public User LoginUser([FromBody] User _user) { GraphClientConnection graphClient = new GraphClientConnection(); if (graphClient == null) { StatusCode(500); return(null); } if ( == null || _user.password == null) { //204 return(null); } User user = new User(); var userQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(user:User{name:'" + + "', password:'******'})") .Return((user) => new { User = user.As <User>(), }) .Results; if (userQuery.Count() == 0) { //204 No Content, user doesnt exist return(null); } StatusCode(200); return(Get(userQuery.ToList()[0]; }
public List <Band> GetBands() { GraphClientConnection graphClient = new GraphClientConnection(); List <Band> bands = new List <Band>(); if (graphClient == null) { StatusCode(500); return(null); } var bandQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(band:Band)") .Return((band) => new { Bands = band.CollectAs <Band>(), }) .Results; if (bandQuery.Count() == 0) { //204 No Content, user doesnt exist return(null); } bands = bandQuery.ToList()[0].Bands.ToList(); return(bands); }
public Band PostBand([FromBody] Band bandInfo) { GraphClientConnection graphClient = new GraphClientConnection(); Band newBand = new Band { name =, type = bandInfo.type, phone =, imageUrl = bandInfo.imageUrl }; if (graphClient == null) { StatusCode(500); return(null); } var newBandQueryResult = graphClient.client.Cypher .Create("(band:Band {newBand})") .WithParam("newBand", newBand) .Return((band) => new { Band = band.As <Band>() }) .Results; if (newBandQueryResult.Count() == 0) { StatusCode(500); return(null); } newBand = newBandQueryResult.ToList()[0].Band; StatusCode(200); return(newBand); }
public ActionResult Post([FromBody] User _user) { GraphClientConnection graphClient = new GraphClientConnection(); if (graphClient == null) { StatusCode(500); return(null); } if (_user == null) { StatusCode(400); return(null); } var newUser = new User { id =, name =, password = _user.password, age = _user.age, isOwner = _user.isOwner, gender = _user.gender }; graphClient.client.Cypher .Create("(user:User {newUser})") .WithParam("newUser", newUser) .ExecuteWithoutResults(); return(StatusCode(200)); }
public void Delete(string name) { GraphClientConnection graphClient = new GraphClientConnection(); graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(b:Band {name:'" + name + "'})") .DetachDelete("b") .ExecuteWithoutResults(); }
public Band GetBand(string name) { GraphClientConnection graphClient = new GraphClientConnection(); Band band = new Band(); if (graphClient == null) { StatusCode(500); return(null); } if (name == null) { StatusCode(400); return(null); } var bandQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(band:Band{ name:'" + name + "'})") .Return((band) => new { Band = band.As <Band>(), }) .Results; var avgRatingQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .OptionalMatch("(b:Band {name:'" + name + "'})-[:HAS_REVIEW]->(r:Review)<-[:LEAVE]-(u:User)") .With("avg(r.rating) as bandAvgRating") .Return((bandAvgRating) => new { BandAvgRating = bandAvgRating.As <Double>() }) .Results; var bandsReviewQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .OptionalMatch("(u:User)-[:LEAVE]->(bandsReviews:Review)<-[:HAS_REVIEW]-(band:Band { name:'" + name + "'})") .With("bandsReviews {, comment:bandsReviews.comment, rating:bandsReviews.rating, userId:, userName: }") .Return((bandsReviews) => new { BandsReviews = bandsReviews.CollectAs <UserReview>() }) .Results; if (bandQuery.Count() == 0) { //204 No Content, user doesnt exist return(null); } = bandQuery.ToList()[0].Band == null ? null : bandQuery.ToList()[0]; band.type = bandQuery.ToList()[0].Band == null ? null : bandQuery.ToList()[0].Band.type; band.imageUrl = bandQuery.ToList()[0].Band == null ? null : bandQuery.ToList()[0].Band.imageUrl; = bandQuery.ToList()[0].Band == null ? null : bandQuery.ToList()[0]; band.bandAvgRating = avgRatingQuery.ToList()[0].BandAvgRating; band.bandReviews = bandsReviewQuery.ToList()[0].BandsReviews == null ? null : bandsReviewQuery.ToList()[0].BandsReviews.ToList(); return(band); }
