Example #1
    protected void CreateSchedule(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
        int NumEvents = 0;

        //get number of events
            NumEvents = int.Parse(TextBox_NumEvents.Text);
            //todo: show error pop up

        //get a list of teams (in random order)
        Dictionary <int, string> teamInfo = DatabaseFunctions.GetTeamNames(leagueID);

        Dictionary <int, List <GolfLeagueWebsiteGlobals.Matchup> > weeklyMatchups = new Dictionary <int, List <GolfLeagueWebsiteGlobals.Matchup> >();

        List <string> allMatchups = new List <string>();

        List <int> teamIDs = new List <int>(teamInfo.Keys);

        //add a bye in if there is an odd number of teams
        if (teamIDs.Count % 2 == 1)

        List <int> teamIDGroupOne = new List <int>();
        List <int> teamIDGroupTwo = new List <int>();

        teamIDGroupOne.AddRange(teamIDs.GetRange(teamIDs.Count / 2, teamIDs.Count / 2));
        teamIDGroupTwo.AddRange(teamIDs.GetRange(0, teamIDs.Count / 2));

        //foreach event
        for (int i = 0; i < NumEvents; i++)
            List <GolfLeagueWebsiteGlobals.Matchup> currentWeekMatchups = new List <GolfLeagueWebsiteGlobals.Matchup>();
            for (int j = 0; j < teamIDGroupOne.Count; j++)
                GolfLeagueWebsiteGlobals.Matchup matchup = new GolfLeagueWebsiteGlobals.Matchup();
                matchup.Team1ID = teamIDGroupOne[j];
                matchup.Team2ID = teamIDGroupTwo[j];
            weeklyMatchups.Add(i + 1, currentWeekMatchups);
            RotateLists(teamIDGroupOne, teamIDGroupTwo);

        int SeasonID = DatabaseFunctions.GetCurrentSeasonID(leagueID.ToString());

        DatabaseFunctions.SaveLeagueSchedule(weeklyMatchups, leagueID, SeasonID);
    protected void GenerateEvents(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
        int seasonID = int.Parse((string)e.CommandArgument);

        int NumEvents = 0;

        //get number of events
            NumEvents = int.Parse(TextboxNumberOfWeeksToAdd.Text);
            Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>alert('Must Enter Number of Events to Create.');</script>");
            ModalPopupExtender2.Show();//Keep Generate Events Modal Open.

        string teamIDsCommaSeperated = TeamsToUseValues.Value;

        //take out the last comma
        teamIDsCommaSeperated = teamIDsCommaSeperated.TrimEnd(',');
        string[]   teamIDsSplit = teamIDsCommaSeperated.Split(',');
        List <int> teamIDs      = new List <int>();

        foreach (string teamID in teamIDsSplit)

        Dictionary <int, List <GolfLeagueWebsiteGlobals.Matchup> > weeklyMatchups = new Dictionary <int, List <GolfLeagueWebsiteGlobals.Matchup> >();
        List <string> allMatchups = new List <string>();

        //add a bye in if there is an odd number of teams
        if (teamIDs.Count % 2 == 1)

        List <int> teamIDGroupOne = new List <int>();
        List <int> teamIDGroupTwo = new List <int>();

        teamIDGroupOne.AddRange(teamIDs.GetRange(teamIDs.Count / 2, teamIDs.Count / 2));
        teamIDGroupTwo.AddRange(teamIDs.GetRange(0, teamIDs.Count / 2));

        int startingWeekIndex = DatabaseFunctions.GetEvents(leagueID, seasonID).Count;

        //foreach event
        for (int i = 0; i < NumEvents; i++)
            List <GolfLeagueWebsiteGlobals.Matchup> currentWeekMatchups = new List <GolfLeagueWebsiteGlobals.Matchup>();
            for (int j = 0; j < teamIDGroupOne.Count; j++)
                GolfLeagueWebsiteGlobals.Matchup matchup = new GolfLeagueWebsiteGlobals.Matchup();
                matchup.Team1ID = teamIDGroupOne[j];
                matchup.Team2ID = teamIDGroupTwo[j];
            weeklyMatchups.Add(i + startingWeekIndex + 1, currentWeekMatchups);
            RotateLists(teamIDGroupOne, teamIDGroupTwo);

        DatabaseFunctions.SaveLeagueSchedule(weeklyMatchups, leagueID, seasonID);