Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pts"></param>
        /// <param name="title"></param>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="gType"></param>
        /// <param name="tag"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int AddNewGraph(DPoint[] pts, string title, string source, GraphType gType,
                               GraphManipulationTag tag)
            if (tag == null)
                tag = new GraphManipulationTag();

            if (_graphPanel.InvokeRequired)
                var d = new AddNewGraphCallback(AddTNewGraph);
                _graphPanel.Invoke(d, pts, title, source, gType, tag);
                AddTNewGraph(pts, title, source, gType, tag);

            if (_useOffsetTag)
                return(_offsetTagValue - 1);

            return(AbsoluteGraphTag - 1);
	/// <summary> This changes for each graph script and idx ; eg.: LineGraph1.xml </summary>
	public string GetImportPath (int idx, GraphType type, bool localFile) 
		string tp = "";
		switch (type) {
			case GraphType.Line:
				tp = LinePath; break;
			case GraphType.Donut:
				tp = DonutPath; break;
			case GraphType.World: 
				tp = WorldPath; break;
			case GraphType.Filled: 
				tp = FilledPath; break;
			default: break;
		var urlPath = tp + idx + ".xml";
		string path;

		if (localFile) {
			if (Application.isEditor)
				path = "file://" + Application.dataPath + "/Palomar/" + urlPath;
				path = "file://" + Application.dataPath + '/' + urlPath;
		} else
			path = urlPath;

		return path;
Example #3
        public static void SetPermissions(this FieldType type, GraphType graphType, bool isBuiltInProperty = false)
            // The graph type should have the doc type alias set in the meta data so we're accessing it from that
            var doctypeAlias = graphType.GetMetadata <string>(Constants.Metadata.ContentTypeAlias);

            type.SetPermissions(doctypeAlias, isBuiltInProperty);
Example #4
    public static void Graph(GraphType gType, LEDPanel panel, int startX, int startY, int count, bool invertX = false, bool invertY = false)
        switch (gType)
        case GraphType.Horizontal:
            HorizontalLines(panel, startX, startY, count, invertX, invertY);

        case GraphType.Vertical:
            VerticalLines(panel, startX, startY, count, invertX, invertY);

        case GraphType.Square:
            Square(panel, startX, startY, count, invertX, invertY);

        case GraphType.DiagonalXFrom0:
            DiagonalLinesByXAxisFrom0(panel, startX, startY, count, invertX, invertY);

        case GraphType.DiagonalX:
            DiagonalLinesByXAxis(panel, startX, startY, count, invertX, invertY);

        case GraphType.Diamond:
            Diamond(panel, startX, startY, count, invertX, invertY);
        public ActionResult GraphDescription(string graphType)
            GraphDescriptionModel model = new GraphDescriptionModel();
            GraphType             type  = GraphType.Bars;

            Enum.TryParse <GraphType>(graphType, out type);

            model.ImageThumbnail = Url.Content("~/Content/Img/" + type.ToString() + "_mini_" + Helpers.CultureHelper.GetCurrentNeutralCulture() + ".png");
            model.GraphType      = type;

            switch (type)
            case GraphType.Bars:
                model.Information       = Resources.Resources.GraphTypeBarsInformation;
                model.GraphTypeAsString = Resources.Resources.GraphTypeBarsLabel;

            case GraphType.Candles:
                model.Information       = Resources.Resources.GraphTypeCandlestickInformation;
                model.GraphTypeAsString = Resources.Resources.GraphTypeCandlestickLabel;

            case GraphType.Linear:
                model.Information       = Resources.Resources.GraphTypeLinearInformation;
                model.GraphTypeAsString = Resources.Resources.GraphTypeLinearLabel;

            case GraphType.Volume:
                model.Information       = Resources.Resources.GraphTypeVolumeInformation;
                model.GraphTypeAsString = Resources.Resources.GraphTypeVolumeLabel;

Example #6
        public TypeKind KindForInstance(GraphType type)
            switch (type)
            case EnumerationGraphType _:

            case ScalarGraphType _:

            case IObjectGraphType _:

            case IInterfaceGraphType _:

            case UnionGraphType _:

            case IInputObjectGraphType _:

            case ListGraphType _:

            case NonNullGraphType _:

                throw new ExecutionError("Unknown kind of type: {0}".ToFormat(type));
Example #7
        public GraphType theType;    //图的类型

        public ALGraph(int n, int e, GraphType cuType)
            VertexNodeCount = n;
            BordeCount      = e;
            AdjList         = new VertexNode[n];
            theType         = cuType;
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 应用程序的主入口点。
        /// </summary>
        static void Main1(string[] args)
            int e;
            int n;

            Console.Write("请输入图的类型: 0 为无向图, 1 为有向图  ");
            GraphType t = (GraphType)(int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()));

            Console.Write("请输入图的顶点数 : ");
            e = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.Write("请输入图的边数(如果选择无向图,两接点间的边只需输入一次) : ");
            n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            ALGraph G = new ALGraph(e, n, t);

