Example #1
        public HttpResponseMessage Get(string jobId)
            List <GpsLocation> location = new List <GpsLocation>();

            location.Add(new GpsLocation()
                lat = 3.133160f, lng = 101.722306f
            location.Add(new GpsLocation()
                lat = 3.114616f, lng = 101.677515f
            location.Add(new GpsLocation()
                lat = 3.074861f, lng = 101.614154f
            location.Add(new GpsLocation()
                lat = 3.028194f, lng = 101.534769f

            GpsLocation from = new GpsLocation()
                lat = 3.114159f, lng = 101.737470f

            // var result = Utility.Utils.GetSimpleRoute(from, from, location.ToArray(), new DateTime());
            var result = Utility.Utils.GetDistance(from, location.ToArray(), 0, Utility.Utils.GetEpochTime(new DateTime(2006, 12, 5, 12, 00, 00)));

            return(new HttpResponseMessage()
                Content = new StringContent(Utility.Utils.EncodeUniqueId(jobId))
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a random GPS location in a target area.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="BasePoint">Centre of the target area.</param>
        /// <param name="Radius">Radius of the target area.</param>
        /// <returns>GPS location within the target area.</returns>
        public static GpsLocation GenerateLocation(GpsLocation BasePoint, uint Radius)
            double bearing  = Rng.NextDouble() * 360.0;
            double distance = Rng.NextDouble() * (double)Radius;

            return(BasePoint.GoVector(bearing, distance));
Example #3
        private void followDeviceByGPSToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (StationList.SelectedIndices.Count > 0)
                Station station = this.FilterStations[StationList.SelectedIndices[0]];

                if (station != null)
                    if (station.HasGpsLocation(MainForm.GpsLocations.ToArray()))
                        using (SaveFileDialog dialog = new SaveFileDialog())
                            if (dialog.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                                File.WriteAllText(dialog.FileName, GpsLocation.ToKML(station.GetGpsLocations(MainForm.GpsLocations.ToArray())));
                        MessageBox.Show("No GPS Data is known for this station");
        /// <summary>
        /// Copies values from signed activity information to properties of this instance of the activity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SignedActivity">Signed description of the activity.</param>
        /// <param name="PrimaryServerId">In case of NeighborActivity, this is identifier of the primary proximity server of the activity.</param>
        public void CopyFromSignedActivityInformation(SignedActivityInformation SignedActivity, byte[] PrimaryServerId = null)
            ActivityInformation activity         = SignedActivity.Activity;
            GpsLocation         activityLocation = new GpsLocation(activity.Latitude, activity.Longitude);

            byte[] pubKey     = activity.OwnerPublicKey.ToByteArray();
            byte[] identityId = Crypto.Sha256(pubKey);

