private void SetupControl()
            imgPitch.ImageSource = ImageResources.GetImage(ImageResourceList.Pitch);

            // Paging control for formations
            FormationAdapter fa = new FormationAdapter();

            foreach (Formation f in fa.GetFormations())
                FormationPaging.Items.Add(new PagingItem()
                    ID = f.UniqueID, Name = f.Name

            // Create empty circles inside the grid
            // Set the PlayerGridPositions to blanks
            for (int x = 0; x < GRIDWIDTH; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < GRIDHEIGHT; y++)
                    // --- Marker symbol ---
                    Markers[x, y] = GraphicUtils.Shirt();
                    Markers[x, y].VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center;
                    Markers[x, y].HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
                    Markers[x, y].AllowDrop           = true;
                    Markers[x, y].Drop += new DragEventHandler(Marker_Drop);
                    Markers[x, y].Tag   = x.ToString() + "," + y.ToString();

                    Grid.SetColumn(Markers[x, y], x + 1);
                    Grid.SetRow(Markers[x, y], 8 - y);
                    grdPitch.Children.Add(Markers[x, y]);

                    // --- Text ---
                    MarkerText[x, y]            = new TextBlock();
                    MarkerText[x, y].Text       = "";
                    MarkerText[x, y].Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                    MarkerText[x, y].Foreground = Brushes.White;
                    MarkerText[x, y].FontSize   = 12;
                    MarkerText[x, y].FontFamily = new FontFamily("Roboto Black");

                    MarkerText[x, y].VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center;
                    MarkerText[x, y].HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

                    Grid.SetColumn(MarkerText[x, y], x + 1);
                    Grid.SetRow(MarkerText[x, y], 8 - y);

                    grdPitch.Children.Add(MarkerText[x, y]);

                    PlayerGridPositions[x, y] = -1;