            (new GraphOperation()).CreateALGraph(G);
            Console.Write("\n ");
            (new GraphOperation()).DFSTraverse(G);
            Console.Write("\n ");
            (new GraphOperation()).BFSTraverse(G);
            Console.Write("\n ");
            (new GraphOperation()).NonPreFirstTopSort(G);
Example #9
        /// Func

        public UndoRedoStackData(UndoRedoWorkType _workType, GraphType _graphType, string _graphUID)
            _targetWorkType  = _workType;
            _targetGraphType = _graphType;

            _targetGraphUID = _graphUID;
Example #10
        public bool ContainsGraph(string id, GraphType type)
            var key = MakeKey(id, type);
            var db  = GetDBOrNull(id);

            return(db?.Get(key) == "1");
Example #11
 public AdjacencySetGraph(int numVertices, GraphType graphType) : base(numVertices, graphType)
     for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
         graphNodes.Add(new GraphNode(i));
Example #12
 public Graph(GraphType type, int capacity, bool allowMultigraphs = true)
     allowMultiGraph = allowMultigraphs;
     graphType       = type;
     nodes           = new List <Node <TNodeValue, TLinkProperty> >(capacity);
     links           = new List <Link <TNodeValue, TLinkProperty> >(capacity);
Example #13
        private void ForceMarkersOnPan()
            const GraphType gType = GraphType.MoveableMarker;

            foreach (var t in _graphTabPanel.Cst.MainPan.TagList)
                var gs = _graphPanel.GetGraphSurfaceFromTag(t.Tag);
                if (gs?.GType != gType)

                if (_graphTabPanel.Cst.SubPan == null)
                foreach (var t1 in _graphTabPanel.Cst.SubPan)
                    if (!_graphParameters.ContextMenu.ResetAsubtag(t1, t.Tag, true))
                        _graphParameters.ContextMenu.SetAsubtag(t1, t);
Example #14
        private FieldType GetFieldDef(ISchema schema, GraphType parentType, Field field)
            var name = field.Name;

            if (name == SchemaIntrospection.SchemaMeta.Name &&
                Equals(schema.Query, parentType))

            if (name == SchemaIntrospection.TypeMeta.Name &&
                Equals(schema.Query, parentType))

            if (name == SchemaIntrospection.TypeNameMeta.Name &&
                (parentType is ObjectGraphType ||
                 parentType is InterfaceGraphType ||
                 parentType is UnionGraphType))

            if (parentType is ObjectGraphType || parentType is InterfaceGraphType)
                return(parentType.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == field.Name));

Example #15
 public static FieldType AddField <TGraphType>(this GraphType root, string name, string description, FieldResolver resolver = null)
     where TGraphType : GraphType
 => root.Field <TGraphType>(
     name : name,
     description : description,
     arguments : resolver?.Arguments,
     resolve : resolver?.Resolve);
        public static PXGraphSemanticModel InferExplicitModel(PXContext pxContext, INamedTypeSymbol typeSymbol,
                                                              GraphSemanticModelCreationOptions modelCreationOptions,
                                                              CancellationToken cancellation)

            GraphType graphType = GraphType.None;

            if (typeSymbol.IsPXGraph(pxContext))
                graphType = GraphType.PXGraph;
            else if (typeSymbol.IsPXGraphExtension(pxContext))
                graphType = GraphType.PXGraphExtension;

            if (graphType != GraphType.None)
                return(new PXGraphSemanticModel(pxContext, graphType, typeSymbol, modelCreationOptions, cancellation));

Example #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Cluster"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parentGraph">The parent graph.</param>
 public SubGraph(IGraph parentGraph)
     : base(parentGraph.NodeLookup, parentGraph.EdgeLookup, new SubGraphTracker())
     subGraphType = parentGraph.Type;
     Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
     this.parentGraph = parentGraph;
Example #18
        public IStoreGraph GetGraph(string id, GraphType type)
            var    db  = GetDB(id);
            string key = MakeKey(id, type);

            return(new RocksGraph(key, db));
Example #19
        public AniGraph()

            GraphRenderType   = GraphType.Display;
            TopFrequency      = 200000;
            AnimationInterval = 300;

            lock (_globalLock)

                var rnd = new Random();

                _points.Add(new Tuple <PointF[], Color, string>(new PointF[50], Colors.LightSteelBlue, "Test data"));

                for (var n = 0; n < 50; n++)
                    _points[0].Item1[n] = new PointF(n, (float)rnd.NextDouble());

            _aniTimer.Elapsed += AniTimerElapsed;

            IsVisibleChanged += AniGraphIsVisibleChanged;
        public Graph(string filename, GraphType type)
            Type     = type;
            Filename = filename;