            this.Version                       = new SemVer(activity.Version).ToByteArray();
            this.ActivityId                    = activity.Id;
            this.OwnerIdentityId               = identityId;
            this.OwnerPublicKey                = pubKey;
            this.OwnerProfileServerId          = activity.ProfileServerContact.NetworkId.ToByteArray();
            this.OwnerProfileServerIpAddress   = activity.ProfileServerContact.IpAddress.ToByteArray();
            this.OwnerProfileServerPrimaryPort = (ushort)activity.ProfileServerContact.PrimaryPort;
            this.Type              = activity.Type;
            this.LocationLatitude  = activityLocation.Latitude;
            this.LocationLongitude = activityLocation.Longitude;
            this.PrecisionRadius   = activity.Precision;
            this.StartTime         = ProtocolHelper.UnixTimestampMsToDateTime(activity.StartTime).Value;
            this.ExpirationTime    = ProtocolHelper.UnixTimestampMsToDateTime(activity.ExpirationTime).Value;
            this.Signature         = SignedActivity.Signature.ToByteArray();
            this.ExtraData         = activity.ExtraData;
            if (this is NeighborActivity)
                (this as NeighborActivity).PrimaryServerId = PrimaryServerId;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of activity information from the activity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>New instance of the ActivityInformation structure.</returns>
        public ActivityInformation ToActivityInformation()
            GpsLocation         activityLocation = this.GetLocation();
            ActivityInformation res = new ActivityInformation()
                Version              = new SemVer(this.Version).ToByteString(),
                Id                   = this.ActivityId,
                OwnerPublicKey       = ProtocolHelper.ByteArrayToByteString(this.OwnerPublicKey),
                ProfileServerContact = new ServerContactInfo()
                    IpAddress   = ProtocolHelper.ByteArrayToByteString(this.OwnerProfileServerIpAddress),
                    NetworkId   = ProtocolHelper.ByteArrayToByteString(this.OwnerProfileServerId),
                    PrimaryPort = this.OwnerProfileServerPrimaryPort,
                Type           = this.Type != null ? this.Type : "",
                Latitude       = activityLocation.GetLocationTypeLatitude(),
                Longitude      = activityLocation.GetLocationTypeLongitude(),
                Precision      = this.PrecisionRadius,
                StartTime      = ProtocolHelper.DateTimeToUnixTimestampMs(this.StartTime),
                ExpirationTime = ProtocolHelper.DateTimeToUnixTimestampMs(this.ExpirationTime),
                ExtraData      = this.ExtraData != null ? this.ExtraData : ""

Example #6
        public void An_Empty_GpsLocation_Is_At_The_Equator_On_The_Prime_Meridian()
            var sut = new GpsLocation();

Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of a profile server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Name">Unique profile server instance name.</param>
        /// <param name="Location">GPS location of this profile server instance.</param>
        /// <param name="Port">Base TCP port that defines the range of ports that are going to be used by this profile server instance and its related servers.</param>
        public ProfileServer(string Name, GpsLocation Location, int Port)
            log = new PrefixLogger("ProfileServerSimulator.ProfileServer", "[" + Name + "] ");
            log.Trace("(Name:'{0}',Location:{1},Port:{2})", Name, Location, Port);

            this.name     = Name;
            this.location = Location;
            basePort      = Port;
            ipAddress     = IPAddress.Parse("");

            locPort = basePort;
            primaryInterfacePort           = basePort + 1;
            serverNeighborInterfacePort    = basePort + 2;
            clientNonCustomerInterfacePort = basePort + 3;
            clientCustomerInterfacePort    = basePort + 4;
            clientAppServiceInterfacePort  = basePort + 5;

            availableIdentitySlots = MaxHostedIdentities;
            hostedIdentities       = new List <IdentityClient>();

            nodeLocation = new Iop.Locnet.GpsLocation()
                Latitude  = Location.GetLocationTypeLatitude(),
                Longitude = Location.GetLocationTypeLongitude()

            initializationNeighborhoodNotificationList = new HashSet <ProfileServer>();

Example #8
        public static MultiGpsLocation FromCollection <T>(
            IReadOnlyCollection <T> items,
            Func <T, GpsLocation> selector)
            if (items.Count == 0)
            bool        first = true;
            GpsLocation value = null;

            foreach (GpsLocation item in items.Select(selector))
                if (first)
                    value = item;
                    first = false;
                else if (
                    (item == null && value != null) ||
                    (item != null && !item.Equals(value)))
                    return(new MultiGpsLocation(value, Consistency.Inconsistent));
            return(new MultiGpsLocation(value, Consistency.Consistent));
        protected async override void OnActivate()


                _gpsLocation = await _gpsLocatorService.GetCurrentLocationAsync();
            catch (GpsNotFoundException)
                LocationText = "Your position cound not be located";

