private void TestRV(OrbitData od, GameObject planet, GameObject star)
        GameObject testPlanet = TestSetupUtils.CreatePlanetInHyper(star, 1f); = "TestPlanet";
        OrbitHyper testHyper = testPlanet.GetComponent <OrbitHyper>();

        testHyper.InitFromOrbitData(od); = "Planet";

        // Awkward but cannot add a new object to GE when it is stopped, so re-add all three
        GravityEngine ge = GravityEngine.Instance();

        Vector3 r_od = ge.GetPhysicsPosition(testPlanet.GetComponent <NBody>());
        Vector3 v_od = ge.GetVelocity(testPlanet);
        Vector3 r_i  = ge.GetPhysicsPosition(planet.GetComponent <NBody>());
        Vector3 v_i  = ge.GetVelocity(planet);

        Debug.Log(" r_i=" + r_i + " r_od=" + r_od + " delta=" + Vector3.Distance(r_i, r_od));
        Debug.Log(" v_i=" + v_i + " v_od=" + v_od + " delta=" + Vector3.Distance(v_i, v_od));
        Assert.IsTrue(FloatEqual(Vector3.Distance(r_i, r_od), 0f, 5E-2));
        Assert.IsTrue(FloatEqual(Vector3.Distance(v_i, v_od), 0f, 5E-2));
    private void TestRV(OrbitData od, GameObject planet, NBody starNbody, float orbitRadius)
        GameObject     testPlanet = TestSetupUtils.CreatePlanetInOrbitUniversal(starNbody, 1f, orbitRadius);
        OrbitUniversal orbitU     = testPlanet.GetComponent <OrbitUniversal>();

        // Run init explicitly to update transform details
        orbitU.InitFromOrbitData(od, 0);

        // Awkward but previously could not add a new object to GE when it is stopped, so re-add all three
        // Leave as is, since it works!
        GravityEngine ge = GravityEngine.Instance();

        Vector3 r_od = ge.GetPhysicsPosition(testPlanet.GetComponent <NBody>());
        Vector3 v_od = ge.GetVelocity(testPlanet);
        Vector3 r_i  = ge.GetPhysicsPosition(planet.GetComponent <NBody>());
        Vector3 v_i  = ge.GetVelocity(planet);

        Debug.Log(" r_i=" + r_i + " r_od=" + r_od + " delta=" + Vector3.Distance(r_i, r_od));
        Debug.Log(" v_i=" + v_i + " v_od=" + v_od + " delta=" + Vector3.Distance(v_i, v_od));
        Assert.IsTrue(GEUnit.FloatEqual(Vector3.Distance(r_i, r_od), 0f, 1E-2));
        Assert.IsTrue(GEUnit.FloatEqual(Vector3.Distance(v_i, v_od), 0f, 1E-2));
    private void TestRV(OrbitData od, GameObject planet, GameObject star, float orbitRadius)
        GameObject   testPlanet  = TestSetupUtils.CreatePlanetInOrbit(star, 1f, orbitRadius);
        OrbitEllipse testEllipse = testPlanet.GetComponent <OrbitEllipse>();

        // Run init explicitly to update transform details

        // Awkward but cannot add a new object to GE when it is stopped, so re-add all three
        GravityEngine ge = GravityEngine.Instance();

        Vector3 r_od = ge.GetPhysicsPosition(testPlanet.GetComponent <NBody>());
        Vector3 v_od = ge.GetVelocity(testPlanet);
        Vector3 r_i  = ge.GetPhysicsPosition(planet.GetComponent <NBody>());
        Vector3 v_i  = ge.GetVelocity(planet);

        Debug.Log(" r_i=" + r_i + " r_od=" + r_od + " delta=" + Vector3.Distance(r_i, r_od));
        Debug.Log(" v_i=" + v_i + " v_od=" + v_od + " delta=" + Vector3.Distance(v_i, v_od));
        Assert.IsTrue(FloatEqual(Vector3.Distance(r_i, r_od), 0f, 1E-2));
        Assert.IsTrue(FloatEqual(Vector3.Distance(v_i, v_od), 0f, 1E-2));
    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        // monitor for engine start (not ideal, but avoids linking to LaunchUI script)
        if ((timeStarted < 0) && engine.engineOn)
            timeStarted = ge.GetPhysicalTime();
            float   pitch0        = pitchCurve.Evaluate(0);
            Vector3 localVertical = Vector3.Normalize(ge.GetPhysicsPosition(ship) - ge.GetPhysicsPosition(earth));
            lastAttitude = Vector3.Cross(localVertical, Vector3.forward); // forward = (0,0,1)
            lastAttitude = Quaternion.AngleAxis(pitch0, Vector3.forward) * lastAttitude;

        if (timeStarted > 0)
            float t = (float)(ge.GetTimeWorldSeconds() - timeStarted) / timeRangePhysical;
            t = Mathf.Clamp(t, 0f, 1f);

