private void AssertNotUsingCompiled(GraphDatabaseService db, string query) { _logProvider.clear(); Db.execute(query).resultAsString(); _logProvider.assertNone(inLog(typeof(EnterpriseCompilerFactory)).debug(anyOf(containsString("Compiling expression:"), containsString("Compiling projection:")))); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldListAllLabelsInUse() public virtual void ShouldListAllLabelsInUse() { // Given GraphDatabaseService db = DbRule.GraphDatabaseAPI; CreateNode(db, Labels.MyLabel); Node node = CreateNode(db, Labels.MyOtherLabel); using (Transaction tx = Db.beginTx()) { node.Delete(); tx.Success(); } // When IList <Label> labels; using (Transaction ignored = Db.beginTx()) { labels = new IList <Label> { Db.AllLabelsInUse }; } // Then assertEquals(1, labels.Count); //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Method reference arbitrary object instance method syntax is not converted by Java to C# Converter: assertThat(map(Label::name, labels), hasItems(; }
internal Writer(GraphDatabaseService db, string propertyKey, string propertyValue, AtomicBoolean start) { this.Db = db; this.PropertyKey = propertyKey; this.PropertyValue = propertyValue; this.Start = start; }
/// <summary> /// Perform a transaction, with the option to automatically retry on failure. /// Also returning a result from the supplied transaction function. /// </summary> /// <param name="db"> <seealso cref="GraphDatabaseService"/> to apply the transaction on. </param> /// <param name="commit"> whether or not to call <seealso cref="Transaction.success()"/> in the end. </param> /// <param name="retry"> <seealso cref="RetryHandler"/> deciding what type of failures to retry on. </param> /// <param name="transaction"> <seealso cref="Function"/> containing the transaction logic and returning a result. </param> /// <returns> result from transaction <seealso cref="Function"/>. </returns> //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no .NET equivalent to the Java 'super' constraint: //ORIGINAL LINE: public static <T> T tx(org.neo4j.graphdb.GraphDatabaseService db, boolean commit, RetryHandler retry, System.Func<? super org.neo4j.graphdb.GraphDatabaseService, T> transaction) public static T Tx <T, T1>(GraphDatabaseService db, bool commit, RetryHandler retry, System.Func <T1> transaction) { while (true) { try { using (Transaction tx = Db.beginTx()) { T result = transaction(db); if (commit) { tx.Success(); } return(result); } } catch (Exception t) { if (!retry(t)) { throw t; } // else continue one more time } } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void addingALabelUsingAnInvalidIdentifierShouldFail() public virtual void AddingALabelUsingAnInvalidIdentifierShouldFail() { // Given GraphDatabaseService graphDatabase = DbRule.GraphDatabaseAPI; // When I set an empty label try { using (Transaction ignored = graphDatabase.BeginTx()) { graphDatabase.CreateNode().addLabel(label("")); fail("Should have thrown exception"); } } catch (ConstraintViolationException) { // Happy } // And When I set a null label try { using (Transaction ignored = graphDatabase.BeginTx()) { graphDatabase.CreateNode().addLabel(() => null); fail("Should have thrown exception"); } } catch (ConstraintViolationException) { // Happy } }