public Place Post([FromBody] Place _place) { GraphClientConnection graphClient = new GraphClientConnection(); if (graphClient == null) { StatusCode(500); return(null); } User owner = new User(); var ownerQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(user:User{id:'" + _place.ownerId + "'})") .Return((user) => new { Owner = user.As <User>() }) .Results; owner = ownerQuery.ToList()[0].Owner; if (owner == null || owner.isOwner == false) { StatusCode(204); return(null); } Place newPlace = new Place { address = _place.address, imageUrl = _place.imageUrl, name =, phone = }; var newPlaceQueryResult = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(owner:User{id:'" + _place.ownerId + "'})") .Create("(owner)-[c:CREATE]->(p:Place{address:'" + newPlace.address + "', imageUrl:'" + newPlace.imageUrl + "', name:'" + + "', phone:'" + + "'})") .Return((p) => new { Place = p.As <Place>() }) .Results; if (newPlaceQueryResult.Count() == 0) { StatusCode(500); return(null); } newPlace = newPlaceQueryResult.ToList()[0].Place; StatusCode(200); return(newPlace); }
public List <Place> Get() { GraphClientConnection graphClient = new GraphClientConnection(); if (graphClient == null) { StatusCode(500); return(null); } List <Place> allPlaces = new List <Place>(); var allPlacesQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(allPlaces:Place)") .ReturnDistinct((allPlaces) => new { AllPlaces = allPlaces.CollectAs <Place>() }) .Results; allPlaces = allPlacesQuery.ToList()[0].AllPlaces == null ? null : allPlacesQuery.ToList()[0].AllPlaces.ToList(); if (allPlaces == null) { return(null); } List <Place> sortedRatedPlaces = new List <Place>(); Place tmp; foreach (var place in allPlaces) { tmp = new Place(); var ratedPlaceQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .OptionalMatch("(p:Place{name:'" + + "'})-[:HAS_REVIEW]->(r:Review)<-[:LEAVE]-()") .With("avg(r.rating) as averageRate") .Return((averageRate) => new { AverageRate = averageRate.As <Double>() }) .Results; tmp = place; tmp.averageRate = ratedPlaceQuery.ToList()[0].AverageRate; if (tmp != null) { sortedRatedPlaces.Add(tmp); } } sortedRatedPlaces = sortedRatedPlaces.OrderByDescending(x => x.averageRate).ToList(); return(sortedRatedPlaces); }
public FollowedUser FollowUser([FromBody] UserIds userIds) { string userId = userIds.userId; string followedUserId = userIds.followedUserId; GraphClientConnection graphClient = new GraphClientConnection(); FollowedUser followedUser = new FollowedUser(); if (graphClient == null) { StatusCode(500); return(null); } string matchQuery = "(user:User{id:'" + userId + "'})-[follow:FOLLOW]->(followedUser:User{id:'" + followedUserId + "'})"; var followedUserQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match(matchQuery) .Return((followedUser) => new { FollowedUser = followedUser.As <FollowedUser>(), }) .Results; if (followedUserQuery.Count() == 1) // relation between nodes exist already, so, you need to delete that relation { graphClient.client.Cypher .Match(matchQuery) .Delete("follow") .ExecuteWithoutResults(); //204 return(null); } var newFollowerQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(user:User{id:'" + userId + "'}),(followedUser:User{id:'" + followedUserId + "'})") .Create("(user)-[:FOLLOW]->(followedUser)") .Return((followedUser) => new { FollowedUser = followedUser.As <FollowedUser>(), }) .Results; = newFollowerQuery.ToList()[0]; = newFollowerQuery.ToList()[0]; followedUser.age = newFollowerQuery.ToList()[0].FollowedUser.age; followedUser.gender = newFollowerQuery.ToList()[0].FollowedUser.gender; return(followedUser); }
