Example #1
        public void NoDice()
            var planningActions = new List <PlanningAction <string> >()
                new PlanningAction <string>(
                    name: "init",
                    conditions: x => true,
                    effects: x =>
                    x = "init";
                new PlanningAction <string>(
                    name: "execute",
                    conditions: x => x == "init",
                    effects: x =>
                    x = "finish";

            var plan    = new GraphPlan <string>(Enums.PlanningMethod.DepthFirst, planningActions, new StringComparerer());
            var actions = plan.MakePlan("init", "init");

Example #2
        public void BasicTest()
            var planningActions = new List <PlanningAction <string> >()
                new PlanningAction <string>(
                    name: "init",
                    conditions: x => true,
                    effects: x =>
                    x = "init";
                new PlanningAction <string>(
                    name: "execute",
                    conditions: x => x == "init",
                    effects: x =>
                    x = "finish";

            //var actions = plan.Prepare()
            //        .AddState().Finish()
            //        .Solve("init", "finish")
            //        .PrintToConsole();

            var plan    = new GraphPlan <string>(Enums.PlanningMethod.DepthFirst, planningActions, new StringComparerer());
            var actions = plan.MakePlan("init", "finish");

Example #3
        public void TestSimpleGame()
            var initState = new SimpleGame.SimpleGameState();

            var endState = new SimpleGame.SimpleGameState();

            endState.Player.hasAxe = false;
            endState.Player.Wood   = 20;
            endState.axeAvailable  = false;

            var planningActions = new List <PlanningAction <SimpleGame.SimpleGameState> >()
                new PlanningAction <SimpleGame.SimpleGameState>(
                    name: "chopWood",
                    conditions: x =>
                    effects: x =>
                    if (x.Player.axeLife > 0)
                new PlanningAction <SimpleGame.SimpleGameState>(
                    name: "getAxe",
                    conditions: x =>
                    return(!x.Player.hasAxe && x.axeAvailable);
                    effects: x =>
                    x.Player.hasAxe = true;
                    x.axeAvailable  = false;
                new PlanningAction <SimpleGame.SimpleGameState>(
                    name: "createAxe",
                    conditions: x =>
                    return(x.Player.Wood >= 5);
                    effects: x =>
                    x.Player.hasAxe = true;
                    x.Player.Wood  -= 2;

            var plan    = new GraphPlan <SimpleGame.SimpleGameState>(Enums.PlanningMethod.DepthFirst, planningActions, new GameStateComparer());
            var actions = plan.MakePlan(initState, endState);

Example #4
        public static void Main()
            EntitySet objects = new EntitySet();

            objects.addObject("Ax", "Cargo");
            objects.addObject("Bx", "Cargo");
            objects.addObject("Rx", "Rocket");
            objects.addObject("Lx", "Place");
            objects.addObject("Px", "Place");

            Conjunction init = new Conjunction("At (Ax, Lx) & At (Bx, Lx) & At (Rx, Lx) & HasFuel (Rx)");
            Conjunction goal = new Conjunction("At (Ax, Px) & At (Bx, Px)");

            OperatorHead opMoveHead = new OperatorHead("move", new ParaList("Rocket ?r, Place ?from, Place ?to"));
            Condition    opMoveCond = new Condition("?from != ?to");
            Conjunction  opMovePre  = new Conjunction("At (?r, ?from) & HasFuel (?r)");
            Conjunction  opMoveAdd  = new Conjunction("At (?r, ?to)");
            Conjunction  opMoveDel  = new Conjunction("At (?r, ?from) & HasFuel (?r)");
            Operator     opMove     = new Operator(opMoveHead, opMoveCond, opMovePre, opMoveAdd, opMoveDel);

            OperatorHead opUnloadHead = new OperatorHead("unload", new ParaList("Rocket ?r, Place ?p, Cargo ?c"));
            Condition    opUnloadCond = new Condition("");
            Conjunction  opUnloadPre  = new Conjunction("At (?r, ?p) & In (?c, ?r)");
            Conjunction  opUnloadAdd  = new Conjunction("At (?c, ?p)");
            Conjunction  opUnloadDel  = new Conjunction("In (?c, ?r)");
            Operator     opUnload     = new Operator(opUnloadHead, opUnloadCond, opUnloadPre, opUnloadAdd, opUnloadDel);