                LocationText = await _gpsLocatorService.GetCivilAddressAsync();
            catch (UnknownAddressException)
                LocationText = string.Format("Your location cannot be identified but your GPS is {0:0.####} {1:0.####}", _gpsLocation.Latitude, _gpsLocation.Longitude);

            await RefreshWeather();
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Create New GPSLocation Record
        /// </summary>
        public bool InsertGPSLocation(string licenseId, int childid, int deviceid, string gpsLocation)
            var location = new GpsLocation
                LicenseId = licenseId,
                ChildId   = childid,
                DeviceId  = deviceid,
                Obs       = "",
                Location  = gpsLocation,
                Created   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Updated   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Version   = "1.0"

            using (var context = new CustomerInfoRepository())
                catch (Exception)
Example #11
        private void CalculateDownloadSize(Poi poi)
            string text = "";
            bool   enableDownloadButton = false;

            if (poi?.Id >= (long)PoiId.FIRST_VALID_ID || poi?.Id == (long)PoiId.CURRENT_LOCATION)
                float size;
                var   newDistance = GetDownloadDistance();
                if (_oldDedItem == null || newDistance > _oldDedItem.Distance)
                    var gpsLocation = new GpsLocation(poi.Longitude, poi.Latitude, poi.Altitude);
                    var etc         = new ElevationTileCollection(gpsLocation, newDistance);

                    size = etc.GetSizeToDownload();
                    text = String.Format(Resources.GetText(Resource.String.DownloadED_ExpectedSizeDownload), $"{size:F1}");
                    enableDownloadButton = true;
                else if (newDistance < _oldDedItem.Distance)
                    var location               = new GpsLocation(_oldDedItem.Longitude, _oldDedItem.Latitude, 0);
                    var tilesToBeRemovedAll    = ElevationTileCollection.GetTilesForRemoval(location, _oldDedItem.Distance, newDistance);
                    var tilesToBeRemovedUnique = ElevationTileCollection.GetUniqueTilesForRemoval(_oldDedItem.Id, _allElevationData, tilesToBeRemovedAll);

                    size = tilesToBeRemovedUnique.GetSize() / 1024f / 1024f;
                    text = String.Format(Resources.GetText(Resource.String.DownloadED_ExpectedSizeRemove), $"{size:F1}");
                    enableDownloadButton = true;

            FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.textViewDownloadSize).Text = text;
            FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.buttonSave).Enabled          = enableDownloadButton;
Example #12
        private async Task PublishLastKnownLocationAsync(IObserver <IGpsLocation> observer)
                var lastKnownLocation = await _proxy.GetLastKnownLocationAsync();

                if (lastKnownLocation == null)
                    _analyticsService.Trace(this, "Last known location is null");
                    var lastLocation = GpsLocation.Create(lastKnownLocation.Latitude, lastKnownLocation.Longitude);
                    if (lastLocation.IsFailure)
                        _analyticsService.TraceError(this, lastLocation.Error, lastKnownLocation.ToObjectDictionary());
                        observer.OnError(new ErrorException(lastLocation.Error));
                        _analyticsService.Trace(this, "Last known location published");
            catch (Exception e)
                _analyticsService.LogException(this, e);
                observer.OnError(new ErrorException(GeolocationErrors.Unexpected, e));
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new identity client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Name">Identity name.</param>
        /// <param name="Type">Identity type.</param>
        /// <param name="Location">Initial GPS location.</param>
        /// <param name="ImageMask">File name mask in the images folder that define which images can be randomly selected for profile image.</param>
        /// <param name="ImageChance">An integer between 0 and 100 that specifies the chance of each instance to have a profile image set.</param>
        public IdentityClient(string Name, string Type, GpsLocation Location, string ImageMask, int ImageChance)
            log = new Logger("NetworkSimulator.IdentityClient", "[" + Name + "] ");
            log.Trace("(Name:'{0}',Type:'{1}',Location:{2},ImageMask:'{3}',ImageChance:{4})", Name, Type, Location, ImageMask, ImageChance);

            name      = Name;
            type      = Type;
            location  = Location;
            extraData = null;

            bool hasImage = Helpers.Rng.NextDouble() < (double)ImageChance / 100;

            if (hasImage)
                imageFileName = GetImageFileByMask(ImageMask);
                profileImage  = imageFileName != null?File.ReadAllBytes(imageFileName) : null;

            version        = SemVer.V100;
            keys           = Ed25519.GenerateKeys();
            identityId     = Crypto.Sha256(keys.PublicKey);
            messageBuilder = new PsMessageBuilder(0, new List <SemVer>()
            }, keys);

            profileInitialized = false;
            hostingActive      = false;

