private void Show(DataTable dt)
        if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
            lbldidnt.Visible = true;

            lbldidnt.Visible       = false;
            GrdProducts.DataSource = dt;


            for (int i = 0; i < GrdProducts.Rows.Count; i++)
                GrdProducts.Rows[i].Cells[5].Text = s.GetProviderFromId(int.Parse(GrdProducts.Rows[i].Cells[5].Text));

                if (GrdProducts.Rows[i].Cells[7].Text.Equals("1"))
                    GrdProducts.Rows[i].Cells[7].Text = "YES";

                    GrdProducts.Rows[i].Cells[7].Text = "No";
Example #2
    public void Bind()
        DataSet   ds = new DataSet();
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        DataView  dv = new DataView();

        ds = objProducts.GetAllProducts(Request.QueryString["SearchFor"].ToString(), Request.QueryString["SearchText"].ToString());
        ddlSearch.SelectedValue = Request.QueryString["SearchFor"].ToString();
        txtSearch.Text          = Request.QueryString["SearchText"].ToString();
        dtOrder = ds.Tables[0];
        ViewState["MaxPosition"] = ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["Position"].ToString();
        if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
            GrdProducts.Visible = true;
            dt = ds.Tables[0];
            dv = dt.DefaultView;
            if ((SortExpression != string.Empty) && (SortDirection != string.Empty))
                dv.Sort = SortExpression + " " + SortDirection;

            GrdProducts.DataSource = dv;
            Utility.Setserial(GrdProducts, "srno");
            btnDelete.Visible  = true;
            btnStatus.Visible  = true;
            divsearch.Visible  = true;
            btnFlea.Visible    = true;
            btnHome.Visible    = true;
            btnNew.Visible     = true;
            btnPreview.Visible = true;
            if ((Convert.ToInt32(ddlSearch.SelectedIndex) > 0) && (txtSearch.Text != ""))
                txtSearch.Text          = "";
                ddlSearch.SelectedIndex = 0;
                lnkNorec.Visible        = true;
                btnFlea.Visible         = false;
                btnHome.Visible         = false;
                btnNew.Visible          = false;
                btnPreview.Visible      = false;

                // btnImport.Visible = false;
                //lblMsg.Visible = true;
                ErrMessage("Sorry, No records found.");
            divsearch.Visible   = false;
            GrdProducts.Visible = false;
            btnDelete.Visible   = false;
            btnStatus.Visible   = false;
    protected void grdReports_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
            int         rowIndex  = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
            GridViewRow row       = grdReports.Rows[rowIndex];
            string      ReceiptNo = row.Cells[1].Text;
            lblmsg.Text = "";
            int       i    = 1;
            string    year = slct_year.SelectedItem.Value;
            DBManager vdm  = new DBManager();
            cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT  branchid, branchname, address, phone, emailid, statename, fromdate, todate, night_allowance, branchtype, company_code, branchcode, sapcode, estdyear, incharge, lat, long FROM branchmaster WHERE (branchname = @branchname)");
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@branchname", ReceiptNo);
            DataTable dtbranchid = vdm.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0];
            if (dtbranchid.Rows.Count > 0)
                cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT   SUM(monthlysalarystatement.gross) AS gross, SUM(monthlysalarystatement.netpay) AS Netpay, monthlysalarystatement.month FROM  monthlysalarystatement INNER JOIN branchmaster ON monthlysalarystatement.branchid = branchmaster.branchid WHERE (monthlysalarystatement.year = @year) AND (monthlysalarystatement.branchid = @branch) GROUP BY branchmaster.branchname, monthlysalarystatement.month");
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@branch", dtbranchid.Rows[0]["branchid"].ToString());
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@year", year);
                DataTable dtemployee = vdm.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0];

                foreach (DataRow dr in dtemployee.Rows)
                    DataRow newrow = Report.NewRow();
                    newrow["sno"] = i++.ToString();
                    //newrow["Month"] = dr["month"].ToString();
                    int    m     = Convert.ToInt32(dr["month"].ToString());
                    string month = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetMonthName(m);
                    newrow["Month"]    = month;
                    newrow["GrossPay"] = dr["gross"].ToString();
                    newrow["NetPay"]   = dr["Netpay"].ToString();
                GrdProducts.DataSource = Report;
                hidepanel.Visible = true;

