/// <summary>
        /// Insert list of nodes into database as bulk
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodesList">List of nodes fo insert</param>
        public void InsertBulk(List <Node> nodesList)
            var adapter    = new GraphTableAdapters.NodesTableAdapter();
            var newRecords = new Graph.NodesDataTable();

            foreach (var node in nodesList)
                newRecords.AddNodesRow(node.id, node.label, node.adjacentNodes);
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves list of Nodes with UniDirectional relationships
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> List of Nodes from database</returns>
        public List <Node> GetNodes()
            var adapter = new GraphTableAdapters.NodesTableAdapter();

            Graph.NodesDataTable nodesBack = adapter.GetData();
            IEnumerable <Node>   nodesList = nodesBack.Select(nodeBack => new Node
                id            = (byte)nodeBack.id, //TODO change in Node to long cause contract failure
                label         = nodeBack.label,
                adjacentNodes = nodeBack.adjacentNodes

        /// <summary>
        /// Insert list of nodes into database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodesList">List of nodes for insert</param>
        public int Insert(List <Node> nodesList)
            var adapter = new GraphTableAdapters.NodesTableAdapter();

            foreach (var node in nodesList)
                    adapter.Insert(node.id, node.label, node.adjacentNodes);
                catch (Exception e)
                    // In case of fail rest of node is inserted