public FavoritePlace AddFavoritePlace([FromBody] UserIdName userIdName) { string userId = userIdName.userId; string placeName =; GraphClientConnection graphClient = new GraphClientConnection(); FavoritePlace favoritePlace = new FavoritePlace(); if (graphClient == null) { StatusCode(500); return(null); } string matchQuery = "(user:User{id:'" + userId + "'})-[like:LIKE]->(favoritePlace:Place{name:'" + placeName + "'})"; var favoritePlaceQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match(matchQuery) .Return((favoritePlace) => new { FavoritePlace = favoritePlace.As <FavoritePlace>() }) .Results; if (favoritePlaceQuery.Count() == 1) // relation between nodes exist already, so, you need to delete that relation { graphClient.client.Cypher .Match(matchQuery) .Delete("like") .ExecuteWithoutResults(); //204 return(null); } var newFavoritePlaceQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(user:User{id:'" + userId + "'}),(favoritePlace:Place{name:'" + placeName + "'})") .Create("(user)-[:LIKE]->(favoritePlace)") .Return((favoritePlace) => new { FavoritePlace = favoritePlace.As <FavoritePlace>() }) .Results; = newFavoritePlaceQuery.ToList()[0]; favoritePlace.address = newFavoritePlaceQuery.ToList()[0].FavoritePlace.address; favoritePlace.imageUrl = newFavoritePlaceQuery.ToList()[0].FavoritePlace.imageUrl; return(favoritePlace); }
public UserReview PostReview([FromBody] UserReview reviewInfo) { GraphClientConnection graphClient = new GraphClientConnection(); if (graphClient == null) { StatusCode(500); return(null); } Review newReview = new Review { comment = reviewInfo.comment, rating = reviewInfo.rating, nameOfBandOrPlace = reviewInfo.nameOfBandOrPlace }; var rev = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(n {name:'" + reviewInfo.nameOfBandOrPlace + "'}), (u: User {name:'" + reviewInfo.userName + "'})") .Create("(r:Review {newReview}), (u)-[:LEAVE]->(r)<-[:HAS_REVIEW]-(n)") .WithParam("newReview", newReview) .Return((r, u) => new { Review = r.As <Review>(), User = u.As <User>() }) .Results; UserReview ur = new UserReview(); ur.userId = rev.ToList()[0].User == null ? null : rev.ToList()[0]; ur.userName = rev.ToList()[0].User == null ? null : rev.ToList()[0]; ur.comment = rev.ToList()[0].Review == null ? null : rev.ToList()[0].Review.comment; ur.rating = rev.ToList()[0].Review.rating; ur.nameOfBandOrPlace = rev.ToList()[0].Review == null ? null : rev.ToList()[0].Review.nameOfBandOrPlace; StatusCode(200); return(ur); }
public List <Review> GetReviews(string name) { GraphClientConnection graphClient = new GraphClientConnection(); List <Review> reviews = new List <Review>(); if (graphClient == null) { StatusCode(500); return(null); } if (name == null) { StatusCode(400); return(null); } var reviewQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(:User)-[:LEAVE]->(review:Review)<-[:HAS_REVIEW]-(n { name:'" + name + "'})") .With("review {,comment:review.comment,rating:review.rating}") .Return((review) => new { Reviews = review.CollectAs <Review>(), }) .Results; if (reviewQuery.Count() == 0) { //204 No Content, user doesnt exist return(null); } reviews = reviewQuery.ToList()[0].Reviews.ToList(); return(reviews); }
public EventIdName UserGoingTo([FromBody] UserEvent _newUserEvent) { GraphClientConnection graphClient = new GraphClientConnection(); if (graphClient == null) { StatusCode(500); return(null); } EventIdName eventInfo = new EventIdName(); ////////// /// string matchQuery = "(user:User{id:'" + _newUserEvent.userId + "'})-[going_to:GOING_TO]->(event:Event{id:" + _newUserEvent.eventId + "})"; var userAlreadyGoingToEvent = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match(matchQuery) .Return((user) => new { UserGingToEvent = user.As <User>() }) .Results; if (userAlreadyGoingToEvent.Count() == 1) // relation between nodes exist already, so, you need to delete that relation { graphClient.client.Cypher .Match(matchQuery) .Delete("going_to") .ExecuteWithoutResults(); //204 return(null); } /////////// var eventIdAndName = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(event:Event{id:" + _newUserEvent.eventId + "})") .With(" as eventId, as eventName") .Return((eventId, eventName) => new { EventId = eventId.As <int>(), EventName = eventName.As <string>() }) .Results; if (eventIdAndName.Count() == 0) { StatusCode(500); return(null); } eventInfo.eventId = eventIdAndName.ToList()[0].EventId; eventInfo.eventName = eventIdAndName.ToList()[0].EventName; var userId = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(user:User{id:'" + _newUserEvent.userId + "'})") .With(" as userId") .Return((userId) => new { UserId = userId.As <string>() }) .Results; if (userId.Count() == 0) { StatusCode(500); return(null); } graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(event:Event{id:" + _newUserEvent.eventId + "}), (user:User{id:'" + _newUserEvent.userId + "'})") .Create("(user)-[:GOING_TO]->(event)") .ExecuteWithoutResults(); StatusCode(200); return(eventInfo); }
public Event Post([FromBody] Event _newEvent) { GraphClientConnection graphClient = new GraphClientConnection(); if (graphClient == null) { StatusCode(500); return(null); } var newEventQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(place:Place{name:'" + _newEvent.placeName + "'})") .Create("(place)<-[:HAPPENS]-(newEvent:Event{name:'" + + "', topic:'" + _newEvent.topic + "', time:'" + _newEvent.time + "', description:'" + _newEvent.description + "', imageUrl:'" + _newEvent.imageUrl + "'})") .Set(" = id(newEvent)") .Return((newEvent) => new { NewEvent = newEvent.As <Event>() }) .Results; if (newEventQuery.Count() == 0) { return(null); } Event newEvent = new Event(); newEvent = newEventQuery.ToList()[0].NewEvent; newEvent.placeName = _newEvent.placeName; newEvent.listOfSponsors = new List <Sponsor>(); foreach (var sponsor in _newEvent.listOfSponsors) { var getSponsor = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(s:Sponsor{name:'" + + "'})") .Return((s) => new { Sponsor = s.As <Sponsor>() }) .Results; if (getSponsor.Count() == 0) { var addSponsor = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(event:Event{id:" + newEventQuery.ToList()[0] + "})") .Create("(event)-[:SPONSORED_BY]->(newSponsor:Sponsor{name:'" + + "', description:'" + sponsor.description + "'})") .Return((newSponsor) => new { NewSponsor = newSponsor.As <Sponsor>() }) .Results; newEvent.listOfSponsors.Add(addSponsor.ToList()[0].NewSponsor); } else { var addSponsor = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(event:Event{id:" + newEventQuery.ToList()[0] + "}), " + "(sponsor:Sponsor{name:'" + + "'})") .Create("(event)-[:SPONSORED_BY]->(sponsor)") .Return((sponsor) => new { Sponsor = sponsor.As <Sponsor>() }) .Results; newEvent.listOfSponsors.Add(addSponsor.ToList()[0].Sponsor); } } return(newEvent); }
public ObjectResult addBand([FromBody] TimeAndBand _bandTimeAndPlace) { GraphClientConnection graphClient = new GraphClientConnection(); if (graphClient == null) { return(StatusCode(500, "{message:\"Something went wrong with db\"}")); } var bandPlaceQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(band:Band{name: '" + _bandTimeAndPlace.bandName + "'})-[p:PLAY{time:'" + _bandTimeAndPlace.time + "'}]->(place:Place{name:'" + _bandTimeAndPlace.placeName + "'})") .Return((band) => new { Band = band.As <Band>() }) .Results; if (bandPlaceQuery.Count() == 1) { return(StatusCode(403, "{message:\"Band doesn't exist\"}")); } var bandQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(band:Band{name: '" + _bandTimeAndPlace.bandName + "'})") .Return((band) => new { Band = band.As <Band>() }) .Results; if (bandQuery.Count() == 0) { return(StatusCode(404, "{message:\"Band doesn't exist\"}")); } var placeQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(place:Place{name: '" + _bandTimeAndPlace.placeName + "'})") .Return((place) => new { Place = place.As <Place>() }) .Results; if (placeQuery.Count() == 0) { return(StatusCode(404, "{message:\"Place