            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, GetType(), "JsStatus", "PopupOpen();", true);
        catch (Exception ex)
            lblmsg.Text       = ex.Message;
            hidepanel.Visible = false;
 protected void grdReports_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
         int         rowIndex  = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
         GridViewRow row       = grdReports.Rows[rowIndex];
         string      ReceiptNo = row.Cells[2].Text;
         Report.Columns.Add("Product Id");
         Report.Columns.Add("Product Name");
         //Report.Columns.Add("Outward Date");
         lblmsg.Text = "";
         SalesDBManager SalesDB   = new SalesDBManager();
         DateTime       fromdate  = DateTime.Now;
         DateTime       todate    = DateTime.Now;
         string[]       datestrig = dtp_FromDate.Text.Split(' ');
         if (datestrig.Length > 1)
             if (datestrig[0].Split('-').Length > 0)
                 string[] dates = datestrig[0].Split('-');
                 string[] times = datestrig[1].Split(':');
                 fromdate = new DateTime(int.Parse(dates[2]), int.Parse(dates[1]), int.Parse(dates[0]), int.Parse(times[0]), int.Parse(times[1]), 0);
         datestrig = dtp_Todate.Text.Split(' ');
         if (datestrig.Length > 1)
             if (datestrig[0].Split('-').Length > 0)
                 string[] dates = datestrig[0].Split('-');
                 string[] times = datestrig[1].Split(':');
                 todate = new DateTime(int.Parse(dates[2]), int.Parse(dates[1]), int.Parse(dates[0]), int.Parse(times[0]), int.Parse(times[1]), 0);
         lblfrom_date.Text = fromdate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
         lblto_date.Text   = todate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
         string branchid = Session["Po_BranchID"].ToString();
         cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT productid, productname,price,sectionid FROM productmaster");
         DataTable dtproducts = SalesDB.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0];
         if (dtproducts.Rows.Count > 0)
             double Totalopeningqty = 0;
             double Totalreceptqty  = 0;
             double Totalissueqty   = 0;
             double Totalbqty       = 0;
             double Totalclosingqty = 0;
             var    i = 1;
             cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT  productmaster.productname, productmaster.productid, (suboutwarddetails.quantity*suboutwarddetails.perunit) AS Value,suboutwarddetails.quantity,suboutwarddetails.perunit, outwarddetails.inwarddate FROM   outwarddetails INNER JOIN   suboutwarddetails ON outwarddetails.sno = suboutwarddetails.in_refno INNER JOIN productmaster  ON productmaster.productid = suboutwarddetails.productid WHERE (outwarddetails.inwarddate BETWEEN @fromdate AND @todate) AND (outwarddetails.section_id = @sectionid) AND (outwarddetails.branchid = @branchid) AND suboutwarddetails.quantity != '0'");
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@fromdate", GetLowDate(fromdate));
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@todate", GetHighDate(todate));
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@sectionid", ReceiptNo);
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@branchid", branchid);
             DataTable dtIsspcode = SalesDB.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0];
             foreach (DataRow dr in dtproducts.Rows)
                 double openingqty = 0;
                 double receptqty  = 0;
                 double qty        = 0;
                 double bqty       = 0;
                 foreach (DataRow drissue in dtIsspcode.Select("productid='" + dr["productid"].ToString() + "'"))
                     DataRow newrow = Report.NewRow();
                     newrow["sno"]          = i++.ToString();
                     newrow["Product Id"]   = dr["productid"].ToString();
                     newrow["Product Name"] = dr["productname"].ToString();
                     // newrow["OutwardDate"] = drissue["inwarddate"].ToString();
                     // double price = 0;
                     // double.TryParse(drissue["perunit"].ToString(), out price);
                     newrow["Price"]    = drissue["perunit"].ToString();
                     newrow["Quantity"] = drissue["quantity"].ToString();
                     double value = 0;
                     double.TryParse(drissue["Value"].ToString(), out value);
                     value           = Math.Round(value, 2);
                     newrow["Value"] = value;
                     Totalissueqty  += value;
             DataRow stockreport = Report.NewRow();
             stockreport["Product Name"] = "Total";
             stockreport["Value"]        = Totalissueqty;
             //stockreport["ClosingBalance"] = Math.Round(Totalclosingqty, 2); //Totalclosingqty;
             GrdProducts.DataSource = Report;
             hidepanel.Visible = true;
             lblmsg.Text       = "No data were found";
             hidepanel.Visible = false;
         ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, GetType(), "JsStatus", "PopupOpen();", true);
     catch (Exception ex)
         lblmsg.Text       = ex.Message;
         hidepanel.Visible = false;
    protected void OnSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int      index    = grdDue.SelectedRow.RowIndex;
        string   headsno  = grdDue.SelectedRow.Cells[0].Text;
        string   name     = grdDue.SelectedRow.Cells[1].Text;
        string   country  = grdDue.SelectedRow.Cells[2].Text;
        DateTime fromdate = new DateTime();