            OperatorHead opLoadHead = new OperatorHead("load", new ParaList("Rocket ?r, Place ?p, Cargo ?c"));
            Condition    opLoadCond = new Condition("");
            Conjunction  opLoadPre  = new Conjunction("At (?r, ?p) & At (?c, ?p)");
            Conjunction  opLoadAdd  = new Conjunction("In (?c, ?r)");
            Conjunction  opLoadDel  = new Conjunction("At (?c, ?p)");
            Operator     opLoad     = new Operator(opLoadHead, opLoadCond, opLoadPre, opLoadAdd, opLoadDel);

            OperatorSet opSet = new OperatorSet();


            GraphPlan graph = new GraphPlan(objects, init, goal, opSet);
            bool      res   = graph.CreateGraph();


            res = graph.SearchGoal();

            List <string> plan = graph.GetPlan();

            foreach (string step in plan)
Example #5
        public void Init()
            var restoreServer = PlanningActions.ServerActions.Plan_RestoreServer();
            var server_online = PlanningActions.ServerActions.Plan_GoOnline();
            var restoration   = PlanningActions.ServerActions.Plan_WaitingForRestoration();

            var actions = new IPlanningAction <Models.Server>[] { restoreServer, server_online, restoration };

            planner = new GraphPlan <Models.Server>(Enums.PlanningMethod.DepthFirst, actions, new ServerComparer());
 public static bool DijkstraWithPlan <V, E>(
     this Graph <V, E> graph,
     int from,
     int to,
     WeightCalculator <E> calculator,
     out GraphPlan <V, E> path,
     ExplorationCallbacks <V, E> callbacks = default
     return(graph.AStarWithPlan(from, to, ZeroHeuristics, calculator, out path, callbacks));
Example #7
        public void GraphPlanTest_Robot()
            EntitySet objects = new EntitySet();

            objects.addObject("green", "Color");
            objects.addObject("red", "Color");
            objects.addObject("sec1", "Section");

            Conjunction init = new Conjunction("CurrentColor (green)");
            Conjunction goal = new Conjunction("Painted (sec1, red)");

            OperatorHead opPaintHead = new OperatorHead("Paint", new ParaList("Section ?sec, Color ?clr"));
            Condition    opPaintCond = new Condition("");
            Conjunction  opPaintPre  = new Conjunction("CurrentColor (?clr)");
            Conjunction  opPaintAdd  = new Conjunction("Painted (?sec, ?clr)");
            Conjunction  opPaintDel  = new Conjunction("");
            Operator     opPaint     = new Operator(opPaintHead, opPaintCond, opPaintPre, opPaintAdd, opPaintDel);

            OperatorHead opChangeColorHead = new OperatorHead("ChangeColor", new ParaList("Color ?old, Color ?new"));
            Condition    opChangeColorCond = new Condition("?old != ?new");
            Conjunction  opChangeColorPre  = new Conjunction("CurrentColor (?old)");
            Conjunction  opChangeColorAdd  = new Conjunction("CurrentColor (?new)");
            Conjunction  opChangeColorDel  = new Conjunction("CurrentColor (?old)");
            Operator     opChangeColor     = new Operator(opChangeColorHead, opChangeColorCond, opChangeColorPre, opChangeColorAdd, opChangeColorDel);

            OperatorSet opSet = new OperatorSet();


            GraphPlan graph = new GraphPlan(objects, init, goal, opSet);
            bool      res   = graph.CreateGraph();


            res = graph.SearchGoal();

            List <string> plan = graph.GetPlan();

            //foreach (string step in plan)
            //    System.Console.WriteLine(step);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, plan.Count);

            Assert.AreEqual("ChangeColor ( green, red )", plan[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual("Paint ( sec1, red )", plan[1]);
Example #8
        public void GraphPlanTest_Blocks()
            EntitySet objects = new EntitySet();

            objects.addObject("b1", "Block");
            objects.addObject("b2", "Block");
            objects.addObject("b3", "Block");
            objects.addObject("Table", "Block");

