Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes an edge image using the provided image.  The lower threshold and higher threshold
        /// provided are those used for hysteresis, on a scale from 0 to 1.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">The image to use for edge-seeking</param>
        /// <param name="lowThreshold">The lower threshold for hysteresis, from 0 to 1</param>
        /// <param name="highThreshold">The higher threshold for hysteresis, from 0 to 1</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static BinaryImage Compute(
            GradientImage image,
            float lowThreshold,
            float highThreshold
            IArrayHandler <byte> nms = NonMaximalSuppression(image);

            return(Hysteresis(image, nms, lowThreshold, highThreshold));
Example #2
        protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e);

            GradientImage image = (GradientImage)this.Element;

            CGRect rect = new CGRect(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height);

Example #3
        private void CreateViews()
            homeImage = new GradientImage
                Source = ImageSource.FromResource("Zwaby.Images.child-1245893_1280.jpg",
                Aspect     = Aspect.AspectFit,
                StartColor = Color.FromHex("#008c49"),
                EndColor   = Color.FromHex("#00d2b4")

            zwabyImage = new CircleImage
                Source = ImageSource.FromResource("Zwaby.Images.zwabyhomefive.png",
                Aspect            = Aspect.AspectFit,
                BackgroundColor   = Color.White,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
                Margin            = new Thickness(20, 20, 20, 20),
                CornerRadius      = 4.0

            calendarImage = new CircleImage
                Source = "calendaricon.png",
                Style  = Resources["imageIcon"] as Style
            bookingImage = new CircleImage
                Source = "bookingicon.png",
                Style  = Resources["imageIcon"] as Style
            profileImage = new CircleImage
                Source = "profileicon.png",
                Style  = Resources["imageIcon"] as Style

            bookServiceLabel = new Label
                Text       = "Book Cleaning",
                FontFamily = Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS ? "Cabin-Bold" : "Cabin-Bold.ttf#Cabin-Bold"
            bookingDetailsLabel = new Label
                Text       = "Booking Details",
                FontFamily = Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS ? "Cabin-Bold" : "Cabin-Bold.ttf#Cabin-Bold"
            profileLabel = new Label
                Text       = "Profile",
                FontFamily = Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS ? "Cabin-Bold" : "Cabin-Bold.ttf#Cabin-Bold"
Example #4
        public override void Draw(CGRect rect)
            GradientImage image      = (GradientImage)this.Element;
            CGColor       startColor = image.StartColor.ToCGColor();

            CGColor endColor = image.EndColor.ToCGColor();

            var gradientLayer = new CAGradientLayer();

            gradientLayer.Frame = rect;

            gradientLayer.Colors = new CGColor[]
                startColor, endColor

            NativeView.Layer.InsertSublayer(gradientLayer, 0);
Example #5
 protected virtual void OnPopulateMesh(VertexHelper vh)
     if (this.get_type() == null)
         Color32 a = Color32.op_Implicit(((Graphic)this).get_color());
         if (Object.op_Inequality((Object)this.get_sprite(), (Object)null))
             Vector2[] vertices = this.get_sprite().get_vertices();
             Vector2[] uv       = this.get_sprite().get_uv();
             vh.AddVert(Vector2.op_Implicit(vertices[0]), GradientImage.MultiplyColor(a, this.BottomLeft), uv[0]);
             vh.AddVert(Vector2.op_Implicit(vertices[1]), GradientImage.MultiplyColor(a, this.TopLeft), uv[1]);
             vh.AddVert(Vector2.op_Implicit(vertices[2]), GradientImage.MultiplyColor(a, this.TopRight), uv[2]);
             vh.AddVert(Vector2.op_Implicit(vertices[3]), GradientImage.MultiplyColor(a, this.BottomRight), uv[3]);
             Rect rect = ((RectTransform)((Component)this).GetComponent <RectTransform>()).get_rect();
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             vh.AddVert(Vector2.op_Implicit(((Rect)@rect).get_min()), GradientImage.MultiplyColor(a, this.BottomLeft), new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f));
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             vh.AddVert(Vector2.op_Implicit(new Vector2(((Rect)@rect).get_x(), ((Rect)@rect).get_yMax())), GradientImage.MultiplyColor(a, this.TopLeft), new Vector2(0.0f, 1f));
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             vh.AddVert(Vector2.op_Implicit(((Rect)@rect).get_max()), GradientImage.MultiplyColor(a, this.TopRight), new Vector2(1f, 1f));
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             vh.AddVert(Vector2.op_Implicit(new Vector2(((Rect)@rect).get_xMax(), ((Rect)@rect).get_y())), GradientImage.MultiplyColor(a, this.BottomRight), new Vector2(1f, 0.0f));
         vh.AddTriangle(0, 1, 2);
         vh.AddTriangle(2, 3, 0);
Example #6
        private static unsafe BinaryImage Hysteresis(GradientImage grad, IArrayHandler <byte> nms, float tlow, float thigh)
            int r, c, pos, numedges, highcount;

