public async Task<List<Models.User>> GetAssignedUsers()
                // Create the Graph Client
                string tenantId = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst(Globals.TenantIdClaimType).Value;
                ActiveDirectoryClient graphClient = new ActiveDirectoryClient(new Uri(Globals.GraphApiUrl, tenantId), async () => await GraphHelper.AcquireTokenAsApp());

                // Read users from db for evaluating in memory
                List<Models.User> userHistory = UsersDbHelper.GetUsersForTenant(tenantId);
                List<Models.User> usersWithStatus = new List<Models.User>(userHistory);
                List<Models.User> updatedUserHistory = new List<Models.User>(userHistory);

                // Get the assignments for the application
                ServicePrincipal sp = (ServicePrincipal)graphClient.ServicePrincipals.Where(servicePrincpial => servicePrincpial.AppId.Equals(ConfigHelper.ClientId)).ExecuteAsync().Result.CurrentPage.FirstOrDefault();
                IServicePrincipalFetcher spFetcher = sp;
                List<IAppRoleAssignment> assignments = spFetcher.AppRoleAssignedTo.ExecuteAsync().Result.CurrentPage.ToList(); // TODO: Paging

                // TODO: Better Error Handling
                // TODO: Retry Logic
                // TODO: Nested Groups
                // TODO: Paged Results on Assignments
                // TODO: Paged Results on Group Membership
                // TODO: Performance & Batch Queries

                // Get the groups assigned to the app first
                foreach (IAppRoleAssignment assignment in assignments)
                    if (assignment.PrincipalType == "Group")
                        // Get the group members
                        IGroupFetcher gFetcher = graphClient.Groups.GetByObjectId(assignment.PrincipalId.ToString());
                        List<IDirectoryObject> members = gFetcher.Members.ExecuteAsync().Result.CurrentPage.ToList();

                        foreach (IDirectoryObject member in members)
                            if (member is User)
                                User user = (User)member;
                                int existingUserIndex = userHistory.FindIndex(u => u.ObjectId == user.ObjectId);

                                // If the user did not exist in the db before
                                if (existingUserIndex == -1)
                                    // The user is new
                                    usersWithStatus.Add(new Models.User(user) { assignmentStatus = "New" });
                                    updatedUserHistory.Add(new Models.User(user));
                                    // The user is active, but not new
                                    usersWithStatus[usersWithStatus.FindIndex(u => u.ObjectId == user.ObjectId)] = new Models.User(user) { assignmentStatus = "Enabled" };
                                    updatedUserHistory[existingUserIndex] = new Models.User(user);

                // Get the users assigned to the app second
                foreach (IAppRoleAssignment assignment in assignments)
                    if (assignment.PrincipalType == "User")
                        int existingUserIndex = userHistory.FindIndex(u => u.ObjectId == assignment.PrincipalId.ToString());
                        int assignedUserIndex = usersWithStatus.FindIndex(u => u.ObjectId == assignment.PrincipalId.ToString());

                        // If we haven't seen the user before, add it
                        if (existingUserIndex == -1 &&  assignedUserIndex == -1)
                            User user = (User)await graphClient.Users.GetByObjectId(assignment.PrincipalId.ToString()).ExecuteAsync();
                            usersWithStatus.Add(new Models.User(user) { assignmentStatus = "New" });
                            updatedUserHistory.Add(new Models.User(user));

                        // If we have seen the user before but didn't already update his data as part of group assignment, update the user data.
                        else if (existingUserIndex >= 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(usersWithStatus[assignedUserIndex].assignmentStatus))
                            User user = (User)await graphClient.Users.GetByObjectId(assignment.PrincipalId.ToString()).ExecuteAsync();
                            usersWithStatus[usersWithStatus.FindIndex(u => u.ObjectId == user.ObjectId)] = new Models.User(user) { assignmentStatus = "Enabled" };
                            updatedUserHistory[existingUserIndex] = new Models.User(user);

                UsersDbHelper.SaveUsersForTenant(tenantId, updatedUserHistory);
                return usersWithStatus;
            catch (AdalException ex)
                throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);