s => s); string joint_source_id = ""; string IBM_source_id = ""; string weights_source_id = ""; foreach (Grendgine_Collada_Input_Unshared i in temp_skin.Joints.Input) { switch (i.Semantic.ToString()) { case "JOINT": joint_source_id = i.source.Replace("#", ""); break; case "INV_BIND_MATRIX": IBM_source_id = i.source.Replace("#", ""); break; } } foreach (Grendgine_Collada_Input_Shared i in temp_skin.Vertex_Weights.Input) { switch (i.Semantic.ToString()) { case "WEIGHT": weights_source_id = i.source.Replace("#", ""); break; } } Grendgine_Collada_Source IBM_source = source_dictionary[IBM_source_id]; Grendgine_Collada_Source weights_source = source_dictionary[weights_source_id]; //------------------------------------------------------ // Load Bone IDs //------------------------------------------------------ string[] bone_names = source_dictionary[joint_source_id].Name_Array.Value(); int[] bone_ids = new int[bone_names.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < bone_names.Length; i++) { bone_ids[i] = temp_skeleton.bone_ids[bone_names[i]]; } //------------------------------------------------------ // Load IBMs //------------------------------------------------------ int IBM_stride = 16; for (int i = 0; i < bone_names.Length; i++) { float[] temp_IBM = new float[IBM_stride]; Array.Copy(IBM_source.Float_Array.Value(), i * IBM_stride, temp_IBM, 0, IBM_stride); string current_bone_name = bone_names[i]; int current_bone_id = temp_skeleton.bone_ids[current_bone_name]; temp_skeleton.bones[current_bone_id].IBM = EngineHelper.createMatrix(temp_IBM); } //------------------------------------------------------ // Load Vertex Weights //------------------------------------------------------ float[] vertex_weights = weights_source.Float_Array.Value(); int[] bones_and_weights = temp_skin.Vertex_Weights.V.Value(); string vcount_string = temp_skin.Vertex_Weights.VCount.Value_As_String; int[] vcount = Grendgine_Collada_Parse_Utils.String_To_Int(vcount_string.Remove(vcount_string.Length - 1, 1)); int current_weight_index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < vcount.Length; i++) { int num_bones = vcount[i]; List <DAE_Skeleton.VertexWeight> temp_weights = new List <DAE_Skeleton.VertexWeight>(); for (int j = 0; j < num_bones * 2; j += 2) { int bone_index = bones_and_weights[current_weight_index + j]; int weight_index = bones_and_weights[current_weight_index + j + 1]; temp_weights.Add(new DAE_Skeleton.VertexWeight(bone_ids[bone_index], i, vertex_weights[weight_index])); } current_weight_index += num_bones * 2; temp_skeleton.vertex_weights.Add(i, temp_weights.ToArray()); } //------------------------------------------------------ // Map mesh_id to the Mesh's skeleton_id //------------------------------------------------------ mesh_2_skeleton.Add(mesh_id, skeleton_id); skin_2_mesh.Add(skin_id, mesh_id); } } } else { Debug.DebugHelper.logInfo(2, "\tLoading Skinning Data", "0 skins found :<"); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.DebugHelper.logError("\tLoading Skinning Data", e.Message); } //------------------------------------------------------ // Create Mesh Dictionary //------------------------------------------------------ Dictionary <string, DAE_Mesh> mesh_collection = new Dictionary <string, DAE_Mesh>(); try { if (dae_file.Library_Geometries != null) { Debug.DebugHelper.logInfo(2, "\tCreating Mesh Dictionary", dae_file.Library_Geometries.Geometry.Count() + " meshes found"); foreach (Grendgine_Collada_Geometry g in