            Conjunction init = new Conjunction("ON (b1, b2) & ON (b2, Table) & ON (b3, Table) & Clear (b1) & Clear (b3) & Clear (Table)");
            Conjunction goal = new Conjunction("ON (b3, Table) & ON (b2, b3) & ON (b1, b2)");

            OperatorHead opMoveHead = new OperatorHead("Move", new ParaList("Block ?obj, Block ?from, Block ?to"));
            Condition    opMoveCond = new Condition("?obj != ?from & ?obj != ?to & ?from != ?to & ?to != Table");
            Conjunction  opMovePre  = new Conjunction("ON (?obj, ?from) & Clear (?obj) & Clear (?to)");
            Conjunction  opMoveAdd  = new Conjunction("ON (?obj, ?to) & Clear (?from)");
            Conjunction  opMoveDel  = new Conjunction("ON (?obj, ?from) & Clear (?to)");
            Operator     opMove     = new Operator(opMoveHead, opMoveCond, opMovePre, opMoveAdd, opMoveDel);

            OperatorHead opMoveToTableHead = new OperatorHead("MoveToTable", new ParaList("Block ?obj, Block ?from"));
            Condition    opMoveToTableCond = new Condition("?obj != ?from & ?obj != Table & ?from != Table");
            Conjunction  opMoveToTablePre  = new Conjunction("Clear (?obj) & ON (?obj, ?from)");
            Conjunction  opMoveToTableAdd  = new Conjunction("ON (?obj, Table) & Clear (?from)");
            Conjunction  opMoveToTableDel  = new Conjunction("ON (?obj, ?from)");
            Operator     opMoveToTable     = new Operator(opMoveToTableHead, opMoveToTableCond, opMoveToTablePre, opMoveToTableAdd, opMoveToTableDel);

            OperatorSet opSet = new OperatorSet();


            GraphPlan graph = new GraphPlan(objects, init, goal, opSet);
            bool      res   = graph.CreateGraph();


            res = graph.SearchGoal();

            List <string> plan = graph.GetPlan();

            Assert.AreEqual(3, plan.Count);

            Assert.AreEqual("MoveToTable ( b1, b2 )", plan[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual("Move ( b2, Table, b3 )", plan[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual("Move ( b1, Table, b2 )", plan[2]);
Example #9
        public void SimpleState_hanoi_tower_solver_test()
            //A1 1  B1 |  C1 |
            //A2 2  B2 |  C2 |
            //A3 3  B3 |  C3 |
            //A4 4  B4 |  C4 |
            //A5 5  B5 |  C5 |
            //A6 6  B6 |  C6 |
            //A7 7  B7 |  C7 |
            //  / \   / \   / \

            var initialState = new State
                { "A1", 1 },
                { "A2", 2 },
                { "A3", 3 },
                { "A4", 4 },
                { "A5", 5 },
                { "A6", 6 },
                { "A7", 7 },

            var goalState = new State
                { "C1", 1 },
                { "C2", 2 },
                { "C3", 3 },
                { "C4", 4 },
                { "C5", 5 },
                { "C6", 6 },
                { "C7", 7 },

            var planningActions = new List <IPlanningAction <State> >
                new PlanningAction <State>(
                    name: "Move from A to B",
                    conditions: state => Validate(state, "A", "B"),
                    effects: state => Move(state, "A", "B")),
                new PlanningAction <State>(
                    name: "Move from A to C",
                    conditions: state => Validate(state, "A", "C"),
                    effects: state => Move(state, "A", "C")),
                new PlanningAction <State>(
                    name: "Move from B to A",
                    conditions: state => Validate(state, "B", "A"),
                    effects: state => Move(state, "B", "A")),
                new PlanningAction <State>(
                    name: "Move from B to C",
                    conditions: state => Validate(state, "B", "C"),
                    effects: state => Move(state, "B", "C")),
                new PlanningAction <State>(
                    name: "Move from C to A",
                    conditions: state => Validate(state, "C", "A"),
                    effects: state => Move(state, "C", "A")),
                new PlanningAction <State>(
                    name: "Move from C to B",
                    conditions: state => Validate(state, "C", "B"),
                    effects: state => Move(state, "C", "B")),

            var plan = new GraphPlan <State>(Enums.PlanningMethod.DepthFirst, planningActions.ToArray(), new StateComparer())
                       .MakePlan(initialState, goalState)