private long CreateNodeWithProperty(GraphDatabaseService graphDb, string propertyKey, object value) { Node p = graphDb.CreateNode(); p.SetProperty(propertyKey, value); return(p.Id); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldRuleWorkWithExistingDirectory() throws Throwable //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: public virtual void ShouldRuleWorkWithExistingDirectory() { // given a root folder, create /databases/graph.db folders. File oldDir ="old"); File storeDir = Config.defaults(GraphDatabaseSettings.data_directory, oldDir.toPath().ToString()).get(GraphDatabaseSettings.database_path); GraphDatabaseService db = (new TestGraphDatabaseFactory()).newEmbeddedDatabase(storeDir); try { Db.execute("CREATE ()"); } finally { Db.shutdown(); } // When a rule with an pre-populated graph db directory is used File newDir ="new"); //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final org.neo4j.harness.junit.Neo4jRule ruleWithDirectory = new org.neo4j.harness.junit.Neo4jRule(newDir).copyFrom(oldDir); Neo4jRule ruleWithDirectory = (new Neo4jRule(newDir)).copyFrom(oldDir); Statement statement = ruleWithDirectory.apply(new StatementAnonymousInnerClass(this, ruleWithDirectory) , null); // Then statement.evaluate(); }
/// <summary> /// GitHub issue #5996 /// </summary> //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void terminationOfClosedTransactionDoesNotInfluenceNextTransaction() public virtual void TerminationOfClosedTransactionDoesNotInfluenceNextTransaction() { GraphDatabaseService db = GlobalDb; using (Transaction tx = Db.beginTx()) { Db.createNode(); tx.Success(); } Transaction transaction = Db.beginTx(); using (Transaction tx = transaction) { Db.createNode(); tx.Success(); } transaction.Terminate(); using (Transaction tx = Db.beginTx()) { assertThat(Db.AllNodes, @is(iterableWithSize(2))); tx.Success(); } }
public GraphDbStructureGuide(GraphDatabaseService graph) { this._db = graph; DependencyResolver dependencies = (( GraphDatabaseAPI )graph).DependencyResolver; this._bridge = dependencies.ResolveDependency(typeof(ThreadToStatementContextBridge)); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldReuseNodeIdsFromRolledBackTransaction() throws Exception //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: public virtual void ShouldReuseNodeIdsFromRolledBackTransaction() { // Given GraphDatabaseService db = DbRule.GraphDatabaseAPI; using (Transaction tx = Db.beginTx()) { Db.createNode(); tx.Failure(); } db = DbRule.restartDatabase(); // When Node node; using (Transaction tx = Db.beginTx()) { node = Db.createNode(); tx.Success(); } // Then assertThat(node.Id, equalTo(0L)); }
private static void CreateNodesOn(GraphDatabaseService db, int count) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CreateNodeOn(db); } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldBeAbleToUpgradeAStoreWithoutIdFilesAsBackups() throws Throwable //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: public virtual void ShouldBeAbleToUpgradeAStoreWithoutIdFilesAsBackups() { File databaseDirectory = Store.prepareDirectory(TestDir.databaseDir()); // remove id files File[] idFiles = databaseDirectory.listFiles((dir1, name) => name.EndsWith(".id")); foreach (File idFile in idFiles) { assertTrue(idFile.delete()); } GraphDatabaseFactory factory = new TestGraphDatabaseFactory(); GraphDatabaseBuilder builder = factory.NewEmbeddedDatabaseBuilder(TestDir.databaseDir()); builder.SetConfig(GraphDatabaseSettings.allow_upgrade, "true"); builder.SetConfig(GraphDatabaseSettings.record_format, Store.FormatFamily); builder.SetConfig(OnlineBackupSettings.online_backup_enabled, Settings.FALSE); GraphDatabaseService db = builder.NewGraphDatabase(); try { CheckInstance(Store, ( GraphDatabaseAPI )db); } finally { Db.shutdown(); } assertConsistentStore(DatabaseLayout.of(databaseDirectory)); }