            ReadData(filename, type);
Example #21
 protected void OnDestroy()
     bcg           = null;
     selectedGraph = 0;
     graphType     = GraphType.None;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ResolveFieldContext"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fieldName">Name of the field.</param>
 /// <param name="fieldAst">The field ast.</param>
 /// <param name="fieldDefinition">The field definition.</param>
 /// <param name="returnType">Type of the return.</param>
 /// <param name="parentType">Type of the parent.</param>
 /// <param name="arguments">The arguments.</param>
 /// <param name="rootValue">The root value.</param>
 /// <param name="source">The source.</param>
 /// <param name="schema">The schema.</param>
 /// <param name="operation">The operation.</param>
 /// <param name="fragments">The fragments.</param>
 /// <param name="variables">The variables.</param>
 /// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
 /// <param name="userContext">The user context.</param>
 public ResolveFieldContext(
     string fieldName,
     Field fieldAst,
     FieldType fieldDefinition,
     GraphType returnType,
     ObjectGraphType parentType,
     IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object> arguments,
     object rootValue,
     object source,
     ISchema schema,
     Operation operation,
     IEnumerable<IFragment> fragments,
     IEnumerable<Variable> variables,
     CancellationToken cancellationToken,
     object userContext)
     FieldName = fieldName;
     FieldAst = fieldAst;
     FieldDefinition = fieldDefinition;
     ReturnType = returnType;
     ParentType = parentType;
     Arguments = arguments;
     RootValue = rootValue;
     Source = source;
     Schema = schema;
     Operation = operation;
     Fragments = fragments;
     Variables = variables;
     CancellationToken = cancellationToken;
     UserContext = userContext;
Example #23
        public void ReloadChange()
            selectedGraph = 0;
            bcg           = null;


            if (Selection.activeGameObject != null)
                bcg = Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponent <BocsCyclesMaterial>();
                if (bcg != null)
                    graphType = GraphType.Material;

                bcg = Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponent <BocsCyclesLight>();
                if (bcg != null)
                    graphType = GraphType.Light;

                bcg = Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponent <BocsCyclesCamera>();
                if (bcg != null)
                    graphType = GraphType.World;
Example #24
 public Graph(GraphType graphType, DistanceType distanceType)
     this.graphType    = graphType;
     this.distanceType = distanceType;
     nodes             = new List <Node>();
     edges             = new List <Edge>();
Example #25
        internal IDictionary <string, object> GetNodes(GraphType graph, Type type, object output)
            var result = default(IDictionary <string, object>);

            var nodesSetter = nodesSetterFactory.Get(type);

            if (nodesSetter != default)
                result = nodesSetter.Invoke(
                    arg1: graph,
                    arg2: output);

                if (result?.Any() ?? false)
                    var edgesSetter = edgesSetterFactory.Get(type);

                    if (edgesSetter != default)
                            arg1: graph,
                            arg2: result,
                            arg3: output);

        private static void ProcessProperties(GraphType graphType, IEnumerable <PropertyInfo> properties, bool isInputType = false)
            foreach (var property in properties.OrderBy(p => p.Name))
                bool isNotNull = TypeHelper.IsNotNull(property);

                var propertyGraphType = TypeHelper.GetGraphType(property);
                if (propertyGraphType != null)
                    propertyGraphType = GraphTypeConverter.ConvertTypeToGraphType(propertyGraphType, isNotNull, isInputType);
                    propertyGraphType = EnsureList(property.PropertyType, propertyGraphType);
                    propertyGraphType = GraphTypeConverter.ConvertTypeToGraphType(property.PropertyType, isNotNull, isInputType);

                var name  = StringHelper.GraphName(property.Name);
                var field = graphType.Field(

                field.DefaultValue      = TypeHelper.GetDefaultValue(property);
                field.DeprecationReason = TypeHelper.GetDeprecationReason(property);
 public void CreateChart(GraphType graphType)
     switch (graphType)
         case GraphType.Bar: CreateBarChart(); break;
        public void ReadData(string filename, GraphType type)
                var lines = File.ReadAllLines(filename);

                Size = int.Parse(lines[0]);
                int edgeCount = int.Parse(lines[1]);

                NewEmptyGraph(Size, type);

                for (int i = 0; i < edgeCount; i++)
                    var firstNode  = int.Parse(lines[i + 2].Split(' ')[0]);
                    var secondNode = int.Parse(lines[i + 2].Split(' ')[1]);
                    var capacity   = int.Parse(lines[i + 2].Split(' ')[2]);

                    AddEdge(firstNode, secondNode, capacity);
            catch (Exception)
                Console.WriteLine("Fisierul de date nu este in regula !!");
Example #29
        /// <summary>
        /// 创建图元结点
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphType">图元类型</param>
        /// <param name="location">图元位置</param>
        /// <param name="autoConnect">是否自动连接</param>
        protected void CreateNode(GraphType graphType, Point location, bool autoConnect)
            DocumentManager  documentManager  = DocumentManager.GetDocumentManager();
            FlowChartManager flowChartManager = documentManager.CurrentFlowChartManager;

            flowChartManager.CurrentGraphManager.CreateAbbreviateGraphElement(graphType, location, autoConnect);
        public string PrintType(GraphType type)
            if (type is EnumerationGraphType)

            if (type is ScalarGraphType)

            if (type is ObjectGraphType)

            if (type is InterfaceGraphType)

            if (type is UnionGraphType)

            if (!(type is InputObjectGraphType))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown GraphType {0}".ToFormat(type.GetType().Name));

        public static ITopologyGenerator GetTopologyGenerator(GraphType graphType)
            switch (graphType)
            case GraphType.Random3:
                return(new RandomTopologyGenerator(3));

            case GraphType.Random6:
                return(new RandomTopologyGenerator(6));

            case GraphType.Random9:
                return(new RandomTopologyGenerator(9));

            case GraphType.Line:
                return(new LineTopologyGenerator());

            case GraphType.Circle:
                return(new CircleTopologyGenerator());

            case GraphType.Star:
                return(new StarTopologyGenerator());

            case GraphType.Bipartite:
                return(new BipartiteTopologyGenerator());

            case GraphType.BinaryTree:
                return(new BinaryTreeTopologyGenerator());

            case GraphType.Complete:
                return(new CompleteTopologyGenerator());

 public GraphDataModel(string title = "", string yaxis = "", string xaxis = "", GraphType graphType = 0)
     Title = title;
     Yaxis = yaxis;
     Xaxis = xaxis;
     gType = graphType;
        private PXGraphSemanticModel(PXContext pxContext, GraphType type, INamedTypeSymbol symbol, GraphSemanticModelCreationOptions modelCreationOptions,
                                     CancellationToken cancellation = default)