            int[] hist = new int[short.MaxValue];
            float maximum_mag, lowthreshold, highthreshold;

            maximum_mag         = 0;
            float[,] magChannel = grad.ExtractChannel(0);
            short[] mag = new short[magChannel.Length];
            fixed(short *dst = mag)
                fixed(float *src = magChannel)
                    float *srcPtr = src;
                    short *dstPtr = dst;

                    for (int i = 0; i < mag.Length; i++, srcPtr++, dstPtr++)
                        *dstPtr = (short)(*srcPtr * 255);

            int rows = grad.Rows;
            int cols = grad.Columns;

            byte[] edge = new byte[rows * cols];
            fixed(byte *src = nms.RawArray)
                byte *srcPtr = src;
                int   length = rows * cols;

                for (pos = 0; pos < length; pos++)
                    if (*srcPtr++ == POSSIBLE_EDGE)
                        edge[pos] = POSSIBLE_EDGE;
                        edge[pos] = NOEDGE;

            for (r = 0, pos = 0; r < rows; r++, pos += cols)
                edge[pos]            = NOEDGE;
                edge[pos + cols - 1] = NOEDGE;
            pos = (rows - 1) * cols;
            for (c = 0; c < cols; c++, pos++)
                edge[c]   = NOEDGE;
                edge[pos] = NOEDGE;

            for (r = 0; r < short.MaxValue; r++)
                hist[r] = 0;
            for (r = 0, pos = 0; r < rows; r++)
                for (c = 0; c < cols; c++, pos++)
                    if (edge[pos] == POSSIBLE_EDGE)

            for (r = 1, numedges = 0; r < short.MaxValue; r++)
                if (hist[r] != 0)
                    maximum_mag = (short)r;
                numedges += hist[r];

            highcount = (int)(numedges * thigh + 0.5);

            r        = 1;
            numedges = hist[1];
            while ((r < (maximum_mag - 1)) && (numedges < highcount))
                numedges += hist[r];
            highthreshold = (short)r;
            lowthreshold  = (short)(highthreshold * tlow + 0.5);

            for (r = 0, pos = 0; r < rows; r++)
                for (c = 0; c < cols; c++, pos++)
                    if ((edge[pos] == POSSIBLE_EDGE) && (mag[pos] >= highthreshold))
                        edge[pos] = EDGE;
                        follow_edges(edge, mag, pos, lowthreshold, cols);

            for (r = 0, pos = 0; r < rows; r++)
                for (c = 0; c < cols; c++, pos++)
                    if (edge[pos] != EDGE)
                        edge[pos] = NOEDGE;
            BinaryImage edgeImage = new BinaryImage(rows, cols);

            fixed(bool *dst = edgeImage.RawArray)
                bool *dstPtr = dst;
                int   length = rows * cols;

                for (pos = 0; pos < length; pos++)
                    *dstPtr++ = edge[pos] == EDGE;

Example #7
 Compute(GradientImage image)
     return(Compute(image, LOWER_THRESHOLD, HIGHER_THRESHOLD));
Example #8
        private static unsafe IArrayHandler <byte> NonMaximalSuppression(GradientImage magImage)
            int nrows = magImage.Rows;
            int ncols = magImage.Columns;
            int rowcount, colcount, count;

            float[,] magVals   = magImage.ExtractChannel(0);
            float[,] gradxVals = magImage.ExtractChannel(2);
            float[,] gradyVals = magImage.ExtractChannel(3);

            byte[] data = new byte[nrows * ncols];
            fixed(byte *result = data)
                fixed(float *mag = magVals, gradx = gradxVals, grady = gradyVals)
                    float *magrowptr, magptr;
                    float *gxrowptr, gxptr;
                    float *gyrowptr, gyptr;
                    float  z1, z2;
                    float  m00, gx, gy;
                    float  mag1, mag2, xperp, yperp;
                    byte * resultrowptr, resultptr;

                    * Zero the edges of the result image.
                    for (count = 0, resultrowptr = result, resultptr = result + ncols * (nrows - 1);
                         count < ncols; resultptr++, resultrowptr++, count++)
                        *resultrowptr = *resultptr = 0;

                    for (count = 0, resultptr = result, resultrowptr = result + ncols - 1;
                         count < nrows; count++, resultptr += ncols, resultrowptr += ncols)
                        *resultptr = *resultrowptr = 0;

                    * Suppress non-maximum points.
                    for (rowcount = 1, magrowptr = mag + ncols + 1, gxrowptr = gradx + ncols + 1,
                         gyrowptr = grady + ncols + 1, resultrowptr = result + ncols + 1;
                         rowcount < nrows - 2;
                         rowcount++, magrowptr += ncols, gyrowptr += ncols, gxrowptr += ncols,
                         resultrowptr += ncols)
                        for (colcount = 1, magptr = magrowptr, gxptr = gxrowptr, gyptr = gyrowptr,
                             resultptr = resultrowptr; colcount < ncols - 2;
                             colcount++, magptr++, gxptr++, gyptr++, resultptr++)
                            m00 = *magptr;
                            gx  = *gxptr;
                            gy  = *gyptr;
                            if (m00 == 0)
                                *resultptr = NOEDGE;
                                xperp = -(gx = *gxptr) / ((float)m00);
                                yperp = (gy = *gyptr) / ((float)m00);