doesn't exist\"}")); } var timePlaceBand = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(band:Band{name: '" + _bandTimeAndPlace.bandName + "'}), (place:Place{name: '" + _bandTimeAndPlace.placeName + "'})") .Create("(band)-[play:PLAY{time:'" + _bandTimeAndPlace.time + "', day:'" + + "',type:'" + _bandTimeAndPlace.type + "'}]->(place)") .With("{placeName:, bandName:, day:, time: play.time, type: play.type} as timePlaceAndBand ") .Return((timePlaceAndBand) => new { TimePlaceAndBand = timePlaceAndBand.As <TimeAndBand>() }) .Results; if (timePlaceBand.Count() == 0) { return(StatusCode(500, "{message:\"Something went wrong\"}")); } TimeAndBand tmp = timePlaceBand.ToList()[0].TimePlaceAndBand; return(StatusCode(201, tmp)); }
public Place Get(string name) { GraphClientConnection graphClient = new GraphClientConnection(); if (graphClient == null) { StatusCode(500); return(null); } Place placeInfo = new Place(); var placeQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher //.Match("(place:Place{name:'" + name + "'})-[:HAS_REVIEW]->(review:Review)<-[:LEAVE]-(u:User)") //.With("{, address:place.address, imageUrl:place.imageUrl,, averageRate:avg(review.rating)} as place") .Match("(place:Place{name:'" + name + "'})") .Return((place) => new { Place = place.As <Place>() }) .Results; if (placeQuery.Count() == 0) { return(null); //code 204 } var placeAvgRate = graphClient.client.Cypher .OptionalMatch("(place:Place{name:'" + name + "'})-[:HAS_REVIEW]->(review:Review)<-[:LEAVE]-(u:User)") .With("avg(review.rating) as averageRate") .Return((averageRate) => new { AverageRate = averageRate.As <Double>() }) .Results; var placeReviewsQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .OptionalMatch("(place:Place{name:'" + name + "'})-[:HAS_REVIEW]->(reviews:Review)<-[]-(u:User)") .With("{, comment: reviews.comment, rating:reviews.rating, userId:, userName:} as placeReviews ") .Return((placeReviews) => new { Reviews = placeReviews.CollectAs <UserReview>() }) .Results; var placeBandsQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .OptionalMatch("(bands:Band)-[play:PLAY]->(p:Place{name:'" + name + "'})") .With("{bandName:, day:, time: play.time, type: play.type} as timeAndBand ") .Return((timeAndBand) => new { placeBandsTime = timeAndBand.CollectAs <TimeAndBand>() }) .Results; var placeEvents = graphClient.client.Cypher .OptionalMatch("(events:Event)-[:HAPPENS]->(place:Place{name:'" + name + "'})") .Return((events) => new { Events = events.CollectAs <Event>() }) .Results; = placeQuery.ToList()[0].Place == null? null : placeQuery.ToList()[0]; placeInfo.address = placeQuery.ToList()[0].Place == null ? null : placeQuery.ToList()[0].Place.address; placeInfo.averageRate = placeAvgRate.ToList()[0].AverageRate; placeInfo.imageUrl = placeQuery.ToList()[0].Place == null ? null : placeQuery.ToList()[0].Place.imageUrl; = placeQuery.ToList()[0].Place == null ? null : placeQuery.ToList()[0]; placeInfo.placeBands = placeBandsQuery.ToList()[0].placeBandsTime == null ? null : placeBandsQuery.ToList()[0].placeBandsTime.ToList(); placeInfo.placeReviews = placeReviewsQuery.ToList()[0].Reviews == null ? null : placeReviewsQuery.ToList()[0].Reviews.ToList(); //placeInfo.listOfEvents = placeEvents.ToList()[0].Events == null ? null : placeEvents.ToList()[0].Events.ToList(); placeInfo.listOfEvents = placeEvents.ToList()[0].Events.ToList(); return(placeInfo); }