Example #14
        /*public static float GetBearing(GpsLocation myLocation, GpsLocation point)
         * {
         *  var myLoc = GpsUtils.Convert(myLocation);
         *  var poi = GpsUtils.Convert(point);
         *  var x = myLoc.BearingTo(poi);
         *  return x;
         * }
         * public static float GetDistance(GpsLocation myLocation, GpsLocation point)
         * {
         *  var myLoc = GpsUtils.Convert(myLocation);
         *  var poi = GpsUtils.Convert(point);
         *  var x = myLoc.DistanceTo(poi);
         *  return x;
         * }*/

        public static float GetAltitudeDifference(GpsLocation myLocation, GpsLocation point)
            var   diff = point.Altitude - myLocation.Altitude;
            float a    = (float)diff;

        /// <summary>
        /// Copies values from signed profile information to properties of this instance of the identity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SignedProfile">Signed information about the profile.</param>
        /// <param name="HostingServerId">In case of NeighborhIdentity, this is set to network identifier of the hosting server.</param>
        public void CopyFromSignedProfileInformation(SignedProfileInformation SignedProfile, byte[] HostingServerId)
            if (HostingServerId == null)
                HostingServerId = new byte[0];

            ProfileInformation profile = SignedProfile.Profile;

            byte[]      pubKey     = profile.PublicKey.ToByteArray();
            byte[]      identityId = Crypto.Sha256(pubKey);
            GpsLocation location   = new GpsLocation(profile.Latitude, profile.Longitude);

            this.IdentityId               = identityId;
            this.HostingServerId          = HostingServerId;
            this.PublicKey                = pubKey;
            this.Version                  = profile.Version.ToByteArray();
            this.Name                     = profile.Name;
            this.Type                     = profile.Type;
            this.InitialLocationLatitude  = location.Latitude;
            this.InitialLocationLongitude = location.Longitude;
            this.ExtraData                = profile.ExtraData;
            this.ProfileImage             = profile.ProfileImageHash.Length != 0 ? profile.ProfileImageHash.ToByteArray() : null;
            this.ThumbnailImage           = profile.ThumbnailImageHash.Length != 0 ? profile.ThumbnailImageHash.ToByteArray() : null;
            this.Signature                = SignedProfile.Signature.ToByteArray();
Example #16
        protected override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, [GeneratedEnum] Result resultCode, Intent data)
            base.OnActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
            if (resultCode == PoiSelectActivity.RESULT_OK)
                var id = data.GetLongExtra("Id", 0);

                var selectedPoint = (id == (long)PoiId.CURRENT_LOCATION)
                    ? PoiSelectActivity.GetMyLocationPoi(AppContext)
                    : AppContext.Database.GetItem(id);

                if (requestCode == PoiSelectActivity.REQUEST_SELECT_CAMERADIRECTION)
                    if (!TryGetGpsLocation(out GpsLocation location, false))
                        PopupHelper.ErrorDialog(this, Resource.String.PhotoParameters_SetCameraLocationFirst);
                    var bearing = GpsUtils.QuickBearing(location, new GpsLocation(selectedPoint.Longitude, selectedPoint.Latitude, selectedPoint.Altitude));
                else if (requestCode == PoiSelectActivity.REQUEST_SELECT_CAMERALOCATION)
                    var location = new GpsLocation(selectedPoint.Longitude, selectedPoint.Latitude, selectedPoint.Altitude);
Example #17
        private static readonly short VALUE_SIZE = 2;//Bytes