dae_file.Library_Geometries.Geometry) { // Load Mesh string mesh_id = g.Name.Replace('.', '_') + "-mesh"; DAE_Mesh temp_mesh = new DAE_Mesh(mesh_id, g); try { string skeleton_id; if (mesh_2_skeleton.TryGetValue(mesh_id, out skeleton_id)) { temp_mesh.load(material_collection, skeleton_dictionary[skeleton_id]); } else { temp_mesh.load(material_collection); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.DebugHelper.logError("[ FAILED ] Loading Mesh: " + mesh_id, e.Message); continue; } // Load mesh's VAO foreach (Mesh mesh in temp_mesh.submeshes) { mesh.setBufferIDs(loadVAO(mesh)); } // Add to Mesh Collection mesh_collection.Add(, temp_mesh); } } else { Debug.DebugHelper.logInfo(2, "\tCreating Mesh Dictionary", "0 meshes found :<"); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.DebugHelper.logError("\tCreating Mesh Dictionary", e.Message); } //------------------------------------------------------ // Create Mesh Visuals //------------------------------------------------------ Debug.DebugHelper.logInfo(2, "\tLoading Mesh Visuals", ""); unique_mesh_collection = new Dictionary <string, UniqueMesh>(); foreach (Grendgine_Collada_Node node in mesh_visual_collection) { string visual_id = node.ID; string mesh_id = node.Instance_Geometry[0].URL.Replace("#", ""); Debug.DebugHelper.logInfo(3, "\t\tLoading Visual Scene", visual_id); // Convert Blender transformation to Kailash Matrix4 temp_matrix = EngineHelper.blender2Kailash(EngineHelper.createMatrix( new Vector3(node.Translate[0].Value()[0], node.Translate[0].Value()[1], node.Translate[0].Value()[2]), new Vector3(node.Rotate[2].Value()[3], node.Rotate[1].Value()[3], node.Rotate[0].Value()[3]), new Vector3(node.Scale[0].Value()[0], node.Scale[0].Value()[1], node.Scale[0].Value()[2]) )); // Load unique Mesh and its transformation DAE_Mesh m; if (mesh_collection.TryGetValue(mesh_id, out m)) { UniqueMesh temp_unique_mesh = new UniqueMesh(visual_id, m, temp_matrix); // Add animator to unique mesh if one exists ObjectAnimator temp_animator; if (object_animator_collection.TryGetValue(visual_id, out temp_animator)) { temp_unique_mesh.animator = temp_animator; } // Add to mesh collection unique_mesh_collection.Add(visual_id, temp_unique_mesh); } } //------------------------------------------------------ // Create Skin Visuals //------------------------------------------------------ Debug.DebugHelper.logInfo(2, "\tLoading Controlled Visuals", ""); foreach (Grendgine_Collada_Node node in controlled_visual_collection) { string visual_id = node.ID; string controller_id = node.Instance_Controller[0].URL.Replace("#", ""); string mesh_id; if (skin_2_mesh.TryGetValue(controller_id, out mesh_id)) { Debug.DebugHelper.logInfo(3, "\t\tLoading Visual Scene", visual_id + " (" + controller_id + " )"); // Convert Blender transformation to Kailash Matrix4 temp_matrix = EngineHelper.blender2Kailash(EngineHelper.createMatrix( new Vector3(node.Translate[0].Value()[0], node.Translate[0].Value()[1], node.Translate[0].Value()[2]), new Vector3(node.Rotate[2].Value()[3], node.Rotate[1].Value()[3], node.Rotate[0].Value()[3]), new Vector3(node.Scale[0].Value()[0], node.Scale[0].Value()[1], node.Scale[0].Value()[2]) )); // Load unique Mesh and its transformation DAE_Mesh m; if (mesh_collection.TryGetValue(mesh_id, out m)) { UniqueMesh temp_unique_mesh_test = new UniqueMesh(visual_id, m, temp_matrix); unique_mesh_collection.Add(visual_id, temp_unique_mesh_test); } } } // Clear dictionaries. dat mesh is loooaded image_collection.Clear(); material_collection.Clear(); mesh_collection.Clear(); object_animator_collection.Clear(); skeleton_animator_collection.Clear(); mesh_visual_collection.Clear(); controlled_visual_collection.Clear(); light_visual_collection.Clear(); skeleton_dictionary.Clear(); mesh_2_skeleton.Clear(); }