            PXContext            = pxContext;
            Type                 = type;
            Symbol               = symbol;
            _cancellation        = cancellation;
            ModelCreationOptions = modelCreationOptions;

            GraphSymbol = Type switch
                GraphType.PXGraph => Symbol,
                GraphType.PXGraphExtension => Symbol.GetGraphFromGraphExtension(PXContext),
                _ => null,

            StaticConstructors   = Symbol.GetStaticConstructors(_cancellation);
            ViewsByNames         = GetDataViews();
            ViewDelegatesByNames = GetDataViewDelegates();

            ActionsByNames        = GetActions();
            ActionHandlersByNames = GetActionHandlers();
            Initializers       = GetDeclaredInitializers().ToImmutableArray();
            IsActiveMethodInfo = GetIsActiveMethodInfo();
Example #34
        private HashSet <GraphInfo> BuildPosition(HashSet <long> conIDs)
            HashSet <GraphInfo> position = new HashSet <GraphInfo>();

            foreach (long ID in conIDs)
                GraphInfo contract;
                if (graphCache.GetGraphInfo(ID, out contract))
                    GraphBuilder        builder = new GraphBuilder(graphCache);
                    ExposureDataAdaptor expData = graphCache.GetExposure(ID);
                    GraphType           type    = graphCache.GetSettings(ID).GraphType;
                    IRITEindexMapper    mapper  = GetMapper(expData);

                    contract = builder.MakeGraph(type, expData, mapper);
                    graphCache.Add(ID, contract);

 public IGraphCreator GetCaloriesComparisonGraph(GraphType graphType, MyFitnessList MyFitnesses, DataSetBuilder dataSetBuilder, int Days)
     int LeftRange;
     List<int[]> caloriesComparison = dataSetBuilder.CaloriesComparison(out LeftRange);
     IGraphCreator Graph = new GoogleChartGraphCreator(caloriesComparison, dataSetBuilder.DateLabels, LeftRange);
     return Graph;
        public string BadValueMessage(
            string argName,
            GraphType type,
            string value,
            IEnumerable<string> verboseErrors)
            var message = verboseErrors != null ? $"\n{string.Join("\n", verboseErrors)}" : "";

            return $"Argument \"{argName}\" has invalid value {value}.{message}";
        /// <summary>
        /// For the field name provided, determine if there are any similar field names
        /// that may be the result of a typo.
        /// </summary>
        private IEnumerable<string> getSuggestedFieldNames(
          GraphType type,
          string fieldName)
            if (type is ObjectGraphType || type is InterfaceGraphType)
                return StringUtils.SuggestionList(fieldName, type.Fields.Select(x => x.Name));

            return Enumerable.Empty<string>();
        /// <summary>
        /// if a variable defintion has a default value, it is effectively non-null.
        /// </summary>
        private GraphType effectiveType(GraphType varType, VariableDefinition varDef)
            if (varDef.DefaultValue == null || varType is NonNullGraphType)
                return varType;

            var type = varType.GetType();
            var genericType = typeof(NonNullGraphType<>).MakeGenericType(type);

            return (GraphType)Activator.CreateInstance(genericType);
Example #39
 private string get_str_from_graph_type(GraphType graphtype)
     string gt_str = "Error";
     if (graphtype == GraphType.DirectedGraph)
         gt_str = "digraph";
         throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("graphtype");
     return gt_str;
Example #40
        private void CollectTypes(GraphType type, GraphTypesLookup lookup)
            if (type == null)

            lookup[type.ToString()] = type;

            type.Fields.Apply(field =>
                CollectTypes(field.Type, lookup);
        // TODO: combine dupliation with CoerceValueAST
        public object CoerceValue(Schema schema, GraphType type, object input)
            if (type is NonNullGraphType)
                var nonNull = type as NonNullGraphType;
                return CoerceValue(schema, schema.FindType(nonNull.Type), input);

            if (input == null)
                return null;

            if (type is ListGraphType)
                var listType = type as ListGraphType;
                var list = input as IEnumerable;
                return list != null
                    ? list.Map(item => CoerceValue(schema, listType, item))
                    : new[] { input };

            if (type is ObjectGraphType)
                var objType = type as ObjectGraphType;
                var obj = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                var dict = (Dictionary<string, object>)input;

                objType.Fields.Apply(field =>
                    var fieldValue = CoerceValue(schema, schema.FindType(field.Type), dict[field.Name]);
                    obj[field.Name] = fieldValue ?? field.DefaultValue;