private static void AddToResults(GraphDatabaseService db, Dictionary <TestValue, ISet <object> > results, TestValue value) { ResourceIterator <Node> foundNodes = Db.findNodes(label(LABEL), PROPERTY_KEY, value.value); ISet <object> propertyValues = asSet(, foundNodes)); results[value] = propertyValues; }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void given4instanceClusterWhenMasterGoesDownThenElectNewMaster() throws Throwable //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: public virtual void Given4instanceClusterWhenMasterGoesDownThenElectNewMaster() { ClusterManager clusterManager = (new ClusterManager.Builder(; try { clusterManager.Start(); ClusterManager.ManagedCluster cluster = clusterManager.Cluster; cluster.Await(allSeesAllAsAvailable());"STOPPING MASTER"); cluster.Shutdown(cluster.Master);"STOPPED MASTER"); cluster.Await(ClusterManager.masterAvailable()); GraphDatabaseService master = cluster.Master;"CREATE NODE"); using (Transaction tx = master.BeginTx()) { master.CreateNode();"CREATED NODE"); tx.Success(); }"STOPPING CLUSTER"); } finally { clusterManager.SafeShutdown(); } }
private DbRepresentation CreateTransactionWithWeirdRelationshipGroupRecord(File path) { _db = StartGraphDatabase(path); int i = 0; Node node; RelationshipType typeToDelete = RelationshipType.withName("A"); RelationshipType theOtherType = RelationshipType.withName("B"); int defaultDenseNodeThreshold = int.Parse(GraphDatabaseSettings.dense_node_threshold.DefaultValue); using (Transaction tx = _db.beginTx()) { node = _db.createNode(); for ( ; i < defaultDenseNodeThreshold - 1; i++) { node.CreateRelationshipTo(_db.createNode(), theOtherType); } node.CreateRelationshipTo(_db.createNode(), typeToDelete); tx.Success(); } using (Transaction tx = _db.beginTx()) { node.CreateRelationshipTo(_db.createNode(), theOtherType); foreach (Relationship relationship in node.GetRelationships(Direction.BOTH, typeToDelete)) { relationship.Delete(); } tx.Success(); } DbRepresentation result = DbRepresentation.of(_db); _db.shutdown(); return(result); }
private void AssertThatCommunityCanStartOnNormalConstraint(string constraintCreationQuery) { // given GraphDatabaseService graphDb = (new EnterpriseGraphDatabaseFactory()).newEmbeddedDatabase(Dir.storeDir()); try { graphDb.Execute(constraintCreationQuery); } finally { graphDb.Shutdown(); } graphDb = null; // when try { graphDb = (new TestGraphDatabaseFactory()).newEmbeddedDatabase(Dir.storeDir()); // Should not get exception } finally { if (graphDb != null) { graphDb.Shutdown(); } } }
private Worker NewWorker(GraphDatabaseService db, System.Threading.CountdownEvent startSignal, AtomicBoolean stopSignal, AtomicReference <Exception> failure, Node parentNode) { Worker worker = new Worker(db, startSignal, stopSignal, failure, parentNode); worker.Start(); return(worker); }
public ExplicitIndexProxy(string name, Type <T> type, GraphDatabaseService gds, System.Func <KernelTransaction> txBridge) { this.NameConflict = name; this.Type = type; this._gds = gds; this.TxBridge = txBridge; }
private static void AssertIndexContents(IndexDefinition index, GraphDatabaseService db, IDictionary <object, Node> expectedData) { foreach (KeyValuePair <object, Node> entry in expectedData.SetOfKeyValuePairs()) { assertEquals(asSet(entry.Value), asUniqueSet(Db.findNodes(single(index.Labels), single(index.PropertyKeys), entry.Key))); } }
internal CursorWrappingRelationshipIndexHits(RelationshipExplicitIndexCursor cursor, GraphDatabaseService graphDatabaseService, KernelTransaction ktx, string name) : base(cursor.ExpectedTotalNumberOfResults(), cursor.Score()) { this.Cursor = cursor; this.GraphDatabaseService = graphDatabaseService; this.Ktx = ktx; this.Name = name; }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: //ORIGINAL LINE: private void testHighIds(long highMark, int minus, int requiredHeapMb) throws private void TestHighIds(long highMark, int minus, int requiredHeapMb) { if (!MachineIsOkToRunThisTest(requiredHeapMb)) { return; } long idBelow = highMark - minus; HighIds = idBelow; string propertyKey = "name"; int intPropertyValue = 123; string stringPropertyValue = "Long string, longer than would fit in shortstring"; long[] arrayPropertyValue = new long[] { 1021L, 321L, 343212L }; Transaction tx = _db.beginTx(); Node nodeBelowTheLine = _db.createNode(); nodeBelowTheLine.SetProperty(propertyKey, intPropertyValue); assertEquals(idBelow, nodeBelowTheLine.Id); Node nodeAboveTheLine = _db.createNode(); nodeAboveTheLine.SetProperty(propertyKey, stringPropertyValue); Relationship relBelowTheLine = nodeBelowTheLine.CreateRelationshipTo(nodeAboveTheLine, this); relBelowTheLine.SetProperty(propertyKey, arrayPropertyValue); assertEquals(idBelow, relBelowTheLine.Id); Relationship relAboveTheLine = nodeAboveTheLine.CreateRelationshipTo(nodeBelowTheLine, this); assertEquals(highMark, relAboveTheLine.Id); assertEquals(highMark, nodeAboveTheLine.Id); assertEquals(intPropertyValue, nodeBelowTheLine.GetProperty(propertyKey)); assertEquals(stringPropertyValue, nodeAboveTheLine.GetProperty(propertyKey)); assertTrue(Arrays.Equals(arrayPropertyValue, ( long[] )relBelowTheLine.GetProperty(propertyKey))); tx.Success(); tx.Close(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { using (Transaction transaction = _db.beginTx()) { assertEquals(nodeAboveTheLine, _db.getNodeById(highMark)); assertEquals(idBelow, nodeBelowTheLine.Id); assertEquals(highMark, nodeAboveTheLine.Id); assertEquals(idBelow, relBelowTheLine.Id); assertEquals(highMark, relAboveTheLine.Id); assertEquals(relBelowTheLine, _db.getNodeById(idBelow).getSingleRelationship(this, Direction.OUTGOING)); assertEquals(relAboveTheLine, _db.getNodeById(idBelow).getSingleRelationship(this, Direction.INCOMING)); assertEquals(idBelow, relBelowTheLine.Id); assertEquals(highMark, relAboveTheLine.Id); assertEquals(AsSet(asList(relBelowTheLine, relAboveTheLine)), AsSet(Iterables.asCollection(_db.getNodeById(idBelow).Relationships))); transaction.Success(); } if (i == 0) { _db = DbRule.restartDatabase(); } } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void nonEmptyForeignDbShouldNotBeAbleToJoin() public virtual void NonEmptyForeignDbShouldNotBeAbleToJoin() { // GIVEN // -- one instance running int firstInstanceClusterPort = PortAuthority.allocatePort(); _firstInstance = (new TestHighlyAvailableGraphDatabaseFactory()).newEmbeddedDatabaseBuilder("1")).setConfig(server_id, "1").setConfig(initial_hosts, "" + firstInstanceClusterPort).setConfig(cluster_server, "" + firstInstanceClusterPort).setConfig(ha_server, "" + PortAuthority.allocatePort()).setConfig(OnlineBackupSettings.online_backup_enabled, Settings.FALSE).newGraphDatabase(); CreateNodes(_firstInstance, 3, "first"); // -- another instance preparing to join with a store with a different store ID File foreignDbStoreDir = CreateAnotherStore(TestDirectory.databaseDir("2"), 1); // WHEN // -- the other joins _foreignInstance = (new TestHighlyAvailableGraphDatabaseFactory()).newEmbeddedDatabaseBuilder(foreignDbStoreDir).setConfig(server_id, "2").setConfig(initial_hosts, "" + firstInstanceClusterPort).setConfig(cluster_server, "" + PortAuthority.allocatePort()).setConfig(ha_server, "" + PortAuthority.allocatePort()).setConfig(state_switch_timeout, "5s").setConfig(OnlineBackupSettings.online_backup_enabled, Settings.FALSE).newGraphDatabase(); try { // THEN // -- that node should arrive at the master CreateNode(_foreignInstance, "foreigner"); fail("Shouldn't be able to create a node, since it shouldn't have joined"); } catch (Exception) { // Good } }
