private void DrawViewGeneral() { if (CurrentView != View.General) { return; } m_mode = GraphMode.None; var graphArea = new Rect(0, 0, position.width, position.height); GraphBackground.DrawGrid(graphArea, 1f,; float splashPadding = 16f; float splashTopOffset = 48f; bool drawRecentlyOpenedGraphsBar = NodyWindowSettings.Instance.RecentlyOpenedGraphs.Count > 0; var recentAreaRect = new Rect(graphArea.width - NodyWindowSettings.RECENT_GRAPHS_AREA_WIDTH, 0, NodyWindowSettings.RECENT_GRAPHS_AREA_WIDTH, graphArea.height); var splashArea = new Rect(graphArea.x + splashPadding + ToolbarWidth, graphArea.y + splashPadding, graphArea.width - splashPadding * 2 - ToolbarWidth - (drawRecentlyOpenedGraphsBar ? recentAreaRect.width : 0), graphArea.height - splashPadding * 2); float width = 1024; float height = 1024; float sizeWidthRatio = 1; float sizeHeightRatio = 1; if (splashArea.width < width) { sizeWidthRatio = splashArea.width / width; } if (splashArea.height - splashTopOffset < height) { sizeHeightRatio = (splashArea.height - splashTopOffset) / height; } float sizeRatio = Mathf.Min(sizeWidthRatio, sizeHeightRatio); width *= sizeRatio; height *= sizeRatio; float x = splashArea.x + splashArea.width / 2 - width / 2; float y = splashArea.y + +splashTopOffset + splashArea.height / 2 - height / 2; var splashScreenRect = new Rect(x, y, width, height); GUI.Box(splashScreenRect, GUIContent.none, SplashScreen); if (!drawRecentlyOpenedGraphsBar) { return; } //Recent Area EditorGUI.DrawRect(recentAreaRect, (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? : Color.white.Darker()).WithAlpha(NodyWindowSettings.TOOLBAR_OPACITY * 0.6f)); GUILayout.BeginArea(recentAreaRect); { DrawRecentOpenedGraphs(); } GUILayout.EndArea(); }
private void DrawViewGraph() { if (CurrentView != View.Graph) { return; } Event current = Event.current; if (m_recalculateAllPointRects && current.type == EventType.Repaint) { CalculateAllPointRects(); CalculateAllConnectionCurves(); } var graphArea = new Rect(0, 0, position.width, position.height); GraphBackground.DrawGrid(graphArea, CurrentZoom, CurrentPanOffset); m_graphAreaIncludingTab = new Rect(0, DGUI.Properties.StandardWindowTabHeight, position.width, position.height); m_scaledGraphArea = new Rect(0, 0, graphArea.width / CurrentZoom, graphArea.height / CurrentZoom); Matrix4x4 initialMatrix = GUI.matrix; //save initial matrix GUI.EndClip(); GUI.BeginClip(new Rect(m_graphAreaIncludingTab.position, m_scaledGraphArea.size)); { Matrix4x4 translation = Matrix4x4.TRS(m_graphAreaIncludingTab.position, Quaternion.identity,; Matrix4x4 scale = Matrix4x4.Scale( * CurrentZoom); GUI.matrix = translation * scale * translation.inverse; { DrawConnections(); DrawNodes(graphArea); DrawSocketsConnectionPoints(); DrawLineFromSocketToPosition(m_activeSocket, CurrentMousePosition); DrawSelectionBox(); } } GUI.EndClip(); GUI.BeginClip(m_graphAreaIncludingTab); GUI.matrix = initialMatrix; //reset the matrix to the initial value // DrawOverlay(); // DrawGraphName(); // DrawGraphBottomInfoBar(); // DrawGraphToolbar(); // DrawGraphModes(); // DrawGraphInfo(); // DrawWindowInfo(); HandleZoom(); HandlePanning(); if (current.mousePosition.x > ToolbarWidth && current.mousePosition.y > NodySettings.Instance.GraphTabsAreaHeight + DGUI.Properties.Space() || m_mode != GraphMode.None) { HandleMouseHover(); HandleMouseMiddleClicks(); HandleMouseLeftClicks(); HandleMouseRightClicks(); } HandleKeys(); WhileDraggingUpdateSelectedNodes(); UpdateNodesActiveNode(); }