public BMDManager(Grendgine_Collada scene) { Skeleton = new Skeleton(scene); Geometry = new GeometryManager(scene); Skeleton.AssignBoneBoundingBoxes(Geometry.VertexData.Positions); }
public IEnumerable <Category> Load(string fileName) { categoryCollection = new ObservableCollection <Category>(); Grendgine_Collada file = Grendgine_Collada.Grendgine_Load_File(fileName); for (int i = 0; i < file.Library_Geometries.Geometry.Length; i++) { Category cat = new Category(); cat.Name = file.Library_Geometries.Geometry[i].Name + "_parent"; List <Vector3> verts = GetVerts(file.Library_Geometries.Geometry[i]); int skipValue = CalcSkipValue(file.Library_Geometries.Geometry[i]); Group grp = new Group(); grp.Name = file.Library_Geometries.Geometry[i].Name; int[] pList = null; if (file.Library_Geometries.Geometry[i].Mesh.Polylist == null) { // Horrible sanitization of 3dsmax's collada data string plist = file.Library_Geometries.Geometry[i].Mesh.Triangles[0].P.Value_As_String; plist = plist.Replace('\n', ' ').Trim(); file.Library_Geometries.Geometry[i].Mesh.Triangles[0].P.Value_As_String = plist; pList = file.Library_Geometries.Geometry[i].Mesh.Triangles[0].P.Value(); } else { pList = file.Library_Geometries.Geometry[i].Mesh.Polylist[0].P.Value(); } List <int> vertIndexes = GetVertIndexes(pList, skipValue); for (int j = 0; j < vertIndexes.Count; j += 3) { Triangle face = new Triangle(); face.Vertex1 = verts[vertIndexes[j]]; face.Vertex2 = verts[vertIndexes[j + 1]]; face.Vertex3 = verts[vertIndexes[j + 2]]; face.ParentGroup = grp; grp.Triangles.Add(face); } grp.CreateBufferObjects(); grp.GroupCategory = cat; cat.Groups.Add(grp); categoryCollection.Add(cat); } return(categoryCollection); }
public void Import(string fileName) { // Only need to Update the HEADER, and Animation.Duration, ASETHEADER is auto handled this.File = new BrgFile(); BrgFile model = this.File; // just ref here so I don't have to rename model to this.File Grendgine_Collada cModel = Grendgine_Collada.Grendgine_Load_File(fileName); //Materials BrgMaterial mat = new BrgMaterial(model); model.Materials.Add(mat); mat.AmbientColor = new Color3D(); mat.DiffuseColor = new Color3D(); mat.SpecularColor = new Color3D(0.5f); mat.SpecularExponent = 5; mat.Id = 100; mat.Opacity = 1f; mat.Flags |= BrgMatFlag.HasTexture | BrgMatFlag.SpecularExponent; model.Header.NumMaterials = model.Materials.Count(); //Meshes foreach (Grendgine_Collada_Geometry geo in cModel.Library_Geometries.Geometry) { BrgMesh mesh = new BrgMesh(model); model.Meshes.Add(mesh); mesh.Header.Flags |= BrgMeshFlag.MATERIAL; mesh.Header.Flags |= model.Meshes.Count == 1 ? 0 : BrgMeshFlag.SECONDARYMESH; mesh.Header.AnimationType |= BrgMeshAnimType.KeyFrame; mesh.Header.Format |= 0; mesh.ExtendedHeader.NumMaterials = (byte)model.Header.NumMaterials; mesh.ExtendedHeader.AnimationLength = 30; mesh.ExtendedHeader.NumUniqueMaterials = 0; string polyVertSourceID; string polyNormalsSourceID; string materialID; int[] vertCountPerPoly; int[] vertLinkPerPoly; int[] vertNormalBindings; //Locate the vertices and convert them string vertexPosSourceID = geo.Mesh.Vertices.Input.First <Grendgine_Collada_Input_Unshared>(x => x.Semantic == Grendgine_Collada_Input_Semantic.POSITION).source; Grendgine_Collada_Float_Array vertsArray = FindSourceByID(geo.Mesh, vertexPosSourceID).Float_Array; mesh.Vertices = FloatToVectorArray(vertsArray); mesh.Header.NumVertices = (short)mesh.Vertices.Count; //Check for polygons otherwise skip mesh if (geo.Mesh.Polylist != null || geo.Mesh.Polylist.Length > 0) { mesh.Header.NumFaces = (short)geo.Mesh.Polylist[0].Count; polyVertSourceID = geo.Mesh.Polylist[0].Input.First <Grendgine_Collada_Input_Unshared>(x => x.Semantic == Grendgine_Collada_Input_Semantic.VERTEX).source; polyNormalsSourceID = geo.Mesh.Polylist[0].Input.First <Grendgine_Collada_Input_Unshared>(x => x.Semantic == Grendgine_Collada_Input_Semantic.NORMAL).source; vertCountPerPoly = geo.Mesh.Polylist[0].VCount.Value(); materialID = geo.Mesh.Polylist[0].Material; vertLinkPerPoly = geo.Mesh.Polylist[0].P.Value(); mesh.Faces = new List <Face>(mesh.Header.NumFaces); vertNormalBindings = new int[mesh.Header.NumVertices]; int polyindex = 0; Face ff; foreach (int count in vertCountPerPoly) { if (count == 3) //If triangle { ff = new Face(); ff.Indices = new List <short>(3); ff.Indices.Add((short)vertLinkPerPoly[polyindex]); ff.Indices.Add((short)vertLinkPerPoly[polyindex + 4]); ff.Indices.Add((short)vertLinkPerPoly[polyindex + 2]); //List correct normal bindings vertNormalBindings[ff.Indices[0]] = vertLinkPerPoly[polyindex + 1]; vertNormalBindings[ff.Indices[1]] = vertLinkPerPoly[polyindex + 5]; vertNormalBindings[ff.Indices[2]] = vertLinkPerPoly[polyindex + 3]; //Bind materials if (mesh.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.MATERIAL)) { ff.MaterialIndex = (short)mat.Id; } mesh.Faces.Add(ff); } polyindex += count * 2; //Including face normal bindings } } else { break; } //Locate the vertex normals Grendgine_Collada_Float_Array normalsArray = FindSourceByID(geo.Mesh, polyNormalsSourceID).Float_Array; if (normalsArray.Count != vertsArray.Count) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("The mesh hash only face normals instead of vertex normals. Be sure to export only smooth shaded models.", "Model Import Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } List <Vector3D> unsortedNormals = FloatToVectorArray(normalsArray); mesh.Normals = new List <Vector3D>(mesh.Header.NumVertices); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.Header.NumVertices; i++) { mesh.Normals.Add(unsortedNormals[vertNormalBindings[i]]); } mesh.VertexMaterials = new List <short>(mesh.Header.NumVertices); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.Header.NumVertices; i++) { mesh.VertexMaterials.Add((short)mat.Id); } } model.Header.NumMeshes = model.Meshes.Count(); }
public Skeleton(Grendgine_Collada scene) { boneNameList = new List <string>(); inverseBindMatrices = new List <Matrix4>(); weights = new List <float>(); vertexBoneIndexPairs = new List <int>(); vertexWeightCounts = new List <int>(); FlatHierarchy = new List <Bone>(); BonesWithGeometry = new List <Bone>(); VertexWeights = new List <Weight>(); MultiBoneWeights = new List <Weight>(); SkeletonRoot = new Bone(GetSkeletonFromVisualScene(scene)); Grendgine_Collada_Skin skin = GetSkinningInfo(scene); // Get bone names and inverse bind matrices if (skin.Joints != null) { foreach (Grendgine_Collada_Input_Unshared input in skin.Joints.Input) { if (input.Semantic == Grendgine_Collada_Input_Semantic.JOINT) { GetJointNamesFromSkin(input.source.Remove(0, 1), skin); } else if (input.Semantic == Grendgine_Collada_Input_Semantic.INV_BIND_MATRIX) { GetInvBindMatricesFromSkin(input.source.Remove(0, 1), skin); } } } // Get vertex weights, vertex/bone pairs, and vertex weight counts if (skin.Vertex_Weights != null) { foreach (Grendgine_Collada_Input_Unshared input in skin.Vertex_Weights.Input) { if (input.Semantic == Grendgine_Collada_Input_Semantic.WEIGHT) { GetWeightsFromSkin(input.source.Remove(0, 1), skin); } } } Dictionary <string, Matrix4> matrixDict = new Dictionary <string, Matrix4>(); for (int i = 0; i < boneNameList.Count; i++) { matrixDict.Add(boneNameList[i], inverseBindMatrices[i]); } //Assign inverse bind matrices to the bones that need one SkeletonRoot.GetInverseBindMatrixRecursive(matrixDict); // Flatten hierarchy for easy access later SkeletonRoot.FlattenHierarchy(FlatHierarchy); // We'll make another list that contains just the bones with geometry from boneNameList, in order, // so that the vertex weights and bone assignments can be used correctly. MakeBoneGeometryList(); List <Bone> testList = new List <Bone>(); int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < vertexWeightCounts.Count; i++) { int numWeights = vertexWeightCounts[i]; Weight weight = new Weight(); while (numWeights != 0) { Bone bone = BonesWithGeometry[vertexBoneIndexPairs[offset++]]; float weightVal = weights[vertexBoneIndexPairs[offset++]]; weight.AddBoneWeight((short)FlatHierarchy.IndexOf(bone), weightVal); numWeights--; } if ((weight.BoneIndexes.Count) > 1) { MultiBoneWeights.Add(weight); } if ((weight.BoneWeights.Count == 1) && (!testList.Contains(FlatHierarchy[weight.BoneIndexes[0]]))) { testList.Add(FlatHierarchy[weight.BoneIndexes[0]]); } VertexWeights.Add(weight); } drw1Data = new DrawData(VertexWeights, FlatHierarchy, BonesWithGeometry); }
public ColladaGeometry(string file) { var collada = Grendgine_Collada.Grendgine_Load_File(file); if (collada == null) { return; } foreach (var geometry in collada.Library_Geometries.Geometry) { var mesh = geometry.Mesh; Dictionary <string, Collada_Source> sources = new Dictionary <string, Collada_Source>(); foreach (var source in mesh.Source) { sources[source.ID] = source; } foreach (var polylist in mesh.Polylist) { // input int[] vcount = polylist.VCount.Value(); int[] p = polylist.P.Value(); StringBuilder vSb = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder pSb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (int i in vcount) { vSb.Append(i.ToString()); vSb.Append(" "); } foreach (int pi in p) { pSb.Append(pi.ToString()); pSb.Append(" "); } System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation( "Polylist.VCount : " + vSb.ToString() ); System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation( "Polylist.P : " + pSb.ToString() ); foreach (var input in polylist.Input) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation( "input.Semantic : " + input.Semantic.ToString() + "\n" + "input.Source : " + input.source + "\n" + "input.Offset : " + input.Offset + "\n" + "input.Set : " + input.Set + "\n" ); Collada_Source source = sources[input.source]; if (source.Technique_Common != null) { } } System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); } /*var sources = mesh.Source; * var vertices = mesh.Vertices; * foreach(var input in vertices.Input) * { * }*/ foreach (var polygon in geometry.Mesh.Polygons) { // input points to sources either directly // or through sources defined in vertices // (vertex semantics) foreach (var input in polygon.Input) { } foreach (int index in polygon.P.Value()) { } } } }