        string[] datestrig = txtFromdate.Text.Split(' ');
        if (datestrig.Length > 1)
            if (datestrig[0].Split('-').Length > 0)
                string[] dates = datestrig[0].Split('-');
                string[] times = datestrig[1].Split(':');
                fromdate = new DateTime(int.Parse(dates[2]), int.Parse(dates[1]), int.Parse(dates[0]), int.Parse(times[0]), int.Parse(times[1]), 0);
        //string message = "Row Index: " + index + "\\nName: " + name + "\\nCountry: " + country;
            vdm = new SalesDBManager();
            DataTable Report = new DataTable();

            cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT BranchID FROM  Collections WHERE (BranchId = @BranchId) AND (PaidDate BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2)");
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@BranchID", ddlSalesOffice.SelectedValue);
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate));
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@d2", GetHighDate(fromdate));
            DataTable dtCol = vdm.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0];
            if (dtCol.Rows.Count > 0)
                lblmsg.Text = "Please Select Details On Current Day Cash Book";
                //cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT DATE_FORMAT(cashpayables.DOE, '%d %b %y') AS EntryDate, cashpayables.VocherID, accountheads.HeadName,cashpayables.VoucherType, cashpayables.Amount, cashpayables.ApprovedAmount as ApprovedAmount FROM accountheads INNER JOIN subpayable ON accountheads.Sno = subpayable.HeadSno INNER JOIN cashpayables ON subpayable.RefNo = cashpayables.Sno WHERE (cashpayables.BranchID = @BranchID)  AND (subpayable.HeadSno = @HeadSno) and (cashpayables.Status=@Status)  ORDER BY cashpayables.DOE");
                cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT DATE_FORMAT(cashpayables.DOE, '%d %b %y') AS EntryDate, cashpayables.VocherID, accountheads.HeadName, cashpayables.VoucherType,cashpayables.Amount, cashpayables.ApprovedAmount FROM accountheads INNER JOIN subpayable ON accountheads.Sno = subpayable.HeadSno INNER JOIN cashpayables ON subpayable.RefNo = cashpayables.Sno WHERE (subpayable.HeadSno = @HeadSno) AND (cashpayables.Status = @Status) AND (cashpayables.VoucherType<>'Debit')  ORDER BY cashpayables.DOE");
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@Status", 'P');
                //cmd.Parameters.Add("@BranchID", ddlSalesOffice.SelectedValue);
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@HeadSno", headsno);
                DataTable dtCredit = vdm.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0];
                Report.Columns.Add("IOUAmount").DataType    = typeof(Double);
                Report.Columns.Add("CreditAmount").DataType = typeof(Double);
                double DueAmount    = 0;
                double CreditAmount = 0;
                if (dtCredit.Rows.Count > 0)
                    foreach (DataRow dr in dtCredit.Rows)
                        DataRow newrow = Report.NewRow();
                        newrow["Date"]        = dr["EntryDate"].ToString();
                        newrow["VoucherID"]   = dr["VocherID"].ToString();
                        newrow["AccountName"] = dr["HeadName"].ToString();
                        string VoucherType = dr["VoucherType"].ToString();
                        if (VoucherType == "Due")
                            double ReceivedAmount = 0;
                            double.TryParse(dr["Amount"].ToString(), out ReceivedAmount);
                            newrow["IOUAmount"] = ReceivedAmount;
                            DueAmount          += ReceivedAmount;
                        if (VoucherType == "Credit")
                            double ApprovedAmount = 0;
                            double.TryParse(dr["ApprovedAmount"].ToString(), out ApprovedAmount);
                            newrow["CreditAmount"] = ApprovedAmount;
                            CreditAmount          += ApprovedAmount;
                double Amount = 0;
                Amount = DueAmount - CreditAmount;
                //lblmsg.Text = "Due Amount: " + Amount.ToString();
                DataRow newrowbalance = Report.NewRow();
                newrowbalance["AccountName"] = "Due Amount: ";
                newrowbalance["IOUAmount"]   = Amount;
                GrdProducts.DataSource = Report;
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, GetType(), "JsStatus", "PopupOpen();", true);
        catch (Exception ex)
            lblmsg.Text = ex.Message;
Example #6
    protected void grdrecipts_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
            DataTable   Report   = new DataTable();
            int         rowIndex = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
            GridViewRow row      = grdReports_mnth.Rows[rowIndex];
            string      pid      = row.Cells[2].Text;
            if (pid == "" || pid == null || pid == "&nbsp;")
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, GetType(), "JsStatus", "PopupOpen();", false);
                SalesDBManager SalesDB   = new SalesDBManager();
                DateTime       fromdate  = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime       todate    = DateTime.Now;
                string[]       datestrig = dtp_FromDate.Text.Split(' ');
                if (datestrig.Length > 1)
                    if (datestrig[0].Split('-').Length > 0)
                        string[] dates = datestrig[0].Split('-');
                        string[] times = datestrig[1].Split(':');
                        fromdate = new DateTime(int.Parse(dates[2]), int.Parse(dates[1]), int.Parse(dates[0]), int.Parse(times[0]), int.Parse(times[1]), 0);
                datestrig = dtp_Todate.Text.Split(' ');
                if (datestrig.Length > 1)
                    if (datestrig[0].Split('-').Length > 0)
                        string[] dates = datestrig[0].Split('-');
                        string[] times = datestrig[1].Split(':');
                        todate = new DateTime(int.Parse(dates[2]), int.Parse(dates[1]), int.Parse(dates[0]), int.Parse(times[0]), int.Parse(times[1]), 0);
                lblFromDate.Text = fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy");
                lbltodate.Text   = todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy");
                string Type = Session["BranchType"].ToString();
                Report.Columns.Add("Product Name");
                Report.Columns.Add("Received Film");
                Report.Columns.Add("Consumption Film");
                Report.Columns.Add("Wastage Film");
                Report.Columns.Add("Production Film");
                Report.Columns.Add("Film Wastage(%)");
                cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT  cpm.sno, cpm.productid, cpm.ob, cpm.received_film, cpm.cb,, cpm.consumption_film, cpm.remarks, cpm.wastage_film, cpm.production, cpm.approveproduction, cpm.entry_by, cpm.branchid, cpm.doe, pm.productname, bi.branchname, cpm.qty_ltr FROM   packing_entry AS cpm INNER JOIN productmaster AS pm ON pm.sno = cpm.productid INNER JOIN branch_info AS bi ON bi.sno = cpm.branchid  WHERE   (cpm.branchid = @branchid) AND (cpm.doe BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (cpm.section = 'curd') AND (cpm.productid = @pid) ORDER BY cpm.sno");
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate));
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@d2", GetHighDate(todate));
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@branchid", BranchID);
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@pid", pid);
                DataTable dtPacking = SalesDB.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0];
                if (dtPacking.Rows.Count > 0)
                    int    i                   = 1;
                    double wastagetotal        = 0;
                    double cuttingtotal        = 0;
                    double consumptiontotal    = 0;
                    double receivedtotal       = 0;
                    double returnfilmtotal     = 0;
                    double totalwastage        = 0;
                    double totalcuttingwastage = 0;
                    double overallwastage      = 0;
                    double totalqtykgs         = 0;
                    foreach (DataRow dr in dtPacking.Rows)
                        DataRow newrow = Report.NewRow();
                        newrow["Product Name"] = dr["productname"].ToString();
                        double received_film = 0;
                        double.TryParse(dr["received_film"].ToString(), out received_film);
                        newrow["Received Film"] = Math.Round(received_film, 2);