private static Node CreateNamedNode(GraphDatabaseService db, string name) { Node node = Db.createNode(); node.SetProperty("name", name); return(node); }
private void CreateNodes(GraphDatabaseService db, int transactions, string prefix) { for (int i = 0; i < transactions; i++) { CreateNode(db, prefix + i); } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void getNodesWithLabelsWithTxAddsAndRemoves() public virtual void getNodesWithLabelsWithTxAddsAndRemoves() { // GIVEN GraphDatabaseService beansAPI = DbRule.GraphDatabaseAPI; Node node1 = CreateNode(beansAPI, Labels.MyLabel, Labels.MyOtherLabel); Node node2 = CreateNode(beansAPI, Labels.MyLabel, Labels.MyOtherLabel); // WHEN Node node3; ISet <Node> nodesWithMyLabel; ISet <Node> nodesWithMyOtherLabel; using (Transaction tx = beansAPI.BeginTx()) { node3 = beansAPI.CreateNode(Labels.MyLabel); node2.RemoveLabel(Labels.MyLabel); // extracted here to be asserted below nodesWithMyLabel = asSet(beansAPI.FindNodes(Labels.MyLabel)); nodesWithMyOtherLabel = asSet(beansAPI.FindNodes(Labels.MyOtherLabel)); tx.Success(); } // THEN assertEquals(asSet(node1, node3), nodesWithMyLabel); assertEquals(asSet(node1, node2), nodesWithMyOtherLabel); }
public Transactor(GraphDatabaseService graphDb, UnitOfWork unitOfWork, int attempts) { Debug.Assert(attempts > 0, "The Transactor should make at least one attempt at running the transaction."); this._unitOfWork = unitOfWork; this._graphDb = graphDb; this._attempts = attempts; }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void deleteAllNodesAndTheirLabels() public virtual void DeleteAllNodesAndTheirLabels() { // GIVEN GraphDatabaseService db = DbRule.GraphDatabaseAPI; //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final Label label = label("A"); Label label = label("A"); using (Transaction tx = Db.beginTx()) { Node node = Db.createNode(); node.AddLabel(label); node.SetProperty("name", "bla"); tx.Success(); } // WHEN using (Transaction tx = Db.beginTx()) { foreach (Node node in Db.AllNodes) { node.removeLabel(label); // remove Label ... node.delete(); // ... and afterwards the node } tx.Success(); } // tx.close(); - here comes the exception // THEN using (Transaction ignored = Db.beginTx()) { assertEquals(0, Iterables.count(Db.AllNodes)); } }
public override void CreateTestGraph(GraphDatabaseService graphDb) { IList <Node> deleted = new List <Node>(); using (Transaction tx = graphDb.BeginTx()) { for (int i = 0; i < _nNodes; i++) { Node node = graphDb.CreateNode(); if (_random.nextBoolean()) { _nodeIds.Add(node.Id); } else { deleted.Add(node); } } tx.Success(); } using (Transaction tx = graphDb.BeginTx()) { foreach (Node node in deleted) { node.Delete(); } tx.Success(); } }
internal static StartNode Dense(GraphDatabaseService graphDb) { Node node; IDictionary <string, IList <StartRelationship> > relationshipMap; using (Transaction tx = graphDb.BeginTx()) { node = graphDb.CreateNode(); relationshipMap = BuildSparseDenseRels(node); IList <StartRelationship> bulk = new List <StartRelationship>(); RelationshipType bulkType = withName("BULK"); for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { Relationship r = node.CreateRelationshipTo(graphDb.CreateNode(), bulkType); bulk.Add(new StartRelationship(r.Id, Direction.OUTGOING, bulkType)); } string bulkKey = ComputeKey("BULK", Direction.OUTGOING); relationshipMap[bulkKey] = bulk; tx.Success(); } return(new StartNode(node.Id, relationshipMap)); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @GET @Path("inject-test") @Produces( public countNodes(@Context GraphDatabaseService db) public virtual Response CountNodes(GraphDatabaseService db) { using (Transaction transaction = Db.beginTx()) { return(Response.ok().entity(CountNodesIn(db).ToString()).build()); } }