protected bool CompleteParamSource(string paramName, Graphics.GpuProgramParameters.GpuConstantDefinitionMap vertexConstantDefs, Graphics.GpuProgramParameters.GpuConstantDefinitionMap fragmentConstantDefs, GLUniformReference refToUpdate)
            if (vertexConstantDefs != null)
                if (vertexConstantDefs.ContainsKey(paramName))
                    var parami = vertexConstantDefs[paramName];
                    refToUpdate.SourceProgType = GpuProgramType.Vertex;
                    refToUpdate.ConstantDef    = parami;

            if (fragmentConstantDefs != null)
                if (fragmentConstantDefs.ContainsKey(paramName))
                    refToUpdate.SourceProgType = GpuProgramType.Fragment;
                    refToUpdate.ConstantDef    = fragmentConstantDefs[paramName];

        ///  Populate a list of uniforms based on a program object
        ///<param name="programObject"> Handle to the program object to query </param>
        ///<param name="vertexConstantDefs"> vertexConstantDefs Definition of the constants extracted from the vertex program, used to match up physical buffer indexes with program uniforms. May be null if there is no vertex program. </param>
        ///<param name="fragmentConstantDefs"> fragmentConstantDefs Definition of the constants extracted from the fragment program, used to match up physical buffer indexes with program uniforms. May be null if there is no fragment program. </param>
        ///<param name="list"> The list to populate (will not be cleared before adding, clear it yourself before calling this if that's what you want). </param>
        public void ExtractUniforms(int programObject, Graphics.GpuProgramParameters.GpuConstantDefinitionMap vertexConstantDefs, Graphics.GpuProgramParameters.GpuConstantDefinitionMap fragmentConstantDefs, List <GLUniformReference> list)
            //Scan through the active uniforms and add them to the reference list
            int    uniformCount = 0;
            int    maxLength    = 0;
            string uniformName  = string.Empty;

            GL.GetProgram(programObject, GLenum.ActiveUniformMaxLength, ref maxLength);

            //If the max length of active uniforms is 0, then there are 0 active.
            //There won't be any to extract so we can return
            if (maxLength == 0)

            GLUniformReference newGLUniformReference;

            //Get the number of active uniforms
            GL.GetProgram(programObject, GLenum.ActiveUniforms, ref uniformCount);

            //Loop over each of the active uniforms, and add them to the reference container
            //only do this for user defined uniforms, ignore built in gl state uniforms
            for (int index = 0; index < uniformCount; index++)
                int    arraySize = 0;
                GLenum glType    = GLenum.None;
                int    tmp       = 0;
                GL.GetActiveUniform(programObject, index, maxLength, ref tmp, ref arraySize, ref glType, uniformName);

                //don't add built in uniforms
                newGLUniformReference          = new GLUniformReference();
                newGLUniformReference.Location = GL.GetUniformLocation(programObject, uniformName);
                if (newGLUniformReference.Location >= 0)
                    //User defined uniform found, add it to the reference list
                    string paramName = uniformName;

                    //If the uniform name has a '[' in it then its an array element uniform.
                    int arrayStart = -1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < paramName.Length; i++)
                        if (paramName[i] == '[')
                            arrayStart = i;
                    if (arrayStart != -1)
                        //If not the first array element then skip it and continue to the next uniform
                        string sub = paramName.Substring(arrayStart, paramName.Length - 1);
                        if (sub == "[0]")

                        paramName = paramName.Substring(0, arrayStart);

                    //Find out which params object this comes from
                    bool foundSource = this.CompleteParamSource(paramName, vertexConstantDefs, fragmentConstantDefs, newGLUniformReference);

                    //Only add this param if we found the source
                    if (foundSource)

            if (uniformName != string.Empty)
                uniformName = string.Empty;