            if (type is ScalarGraphType)
                var scalarType = type as ScalarGraphType;
                return scalarType.Coerce(input);

            return null;
Example #42
 public Graph(GraphType graphType, IList<Tuple<int, int>> connections, int vertices)
     if (connections == null) {
         throw new ArgumentNullException("connections");
     this.vertices = vertices;
     this.edges = 0;
     this.adj = new List<IList<int>>();
     for (var i = 0; i < vertices; i++) {
         this.adj.Add(new List<int>());
     if (graphType == GraphType.Undirected) {
     } else if (graphType == GraphType.Directed) {
     } else {
         var msg = String.Format("Unknown GraphType {0}", graphType);
         throw new ArgumentException(msg);
Example #43
        private void Field(GraphType type, Field field, ValidationContext context)
            if (type == null)

            if (type.IsLeafType(context.Schema))
                if (field.SelectionSet != null && field.SelectionSet.Selections.Any())
                    var error = new ValidationError(context.OriginalQuery, "5.2.3", NoSubselectionAllowedMessage(field.Name, context.Print(type)), field.SelectionSet);
            else if(field.SelectionSet == null || !field.SelectionSet.Selections.Any())
                var error = new ValidationError(context.OriginalQuery, "5.2.3", RequiredSubselectionMessage(field.Name, context.Print(type)), field);
Example #44
        public bool IsValidValue(ISchema schema, GraphType type, object input)
            if (type is NonNullGraphType)
                if (input == null)
                    return false;

                return IsValidValue(schema, schema.FindType(((NonNullGraphType)type).Type), input);

            if (input == null)
                return true;

            if (type is ListGraphType)
                var listType = (ListGraphType) type;
                var listItemType = schema.FindType(listType.Type);
                var list = input as IEnumerable;
                return list != null && !(input is string)
                    ? list.All(item => IsValidValue(schema, listItemType, item))
                    : IsValidValue(schema, listItemType, input);

            if (type is ObjectGraphType || type is InputObjectGraphType)
                var dict = input as Dictionary<string, object>;
                if (dict == null)
                    return false;

                // ensure every provided field is defined
                if (type is InputObjectGraphType
                    && dict.Keys.Any(key => type.Fields.FirstOrDefault(field => field.Name == key) == null))
                    return false;

                return type.Fields.All(field =>
                           IsValidValue(schema, schema.FindType(field.Type),
                               dict.ContainsKey(field.Name) ? dict[field.Name] : null));

            if (type is ScalarGraphType)
                var scalar = (ScalarGraphType) type;
                return scalar.Coerce(input) != null;

            return false;
Example #45
        public async Task<object> CompleteValue(ExecutionContext context, GraphType fieldType, Fields fields, object result)
            var nonNullType = fieldType as NonNullGraphType;
            if (nonNullType != null)
                var completed = await CompleteValue(context, context.Schema.FindType(nonNullType.Type), fields, result);
                if (completed == null)
                    throw new ExecutionError("Cannot return null for non-null type. Field: {0}".ToFormat(nonNullType.Name));

                return completed;

            if (result == null)
                return null;

            if (fieldType is ScalarGraphType)
                var scalarType = fieldType as ScalarGraphType;
                var coercedValue = scalarType.Coerce(result);
                return coercedValue;

            if (fieldType is ListGraphType)
                var list = result as IEnumerable;

                if (list == null)
                    throw new ExecutionError("User error: expected an IEnumerable list though did not find one.");

                var listType = fieldType as ListGraphType;
                var itemType = context.Schema.FindType(listType.Type);

                var results = await list.MapAsync(async item =>
                    return await CompleteValue(context, itemType, fields, item);

                return results;

            var objectType = fieldType as ObjectGraphType;

            if (fieldType is InterfaceGraphType)
                var interfaceType = fieldType as InterfaceGraphType;
                objectType = interfaceType.ResolveType(result);

            if (objectType == null)
                return null;

            var subFields = new Dictionary<string, Fields>();

            fields.Apply(field =>
                subFields = CollectFields(context, objectType, field.Selections, subFields);

            return await ExecuteFields(context, objectType, result, subFields);
Example #46
        void HandleToggled(object sender, EventArgs args)
            RadioButton r = sender as RadioButton;

            if (r == pieradiobutton && r.Active) {
                graphType = GraphType.Pie;
                Reload ();
            } else if (r == historadiobutton && r.Active) {
                graphType = GraphType.Histogram;
                Reload ();
Example #47
        public bool DoesFragmentConditionMatch(ExecutionContext context, IHaveFragmentType fragment, GraphType type)
            var conditionalType = context.Schema.FindType(fragment.Type);
            if (conditionalType == type)
                return true;

            if (conditionalType is InterfaceGraphType)
                var interfaceType = (InterfaceGraphType) conditionalType;
                var hasInterfaces = type as IImplementInterfaces;
                if (hasInterfaces != null)
                    var interfaces = context.Schema.FindTypes(hasInterfaces.Interfaces);
                    return interfaceType.IsPossibleType(interfaces);

