Example #1
        private void OnLoaded(object source, EventArgs args)
            // Configure interaction and context menu
            var gvim = new GraphViewerInputMode {
                SelectableItems = GraphItemTypes.None

            gvim.ContextMenuItems         = GraphItemTypes.Node;
            gvim.PopulateItemContextMenu += (sender, e) => {
                if (e.Item is INode node)
                    // Add a context menu entry; it will load all neighbors to the graph
                    var showNeighbors = new ToolStripMenuItem("Show neighbors");
                    showNeighbors.Click += async delegate { await LoadNeighbors(node); };

                    var shortestPath = new ToolStripMenuItem("Calculate shortest path");
                    shortestPath.Click += delegate { ShowPathViewer(node); };

                    e.ShowMenu = true;
                    e.Handled  = true;

            graphControl.InputMode = gvim;

            graphControl.Center = PointD.Origin;

            connectionInfoPanel = new ConnectionDialog(ConnectionInfo);
            // Assuming that the dialog is modal and the call is
            Connect_OnClick(null, null);
        public void OnLoaded(object source, EventArgs args)
            // create and configure a new AggregateGraphWrapper
            var aggregateGraph = new AggregateGraphWrapper(graphControl.Graph);

            // set default label text sizes for aggregation labels
            aggregateGraph.AggregationNodeDefaults.Labels.Style = new DefaultLabelStyle {
                Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 28, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
            aggregateGraph.AggregationEdgeDefaults.Labels.Style = new DefaultLabelStyle {
                Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 18, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)

            // assign it to the graphControl
            graphControl.Graph = aggregateGraph;

            // disable edge cropping, so thick aggregation edges run smoothly into nodes

            // don't create edges in both directions when replacing edges by aggregation edges
            AggregateGraph.EdgeReplacementPolicy = EdgeReplacementPolicy.Undirected;

            graphViewerInputMode   = new GraphViewerInputMode();
            graphControl.InputMode = graphViewerInputMode;



        private void InitializeInputModes()
            editMode = new GraphViewerInputMode
                ClickableItems         = GraphItemTypes.Node,
                SelectableItems        = GraphItemTypes.None,
                MarqueeSelectableItems = GraphItemTypes.None,
                ToolTipItems           = GraphItemTypes.None,
                FocusableItems         = GraphItemTypes.Node,
            editMode.ItemDoubleClicked += OnItemDoubleClicked;

            // add key bindings
            editMode.KeyboardInputMode.AddKeyBinding(Keys.Add, Keys.None, Commands.IncreaseZoom);
            editMode.KeyboardInputMode.AddKeyBinding(Keys.Subtract, Keys.None, Commands.DecreaseZoom);
            editMode.KeyboardInputMode.AddKeyBinding(Keys.Enter, Keys.None, Commands.ZoomToCurrentItem);
            editMode.KeyboardInputMode.AddKeyBinding(Keys.Left, Keys.Control, Commands.ScrollPageLeft);
            editMode.KeyboardInputMode.AddKeyBinding(Keys.Right, Keys.Control, Commands.ScrollPageRight);
            editMode.KeyboardInputMode.AddKeyBinding(Keys.Up, Keys.Control, Commands.ScrollPageUp);
            editMode.KeyboardInputMode.AddKeyBinding(Keys.Down, Keys.Control, Commands.ScrollPageDown);
            editMode.KeyboardInputMode.AddKeyBinding(Keys.PageUp, Keys.Control, ShowParentCommand);
            editMode.KeyboardInputMode.AddKeyBinding(Keys.PageDown, Keys.Control, HideParentCommand);
            editMode.KeyboardInputMode.AddKeyBinding(Keys.Add, Keys.Control, ShowChildrenCommand);
            editMode.KeyboardInputMode.AddKeyBinding(Keys.Subtract, Keys.Control, HideChildrenCommand);