        public static void ReadTiff(string filename, GpsLocation filterMin, GpsLocation filterMax, GpsLocation myLocation, int skipFactor, List <GpsLocation> eleData)
                using (Tiff tiff = Tiff.Open(filename, "r"))
                    if (tiff == null)
                        throw new SystemException("File open error.");

                    var(width, height) = GetImageSize(tiff);

                    var(pixelSizeX, pixelSizeY) = GetPixelSize(tiff);
                    var startLocation = GetStartLocation(tiff);

                    var scanline = new byte[tiff.ScanlineSize()];
                    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
                        tiff.ReadScanline(scanline, i);

                        var latitude = startLocation.Latitude + (pixelSizeY * i);
                        if (scanline.Length / 2 != width)
                            throw new SystemException("Invalid GeoTiff data");

                        if (latitude >= filterMin.Latitude && latitude <= filterMax.Latitude)
                            for (var j = 0; j < scanline.Length / VALUE_SIZE; j++)
                                var longitude = startLocation.Longitude + (pixelSizeX * j);

                                byte loByte = scanline[j * VALUE_SIZE + 0];
                                byte hiByte = scanline[j * VALUE_SIZE + 1];
                                var  alt    = hiByte * 256 + loByte;

                                if (longitude >= filterMin.Longitude && longitude <= filterMax.Longitude)
                                    if (i % skipFactor == 0 && j % skipFactor == 0)
                                        var ep = new GpsLocation {
                                            Altitude = alt, Latitude = latitude, Longitude = longitude
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new SystemException("GeoTiff parsing error", ex);
Example #18
        private async Task PublishCurrentLocationAsync(GeolocationRequest geolocationRequest, IObserver <IGpsLocation> observer, string description)
                var currentLocation = await _proxy.GetCurrentLocationAsync(geolocationRequest);

                if (currentLocation == null)
                    _analyticsService.TraceWarning(this, $"{description} location is null");
                    var currentGpsLocation = GpsLocation.Create(currentLocation.Latitude, currentLocation.Longitude);
                    if (currentGpsLocation.IsFailure)
                        _analyticsService.TraceError(this, currentGpsLocation.Error, currentLocation.ToObjectDictionary());
                        observer.OnError(new ErrorException(currentGpsLocation.Error));
                        _analyticsService.Debug($"{description} location published");
            catch (Exception e)
                _analyticsService.LogException(this, e);
                observer.OnError(new ErrorException(GeolocationErrors.Unexpected, e));
Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes an instance of a profile server simulator.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Name">Name of the instance.</param>
        /// <param name="IpAddress">IP address on which this server will listen.</param>
        /// <param name="BasePort">Base port from which specific interface port numbers are calculated.</param>
        /// <param name="Keys">Cryptographic keys of this server instance, or null if they should be generated.</param>
        /// <param name="Location">Location of the profile server.</param>
        public ProfileServer(string Name, IPAddress IpAddress, int BasePort, KeysEd25519 Keys = null, GpsLocation Location = null)
            log = NLog.LogManager.GetLogger("Test.ProfileServer." + Name);
            log.Trace("(IpAddress:'{0}',BasePort:{1})", IpAddress, BasePort);

            keys     = Keys != null ? Keys : Ed25519.GenerateKeys();
            location = Location != null ? Location : new GpsLocation(0, 0);

            name                  = Name;
            ipAddress             = IpAddress;
            primaryPort           = BasePort;
            serverNeighborPort    = BasePort + 1;
            clientNonCustomerPort = BasePort + 2;

            primaryListener = new TcpListener(ipAddress, primaryPort);
            primaryListener.Server.LingerState = new LingerOption(true, 0);
            primaryListener.Server.NoDelay     = true;

            serverNeighborListener = new TcpListener(ipAddress, serverNeighborPort);
            serverNeighborListener.Server.LingerState = new LingerOption(true, 0);
            serverNeighborListener.Server.NoDelay     = true;

            clientNonCustomerListener = new TcpListener(ipAddress, clientNonCustomerPort);
            clientNonCustomerListener.Server.LingerState = new LingerOption(true, 0);
            clientNonCustomerListener.Server.NoDelay     = true;

            tlsCertificate = new X509Certificate2("ps.pfx");

            messageList = new List <IncomingServerMessage>();