public User Get(string userId) { GraphClientConnection graphClient = new GraphClientConnection(); User user = new User(); var userQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(user:User{id:'" + userId + "'})") .Return((user) => new { User = user.As <User>(), }) .Results; if (userQuery.Count() == 0) { //204 No Content, user doesnt exist return(null); } var myPlacesQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .OptionalMatch("(:User{ id:'" + userId + "'})-[:CREATE]->(place:Place)") .With(" as placeName") .Return((placeName) => new { MyPlaces = placeName.CollectAs <string>() }) .Results; var favBandsQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .OptionalMatch("(:User{ id:'" + userId + "'})-[:LIKE]->(bands:Band)") .Return((bands) => new { FavBands = bands.CollectAs <FavoriteBand>() }) .Results; var favPlacesQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .OptionalMatch("(:User{ id:'" + userId + "'})-[:LIKE]->(places:Place)") .Return((places) => new { FavPlaces = places.CollectAs <FavoritePlace>() }) .Results; var bandsReviewQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .OptionalMatch("(:User{ id:'" + userId + "'})-[:LEAVE]->(bandsReviews:Review)<-[:HAS_REVIEW]-(band:Band)") .With("bandsReviews {,comment:bandsReviews.comment,rating:bandsReviews.rating}") .Return((bandsReviews) => new { BandsReviews = bandsReviews.CollectAs <Review>() }) .Results; var placesReviewQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .OptionalMatch("(:User{ id:'" + userId + "'})-[:LEAVE]->(placesReviews:Review)<-[:HAS_REVIEW]-(place:Place)") .With("placesReviews {,comment:placesReviews.comment,rating:placesReviews.rating}") .Return((placesReviews) => new { PlacesReviews = placesReviews.CollectAs <Review>() }) .Results; var followedUsersQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .OptionalMatch("(:User{ id:'" + userId + "'})-[:FOLLOW]->(followedUsers:User)") .Return((followedUsers) => new { FollowedUsers = followedUsers.CollectAs <FollowedUser>() }) .Results; var goingToEventsUsersQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .OptionalMatch("(:User{ id:'" + userId + "'})-[:GOING_TO]->(ev:Event)") .With("ev {,}") .Return((ev) => new { EventIdEventName = ev.CollectAs <EventIdName>() }) .Results; = userQuery.ToList()[0]; = userQuery.ToList()[0]; user.age = userQuery.ToList()[0].User.age; user.isOwner = userQuery.ToList()[0].User.isOwner; user.gender = userQuery.ToList()[0].User.gender; user.myPlaces = myPlacesQuery.ToList()[0].MyPlaces.ToList(); user.favoriteBands = favBandsQuery.ToList()[0].FavBands.ToList(); user.favoritePlaces = favPlacesQuery.ToList()[0].FavPlaces.ToList(); user.reviewBand = bandsReviewQuery.ToList()[0].BandsReviews.ToList(); user.reviewPlaces = placesReviewQuery.ToList()[0].PlacesReviews.ToList(); user.followedUsers = followedUsersQuery.ToList()[0].FollowedUsers.ToList(); user.userEvents = goingToEventsUsersQuery.ToList()[0].EventIdEventName.ToList(); StatusCode(200); return(user); }
public Event Get(int id) { GraphClientConnection graphClient = new GraphClientConnection(); if (graphClient == null) { StatusCode(500); return(null); } Event getEvent = new Event(); var getEventQuery = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(e:Event{id:" + id + "})") .Return((e) => new { Event = e.As <Event>() }) .Results; if (getEventQuery.Count() == 0) { return(null); } var getPlace = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(e:Event{id:" + id + "})-[:HAPPENS]->(place)") .With(" as placeName") .Return((placeName) => new { PlaceName = placeName.As <string>() }) .Results; if (getPlace.Count() == 0) { return(null); } var getSponsores = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(sponsor)<-[:SPONSORED_BY]-(e:Event{id:" + id + "})") .Return((sponsor) => new { Sponsor = sponsor.CollectAs <Sponsor>() }) .Results; if (getSponsores.Count() == 0) { return(null); } var getUsersGoingTo = graphClient.client.Cypher .Match("(users:User)-[:GOING_TO]->(e:Event{id:" + id + "})") .Return((users) => new { Users = users.CollectAs <User>() }) .Results; //getEvent.usersGoingTo = new List<User>(); getEvent = getEventQuery.ToList()[0].Event; if (getUsersGoingTo.Count() != 0) { getEvent.usersGoingTo = getUsersGoingTo.ToList()[0].Users.ToList(); } getEvent.placeName = getPlace.ToList()[0].PlaceName; getEvent.listOfSponsors = getSponsores.ToList()[0].Sponsor.ToList(); return(getEvent); }