            // pitch in range 0..90 as curve goes 0..1
            float pitch = pitchCurve.Evaluate(t) * 90.0f;
            // find the local vertical
            Vector3 localVertical = Vector3.Normalize(ge.GetPhysicsPosition(ship) - ge.GetPhysicsPosition(earth));
            // First get local horizontal (this ordering of cross product assumes we want to go East)
            Vector3 attitude = Vector3.Cross(localVertical, Vector3.forward); // forward = (0,0,1)
            attitude = Quaternion.AngleAxis(pitch, Vector3.forward) * attitude;

            // when attitude changes by 1 degree, re-compute trajectories
            if (Vector3.Angle(attitude, lastAttitude) > 1f)
                lastAttitude = attitude;

            // thrust
            float thrust = thrustCurve.Evaluate(t);
            engine.SetThrottlePercent(100f * thrust);
Example #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Used to determine the initial physics position of an NBody (initialPhysPosition).
    /// Used in two contexts:
    /// (1) When a body is added to GE (either at setup or when a body is dynamically added at run-time).
    /// (2) In the editor DrawGizmo calls when the orbit path is being show in a scene that is not running.
    ///     In the case of orbit gizmos the orbit parameters will MOVE the object to the correct position in the
    ///     orbit based on the position calculated here.
    /// If the NBody game object has an INBodyInit component (e.g from an OrbitEllipse) then
    /// this is used to determine it's position. There is a potential for recursion here, since that
    /// orbit ellipse may be on a NBody that is in turn positioned by an orbit ellipse e.g. moon/planet/sun.
    /// If the NBody has an engine ref (i.e. GE has taken charge) then update with the position from GE.
    /// /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ge"></param>
    public void InitPosition(GravityEngine ge)
        // Not ideal that NBody knows so much about methods to run setup. Be better to delegate this eventually.

        // check for initial condition setup (e.g. initial conditions for elliptical orbit/binary pair)
        if (engineRef != null)
            initialPhysPosition = ge.GetPhysicsPosition(this);
            // If there is a Kepler sequence, use that instead of e.g. the first OrbitU
            INbodyInit     initNbody;
            KeplerSequence keplerSeq = GetComponent <KeplerSequence>();
            if (keplerSeq != null)
                initNbody = (INbodyInit)keplerSeq;
                initNbody = gameObject.GetComponent <INbodyInit>();
            if (initNbody != null)
                initNbody.InitNBody(ge.physToWorldFactor, ge.massScale);
                // binary pair
                if (transform.parent != null)
                    BinaryPair bp = transform.parent.GetComponent <BinaryPair>();
                    if (bp != null)
                if (ge.units != GravityScaler.Units.DIMENSIONLESS)
                    // value in scaled systems is taken from the NBody scaled position and not the transform
                    initialPhysPosition = initialPos;
                    // value is taken from the transform object
                    initialPhysPosition = transform.position;
    // Update is called once per fixed frame by GE
    public void FixedUpdate()
        // need to get physics positions for everything
        GravityEngine ge       = GravityEngine.Instance();
        Vector3       shipPos  = ge.GetPhysicsPosition(spaceship);
        Vector3       body1Pos = ge.GetPhysicsPosition(body1);
        Vector3       body2Pos = ge.GetPhysicsPosition(body2);

        float D = Vector3.Distance(body1Pos, body2Pos);

        NBody influencer = lastInfluencer;
        float d          = Vector3.Distance(shipPos, body2Pos);

        // add a bit of hysteresis
        if (d < ENTER_DERATE * D * massRatio25)
            influencer = body2;
        else if (d > D * massRatio25)
            influencer = body1;
        if (influencer != lastInfluencer)
            if (patchChanged != null)
                patchChanged.OnNewInfluencer(influencer, lastInfluencer);
#pragma warning disable 162        // disable unreachable code warning
            if (GravityEngine.DEBUG)
                Debug.LogFormat("Influencer changed from {0} to {1} at d={2} t={3}",
                                lastInfluencer, influencer, d, ge.GetPhysicalTime());
#pragma warning restore 162
            lastInfluencer = influencer;
Example #7
    void FixedUpdate()
        Vector3 pos = ge.GetPhysicsPosition(referenceObject);

        if (pos.magnitude > distanceTrigger)
            Vector3 unityPos = referenceObject.transform.position;
            Debug.LogFormat("Moving physics position={0} D={1} ", pos, pos.magnitude);

            // moving the camera need to move in Unity space (not physics space)
            if (cameraObject != null)
                cameraObject.transform.position -= unityPos;
            // ge.singleStep = true;
Example #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Apply scale to the orbit. This is used by the inspector scripts during
 /// scene setup. Do not use at run-time.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="scale">Scale.</param>
 public void ApplyScale(float scale)
     if (paramBy == ParamBy.AXIS_A)
         a_scaled = a * scale;
     else if (paramBy == ParamBy.CLOSEST_P)
         p_scaled = p * scale;
     if (binaryNbody != null)
         // this binary will have orbit w.r.t something. Make sure that update has been done
         // check for initial condition setup (e.g. initial conditions for elliptical orbit)
         GravityEngine ge = GravityEngine.Instance();
         if (binaryNbody.engineRef == null)
             INbodyInit initNbody = GetComponent <INbodyInit>();
             if (initNbody != null)
                 initNbody.InitNBody(ge.physToWorldFactor, ge.massScale);
             cmPosition = binaryNbody.initialPhysPosition;
             cmPosition = ge.GetPhysicsPosition(binaryNbody);
         cmPosition = transform.position * scale / GravityEngine.instance.physToWorldFactor;
     // if there is a binaryNbody, then need to determine the CM position and velocity before the
    /// <summary>
    /// Computes the transfer and updates all the ghost bodies.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private void ComputeTransfer()
        double timeNow = ge.GetPhysicalTimeDouble();

        // First using the transfer time, move the ghost Moon to position at SOI arrival.
        // Call evolve via LockAtTime on the ghostMoon to move it. Set position based on this.
        double t_flight  = tflightFactor * timeHohmann;
        double timeatSoi = timeNow + t_flight;

        // Determine the moon phase angle
        double moonPhase = ghostMoonSoiEnterOrbitPredictor.GetOrbitUniversal().phase;

        // Place the TLI ship at the user-requested angle wrt planet-moon line
        // Put ghost ship in same orbit geometry as the moon, assuming it is circular. Then
        // can use same phase value.
        // (Ship needs to reach this departure point, it may not even be on the ship orbit
        //  in general).
        ghostShipOrbit[TLI].phase       = shipTLIAngleDeg + (moonPhase + 180f);
        ghostShipOrbit[TLI].inclination = ghostMoonOrbit[MOON_SOI_ENTER].inclination;
        ghostShipOrbit[TLI].omega_lc    = ghostMoonOrbit[MOON_SOI_ENTER].omega_lc;
        ghostShipOrbit[TLI].omega_uc    = ghostMoonOrbit[MOON_SOI_ENTER].omega_uc;
        ghostShipOrbit[TLI].p_inspector = shipOrbit.p;

        // Place the SOI enter ship at the user-requested angle in an SOI orbit. Lock at time 0 so the phase
        // is held per the user input.
        ghostShipOrbit[ENTER_SOI].phase       = soiAngleDeg + moonPhase;
        ghostShipOrbit[ENTER_SOI].inclination = soiInclination + shipOrbit.inclination;
        ghostShipOrbit[ENTER_SOI].omega_lc    = ghostMoonOrbit[MOON_SOI_ENTER].omega_lc;
        ghostShipOrbit[ENTER_SOI].omega_uc    = ghostMoonOrbit[MOON_SOI_ENTER].omega_uc;

        // Find the line to the ENTER_SOI position. Ship departs from that line continued through planet
        // at the shipRadius distance (assumes circular ship orbit)
        // TODO: Handle planet not at (0,0,0)
        Vector3d soiEntryPos    = ge.GetPositionDoubleV3(ghostShip[ENTER_SOI]);
        Vector3d planetPos      = ge.GetPositionDoubleV3(planet);
        Vector3d departurePoint = ge.GetPositionDoubleV3(ghostShip[TLI]);

        // Use Lambert to find the departure velocity to get from departure to soiEntry
        // Since we need 180 degrees from departure to arrival, use LambertBattin
        lambertB = new LambertBattin(ghostShip[TO_MOON], planet, departurePoint, soiEntryPos, shipOrbit.GetAxis());

        // apply any time of flight change
        bool reverse = !shortPath;

        const bool df    = false;
        const int  nrev  = 0;
        int        error = lambertB.ComputeXfer(reverse, df, nrev, t_flight);

        if (error != 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("Lambert failed to find solution. error=" + error);
        // Check Lambert is going in the correct direction
        //Vector3 shipOrbitAxis = Vector3.Cross(ge.GetPhysicsPosition(spaceship), ge.GetVelocity(spaceship) ).normalized;
        //Vector3 tliOrbitAxis = Vector3.Cross(departurePoint.ToVector3(), lambertB.GetTransferVelocity().ToVector3()).normalized;
        Vector3 shipOrbitAxis = Vector3.Cross(ge.GetVelocity(spaceship), ge.GetPhysicsPosition(spaceship)).normalized;
        Vector3 tliOrbitAxis  = Vector3.Cross(lambertB.GetTransferVelocity().ToVector3(), departurePoint.ToVector3()).normalized;

        if (Vector3.Dot(shipOrbitAxis, tliOrbitAxis) < 0)
            error = lambertB.ComputeXfer(!reverse, df, nrev, t_flight);
            if (error != 0)
                Debug.LogWarning("Lambert failed to find solution for reverse path. error=" + error);
        Debug.LogFormat("tli_vel={0}", lambertB.GetTransferVelocity());

        ghostShipOrbit[TO_MOON].InitFromRVT(departurePoint, lambertB.GetTransferVelocity(), timeNow, planet, false);

        // Set velocity for orbit around moon. Will be updated every frame
        ghostShipOrbit[SOI_HYPER].InitFromRVT(soiEntryPos, lambertB.GetFinalVelocity(), timeNow, ghostMoon[MOON_SOI_ENTER], false);

        // Find the exit point of the hyperbola in the SOI
        OrbitUtils.OrbitElements oe = OrbitUtils.RVtoCOE(soiEntryPos, lambertB.GetFinalVelocity(), ghostMoon[MOON_SOI_ENTER], false);
        Vector3d soiExitR           = new Vector3d();
        Vector3d soiExitV           = new Vector3d();

        OrbitUtils.COEtoRVMirror(oe, ghostMoon[MOON_SOI_ENTER], ref soiExitR, ref soiExitV, false);

        // Find time to go around the moon. TOF requires relative positions!!
        Vector3d ghostSoiEnterPos   = ge.GetPositionDoubleV3(ghostMoon[MOON_SOI_ENTER]);
        Vector3d soiEnterRelative   = soiEntryPos - ghostSoiEnterPos;
        Vector3d soiExitRelative    = soiExitR - ghostSoiEnterPos;
        Vector3d soiExitVelRelative = soiExitV - ge.GetVelocityDoubleV3(ghostMoon[MOON_SOI_ENTER]);
        double   hyperTOF           = ghostShipOrbit[SOI_HYPER].TimeOfFlight(soiEnterRelative, soiExitRelative);

        // Position the ghost moon for SOI exit (timeAtSoi includes timeNow)
        t_soiExit = timeatSoi + hyperTOF;

        // Set position and vel for exit ship, so exit orbit predictor can run.
        Vector3d ghostMoonSoiExitPos = ge.GetPositionDoubleV3(ghostMoon[MOON_SOI_EXIT]);
        Vector3d ghostMoonSoiExitVel = ge.GetVelocityDoubleV3(ghostMoon[MOON_SOI_EXIT]);

        ghostShipOrbit[EXIT_SOI].InitFromRVT(soiExitRelative + ghostMoonSoiExitPos,
                                             soiExitVelRelative + ghostMoonSoiExitVel,
                                             timeNow, planet, false);
    /// <summary>
    /// Take the Nbody objects in the nbodies list set them inactive and make them children of a new
    /// NBody object moving as the CM of the nbodies. This allows RigidBody mechanics during close
    /// encounters.
    /// </summary>
    private void Activate()
        if (nbodies.Length < 2)
            Debug.LogError("Need two or more nbodies");

        GravityEngine ge = GravityEngine.Instance();

        // Step 1: calculate CM position and velocity
        Vector3d cmPos = new Vector3d(0, 0, 0);
        Vector3d cmVel = new Vector3d(0, 0, 0);

        float mass = 0f;

        rigidBodies = new Rigidbody[nbodies.Length];

        // RigidBody is assumed to be attached to one of the children (to keep model scale independent)
        int i = 0;

        foreach (NBody nbody in nbodies)
            rigidBodies[i] = nbody.GetComponentInChildren <Rigidbody>();
            //rigidBodies[i] = nbody.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
            if (rigidBodies[i] == null)
                Debug.LogError("Abort - No rigidbody detected on " +;
            mass  += rigidBodies[i].mass;
            cmPos += rigidBodies[i].mass * ge.GetPositionDoubleV3(nbody);
            cmVel += rigidBodies[i].mass * ge.GetVelocityDoubleV3(nbody);
        cmPos /= mass;
        cmVel /= mass;
        Debug.LogFormat("CM p={0} v={1} mass={2}", cmPos.ToVector3(), cmVel.ToVector3(), mass);