            return false;
Example #48
 /// <summary>
 /// create specific graph type for Direct3D use
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data">numeric array, shape depends on plot type</param>
 /// <param name="properties">graph properties</param>
 /// <param name="additionalParams">additional parameter, currently not used</param>
 /// <returns>ILGraph object</returns>
 public override ILGraph CreateGraph(ILBaseArray data, GraphType graphType, params object[] additionalParams) {
     switch(graphType) {
         case GraphType.Plot2D:
             return new ILDXGraphPlot2D(this, data,m_graphs.Clipping); 
         case GraphType.Surf:
             return new ILDXGraphSurf3D(this, data,m_graphs.Clipping); 
             throw new ILInvalidOperationException("Graph type not supported: " + graphType.ToString()); 
Example #49
        public string PrintType(GraphType type)
            if (type is EnumerationGraphType)
                return PrintEnum((EnumerationGraphType)type);

            if (type is ScalarGraphType)
                return PrintScalar((ScalarGraphType)type);

            if (type is ObjectGraphType)
                return PrintObject((ObjectGraphType)type);

            if (type is InterfaceGraphType)
                return PrintInterface((InterfaceGraphType)type);

            if (type is UnionGraphType)
                return PrintUnion((UnionGraphType)type);

            if (!(type is InputObjectGraphType))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown GraphType {0}".ToFormat(type.GetType().Name));

            return PrintInputObject((InputObjectGraphType)type);
Example #50
        /// <summary>
        /// 创建显示缩略的图元
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphType">图元的类型</param>
        /// <param name="point">图元的位置</param>
        /// <param name="autoConnect">是否自动连接</param>
        /// <param name="jumpConnect">是否跳转连接</param>
        public void CreateAbbreviateGraphElement(GraphType graphType, Point p, bool autoConnect)
            Point point = Point.Empty;

            if (!p.IsEmpty)
                point = p - new Size(canvas.AutoScrollPosition);

            canvas.AbbreviatGraphElement = CreateAbbreviateGraphElement(graphType, point);
            userOperation = UserOperation.Create;
            this.autoConnect = autoConnect;

            if (autoConnect) // 记录当前选中的插槽容器
                lastConnectGraphElement = selectedGraphElement as SlotContainer;

                // 创建缩略图元的连接线
                int tailX = (int)(lastConnectGraphElement.Location.X + lastConnectGraphElement.ElementSize.Width / 2);
                int tailY = (int)(lastConnectGraphElement.Location.Y + lastConnectGraphElement.ElementSize.Height);
                int headX = (int)(canvas.AbbreviatGraphElement.Location.X + canvas.AbbreviatGraphElement.ElementSize.Width / 2);
                int headY = (int)(canvas.AbbreviatGraphElement.Location.Y);

                canvas.AbbreviateLine = new ConnectorContainer(new Point(tailX, tailY), new Point(headX, headY));
            else // 清空连接线
                canvas.AbbreviateLine = null;

            if (!p.IsEmpty) // 显示提示信息
                InitTooltipText(canvas.AbbreviatGraphElement, "<underline>鼠标拖动移动图元\r\n<underline>鼠标点击创建图元\r\n<underline>按Esc键取消创建图元", point);

Example #51
        /// <summary>
        /// 创建缩略的图元
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphType">图元类型</param>
        /// <param name="centerLocation">图元中心位置</param>
        /// <param name="elementSize">图元大小</param>
        /// <param name="moveSize">图元的移动大小</param>
        /// <returns>图元对象</returns>
        private GraphElement CreateAbbreviateGraphElement(GraphType graphType, Point centerLocation)
            GraphElement abbreviateGraphElement = null;

            switch (graphType)
                case GraphType.ConditionNode: // 条件结点
                        abbreviateGraphElement = new ConditionGraphElement(centerLocation - graphSetting.ConditionNodeMoveOffset, graphSetting.ConditionNodeElementSize);
                        moveOffset = graphSetting.ConditionNodeMoveOffset;

                case GraphType.ActionNode: // 动作结点
                        abbreviateGraphElement = new ActionGraphElement(centerLocation - graphSetting.ActionNodeMoveOffset, graphSetting.ActionNodeElementSize);
                        moveOffset = graphSetting.ActionNodeMoveOffset;

                case GraphType.EventNode: // 事件结点
                        abbreviateGraphElement = new EventGraphElement(centerLocation - graphSetting.EventNodeMoveOffset, graphSetting.EventNodeElementSize);
                        moveOffset = graphSetting.EventNodeMoveOffset;

                case GraphType.AIStateNode: // AI状态结点
                        abbreviateGraphElement = new AIStateGraphElement(centerLocation - graphSetting.AIStateNodeMoveOffset, graphSetting.AIStateNodeElementSize);
                        moveOffset = graphSetting.AIStateNodeMoveOffset;

                case GraphType.AIActionNode: // AI动作结点
                        abbreviateGraphElement = new AIActionGraphElement(centerLocation - graphSetting.AIActionNodeMoveOffset, graphSetting.AIActionsNodeElementSize);
                        moveOffset = graphSetting.AIActionNodeMoveOffset;

                case GraphType.AIActionsNode: // AI动作组结点
                        abbreviateGraphElement = new AIActionsGraphElement(centerLocation - graphSetting.AIActionsNodeMoveOffset, graphSetting.AIActionsNodeElementSize);
                        moveOffset = graphSetting.AIActionsNodeMoveOffset;

