private void setDefaultsForBusinessShortExchange()
            //intended to simulate ver short exchanges such as asking a question at the reception
            //desk of a hotel. no 'how are you's' just short and to the point
            autoGeneratePairParamaterss = false;

            greetingMode = GreetingMode.twoTurn;
            farewellMode = FarewellMode.simple;
        //functions for initialising default settings
        private void setDefaultsForHelloOnly()
            //intended to simulate passing greeting where neither speaker really stops walking
            autoGeneratePairParamaterss = false;
            //since no conversation was really had, no goodbye is necessary
            farewellMode = FarewellMode.none;

            //1/3 chance of giving a 4turn hello instead of default 2turn
            if (r.NextDouble() < 0.33)
                greetingMode = GreetingMode.fourTurn;
        public FarewellMode farewellMode;//none, 2stroke, 4stroke

        //public enum PolitenessMode { friendly, normal, polite }

        //constructor chooses default settings
        public ConversationalParamaters(ConversationType cType, PhysicalEntity_Agent participantOne, PhysicalEntity_Agent participantTwo, World world)
            r = new Random();
            userSpecifiedTopicsList = new Queue <Topic>();
            //participantsArray = new ArrayList(2);//default only two participants
            this.participantOne = participantOne;
            this.participantTwo = participantTwo;
            = world;

            greetingMode = GreetingMode.twoTurn;
            //smallTalkMode = 0;
            farewellMode = FarewellMode.simple;
            autoGeneratePairParamaterss = false;//off by default

            //TODO use this somehow
            discourseType = DiscourseType.@default;

            //TODO choose register in a more inteligent way
            registerType = RegisterType.casual_register;

            //contains one case for every type of conversation
            switch (cType)
            case ConversationType.helloOnly:

            case ConversationType.businessShortExchange:
