         * Most code inspired by code found on
         * OpenTK documentation:
         * www.opentk.com/node/3181
         * And on learnit, specifically Topic4
        protected override void OnRenderFrame(FrameEventArgs e)
            double timeSinceLastFrame = e.Time;

            //Spawn comets
            if (OpenTK.Input.Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(OpenTK.Input.Key.Space))
                PhysicsObject physObj = new PhysicsObject();
                physObj.Mass         = 1000 * Math.Pow(10, 16);
                physObj.Radius       = 200000;
                physObj.Velocity     = new double[] { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
                physObj.Acceleration = new double[3];

                var spawnPos = new double[] { -camController.Position[0], -camController.Position[1], -camController.Position[2] };
                spawnPos[2] += 25000;
                SimObject simObj = new SimObject(
                    spawnPos, physObj, graphController.CreateGraphicsObj(0));
                simObj.Scale = new double[] { physObj.Radius, physObj.Radius, physObj.Radius };
                //comets.Add(drawObjList.Count, simObj);

            // Hold T to accelerate to 1 day / frame
            if (OpenTK.Input.Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(OpenTK.Input.Key.T))
                timeSinceLastFrame *= 86400;

            // Hold T + Y tp accelerate to 10 days / frame.
            // Y calculates only 10 seconds on it's own.
            if (OpenTK.Input.Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(OpenTK.Input.Key.Y))
                timeSinceLastFrame *= 10;

            GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);

            List <Matrix4> transMats = physController.Update(drawObjList, timeSinceLastFrame);


            Matrix4 transMat = camController.Update(e.Time);
            Matrix4 camMat   = transMat;

            GL.MultMatrix(ref camMat);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            GraphicsController graphCon         = new GraphicsController();
            List <SimObject>   simulatedObjects = new List <SimObject>();
            List <Matrix4>     transList        = new List <Matrix4>();
            PhysicsController  physics          = new PhysicsController();

            /* HANDLE GRAPHICS */

            // The Sun
            GraphicsObject sunGraphics = graphCon.CreateGraphicsObj(0);

            // Earth
            GraphicsObject earthGraphics = graphCon.CreateGraphicsObj(0);

            // Mercury
            GraphicsObject mercuryGraphics = graphCon.CreateGraphicsObj(0);

            // Venus
            GraphicsObject venusGraphics = graphCon.CreateGraphicsObj(0);

            // Mars
            GraphicsObject marsGraphics = graphCon.CreateGraphicsObj(0);

            // Jupiter
            GraphicsObject jupiterGraphics = graphCon.CreateGraphicsObj(0);

            // Saturn
            GraphicsObject saturnGraphics = graphCon.CreateGraphicsObj(0);

            /* GFX HANDLING DONE */

            /* HANDLE PHYSICS */
            PhysicsObject sunPhys = new PhysicsObject();

            sunPhys.Mass         = 1.98843 * Math.Pow(10, 30);
            sunPhys.Radius       = 6963420;
            sunPhys.Velocity     = new double[3];
            sunPhys.Acceleration = new double[3];

            PhysicsObject earthPhys = new PhysicsObject();

            earthPhys.Mass         = 5.97223 * Math.Pow(10, 24);
            earthPhys.Radius       = 637100;
            earthPhys.Velocity     = new double[] { 0, 0, 29.78 * 1000 };
            earthPhys.Acceleration = new double[3];

            PhysicsObject mercuryPhys = new PhysicsObject();

            mercuryPhys.Mass         = 3.3022 * Math.Pow(10, 23);
            mercuryPhys.Radius       = 243900.7;
            mercuryPhys.Velocity     = new double[] { 0, 0, 47.362 * 1000 };
            mercuryPhys.Acceleration = new double[3];

            PhysicsObject venusPhys = new PhysicsObject();

            venusPhys.Mass         = 4.8676 * Math.Pow(10, 24);
            venusPhys.Radius       = 605100.8;
            venusPhys.Velocity     = new double[] { 0, 0, 35.02 * 1000 };
            venusPhys.Acceleration = new double[3];

            PhysicsObject marsPhys = new PhysicsObject();

            marsPhys.Mass         = 6.4185 * Math.Pow(10, 23);
            marsPhys.Radius       = 338900.5;
            marsPhys.Velocity     = new double[] { 0, 0, 24.077 * 1000 };
            marsPhys.Acceleration = new double[3];

            PhysicsObject jupiterPhys = new PhysicsObject();

            jupiterPhys.Mass         = 1.8986 * Math.Pow(10, 27);
            jupiterPhys.Radius       = 699110;
            jupiterPhys.Velocity     = new double[] { 0, 0, 13.07 * 1000 };
            jupiterPhys.Acceleration = new double[3];

            PhysicsObject saturnPhys = new PhysicsObject();

            saturnPhys.Mass         = 5.6846 * Math.Pow(10, 26);
            saturnPhys.Radius       = 602680;
            saturnPhys.Velocity     = new double[] { 0, 0, 9.69 * 1000 };
            saturnPhys.Acceleration = new double[3];

            /* PHYSICS HANDLING DONE*/

            /* PEPARE SIMOBJECTS */

            SimObject sunSim = new SimObject(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }, sunPhys, sunGraphics);

            sunSim.Scale = new double[] { sunPhys.Radius, sunPhys.Radius, sunPhys.Radius };

            SimObject earthSim = new SimObject(new double[] { 149598261.0, 0, 0 }, earthPhys, earthGraphics);

            earthSim.Scale = new double[] { earthPhys.Radius, earthPhys.Radius, earthPhys.Radius };

            SimObject mercurySim = new SimObject(new double[] { 57909050.0, 0, 0 }, mercuryPhys, mercuryGraphics);

            mercurySim.Scale = new double[] { mercuryPhys.Radius, mercuryPhys.Radius, mercuryPhys.Radius };

            SimObject venusSim = new SimObject(new double[] { 108208000.0, 0, 0 }, venusPhys, venusGraphics);

            venusSim.Scale = new double[] { venusPhys.Radius, venusPhys.Radius, venusPhys.Radius };

            SimObject marsSim = new SimObject(new double[] { 227939100.0, 0, 0 }, marsPhys, marsGraphics);

            marsSim.Scale = new double[] { marsPhys.Radius, marsPhys.Radius, marsPhys.Radius };

            SimObject jupiterSim = new SimObject(new double[] { 778547200.0, 0, 0 }, jupiterPhys, jupiterGraphics);

            jupiterSim.Scale = new double[] { jupiterPhys.Radius, jupiterPhys.Radius, jupiterPhys.Radius };

            SimObject saturnSim = new SimObject(new double[] { 1433449370.0, 0, 0 }, saturnPhys, saturnGraphics);

            saturnSim.Scale = new double[] { saturnPhys.Radius, saturnPhys.Radius, saturnPhys.Radius };

            /* SIMOBJECTS PREPARED */

            /* Setup SimObjList & GraphicsController */
            RenderWindow renderWindow = new RenderWindow(1024, 768, OpenTK.Graphics.GraphicsMode.Default, "Solar Simulation");