Example #20
        public static async Task <PlaceInfo> AsyncGetPlaceName(GpsLocation location)

                var loc = new Xamarin.Essentials.Location(location.Latitude, location.Longitude);

                var placemarks = await Geocoding.GetPlacemarksAsync(loc);

                var placemark = placemarks?.FirstOrDefault();
                if (placemark != null)
                    var geocodeAddress = placemark.Thoroughfare;
                    geocodeAddress = geocodeAddress.Append(" ", placemark.SubThoroughfare);
                    geocodeAddress = geocodeAddress.Append(", ", placemark.SubLocality);
                    geocodeAddress = geocodeAddress.Append(", ", placemark.Locality);
                    geocodeAddress = geocodeAddress.Append(", ", placemark.CountryCode);

                    var country = PoiCountryHelper.GetCountry(placemark.CountryCode) ?? PoiCountryHelper.GetDefaultCountryByPhoneSettings();
                    return(new PlaceInfo(geocodeAddress, country));
                return(new PlaceInfo());
                return(new PlaceInfo());
Example #21
        public static Visibility IsPoiVisible(PoiViewItem item, ElevationProfileData elevationProfileData)
            if (elevationProfileData == null)

            var leftPoints  = elevationProfileData.GetData((int)item.GpsLocation.Bearing);
            var rightPoints = elevationProfileData.GetData((int)GpsUtils.Normalize360(item.GpsLocation.Bearing.Value + 1));

            if (leftPoints == null || rightPoints == null)

            var maxLeft = new GpsLocation()
                VerticalViewAngle = -100, Distance = 100
            var leftPoints2 = leftPoints.GetPoints().Where(p => p.Distance < item.GpsLocation.Distance);

            if (leftPoints2.Any())
                maxLeft = leftPoints2.Aggregate((max, item2) => item2?.VerticalViewAngle > max?.VerticalViewAngle ? item2 : max);

            var maxRight = new GpsLocation()
                VerticalViewAngle = -100, Distance = 100
            var rightPoints2 = rightPoints.GetPoints().Where(p => p.Distance < item.GpsLocation.Distance);

            if (rightPoints2.Any())
                maxRight = rightPoints2.Aggregate((max, item2) => item2?.VerticalViewAngle > max?.VerticalViewAngle ? item2 : max);

            var maxViewAngle = maxRight.VerticalViewAngle > maxLeft.VerticalViewAngle ? maxRight : maxLeft;

            var itemViewAngle     = item.VerticalViewAngle;
            var viewAngleDiff     = item.VerticalViewAngle - maxViewAngle.VerticalViewAngle;
            var viewAngleDistance = item.GpsLocation.Distance - maxViewAngle.Distance;

            var viewAngleVisibilityLimit     = -(itemViewAngle * 0.01 + 0.0);
            var viewAnglePartVisibilityLimit = -(itemViewAngle * 0.2 + 1.0);
            var distancePartVisibilityLimit  = 2000;//m

            if (viewAngleDiff > viewAngleVisibilityLimit)

            if (viewAngleDiff > viewAnglePartVisibilityLimit && viewAngleDistance < distancePartVisibilityLimit)

        public void GenerateElevationProfile3(GpsLocation myLocation, double visibility, ElevationProfileData elevationData, Action <int> onProgressChange)
            _elevationProfileData = new ElevationProfileData(myLocation, visibility);

            int progress = 0;

            foreach (var group in elevationData.GetData())

                var points = group.GetPoints()
                             .Where(i => i.Distance > MIN_DISTANCE && i.Distance < visibility * 1000)
                             .OrderBy(i => i.Distance);