                case GraphType.InnerChart: // 子绘图结点
                        abbreviateGraphElement = new InnerChart(centerLocation - graphSetting.InnerChartMoveOffset, graphSetting.InnerChartElementSize);
                        moveOffset = graphSetting.InnerChartMoveOffset;

                case GraphType.InterfaceNode: // 接口结点
                        abbreviateGraphElement = new InterfaceGraphElement(centerLocation - graphSetting.InterfaceNodeMoveOffset, graphSetting.InterfaceNodeElementSize);
                        moveOffset = graphSetting.InterfaceNodeMoveOffset;


            if (abbreviateGraphElement != null)

            return abbreviateGraphElement;
Example #52
        public TypeKind KindForInstance(GraphType type)
            if (type is EnumerationGraphType)
                return TypeKind.ENUM;
            if (type is ScalarGraphType)
                return TypeKind.SCALAR;
            if (type is ObjectGraphType)
                return TypeKind.OBJECT;
            if (type is InterfaceGraphType)
                return TypeKind.INTERFACE;
            if (type is UnionGraphType)
                return TypeKind.UNION;
            if (type is InputObjectGraphType)
                return TypeKind.INPUT_OBJECT;
            if (type is ListGraphType)
                return TypeKind.LIST;
            if (type is NonNullGraphType)
                return TypeKind.NON_NULL;

            throw new ExecutionError("Unkown kind of type: {0}".ToFormat(type));
Example #53
        public string ResolveName(GraphType type)
            if (type is NonNullGraphType)
                var nullable = (NonNullGraphType)type;
                return "{0}!".ToFormat(ResolveName(Schema.FindType(nullable.Type)));

            if (type is ListGraphType)
                var list = (ListGraphType)type;
                return "[{0}]".ToFormat(ResolveName(Schema.FindType(list.Type)));

            return type.Name;
Example #54
        public object CoerceValue(ISchema schema, GraphType type, object input, Variables variables = null)
            if (type is NonNullGraphType)
                var nonNull = type as NonNullGraphType;
                return CoerceValue(schema, schema.FindType(nonNull.Type), input, variables);

            if (input == null)
                return null;

            var variable = input as Variable;
            if (variable != null)
                return variables != null
                    ? variables.ValueFor(variable.Name)
                    : null;

            if (type is ListGraphType)
                var listType = type as ListGraphType;
                var listItemType = schema.FindType(listType.Type);
                var list = input as IEnumerable;
                return list != null && !(input is string)
                    ? list.Map(item => CoerceValue(schema, listItemType, item, variables)).ToArray()
                    : new[] { CoerceValue(schema, listItemType, input, variables) };

            if (type is ObjectGraphType || type is InputObjectGraphType)
                var obj = new Dictionary<string, object>();

                if (input is KeyValuePair<string, object>)
                    var kvp = (KeyValuePair<string, object>)input;
                    input = new Dictionary<string, object> { { kvp.Key, kvp.Value } };

                var kvps = input as IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>;
                if (kvps != null)
                    input = kvps.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);

                var dict = input as Dictionary<string, object>;
                if (dict == null)
                    return null;

                type.Fields.Apply(field =>
                    object inputValue;
                    if (dict.TryGetValue(field.Name, out inputValue))
                        var fieldValue = CoerceValue(schema, schema.FindType(field.Type), inputValue, variables);
                        obj[field.Name] = fieldValue ?? field.DefaultValue;

                return obj;

            if (type is ScalarGraphType)
                var scalarType = type as ScalarGraphType;
                return scalarType.Coerce(input);

            return input;
Example #55
        public Dictionary<string, Fields> CollectFields(ExecutionContext context, GraphType type, Selections selections, Dictionary<string, Fields> fields)
            if (fields == null)
                fields = new Dictionary<string, Fields>();

            selections.Apply(selection =>
                if (selection.Field != null)
                    if (!ShouldIncludeNode(context, selection.Field.Directives))

                    var name = selection.Field.Alias ?? selection.Field.Name;
                    if (!fields.ContainsKey(name))
                        fields[name] = new Fields();
                else if (selection.Fragment != null)
                    if (selection.Fragment is FragmentSpread)
                        var spread = selection.Fragment as FragmentSpread;

                        if (!ShouldIncludeNode(context, spread.Directives))

                        var fragment = context.Fragments.FindDefinition(spread.Name);
                        if (!ShouldIncludeNode(context, fragment.Directives)
                            || !DoesFragmentConditionMatch(context, fragment, type))

                        CollectFields(context, type, fragment.Selections, fields);
                    else if (selection.Fragment is InlineFragment)
                        var inline = selection.Fragment as InlineFragment;

                        if (!ShouldIncludeNode(context, inline.Directives)
                          || !DoesFragmentConditionMatch(context, inline, type))