        // Step2: Inactivate the NBodies and make children of a new NBody object
        priorParents = new Transform[nbodies.Length];
        cmObject     = new GameObject("DockingGroupCM");
        cmNbody      = cmObject.AddComponent <NBody>();

        // Set cm pos/vel
        // NBody InitPosition will use transform or initialPos base on units. Set both.
        cmNbody.initialPos         = cmPos.ToVector3() * ge.physToWorldFactor;
        cmNbody.transform.position = cmNbody.initialPos;
        ge.SetVelocity(cmNbody, cmVel.ToVector3());
        Debug.LogFormat("set pos={0} actual={1}", cmPos.ToVector3(), ge.GetPhysicsPosition(cmNbody));
        i = 0;
        foreach (NBody nbody in nbodies)
            Vector3d pos = ge.GetPositionDoubleV3(nbody);
            Vector3d vel = ge.GetVelocityDoubleV3(nbody);
            priorParents[i] = nbody.gameObject.transform.parent;
            nbody.gameObject.transform.parent = cmObject.transform;
            // position wrt to CM. Need to convert to Unity scene units from GE Internal
            pos = (pos - cmPos) * ge.physToWorldFactor;
            vel = GravityScaler.ScaleVelPhysToScene(vel - cmVel);
            nbody.transform.localPosition = pos.ToVector3();
            rigidBodies[i].velocity       = vel.ToVector3();
            // rigidBodies[i].isKinematic = false;
            Debug.LogFormat("body {0} p={1} v={2}",, pos.ToVector3(), vel.ToVector3());
        // activate any RCS elements
        foreach (ReactionControlSystem r in rcs)
            if (r != null)
    /// <summary>
    /// Computes the transfer with the moon on the +X axis without accounting for the moon motion during
    /// transit. (That is accounted for in the ExecuteTransfer routine).
    /// This allows a co-rotating visualization of the orbit.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private Vector3 ComputeTransfer()
        OrbitData shipOrbit = new OrbitData();

        shipOrbit.SetOrbitForVelocity(spaceship, planet);

        // compute the min energy path (this will be in the short path direction)
        lambertU = new LambertUniversal(shipOrbit, startPoint, targetPoint, shortPath);

        // apply any time of flight change
        double t_flight = tflightFactor * lambertU.GetTMin();
        bool   reverse  = !shortPath;

        const bool df    = false;
        const int  nrev  = 0;
        int        error = lambertU.ComputeXfer(reverse, df, nrev, t_flight);

        if (error != 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("Lambert failed to find solution.");
        // Check Lambert is going in the correct direction
        Vector3 shipOrbitAxis = Vector3.Cross(ge.GetVelocity(spaceship), ge.GetPhysicsPosition(spaceship)).normalized;
        Vector3 tliOrbitAxis  = Vector3.Cross(lambertU.GetTransferVelocity(), startPoint.ToVector3());

        if (Vector3.Dot(shipOrbitAxis, tliOrbitAxis) < 0)
            error = lambertU.ComputeXfer(!reverse, df, nrev, t_flight);
            if (error != 0)
                Debug.LogWarning("Lambert failed to find solution for reverse path. error=" + error);

        Vector3 tliVelocity = lambertU.GetTransferVelocity();


        // Set velocity for orbit around moon
        Vector3 soiEnterVel = lambertU.GetFinalVelocity();


        // update shipEnterSOI object
        ge.UpdatePositionAndVelocity(shipEnterSOI, targetPoint.ToVector3(), soiEnterVel);

        // Find the orbit around the moon. By using the mirror position we're assuming it's
        // a hyperbola (since there is no course correction at SOI this is true).
        // (Moon is in correct position for these calcs so can use world positions, relativePos=false)
        Vector3d soiEnterV = new Vector3d(lambertU.GetFinalVelocity());

        OrbitUtils.OrbitElements oe = OrbitUtils.RVtoCOE(targetPoint, soiEnterV, moonBody, false);
        Vector3d soiExitR           = new Vector3d();
        Vector3d soiExitV           = new Vector3d();

        OrbitUtils.COEtoRVMirror(oe, moonBody, ref soiExitR, ref soiExitV, false);
        // Set position and vel for exit ship, so exit orbit predictor can run. Moon offset/vel already added.
        ge.SetPositionDoubleV3(shipExitSOI, soiExitR);
        ge.SetVelocityDoubleV3(shipExitSOI, soiExitV);