            // register command bindings
            editMode.KeyboardInputMode.AddCommandBinding(HideChildrenCommand, HideChildrenExecuted, CanExecuteHideChildren);
            editMode.KeyboardInputMode.AddCommandBinding(ShowChildrenCommand, ShowChildrenExecuted, CanExecuteShowChildren);
            editMode.KeyboardInputMode.AddCommandBinding(HideParentCommand, HideParentExecuted, CanExecuteHideParent);
            editMode.KeyboardInputMode.AddCommandBinding(ShowParentCommand, ShowParentExecuted, CanExecuteShowParent);
            editMode.KeyboardInputMode.AddCommandBinding(ShowAllCommand, ShowAllExecuted, CanExecuteShowAll);

            graphControl.InputMode = editMode;
        private async void OnLoaded(object source, EventArgs e)
            // TODO
            graphViewerInputMode              = new GraphViewerInputMode();
            graphControl.InputMode            = graphViewerInputMode;
            graphOverviewControl.GraphControl = graphControl;


            // initialize properties panel

            // initialize node click listener that toggles the aggregation status


            // disable UI

            // load sample graph
            OriginalGraph = await LoadGraphMlz("Resources/SampleGraph.graphmlz");

            // run smart aggregation algorithm with default settings and set graph to graphControl
            await RunAggregationAndReplaceGraph(OriginalGraph);

            // notify UI

            // enable UI again
Example #5
        private void OnLoaded(object source, EventArgs args)
            // Configure interaction and context menu
            var gvim = new GraphViewerInputMode {
                SelectableItems = GraphItemTypes.None

            gvim.ContextMenuItems         = GraphItemTypes.Node;
            gvim.PopulateItemContextMenu += (sender, e) => {
                if (e.Item is INode node)
                    // Add a context menu entry; it will load all neighbors to the graph
                    var showNeighbors = new MenuItem()
                        Header = "Show neighbors"
                    showNeighbors.Click += async delegate { await LoadNeighbors(node); };

                    var shortestPath = new MenuItem()
                        Header = "Calculate shortest path"
                    shortestPath.Click += delegate { ShowPathViewer(node); };

                    e.ShowMenu = true;
                    e.Handled  = true;

            graphControl.InputMode = gvim;

            graphControl.Center = PointD.Origin;
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a mode and registers it as the
        /// <see cref="CanvasControl.InputMode"/>.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void InitializeInputModes()
            var inputMode = new GraphViewerInputMode();

            inputMode.NavigationInputMode.AllowCollapseGroup = true;
            inputMode.NavigationInputMode.AllowExpandGroup   = true;
            // FitContent interferes with our viewport animation setup
            inputMode.NavigationInputMode.FitContentAfterGroupActions = false;
            inputMode.NavigationInputMode.GroupExpanded  += NavigationInputMode_GroupExpanded;
            inputMode.NavigationInputMode.GroupCollapsed += NavigationInputMode_GroupCollapsed;
            graphControl.InputMode = inputMode;
Example #7
        private void InitializeInputMode()
            // we have a viewer application, so we can use the GraphViewerInputMode
            // -enable support for: tooltips on nodes and edges
            // -clicking on nodes
            // -focusing (via keyboard navigation) of nodes
            // -no selection
            // -no marquee
            var graphViewerInputMode = new GraphViewerInputMode
                ToolTipItems           = GraphItemTypes.LabelOwner,
                ClickableItems         = GraphItemTypes.Node,
                FocusableItems         = GraphItemTypes.Node,
                SelectableItems        = GraphItemTypes.None,
                MarqueeSelectableItems = GraphItemTypes.None

            // we want to enable the user to collapse and expand groups interactively, even though we
            // are just a "viewer" application
            graphViewerInputMode.NavigationInputMode.AllowCollapseGroup = true;
            graphViewerInputMode.NavigationInputMode.AllowExpandGroup   = true;
            // after expand/collapse/enter/exit operations - perform a fitContent operation to adjust
            // reachable area.
            graphViewerInputMode.NavigationInputMode.FitContentAfterGroupActions = true;
            // we don't have selection enabled and thus the commands should use the "currentItem"
            // property instead - this property is changed when clicking on items or navigating via
            // the keyboard.
            graphViewerInputMode.NavigationInputMode.UseCurrentItemForCommands = true;

