void DownloadModel()
        var path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + fileName.Replace(" ", "");


        //first try to get the file by name
            using (var assetLoader = new AssetLoader())
                var ops = AssetLoaderOptions.CreateInstance();   //Creates the AssetLoaderOptions instance.
                                                                 //AssetLoaderOptions let you specify options to load your model.
                                                                 //(Optional) You can skip this object creation and it's parameter or pass null.

                //You can modify assetLoaderOptions before passing it to LoadFromFile method. You can check the AssetLoaderOptions API reference at:
                ops.UseOriginalPositionRotationAndScale = true;
                ops.Scale = 1 / 1000f;

                var wrapperGameObject = gameObject;                                        //Sets the game object where your model will be loaded into.
                                                                                           //(Optional) You can skip this object creation and it's parameter or pass null.

                var myGameObject = assetLoader.LoadFromFile(path, ops, wrapperGameObject); //Loads the model synchronously and stores the reference in myGameObject.

                //successful retreival of file
                if (myGameObject != null)
                    var ObjectToPlace = Instantiate(myGameObject);

                    //After instantiating object kill UI

                    //Assign variable to TapToPlace
                    GameObject.Find("AR Session Origin").GetComponent <TapToPlace>().objectToPlace = ObjectToPlace;
            //if we don't get the file locally, we'll have to download it from the server

            request = GoogleDriveFiles.Download(fileId);

            //request = GoogleDriveFiles.Download(fileId, range.start >= 0 ? (RangeInt?)range : null);
            request.Send().OnDone += SetResult;
 private void DownloadTexture()
     request = GoogleDriveFiles.Download(fileId, range.start >= 0 ? (RangeInt?)range : null);
     request.Send().OnDone += SetResult;
 private void HandleImageMetaReceived(UnityGoogleDrive.Data.File file)
     request = GoogleDriveFiles.Download(file);
     request.Send().OnDone += RenderImage;