Example #1
        private GpsViewNET.Label make_label(string text)
            GpsViewNET.Label objLabel = map1.NewLabel();
            objLabel.Width  = 10;
            objLabel.Height = 10;
            GpsViewNET.TextFont font = new GpsViewNET.TextFont();
            font.Size = 8;
            font.Bold = true;
            //font.Color.Blue = 255;
            objLabel.TextFont = font;
            objLabel.Text     = text;

Example #2
        private GpsViewNET.Label make_label(string text)
            GpsViewNET.Label objLabel = map1.NewLabel();
            objLabel.Width = 100;
            objLabel.Height = 10;
            GpsViewNET.TextFont font = new GpsViewNET.TextFont();
            font.Size = 10;
            font.Bold = true;
            font.Color.Blue = 255;
            objLabel.TextFont = font;
            objLabel.Text = text;

            return objLabel;
Example #3
        private void Croqui_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'lptDataSet.ponto_sangria' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
            this.ponto_sangriaTableAdapter.Fill(this.lptDataSet.ponto_sangria, Poste.ProjetoId);

            // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'lptDataSet.faixa_servidao' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
            this.faixa_servidaoTableAdapter.Fill(this.lptDataSet.faixa_servidao, Poste.ProjetoId);
            // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'lptDataSet.ponto_significativo' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
            this.ponto_significativoTableAdapter.Fill(this.lptDataSet.ponto_significativo, Poste.ProjetoId);
            // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'lptDataSet.cliente' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
            this.clienteTableAdapter.Fill(this.lptDataSet.cliente, Poste.ProjetoId);
            // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'eletrocadDataSet.poste' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.

            // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'cadredeDataSet.ILUM' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.

            //if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            //shapefilepath = openFileDialog1.FileName;


            nodeDatumGrid.Datum = GpsToolsNET.Datum.WGS_84;

            // Create a new shape object.
            objShapeTransformadores = new GpsShapeNET.Shape();
            objShapePoste = new GpsShapeNET.Shape();
            objShapeResidencia = new GpsShapeNET.Shape();
            objShapeTrack = new GpsShapeNET.Shape();
            objShapePontoSig = new GpsShapeNET.Shape();
            objShapePontoSangria = new GpsShapeNET.Shape();
            objShapeFaixaServ = new GpsShapeNET.Shape();
            objShapeLabels = new GpsShapeNET.Shape();

            objShapeTransformadores.DatumGridTemplate = nodeDatumGrid;
            objShapePoste.DatumGridTemplate = nodeDatumGrid;
            objShapeResidencia.DatumGridTemplate = nodeDatumGrid;
            objShapeTrack.DatumGridTemplate = nodeDatumGrid;
            objShapePontoSig.DatumGridTemplate = nodeDatumGrid;
            objShapePontoSangria.DatumGridTemplate = nodeDatumGrid;
            objShapeFaixaServ.DatumGridTemplate = nodeDatumGrid;
            objShapeLabels.DatumGridTemplate = nodeDatumGrid;

            mapShapeTransformadores = map1.NewMapShape(objShapeTransformadores);
            mapShapePoste = map1.NewMapShape(objShapePoste);
            mapShapeResidencia = map1.NewMapShape(objShapeResidencia);
            mapShapeTrack = map1.NewMapShape(objShapeTrack);
            mapShapePontoSig = map1.NewMapShape(objShapePontoSig);
            mapShapeFaixaServ = map1.NewMapShape(objShapeFaixaServ);
            mapShapePontoSangria = map1.NewMapShape(objShapePontoSangria);
            mapShapeLabels = map1.NewMapShape(objShapeLabels);

            objLabel = map1.NewLabel();
            objLabel.Width = 100;
            objLabel.Height = 10;
            GpsViewNET.TextFont font = new GpsViewNET.TextFont();
            font.Size = 12;
            objLabel.TextFont = font;
            objLabel.Pen.Width = 2;
            objLabel.Pen.Blue = 255;
            mapShapeLabels.NodeTemplate = objLabel;

            objTrackPontoSangria = map1.NewIcon("faixa_serv");
            mapShapePontoSangria.NodeTemplate = objTrackPontoSangria;

            //track faixa serv
            objTrackFaixaServ = map1.NewIcon("faixa_serv");
            mapShapeFaixaServ.NodeTemplate = objTrackFaixaServ;

            //track ponto significativo
            objTrackPontoSig = map1.NewEllipse();
            objTrackPontoSig.Height = 1;
            objTrackPontoSig.Width = 1;
            mapShapePontoSig.NodeTemplate = objTrackPontoSig;

                //track residencia
            objTrackResidencia = map1.NewEllipse();
            objTrackResidencia.Height = 1;
            objTrackResidencia.Width = 1;
            mapShapeResidencia.NodeTemplate = objTrackResidencia;

                //track poste
                objTrackPoste = map1.NewIcon("light");
                mapShapePoste.NodeTemplate = objTrackPoste;

                objTrack = map1.NewRectangle();
                objTrack.Brush.Blue = 200;
                objTrack.Brush.Transparent = true;
                objTrack.Width = 1;
                objTrack.Height = 1;
                mapShapeTrack.NodeTemplate = objTrack;

                //track transformadores
                objTrackTransformadores = map1.NewRectangle();
                objTrackTransformadores.Brush.Blue = 255;
                objTrackTransformadores.Width = 6;
                objTrackTransformadores.Height = 6;
                objTrackTransformadores.Pen.Width = 1;
                objTrackTransformadores.Pen.Blue = 255;
                mapShapeTransformadores.NodeTemplate = objTrackTransformadores;
                //mapShapeTransformadores.Background.Transparent = true;
                //mapShapeTransformadores.Border.Width = 0;  // Unset border object.

                //objLabel = map1.NewLabel();
                //mapShapeLabel.NodeTemplate = objLabel;


            // Use ellipse to mark clicked position
            //objEllipseMark = map1.NewEllipse();
                objEllipseMark = make_ellipseMark();

            //preencher lista de transformadores
            //DataTable transf = iLUMTableAdapter.GetDataUTransf();
            //foreach (DataRow row in transf.Rows)
            //    object trans = row["UTRANSF"];
            //    cbTransf.Items.Add(trans);

            //se houver residencia plota elas no mapa
            if (this.lptDataSet.cliente.Rows.Count > 0)

            //se houver pontos plota eles no mapa
            if (this.eletrocadDataSet.poste.Rows.Count > 0)

            if (this.lptDataSet.ponto_significativo.Rows.Count > 0)

            if (this.lptDataSet.faixa_servidao.Rows.Count > 0)

            if (this.lptDataSet.ponto_sangria.Rows.Count > 0)

            //if ((MessageBox.Show("Conectar GPS Trimble", "", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel,
            //    MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) == DialogResult.OK)) {
                txtGPSStatus.Text = gpsTrimbleStatus;
                base.coletarSSFLpt("obra-" + Poste.ObraLpt + " " + DateTime.Now.Day +
                    DateTime.Now.Month +
                    DateTime.Now.Year +
                    DateTime.Now.Hour +

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;