            // we want to get reports of the mouse being hovered over nodes and edges
            // first enable queries
            graphViewerInputMode.ItemHoverInputMode.Enabled = true;
            // set the items to be reported
            graphViewerInputMode.ItemHoverInputMode.HoverItems = GraphItemTypes.Edge | GraphItemTypes.Node;
            // if there are other items (most importantly labels) in front of edges or nodes
            // they should be discarded, rather than be reported as "null"
            graphViewerInputMode.ItemHoverInputMode.DiscardInvalidItems = false;
            // whenever the currently hovered item changes call our method
            graphViewerInputMode.ItemHoverInputMode.HoveredItemChanged += OnHoveredItemChanged;

            // when the mouse hovers for a longer time over an item we may optionally display a
            // tooltip. Use this callback for querying the tooltip contents.
            graphViewerInputMode.QueryItemToolTip += OnQueryItemToolTip;

            // if we click on an item we want to perform a custom action, so register a callback
            graphViewerInputMode.ItemClicked += OnItemClicked;

            // also if someone clicked on an empty area we want to perform a custom group action
            graphViewerInputMode.ClickInputMode.Clicked += OnClickInputModeOnClicked;

            graphControl.InputMode = graphViewerInputMode;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a viewer input mode with a custom additional input mode that
        /// handles cursor changes for  <see cref="IClickHandler"/>s.
        /// </summary>
        private static IInputMode CreateInputMode()
            var gvim = new GraphViewerInputMode {
                SelectableItems = GraphItemTypes.None,
                FocusableItems  = GraphItemTypes.None

            // Add our own input mode that handles cursor changes
            var clickHandlerMode = new ClickHandlerHoverInputMode();


        private void InitializeInputMode()
            // create the inputmode and disable selection and focus
            GraphViewerInputMode mode = new GraphViewerInputMode()
                ClickableItems  = GraphItemTypes.Node,
                SelectableItems = GraphItemTypes.None,
                FocusableItems  = GraphItemTypes.None,

            // handle clicks on nodes
            mode.ItemClicked      += (sender, e) => GotoReferencingNode((INode)e.Item);
            graphControl.InputMode = mode;
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a mode and registers it as the
        /// <see cref="CanvasControl.InputMode"/>.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void InitializeInputModes()
            // create a simple mode that reacts to mouse clicks on nodes.
            var graphViewerInputMode = new GraphViewerInputMode();

            graphViewerInputMode.ClickableItems = GraphItemTypes.Node;
            graphViewerInputMode.ItemClicked   += delegate(object sender, ItemClickedEventArgs <IModelItem> args) {
                if (args.Item is INode)
                    // toggle the collapsed state of the clicked node
                    ToggleChildrenCommand.Execute((INode)args.Item, graphControl);
            graphViewerInputMode.KeyboardInputMode.AddCommandBinding(ToggleChildrenCommand, ToggleChildrenExecuted);
            graphControl.InputMode = graphViewerInputMode;
Example #11
        private async void GraphSourceWindow_OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // create new input mode
            GraphViewerInputMode inputMode = new GraphViewerInputMode {
                SelectableItems = GraphItemTypes.None

            // add a custom input mode that allows dragging nodes from the graph to the lists
            inputMode.Add(new NodeDragInputMode {
                Priority = -1
            graphControl.InputMode = inputMode;

            graphControl.FocusIndicatorManager.ShowFocusPolicy = ShowFocusPolicy.Always;

            graphSource             = ((AdjacentNodesGraphSource)Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources["GraphSource"]);
            graphSource.NodesSource = CreateInitialBusinessData();

            await ApplyLayout(false);
        private void InitializeInputMode()
            // create the inputmode and disable selection and focus
            GraphViewerInputMode mode = new GraphViewerInputMode()
                ClickableItems  = GraphItemTypes.Node,
                SelectableItems = GraphItemTypes.None,
                FocusableItems  = GraphItemTypes.None,

            // handle clicks on nodes
            mode.ItemClicked += (sender, e) => GotoReferencingNode((INode)e.Item);
            // register the command bindings for the custom commands
            mode.KeyboardInputMode.AddCommandBinding(PreviousPageCommand, PreviousPage_Executed, PreviousPage_CanExecute);
            mode.KeyboardInputMode.AddCommandBinding(NextPageCommand, NextPage_Executed, NextPage_CanExecute);

            graphControl.InputMode         = mode;
            originalGraphControl.InputMode = new GraphViewerInputMode()
                ClickableItems = GraphItemTypes.None, SelectableItems = GraphItemTypes.None