                        CollectFields(context, type, inline.Selections, fields);

            return fields;
        public DataSet(ConfigNode node, RasterPropMonitorComputer rpmComp)
            Vector4 packedPosition = ConfigNode.ParseVector4(node.GetValue("borderPosition"));
            position.x = packedPosition.x;
            position.y = packedPosition.y;
            size.x = packedPosition.z;
            size.y = packedPosition.w;

            if (node.HasValue("borderColor"))
                color = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(node.GetValue("borderColor"));

            if (node.HasValue("borderWidth"))
                lineWidth = int.Parse(node.GetValue("borderWidth"));

            string graphTypeStr = node.GetValue("graphType").Trim();
            if (graphTypeStr == GraphType.VerticalUp.ToString())
                graphType = GraphType.VerticalUp;
            else if (graphTypeStr == GraphType.VerticalDown.ToString())
                graphType = GraphType.VerticalDown;
            else if (graphTypeStr == GraphType.VerticalSplit.ToString())
                graphType = GraphType.VerticalSplit;
            else if (graphTypeStr == GraphType.HorizontalRight.ToString())
                graphType = GraphType.HorizontalRight;
            else if (graphTypeStr == GraphType.HorizontalLeft.ToString())
                graphType = GraphType.HorizontalLeft;
            else if (graphTypeStr == GraphType.HorizontalSplit.ToString())
                graphType = GraphType.HorizontalSplit;
            else if (graphTypeStr == GraphType.Lamp.ToString())
                graphType = GraphType.Lamp;
                throw new ArgumentException("Unknown 'graphType' in DATA_SET");

            if (node.HasValue("passiveColor"))
                passiveColor = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(node.GetValue("passiveColor"));
            if (node.HasValue("activeColor"))
                activeColor = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(node.GetValue("activeColor"));
            string[] token = node.GetValue("scale").Split(',');
            if(token.Length != 2)
                throw new ArgumentException("Background scale did not contain two values");

            variable = new VariableOrNumberRange(rpmComp, node.GetValue("variableName").Trim(), token[0].Trim(), token[1].Trim());

            if (node.HasValue("reverse"))
                if (!bool.TryParse(node.GetValue("reverse"), out reverse))
                    throw new ArgumentException("So is 'reverse' true or false?");

            if (node.HasValue("threshold"))
                threshold = ConfigNode.ParseVector2(node.GetValue("threshold"));
            if (threshold != Vector2.zero)
                thresholdMode = true;

                float min = Mathf.Min(threshold.x, threshold.y);
                float max = Mathf.Max(threshold.x, threshold.y);
                threshold.x = min;
                threshold.y = max;

                if (node.HasValue("flashingDelay"))
                    flashingDelay = float.Parse(node.GetValue("flashingDelay"));
                    flashingDelay = Mathf.Max(flashingDelay, 0.0f);

            fillTopLeftCorner = position + new Vector2((float)lineWidth, (float)lineWidth);
            fillSize = (size - new Vector2((float)(2 * lineWidth), (float)(2 * lineWidth)));
Example #57
        public string PrintFields(GraphType type)
            var fields = type.Fields
                .Select(x =>
                    Type = ResolveName(Schema.FindType(x.Type)),
                    Args = PrintArgs(x)

            return string.Join(Environment.NewLine, fields.Select(f => "  {0}{1}: {2}".ToFormat(f.Name, f.Args, f.Type)));
Example #58
 /// <summary>
 /// 创建图元结点
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="graphType">图元类型</param>
 /// <param name="location">图元位置</param>
 /// <param name="autoConnect">是否自动连接</param>
 protected void CreateNode(GraphType graphType, Point location, bool autoConnect)
     DocumentManager documentManager = DocumentManager.GetDocumentManager();
     FlowChartManager flowChartManager = documentManager.CurrentFlowChartManager;
     flowChartManager.CurrentGraphManager.CreateAbbreviateGraphElement(graphType, location, autoConnect);
Example #59
        private FieldType GetFieldDef(ISchema schema, GraphType parentType, Field field)
            var name = field.Name;

            if (name == SchemaIntrospection.SchemaMeta.Name
                && Equals(schema.Query, parentType))
                return SchemaIntrospection.SchemaMeta;

            if (name == SchemaIntrospection.TypeMeta.Name
                && Equals(schema.Query, parentType))
                return SchemaIntrospection.TypeMeta;

            if (name == SchemaIntrospection.TypeNameMeta.Name
                && (parentType is ObjectGraphType
                    || parentType is InterfaceGraphType
                    || parentType is UnionGraphType))
                return SchemaIntrospection.TypeNameMeta;

            if (parentType is ObjectGraphType || parentType is InterfaceGraphType)
                return parentType.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == field.Name);

            return null;
        public bool IsValidValue(Schema schema, GraphType type, object input)
            if (type is NonNullGraphType)
                if (input == null)
                    return false;

                return IsValidValue(schema, schema.FindType(((NonNullGraphType)type).Type), input);

            if (input == null)
                return true;

            if (type is ListGraphType)
                var listType = (ListGraphType) type;
                var list = input as IEnumerable;
                return list != null
                    ? list.All(item => IsValidValue(schema, type, item))
                    : IsValidValue(schema, listType, input);

            if (type is ObjectGraphType)
                var dict = input as Dictionary<string, object>;
                return dict != null
                    && type.Fields.All(field => IsValidValue(schema, schema.FindType(field.Type), dict[field.Name]));

            if (type is ScalarGraphType)
                var scalar = (ScalarGraphType) type;
                return scalar.Coerce(input) != null;

            return false;