                        double consumption_film = 0;
                        double.TryParse(dr["consumption_film"].ToString(), out consumption_film);
                        newrow["Consumption Film"] = Math.Round(consumption_film, 2);

                        double wastage_film = 0;
                        double.TryParse(dr["wastage_film"].ToString(), out wastage_film);
                        newrow["Wastage Film"] = Math.Round(wastage_film, 2);

                        double production = 0;
                        double.TryParse(dr["production"].ToString(), out production);
                        newrow["Production Film"] = Math.Round(production, 2);

                        double wastage = 0;
                        double.TryParse(dr["wastage_film"].ToString(), out wastage);
                        wastagetotal += wastage;
                        double consumption = 0;
                        double.TryParse(dr["consumption_film"].ToString(), out consumption);
                        consumptiontotal += consumption;
                        double RecivedFilm = 0;
                        double.TryParse(dr["received_film"].ToString(), out RecivedFilm);
                        receivedtotal += RecivedFilm;
                    DataRow newvartical21 = Report.NewRow();
                    newvartical21["Product Name"]     = "Total";
                    newvartical21["Received Film"]    = receivedtotal;
                    newvartical21["Consumption Film"] = consumptiontotal;
                    newvartical21["Wastage Film"]     = wastagetotal;
                    DataRow newvartical31 = Report.NewRow();
                    totalwastage = (wastagetotal / consumptiontotal) * 100;
                    totalwastage = Math.Round(totalwastage, 2);
                    newvartical31["Production Film"] = "Total Wastage Film(%)";
                    newvartical31["Film Wastage(%)"] = totalwastage;

                    DataRow newvartical51 = Report.NewRow();
                    overallwastage = ((wastagetotal + cuttingtotal) / consumptiontotal) * 100;
                    overallwastage = Math.Round(overallwastage, 2);
                    newvartical51["Production Film"] = "Over All Film Watsge(%)";
                    newvartical51["Film Wastage(%)"] = overallwastage;

                    GrdProducts.DataSource = Report;
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, GetType(), "JsStatus", "PopupOpen();", true);
        catch (Exception ex)
            lblmsg.Text       = ex.Message;
            hidepanel.Visible = false;