                            if (gx >= 0)
                                if (gy >= 0)
                                    if (gx >= gy)
                                        /* 111 */
                                        /* Left point */
                                        z1 = *(magptr - 1);
                                        z2 = *(magptr - ncols - 1);

                                        mag1 = (m00 - z1) * xperp + (z2 - z1) * yperp;

                                        /* Right point */
                                        z1 = *(magptr + 1);
                                        z2 = *(magptr + ncols + 1);

                                        mag2 = (m00 - z1) * xperp + (z2 - z1) * yperp;
                                        /* 110 */
                                        /* Left point */
                                        z1 = *(magptr - ncols);
                                        z2 = *(magptr - ncols - 1);

                                        mag1 = (z1 - z2) * xperp + (z1 - m00) * yperp;

                                        /* Right point */
                                        z1 = *(magptr + ncols);
                                        z2 = *(magptr + ncols + 1);

                                        mag2 = (z1 - z2) * xperp + (z1 - m00) * yperp;
                                    if (gx >= -gy)
                                        /* 101 */
                                        /* Left point */
                                        z1 = *(magptr - 1);
                                        z2 = *(magptr + ncols - 1);

                                        mag1 = (m00 - z1) * xperp + (z1 - z2) * yperp;

                                        /* Right point */
                                        z1 = *(magptr + 1);
                                        z2 = *(magptr - ncols + 1);

                                        mag2 = (m00 - z1) * xperp + (z1 - z2) * yperp;
                                        /* 100 */
                                        /* Left point */
                                        z1 = *(magptr + ncols);
                                        z2 = *(magptr + ncols - 1);

                                        mag1 = (z1 - z2) * xperp + (m00 - z1) * yperp;

                                        /* Right point */
                                        z1 = *(magptr - ncols);
                                        z2 = *(magptr - ncols + 1);

                                        mag2 = (z1 - z2) * xperp + (m00 - z1) * yperp;
                                if ((gy = *gyptr) >= 0)
                                    if (-gx >= gy)
                                        /* 011 */
                                        /* Left point */
                                        z1 = *(magptr + 1);
                                        z2 = *(magptr - ncols + 1);

                                        mag1 = (z1 - m00) * xperp + (z2 - z1) * yperp;

                                        /* Right point */
                                        z1 = *(magptr - 1);
                                        z2 = *(magptr + ncols - 1);

                                        mag2 = (z1 - m00) * xperp + (z2 - z1) * yperp;
                                        /* 010 */
                                        /* Left point */
                                        z1 = *(magptr - ncols);
                                        z2 = *(magptr - ncols + 1);

                                        mag1 = (z2 - z1) * xperp + (z1 - m00) * yperp;

                                        /* Right point */
                                        z1 = *(magptr + ncols);
                                        z2 = *(magptr + ncols - 1);

                                        mag2 = (z2 - z1) * xperp + (z1 - m00) * yperp;
                                    if (-gx > -gy)
                                        /* 001 */
                                        /* Left point */
                                        z1 = *(magptr + 1);
                                        z2 = *(magptr + ncols + 1);

                                        mag1 = (z1 - m00) * xperp + (z1 - z2) * yperp;

                                        /* Right point */
                                        z1 = *(magptr - 1);
                                        z2 = *(magptr - ncols - 1);

                                        mag2 = (z1 - m00) * xperp + (z1 - z2) * yperp;
                                        /* 000 */
                                        /* Left point */
                                        z1 = *(magptr + ncols);
                                        z2 = *(magptr + ncols + 1);

                                        mag1 = (z2 - z1) * xperp + (m00 - z1) * yperp;

                                        /* Right point */
                                        z1 = *(magptr - ncols);
                                        z2 = *(magptr - ncols - 1);

                                        mag2 = (z2 - z1) * xperp + (m00 - z1) * yperp;

                            /* Now determine if the current point is a maximum point */

                            if ((mag1 > 0.0) || (mag2 > 0.0))
                                *resultptr = NOEDGE;
                                if (mag2 == 0.0)
                                    *resultptr = NOEDGE;
                                    *resultptr = POSSIBLE_EDGE;

            ByteArrayHandler handler = new ByteArrayHandler(nrows, ncols, 1);

            fixed(byte *dst = handler.RawArray)
                byte *dstPtr = dst;
                int   length = nrows * ncols;

                for (int pos = 0; pos < length; pos++)
                    *dstPtr++ = data[pos];

            //MonochromeImage mono = new MonochromeImage(nrows, ncols);
            //for (int r = 0; r < nrows; r++)
            //    for (int c = 0; c < ncols; c++)
            //        mono[r, c] = handler[r, c, 0];