                //Select visible points
                List <GpsLocation> tmpVisiblePoints = new List <GpsLocation>();
                double             maxViewAngle     = -90;
                foreach (var point in points)
                    if (point.VerticalViewAngle > maxViewAngle)
                        maxViewAngle = point.VerticalViewAngle.Value;

                //Change order (now from the furthest to the nearest)

                //... and ignore points on descending slope
                GpsLocation lastPoint      = null;
                GpsLocation lastAddedPoint = null;
                var         ed             = new ElevationData(group.Angle);
                foreach (var point in tmpVisiblePoints)
                    if (lastPoint == null)
                        lastAddedPoint = point;
                        lastPoint      = point;

                    //TODO: comment-out the folowing if for full rendering
                    var distanceDiff = lastPoint.Distance.Value - point.Distance.Value;
                    if (distanceDiff < lastPoint.Distance / 100 + 50)
                        lastPoint = point;

                    lastAddedPoint = point;
                    lastPoint      = point;
Example #23
        public void IF_string_is_invalid_SHOULD_fail(string serializedLocation)
            var result = GpsLocation.Parse(serializedLocation);

Example #24
 public PoiViewItem(Poi poi)
     Poi         = poi;
     GpsLocation = new GpsLocation()
         Latitude = this.Poi.Latitude, Longitude = this.Poi.Longitude, Altitude = this.Poi.Altitude
Example #25
        public void QuickGetGeoLocation(double inLon, double inLat, double distance, double angle, double expLon, double expLat)
            GpsLocation a = new GpsLocation(inLon, inLat, 0);
            var         b = GpsUtils.QuickGetGeoLocation(a, distance, angle);

            Assert.AreEqual(expLat, Math.Round(b.Latitude * 100) / 100);
            Assert.AreEqual(expLon, Math.Round(b.Longitude * 100) / 100);
Example #26
        public void Default_ToString()
            var sut  = new GpsLocation(5, 10);
            var text = sut.ToString();

Example #27
        public void Default_ToString_With_Culture()
            var sut  = new GpsLocation(5, 10);
            var text = sut.ToString(null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            text.Should().Contain(5m.ToString(null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            text.Should().Contain(10m.ToString(null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
Example #28
        public void Parse_Degrees_With_Comma_Decimal_Separator_Not_Allowed_To_Use_Comma_As_Separator()
            var location = "-41,95,12,45";

            Action action = () => GpsLocation.Parse(location, CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(1043));

            action.Should().Throw <ArgumentException>();
Example #29
        public void Use_FormatString_In_ToString()
            var sut  = new GpsLocation(5.5555, 10.5555);
            var text = sut.ToString("N2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            text.Should().Contain(5.5555m.ToString("N2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            text.Should().Contain(10.5555m.ToString("N2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
Example #30
        internal PoiViewItem GetNearestPoi(GpsLocation loc, IGpsUtilities iGpsUtilities)
            var candidates           = GetItems(loc, 0.2);
            List <PoiViewItem> items = new PoiViewItemList(candidates, loc, iGpsUtilities);
            var item = items.OrderBy(x => x.GpsLocation.Distance).FirstOrDefault();

		public static int SynchGpsLocation (GpsLocation item)
			return ETCDbRepository.SynchLocation (item);
 public static void DeleteGPS(GpsLocation item)
     me.db.Delete<GpsLocation> (item);
 public static int SynchLocation(GpsLocation item)
     var location = me.db.GetItem<GpsLocation> (item.Id);
     location.isSynched = 1;
     return SaveLocation (location);
 public static int SaveLocation(GpsLocation item)
     return me.db.SaveItem<GpsLocation> (item);
		public static void DeleteLocation (GpsLocation item)
			ETCDbRepository.DeleteGPS (item);
		public static int SaveLocation (GpsLocation item)
			return ETCDbRepository.SaveLocation (item);